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Emerging Asia Bond Fund HKD (Unhedged) Investment Objective The Fund s objective is to seek maximum total return consistent with prudent investment management (i.e. identifying and implementing strategies for consistent, disciplined and cost-effective investment, based on considerable research and measured forethought, and continual monitoring of individual security and total portfolio risk). Important If you are in doubt, you should seek professional advice. The SFC takes no responsibility for the contents of this statement and makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness.

PRODUCT KEY FACTS Issuer: PIMCO Funds: Global Investors Series plc PIMCO FUNDS: GLOBAL INVESTORS SERIES PLC - Emerging Asia Bond Fund 27 April 2018 This statement provides you with key information about the Emerging Asia Bond Fund (the Fund ). This statement forms part of and should be read in conjunction with and in the context of the current prospectus for PIMCO Funds: Global Investors Series plc dated 3 July 2017 (as amended from time to time) (the Prospectus ). You should not invest in this product based on this document alone. Quick facts Manager: Investment Advisor: Sub-Investment Advisor(s): Depositary: Ongoing charges over a year: PIMCO Global Advisors (Ireland) Limited Pacific Investment Management Company LLC, a US company (Internal Delegation) Internal delegation to one or more Sub-Investment Advisor(s) as described under the subsection Investment Advisors of the section Management and Administration in the Prospectus and the section headed Sub-Delegation of Investment Discretion in the Country Supplement to the Prospectus for Hong Kong Investors, namely PIMCO Europe Ltd (located in UK) and PIMCO Asia Pte Ltd. (located in Singapore) from time to time. Further information concerning the Sub-Investment Advisor(s) appointed and any changes thereto will be provided by PIMCO Funds: Global Investors Series plc (the Company ) upon request. Details of all of these appointments by the Investment Advisor shall be disclosed in the periodic reports of the Company. State Street Custodial Services (Ireland) Limited Share class types Share class Acc Inc Inc II Institutional Class 0.65%# 0.65%º 0.65%º Investor Class 1.00%º 1.00%º 1.00%º Administrative Class 1.15%º 1.15%º 1.15%º Class H Institutional 0.82%º 0.82%º 0.82%º E Class 1.50%# 1.50%# 1.50%º M Retail Class - 1.50%# 1.50%º # The ongoing charges figure is expressed as a per annum percentage of the Fund s net asset value ( NAV ) and is based on expenses for the year ending 31 December 2017. This figure may vary from year to year. It excludes portfolio transaction costs, except in the case of an entry / exit charge paid by the Fund when buying or selling units in another collective investment undertaking. For each share class, shares within a share class type may be issued in different currencies and on an unhedged, hedged, partially hedged or currency exposure basis and some of these shares may not have launched or may have only recently launched. For such shares, the ongoing charges figure is an estimated figure based on the anticipated ongoing expenses chargeable to the Fund, expressed as an estimated per annum percentage of the Fund s NAV ( Estimate Calculation Basis ). The actual figures may differ and ongoing charges may vary from year to year. º As this share class type has not yet launched, the ongoing charges figure is calculated in accordance with the Estimate Calculation Basis as set out above. The actual figures may differ and ongoing charges may vary from year to year. 1

Dealing Frequency: Base Currency: Dividend Policy*: Daily USD Institutional Class, Investor Class, Administrative Class, Class H Institutional and E Class Accumulation (Acc) Shares net investment income and other distributable gains will not be distributed to holders Income (Inc / Inc II) Shares dividends, if any, will be declared monthly M Retail Class Dividends, if any, will be declared monthly. * In the case of the Fund and Income II Shares, the Fund may at its discretion pay dividends out of capital and charge management and other fees payable by the Fund / Income II Shares to the capital of the Fund / Income II Shares (as the case may be), thereby resulting in an increase in distributable income available for the payment of dividends by the Fund / Income II Shares and therefore, the Fund / Income II Shares may effectively pay dividends out of capital. In the case of Income II Shares, the Fund may also take into account the yield differential arising from share class currency hedging (which constitutes a distribution from capital). This may result in an immediate reduction of the NAV per share for the Fund and the Income II Shares. Financial year end of the Fund: Minimum Investment: Minimum Holding: 31 December Institutional Class USD 5 million Class H Institutional, Investor Class, Administrative Class USD 1 million, E Class*, M Retail Class* USD 1,000 Institutional Class, Investor Class, Administrative Class & Class H Institutional USD 500,000, E Class, M Retail Class USD 1,000 The following footnotes apply to the sections Minimum Investment and Minimum Holding above (where applicable) * if invested through an intermediary omnibus account. USD 10,000 if invested directly through NSCC FundServe. USD 1 million if invested through a direct non-omnibus account. Or equivalent in the relevant share class currency (i.e. currency in which the share class is denominated). What is this product? This is a fund constituted in the form of a mutual fund (also known as an open-ended investment company). It is domiciled in Ireland and its home regulator is the Central Bank of Ireland. Objective and Investment Strategy The Fund s objective is to seek maximum total return consistent with prudent investment management (i.e. identifying and implementing strategies for consistent, disciplined and cost-effective investment, based on considerable research and measured forethought, and continual monitoring of individual security and total portfolio risk). The Fund may invest up to 100% of its net assets in a combination of fixed income instruments (this may include securities issued by government, sovereign, corporate etc.) of issuers that are economically tied to Asia ex-japan countries with emerging securities markets, related derivatives on such securities (such as futures, options and swaps) and emerging market currencies. The Investment Advisor has broad discretion to identify and invest in countries that it considers to qualify as emerging securities markets. In making investments in emerging markets securities, the Fund emphasises countries with relatively low gross national product per capita and with the potential for rapid economic growth. Fixed income instruments purchased by the Fund will be rated at least Caa by Moody s or CCC by S&P or equivalently rated by Fitch (or if unrated, determined by the Investment Advisor to be of comparable quality) with the exception of mortgage-backed securities for which there is no minimum credit rating requirement. Accordingly, up 2

to 100% of the Fund s assets may be invested in mortgage-backed securities (including privately issued mortgage-backed securities) of any credit rating. The Fund will concentrate its investments in the developing countries of Asia (emerging Asia) but may invest in other fixed income instruments from other countries that are economically tied to these as outlined above. The Investment Advisor has broad discretion to identify and invest in countries that it considers to qualify as emerging markets. The Investment Advisor will select the Fund s country, sector, and currency composition based on its evaluation of relative spreads and interest rates, inflation rates, exchange rates, monetary and fiscal policies, trade and current account balances, corporate balance sheet fundamentals, and other specific factors Investment Advisor believes to be relevant. The Fund may invest in instruments whose return is based on the return of an emerging market security or a currency of an emerging market country, such as a derivative instrument, rather than investing directly in emerging market securities or currencies themselves. The Fund may also invest up to 100% of its net assets in non-usd denominated fixed income instruments and non-usd denominated currency positions. The Funds exposure to emerging market currencies will be actively managed. Active currency positions and currency hedging will be implemented using instruments such as forward foreign exchange contracts and currency futures, options and swaps in accordance with the Central Bank s requirements). The Fund may invest without limit in repurchase and/or reverse repurchase transactions (listed on recognised exchanges or overthe-counter ( OTC ) based) and similar OTC transactions. No more than 25% of the Fund s assets may be invested in securities that are convertible into equity securities. No more than 10% of the Fund s total assets may be invested in equity securities. The Fund is subject to an aggregate limit of one-third of its total assets on combined investments in (i) securities that are convertible into equity securities, (ii) equity securities (including warrants), (iii) certificates of deposit, and (iv) bankers acceptances. The Fund is permitted to invest in or hold other types of instruments as part of its investment policy (including, but not limited to, other collective investment schemes, loan participations and loan assignments which constitute money market instruments). The Fund may invest extensively in financial derivative instruments for investment purposes. The Fund may use derivatives (i) to hedge a currency exposure, (ii) as a substitute for taking a position in the underlying asset where the Investment Advisor feels that a derivative exposure to the underlying asset represents better value than a direct exposure, (iii) to tailor the Fund s interest rate exposure to the Investment Advisor s outlook for interest rates, and / or (iv) to gain an exposure to the composition and performance of a particular index. The Fund does not adopt any pre-defined strategy in its use of derivatives. The level of leverage for the Fund is expected to range from 0% to 1200% of its NAV. The leverage figure is calculated using the sum of the notionals of the derivatives used as is required by the Central Bank of Ireland and as such does not take into account any netting and hedging arrangements that the Fund has in place at any time. The expected leverage figure for the Fund when calculated in accordance with the commitment approach will typically not materially exceed 100% of the Fund s NAV. The Fund s expected leverage may be exceeded in certain circumstances, for example, during times of market volatility or when the Investment Advisor deems it most appropriate to use derivative instruments to alter the Fund s equity, interest rate, currency or credit exposure. In the event that the expected leverage range is exceeded, the duration of the period during which leverage could increase beyond the expected limit cannot be determined in advance. Where the Investment Advisor believes it appropriate to do so as a result of detailed investment analysis, the Fund may use derivatives to create synthetic short positions. Synthetic short positions are positions which are in economic terms equivalent to short positions and will be implemented through the use of financial derivative instruments in accordance with the Central Bank of Ireland s requirements. The Fund will take long and synthetic short positions over a variety of time periods in accordance with the requirements of the Central Bank of Ireland. The proportion of long to short exposure in the Fund will depend on the market conditions at any given time. It is possible that the Fund may have long only exposure, or conversely short only exposure at any point in time. Although under normal market conditions it is not anticipated that the Fund would be directionally short, on a net basis. Such positions may be taken across various asset classes contemplated under the investment policy of the Fund as set out herein. When calculated 3

using the gross notional value of any derivatives in the Fund and the market value of any direct investments, the combination of total gross long positions and total gross short positions are not expected to exceed 1400% of the NAV of the Fund. The Fund may invest more than 10% of its net assets (up to 40% and subject to the UCITS diversification requirements which may require multiple issues to be held) in securities issued or guaranteed by any single country (including its government, a public or local authority of that country) with a credit rating below investment grade* (potential examples include Sri Lanka) ( non-investment grade securities of a single sovereign issuer ). Although the Investment Advisor does not ordinarily anticipate investing significantly in non-investment grade sovereign issuers, it believes that retaining the flexibility to do so is necessary in the context of the overall investment strategy. * Below investment grade generally refers to securities rated lower than Baa by Moody s or BBB by S&P or equivalently rated by Fitch, or, if unrated, determined by the Investment Adviser to be of comparable quality. What are the key risks? Investment involves risks. Please refer to the Prospectus for details including the risk factors. 1. Emerging markets risk Investing in emerging markets securities imposes risks different from, or greater than, risks of investing in developed countries due to, among other factors, greater price volatility, market, credit, legal, taxation, custody, liquidity, currency, political, economic and regulatory risks. The systems and procedures for trading and settlement of securities in emerging markets are less developed and less transparent and transactions may take longer to settle. In addition, foreign exchange controls in emerging market countries may cause difficulties in the repatriation of funds from such countries. Because the Fund s investments are concentrated in emerging markets, the Fund is likely to be subject to greater volatility than portfolios which comprise broad-based global investments. During times of market uncertainty, such investments may negatively affect the Fund s performance. 2. Credit risk The Fund may suffer losses if the issuer of a fixed income security in which it invests is unable or unwilling to make timely principal and/or interest payments, or to otherwise honour its obligations. 3. Currency risk The Fund s investment in non-usd denominated fixed income securities and currency positions may cause the value of the Fund s investments to fluctuate with changes in exchange rates. This may lead to a fall in the Fund s NAV. Active currency positions implemented directly or indirectly by the Fund may not be correlated with the underlying securities held by the Fund. As a result, the Fund may suffer significant losses even if there is no loss to the value of the underlying securities held by the Fund. 4. Interest rate risk The value of fixed income securities tends to decrease when interest rates rise, which may cause a decrease in value of the Fund. Fixed income securities with longer durations are more sensitive to changes in interest rates, usually making them more volatile than securities with shorter durations. 5. Downgrade risk The Fund may hold securities that may be impacted by a downgraded credit rating. In the event of downgrading of the securities, the Fund s investment value in such securities may be adversely affected. The manager may or may not be able to dispose of the debt instruments that are being downgraded. 6. High yield, below investment grade and unrated securities risk The Fund may invest in high yield, below investment grade securities and unrated securities of similar credit quality. These securities typically entail greater potential price volatility and may be less liquid than higher-rated securities. Investments in such securities may also be subject to greater credit risk. If the issuer of a security is in default with respect to interest or principal payments, the Fund may lose its entire investment. 7. Derivatives risk Risks associated with financial derivative instruments ( FDI ) include counterparty/credit risk, liquidity risk, valuation risk, volatility risk and over-the-counter transaction risk. The leverage element/component of an FDI can result in a 4

loss significantly greater than the amount invested in the FDI by the Fund. Exposure to FDI may lead to a high risk of significant loss by the Fund. Although the leverage figure of the Fund calculated using the commitment approach will typically not materially exceed 100% of the NAV of the Fund, in exceptional circumstances the Fund may have a leveraged exposure of over 100% of the NAV of the Fund when using this calculation methodology. This will further magnify any potential negative impact of any change in the value of the underlying asset on the Fund and also increase the volatility of the Fund s price and may lead to significant losses. Given the leverage effect embedded in derivatives, in the worst case scenario, investing in derivatives may result in total or substantial loss from the use of derivatives. 8. Risks relating to reverse repurchase agreements In the event of the failure of the counterparty with which collateral has been placed, the fund may suffer loss as there may be delays in recovering collateral placed out or the cash originally received may be less than the collateral placed with the counterparty due to market movements. 9. Risks relating to repurchase agreements In the event of the failure of the counterparty with which cash has been placed, the Fund may suffer loss as there may be delay in recovering cash placed out or difficulty in realising collateral or proceeds from the sale of the collateral may be less than the cash placed with the counterparty due to market movements. 10. Risks associated with mortgage-related and other asset-backed securities The Fund may invest in mortgage or other asset-backed securities (including privately-issued mortgage-backed securities) which may be highly illiquid and prone to substantial price volatility. These instruments may be subject to greater credit, liquidity and interest rate risk compared to other debt securities. They are often exposed to extension and prepayment risks and risks that the payment obligations relating to the underlying assets are not met, which may adversely impact the returns of the securities. 11. Risks associated with investments in non-investment grade securities of a single sovereign issuer The Fund may be subject to increased credit risk and increased risk of default of the relevant issuer as a result of its ability to invest more than 10% in non-investment grade securities of a single sovereign issuer (potential examples include Sri Lanka). A sovereign issuer s ability to meet its principal and interest payments may be adversely affected by developments specific to the sovereign issuer. The downgrade of a sovereign credit rating or the default of a sovereign issuer may negatively affect the Fund s performance. To the extent that the Fund concentrates its investments in a particular single sovereign issuer, its investments will be more susceptible to fluctuations in value resulting from adverse conditions in the particular issuer such as unfavourable or unanticipated poor performance of a particular issuer and political instability facing a particular geographic region. This may cause the Fund to be more volatile. 12. Sovereign debt risk The Fund s investment in securities issued or guaranteed by governments may be exposed to political, social and economic risks. In adverse situations, the sovereign issuers may not be able or willing to repay the principal and/or interest when due or may request the fund to participate in restructuring such debts. The Fund may suffer significant losses when there is a default of sovereign debt issuers. 13. Liquidity risk Liquidity risk exists when particular investments are difficult to purchase or sell. Also, illiquid securities may become harder to value especially in changing markets. The Fund s investments in illiquid securities may reduce the returns of the Fund because it may be unable to sell the illiquid securities at an advantageous time or price which could prevent the Fund from taking advantage of other investment opportunities. 14. Investment risk The Fund s investment portfolio may fall in value and therefore your investment in the Fund may suffer losses. There is no guarantee of the repayment of principal. Due to the higher than average degree of risk attached to investment in the Fund due to its ability to invest in emerging markets securities and financial derivative instruments for investment purposes, an investment in the Fund should not constitute a substantial proportion of an investment portfolio and may not be appropriate for all investors. 15. Risks relating to charging of fees / payment of dividends out of capital For the Fund and the Income II Shares, the Fund may, at its discretion, charge fees to capital (which constitutes a payment of dividends effectively out of capital) as well as pay dividends out of capital. 5

16. Concentration risk For the Income II Shares (which seeks to provide an enhanced yield to shareholders), the Fund may also take into account the yield differential (which can be positive or negative) arising from share class currency hedging (which constitutes a distribution from capital). This amounts to a return or withdrawal of part of an investor s original investment or from any capital gains attributable to the original investment. Any distributions involving the payment of dividends out of capital, charging of fees to the capital of the Fund and inclusion of yield differentials effectively amounts to a return or withdrawal of part of an investor s original investment or from any capital gains attributable to that original investment. Any such distributions may result in an immediate reduction of the NAV per share. The Fund s investments are concentrated in Asia ex-japan countries. The value of the Fund may be more volatile than that of a fund having a more diverse portfolio of investments. The value of the Fund may be more susceptible to adverse economic, political, policy, foreign exchange, liquidity, tax, legal or regulatory event affecting the Asia ex-japan market. 17. Global Investment risk The Fund invests in securities of certain international jurisdictions and may experience more rapid and extreme changes in value. Events such as nationalisation, expropriation or confiscatory taxation, currency blockage, economic uncertainty, political changes or diplomatic developments could adversely affect the Fund s investments. To the extent that a Fund invests a significant portion of its assets in a concentrated geographic area like Europe or Asia, the Fund will generally have more exposure to regional economic risks associated with investments. In the event that a Fund invests in a regional currency (i) which ceases to exist or (ii) in which a participant in such currency ceases to be a participant in such currency, it is likely that this would have an adverse impact on the Fund s liquidity. 6

How has the fund performed? The above past performance information reflects the past performance of E Class USD Income, which the Investment Advisor views as the focus share class of the Fund available to the public of Hong Kong. Past performance information is not indicative of future performance. Investors may not get back the full amount invested. The computation basis of the performance is based on the calendar year end, NAV-To-NAV, with dividend reinvested. These figures show by how much the E Class USD Income increased or decreased in value during the calendar year being shown. Performance data has been calculated in USD including ongoing charges and excluding subscription fee and redemption fee you might have to pay. Where no past performance is shown there was insufficient data available in that year to provide performance The benchmark of the Fund for the performance periods prior to 31 May 2016 was 90% JPMorgan Asia Credit Index + 10% 1 month USD Libor * JPMorgan Emerging Local Markets Index / 3 month USD Libor. The benchmark changed to JPMorgan Asia Credit Index (JACI) on 31 May 2016 because it is more appropriate in view of the Fund s investment policy and strategy. Fund launch date: 1 June 2010 E Class USD Income launch date: 1 June 2010 Is there any guarantee? This Fund does not have any guarantees. You may not get back the full amount of money you invest. What are the fees and charges? Investors should refer to the Prospectus for details regarding the fees and expenses of the Fund. Charges which may be payable by you You may have to pay the following fees when dealing in the shares of the Fund. Fees and Charges Subscription Fee (Preliminary Charge) Switching Fee (Exchange Charge) What you pay Up to 5% of the amount of the investment in the Fund may be deducted from the amount payable in respect of the subscription Institutional Class, Investor Class, Administrative Class: N/A Class H Institutional, E Class, M Retail Class: up to 1% of the subscription price for the total number of shares in the fund into which you switch 7

Redemption Fee (Redemption Charge) N/A Ongoing fees payable by the Fund The following expenses will be paid out of the Fund. They affect you because they reduce the return you get on your investments. Management Fee* The Fund pays a management fee to the fund manager out of the capital of the Fund (which may lead to capital erosion) Annual rate (as a % p.a. of the NAV) Institutional, Investor, Administrative Classes 0.65% Class H Institutional 0.82%, E Class, M Retail Class 1.50% Depositary Fee Performance Fee Administration Fee Service Fee The Fund s Investor Class pays a service fee to the fund manager The Depositary Fee will be paid out of the Management Fee N/A The Administration Fee will be paid out of the Management Fee. Investor Class 0.35%, other Classes N/A Trail Fee The Fund s Administrative Class pays a trail fee to the Distributor Administrative Class 0.50%, other Classes N/A Other fees The intermediary you use may ask you to pay other fees and charges when dealing in the shares of the Fund. *You should note that the Management Fee may be increased to up to 2.5% of the NAV of the Fund by giving shareholders one month s prior notice. Fee increases beyond the maximum levels stated in the Prospectus will require shareholders approval in general meeting. For details, please refer to the section headed Fees and Expenses of the Hong Kong Country Supplement to the Prospectus. This fee may be charged to the capital of the Fund / Income II Shares (as applicable) (which may lead to capital erosion). Additional information You generally buy and/or redeem shares of the Fund at the Fund s next-determined NAV on the day the Hong Kong Representative receives your request, provided that it is received in good order on or before 5:00 p.m. (Hong Kong time) being the dealing deadline in Hong Kong. Intermediaries who sell shares of the Fund may impose earlier or later dealing deadlines for receiving instructions for subscriptions, redemptions or switching. Investors should pay attention to the arrangements of the intermediary concerned. The NAV of the Fund is calculated and the price of shares is published each business day on the This website has not been reviewed by the SFC. The Hong Kong Representative, PIMCO Asia Limited, can be contacted at Suite 2201, 22nd Floor, Two International Finance Centre, No. 8 Finance Street, Central, Hong Kong, telephone number 3650 7700. Details of important dates affecting the Fund are contained in the Prospectus and the Funds Holiday Calendar, which is available from the Hong Kong Representative or a fund distributor upon request. The composition of the dividends (i.e. relative amounts paid out of net distributable income and capital) for the last 12 months (starting from the date on which the payment of dividends is made) can be obtained either through the Hong Kong Representative s website at or from the Hong Kong Representative on request. This website has not been reviewed by the SFC. The past performance information of the remaining share classes of the Fund currently offered to Hong Kong investors are also available though the abovementioned website. 8

Important If you are in doubt, you should seek professional advice. The SFC takes no responsibility for the contents of this statement and makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness. 9

新興亞洲債券基金港元 ( 未對沖 ) 投資目標本基金的目標為於符合審慎投資管理原則的前提下, 尋求達致最高水平的總回報 ( 即透過深入研究及慎重考慮, 確立及施行一些貫徹一致 規律嚴格並具成本效益的投資的策略, 以及持續監察個別證券與總投資組合的風險 ) 重要資料閣下如有疑問, 應尋求專業意見 證監會對本概要的內容概不承擔責任, 對其準確或完整性亦不作出任何陳述

產品資料概要 發行機構 :PIMCO 基金 : 環球投資者系列 PIMCO 基金 : 環球投資者系列 ( 英文名稱為 PIMCO FUNDS: GLOBAL INVESTORS SERIES PLC )- 新興亞洲債券基金 2018 年 4 月 27 日 本概要為閣下提供新興亞洲債券基金 ( 本基金 ) 的重要資料 本概要構成日期為 2017 年 7 月 3 日的 PIMCO 基金 : 環球投資者系列現有基金章程 ( 經不時修訂 )( 基金章程 ) 的一部分, 並且應與現有基金章程一併閱讀 閣下不應單憑本文件而投資於本產品 資料概要 基金經理 : PIMCO Global Advisors (Ireland) Limited 投資顧問 : Pacific Investment Management Company LLC( 一家美國公司 )( 內部委派 ) 副投資顧問 存管人 : 全年經常性開支比率 : 按基金章程 管理及行政 一節 投資顧問 分節及香港投資者適用的基金章程的國家補充文件 投資酌情權的分授 一節所述不時內部委派的一名或多名副投資顧問, 即 PIMCO Europe Ltd( 位於英國 ) 及 PIMCO Asia Pte Ltd.( 位於新加坡 ) 有關所委任的副投資顧問及其任何變動的進一步資料將由 PIMCO 基金 : 環球投資者系列 ( 本公司 ) 應要求提供 由投資顧問作出的所有此等委任的詳情將在本公司的定期報告中披露 State Street Custodial Services (Ireland) Limited 股份類別種類 股份類別累積收息收息 II 機構類別 0.65%# 0.65%º 0.65%º 投資者類別 1.00%º 1.00%º 1.00%º 管理類別 1.15%º 1.15%º 1.15%º H 類機構 0.82%º 0.82%º 0.82%º E 類別 1.50%# 1.50%# 1.50%º M 類零售 - 1.50%# 1.50%º # 經常性開支數字乃以每年佔本基金資產淨值 ( 資產淨值 ) 的百分比表示, 並根據截至 2017 年 12 月 31 日止年度的支出計算 此數字每年可能有所變動 除本基金於買賣另一集體投資計劃的單位時支付入市 / 出市費用的情況外, 經常性開支不包括投資組合的交易成本 就各股份類別而言, 在某個股份類別的種類內的股份可以不同貨幣, 可按未對沖 已對沖 部分對沖或貨幣風險基準發行, 而其中某些股份可能尚未推出或可能只是最近推出 就該等股份而言, 經常性開支數字乃根據預計可從本基金扣除的持續支出所計算的估計數字, 並以每年佔本基金資產淨值的估計百分比表示 ( 估算基準 ) 實際數字或有不同, 而經常性開支每年可能有所變動 º 由於此股份類別的種類尚未推出, 經常性開支數字乃根據上述估算基準計算 實 際數字或有不同, 而經常性開支每年可能有所變動 交易頻率 : 基礎貨幣 : 每日 美元 1

股息政策 *: 機構類別 投資者類別 管理類別 H 類機構及 E 類別累積 ( 累積 ) 股份 淨投資收入及其他可分派收益將不會分派予持有人收息 ( 收息 / 收息 II) 股份 股息 ( 如有 ) 將會每月宣派 M 類零售股息 ( 如有 ) 將會每月宣派 * 對於本基金及收息 II 股份, 本基金可按其酌情權從其資本中派付股息 本基金 / 收息 II 股份應付的管理費及其他費用亦可從本基金 / 收息 II 股份 ( 視情況而定 ) 的資本扣除, 導致可供本基金 / 收息 II 股份派付股息的可分派收入有所增加, 因此, 本基金 / 收息 II 股份實際上可能從資本中派付股息 對於收息 II 股份, 本基金亦可能計及因股份類別貨幣對沖引致的收益差異 ( 構成從資本中作出分派 ) 這可能導致本基金及收息 II 股份的每股資產淨值即時減少 本基金的財政年度終結日 : 12 月 31 日 最低投資額 : 機構類別 5,000,000 美元 H 類機構 投資者類別 管理類別 1,000,000 美元, E 類別 * M 類零售 * 1,000 美元 最低持股值機構類別 投資者類別 管理類別及 H 類機構 500,000 美元, E 類別 M 類零售 1,000 美元 以下腳註適用於上述 最低投資額 及 最低持股值 章節 ( 如適用 ) * 倘透過中介綜合賬戶投資 倘直接透過全美證券結算公司標準化交易處理系統 (NSCC FundServe) 投資, 則為 10,000 美元 倘透過直接非綜合賬戶投資, 則為 1,000,000 美元 或以相關股份類別貨幣 ( 即股份類別用以計價的貨幣 ) 計算的相等金額 這是甚麼產品? 本基金是以互惠基金 ( 亦稱為開放式投資公司 ) 形式構成的基金 本基金於愛爾蘭註冊, 而其所在地監管機構為愛爾蘭中央銀行 目標及投資策略本基金的目標為於符合審慎投資管理原則的前提下, 尋求達致最高水平的總回報 ( 即透過深入研究及慎重考慮, 確立及施行一些貫徹一致 規律嚴格並具成本效益的投資的策略, 以及持續監察個別證券與總投資組合的風險 ) 本基金可將最多達 100% 的淨資產, 投資於固定收益工具 ( 其發行機構與設有新興證券市場的亞洲 ( 日本除外 ) 國家在經濟上有連繫 )( 可包括由政府 主權機構 企業等發行的證券 ), 以及該等證券的相關衍生工具 ( 如期貨 期權及掉期 ) 及新興市場貨幣之組合 投資顧問擁有廣泛酌情權以識別及投資其認為符合資格作為新興證券市場的國家 於投資新興市場證券時, 本基金著重人均國民生產總值相對較低但具有經濟迅速增長潛力的國家 本基金購買的固定收益工具將最少獲穆迪給予 Caa 評級或標準普爾給予 CCC 評級或獲惠譽給予同等評級 ( 或如未有評級, 則須獲投資顧問確定為具備相若質素 ), 但並無最低信貸評級規定的按揭保證證券例外 因此, 本基金最多達 100% 的資產可投資於任何信貸評級的按揭保證證券 ( 包括私人發行按揭保證證券 ) 本基金亦可將最多達 100% 的資產淨值投資於非美元計價的固定收益工具及貨幣持倉 ( 可透過金融衍生工具投資項目而受到積極管理 ) 本基金將集中投資於亞洲的發展中國家 ( 新興亞洲 ), 惟可能投資於上文所概述在經濟上與該等新興市場有連繫的其他國家的其他固定收益工具 投資顧問擁有廣泛酌情權可認定及投資於其認為符合資格作為新興巿場的國家 投資顧問將根據其對相對息差及利率 通脹率 匯率 貨幣及財政政策 貿易及經常賬結餘 公司資產負債表基本因素作出的估計以及其認為相關的其他特定因素為本基金挑選國家 行業及貨幣的組成成分 本基金可能投資於根據新興市場證券或新興市場國家貨幣的回報計算回報的工具 ( 例如衍生工具 ), 惟並非直接投資於新興市場證券或貨幣本身 本基金可將其最多 100% 的淨資產投資於非美元計價固定收益工具及非美元計價貨幣持倉 本基金承受的新興市場貨幣風險將受到積極管理 本基金將根據中央銀行的規定, 使用遠期外匯合約及貨幣期貨 期權及掉期等工具, 執行積極的貨幣持倉及貨幣對沖 本基金可在無限制下投資於購回及 / 或反向購回交易 ( 在獲認可交易所上市或以場外交易形式 ) 及類似場外交易 本基金可將不多於 25% 的資產投資於可轉換為股本證券的證券 本基金可將不多於 10% 的總資產投資於股本證券 2

本基金在 (i) 可轉換為股本證券的證券 ;(ii) 股本證券 ( 包括認股權證 ); (iii) 存款證 ; 及 (iv) 銀行承兌匯票中的合併投資總限額以其總資產的三分之一為限 本基金獲准投資於或持有其他種類的投資 ( 包括但不限於其他集體投資計劃 構成貨幣市場工具的貸款參與及貸款轉讓 ), 作為本基金投資政策之一部分 本基金可為投資目的而廣泛地投資於金融衍生工具 本基金可運用衍生工具以 (i) 對沖貨幣風險 ;(ii) 在投資顧問認為透過衍生工具投資於相關資產的價值勝於直接投資的情況下作為代替性的相關資產投資 ;(iii) 因應投資顧問對利率的展望而調整本基金的利率風險承擔 ; 及 / 或 (iv) 對某一指數的組合和表現取得投資參與 本基金於運用衍生工具時並無採用任何既定策略 預期本基金的槓桿水平介乎其資產淨值的 0% 至 1200% 範圍之內 槓桿數字乃運用按愛爾蘭中央銀行所規定使用的衍生工具的名義數值總和計算, 因此並無計及本基金於任何時間設置的任何淨額結算及對沖安排 本基金根據承諾法計算的預期槓桿數字將通常不會顯著超出本基金資產淨值的 100% 本基金的預期槓桿在若干情況下可能會超出這個水平, 例如, 在市場波動期間或投資顧問認為最為適宜運用衍生工具以改變本基金的股票 利率 貨幣或信貸風險時 倘超過預期槓桿範圍, 則無法事先釐定槓桿可能超過預期限額的期間 倘投資顧問經過詳盡投資分析後認為合適, 則本基金可使用衍生工具建立合成短倉 合成短倉在經濟學名詞上相等於短倉, 將按照愛爾蘭中央銀行的規定運用金融衍生工具執行 本基金將按照愛爾蘭中央銀行的規定於不同時間內建立長倉及合成短倉 本基金的長短倉比例將視乎於任何指定時間的市況而定 本基金可能於任何一個時間只持長倉或只持短倉 儘管在一般市況下, 預計本基金不會定向性地按淨額基礎持短倉 該等持倉有可能涉及根據本產品資料概要所載的本基金投資政策計議的多個資產類別 按本基金任何衍生工具的名義總值及任何直接投資的市值計算時, 預期長倉總額及短倉總額的組合不會超過本基金資產淨值的 1400% 本基金可將其淨資產的 10% 以上 ( 最多為 40% 及須受 UCITS 可能要求持有多種發行的多元化規定的規限 ) 投資於由任何具有低於投資級別 * 信貸評級的單一國家 ( 潛在例子包括斯里蘭卡 ) ( 包括其政府 該國家的公共機構或地方當局 ) 發行或擔保的證券 ( 單一主權發行人的非投資級別證券 ) 雖然投資顧問一般不會預期大量投資於非投資級別主權發行人, 但其相信因應整體投資策略的情況而維持以上做法的靈活性乃屬必要 * 低於投資級別 一般指評級低於穆迪給予的 Baa 級或標準普爾給予的 BBB 級或惠譽給予同等評級的證券, 或如未有評級, 則獲投資顧問確定為具備相若質素的證券 有哪些主要風險? 投資涉及風險 有關風險因素等詳情, 請參閱基金章程 1. 新興市場風險 投資於新興市場證券所涉及的風險有別於或大於投資於發達國家的風險, 因為 ( 其中包括 ) 該等證券附帶較大的價格波動性 市場 信貸 法律 稅務 託管 流通性 貨幣 政治 經濟及監管風險 新興市場的證券交易及結算系統及程序較不成熟且較不透明, 交易結算可能需時較長 此外, 新興市場國家的外匯管制或會導致難以從該等國家調回資金 由於本基金的投資集中於新興市場, 故與由基礎廣泛的環球投資組成的投資組合相比, 本基金很可能須承受較大的波動性 當市場不明朗之時, 該等投資或會對本基金的表現構成負面影響 2. 信貸風險 如本基金投資的固定收益證券的發行機構未能或不願按時支付本金及 / 或利息, 或以其他方式履行其義務, 本基金即可能蒙受損失 3. 貨幣風險 本基金於非美元計價的固定收益證券及貨幣持倉的投資, 或會導致本基金投資的價值因匯率變化而波動不定, 這可能會導致本基金的資產淨值減少 本基金直接或間接執行的積極貨幣持倉未必與本基金持有的相關證券有相互關連 因此, 即使本基金持有的相關證券的價值並無損失, 但本基金仍可能會蒙受重大損失 4. 利率風險 3

當利率上升, 固定收益證券的價值會趨於下滑, 繼而可能導致本基金的價值下跌 存續期較長的固定收益證券對利率的變動更為敏感, 故該等證券一般比存續期較短的證券波動更大 5. 降級風險 本基金或會持有可能受信貸評級下調影響的證券 若證券遭降級, 本基金於該等證券的投資價值可能受不利影響 基金經理可能或未必能夠出售遭降級的債務工具 6. 高孳息 低於投資級別及未評級證券風險本基金可能投資於高孳息但低於投資級別的證券及具類似信貸質素的未評級證券 此等證券通常帶有較大的潛在價格波動性, 並且可能不如獲較高評級證券般流通 投資於該等證券亦可能承受更大的信貸風險 若證券的發行機構未能支付利息或本金, 本基金可能失去其全部投資 7. 衍生工具風險 金融衍生工具的相關風險包括對手方 / 信貸風險 流通性風險 估值風險 波動性風險及場外交易風險 金融衍生工具的槓桿元素 / 成分可導致損失遠高於本基金對金融衍生工具投資的金額 對金融衍生工具的投資參與, 或會引致本基金蒙受重大損失的高風險 雖然本基金採用承諾法計算的槓桿數字通常不會顯著超出本基金資產淨值的 100%, 但在例外情況下, 本基金在採用此計算方法時可能面臨超出本基金資產淨值 100% 的槓桿風險 這情況將會進一步放大相關資產價值的任何變動對本基金的任何潛在負面影響, 亦會增加本基金價格的波動性, 並可能導致重大損失 鑑於衍生工具內含槓桿作用, 在最差的情況下, 投資於衍生工具可能導致因運用衍生工具而產生全部或龐大虧損 8. 有關反向購回協議的風險 倘接受抵押品存放的對手方失責, 本基金可能在收回所存放抵押品時受到延誤, 或因市場波動而使原先收取的現金可能少於存放在對手方的扺押品而蒙受損失 9. 有關與購回協議的風險 倘接受現金存放的對手方失責, 本基金可能在收回所存放現金時受到延誤或難以將抵押品變現, 或因市場波動而使出售抵押品所得款項可能少於存放在對手方的現金而蒙受損失 10. 與按揭相關及其他資產保證證券有關的風險 本基金可投資於具按揭或其他資產保證的證券 ( 包括私人發行按揭保證證券 ), 而該等證券或會嚴重缺乏流通性, 且價格容易大幅波動 該等工具與其他債務證券比較, 所承受的信貸 流通性及利率風險均較高 該等工具往往面對延期及預付款項風險, 以及相關資產所涉及的還款責任未有履行的風險, 因而對證券的回報造成不利影響 11. 與單一主權發行人的非投資級別證券有關的風險 由於本基金可將超過 10% 的資產投資於單一主權發行人 ( 潛在例子包括斯里蘭卡 ) 的非投資級別證券, 因此本基金或會受到相關發行人信貸風險及違約風險增加的影響 主權發行人履行其本金及利息還款責任的能力或會受到主權發行人特定發展情況的不利影響 主權信貸評級被下調或主權發行人違約, 或會對本基金的表現構成負面影響 倘本基金集中投資於特定單一主權發行人, 其投資將更容易因該等特定發行人的不利狀況而導致價值波動, 該等不利狀況諸如 : 特定發行人的不利或不可預計的不濟表現, 以及特定地理區域所面對的政治不穩 此等情況或會導致本基金較為波動 12. 主權債務風險 本基金於由政府發行或擔保的證券的投資或會面對政治 社會及經濟風險 在不利情況下, 主權發行人未必能夠或願意償還到期本金及 / 或利息, 或可能會要求基金參與重組有關債務 當主權債務發行人違約時, 本基金或會蒙受重大損失 13. 流通性風險 若某些投資項目難以買賣, 即表示存在流通性風險 另外, 欠缺流通性的證券可能變得更難估值, 特別是在轉變中的市場 由於欠缺流通性的證券可能無法於有利時機或以有利價格出售, 可能妨礙本基金從其他投資機會中獲益, 因此, 本基金在欠缺流通性證券方面的投資可能會降低本基金的回報 14. 投資風險 本基金的投資組合的價值或會下跌, 因此閣下於本基金的投資可能會蒙受損失 概無法保證可以償還本金 基於本基金能夠投資於新興市場證券及金融衍生工具作投資目的, 投資於本基金所附帶的風險高於平均程度的風險, 故投資於本基金不應構成佔投資組合的大部分, 以及未必適合所有投資者 15. 有關從資本中扣除費用 / 派付股息的風險 對於本基金及收息 II 股份, 本基金可按其酌情權從其資本中扣除費用 ( 構成實際從資本中派付股息 ) 及從資本中派付股息 4

對於收息 II 股份 ( 尋求向股東提供更高的收益 ), 本基金亦可能計及因股份類別貨幣對沖引致的收益差異 ( 可以是正數或負數 )( 構成從資本中作出分派 ) 這相當於退還或提取投資者部分原有投資或歸屬於該原有投資的任何資本收益 任何涉及從本基金的資本中支付股息的分派 從本基金的資本中支取費用及包括收益差額, 實際上相當於退還或提取投資者原先投資金額的一部分, 或從原先投資應佔的任何資本收益中支付 任何該等分派均可能導致每股資產淨值即時減少 16. 集中性風險 本基金集中投資於亞洲 ( 日本除外 ) 國家 本基金的價值或會較具有更多元化投資組合的基金更為波動 本基金的價值或會更容易受到影響亞洲 ( 日本除外 ) 市場的不利經濟 政治 政策 外匯 流通性 稅務 法律或監管事件所影響 17. 環球投資風險 本基金投資若干國際司法管轄區的證券及可能面對更急速及極端的價值變動 國有化 徵用或沒收性徵稅 貨幣封鎖 經濟不明朗 政治變動或外交發展等事件可能對本基金的投資造成不利影響 倘基金將其大部分資產投資於如歐洲或亞洲等集中型地區, 則本基金所面對與投資相關的地區性經濟風險一般會較大 倘基金投資的地區貨幣 (i) 不再存在或 (ii) 其參與人不再為該貨幣的參與人, 則很可能對本基金的流通性造成不利影響 本基金過往的業績表現如何? E 類別美元收息 基準 以上過往業績表現資料反映 E 類別美元收息的過往業績表現, 而投資顧問視之為可供香港公眾投資的基金的焦點股份類別 過往業績表現資料並非未來業績表現的指標 投資者未必可取回全部投資金額 業績表現以曆年末的資產淨值作比較基礎, 股息會滾存再投資 該等數字顯示 E 類別美元收息於所示的曆年內價值上升或下跌的幅度 業績表現數字乃以美元計算, 其中包括經常性開支而不包括閣下或須支付的認購費及贖回費 如無顯示過往業績表現, 即表示該年內並無足夠數據作提供業績表現之用 本基金於 2016 年 5 月 31 日前業績期間的基準為 90% 的摩根亞洲信貸指數 + 10% 的一個月美元倫敦銀行同業拆息 (Libor) * 摩根新興本土市場指數 / 3 個月美元倫敦銀行同業拆息 (Libor) 基準於 2016 年 5 月 31 日更改為摩根亞洲信貸指數 (JACI), 原因是該指數對於本基金的投資政策及策略更為合適 基金推出日期 :2010 年 6 月 1 日 E 類別美元收息的推出日期 :2010 年 6 月 1 日 有否提供任何保證? 本基金並不提供任何保證 閣下未必能取回全數投資金額 5

有哪些費用及收費? 投資者應參閱基金章程, 以知悉有關本基金的費用及開支詳情 閣下或須支付的收費閣下買賣本基金股份時或須支付以下費用 費用及收費 閣下須支付 認購費 ( 首期費用 ) 從認購應付金額扣減最高達投資於本基金金額 5% 轉換費 ( 轉換費用 ) 贖回費 ( 贖回費用 ) 機構類別 投資者類別 管理類別 : 不適用 H 類機構 E 類別 M 類零售 : 最高達閣下轉換的基金所涉股份總數的認購價的 1% 不適用 本基金須支付的持續經營費用以下開支將由本基金撥付, 從而導致閣下的投資回報減少, 所以會對閣下有所影響 管理費 *( 本基金以本基金的資本向基金經理 年率 ( 以資產淨值的每年某個百分比計 ) 支付管理費, 可能導致資本流失 ) 機構 投資者 管理類別 0.65% H 類機構 0.82%,E 類別 M 類零售 1.50% 存管費 表現費 行政費 服務費 ( 本基金投資者類別向基金經理支付服務費 ) 跟進費 ( 本基金管理類別向分銷人支付跟進費 ) 存管費將從管理費中撥付 不適用 行政費將從管理費中撥付 其他費用於買賣本基金股份時, 閣下使用的中介人或會要求閣下支付其他費用及徵費 投資者類別 0.35%, 其他類別 不適用 管理類別 0.50%, 其他類別 不適用 * 請注意, 透過向股東發出一個月事先通知可以增加管理費至最多達本基金資產淨值的 2.5% 費用增幅若超出基金章程所述的上限水平, 將需要股東於股東大會上批准 有關詳情請參閱基金章程的香港國家補充文件中 費用及開支 一節 此費用可從本基金 / 收息 II 股份 ( 取適用者 ) 資本中扣除 ( 可能導致資本流失 ) 其他資料 一般而言, 若閣下購買及 / 或贖回本基金股份, 會按本基金於香港代表收到閣下要求當日隨後釐定資產淨值計價, 惟該項要求必須於下午五時正 ( 香港時間 )( 即香港的交易截止時間 ) 或之前妥為接獲方為有效 銷售本基金股份的中介人可就接收認購 贖回或轉換指示訂定較早或較後的交易截止時間 投資者應注意相關中介人的安排 本基金的資產淨值將於每個營業日計算, 並將於每個營業日在網站 刊登股份價格 該網站尚未經證監會審閱 閣下可以地址..香港中環金融街 8 號國際金融中心二期 22 樓 2201 室或電話號碼 :3650 7700 與香港代表 PIMCO Asia Limited 聯絡 本基金的各個重要日子詳載於基金章程及基金假期年曆 ( 香港代表或基金分銷人將應要求向閣下提供 ) 最近 12 個月 ( 從支付股息之日期起計 ) 的股息組成成分 ( 即從可分派收入淨額及資本派付的相對金額 ) 可透過香港代表的網站 取得或向香港代表索取 此網站未經證監會審閱 現時發售予香港投資者的本基金其餘股份類別的過往業績表現資料亦可透過上述網站閱覽 重要資料閣下如有疑問, 應尋求專業意見 證監會對本概要的內容概不承擔責任, 對其準確性或完整性亦不作出任何陳述 6