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Seizures Seizures are sudden, uncontrolled changes in brain activity. They are a sign that there is a problem in the brain. Most seizures cause a loss of awareness and shaking of the body. Sometimes, they cause staring spells. Most seizures last less than a few minutes and the person may be confused after the seizure. A person who has repeated seizures may have a disease called epilepsy. Causes of Seizures It is not always known why a person has seizures. Causes may include: Epilepsy Brain injury or tumors Infections Alcohol or drug use Low sodium or blood sugar levels Kidney or liver failure Alzheimer s disease Lack of oxygen during birth or a medical condition present at birth Signs of Seizures Some people feel a warning sign before the seizure called an aura. This may be a headache, changes in vision, hearing noises, or smelling a scent such as smoke. During a seizure there may be: Uncontrollable body motions such as body stiffening, jerking or facial muscle movements 1

癫痫发作 癫痫发作是脑活动突然发生不可控制的变化, 是脑中发生问题的症状 大部分癫痫发作导致意识丧失和身体颤抖 有时还会导致神志不清 大部分癫痫发作只持续几分钟的时间, 患者可能在事后感到困惑 重复发作的患者可能患有癫痫症 癫痫发作的原因为何会发生癫痫的原因并不总是为人所知 原因可能包括 : 癫痫症 脑部受伤或肿瘤 感染 酗酒或吸毒 低钠盐或低血糖 肾衰竭或肝功能衰竭 老年痴呆症 出生时缺氧或出生时出现医学疾病 癫痫发作的症状有些人在癫痫发作前感到有警示症状, 也称为预兆 可能会感觉头痛 视力发生变化 听到噪音或闻到气味 ( 例如烟味 ) 癫痫发作时可能会 : 无法控制身体的动作, 如身体僵硬 突然动作或面部肌肉抽搐 Seizures. Simplified Chinese. 1

Staring spells Problems breathing Drooling Loss of bowel or bladder control Loss of consciousness, loss of memory or confusion Call 911 right away if the person has never had a seizure before or if the seizure lasts longer than 5 minutes. Try to write down what happens during the seizure. Include the date, time, how long it lasted, and signs such as body motions. The person may be very tired and confused after the seizure. Treatment Treatment is based on the cause of the seizure: If this is the first time the person has had a seizure, the doctor will ask about signs and check to see if there is a medical condition that caused it. Blood tests and other tests such as computerized tomography (CT) scan, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), electroencephalogram (EEG) or lumbar puncture may be done. A seizure caused by a high fever or a certain medicine is treated by removing the cause. For a person with epilepsy, a seizure may be a sign that his or her medicine may need changed. Most seizures can be managed with medicine. If medicine does not decrease the person s seizures, surgery may be an option. 2

眼睛发直 呼吸困难 流口水 大小便失禁 失去意识 失去记忆或意识错乱 如果患者之前从未有过癫痫发作, 或癫痫发作持续时间超过 5 分钟, 请立刻打电话给 911 请试着写下在癫痫发作时发生了什么事 包括日期 时间 持续时间以及症状 ( 例如身体活动 ) 人在癫痫发作后会非常疲累和迷糊 治疗基于癫痫发作的原因进行治疗 : 如果是患者第一次发生癫痫发作, 医生将询问症状, 检查是否有导致发病的医学疾病 可能会进行血液检查和其他测验, 例如电脑断层摄影 (CT) 磁核共振成像 (MRI) 心电图 (EEG) 或腰椎穿刺 因高烧或某种药物引起的癫痫发作, 可通过治疗病因来治疗癫痫发作 如果患者患有癫痫症, 癫痫发作可能意味着他 / 她的药物需要更改 大部分癫痫发作都可用药物治疗 如果药物无效, 可能需要进行手术 Seizures. Simplified Chinese. 2

Safety Concerns A person with epilepsy should always wear a medical alert necklace or bracelet. Some people need to wear helmets to prevent head injuries. If the person has uncontrolled seizures, he or she cannot drive. A person with controlled seizures may be able to get a restricted license to drive under certain conditions. Talk to the doctor for more information. A person with uncontrolled seizures should avoid activities where a seizure could cause serious injury. Examples include climbing, biking and swimming alone. Talk to the doctor or nurse if you have any questions or concerns or for information about support groups. 2005 2/2011 Health Information Translations Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. The Ohio State University Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain medical treatment. 3

安全考虑 患有癫痫症的患者应始终佩戴医用警报项链或手镯 一些人需要戴上头盔, 避免头部受伤 如果患者患有无法控制的癫痫发作, 他 / 她不能开车 可控制癫痫发作的患者可取得限制性执照, 在特定情况下开车 请咨询医生获取更多信息 患有无法控制的癫痫发作的患者应避免进行发生癫痫发作时会导致严重伤害的活动, 例如独自爬山 骑自行车和游泳 有任何疑问或担心或要询问支持团体的信息, 请告知您的医生或护士 2005 2/2011 Health Information Translations Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. The Ohio State University Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain medical treatment. Seizures. Simplified Chinese. 3