Microsoft PowerPoint - Wang Mou Renewable Energy Planning.ppt

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Renewable Energy Planning and Actions in China Wang Mou Research Centre of urban and environment studies Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Woodrow Wilson Centre 2008.11

Outline 1 Update of China renewable energy implementation 2 Renewable energy planning in China 3 Renewable energy development incentives

Due to the encouragement of the Society, renewable energy in China has a fast development process. As the definition of <Renewable Energy law>(issued in 2005, implemented on Jan.1st 2006), renewable energy including hydro, wind, solar, biomass, Geothermal, tides etc. Renewable energy development has been clearly stated in the <Renewable Energy law> as the priority technologies to be encouraged by Chinese Government

Renewable energy current situation in China Installed capacities of renewables: Hydro: 145GW with electricity generation of 483billion kwh rank the first place of the word, and account for 20% of the total installed capacity for electricity generation, 850GW of the world total hydro capacity Wind: 6GW; increase capacity of 2006-2007 is more than 3GW(CDM 2006 2.7 2007 4.4 GW), achieve increase rate of 148% per year. CDM2008 has reach to 6GW

Solar: Mainly for SWH, the area has been installed heat collector appliances already exceeded 100Million square meters the world biggest consumer in this regard. Biomass energy: 3GW biogas projects provided clean energy for more than 80 million rural families. Nuclear power : 9 GW 30.5% increase of 2006 (1 gigawatt = 1000 megawatt)

The share of renewables in energy mix increase form 4% of 1980 to 7.2% in 2007, which help to reduce the share of coal from 72.2% to 69.4%. Others, 23.8 Renewable, 4 Others, 23.4 Renewable, 7.2 Coal, 72.2 Coal, 69.4

The total amount of renewable energy could be converted into around 202 million tons of standard coal, a count for 8.5% of total primary energy consumption of China Renewable, 8.5 Others, 91.5

Renewable Energy Planning To address climate change and energy supply securities, Chinese government hold very positive attitude toward renewable energies

Middle and long term planning for Renewable energy Middle and long term planning for Renewable energy, issued in 2007, state that renewables are planned to take 15% share in energy mix of 2020.

Renewables in the year of 2020 According to this goal, the installation capacity of Hydro should be reach 300GW vs. 190GW of 2010, 145GW of 2007 Wind power, the 2020 30GW vs. 6GW of 2007, 5 times compared with current scale.(in the planning 5GW of 2010 has been exceeded) Biomass energy, 30GW of 2020 vs. 2.2GW of 2007 Solar energy, 1.8GW of 2020 vs. 300MW of 2010, 100MW of 2007

Current to 2020 Unit:GW items year 2007 2010 2020 Hydro 145 190 300 Wind 6 (5) 30 Biomass 2.2 30 Solar 0.1 0.3 1.8

Fast progress of target Two year but very big steps: Renewable Energy law issued in 2005,state that till 2010 the share of renewables should account no less than 5% of the energy mix; Middle and long term planning for Renewable energy (issued in 2007) state that renewables are planned to take 10% share of energy mix in 2010 as will as 15% in 2020.

To balance the development of various renewable energy Renewable energy planning also require renewable energy except Hydro should account for 1% of energy mix in 2010, and 3% in 2020 as well. To encourage diversity of renewable energy development.

Domestic: Tariff concession Incentives for RE development Key elements of wind turbine Import will implement tax reimbursement policy Value added tax preference Compared with the normal value added tax rate of 17%, biogas project are implement 13% rate, while hydro project enjoy 6% Soft loan Renewable energy project could apply for soft loan from different sources like special-purpose Soft loan for rural area energy improvement project and specialpurpose loan for technology inovation (former Committee of Economic Trade ) Supported price policy Some type of renewable energy would have supported price policy for example the electricity sold though major electricity grid form coal bed methane and biomass power plants would have 25cent increase price.

International: CDM & Carbon market

Development of wind power station Installation Capacity Unit: MW 2006 2007 2008.10 total 2686.6 4447.6 6023.6 13158

7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 2686.6 4447.6 6023.6 0 2006 2007 2008

Development of wind Hydro power Installation Capacity Unit: MW 2006 2007 2008.10 total 2139.8 12572.7 7637.4 22350

14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2006 2007 2008.10

Thank You!

从已经注册项目的装机容量来看,20MW 以下的项目有 57 个,50MW 以下的项目有 78 个,100MW 以下项目为 87 个, 而 100MW 以上的项目为 6 个 可见, 目前注册的水电项目中, 以中小型水电站为主

6% capacity pices 10% <20WM 20-50 <20MW 20-50MW 57 21 23% 61% 50-100 >100 50-100MW 9 >100MW 6 SUM 93

截止 2008 年 8 月 13 日发改委已批准的所有 CDM 项目来看, 如果都能注册成功, 水电项目年减排量为将可以达到 77,210,386CER, 相对于可再生能源 117,940,336CER 的年减排量占到 65%, 相对与全部 CDM 项目 293,631, 092CER, 水电项目所占比例为 26%

我国水电项目极具 CDM 开发的潜力 根据最新水电资源普查结果, 我国水电资源可开发量约为 5. 41 亿 kw, 其中 5 万 kw 以下的水电资源约为 1. 28 亿 kw 这部分水电资源目前已开发约 32 %, 剩余的 68%( 约为 8 600 万 kw) 最适合开发 CDM 项目 如果能将这 8 600 万 kw 装机的水电资源的 10 % 按照 CDM 规则开发成功, 可能产生 2 800 万 t CO2 的年减排量, 所以我国水电仍然是非常有潜力的 CDM 项目

谢谢! Thank You!