(Microsoft Word 材料1-2 英中对照 Biology_Android_translation_final_six topics 第3部分 张焰 邬婷排 _Part2 动脉粥样?2

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1 O _Atherosclerosis (Heart Disease) O _ 动脉粥样硬化 ( 心脏疾病 ) Objective 课程目标 We will study about the process of blockage of the artery and the eventual formation of thrombus. 我们将学习动脉堵塞的形成过程和血栓的最终形成 The human heart has a prominent coronary artery. A magnified view of the coronary artery has three basic layers Tunica Externa, Tunica Muscularis and Tunica Interna. This inner most layer is made up of squamous cells. 人类心脏内有一个主冠状动脉 该冠状动脉的放大图像中显示有 3 个基本层面 外膜 肌膜和内膜 最内层由鳞状细胞组成 When the blood carries a higher level of cholesterol in the form of LDL molecule for a longer period of time, these cholesterol molecules tend to settle on the surface of the artery. Here they are absorbed through the epithelial cells and form a layer between the tunica interna and tunica muscularis. This layer is called the Plaque. As the plaque grows, it spreads along the artery wall forming a swelling which protrudes into the lumen resulting in the reduced blood flow. This is called atherosclerosis. At times epithelial cells may rupture at some point. This activates the platelets which start forming fibrin threads. Eventually a clot gets formed. The formation of this clot is known as thrombosis. The clot blocks the blood flow through the artery. 如果血流中胆固醇含量偏高且以低密度脂蛋白分子的形式存在, 久而久之, 这些胆固醇分子就会在动脉血管壁内沉积 之后表皮细胞将其吸收并在内膜和肌膜中形成一层物质 这层物质即为斑块 斑块增长, 它会沿着动脉血管壁扩张, 在血管壁内部形成一个肿胀的突起, 阻碍血液的流动 这就是动脉粥样硬化 当表皮细胞在某处破裂时, 血小板会形成纤维蛋白丝 最终汇聚成一个凝块 这个凝块就是血栓, 会阻碍血液在动脉血管中的流动 Atherosclerosis (heart disease) 动脉粥样硬化 ( 心脏疾病 ) Objective Process of blockage of the artery 课程目标 动脉阻塞的形成过程

2 Formation of thrombus Coronary artery Tunica externa Tunica muscularis Tunica interna Squamous cells 血栓的形成冠状动脉外膜肌膜内膜鳞状细胞 Cholesterol (LDL molecules) 胆固醇 ( 低密度脂蛋白分子 ) Epithelial cells Plaque Artery wall Lumen Atherosclerosis Platelet Fibrin thread Clot Thrombosis 表皮细胞斑块动脉血管壁内腔动脉粥样硬化血小板纤维蛋白丝凝块血栓 O _031 This link provides an illustration showing cross sectional view of artery having atherosclerosis. This link provides general description and overview of atherosclerosis. An explanation is given regarding the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of atherosclerosis disease. This link provides brief and straightforward description of atherosclerosis disease. 该链接为存在动脉粥样硬化的动脉血管切面图的图解 该链接为动脉粥样硬化概述解释了动脉粥样硬化疾病的治病因 症状 诊断和治疗方法 该链接为有关动脉粥样硬化疾病的简明描述

3 This link provides an illustration depicting the narrowing of arteries due to atherosclerosis disease. This link provides an illustration depicting the atherosclerosis condition of an artery. 该链接为由动脉粥样硬化疾病引起的动脉血管狭窄的图解 该链接为存在动脉粥样硬化的动脉的图解 O _041 A normal healthy artery has. 正常的健康动脉血管有. 3 layers 3 层 4 layers 4 层 5 layers 5 层 All of the above The artery carries blood at a high pressure, so the wall of the artery is made up of three layers to enable it to function efficiently. The layers of an artery from outside to inside are. 以上所有动脉血管要在高压条件下才可运送血液, 因此动脉血管壁由 3 层结构组成以保证其有效的发挥功能 动脉血管从外到内分别为. T. media, T. externa, T. interna 中膜 外膜 内膜 T. interna, T. media, T. externa 内膜 中膜 外膜 T. externa, T. muscularis, T. interna 外膜 肌膜 内膜 None of the above The wall of the artery has 3 layers namely: tunica externa, tunica muscularis and tunica interna. 以上皆非 动脉血管壁有 3 层结构, 分别为 : 外膜 肌膜和内膜 The tunica interna is made up of. 内膜由 组成. columnar cells cuboidal cells 柱状细胞 立方细胞

4 squamous cells None of the above The squamous cells of the tunica interna help to reduce the friction in blood. Fat molecules flowing in the blood stream tend to settle on the surface of the. artery heart liver kidney When there is a higher level of cholesterol or fat molecules in the blood, they settle on the surface of the artery. Atherosclerotic plaque is formed between the of an artery. 鳞状细胞以上皆非内膜的鳞状细胞可减少血流的摩擦力 血流中的脂肪细胞易在 表面沉积 动脉血管心脏肝脏肾脏如果血液中的胆固醇或脂肪分子含量偏高, 会在动脉血管表面沉积 动脉粥样硬化斑块存在于在动脉血管的. T. externa and T. muscularis 外膜与肌膜之间 T. muscularis and T. interna 肌膜与内膜之间 T. externa and T. interna 外膜与内膜之间 None of the above The epithelial cells of the artery absorb cholesterol molecules which form a layer called plaque between the tunica muscularis and tunica interna. The plaque is formed by the deposition of. carbohydrates salts 以上皆非动脉血管的表皮细胞吸收胆固醇分子, 最终在寂寞与内膜之间形成一层斑块 斑块由 的沉积形成 糖类盐类

5 cholesterol vitamins Cholesterol molecules get deposited between the tunica interna and tunica muscularis forming a plaque. As the atherosclerotic plaque protrudes into the arterial lumen, the blood flow through the artery is. increased decreased alternately increased or decreased un-affected The plaque spreads along the artery wall and forms a swelling that protrudes into the lumen. This results in the reduced blood flow. The rupture of epithelial cells at the arterial surface activates. WBC RBC platelets All of the above Platelets initiate the clotting of blood. So, when the epithelial cells rupture, the platelets are activated. Platelets form the. fibrin threads antibodies chromatin threads 胆固醇维生素胆固醇分子在内膜与肌膜之间沉积, 形成斑块 由于动脉粥样硬化斑块在动脉血管内腔突起, 动脉血管内的血流将. 增多减少交替性的增多或减少不受影响斑块沿着动脉血管壁扩张, 形成肿胀并在内腔某处产生突起 这会造成血流减少 动脉血管表面表皮细胞的破裂会激发. 白细胞红细胞血小板以上所有血小板促使血液凝固 所以当表皮细胞破裂时, 血小板被激发 血小板形成. 纤维蛋白丝抗体染色质丝

6 chromatin threads and antibodies When the epithelial cells rupture, the platelets are activated and form fibrin threads. Fibrin threads along with the RBCs form a/an. chromosome gene clot antigen The fibrin threads formed by platelets travel towards the damaged area and the RBCs along with the fibrin threads form a blood clot. The clot formation results in the. increased blood flow in the artery blockage of the artery alternate increase or decrease in the blood flow None of the above The clot fills the gap in the ruptured artery, hence the flow of the blood through the artery is blocked. 染色质丝和抗体当表皮细胞破裂时, 血小板被激发并形成纤维蛋白丝 纤维蛋白丝和红细胞共同形成一个. 染色体基因凝块抗原由血小板形成的纤维蛋白丝沿着受损区域扩张, 同时血细胞与纤维蛋白丝形成血凝块 凝块形成导致. 动脉血管内血流增多动脉堵塞血流交替性的增多或减少以上皆非动脉血管的破裂处被凝块填充, 从而阻塞血流 O _051 Meat Once you activate the HDL molecule, you can move it right, left, up and down by clicking on the arrow symbols given at the right side of the display screen to absorb cholesterol molecules, the more the HDL absorbs cholesterol, lesser is the blood cholesterol level. 肉类一旦高密度脂蛋白分子被激发, 你就可以通过点击屏幕右方的箭头符号将其 右 左 上 下 的移动, 来吸收胆固醇分子, 高密度脂蛋白分子吸收的胆固醇越多, 血液内的胆固醇含量就会越低

7 Sterol Molecule LDL Molecule HDL Molecule 固醇分子 低密度脂蛋白分子 高密度脂蛋白分子 O _061 Atherosclerosis (Heart disease) 动脉粥样硬化 ( 心脏疾病 ) Plaque Tunica interna Tunica muscularis Artery wall 斑块内膜肌膜动脉血管壁 O _071 Clot A thick, viscous, or coagulated mass or lump, as of blood. Thrombosis A blood clot that forms within a blood vessel. 凝块血液中的一种厚重 粘滞的团或块状物质 血栓在血管中形成的血凝块 O _091 Epithelial tissue Sheets of tightly packed cells that line organs and body cavities. Cholesterol Sterol molecule, which is a combination of steroid and alcohol. Cholesterol is a waxy steroid of fat that is produced in the liver or intestines. It is used to produce hormones and cell membranes and is transported in the blood plasma of all mammals. Clot 表皮组织由多层致密的细胞组成, 做为器官或体腔的内膜 胆固醇固醇分子, 由类固醇和醇类组成 胆固醇是一种蜡质 多油的类固醇化合物, 产生于肝脏或肠内 胆固醇可产生激素和细胞膜, 并通过所有哺乳类动物的血浆传输 凝块

8 Coagulation of blood due to aggregation of platelets. Coronary artery The artery that branches from the aorta to supply blood to the heart. Squamous cells Epithelial cells which are flat in shape. Thrombosis The formation of a blood clot within a blood vessel. 由血小板聚合造成的血液凝结 冠状动脉主动脉的分支动脉, 为心脏供血 鳞状细胞扁平的表皮细胞 血栓血管中形成的血凝块 O _201 Discover how accumulated cholesterol leads to thrombus formation within the coronary artery ultimately leading to a condition called atherosclerosis. 发现胆固醇如何通过累积在冠状动脉内形成血栓并最终导致动脉粥样硬化 O _202 Atherosclerosis, tunica externa, tunica muscularis, tunica interna, squamous cells, cholesterol, epithelial cells, plaque, artery wall, lumen, platelet, fibrin thread, heart. 动脉粥样硬化 外膜 肌膜 内膜 鳞状细胞 胆固醇 表皮细胞 斑块 动脉血管壁 内腔 血小板 纤维蛋白丝 心脏

中 風 (Stroke) 你 正 面 對 威 脅 嗎? 中 風 是 指 部 分 腦 組 織 血 流 被 中 斷 後 所 引 發 的 一 種 腦 部 疾 病 含 氧 血 液 中 斷 後, 腦 細 胞 就 會 開 始 壞 死 如 果 被 阻 斷 的 血 流 得 不 到 及 時 的 恢 復, 該 區 腦

中 風 (Stroke) 你 正 面 對 威 脅 嗎? 中 風 是 指 部 分 腦 組 織 血 流 被 中 斷 後 所 引 發 的 一 種 腦 部 疾 病 含 氧 血 液 中 斷 後, 腦 細 胞 就 會 開 始 壞 死 如 果 被 阻 斷 的 血 流 得 不 到 及 時 的 恢 復, 該 區 腦 心 臟 疾 病 (Heart Disease) 你 正 面 對 威 脅 嗎? 心 臟 疾 病 是 對 多 種 心 臟 疾 患 的 統 稱, 其 中 冠 狀 動 脈 狹 窄 性 心 臟 病, 又 名 冠 心 病 (Coronary artery disease CAD) 是 最 常 見 的 一 種 冠 心 病 是 當 供 應 心 臟 血 流 的 冠 狀 動 脈 出 現 狹 窄 或 梗 阻, 含 氧 氣

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