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Life-Study of Genesis Message 31 Saved Through Water D. Saved through Water God s salvation to Noah was not only to save him from God s judgment, but also from his crooked, perverse, and evil generation. In order to be saved from that evil age, he needed to be saved through water. First Peter 3:20 says clearly that Noah was saved through water. What does it mean to be saved through water? In order to understand this, we must know the background of Noah s generation. Noah lived in a crooked and perverse age. As a result of man s first fall, the evil nature of Satan had been injected into man. In the second fall, man deviated from the presence of God into human culture. The evil nature of Satan which had been injected into man in the first fall developed into a godless human culture in the second fall. In the third fall of man, this culture ushered in an evil generation, producing a crooked, corrupted, and perverse generation. That generation was condemned in the eyes of God. It was into such a generation that Noah was born. Not only did God s condemnation rest upon that age, but there was on earth the evil power of darkness. At the time of man s third fall, that evil power of darkness had corrupted the earth and filled it with violence. As a result, God intervened to judge that generation and to terminate that age. Whoever lived on earth during that age was under two things: God s judgment and the evil power of darkness. We live in the same kind of age. In Matthew 24 and in Luke 17 the Lord Jesus likened our age to that of Noah. Noah s background was exactly the same as ours; it was a prefigure of our background. Look at the world situation today. Undoubtedly, it is under God s condemnation. It is also under an evil power, a wicked influence. No young person or adult can withstand the evil power or influence of modern society. Christian parents pray for their children even before the children are born. They consecrate the children to the Lord, trying with fear and trembling to help them to know God and to stay away from the influence of this dark world. However, at the age of six, the children must attend school, and once they are in school, they are subject to the evil influence of the darkness of this age. Nearly all of the children are influenced at least to some extent. No one is immune. We can see that there is such an evil 創世記生命讀經 第三十一篇 藉水得救 ( 四 ) 藉水得救 神對挪亞的救恩不僅是把他從神的審判下拯救出來, 更是把他從他那彎曲 悖謬 邪惡的世代中拯救出來 為著蒙拯救脫離那邪惡的世代, 他需要藉水得救 彼前三章二十節清楚的說, 挪亞是藉水得救的 藉水得救是甚麼意思? 要了解這點, 我們必須知道挪亞那個世代的背景 挪亞活在一個彎曲悖謬的世代中 人第一次墮落的結果, 使撒但邪惡的性情注入到人裏面 在第二次墮落時, 人從神的面光偏離到人類的文化裏 第一次墮落時注入到人裏面撒但邪惡的性情, 在第二次墮落時發展成無神的人類文化 在人第三次的墮落中, 這文化引進一個邪惡的世代, 產生一個彎曲 敗壞 悖謬的世代 那世代在神的眼中是被定罪的 挪亞就生在這樣一個世代中 不僅那世代被神定罪, 在地上還有黑暗邪惡的權勢 在人第三次墮落時, 那黑暗邪惡的權勢已經敗壞了地, 使地滿了強暴 結果神來干涉, 審判並了結那世代 活在那世代的人, 都是在神的審判和黑暗的邪惡權勢這二者之下 今天我們生活在同樣的世代中 在馬太二十四章和路加十七章, 主耶穌把我們這世代比作挪亞的世代 挪亞的背景正和我們的背景一樣, 牠是我們背景的豫表 請看今天世界的局勢, 亳無疑問是在神的定罪之下, 也是在邪惡的權勢, 敗壞的影響力之下 沒有一個年輕人或成年人, 能抵擋現代社會的邪惡權勢和影響力 基督徒父母甚至在孩子未出生以前, 就為他們禱告 ; 他們把孩子獻給主, 戰兢恐懼的幫助他們認識神, 遠離這黑暗世界的影響 但孩子們到了六歲就要上學, 他們一進學校, 就在這世代黑暗邪惡權勢的影響之下 幾乎每個孩子都多少受到影響, 沒有一個能彀倖免 我們能看見, 在這地上有這樣一個邪惡的權勢, 黑暗敗壞的影響力 Life-Study of Genesis - Message 31 - Page 1 - 創世記生命讀經第三十一篇第 1 頁

power, a wicked influence of darkness, on this earth. Everyone is under God s judgment and under the power and darkness of the evil one. So, God s full salvation not only saves us from His condemnation, but also from the evil power and influence of this dark age. On the day of Pentecost, Peter exhorted people, Be saved from this crooked generation! (Acts 2:40). I say once again that nearly everything in the book of Genesis is a seed that requires further development. To be saved through water is a matter of baptism. First Peter 3:20-21 reveals that the water through which Noah passed was a figure of baptism. It may be considered as the first mention of baptism in the Bible. Thus, it was the seed of baptism. This seed of baptism was firstly developed in the case of the children of Israel passing through the Red Sea. First Corinthians 10:1-2 tells us that their passing through the Red Sea was a baptism. The passing through the waters of the Red Sea was a clear type of the baptism with water. Later, when the New Testament age came, the first thing that transpired to open up this age was baptism with water. God sent John the Baptist to carry this out. He came with the purpose of baptizing people with water. Let us now consider the case of the Israelites. Although they were God s chosen people, they fell and drifted into Egypt. The whole Egyptian nation was under God s judgment. Since the Israelites also were there, undoubtedly they were under His judgment as well. They were at the same time under the power of Pharaoh and the Egyptians. Their exodus from Egypt was not an escape from God s judgment; it was an escape from Egypt, a deliverance from the Egyptian slavery. Let us see the salvation the children of Israel enjoyed. Firstly, they enjoyed the redemption of the blood of the lamb. They slew lambs and struck the blood upon the doorposts. In this way the Israelites were covered by the redeeming blood and saved from God s judgment. When God executed His judgment over the land of Egypt, those who were under the blood were saved. The children of Israel were saved by the blood from God s judgment. Following this, they all ate the flesh of the lamb. The purpose of doing this was not to save them from judgment, but to strengthen them to walk out of Egypt. When they ate the lamb, they put on their sandals, held their staffs, and were ready to go out. While they were eating, they were preparing to get out of Egypt. What delivered the Israelites out of Egypt and out from under the power of Pharaoh? Although God saved them from His judgment, Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, would not let them go. Pharaoh was a type of Satan. Pharaoh, 每個人都是在神的審判和那惡者的黑暗與權勢之下 所以神完全的救恩不僅救我們脫離祂的定罪, 還要救我們脫離這黑暗世代邪惡的權勢和影響力 在五旬節那天, 彼得勸勉百姓說, 你們要得救, 脫離這彎曲的世代 ( 徒二 40 ) 我再說, 在創世記中幾乎每件事都是一粒種子, 需要進一步的發展 藉水得救是一件受浸的事 彼前三章二十至二十一節啟示, 挪亞所經過的水是受浸的豫表, 也可以當作是聖經中頭一次題到的受浸 所以這是受浸的種子 這粒受浸的種子首先在以色列入過紅海這事例中得著發展 林前十章一至二節告訴我們, 以色列人過紅海就是受浸 經過紅海的水, 是用水受浸一個清楚的豫表 然後, 當新約時代來到, 開啟這時代的第一件事就是用水施浸 神差遣施浸者約翰來完成這事 他來的目的, 就是用水給百姓施浸 現在我們來看以色列人的事例 雖然他們是神的選民, 他們卻墮落飄流到埃及 埃及全國是在神的審判之下 以色列人既在那裏, 亳無疑問, 他們也在神的審判之下 他們同時也在法老以及埃及人的權勢底下 他們出埃及並不是逃避神的審判 ; 乃是逃出埃及, 從埃及的奴役得著釋放 讓我們來看以色列人所享受的救恩 首先, 他們享受羊羔之血的救贖 他們殺了羊羔, 將血抹在門框上 這樣, 以色列人就在救贖的血遮蓋之下蒙救贖脫離神的審判 當神在埃及地施行審判時, 那些在血底下的都蒙了拯救 以色列人藉著血蒙拯救脫離神的審判 接著, 他們都喫羊羔的肉 這樣作的目的不是要拯救他們脫離審判, 乃是要加強他們, 好走出埃及 他們喫羊羔的時候, 都穿上鞋子, 拿著手杖, 豫備走路 他們在喫的時候, 就豫備離開埃及 把以色列人救出埃及和法老權勢的是甚麼? 雖然神拯救他們脫離祂的審判, 但埃及王法老不讓他們走 法老是撒但的豫表 法老, 就是撒但, 好 Life-Study of Genesis - Message 31 - Page 2 - 創世記生命讀經第三十一篇第 2 頁

that is, Satan, seemed to say, You children of Israel have been saved from God s judgment and you have eaten the flesh of the lamb. You are ready to leave. Do you think that it s easy for you to get out? This is my territory. This is my power, my kingdom, and my empire. I have the power here and I will not let you go. Thus, Pharaoh sent his army to hold the Israelites back. But God came in to deliver them, not by sending angels or fire to burn Pharaoh and his forces, but by opening the Red Sea that they might walk through it. After His people had passed through the sea, the Egyptian army followed. While they were pursuing God s people and when they came to the heart of the sea, God told Moses to stretch out his hand over the sea that the waters might come upon the Egyptians (Exo. 14:26). Moses did this, and the sea obeyed him. Pharaoh s army and all the power of the Egyptians were buried. The children of Israel were delivered. What were they delivered from? Not from God s judgment, but from the power of Egypt and Pharaoh, that is, from the power of the world and Satan. The children of Israel enjoyed a double salvation. The first aspect of their salvation was the redeeming blood, and the second aspect was the judging water. Hallelujah for the redeeming blood and the judging water! We know what the redeeming blood is, but I doubt that very many know what the judging water is. For us, the judging water is the cross of Christ. The death of the Lord Jesus on the cross is the judging water. A line in Hymn 438 in our hymnal says, I ve crossed the Red Sea of His death. The Lord s death was the judging water. Satan and the world were judged on the cross. When the Lord Jesus was about to go to the cross, He declared, Now is the judgment of this world; now shall the ruler of this world be cast out (John 12:31). Both Satan and the world were judged on the cross. The Lord saved His people from the world by His judgment upon it. God executed His judgment upon the Egyptians, and that judgment was a salvation to the Israelites. To Satan and to his world, the cross was a judgment, but to us, this judgment on the cross is a salvation. It is not a salvation from God s condemnation, but from the power of Satan and from the evil influence of this dark age. Since this matter is clear, we may return to Noah s case. 1. Noah Saved by the Pitched Ark from God s Judgment Undoubtedly Noah was under God s condemnation. He was also under the evil power of the age in which he lived. Noah built an ark which was pitched within and without with pitch. The pitch was a type of the 像在說, 你們以色列人已經蒙拯救脫離神的審判, 也喫了羊羔的肉, 現在豫備好要離開了 你們以為這麼容易走出去麼? 這裏是我的領土, 是我的權勢, 我的國度, 我的帝國 我在這裏有權勢, 我不讓你們走 因此, 法老差遣軍兵去追回以色列人 但神來拯救以色列人, 祂不是差遣天使, 或降下火來燒滅法老和他的軍隊, 乃是分開紅海給以色列人走過去 以色列人走過以後, 法老的軍隊也跟下去 他們追趕神的百姓, 來到紅海中心的時候, 神吩咐摩西向海伸出他的手, 叫水合在埃及軍兵身上 ( 出十四 26 ) 摩西這樣作了, 海水順從了他, 法老的軍兵和埃及的權勢就都被埋葬了 以色列人蒙了拯救 他們從甚麼蒙了拯救? 不是從神的審判, 乃是從埃及和法老的權勢, 也就是從世界和撒但的權勢, 蒙了拯救 以色列人享受了雙重的救恩 第一面的救恩是救贖的血, 第二面的救恩是審判的水 為著祂救贖的血, 和審判的水, 我們讚美主! 我們都知道救贖的血是甚麼, 但我怕沒有多少人知道審判的水是甚麼 對我們來說, 審判的水乃是基督的十字架 主耶穌在十字架上的死就是審判的水 撒但和世界都在十字架上受了審判 當主耶穌將要釘十字架的時候, 祂宣告說, 現在這世界受審判, 這世界的王要被趕出去 ( 約十二 31 ) 撒但和世界都在十字架上受了審判 主藉著審判世界拯救祂的百姓脫離世界 祂在埃及人身上施行審判, 那審判對以色列人乃是拯救 對撒但和對世界, 十字架是審判 ; 但對我們, 這十字架的審判乃是救恩 這不是脫離神定罪的救恩, 乃是脫離撒但權勢和這黑暗世代的邪惡勢力的救恩 這事已經清楚了, 現在我們再回到挪亞的事例 (1) 挪亞藉著抹松香的方舟, 蒙拯救脫離神的審判 毫無疑問的, 挪亞是在神的定罪之下 他也是在他所生活的那世代中, 邪惡的權勢之下 挪亞造了一隻方舟, 內外都抹上松香 松香豫表救贖的血 Life-Study of Genesis - Message 31 - Page 3 - 創世記生命讀經第三十一篇第 3 頁

redeeming blood. Thus, Noah was saved from God s judgment by the pitch upon the ark. 2. Noah Saved through the Judging Water from the Condemned World What saved Noah from that evil age? The flood sent by God as a judgment upon the evil world. That judging flood separated Noah from that age. The water of the Red Sea buried the Egyptians and separated the children of Israel from the Egyptian world, and the waters of the flood did the same thing for Noah. On the one hand, the flood judged that evil age; on the other hand, it separated Noah from that age. The water that judged the world saved Noah from that evil generation. As a result of the two aspects of God s full salvation, Noah was saved from God s condemnation as well as from that evil generation. Hardly any Christians know about the second aspect of God s salvation. Every real Christian knows that the blood saves us from God s condemnation, from eternal perdition. We thank God for this. But how many Christians praise the Lord for the salvation through water? I do this a great deal. More than forty years ago, I began to praise the Lord for salvation through the blood and for salvation through water. Thank You, Lord, that I have been saved from God s judgment and also from the evil power of Satan. Hallelujah, I am out of Egypt! Since very few Christians know that they have been delivered out of the evil age of this world, my burden is that we all must see the second aspect of God s full salvation. God s great salvation not only saves us from His judgment, but also from Satan s power. a. The World with All Its Ages Condemned by God The world with all of its ages has been condemned by God. There is one world with many ages. There is the age of the old fashion and the age of the modern fashion. There is the short-hair age, and there is the long-hair age. All the ages are condemned by God. The world of Noah s age was condemned (Gen. 6:11-13), and the world of the Egyptian age also was condemned (Exo. 14:26-28). The whole world is a satanic system which has systematized all of mankind. The world has different departments as well as different ages. In the same age you have the department of education, economics, religion, etc. Each of these is a department of the satanic system for the systematizing of man. The whole world with all of its ages and departments is under God s condemnation 這樣, 挪亞就藉著方舟上的松香, 蒙拯救脫離神的審判 (2) 挪亞藉著審判的水, 蒙拯救脫離被定罪的世界 是甚麼拯救挪亞脫離邪惡的世代? 是神所差遣審判那邪惡世界的洪水 那審判的洪水把挪亞從那世代分別出來 紅海的水埋葬了埃及人, 也把以色列人從埃及世界分別出來 洪水也為挪亞作了同樣的事 一面洪水審判那邪惡的世代, 另一面洪水把挪亞從那世代分別出來 那審判世界的水, 拯救挪亞脫離邪惡的世代 因著神完全救恩的兩面, 挪亞蒙拯救脫離神的定罪, 也蒙拯救脫離邪惡的世代 基督徒對神救恩的第二面幾乎不認識 每個真基督徒都知道, 血拯救我們脫離神的審判, 脫離永遠的滅亡 我們為此感謝神 但有多少基督徒為著藉水得救讚美神? 我常為這個讚美主 四十多年前, 我就開始為著藉血得救, 和藉水得救讚美主 : 主阿, 感謝你, 我已經蒙拯救脫離神的審判和撒但邪惡的權勢 阿利路亞! 我已經出了埃及! 因為很少基督徒知道, 他們已從這世界的邪惡世代被拯救出來, 我的負擔就是要大家看見神完全救恩的第二面 神的大救恩不僅拯救我們脫離祂的審判, 也拯救我們脫離撒但的權勢 (a) 世界連同其一切世代都被神所定罪 世界連同其一切世代都已被神定罪了 世界只有一個, 世代卻有許多 有古老時尚的世代, 也有摩登時尚的世代 有短髮型的世代, 也有長髮型的世代 一切的世代都被神定罪 挪亞世代的世界被定罪,( 創六 11 ~ 13,) 埃及世代的世界也被定罪 ( 出十四 26 ~ 28 ) 全世界乃是一個撒但的系統, 把全人類都系統化了 這世界不但有不同的世代, 也有不同的部門 在同一世代裏有教育 經濟 宗教等部門 每一部門都是撒但系統的一部分, 為要把人系統化 全世界連同其一切世代和部門, 都在神的定罪之下 ( 約十二 Life-Study of Genesis - Message 31 - Page 4 - 創世記生命讀經第三十一篇第 4 頁

(John 12:31; 16:11). However, my intention is not simply that we see God s condemnation. We should just have a look at it and then go on to God s salvation. b. God s People Saved from the World by God s Judgment on the World God s people are saved from the world by His judgment on it. With what does God save us from the condemned world? With the same thing by which He judged the world. The flood that God used to execute His judgment upon the ancient world saved Noah from that world. The Red Sea that God used to judge the Egyptians saved the children of Israel from the evil power of the Egyptians. The cross by which God judged Satan and his world also saves us from this condemned world. We Christians are saved by the judging cross of Christ. The cross executed God s judgment upon Satan and the world. We have been saved from God s judgment by the redeeming blood of Christ (Rom. 5:9). We were saved from the condemned world by the judging death of Christ. Galatians 1:4 says, Who gave Himself for our sins, that He might rescue us out of the present evil age. Although Christ died for our sins, the goal was to deliver us from this present evil age. I have heard many messages concerning Christ s death as a salvation from sin, but I have hardly heard a message telling me that the goal of Christ s death was to save me from the present evil age. Galatians 6:14 says, But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom the world has been crucified to me and I to the world. To Paul, the world was on the cross, and to the world, Paul was on the cross. Is the world on the cross to you? Are you on the cross to the world? In our eyes, the world should be on the cross. It has been crucified. Do you love something that has been crucified? To the world, we are on the cross. Many times I have heard the parents of a saint say, My son is dead. Some husbands may say that their wives are dead, and some wives may say that their husbands are dead. That is correct. All the Christian husbands, wives, sons, and daughters are dead. We are dead to the world, and the world is dead to us through the judging death of Christ. 3. Baptism with Water Signifying the Judging Death of Christ Which Saves Us from the World Condemned by God When you are baptized, you are buried. Nothing can 31, 十六 11 ) 但我的用意不單是要你們看見神的定罪 我們只要看一下, 然後就繼續看神的救恩 (b) 藉著神對世界的審判, 神百姓蒙拯救脫離這世界 神的百姓因著神審判世界, 蒙拯救脫離了世界 神用甚麼拯救我們脫離這被定罪的世界? 是用審判這世界的同樣東西 神用來審判上古世界的洪水, 拯救挪亞脫離那世界 神用來審判埃及人的紅海, 拯救以色列人脫離埃及人的邪惡權勢 神用來審判撒但和他世界的十字架, 拯救我們脫離這被定罪的世界 我們基督徒是藉著基督審判的十字架蒙拯救的 這十字架在撒但和世界身上執行神的審判 我們是藉著基督救贖的血蒙拯救脫離神的審判 ( 羅五 9 ) 我們已藉著基督審判的死, 蒙拯救脫離了被定罪的世界 加拉太一章四節說, ( 祂 ) 為我們的罪捨了自己, 要把我們從現今這邪惡的世代救出來 雖然基督為我們的罪死, 目的卻是要把我們從現今這邪惡的世代救出來 我聽過許多信息講到基督的死是救我們脫離罪, 但幾乎沒聽過一篇信息告訴我, 基督的死是為著救我脫離現今這邪惡的世代 加拉太六章十四節說, 但就我而論, 除了我們主耶穌基督的十字架, 別無可誇 ; 藉著祂, 就我而論, 世界已經釘了十字架 ; 就世界而論, 我也已經釘了十字架 對保羅來說, 世界已經釘了十字架 ; 對世界來說, 保羅也已經釘了十字架 對你來說, 世界是否已經釘了十字架? 對世界來說, 你是否也已經釘了十字架? 在我們的眼裏, 世界應當在十字架上, 已經被釘了 你是否愛一些已經釘了十字架的東西? 對世界來說, 我們是在十字架上 許多時候我聽到聖徒的父母說, 我的兒子已經死了 有的丈夫說, 他們的妻子死了 ; 有的妻子說, 他們的丈夫死了 那是正確的 所有的基督徒丈夫 妻子 兒子 女兒都死了 對世界我們是死了, 世界藉著基督審判的死, 對我們也是死了 (3) 水浸表徵基督審判的死, 拯救我們脫離神所定罪的世界 當你受浸時, 你是被埋葬了 要從世 Life-Study of Genesis - Message 31 - Page 5 - 創世記生命讀經第三十一篇第 5 頁

remove people out of the world so effectively as a burial. Likewise, what can get you out of the world more effectively than baptism? Suppose a certain man loves the world very much. He has many attachments in the world. His wife, children, and all his relatives love him. He has money in the bank and several businesses under his control. How can such a man get out of the world? The easiest way is for him to be buried. Once his relatives have given him a good funeral, he will be through with the world. Thus, nothing separates a person from the world more than his burial. What is baptism? I am sorry to say that many people think of it as a ritual which makes a person a nominal member of a so-called church. Before I experienced genuine baptism, I underwent such a ritual. We should never baptize people in a ritualistic way. Whenever we are going to baptize people, we must pray and exercise our spirit with authority and with the powerful name of the Lord Jesus. Then we baptize people, putting them into a tomb and burying them. This burial separates them from the world. We have been baptized into Christ s death (Rom. 6:3). We have been buried with Christ in baptism (Col. 2:12). We are dead and buried from the rudiments of this world (Col. 2:20). We have passed through the flood waters and the Red Sea. The flood waters that judged Noah s generation rescued him, and the Red Sea that judged the Egyptians rescued the Israelites. This is the salvation that we need today. Every Christian needs the second aspect of God s full salvation. Have you enjoyed this aspect of His salvation? I can shout and declare, I have been separated from Egypt! I have been separated from this evil, crooked, and perverse generation! a. Typified by the Flood of the Deluge The baptism with water was typified by the flood that saved Noah from his evil age (1 Pet. 3:20-21). Noah was baptized in a large baptistery and experienced a very lengthy baptism. It lasted at least forty days. The number forty signifies testing. No one could have built such a large baptistery or collected so much water. The first mention of baptism in the Bible was a worldwide baptism. Our baptism must also be like that. Once you get into that kind of baptistery, there is no way out. Although it is easy for us to get out of the baptistery in the meeting hall, there was no way for Noah to get out of the baptistery used in his baptism. Noah was buried in a worldwide tomb. That was the seed of baptism. Christ s death is all-inclusive. The baptism based upon His death 界除去一個人, 再沒有比埋葬更有效的 同樣, 要使你脫出這世界, 有甚麼能比受浸更有效? 假設有一個人很愛世界, 他在世界上有許多的愛慕 他的妻子 兒女 以及所有的親人都很愛他 他在銀行裏有存款, 還管理好些的企業 這樣的人怎能脫去世界? 最容易的方法就是把他埋了 他的親人給他舉行盛大的葬禮之後, 他對世界就了了 所以要叫一個人與世界分離, 沒有甚麼比埋葬更有效的了 甚麼是受浸? 我非常遺憾的說, 很多人以為這只是一種儀式, 使人成為所謂的教會裏掛名的教友而已 在我經歷真正的受浸以前, 我也接受過這種儀式 我們絕不該用這種儀式給人施浸 每當我們要給人施浸, 我們必須先用權柄和主耶穌權能的名, 禱告並運用我們的靈 然後我們再給人施浸, 把他們放在 墳墓 裏埋葬他們 這樣的埋葬纔能叫人從世界中分別出來 我們已經受浸歸入基督的死 ( 羅六 3 ) 我們已經在受浸中與基督一同埋葬 ( 西二 12 ) 我們已經死了, 也埋葬了, 脫離了世上的蒙學 ( 西二 20 ) 我們已經過了洪水和紅海 那審判挪亞世代的洪水救了挪亞, 那審判埃及人的紅海救了以色列人 這是我們今天所需要的救恩 每個基督徒都需要神完全救恩的第二面 你享受過這一面的救恩麼? 我能喊著宣告 : 我已經從埃及分別出來了! 我已經從這邪惡 彎曲 悖謬的世代中分別出來了! (a) 由洪水所豫表 水浸是由拯救挪亞脫離他那邪惡世代的洪水所豫表 ( 彼前三 20 ~ 21 ) 挪亞是被浸在一個大浸池內, 並且經過了一段很長的時間, 最少四十天 四十 這數字表徵試煉, 沒有人能造這麼大的浸池, 積聚這麼多的水 聖經中第一次題到的浸, 乃是遍及全世界的浸 我們的浸也必須像那樣 你一浸到那種浸池裏, 就無路可逃 我們很容易從會所的浸池出來, 但挪亞卻無法從他受浸所用的浸池中出來 挪亞被埋在一個遍及世界的大墳墓裏 那就是受浸的種子 基督的死是包羅萬有的 基於祂的死而 Life-Study of Genesis - Message 31 - Page 6 - 創世記生命讀經第三十一篇第 6 頁

is worldwide, even universally wide, full of judging and burying water. b. Typified by the Waters of the Red Sea This baptism with water signifying the judging death of Christ was also typified by the waters of the Red Sea that saved the Israelites from the Egyptian age (Exo. 14:26-28). We have two types of the baptism with water: the flood and the Red Sea. First Peter 3:20-21 says that the flood through which Noah passed was a figure of the baptism that saves us, and 1 Corinthians 10:1-2 tells us that the Red Sea through which the Israelites passed was also a baptism that saved God s people from the evil power, from the enemy s slavery. All the worldly occupations, all the worldly pleasures, amusements, sports, are buried in the Red Sea of our baptism. This kind of effectual baptism in the power of the Spirit saves us from the world, from the evil age condemned and judged by God. c. Signified by the Laver, the Brass Sea, and the Sea of Glass In addition to the types which typify baptism, we have the signs in the Bible which signify the meaning of baptism. Baptism was signified by the laver of the tabernacle (Exo. 30:18-21). In front of the tabernacle was the laver. The area outside the separating line of the tabernacle represented the world. Suppose a person was coming out of the world and wanted to be a priest and get into the presence of God within the tabernacle. Firstly, he had to pass through the altar, signifying the cross of Christ. On the altar, the offerings for sins were presented. After passing through the altar, his sins were dealt with and he was saved. Many Christians think that after passing through the altar he could have immediately entered into the holy place within the tabernacle. However, he could not move that fast, for after passing through the altar he needed the washing of the laver. The laver did not eliminate his sins. His sins were dealt with at the altar already. The laver dealt with his dirt from the earth. Since the dirt of the earth was still upon him, he needed to be washed. The washing of the laver removed this dirt. The blood was at the altar, not at the laver. After his sins had been dealt with at the altar and after the earthly dirt had been washed away at the laver, then he could enter into the holy place and come into the presence of God. Many Christians do not have the way to come into God s presence. True, they have been saved at the cross, but to their realization there is still a separation, a barrier, that frustrates them from entering into God s presence. What is this? It is the dirt of the world. They lack the washing of the laver to remove their dirt of the world. In other 有的浸乃是遍及世界, 甚至是遍及宇宙的, 其中充滿了審判和埋葬的水 (b) 由紅海的水所豫表 表徵基督審判之死的水浸, 也由拯救以色列人脫離埃及世代之紅海的水所豫表 ( 出十四 26 ~ 28 ) 水浸有兩個豫表 : 洪水與紅海 彼前三章二十至二十一節說, 挪亞所經過的洪水豫表拯救我們的浸 林前十章一至二節告訴我們, 以色列人所經過的紅海也是一種浸, 拯救神的百姓脫離邪惡的權勢和仇敵的奴役 一切屬世的職業, 屬世的享樂 娛樂 運動, 都已埋在我們受浸的紅海裏 這種在聖靈的權能裏有功效的浸, 拯救我們脫離世界, 脫離神所定罪和審判的邪惡世代 (c) 由洗濯盆 銅海 和玻璃海所表徵 除了豫表浸的豫表外, 在聖經中還有些表號表徵這浸的意義 帳幕前的洗濯盆就是這浸的一個表號 ( 出三十 18 ~ 21 ) 帳幕的前面有洗濯盆 在帳幕分別界線以外的區域代表世界 假如有人從世界出來, 要作祭司進入帳幕裏神的面前, 首先他必須經過表徵基督十字架的祭壇, 在壇上獻祭贖罪 過了祭壇, 他的罪被對付, 他得救了 許多基督徒以為, 經過了祭壇, 他就可以立刻進到會幕內的聖所 然而, 他不能走得那麼快, 因為過了祭壇以後, 他還需要洗濯盆的洗滌 洗濯盆不是為除去他的罪, 他的罪已經在祭壇那裏受了對付 洗濯盆是為對付他在地上所沾染的污穢 因著地的污穢仍在他身上, 他需要洗滌 洗濯盆的洗滌除去了他的污穢 血是在祭壇上, 不在洗濯盆裏 當他的罪在祭壇那裏受了對付, 他屬地的污穢也在洗濯盆那裏被洗去之後, 他就可以進入聖所, 來到神面前 許多基督徒沒有路來到神面前 他們確實已在十字架那裏得救了, 但他們發現仍然有一層間隔 障礙, 阻撓他們進到神面前 這是甚麼? 這是世界的污穢 他們缺少洗濯盆的洗滌, 除去世界的污穢 換句話說, 他們的罪 Life-Study of Genesis - Message 31 - Page 7 - 創世記生命讀經第三十一篇第 7 頁

words, their sins have been dealt with on the cross, but their world has not been buried beneath the Red Sea. The laver is a sign of baptism, the flood, and the Red Sea. The principle is the same with the one brass sea and the ten lavers associated with the temple. Once the children of Israel were established in the land of Canaan, they built a temple. Along with the temple they built a brass sea and ten lavers (1 Kings 7:23, 38). Brass signifies judgment. The brass sea and the ten lavers indicate the fullness of the realization of baptism. You cannot enter into the presence of God until you pass through the true meaning of baptism, that is, to bury the world. For example, we must bury our worldly shopping. As you read this message, your spirit may tell you that you have a problem with shopping. You do not go shopping under the leading of the Lord. Of course, there is no difficulty if you shop under the Lord s leading. However, if you do not go shopping under the leading of the Lord, you will be killed for a few days. You will not be able to pray well or get into the Lord s presence for that length of time. You may reason that there is nothing wrong with a particular article of clothing. Although there is nothing wrong morally speaking, your spirit tells you that as long as you wear that piece of clothing you cannot pray with the Lord s presence. Although you might be able to pray without His presence, you cannot pray into the presence of God until you have eliminated that article of clothing. If you do that, you will be liberated. What then should we do? We should jump into the brass sea. Baptism is also signified by the sea of glass (Rev. 4:6). In Revelation chapter four John was in the spirit and saw the throne of God. In front of the throne was a sea of glass. What does this mean? Brass denotes judgment, and glass means exposure. Whatever was washed in the laver or in the sea of brass could not be seen from the side, but since the sea of glass is crystal clear, everything washed in it is visible. In Revelation 15:2 the sea of glass is seen mingled with fire. This also is a sign of the universal baptism. The sea is mingled with fire. A sea, of course, is filled with water, but this sea is mingled with fire. What does this mean? Due to the fall of Satan and the fall of man, the old creation has been judged by God. God has judged again and again ever since the beginning. God judged the pre- Adamic age with water. He also judged the Adamic age with water at the time of Noah. However, after the flood, God said that never again would He judge the world with water (Gen. 9:11). He will judge with fire. Hence, in Revelation 15:2, the sea is mingled with fire; fire is burning in the sea. The two kinds of judgment exercised by God over the fallen creation are judgment by water and by fire. The sea of glass mingled with fire will consummate in the 已在十字架上受了對付, 但他們的世界還沒有被埋在紅海底下 洗濯盆是這浸的表號, 也是洪水和紅海的表號 聯於聖殿的一個銅海和十個洗濯盆, 原則也是一樣的 當以色列人在迦南地定居以後, 他們建了一個殿, 造了一個銅海和十個洗濯盆 ( 王上七 23,38 ) 銅表徵審判 一個銅海和十個洗濯盆指出這浸豐滿的實際 除非你經過真正的浸, 就是埋葬世界, 不然就無法來到神面前 例如我們必須埋掉我們屬世的逛街購物 當你讀這篇信息的時候, 你的靈會告訴你, 你在逛街購物這件事上有問題 你並不是在主的引導下逛街購物 當然, 你若是在主的引導下上街購物, 就沒有問題 然而, 你若不在主的引導下上街購物, 你會發死好幾天 在那段時間, 你無法好好禱告, 或到主面前去 你會講理說, 買那件特別的衣服並沒有甚麼錯 雖然以道德來說, 沒有甚麼錯, 但你的靈會告訴你, 只要你穿上那件衣服, 你就無法在神面前禱告 雖然你沒有神的同在也可以禱告, 但除非你脫下那件衣服, 你總不能禱告到神面前 那時你該怎麼作? 你該跳到銅海裏 玻璃海 ( 啟四 6) 也表徵這浸 啟示錄四章, 約翰在靈裏看見神的寶座 在寶座前有一個玻璃海 這是甚麼意思? 銅表明審判, 玻璃的意思是暴露 銅海或洗濯盆內所洗的東西, 從旁邊無法看見, 但玻璃海既明如水晶, 在裏面洗滌的每件東西就都可以看見 在啟示錄十五章二節, 玻璃海中還攙雜著火 這也是宇宙之浸的一個表號 這海中攙雜著火 ; 海當然該充滿水, 但這海卻攙雜著火 這是甚麼意思? 因著撒但和人的墮落, 舊造已經受神審判 神從起頭就一再的審判 神用水審判了亞當以前的世代 在挪亞的時候, 神也用水審判了亞當的世代 但在洪水以後, 神說, 不再用水審判這世界了 ( 創九 11 ) 祂要用火審判 所以在啟示錄十五章二節, 這海攙雜著火 ; 火在海中燒著 神對墮落的舊造所施行的審判有兩種 : 一種是用水, 一種是用火 玻璃海中攙雜著火, 最後要總結為火湖 ( 啟二十 Life-Study of Genesis - Message 31 - Page 8 - 創世記生命讀經第三十一篇第 8 頁

lake of fire (Rev. 20:10, 14-15). Everything that was buried at the time of your baptism will go to the lake of fire. Revelation 15:2-3 reveals that the saved ones are standing upon the sea of glass rejoicing and singing. They sing two kinds of songs the song of Moses, which was first sung at the shore of the Red Sea, and the song of the Lamb. They sing the song of Moses because Moses brought them through the Red Sea, and they sing the song of the Lamb of God because He has brought them through the sea of baptism. Thus, all the saved ones are on the sea of glass. This is the universal baptistery. Eventually, all created things will be burned (2 Pet. 3:6-7, 10, 12). The entire creation will pass through baptism, and the oldness will be burned and washed by the burning fire into the lake of fire. That is the universal baptistery. d. No More World and No More Judging Water in the New Heaven and the New Earth Eventually, the new heaven and the new earth, the new creation, will be brought to the presence of God, and the New Jerusalem will descend. The presence of God will be there. There will be no more sea (Rev. 21:1). The lake of fire will be the consummation of all the baptisms throughout the ages. Everything else will be in the presence of the very God who will take the New Jerusalem as His eternal habitation. Thus, to be saved through water means that whatever is not of God and for God must be washed away by the flood. Ultimately, this flood will be mingled with fire and consummate in the lake of fire. We who have been washed from all things other than God shall be in the consummation of the New Jerusalem. The principle is the same in the church life today. The church is a miniature of the New Jerusalem and the baptistery is a figure of the lake of fire. Every baptism is a picture showing us how all the negative things buried in the baptistery will flow into the lake of fire. Let me ask you, where is your worldly shopping? Where are your new fashions? Where are your long hair and short skirts? They are all in the baptistery. The baptistery will transfer them to the lake of fire. This is what it means to be saved through water. This salvation will terminate the old age and usher in the new age. This salvation will bring us out of the old, crooked, and perverse generation and will usher us into the kingdom of Christ. Therefore, the next message will be on the kingdom life in resurrection. 10,14 ~ 15 ) 在你受浸時所埋葬的一切, 都要歸到火湖裏去 啟示錄十五章二至三節啟示, 得救的人站在玻璃海上歡樂歌唱 他們唱兩種歌 - 摩西的歌 ( 那歌第一次是在紅海邊唱的 ), 和羔羊的歌 他們唱摩西的歌, 因為摩西帶他們經過紅海 ; 他們唱神羔羊的歌, 因為祂帶他們經過浸的海 因此, 一切得救的人都在玻璃海上 這是一個宇宙的大浸池 至終一切受造之物都要被焚燒 ( 彼後三 6 ~ 7,10,12 ) 全部受造之物都要經過這浸, 一切的老舊都要被焚燒, 並被這焚燒的火沖刷到火湖裏 那是宇宙的大浸池 (d) 新天新地裏不再有世界, 也不再有審判的水 至終, 新天新地, 新造, 要被帶到神面前, 新耶路撒冷要從天降下 神的同在就在那裏 海也不再有了 ( 啟二一 1 ) 歷世歷代一切的浸都要終結於火湖 其餘的一切事物都要在以新耶路撒冷為祂永遠居所的神面前 因此, 藉水得救的意思乃是凡不屬於神的, 不為著神的, 必要被洪水洗去 最終, 這洪水要攙雜著火, 並終結於火湖 我們這些人既把一切神以外的事物洗去, 就要終結為新耶路撒冷 今天召會生活的原則也是這樣 召會是新耶路撒冷的小影, 浸池是火湖的豫表 每次的受浸都是一幅圖畫, 告訴我們, 埋葬在浸池中的一切消極事物, 要怎樣流到火湖裏 讓我問你, 你那屬世的逛街購物到那裏去了? 你那時髦的時尚到那裏去了? 你的長髮和短裙到那裏去了? 這些都在浸池裏了 浸池要把這些轉送到火湖裏 這就是藉水得救的意義 這救恩要了結舊的世代, 引進新的世代 這救恩要把我們從老舊 彎曲和悖謬的世代中帶出來, 引我們進入基督的國 所以我們到下一篇信息要來看, 在復活裏的國度生活 Life-Study of Genesis - Message 31 - Page 9 - 創世記生命讀經第三十一篇第 9 頁

Life-Study of Genesis Message 32 Life in Resurrection (1) In the last message we saw that Noah and the people with him in the ark passed through the flood waters. As we have seen, passing through the water was a type of the baptism in the New Testament. After the flood, the ark rested upon the mountains of Ararat (Gen. 8:4). That also was a sign, a type, a shadow of the resurrection of Christ. According to the Bible, the ark was a type of Christ. The ark passing through water signifies Christ passing through the death waters under God s judgment. When the ark rested upon the mountains, it signified that Christ was resurrected out of the death waters. E. Life in Resurrection The Bible is marvelous. Genesis 8:4 says that the ark rested upon the mountains of Ararat on the seventeenth day of the seventh month. If you read the Bible carefully along with history and the best lexicons, you will find that, at the time of the Passover in Egypt, the seventh month was changed to the first (Exo. 12:2). The Jews have two kinds of calendars, the civil calendar and the sacred calendar. The civil calendar was the old one, and the sacred calendar was the new one, which began from the first Passover. When God told the Israelites to have the Passover, He told them that that month had to be counted as the first month of the year. In Hebrew the name of that month was Abib (Exo. 13:4), which means sprouting, budding, fresh ears of corn. This signifies that, in the eyes of God, the Passover was counted as a new beginning of life. Why do I point this out? Because the Lord Jesus was crucified on the day of the Passover, on the fourteenth day of the month (Exo. 12:6; John 18:28). According to the sacred calendar, He was crucified in the first month, and according to the civil calendar, He was crucified in the seventh month, the same month as when the ark rested upon the mount. The Lord was crucified on the fourteenth day of that month and was resurrected three days later. Thus, according to the sacred calendar, Christ was resurrected on the seventeenth day of the first month. According to the civil calendar, it was on the seventeenth day of the seventh month, the very day that the ark rested upon the mountains of Ararat. So, in that early type of the ark resting upon the mountain, we were told the exact date of the resurrection of Christ. This is wonderful. In 1 Peter 3:20-21, Peter connected the resurrection of Christ to the ark. He said that eight souls, were brought safely through by water: which figure also now saves you, baptism..through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The figure of baptism also saves us through resurrection. I 創世記生命讀經 第三十二篇 在復活裏的生活 ( 一 ) 我們在前一篇信息看過, 挪亞和他的家人在方舟裏經過了洪水 我們看見, 經過洪水是新約裏受浸的豫表 洪水之後, 方舟停在亞拉臘山上 ( 創八 4 ) 那也是基督復活的表徵 豫表 影兒 按照聖經, 方舟是基督的豫表 方舟經過洪水, 表徵基督經過神審判下的死水 方舟停在山頂上, 表徵基督從死水中復活 5 在復活裏的生活 聖經太奇妙了 創世記八章四節說, 方舟在七月十七日停在亞拉臘山上 你若仔細的讀經, 參照歷史和最好的希伯來文辭典, 你會發現以色列人在埃及過逾越節的時候, 把七月改成了一月 ( 出十二 2 ) 猶太人有兩種曆書, 一種是民曆, 一種是聖曆 前者是舊曆 ; 後者是新曆, 開始於第一個逾越節 當神吩咐以色列人過逾越節, 就要他們以那月為那年的正月 那月在希伯來文稱為亞筆月,( 出十三 4,) 意思是穀物的萌芽 蓓蕾 新穗 這表徵在神眼中, 逾越節算作生命新的開始 我為甚麼指出這點? 因為主耶穌是在逾越節那天, 就是那月的十四日,( 出十二 6, 約十八 28,) 被釘十字架 按照聖曆, 祂是在正月被釘十字架 ; 按照民曆, 祂是在七月, 正是方舟停在山上的那月, 被釘十字架 主在那月的十四日被釘十字架, 並且三天後復活 因此, 按照聖曆, 基督是在正月十七日復活 ; 按照民曆, 是在七月十七日, 正是方舟停在亞拉臘山的那日 所以在方舟停在山上這個早期的豫表裏, 已經告訴我們基督復活正確的日子 這真是太奇妙了 彼前三章二十至二十一節, 彼得把基督復活聯於方舟 他說, 藉著水安全得救的不多, 只有八個人 這水所豫表的浸, 現在藉著耶穌基督復活, 也拯救你們 這水所豫表的浸, 也 Life-Study of Genesis - Message 32 - Page 1 - 創世記生命讀經第三十二篇第 1 頁

say once again that the ark resting upon the mountaintop signified Christ s resurrection out from the death waters. The month and day of both were exactly the same. 1. A Shadow of the Church a. Resurrected with Christ What do we find after the resurrection? We see a new living. Noah and the seven other people had a new living. I would also like to call your attention to the fact that the number of people in the ark was eight. The number eight means resurrection. A week has seven days, and the beginning of a new week is the eighth day. Christ was resurrected on the first day of the week, that is, on the eighth day (John 20:1). So, the number eight signifies resurrection. In this new living, the people were in resurrection. Whatever they did was in resurrection. Not many Christians realize the true significance of the type in this portion of the Word. We should understand this portion of the Word in the way of typology. All Christians agree that the ark was a type of Christ, and 1 Peter 3:20-21 tells us clearly that the passing through the flood was a prefigure of baptism. Based upon these two facts, we must realize that everything related to Noah and to the seven people that were with him after the flood must also be a part of the complete type, forming a full picture of the type. We should not stop with saying that the passing through the flood was a type of baptism and that the ark resting on the mountain was a type of Christ s resurrection. What about the life of the eight persons after the flood? In other words, what about the living of the people after the resurrection? What does the living of those eight people after the flood signify? It signifies the church life. The living of the resurrected people after the resurrection was the church life. This is absolutely logical. The eight persons in the ark signify us, the New Testament believers. I would like to say a word to the young people. When I was a young Christian, I exercised my mentality very much about the statements in the Bible that say that we are in Christ. I tried to figure out how we could be in Christ. I could neither see the reality of this nor understand its significance. One day, as I was considering what Noah s ark passed through, the Lord showed me that the eight persons in the ark were a picture showing us how it is that we are in Christ. Those eight persons were in the ark when the ark passed through the flood. Thus, they also passed through the flood in the ark, but they themselves did not touch the flood. It was the ark that withstood the flood waters. 藉復活拯救我們 我再說, 方舟停在山頂, 表徵基督從死水中復活 那兩件事發生的月分和日期完全相同 a 召會的小影 ( 一 ) 與基督同復活 我們在復活以後看到了甚麼? 我們看到新的生活 挪亞和他家的七口人有了新的生活 我還要請你們注意一件事實, 在方舟裏的人數是八人 八 這數字表示復活 一週有七天, 新一週的開始是第八天 基督是在一週的第一天, 也就是第八天復活 ( 約二十 1 ) 所以 八 這數字表徵復活 在這新的生活裏, 人是在復活裏 凡他們所作的, 都在復活裏 沒有多少基督徒領會, 這段聖經裏的豫表真正的意義是甚麼 我們該按照豫表領會這一段聖經 所有的基督徒都同意, 方舟是基督的豫表 彼前三章二十至二十一節清楚告訴我們, 經過洪水是受浸的豫表 基於這兩件事實, 我們必須了解, 一切與挪亞並洪水後與他在一起的七個人有關的, 都是那完整豫表的一部分, 構成那豫表的全幅圖畫 經過洪水是受浸的豫表, 方舟停在山上是基督復活的豫表, 但我們不該只說到這裏為止 經過洪水之後八個人的生活怎樣? 換句話說, 在復活之後, 那些人的生活怎樣? 洪水之後那八個人的生活, 乃是表徵召會生活 復活的人在復活後的生活就是召會生活 這絕對是合邏輯的 方舟裏的八個人表徵我們新約的信徒 我要對年輕人說一些話 當我年輕的時候, 我對聖經所說我們在基督裏這句話, 很花腦筋去研究 我要想通, 我們如何能在基督裏 但我既沒有看見在基督裏的實際, 也不明白牠的意義 有一天, 我正在想挪亞的方舟經過了甚麼, 主給我看見, 那在方舟裏的八個人是一幅圖畫, 表明我們是怎樣的在基督裏 當方舟經過洪水的時候, 那八個人是在方舟裏, 因此, 他們也經過了洪水, 只是他們自己並沒有接觸到洪水 乃是方舟抵擋了洪水 這回答了兩個問題 : 基督的釘十 Life-Study of Genesis - Message 32 - Page 2 - 創世記生命讀經第三十二篇第 2 頁

This answers the questions of how Christ s crucifixion can be ours and how we were crucified in Christ. When the ark came out of the flood, the eight people in it also came out. When the ark rested upon the mountaintop, the eight persons also were resurrected and rested on the mountaintop in the ark. Ephesians 2:6 says that we were raised up together with Christ. Before we were born, we were resurrected. When Christ was resurrected out from the death waters, we were in Him. Therefore, in the church we are resurrected people. If we look at the picture of the type, we shall see that the church is another community; it is not the old society. The old community and society have been buried. When we were baptized, we buried the old community and society. The flood came and buried Noah s old society, and only eight persons were resurrected. Now the living of those eight persons on the new line must be a type of the church life. We are the church people, and the church people are a resurrected people. We are another community, another society. The church life is a new community. After the flood, the eight persons saved through the ark began to have a new living. Before the flood, they saw many evil and ungodly things. But they were saved, separated, resurrected, and ushered into a new living. That new living was a type of the church life. In addition to all the other seeds sown in the book of Genesis, the seed of the church life is also sown there. Every part of the living of the eight people was a prefigure of a part of the church life. b. The Fleshly Ones, Signified by the Raven, Going Back to the World Judged by God Before the eight people began their new living on the new earth, Noah conducted some tests. He sent forth a raven and a dove (8:7-12). The raven represents the fleshly people. If you read Leviticus 11 carefully, you will find that the raven is an unclean bird. All of the unclean birds are unclean because they eat the dead things, the carcasses. In other words, they eat death. They are unclean because they feed on death. Death is filthy in the eyes of God. According to the Old Testament, once a person contacted death, he immediately became unclean. While the unclean birds ate death, the clean birds ate grain, cereal. In every grain there is life. The clean birds are clean because they feed on life. In the eyes of God, nothing is as clean as life, and nothing is as unclean as death. Do you eat death or life? Do you eat the carcass or the seed? Whoever eats carcasses is a raven, and whoever eats seeds is a dove. 字架何以能成為我們的釘十字架, 以及我們何以能在基督裏釘十字架 當方舟從洪水出來, 那方舟裏的八個人也從洪水出來 當方舟停在亞拉臘山頂上, 那八個人也復活並在方舟裏停在山頂上 以弗所二章六節說, 我們與基督一同復活 在我們出生以先, 我們就已復活了 當基督從死水中復活時, 我們就在祂裏面, 所以在召會中, 我們是復活的人 我們若注意看這幅豫表的圖畫, 會看見召會是另一種團體, 她並不是舊的社會 舊團體和舊社會已經被埋葬了 當我們受浸時, 我們埋葬了舊團體和舊社會 洪水來到, 埋葬了挪亞的舊社會, 只有八個人復活了 現在那八個人在新境界裏的生活, 必是召會生活的豫表 我們是召會人, 而召會人是復活的人 我們是另一種團體, 另一種社會 召會生活是一種新的團體 在洪水之後, 藉方舟得救的八個人開始過新的生活 在洪水之前, 他們見過許多邪惡和不敬虔的事 但他們得救了, 分別了, 復活了, 並被引進新的生活 這新生活乃是召會生活的豫表 在創世記中除了其他那些種子外, 召會生活的種子也撒在那裏 那八個人生活的每一部分, 都是召會生活豫表的一部分 ( 二 ) 屬肉體的人, 由烏鴉所表徵, 回到被神審判的世界 在那八個人開始在新地上過新生活之前, 挪亞作了幾樣試驗 他放出一隻烏鴉和一隻鴿子 ( 創八 7 ~ 12 ) 烏鴉表徵屬肉體的人 你若仔細讀利未記十一章, 會看見烏鴉是不潔淨的鳥 一切不潔淨的鳥, 都是因為喫死的東西 - 屍體, 所以成為不潔 換句話說, 牠們喫死亡 牠們不潔淨, 因為牠們以死亡為食物 在神眼中, 死亡是污穢的 按照舊約, 人一接觸死亡, 就立刻變為不潔 不潔的鳥喫死亡, 潔淨的鳥卻喫穀類的子粒 每一子粒中都有生命 潔淨的鳥因為以生命為食物, 所以是潔淨的 在神眼中, 沒有比生命更潔淨的, 也沒有比死亡更污穢的 你是喫死亡呢, 還是喫生命? 你是喫屍體呢, 還是喫種子? 喫屍體的是烏鴉, 喫種子的是鴿子 Life-Study of Genesis - Message 32 - Page 3 - 創世記生命讀經第三十二篇第 3 頁

Noah was wise and firstly sent out a raven. When the raven left the ark, it was as if he had come out of a cage. He saw the carcasses floating on the water of judgment and began to feed on them. When he was confined in the ark, he had no opportunity to eat carcasses, because there was no death in the ark. However, as he left the ark, he saw that the surface of the water was filled with carcasses, filled with death. What does this mean? It means that within the church there is no death and that all the ravens are being starved. In the church, the people who are accustomed to feeding on death are starving. One day, when there is the opportunity to get out, the ravens will fly away and begin to feed on the carcasses. Throughout the years, I have seen a good number of such ravens. They were in the church life for awhile, but went out to contact the world that was judged by God and began to feed on the carcasses. Anyone that loves the condemned world resembles a raven feeding on the things of death. Even Demas, who was once with the Apostle Paul, loved the world and forsook Paul (2 Tim. 4:10). To love the world is to feed on the dead things condemned and judged by God. c. The Spiritual Ones, Signified by the Dove, Staying with the Church and Caring for Life in the Spirit After sending out a raven, Noah sent a dove. The dove could not find a resting place, because the earth was still filled with death waters. So, since there was no place for her, the dove returned to the ark (8:9). After seven days, Noah sent the dove out again, and this time she returned with a fresh olive leaf (8:11, ASV). In typology, olive signifies the Spirit, and the new, fresh, olive leaf signifies the new life in the Spirit. The dove saw the fresh olive leaf and plucked it. It was a sign of life. 挪亞很聰明, 先放出一隻烏鴉 烏鴉離開方舟以後, 好像出了囚籠, 看見浮在審判的水面上的屍體, 就喫這些屍體 當牠被關在方舟裏, 牠沒有機會喫屍體, 因為方舟裏沒有死亡 然而, 當牠飛出方舟, 看見水面上滿了屍體, 滿了死亡 這是甚麼意思? 這是指在召會中沒有死亡, 所有的烏鴉都在挨餓 在召會中, 那些習慣以死亡為食物的人都挨了餓 有一天, 有機會出去時, 這些烏鴉就要飛出去, 開始喫屍體 多年來, 我看過好多這樣的 烏鴉 他們在召會生活中過了一段時候, 又出去接觸神所審判的世界, 又去喫屍體 無論甚麼人喜愛那被定罪的世界, 就像一隻烏鴉喫死亡的東西 甚至曾經和保羅在一起的底馬, 也貪愛世界, 離棄保羅 ( 提後四 10 ) 愛世界就是喫神所定罪並審判的死東西 ( 三 ) 屬靈的人, 由鴿子所表徵, 留在召會中, 顧到那靈裏的生活 挪亞放出一隻烏鴉後, 又放出一隻鴿子 那隻鴿子找不到安身之處, 因為地上仍然滿了死水 既然沒有落腳之處, 所以鴿子又回到方舟 ( 創八 9 ) 七天以後挪亞再放出那隻鴿子, 這一次鴿子回來帶著一片青嫩的橄欖葉 ( 創八 11, 英譯美國標準本 ) 在豫表上, 橄欖表徵聖靈, 而青嫩的橄欖葉表徵在那靈裏的新生命 鴿子看見了青嫩的橄欖葉, 就擰了一片, 這是生命的象徵 In order to open a new opportunity for the church, a fresh olive leaf is needed. If we are going to have a church in a certain city, we should send one or two doves to see whether or not there is some fresh olive leaf. If there is, then it is possible to have the church life in that city. Otherwise, the doves should return to the ark. When Noah sent the dove the third time, she did not return, because the land of life was exposed. This also is a sign that we may have the church life. Suppose certain saints intend to start the church life in a particular city. They must determine whether the death waters are rising up or whether they have abated. If the water has abated and some olive trees have come up with fresh leaves, that may be a sign that the church should be there. They need to wait until the death waters have abated and the land of life has arisen. That will be the time for them to start the church life. Before we begin to have 為了使召會有新的開展, 需要青嫩的橄欖葉 我們若要在某城市建立召會, 必須先差派一兩位 鴿子 去看看, 是否有青嫩的橄欖葉 若是有, 在那城裏就可能有召會生活 不然, 鴿子就要回到方舟 挪亞第三次放出鴿子, 牠沒有再回來, 因為生命的地已經露出來了 這也是我們可以建立召會生活的表徵 假設一些聖徒要在某城開始召會生活, 他們必須斷定, 死亡的水是在上漲呢, 還是已經退去? 若是死水已經退去, 橄欖樹長出新葉, 這就是召會可以在那裏建立的記號 他們必須等到死水退去, 生命的地露出來, 那纔是他們開始召會生活的時機 我 Life-Study of Genesis - Message 32 - Page 4 - 創世記生命讀經第三十二篇第 4 頁

the church life in any place, we must act according to the same principle, testing the situation to see whether or not it is good for the church life. d. Offering Christ to God Signified by the Offerings and through the Cross Signified by the Altar What did the resurrected people do after they came out of the ark and started their new living? The first thing they did upon coming out of the ark was to build an altar and offer sacrifices to God (8:20-22). The first thing in the church life should not be work; it must be the offering of Christ to God through the cross. Noah built an altar and offered sacrifices to God (8:20). Both the altar and the sacrifices are types. The altar is a type of the cross of Christ, and the sacrifices are types of the different aspects of Christ. We must offer Christ in different aspects to God. We must offer to God the Christ we have experienced. If we experience Christ as the burnt offering, then we should bring Him as such to God and offer Him to God. God wants us to bring Christ to Him. When we experience Christ and bring the Christ whom we have experienced to God, this is what pleases God. We must offer Christ to God for His satisfaction. In the church life, we must pay attention to this. We need to learn how to experience Christ, bring Him to God, and share Him with God. This is what God will accept. We offer Christ to God through the cross. Do not work go to the cross. Do not try to do anything or to behave go to the cross. What will the cross do with you? It will only do one thing: it will cross you out. Before you do anything for God, you should go to the cross and let it cross you out. If a young man wants to obey the commandment to honor his parents, he should first let the cross cross him out. If a husband wants to love his wife, he also must be crossed out. The same is true for a wife who intends to submit herself to her husband. Are you going to work for God? Before working for Him, you must come to the cross and be crossed out. Eventually, there will be no natural work, service, or behavior. After you pass through the cross, only Christ will remain. Such a Christ will be a sweet savor to God. 1) Satisfying God When we, through the cross, offer to God the Christ whom we have experienced, God will be satisfied. We all must be crossed out at the altar that we may offer the Christ whom we have experienced in our daily life. How I thank the Lord that throughout the years the churches in this country have been practicing these two points. We are being crossed 們在任何地方開始召會生活, 都必須照這原則來作, 試驗那地的光景, 看看是否適合召會的生活 ( 四 ) 將基督獻給神, 由獻祭所表徵, 經過十字架, 由祭壇所表徵 那些復活的人走出方舟, 開始新生活之後, 作些甚麼? 他們走出方舟後所作的第一件事是築壇, 獻祭給神 ( 創八 20 ~ 22 ) 召會生活裏的第一件事不該是工作, 必須是藉著十字架將基督獻給神 挪亞築壇, 獻祭給神 ( 創八 20 ) 祭壇與祭物都是豫表 : 祭壇是基督十字架的豫表, 祭物是基督各方面的豫表 我們必須在各方面將基督獻給神, 我們必須將我們所經歷的基督獻給神 我們若經歷基督是燔祭, 我們就要將這樣的基督帶來獻給神 神要我們把基督帶來給祂 當我們經歷基督, 並把所經歷的基督帶給神, 這是討神喜悅的 我們必須把基督獻給神, 使神得著滿足 在召會生活中, 我們必須注意這事 我們需要學習怎樣經歷基督, 把祂帶給神, 與神同享, 這是神所悅納的 我們是藉著十字架把基督獻給神 不要作工 - 要就近十字架 不要想要有甚麼作為或行動 要就近十字架 十字架要怎樣對付你? 牠只作一件事 : 把你除去 在你為主作任何事之先, 你應當就近十字架, 讓牠把你除去 少年人若要遵行誡命尊敬父母, 他應當先讓十字架把他除去 丈夫若要愛他的妻子, 他也必須被除去 妻子要服從她的丈夫, 也是一樣 你要去為神作工麼? 在為祂作工之先, 你必須就近十字架並被除去 至終, 就沒有天然的工作 事奉和行為 你在經過十字架之後, 就只留下基督 這樣的基督就是獻給神的馨香之氣 (1) 滿足神 當我們藉十字架把我們所經歷的基督獻給神, 神就得著滿足 我們都必須在祭壇那裏被除去, 使我們能把我們日常生活所經歷的基督獻上 我真感謝主, 多年來在美國的眾召會一直實行這兩件事 我們都一直被除去, 也 Life-Study of Genesis - Message 32 - Page 5 - 創世記生命讀經第三十二篇第 5 頁

out and also are experiencing Christ, bringing Him to God, and sharing Him with one another in the presence of God. Whenever we come together in this way, we have the assurance that God is satisfied. How do we know that He is satisfied? Because we are satisfied. When you are hungry, be sure that God also is hungry. When you are unhappy, God is unhappy. But when you are satisfied, the very God to whom you offer Christ is satisfied also. The more you work by yourself, the more unsatisfied you will be. The more you try to behave yourself, the more you will sense that you are hungry and thirsty. However, once you have been crossed out on the cross and have experienced Christ in a full way, you will be filled, happy, and satisfied. You will say, Hallelujah, I m filled and satisfied. I m at peace. I have food and water. I have everything. This is the indication that God is satisfied. 2) Keeping the Curse Away Offering Christ to God through the cross keeps the curse away. As a result of man s first fall, man was put under the curse (3:17). What is the curse? Ultimately, the curse is death. Death, including all other sufferings, is the consummation of the curse. Our offering of Christ to God through the cross keeps the curse away. This means that it keeps death away. All murmurings, gossipings, criticisms, complainings, etc. are signs of the curse of death. All these are done away by the experience of Christ through the cross. Without the experience of Christ through the cross, we would be under the curse of death, murmuring, gossiping, criticizing, and complaining. Then, if we come to the church meeting, we shall be under the curse of death. Whenever we come to a meeting and have the sensation that the meeting is under death, it means that the meeting is more or less under some curse. But when we come to a meeting and it is filled with life and we have the sensation that something is living, glowing, and shining, there is no curse there. The curse is kept away. Instead of the curse of death, we have the blessing of life. In the Bible, the consummate curse is death, and the greatest blessing is life. Life is the commanded blessing of God (Psa. 133:3). In a good meeting of the church, death is swallowed up and the curse is kept away. 3) Bringing Blessing to the Earth Offering Christ to God through the cross brings blessing to the earth (8:22). Eight items are mentioned in Genesis 8:22. The first is the seedtime, the time of sowing the seed. In the church life, we must sow Christ into others. We must preach the gospel and minister Christ as the seed of life to others. When we sow 一直經歷基督, 把祂帶給神, 並在神面前彼此同享基督 每當我們這樣聚集, 我們確信神得著了滿足 我們怎麼知道神得著了滿足? 因為我們得著滿足了 當你飢餓的時候, 神必定也在飢餓 當你不快樂的時候, 神也不快樂 但是當你得著滿足, 那得了你所獻上基督的神也滿足了 你越憑自己作工, 就越得不著滿足 ; 你越想自己作好, 就越感覺飢渴 然而, 一旦你在十字架上被除去, 並且完滿的經歷了基督, 你就飽足 喜樂 滿足了 你會說, 阿利路亞! 我飽足了, 我滿足了, 我平安了, 我有喫有喝 我甚麼都有 這就是神得著了滿足的標示 (2) 使咒詛遠離 藉十字架把基督獻給神, 就使咒詛遠離 人第一次墮落的結果, 使人落在咒詛之下 ( 創三 17 ) 甚麼是咒詛? 咒詛至終就是死亡 死亡, 包括其他一切的苦難, 乃是咒詛的終結 我們藉十字架獻上基督, 就使咒詛遠離了 這就是使死亡遠離了 一切的怨言 閒談 批評 埋怨等都是死亡之咒詛的標記 靠著藉十字架經歷基督, 就把這些除去了 若沒有藉著十字架經歷基督, 我們就會落在死亡的咒詛 - 怨言 閒談 批評以及埋怨 - 之下 那時, 我們若來到聚會中, 就會在死亡的咒詛之下 每當我們來到聚會中, 感覺聚會很死, 就表示這聚會多少是在咒詛之下 然而當我們參加一個聚會, 其中滿了生命, 我們也感到活潑 生動 明亮, 就表示那裏沒有咒詛 咒詛已經除去了 我們沒有死亡的咒詛, 我們有生命的祝福 在聖經裏, 終結的咒詛乃是死亡, 而最大的祝福乃是生命 生命是神所命定的福 ( 詩一三三 3 ) 在召會好的聚會裏, 死亡被吞滅, 咒詛也遠離了 (3) 把祝福帶給地 藉十字架把基督獻給神, 就把祝福帶給地 ( 創八 22 ) 創世記八章二十二節說到八項祝福 第一項是稼, 就是播種的時節 在召會生活中, 我們必須將基督撒播到別人裏面 我們必須傳福音, 將基督當作生命的種 Life-Study of Genesis - Message 32 - Page 6 - 創世記生命讀經第三十二篇第 6 頁