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1 S Council SCOR 系列之西门子 SCOR 最佳实践案例分享 S Council China Supply Chain Executive Council 供应链价值研究院 Oct.29th, 2013, Shanghai 2013 年 10 月 29 日, 中国上海 Professional sharing for everyone everywhere! 让专业分享无处不在! S Council 供应链价值研究院 1

2 时间 : 14:00 15:30 主题演讲与问答环节 电话会议安排 课程设置 : 供应链 SCOR 模型概述 PPT 7 10 供应链管理的核心 : 计划供应链运作参考模型 (SCOR) 四层结构分析 ( 金字塔分层结构 流程结构 ) SCOR 供应链模式的实施运作 PPT 供应链管理的优先级, 目的和要求结构图 PPT 15 供应链的重点 : 提高你的竞争力 PPT SCOR 实践分享 : PPT 选择最突出的问题, 节省每年 4 千万成本模式会使供应链流程更加透明 更快 并只需你目前的 10% 库存价值 供应链交付和供应服务等级设计 PPT 何为标准补货方式? PPT 23 市场需求对于供应商的可视化 PPT 24 SCOR 案例分享 : 案例一 : 中国市场销售预测及计划准确性提高产量 ;2003 年预测信息的极大改善 PPT 案例二 : 一个成功降低 90% 库存的故事 PPT 27 案例三 : 通过改善计划对供应链管理的显著成效 PPT 28 SCOR 对供应链的优化 PPT 29 Speaker: Grant Liu, APAC Supply Chain Director, Siemens 2

3 关于 S Council China Supply Chain Executive Council( 简称 S Council ) 是诺本会展服务有限公司旗下的服务品牌之一, 是一家汇聚亚太区采购 物流及供应链高级专业人士的创新领先的会员制服务机构 Professional sharing for everyone everywhere! 让专业分享无处不在! 3

4 Supply Chain Operations Reference Model Overview 供应链 SCOR 模型概述 演讲嘉宾刘锋 Grant Liu APAC Supply Chain Director Siemens 演讲时间 : 2013 年 10 月 29 日 China Supply Chain Executive Council 供应链价值研究院 4

5 演讲嘉宾简介 刘锋先生, 西门子移动通信负责亚太地区供应链管理总监 香港理工大学供应链管理硕士 高级工程师 上海市物流学会理事, 上海工程学会理事, 上海市物流学会跨国企业分会负责人, 福州大学现代物流学院课座教授 曾在清华大学, 复旦大学和交通大学和韩国首尔大学等作有关物流管理和供应链管理的报告 刘锋先生, 具有二十年世界 500 强欧美跨国公司工作经验, 并在现代物流管理 供应链管理 制造与质量管理等领域担任高层职位 刘锋先生曾在美独资企业 3M 中国有限公司资源统筹部经理 阿尔卡特移动通信公司的供应链高级经理 上海西门子移动通信公司副总裁等高层管理工作 5

6 Speaker Bio Liu Feng Master degree in SCM and logistics. China National Senior engineer certification. Have 20 years multinational company and has taken the senior position with excellent Logistics management, Supply Chain management, Manufacturing and Quality management. -Seven years working with 3M China, as the China Logistics Manager while took responsibilities of Customer Order Fulfillment, Warehouse/ Distribution, Import & Export, Sales & Production planning, Sourcing & Procurement, Representative of WGQ International Trading Company - Supply chain manager in Alcatel Telecommunication, responsible for mobile devices China & international business -12 years in Siemens networks and NSN Ltd., VP of SCM, Purchasing, Central planning and Import. /Export; SCM APAC. 6

7 SCOR 供应链管理实战模型介绍 SCOR Model since in 1996 ( SCOR 创立于 1996 年 ) SCC Organized by: By Supply Chain Council 美国供应链管理委员会 PRTM ( Pittiglio Rabin Todd & Mcgrath ) 美国著名供应链管理顾问公司 and AMR Research 美国高级制造研究院 chain.org Supply Chain Operation Reference model (SCOR Version 11.0) Plan Source Make Deliver ICM N OP DS Return Return 7

8 供应链管理的核心是什么? 计划 发运 采购生产发运采购生产发运采购生产发运 采购 供货商的供货商 供货商 核心企业 客户 客户的客户 将顾客所需的正确的产品, 能够在正确的时间, 按照正确的数量, 正确的质量, 和正确的状态, 送到正确的地点 SCOR 包括下列项目的定义 管理 控制及改进 : 原材料 信息及金融流 客户 供货商 第三方 项目管理 服务 生产及客户交付的关系 供应链计划与执行的过程 工具 组织及目标 SCOR 强调计划在生产运营中的中心地位 8

9 SCOR 模型 Supply-Chain Operations Reference-model 供应链运作参考模型 层次 # 描述 示意图 评价 1 顶层 ( 过程类型 ) 采购 计划 制造 发运 第一层确定供应链运作参考模式的规模及内容此处竞争表现目标基础已确定 2 供应链运作参考模式 3 配置层 ( 过程类别 ) 过程要素层 ( 分解过程 ) P3.1 明确 区分并总和生产要求 P3.2 明确 区分并总和生产资源 平衡生产资源与生产要求 P3.3 P3.4 制定详细生产计划 一公司的供应链可在第二层从约 19 个核心 过程类别 中设定订单 公司通过为其选定的供应链配置执行运作战略 公司在第三层合理调整其运作策略第三层定义了公司在所选市场的成功竞争能力, 包括 : 流程元素定义 流程元素信息输入与输出 流程表现量度 适用的最佳实践 支持最佳实践所需系统性能 卖方系统 / 工具 Not in Scope 4 执行层 ( 分解流程元素 ) 公司在这一层实施具体供应链管理实践第四层定义了取得竞争优势并能适应商业变化条件的实践 9

10 SCOR 第二层 计划 P1 计划供应链 P2 计划采购 P3 计划生产 P4 计划发运 P5 计划退货 供货商 采购生产发运 S1 采购库存产品 M1 库存生产 D1 发运库存产品 S2 采购 MTO 产品 M2 订单生产 D2 发运 MTO 产品 客户 S3 采购 ETO 产品 M3 订单定制 D3 发运 ETO 产品 横向以计划 采购 制造 配送 退货业务为研究主线 纵向自上而下以战略层 配送层 要素层 执行层 使能层等层层展开, 使不同级 不同部门需要关注的内容更加清晰 10

11 Supply Chain SCOR Implementation SCOR 供应链模式的实施运作 11

12 供应链流程改善阶段 1; 供应链 SAP 系统成功运作阶段 2 Stage 1: Functional Focus Stage 2: Internal Integration Stage 3: External Integration Stage 4: Cross- Enterprise Collaboration PLAN Strategy Demand Planning Supply Planning Demand/Supply Balancing & Decision-making SOURCE Strategy Commodity & Process Management Supplier Development / Management Organization & Infrastructure MAKE Manufacturing Strategy Production Scheduling Material Issue, Movement and Tracking Manufacturing Process Control DELIVER Enable Order Entry & Scheduling Warehousing, Transportation and Delivery Invoicing and Cash Collection OVERALL Supply Chain Strategy Supply Chain Performance Management Supply Chain Processes Supply Chain Organization Current Systems Maturity Enhanced Systems Maturity Median Best in class 12

13 供应链流程改善阶段 1; 供应链 SAP 系统成功运作阶段 2 PLAN Strategy Demand Planning Supply Planning Demand/Supply Balancing & Decision-making SOURCE Strategy Commodity & Process Management Supplier Development / Management Organization & Infrastructure MAKE Manufacturing Strategy Production Scheduling Material Issue, Movement and Tracking Manufacturing Process Control DELIVER Enable Order Entry & Scheduling Warehousing, Transportation and Delivery Invoicing and Cash Collection OVERALL Supply Chain Strategy Supply Chain Performance Management Supply Chain Processes Supply Chain Organization Current Systems Maturity Systems Maturity Stage 1: Functional Focus Enhanced Systems Maturity Stage 2: Internal Integration Median Stage 3: External Integration Best in class Stage 4: Cross- Enterprise Collaboration 13

14 供应链流程改善阶段 1; 供应链 SAP 系统成功运作阶段 2 PLAN Strategy Demand Planning Supply Planning Demand/Supply Balancing & Decision-making SOURCE Strategy Commodity & Process Management Supplier Development / Management Organization & Infrastructure MAKE Manufacturing Strategy Production Scheduling Material Issue, Movement and Tracking Manufacturing Process Control DELIVER Enable Order Entry & Scheduling Warehousing, Transportation and Delivery Invoicing and Cash Collection OVERALL Supply Chain Strategy Supply Chain Performance Management Supply Chain Processes Supply Chain Organization Current Systems Maturity Systems Maturity Stage 1: Functional Focus Enhanced Systems Maturity Stage 2: Internal Integration Median Stage 3: External Integration Best in class Stage 4: Cross- Enterprise Collaboration 14

15 供应链管理的优先级, 目的和要求结构图 Priorities 供应链优先级方向 Priorities are set based on the business context and identify what we need to know 我们必须了解什么? SC Intents 目的 SC Implications 要求 Plan Source Make Deliver SC Initiatives 方案 SC Intents define what we need to achieve 我们必须达到什么? SC Implications are what we need to have 我们必须有什么? SC Initiatives are defined for each of the four SCOR elements: Plan, Source, Make, and Deliver 决定我们怎么去做? 15

16 供应链的重点在于提高你的竞争力 Supply chain priorities and basis of competition Based on our business and market differentiators: 那些我们必须是最好的 What we must be the best in 那些我们必须是有竞争力的 Where we would settle for being competitive Competitive Best * 客户供货质量和业绩 灵活性和反应度 Delivery performance to customer request date Order fulfillment lead time Perfect order fulfillment Upside flexibility Supply chain response time 低成本 库存管理 Supply chain management cost Value add per employee Inventory turns Net asset (capital) turns Cash to cash cycle time * 22 working group members cast their votes on what We must be the best in, relative to the supply chain 16

17 供应链能力决定你的竞争力 Customer facing Key Perspectives Delivery Performance/ Quality Flexibility & Responsiveness Level 1 Metrics Delivery Performance to Commitment (%) Order Fulfillment Lead Time: Product, standard service class (days) Order Fulfillment Lead Time: Project, standard service class (days) Upside Production Flexibility: Principal Constraint (days) 供应链业绩考评 0% 20% 20% 40% 40% 60% 60% 80% 80% 100% Major Opportunity Disadvantage Average or Median % 17.9 days days 30 L L Advantage L L Bestin Class 97.8% 7.7 days L L days Internal facing Cost Assets Supply Chain Mgmt. Cost (% of Revenue) Total Inventory Days of Supply (days) 9 6.4% days % 51.9 days Legend Target Performance = Target: 6 Months = Target: 24 Months 17

18 选择最突出的问题节省每年 4 千万成本 A B 48 days Opportunity cost saving of 29 days earlier is RMB 40/annum Service (I&C) cost savings of 10,620/annum C 66 days 69 days 3 days D F 95 days 29 days 37 days 103 days 0 days 20 days 40 days 60 days 80 days 100 days 120 days 45 Day Target Quick Win Target of 66 Days 根据 20XX 年 2 月财务数据 = Days to Commit Date = Days After Commit Date = Days Before Commit Date = Commit Date = Order Fulfillment Lead Time Target = Order Fulfillment Lead Time 18

19 SCOR 模式会使供应链流程更加透明 更快 并只需你目前的 10% 库存价值 Example: 标准产品流程 销售, 生产供应计划 Source Agreement 合作方案 VMI EMS 供应商 Supply Classes 供应等级 Source new order specific parts China Factories 生产制造 Integration Centers 集约化中心 Deliver Classes 产品交付等级 Customer Solution Teams 客户方案 客户 标准采购 Standard Replenishment BC parts 直接供货 Direct Replenishment AB parts 客户化 Source Customerorder specific parts 制造线 MTS 看板式拉动生产 China 定单装配 ATO 看板式拉动生产 定单部门 Order Management 组件 Parts / Kits 标准产品 Standard Products 客户化产品 Customized Products 特殊设计产品 Specials 销售及客户方案 CST 19

20 SCOR 模式会使供应链流程更加透明 更快 并只需你目前的 10% 库存价值 所有采购原料都设定成供应等级及制定补货方式. 补货起决于集约中心和制造中心的拉动信号 Example: 标准产品流程 销售, 生产供应计划 供应链采用一个整体的需求 生产和采购供应计划 Source Agreement 合作方案 VMI EMS 供应商 20 Supply Classes 供应等级 Source new order specific parts 标准采购 Standard Replenishment BC parts 直接供货 Direct Replenishment AB parts 客户化 Source Customerorder specific parts China 制造线 MTS 看板式拉动生产 工厂以拉动式操作并受集约中心拉动信号指挥 Factories 生产制造 Integration Centers 集约化中心 China 定单装配 ATO 看板式拉动生产 定单部门 Order Management 集约中心和定单服务中心负责定单履行和供货安排 Deliver Classes 产品交付等级 组件 Parts / Kits 标准产品 Standard Products 客户化产品 Customized Products 特殊设计产品 Specials Customer Solution Teams 客户方案 销售及客户方案 CST 客户 所有客户定单的需求都有对应的产品交付等级和对应承诺的交货时间

21 Delivery:Service Classes( 交付 服务等级 ) 服务等级 Service Classes 客户紧急 Urgent 供货 Delivery Urgent Systems Delivery Systems 产品系列 Products AT BX BXxxXL Exx XX Pxxxx Sxx (1) Sxx (2) Std. repair parts 产品配置情况 Configurations 标准配置 Standard 设备 Standard 供货数量 Quantity 签单 制造完成 =< 100 Cxs 台设备 =< 100 Cs =< 100 Cxs =< 120 units N/A =< 2 Sxx =< 1 Sxx N/A 2 周 weeks Lead Time 出厂 客户接收 ½ day (min) 6 days (max) 安装 开通 2 周 weeks 结构类型 Build Approach 以客户订单 Configureto order Configure 组装 to order 材料采购形式 Component Sourcing 原料采购以 Source 计划定库存 maketo stock Source maketo stock parts parts 标准产品 Standard Systems ATxx BXxxx BXxxxXL exxxx PXxx Oxxx Mxx/Hxx Txx/Gx 标准配置设备 Standard =< 1,800 台设备 =< 1,500 Cs =< 4,000 Cs =< 50 units N/A 1 set =< 3 Sxx 4 周 weeks 2 days (min) 8 days (max) 6 周 weeks 以客户订单组装 Configureto order 原料采购以计划定库存 Source maketo stock parts All Spares (3) 以合同为准 21

22 Source: Supply Classes( 资源 : 供应等级 ) Supply Class 供应等级 Material classes 材料种类 OFLT SOURCE 前置时间 Part value (ABC) Refill Quantity 补货数量 Supply location 供应商位置 Delivery frequency 供货周期 Replenish ment Technique 补货方法 Material call-off 拉动信号 IC-replenishment CU's 3 days 1 3 weeks 2 A 5 days 3 20 days 3 IC SHA once per shift Kanban Kanban signal arriving at Factory Standard replenishment market-standard parts (off the shelf) up to 14 days 4 B/C 20 days, 30% flexibility anywhere 4 bi-monthly Min-Max Inventory and consumption data via /edi/web Direct replenishment 1 Direct replenishment 2 Direct replenishment 3 specific parts, PCBs, expensive market standard parts 2 days 5 (More research) A 2 days 5, 30% flexibility Product variant parts 14 days all no anywhere All agreed lead time within x hours bi-weekly Breadman daily as required all no anywhere as required Source (Build-To- Order) BTO components Source (Engineer- To-Order) ETO t VMI (Inventory and consumption data via B2B) Production schedule via B2B Production / project schedule via B2B 1. Transport + production lead time between Fab1 and IC, with 100% material available 2. Transport + production lead time between Supplyer and IC 3. Average DOS = SHA DOS*x% + DRC DOS*(1 x)%, SHA DOS is 5 days and DRC DOS is 20 days 4. Transport lead time for those parts coming from supplyer, large volumes are sent by ship based on forecast and small volume adjustments are shipped by air 5. Option 1: oversea suppliers set up a local warehouse, from which parts are drawn; option 2: make deposits at the custom 22

23 标准补货方式 What does Standard Replenishment mean? 供应商分拨中心位置 : 任何地方 材料呼叫依照 Min Max 市场高价值标准件和企业特殊件 (B/CParts) 运输频率 : 一 / 二周 供应商的供应商 供应商原料依据定期预测信息 供应商 安全库存 (30% 灵活性 ) 客户主仓库 客户 订单补货前置期 7 天 23

24 Market Demand must be visible to our supplier! Strategic cycle Market / Customer Requirements Tactical cycle Monthly Business Planning Meeting (BPM) (12 months horizon) Operational Cycle Weekly Demand/Supply Balancing Meeting (DSB) (6-8 weeks horizon) weekly roll-out progress Implementation resources Network adaption/ optimisation Budget Supply Plan proposal Agreed Demand Plan (1 12 months) Supply Plan approval Sales project FC plan Approved Demand/ Supply Plan & Action Items Orders FCaccuracy Supply confirmation Production plans Order Fulfillment Business case/ plan Market trend 24

25 中国市场销售预测及计划准确性提高产量 Deviations: 3 month horizon 120% = 3 month deviation Mar 02 FC 2204 Orders % 80% 60% 40% 20% 29% 35% 95% 79% 79% 45% 45% 29% 30% 52% 49% 88% 25% 35% 85% 94% 95% 90% 81% 64% 38% 50% 80% 90% Apr 02 FC 2313 Orders 1048 May 02 FC 3903 Orders 1160 Jun 02 FC 3342 Orders 1751 Jul 02 FC 3738 Orders % Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Target SPA 6 Month SPA 3 Month SPA 1 Month Aug 02 FC 2124 Orders 1364 Sep 02 FC 1545 Orders

26 2003 年预测信息的极大改善 % 90.00% 80.00% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% % 96.65% 95.00% 93.01% 89.97% 90.48% 92.01% 89.51% 85.12% 85.29% 85.00% 60.00% 24.97% Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 Jan-03 Feb-03 Mar-03 Apr-03 May-03 Jun-03 Jul-03 Target SPA 6 Mon. SPA 3 Mon. SPA 1 Mon. Deviations: 3 months horizon Oct. 02 FC 1286 Orders 1157 Nov. 02 FC 1104 Orders 1187 Dec. 02 FC 713 Orders 788 Jan. 03 FC 989 Orders 247 Feb. 03 FC 1161 Orders 1364 Mar. 03 FC 748 Orders 877 Apr. 03 FC 1117 Orders 1214 May. 03 FC 1458 Orders 1419 Jun. 03 FC 2221 Orders 1988 Jul. 03 FC 2135 Orders

27 一个成功降低 90% 库存的故事 Production & RRS Inventory Value and DOS transit 700 'RMB DOS 200 RC SE pool Momat Spares Emicro Pico FG 100 IC-WIP IC-super 十月 -01 十一月 十二月 一月 -02 二月 -02 三月 -02 四月 -02 五月 -02 六月 -02 七月 -02 八月 /02 十月 -02 十一月 十二月 一月 -03 二月 -03 三月 -03 四月 -03 五月 -03 六月 -03 七月 -03 八月 -03 九月 -03 Target bsc/trau F1-WIP F1-semi F1-raw 3M output DOS *.Inventory has dropped by 77%, R/M,S/F & WIP reduced by 90% *. DOS has decreased from 206 days to 41 days, dropped by 80%. 27

28 通过改善计划对供应链管理的显著成效 ( 真实的数据 ) 计划 Performance Metric Past Today Improvement in % Order Cycle time 75 days 25 days 67% 反应速度 Planning cycle time 35 days 15 days 57% 库存管理 市场把握决定 Inventory Reduction (Raw material & WIP) 490' Million (10/01) 48' Million (09/03) Sales Plan overall 3 months 35 % (05/01) 90% Sales forecast Accura3 months 25 % (01/02) 70 % (09/02) 90% 175% 11% Balancing decision making 14 day 5 days 64% 28

29 SCOR can support you in Supply China Excellence Implement changes to achieve sustainable competitive advantage Define business opportunities along the supply chain by conducting the proper competitive analysis Gain buy-in by educating your organization about supply chain improvement Achieve a significant return on investment. Align strategy, product flow, work flow, information flow, and system business requirements to focus on the right changes Maximize your use of existing technology Optimize Enterprise Resource Planning in your organization Streamline your process analysis effort and develop a sustainable supply chain scorecard 29

30 问与答 Q & A Professional sharing for everyone everywhere! 让专业分享无处不在! S Council 供应链价值研究院 30

31 联系我们 微信名称 :S Council 供应链价值研究院微信号 :S Council Tel: (86) Fax: (86) Website: Tumblr: 31

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