2 May 16-31, 2018 We are one, says Bertam boy Story by Tanushalini Moroter Pix by Ahmad Adil Muhamad DATUK. Ahmad Zakiyuddin Abdul Rahman, 59 was comp

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DCMs on racial unity path pg 2,3 专访曹观友打造永续经济发展 珍珠快讯 第 2 版 buletin FREE Competency Accountability Transparency May 16-31, 2018 http:www.facebook.com/chowkonyeow All systems go for Transport Master Plan Story by Victor Seow Pix by Darwina Mohd Daud CHIEF Minister Chow Kon Yeow was sworn in as Chief Minister of Penang on May 14, the fifth since the nation achieved Independence in 1957. On May 28, he shared his thoughts with Buletin Mutiara on his vision and aspirations for the second most industrialised state in Malaysia after Selangor despite also being the second smallest state in the country by land mass after Perlis. My focus for the next 100 days is to pick up from where we stopped in terms of carrying out the Penang Transport Master Plan (TMP) especially in areas where federal approval is needed. Zenith Consortium s officers have informed me that they are able to carry out what is required of them to resume the project. They (Zenith Consortium) will be focusing on Package 2 which involves the road that links Tun Dr. Lim Chong Eu Expressway and Bandar Baru Air Itam. This shall be their main project because of its high impact in easing the traffic flow in a densely populated area which covers Farlim, Air Itam and Paya Terubong. After this, their next focus will be on Tanjong Bunga and Teluk Bahang which come under another package. It is important too but in terms of easing traffic flow, its impact is less compared to Package 2. Package 3 connects Jalan Pangkor to Tun Dr. Lim Chong Eu Expressway via Jalan Perak and Jalan Sungai Pinang. For the time being, Package 3 is still awaiting a decision by the state government on the suitable design. SRS Consortium, on its part, has affirmed its commitment to the state to do what s necessary to obtain federal approval for the LRT project between Komtar and Bayan Lepas. Another project under them is the Penang Island Link that connects Bayan Lepas and Gurney Drive. At least in these few months, we can see some movement forward, he said. While the leadership styles of previous CM Lim Guan Eng and Chow might differ, both men share a common objective of bringing out the best of Penang for her people. Chow sheds light on certain aspects of the economy which coupled with the environment, is a major cause for concern among Penangites. Apart from continuing with the good work of former chief minister Lim Guan Eng for the past decade, I also intend to ensure there s economic sustainability with growth. This means there shall be no inhibition of economic growth, industrialisation, development in housing and property for commercial purposes, agriculture and fishery for the state to achieve second or third placing nationwide. To encourage growth in these sectors, I would also like to include environment sustainability. This is because the people now are very concerned with the impact of development towards the environment, said Chow, who s also Padang Kota assemblymember and Tanjong MP. The relationship between federal and state agencies was once combative, to say the least, but GE14 changed that and Chow hopes these agencies will work in tandem for the people s well-being. State secretary Datuk Seri Farizan Darus gave a briefing for federal and state agencies last week on the changes (in federal and state relations). He said these agencies are now back to the pre-2008 status quo in which the state and federal governments are formed by the same coalition. My visits to the various departments and agencies in Penang were also attended by officers from federal agencies. I Chow believes in proper time management to ease the flow of his workload. welcome this positive change because together, we can do more for the people, Chow said. The chief minister also gave Buletin Mutiara an insight into his workload, working habits and the amount of rest he needs after a day at work. There is a difference in my work routine as compared to before when I was a state executive councillor. My previous portfolios of Local Government, Traffic Management and Flood Mitigation were collectively a very heavy workload. No matter how heavy they are, they are only three portfolios. But now as CM, I oversee the overall operations of the entire state government. Despite the heavy workload, very much depends on proper time management. The first week (after becoming chief minister) was rather stress-free because the workload hadn t stepped in. But in the second week, the workload just kept coming in. With proper time management, everything is still fine and running smoothly. What do I do outside working hours? Well, I work as well. I attend functions in the evenings and as it is now Ramadan, it is buka puasa events for me throughout this month. I consistently leave my office at 7.30pm because the functions I attend in the evening usually begin at 8pm. It will be almost 11pm when I reach home. I try to get six hours of sleep, seven is a luxury while five hours is when I have no choice, Chow told Buletin Mutiara. 10% pay cut of CM, exco members goes to THM A DECISION has been made by the state executive council that the Chief Minister and his exco members shall have 10% of their salary deducted and the proceeds would be channeled to the Tabung Harapan Malaysia (Hope Fund for Malaysia THM) to alleviate the nation s debt. This was announced by Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow during a press conference on May 31. According to Chow, the exco s unanimous decision is in line with what was being done at Cabinet level by Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad and his Ministers. With this decision, as much as RM1,417.51 would be deducted from the chief minister s basic salary while for each of the 10 exco members, RM1,210.92 would be deducted. This results in the overall contribution of RM13,526.80 a month to the fund, Chow said. This pay cut officially comes into effect in June 2018 and will continue until further notice, he added.

2 May 16-31, 2018 We are one, says Bertam boy Story by Tanushalini Moroter Pix by Ahmad Adil Muhamad DATUK. Ahmad Zakiyuddin Abdul Rahman, 59 was completely taken by surprise with his appointment as Deputy Chief Minister I. Zakiyuddin who is warm, level headed and a man of wisdom. also chairs the Islamic Religious Affairs, Industrial Development and Community Relations portfolio. Penang was the first state to come up with the position of Deputy Chief Minister I and Deputy Chief Minister II where the representatives of all the three races are at the highest administration of the state During a recent chat with Buletin Mutiara, the Pinang Tunggal assemblymember shared some thoughts about him and his plans for the state. Background Upon completing his secondary school studies at Sekolah Menengah Sains Sungai Petani, Zakiyuddin did his A-Levels at the University of Salford, United Kingdom before pursuing his studies in the field of civil engineering. Looking at his career journey, Zakiyuddin served the Public Works Department (JKR) for 10 years as well as played a role in developing Bertam town in Northern Seberang Perai. He is highly regarded for his achievements in the field of engineering especially in the construction of mosques and learning institutions in Transkrian. Zakiyuddin (left) receiving his letter of appointment as Deputy Chief Minister I from State Secretary Datuk Seri Farizan Darus. Due to his affinity towards Bertam, Zakiyuddin sees himself as the Bertam Boy. Work Principle: First Things First As a new face appointed to the highest position of state administration, Zakiyuddin revealed that time tends to be his biggest challenge. It has been a while since I worked in a time setting of 8am to 5pm, so I need to get adjusted to it. Moreover this is Ramadan month, where you need to fulfil all your daily religious obligations (Islamic practices) and I m also having lack of sleep. So at the moment, I feel that time poses a big challenge for me, said Zakiyuddin. The newly-appointed Deputy Chief Minister I said he will work towards adapting himself to his new job function and learn more about it. And certainly with the birth of new Malaysia the expectations from the rakyat will also be a challenge to me. So I ll do it right (correctly) from the beginning itself when there is an opportunity, and will use First Things First motto as a guide in completing my tasks. We should execute our duties or responsibilities step by step just like the saying A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, added Zakiyuddin who takes inspiration from PKR (Parti Keadilan Rakyat) leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Unity among Penangites Zakiyuddin who holds the portfolio of Community Relations development, wants to see the unity of all FINANCE Minister Lim Guan Eng, while attending a thanksgiving lunch for Air Putih on May 27, shared his thoughts with the attendees over his appointment by Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. I don t want to be Finance Minister if I m chosen just because I m Chinese. I m Malaysian, I m not Chinese. You must choose me on the basis of my capability that I can deliver, said Lim, who is DAP secretarygeneral and Bagan MP. It s a very tough job but like what Tun Dr. Mahathir said, he chose me because of my ability that I had turned around Penang, he had seen the good financial performance of Penang and we recorded annual surpluses. That s why he wants the best to save the country. I would like to also thank the people of Penang whether they races in Penang to be enhanced, Since, I m holding the portfolio pertaining to community development I want to promote more interaction between all races, as we are one. I want to see people in Penang to live more harmoniously, at the same time live in brotherly love with each other, breaking the racial stereotyping as we are more coherent and more united. I also need to ensure that the JK- KKs (Village Development and Security Committees) play their part in delivering their services to the local community. The JKKK members are the front-liners who will be interacting with the rakyat so only those who are really qualified must be selected into the team, said Zakiyuddin who advocates oneness of the rakyat. Closing Thoughts What we can learn from our new Deputy Chief Minister I is that true success is not measured by our achievement but how we handle it, humility is the most important essence of all. Zakiyuddin, a leader who exhibits humility in his speech, gestures and thoughts, is definitely a role model for the younger generations to emulate. I am Malaysian, not Chinese, Finance Minister are Malay, Chinese or Indian because we won very big (in Penang) in the general election...37 out of 40. This gives me great hope because the people of Penang had shown that they want a new Malaysia. They want leaders who can work. This is a very heavy responsibility and we will fight for you everyday to make sure we will have a better country for our children, said Lim, who s also Air Putih assemblymember. Only when our children have hope for a brighter future can we dare to dream to make our dreams come true. We made the Penang dream come true but now it s not only about Penang anymore. It had been for Penang for the last 10 years. But now for me, it s a bigger journey. It s all about Malaysia. We will make the Malaysian dream come true, he added.

May 16-31, 2018 3 Building a Malaysia beyond race and religion NOW in his third-term as Penang Deputy Chief Minister II, Prof P. Ramasamy has still some unfinished tasks. The Perai assemblymember is optimistic that the gloom hovering over Malaysia can be lifted as long as Pakatan Harapan stays true to its commitment to build a better Malaysia. In an interview with Buletin Mutiara s K.H. ONG, he spoke on some issues close to his heart. Buletin Mutiara (BM): Please tell us something about your immediate family. Prof Ramasamy: I got married in 1982. My wife (K. Kalaiarasi) is a housewife. We have three grown children one son and two daughters. I made sure they got a sound education. Our son (Dr Vijaya Bharath, 36) is a consultant nephrologist. He just left UK and will be joining Lam Wah Ee Hospital on July 1. Our first daughter (R. Gayatri, 33) has just been promoted as assistant manager in B. Braun. She obtained her PhD in chemical engineering while working for the factory. Our second daughter (Sri Vaitheki) got her PhD from University College in London in biochemical and is currently a senior analyst in Penang Institute. BM: What were your interests when you were studying? Prof: I was very active in sports. I used to be a school sprinter and I was an avid rugby player. I also played soccer and hockey. I spent a lot of time in sports sometimes neglecting my studies. BM: What is your favourite pastime now? Prof: My hobby actually right now is writing. That s my passion. Writing gives me great comfort, a kind of catharsis. I contribute to online platforms like Malaysiakini and FMT. I write about 500 to 700 words on current issues in the morning around 6am or 6.30am. I write before I come to my office. The important thing I learn in my life is when you sit down to write, you are exact, you are precise. I can talk a lot of things and sometimes it can be loose. But when I write, I m very precise. So, when you speak later, you re also very precise, you re very definitive, you re very categorical. BM: When did you get involved in politics? Prof: I became very critical of the government during my UKM (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia) days. When I retired (from lecturing), I felt I should join a political party. I was having a good job lecturing at the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies in Singapore from 2006 to 2008, but Malaysia was always on my mind. We were all upset with things and at the same time, we felt the urge to improve things. One day when (Lim) Guan Eng came and told me to contest in the election in Penang, I said to myself that I better make a decision right now. Then, I gave a two-week resignation, came back, contested in Batu Kawan parliamentary seat and the Prai state seat in 2008 and won. BM: How did you know Guan Eng then? Prof: Oh, I had invited him and his father Kit Siang before for ceramah in UKM. BM: What change would you like to see in Malaysia now that Pakatan Harapan has captured Putrajaya? Prof: We re a different ethnic community. We have Malays, Chinese, Indians here, and if you go to Sabah and Sarawak, we have the Ibans, Muruts and others. We want to create a Malaysia that goes beyond race or religion. We want to make sure there s no discrimination in employment. I think one of the biggest problems in this country is that the Indians and Chinese have been discriminated in public employment. I think that has to be done away with. BM: Do you foresee hurdles? Prof: I think it s difficult to do in the beginning but we must take that significant step towards the future. If not, people will get upset with this country and will get upset with Pakatan Harapan for promising this and promising that but nothing is happening. BM: One of your portfolios is human resources. How do you apply that? Prof: I sit on the Penang Water Authority (PBA) and Penang Development Corporation committee, so I make sure there is a balanced employment. At one time during the Barisan (rule), mostly in the GLCs, they took in Malays. Yes, the reality says the Malays should be the majority but at the same time, we re saying we can take in the non-malays. Let s go for merit-based and we must not ignore the Chinese and Indians. Let s have a healthy balance. We are slowly implementing it at the council level. When we base on merit, eventually we ll have the good Malays, the good Chinese and the good Indians. No question about that. BM: As deputy chief minister and chairman of the Penang Hindu Endowment Board (PHEB), I am sure you have a heavy responsibility. Prof: Definitely. I am expected to take leadership in Indian affairs because our society is still very compartmentalised. They expect Indian leaders to look after Indian welfare. I think we re dealing with a historical problem here. The board was set up by the British in 1906. And today in Malaysia, Penang is the only state to have a Hindu endowment board. BM: Is there any state trying to emulate the Penang Hindu Endowment Board? Prof: People talk about how successful our board is and said they should have it in Selangor and Negri Sembilan. There is a special mention in the Pakatan manifesto that we need to set up a Hindu endowment board in all states with a sizeable Indian population. BM: What is the state of Tamil schools here? Prof: The last 10 years, we have really spent money on Tamil schools, Chinese schools and Sekolah Agama. We have spent about RM1.75 million a year on 28 Tamil schools Ramasamy: Believe in equal job opportunities, education and workers rights. in Penang. On top of that, we ve also paid kindergarten teachers their salaries and we ve also a contingency fund to assist Tamil schools. So much so, the Tamil schools have been upgraded to the extent that the Indian community are very proud of the Tamil schools here. BM: Penang s former chief minister Lim Guan Eng wanted to have a secondary Tamil school and even wrote to the education minister. Do you see this materialising now? Prof: The Pakatan manifesto called for the implementation of secondary Tamil schools in all states with a sizeable Indian population. Hopefully, Penang will like to take the lead. We ve already allocated land for it in Batu Kawan. This is something we re going to do. We ve to be in alignment with the Pakatan manifesto. BM: You are also passionate about STEM (Science, Technology, Education and Mathematics) which is one of your portfolios. Your views. Prof: We ve created the digital library. We ve also created TechDome in Komtar. We provide a lot of exposure on the latest technology to students as we move towards the fourth Industrial Revolution. Penang has been in the forefront of calling for the science exhibition, which is basically a private initiative. All the big companies are involved, every year without fail. And it s very attractive. BM: Lastly, with PH now helming the federal government, what else will you pursue? Prof: Now, I can work with the federal government on employment issues, on protecting the rights of workers and reducing foreign labour. There are too many foreigners here. It s because of what had happened in BN (Barisan Nasional). We re not saying we must chuck out the foreigners, but we must make sure we only take in foreigners where they are needed, not at the expense of Malaysians.

4 May 16-31, 2018 Hot seat but Zairil stays cool Story by K.H. Ong IT s a hot seat for Zairil Khir Johari, 36, when he won the contest for the Tanjung Bungah constituency in the 14th General Election on May 9. This is an area where controversy has plagued the Penang state administration before as certain quarters complained about over development, particularly hillslope projects. The landslide tragedy that occurred on Oct 21 last year in Tanjung Bungah where a condominium project was being built, resulting in the loss of 11 lives, still lives in the memory of many a resident there. But the site where the tragedy occurred was said to be on a flat land. Zairil, who holds a Master of Arts in International Studies and Diplomacy from the University of London, is also one of the five new faces in the state executive committee. He was picked as the chairman of the state Works, Utilities and Flood Mitigation Committee by new Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow. Last term, the Works and Utilities portfolio came under Lim Hock Seng who did not contest in the recent election, whereas the Flood Mitigation portfolio was part of Chow s responsibility in addition to his taking care of Local Government and Traffic Management. It s an honour to serve in the exco, said Zaril when interviewed by Buletin Mutiara. It s a heavy responsibility but I m ready for the challenges. I want to give my full commitment and deliver well. On the Tanjung Bungah tragedy, Zairil said the State Commission of Inquiry is probing the case and he promised stern action against those involved for any negligence. We ve guidelines to comply and if they were followed, I believe the tragedy would not have occurred, he said. We will study all aspects before approving any development projects there or anywhere else in the state. Zairil came into the limelight when he contested under the opposition Democratic Action Party (DAP) ticket in the Bukit Bendera parliamentary seat in 2013 and won. His participation drew attention because his late father, Khir Johari, was an Umno man, being the education minister under the first premiership of Tunku Abdul Rahman, and also well known in the sports fraternity as the president of the Badminton Association of Malaysia. He attended the Multimedia University in Cyberjaya and obtained a bachelor s degree in Information System Technology before pursuing his Masters in London. In 2010, Zairil joined DAP and quickly made an impact. He was the political secretary to DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng the following year, then elected to the Central Executive Committee (CEC) at the 2012 DAP National Congress. He was appointed as the assistant national publicity secretary. Zairil was successfully re-elected as a member of the CEC in the 2013 re-run of the election and in the 2017 National Congress. Today, Zairil is the Senior Fellow of the Penang Institute, a public policy think tank to the Penang state government. He headed the institute from 2012 to 2016 and was appointed the executive director from 2014 to 2016. Before he joined politics, Zairil had a short stint in the chocolate business as the chief executive officer of Chocolab. At the end of the 12th General Election in 2008, I realised the country needed a change as just some other countries had been undergoing. Since then, I was following closely the political developments in my country and got inspired by young upstarts like Nurul Izzah (Anwar), Anthony Loke and Tony Pua (Kiam Wee). So, I de- Zairil (second from right) giving out some financial aid to storm victims whose house in Kampung Masjid Batu Ferringhi in Batu Ferringhi was damaged on May 19. cided to be active in politics and be part of the movement striving for change, which eventually led to my appointment as the political secretary to Lim Guan Eng, he said. In the recent 14th General Election, Zairil won the Tanjung Bungah seat in a four-cornered fight by a majority 9,343 votes. He polled 13,245 votes against Penang Barisan Nasional chairman Teng Chang Yeow (3,902), Malaysian United Party secretary Lee Zheng Yong (74) and Parti Rakyat Malaysia committee member Chua Cheong Wee (122). Following his defeat, Teng, the Penang Gerakan chief, announced he is quitting politics. The Tanjung Bungah state seat was previously held by Teh Yee Cheu, who had left DAP to join Parti Sosialis Malaysia. On May 16, Zairil was among the state executive councillors who Chef Wan (right) talking with a participant at the Membawang Chef Wan programme organised by Zairil at Dewan Desiran Tanjung in Tanjung Tokong on May 6. took their oath of office before Yang dipertua Negeri Tun Abdul Rahman Abbas at Dewan Sri Pinang. Zairil said as he is new to his task, he is meeting officials from agencies like the Public Works Department, Penang Water Authority, Indah Water Konsortium, Telekom Malaysia and Department of Irrigation and Drainage besides planning to visit the power stations in Glugor and Prai. These departments that are under my portfolio may require a person with some technical knowhow. For me, I am not an engineer but my job is make sure the engineers do their job efficiently and effectively. I want to understand their scope of work. I believe understanding is the key, he said, adding that he is confident that Penang will have better infrastructure in the next five years. Of concern to him now is to get two of the three paired roads on the island as a traffic dispersal system implemented as soon as possible, that is from Teluk Bahang to Tanjung Bungah, and from Air Itam to the Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu expressway near the Penang Bridge. Zairil said the proposed Penang undersea tunnel project and the third paired road from Pangkor Road to the Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu expressway would come under Phase Two while the proposed LRT project would also not be implemented so soon. He said he would also check on the alternative 1.4km road ongoing project in Jalan Bukit Kukus, linking Bandar Baru Ayer Itam to Lebuh Bukit Jambul. Since taking up the exco post, Zairil has visited certain parts of Teluk Bahang and Gertak Sanggul that were hit by floods due to a downpour. He said a RM10 million flood mitigation project in Teluk Bahang would be completed in two years to solve the flood woes. He said he would also seek federal funding for the Sungai Pinang flood mitigation project, which did not take off as the state failed to get any financial support from the previous federal Barisan Nasional government. I hope that with Pakatan Harapan now governing the country, Penang can receive some federal aid so that we can implement several urgent projects without delay.

May 16-31, 2018 5 Teh hopes to lighten the Chief Minister s burden Story by Christopher Tan Pix by Alissala Thian POLITICIANS can bring about positive change to the nation and its people and Komtar assemblymember Teh Lai Heng (pix) holds fast to that belief. I took an interest in politics when I was 15. I was from Bukit Mertajam. My parents would bring my two younger siblings and me to political ceramah whenever there was one in Bukit Mertajam. I grew to love politics and I believe that politicians can help to improve the livelihood of the people, Teh, who was appointed the political secretary of the Penang Chief Minister on May 23, said. Teh, now 37, said he understood the responsibility that he has to bear as the political secretary of the Chief Minister. I am ready to take up this responsibility to assist the Chief Minister and to lighten his burden. It is all about time management. I need to strike a balance between my duty as a political secretary to the Chief Minister, an elected representative to the rakyat in my constituency, and to my family. I have a very understanding wife and my family fully supported my decision to enter into politics, he said, adding that he was blessed with two children a son (aged nine) and a daughter (aged six). Teh said he will do his best to lighten the burden of the Chief Minister. I will be the link-bridge between the Chief Minister and the associations, societies and communities, he said in an interview on May 23. Teh also spoke highly of Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow. He is a very disciplined leader and a man of his word. He will do his very best to keep his promise. For those who know him, Chow is also a very punctual person. He usually arrives five to 10 minutes early at any programme, Teh said. Recollecting his moments with Chow, Teh said the Chief Minister is a warm person. I joined the DAP after I graduated from (then) Tunku Abdul Rahman College in 2001. I am very grateful to Chow and the party leaders who are willing to provide opportunities and guidance to the younger generation. I was only 23 when I first contested the Komtar state seat in 2004, Teh said. Although Teh was not successful in 2004, he was elected the Komtar assemblymember in 2013 and this year. Teh also revealed that his idol in the political arena is DAP stalwart Lim Kit Siang. Lim is a symbolic figure in politics. To me, he is a champion for the minority and he believes in fairness, Teh added.

6 May 16-31, 2018 Never-say-die Abdul Halim rises Story by K.H. Ong Pix by Alissala Thian MANY would have quit politics when you lose two times in a row in the general election, but not Datuk Abdul Halim Hussain. After being defeated for the Teluk Bahang state seat in 2008 and 2013, Abdul Halim, who heads the Balik Pulau PKR division, was once again chosen to contest in 2018 by Parti Keadilan Rakyat, but this time for the Batu Maung state seat. He triumphed in a three-cornered fight with a 3,390 majority. In politics, you never give up. If you re clear or you re sincere in your struggle to serve the people even though you did not win (the election), your time will come. Success does not come easy, Abdul Halim, 58, told Buletin Mutiara in an interview. I believe the wave across the country as the people s anger rose against the GST (Goods and Services Tax), the high cost of living and meagre paychecks impacted the outcome of the election results. Even before the election, we did our work, canvassing from door to door and making personal calls to get the people s views. We did not just wait for the election. For instance, the state initiated the Mutiara Food Bank and the poor appreciated that. So, before the election we basically had our numbers despite people saying, for instance, that Balik Pulau is an Umno stronghold. And Invoke helped me a lot, from PACA volunteers to making calls and going down to meet the people. Abdul Halim said when they were campaigning, he heard that the salary of some workers could last them two weeks, some only three days while some were financially stable. In the last three to four years, Penang was not (hit) so bad. Despite the closure of some factories, there are factories re-investing and doing well. This sector balanced up Penang. You can see families going to the restaurant for meals but for some, that is not possible. Asked why he contested in Batu Maung and not in Balik Pulau, Abdul Halim said it was a party decision. He said even DAP made more aggressive decisions by sending Yeo Bee Yin from Damansara Utara in Selangor to contest in Bakri in Johor, Hannah Yeoh from Subang in Selangor to Segambut in Kuala Lumpur and Liew Chin Tong from Kluang to Ayer Hitam in Johor. With his wealth of experience, Abdul Halim was appointed chairman of the Domestic and International Trade, Consumer Affairs and Entrepreneur Development in the Penang state executive council for this term. He holds a Business Management Degree from Ferris State University in Michigan, United States, and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Universiti Sains Malaysia. Prior to this, Abdul Halim was appointed the State Assembly Speaker in 2008. After being defeated again in the 2013 general election, he sat on the Penang Invest board and the zakat board. When I was the State Speaker, the role was more of legislative in nature for check and balance. But as an exco man now, it s more of executive or state governance. It s another exposure for me, Abdul Halim said. He started off his career by being a teacher for a spell, then ventured into the retail, commercial and corporate banking sector. After that, he became a freelance trainer (related to communications and finance) for Petronas and other corporations for five years. In 2008, he became a full-time politician. Being involved in the zakat board, Abdul Halim helped to make sure that the zakat collected was well distributed to the poor. One of the zakat programmes created during his tenure was providing for poor children the second chance to learn skills development at the Penang Skills Development Centre (PSDC) in 2014. Now we ve about some 300 students, some of whom had graduated and getting a good income. These students are poor and cannot afford to study in university. We pay them to study, give them RM300 monthly allowance. We pay for the annual tuition fees, about RM16,000 each. Once they finish, they can get a basic salary of RM1,500 working with multinationals. They can get RM2,000 with other allowances. It s quite a good sum for one with just a pass in SPM (Form Five). And they don t have to think about repaying PTPTN loans. Abdul Halim said he would strongly support efforts to move the state into the forefront of Industry 4.0 besides empowering the youths especially in digital business. We ve to prepare our own local talent and encourage people to understand the 4.0 industry, or what we call smart manufacturing technology. In Penang, 40% of the workforce or job opportunities are in these industries and we don t want our people to be operators. We want them to be highly skilled, multitasking and have high pay. 4.0 initiative is one of the agendas under my portfolio being in charge of domestic and international trade. On consumer affairs, he said when GST becomes zero-rated from June 1, his officers would be out to make sure traders comply with the move. Abdul Halim said in March the state had launched a US$1 million (about RM4 million) seed fund to help technology-related startups expand their reach. Abdul Halim posing with some children at Taman Desa Mayang who were having fun playing football in front of the surau recently. Abdul Halim wants to focus on the state s 4.0 industry initiative. This is indeed a good move to support young entrepreneurs, said Abdul Halim, whose wife, Wan Zuraida Amiruddin, is a schoolteacher. They have five children, the eldest is working for AirAsia, three are studying in college while the youngest is in secondary school. As Batu Maung is in a strategic location, where the Penang International Airport and many industries are nearby, he said the people there have high expectations for good service. There are issues involving some urban poor. There are requests for green area and recreation. The working class wants some open space where they can go jogging before returning home after work, and also where they can bring their family to spend the weekend. They want more than just pocket parks which we have created. There are also issues or complaints from locals that foreigners have intruded into their pasar malam site to trade. We ll have to do some control. On flood issues, Abdul Halim said the state would spend RM15 million on a flood mitigation project in Taman Iping, Batu Maung. The ground-breaking ceremony for the project was done about two months ago and it would two years to complete. Abdul Halim said he would also look into traffic woes in the area as well as requests from a number of schools seeking to upgrade their facilities, like toilets and classrooms.

7 May 16-31, 2018 7

8 May 16-31, 2018 AT has it all figured out for Batu Lancang Story by Victor Seow ONG Ah Teong appeared as usual in his casual style for the appointment with Buletin Mutiara at a coffeeshop along Jalan Tan Sri Teh Ewe Lim. Ong, 48, had just been elected the assemblymember for Batu Lancang in GE14 by defeating his opponents Koo Pei Chee of Barisan Nasional and Kee Lean Ee of MU in a three-corner fight. He garnered 20,615 votes as opposed to Koo s 2,407 votes and Kee s 139 votes to retain the seat which is under the parliamentary constituency of Jelutong for the DAP. Ong, or AT as he s fondly called, had previously served nine years as a Penang Island City Council (MBPP) councillor and he wasted no time in outlining his plans for the vicinity of Jalan Tan Sri Teh Ewe Lim especially to ease the traffic flow and the nearby Bata Merah flats. These seven blocks of Bata Merah flats have been around for more or less 30 years. It s about time for them to be upgraded or even rebuilt, if possible. I know because my grandmother used to live there when I was younger. There used to be a farmland nearby and I had fun playing in this area when I was a kid, AT told Buletin Mutiara on May 23. During my last walkabout here during the campaign period, I discovered conditions around the flats are in bad shape due to wear and tear. Things like water pipes, the fire escape and electricity wiring need to be replaced. A detailed report would be compiled for a Request For Proposal (RFP) from interested parties to see what can be A COUPLE with two small children are in dire straits after the breadwinner is stricken with stroke. Restaurant chef William Oon Yeow Loon, 35, underwent an emergency brain operation in October last year after suffering a stroke and is now being cared for by his wife, Loh Bee Lean, 26, in Jalan Slim, off Perak Road, in Penang. They have two daughters, aged six and two. Loh, who sought the help of Batu Lancang assemblymember Ong Ah Teong, said her husband would be undergoing a second operation at the Penang Hospital in two weeks. Loh said Tzu Chi personnel came and gave the family RM1,000 every month for three months from January to March this year. We need about RM1,500 for done for the flats. My vision for the flats is for them to be equipped with modern amenities and facilities to improve the quality of life for its residents. The twin problems of traffic congestion and lack of parking space in the area did not escape AT and in time, would be addressed by him using his experience in MBPP. Lack of parking space is a severe problem in this area because when the flats were built, there wasn t any system in place where there are specific numbers of parking lots to meet the number of residential units. It could be that there s only one parking lot for every three residential units. That explains the haphazard manner in which cars are parked here. For Batu Lancang itself, I would suggest for a six-storey carpark to be built near to where Batu Lancang market and the KFC outlet are located. The top storey can be used for commercial purposes while the ground floor can be used as a food court. Either this or a swap by moving the existing food court to the new building and demolish the food court to build a new multi-storey carpark. I m also considering this because the existing food court is already nearly 40 years old and it s high time for a total revamp. Desa Green is also in desperate need of a carpark. Next to it is an unused landscape area. I would submit my request to the MBPP to build a multi-storey carpark there. My long term vision is to turn Jalan Van Praagh night market into a tourism spot like those interesting night markets featured in Taiwan. To achieve this, I will study methods to improve the traffic flow in this area especially on Friday nights when the night monthly expenses on food and other items, like diapers and milk. I cannot go out to work as I need to take care of my husband and two children, said Loh, who earns a few hundred ringgit folding joss papers at home to sell to a temple. When she needs to send one of her daughters to kindergarten, her mother-in-law would stand in for her. Ong said he is helping Oon to apply aid from the Social Security Organisation (Socso) and also aid from the Penang Equitable Economic Agenda (AES) and Mutiara Food Bank. market operates. I want to promote it as a haven for good street food and to attract tourists. I have also discussed with Penang Institute on compiling the history of the Jalan Van Praagh night market and to produce a video clip on it. The observant AT will not rest on his laurels when it comes to finding solutions to the most dreaded problem affecting Penangites - which is flash floods after a downpour. The residents in Lengkok Batu Lancang are also facing flood problems whenever it rains heavily. I surveyed the area with officers from the Department of Irrigation and Drainage (JPS) not too long ago and the area would be flooded because Sungai Jelutong overflows after a downpour. I will bring to the attention of the state executive council to do something about it. I will also follow up with what I have brought up with MBPP during its full council meeting in the final month of my service as councillor. I gave my opinion and personal observation as a layman concerning the SOP on the resurfacing of roads. My non-technical understanding is that if a stretch of road is being resurfaced and each new layer of tar is about 6cm thick and this is repeatedly done, I m sure over time, the road concerned would be on a higher ground compared to the surrounding houses. So when it rains, excess water flows from the higher ground to the lower ground. This will result in the gushing of rainwater to the doorsteps and into the surrounding house. I was informed by MBPP that the existing practice is cheaper as compared with levelling the road every time before the resurfacing stage. But I m requesting that this (levelling work) to be done not every time but perhaps once every two or three times of resurfacing. Otherwise, imagine what would have happened if hundreds of kilometers of road in the whole of George Town is heightened bit by bit over time. This spells for a flood catastrophe. This is my observation as a non-technically trained layman and I want MBPP to look into it, explained AT. Breadwinner suffering from stroke, family in a spot Ong (right) assisting Oon and his wife Loh to apply for Socso aid at their home in Jalan Slim, off Perak Road. The common areas of the Bata Merah flats along Jalan Hijau 5 are in dire need to be upgraded and AT will personally look into it.

May 16-31, 2018 9 Penang to adopt sustainable tourism practices Story by Christopher Tan Pix by Chan Kok Kuan TOURISM is one of the world s fastest growing industries. For Penang, it is also a major source of income. Keeping this in mind, newlyappointed state executive council member Yeoh Soon Hin is looking forward to further promoting the state internationally. I want more people to know this beautiful state in Malaysia. There is a need to introduce new tourism products to bring our tourism industry to greater heights. These new products will focus more on sustainable tourism. Sustainable tourism such as nature-based tourism, eco-tourism, and cultural tourism have to be part of our interest to promote the state. To achieve this, we will need serious brainstorming sessions with various counterparts in the industry, Yeoh told Buletin Mutiara in an interview recently. Yeoh, 42, stressed that striking a balance between culture, heritage, environment and tourism development is important. We can observe, learn and apply effective sustainable tourism measures practised in other countries. Some countries like Japan are famous for their cleanliness. Well, Penang is also not too far behind with George Town bagging the Asean Clean Tourist City Standard Award early this year, he said. Yeoh said while the island is a popular tourist magnet, the mainland has its own charms. Visitors can take in the beauty of nature, or experience the simple kampung lifestyle by choosing homestays, the state Tourism Development, Heritage, Culture and Arts Committee chairman said. Yeoh, a law graduate from Universiti Malaya, was grateful to be appointed state executive council member. I wanted to be a lawyer when I was young. I noticed that there was a lot of injustice in this world and that spurred my interest to study law. I look up to two politicians DAP stalwart Lim Kit Siang and the late Karpal Singh for upholding justice and holding on to their principles. I am thankful to the party for putting its trust in me and I will do my best to serve the people, he said. The three-term Paya Terubong assemblymember said he would have to manage his time to serve his constituents, handle matters under his portfolio and fulfil his commitments to his family. My wife and seven-yearold daughter are very supportive and understanding, he said. Yeoh hoped to also receive strong support from his service team, tourism industry players and the community to propel Penang to the next level. Changing the face of Pulau Tikus FOR newly-elected assemblymember Chris Lee Chun Kit, Pulau Tikus is his backyard. Lee, 36, was born and bred in Pulau Tikus and is no stranger to the neighbourhood. Politics which once was associated with corruption and greed for power has now entered a paradigm shift where more youngsters are keen to venture into it. Buletin Mutiara recently had a short chat with Lee to find out his insights on his new journey as the Pulau Tikus assemblymember. Some facts about Lee Lee joined the Democratic Action Party (DAP) in 2009 and was involved in the 2013 General Election campaign. In July 2013 he was appointed Penang Island City Council (MBPP) councilor where he was based at the Bukit Bendera constituency which also includes, Air Putih, Kebun Bunga, Tanjong Bunga and Pulau Tikus. He served the council for almost five years and stepped down on April 27 before being nominated as the Pulau Tikus candidate. I have been in Pulau Tikus all my life, as I was born there, I grew up there, I worked there, and I stay there, it is my neighbourhood, said Lee excitedly on his beloved Pulau Tikus. Short and long term plans For short term goals, Lee envisions upgrading public facilities in the neighbourhood of Pulau Tikus such as the public parks. Pulau Tikus has a significantly large population of senior citizens, obviously we need to make life easier for them. They like recreation, they like to walk around, exercise to keep their health moving, So, we will plan on how we are going to upgrade the public parks and at the same time we do not want to make it too modern, said Lee. Lee also expressed his desire to initiate activity centres for the young and the elderly. Another thing in my to-do list is to create activity centres using JKKK (Village Development and Lee (left) meeting his supporters in the presence of former Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng (second from left). Security Committee) buildings where the activities will be designed for both the young and the senior citizens. Certain traditions will eventually fade away when the elderly depart, the legacy will also perish with them thus it is important for the tradition to be passed on, Lee stressed Apart from that, Lee also touched on enhancing the greenery in Pulau Tikus. Pulau Tikus is one of the greenest areas in Penang, we have old trees, and I want to increase the green space while protecting the existing space, he said. According to Lee, tackling the issue of traffic jams and sustaining the traditional businesses in Pulau Tikus are his long term plans. You have to find ways to attract young blood, as most of the businesses are closing down due to the lack of interest of youngsters in continuing the legacy of traditional businesses. For instance, the barber shop around Pulau Tikus which I grew up with, is a tradition that should be preserved, he said. Closing Thoughts Lee is an inspiration to many youngsters to get engaged in politics and contribute to nation building. Youths should not shy away from taking up the responsibility of being a leader as their actions in the present determines the future of our country, he said.

10 May 16-31, 2018 Consultant to tackle traffic woes Joseph is ready to serve the people. Story by K.H. Ong Pix by Chan Kok Kuan Air Itam in Penang is well known for major attractions like the Kek Lok Si Temple, the Penang Hill and its local delights, especially laksa and curry mee. When a new township called Farlim was developed in the 80s, Air Itam became more densely populated and traffic jams have since become almost daily occurrences. Dealing with this traffic congestion is one big task for newly elected Air Itam assemblymember Joseph Ng Soon Seong, a local boy from Hye Keat Estate, which is also part of Air Itam. He captured the seat vacated by Wong Hon Wai, who is now the Bukit Bendera MP. Joseph polled 12,588 votes against Gerakan s Tan Kah Leong (3,047) and The Jalan Air Itam can be very busy at certain times of the day. Malaysian United Party s Kang Teik Woi (148). We ve appointed a consultant to come up with a short-term relief plan. I hope the residents will be patient and give us time to resolve it, said Joseph, who is a popular figure in the Air Itam marketplace. It will take a miracle to solve the problem. I don t foresee it s going to be plain sailing. And I hope those who want to criticise or protest can help offer ideas or solutions. We cannot, for instance, do away with the Air Itam market. The traders have been there for decades. But we can try to maintain and improve the place. We cannot have a traditional mindset. We want a balanced development so that the state economy can bloom and create business opportunities. In February, a road upgrading project connecting Jalan Ayer Itam and Jalan Kampung Pisang via Jalan Zoo, was completed and officially launched by the then chief minister Lim Guan Eng. The project, costing about RM22 million, is expected to benefit 20,000 road users and help reduced traffic jams by 20%. Next on Joseph s mind is that he will discuss with his team to carry out some community work at Kampung Melayu. Joseph, 39, runs a family business together with his brother supplying martial arts gear like boxing gloves, punching bags, sticks, swords, taekwondo uniforms and various other sports attire. Even when he was a councillor with the Penang Island City Council (MBPP) for the last six years, he was hardly in his shop because of meetings and various issues to attend to. Joseph himself is a third-dan black holder in taekwondo. As a student, he always liked to be independent and gave tuition lessons to about 80 pupils at RM10 each per month. I could earn RM800 per month although my father could give me pocket money. My life was turned upside down when I became a councillor. I thought a councillor s job can be like my part-time job but instead it became my full-time job, he recalled. I hardly had time for my wife and two young children. My wife was upset at first and we had some arguments. I later realised my family is the most important. So, I made effort to fetch my six-year-old son to kindergarten every day and back as far as possible. When Joseph was nominated to contest in the Air Itam constituency, to his surprise, his wife, Tan Seow Yean, 38, did not object. He said he was only offered the ticket to contest by the party at the eleventh hour. Joseph s entry into politics was largely due to the influence of his father, Ng Seng Chuan, who has helped Lim Kit Siang as a volunteer in several election campaigns. Ironically, when Kit Siang s son, Guan Eng, came to Penang in 2008, it was Joseph who was told by his dad to help out Guan Eng in his campaign. Joseph is one of the seven councillors nominated to contest in the general election. All succeeded in winning their respective state seats. I like this team. We ve known one another for a long time as we helped to rebrand MBPP. We did not just take care of our own campaign but helped out one another. This is our spirit, he said. As a councillor before, Joseph said he had no lack of confidence meeting many people. But the 14th General Election was a different stage for him when he had to face a big crowd. I was nervous speaking in front of them. But friends told me I improved from ceramah to ceramah. Joseph knows the time for talking is over, and now, he s ready to serve the people.

May 16-31, 2018 11 I will be the voice of Jelutong Story by Tanushalini Moroter Pix by Law Suun Ting NEW Jelutong MP R.S.N Rayer vows to be the voice of his people in Parliament. Rayer who was formerly Seri Delima assemblymember was fielded in the Jelutong parliamentary constituency for the 14th General Election and won with a big majority. The down-to-earth personality is what makes Rayer a much loved leader among his supporters and his big win at the election reflects people s trust in his leadership. In a recent interview with Buletin Mutiara, Rayer, 47, shared his views on the country s new dawn and his vision for his people. Entering politics My exposure to politics came about during the 1995 general election period when I was working as a chambering student with the late Karpal Singh. That year, Karpal contested in the Jelutong parliamentary seat and he won, that was my first exposure to politics. In 2008, he (Karpal) asked me to contest in Seri Delima and it all started there, said Rayer on how he embarked on his political career. Rayer expressed his admiration for his mentor Karpal who is more fondly known as the Tiger of Jelutong and whom he looks up to until now. Rayer said that Jelutong is a very historical and significant parliamentary seat because of Karpal. It is impossible to fill his place but I will certainly be as vocal as Karpal for the people of Jelutong primarily to make sure that Pakatan Harapan looks after the people in this neighbourhood (Jelutong) and Malaysia at large. Plans as the new Jelutong MP On his plans for the residents in his parliamentary constituency (Jelutong), Rayer stated that he wants to rectify the flood issues in the constituency of Datuk Keramat and Sungai Pinang, and the conflicts surrounding the Jelutong dumpsite. Make a place where people can relax, work and be proud of. Jelutong is already a beautiful place to live in, but there are some teething problems that we need to resolve, said Rayer. Rayer expressed his desire to transform the Sungai Pinang river into a tourist attraction as well as shared the plans to upgrade a few places such as the wet markets. Some upgrading work will be done such as upgrading the Perak Road and Jelutong markets. And I also heard that the Taman Free School market will be upgraded soon. It is a challenging task from Seri Delima to Jelutong, but I m really geared up for it! he said. Changes in the country after PH taken over the government Now the government is afraid of the people and not the other way round. For instance, when Prime Minister Tun Dr.Mahathir Mohamad announced that he will helm the education ministry, there were some voices of concern from the rakyat that he should not assume two ministerial positions as this is one of the pledges in the Pakatan Harapan manifesto. Tun M immediately relinquished his post. This is the government we want, a government which is afraid of the people, said Rayer on his views about the changes that had occurred after Pakatan Harapan conquered Putrajaya. Apart from that, Rayer, also stated that it was heartwarming to see Human Resource Minister M. Kulasegaran wearing an Indian headgear (thallapa) during the swearing-in ceremony at Istana Negara on May 22. I m proud of seeing him (Kulasegaran) with the thallapa and this has never been encouraged during the Barisan Nasional administration. There is diversity in Malaysia and we are unique, donning the head gear I think is a step towards freedom of practising one s cultural heritage, added Rayer. Welfare of the community Welfare is something which is bothering me, there are a lot of people out there who are terminally ill and need basic help such as financial assistance for dialysis. I hope that the new government will provide some kind of financial support especially for people who are terminally ill and bed-ridden as welfare aid is very important, said Rayer A new Malaysia I only pray that we live harmoniously in this country and be patient with one another And race and religion is no longer a criteria everywhere. The Indians and Chinese get equal opportunities to become senior civil servants and I think the Prime Minister has delivered this by appointing Lim Guan Eng as the Finance Minister. This is the first step towards the right direction, said Rayer. Rayer also stated that, it is so encouraging that Malaysians came together and voted as Malaysians and that is the biggest promise. We did not look for an Indian leader, a Malay leader or a Chinese leader but we looked for a leader who can realise the aspirations of Malaysia. We do not need to have an Indian leader to look after Indians, Chinese leader to look after the Chinese and a Malay leader to look after the Malays. What we want are leaders who can look after all the races, added Rayer. Family support My wife is my pillar of strength, Rayer said of his wife who is a teacher at a local school in Penang. Impossible to be in politics without the support of my wife, she is extremely understanding. I am able to do all these because of the tremendous support received from my wife, parents, and in-laws, at the same time I aspire to excel more, said Rayer who is a father of two. A senior citizen hugging Rayer as he congratulates him.

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2018 年 5 月 16 日 31 日 新届槟州政府团队任道重远, 将带领槟州更上一层楼 好要更好! 槟新届州政府任道重远 过去 10 年来, 槟州作为全国反对党执政的州属, 在资源有限的情况下斗争打拼 所幸的是, 希盟槟州政府拥有坚定的意志, 才能克服一次又一次严峻的挑战, 翻越重重高山, 最终让槟城创下亮眼的成绩, 成为傲视全马的模范州 槟州政府交出亮眼成绩, 获得人民支持 随着第 14 届全国大选尘埃落定, 希盟成功入驻布城, 成为全国执政阵营 作为改革火车头的槟州, 如今总算是守得云开见月明, 扬眉吐气, 并放眼迈入下一个光辉 10 年 而引领槟州更上一层楼的, 正是第 5 任槟州首席部长曹观友 他宣誓就职后, 雄心壮志地向媒体承诺, 将在上任后的 100 天内, 进行 3 项重大任务, 即接洽中央以尽快展开交通发展大蓝图 治水计划 及可负担房屋, 第 2 个事项是确保槟州政府机构 槟威地方政府等单位批准的计划落实, 并且会监督工程进展 第 3 事项是检讨及加强各项政策, 确保让人民分享发展成果 2008 年希盟在槟州获得的支持率是 58% 2013 是 66%,2018 则是 67.2% 换言之, 希盟在本届大选中所获得的支持率, 属历来最高 首长提醒, 人民代议士任道重远, 必须在过去 10 年的良好基础下, 更进一步地为人民做出贡献, 才不会辜负人民的期待 本届槟州政府团队中的人民代议士有许多新面孔, 在行政议员方面, 有槟州第一副首长拿督扎基尤丁 槟州工程 基本设施及治水工程委员会主席再里尔 槟州国内与国际贸易 消费人事务及企业发展委员会主席拿督阿都哈林 槟州旅游发展 古迹 文化及艺术委员会主席杨顺兴 槟州青年及体育委员会主席孙意志 槟首长政治秘书郑来兴 另外, 在州议员方面, 也出现许多新面孔 本期 珍珠快讯 访问了新科首长曹观友, 以及部份新上任的行政议员和州议员, 他们均表示已开始着手处理本身的职务, 同时也各自表述对槟州前景的观点, 其表现备受期待

2 要闻 2018 年 5 月 16 日 31 日 曹观友表示州政府会尽力与社会团体一同打造爱心社会 图为他在德教会紫云阁分发红包予长者和孤儿后与众人合影 曹观友一上任即不断走访各单位, 他也巡视光大圆顶科学馆 首要关注交通大蓝图 曹观友放眼打造永续性经济发展 曹观友于 5 月 14 日走马上任, 随即访问各政府部门, 出席各项汇报会, 并召开行政议会会议, 商讨州内的大小事务 他接受 珍珠快讯 专访时, 侃侃而谈其治州愿景 首要关注交通大蓝图的他指出, 他已会见了 Zenith 承建公司代表, 双方将优先处理衔接敦林苍祐大道及亚依淡的大道工程 他解释, 由于此大道的影响显著, 将可舒缓亚依淡 发林和垄尾一带的繁忙交通, 为此成了州政府的优先项目 他说, 有关大道的环境评估报告已获批准, 但计划中的部分土地属于交通部, 而需与交通部会晤洽谈, 但他相信问题有望解决 至于另外两条大道, 即丹绒武雅衔接直落巴巷的大道工程, 及新关仔角衔接敦林苍祐大道的大道工程, 则稍后再议 其中, 新关仔角衔接敦林苍祐大道的大道工程, 因涉及设计问题, 还需待州政府遴选设计图 我们之前签署的只是前期的技术性工程合约, 一旦计划得以落实, 则可签署工程合约 新上任的槟州首席部长曹观友, 放眼在上任 100 天内, 能为交通大蓝图取得进展, 并在其任期内, 为槟城打造永续性的经济发展 报导 谢丽萍 此外, 他指海底隧道计划的可行性研究报告已完成 96%, 承包商 Zenith 在完成报告后, 需向州政府进行汇报, 而州政府会做出适当决定 他也说, 州政府过去积极向联邦政府申请落实轻快铁计划惟不获批准, 他希望有关计划现在能取得批准, 以便 SRS 集团可展开下一步的工作 现年 6 0 岁的曹观友, 在大选前是掌管槟州地方政府 治水和交通管理事务的行政议员 随着原任首长林冠英受委为财政部长, 他于大选后接下首长棒子, 同时亲掌土地事务及土地发展 交通 新闻委员会 他同时也展望, 为槟城打造永续性的经济发展, 在环境保护和经济成长间取得平衡点 他说, 人民越来越关注环境问题, 而他将确保州内发展不会影响到环境 不过, 在关心有关发展计划所带来的社会和环境影响时, 人们也必须考量到其所能为人民带来的益处, 是否扮演着使槟城继续成长的角色

2018 年 5 月 16 日 31 日要闻 3 冀联邦政府落实华校制度化拨款 曹观友指出, 人们不应抱着州政府与联邦政府已是同一阵线的想法, 就认为州政府可将现有给予华校的拨款, 用在其他地方, 追根究底还需联邦政府修改政策, 在全国落实制度化拨款, 再谈也不迟 他也希望联邦政府能落实制度化拨款, 使得学校拥有更好的发展, 但在此之前, 州政府依然需要延续现有的政策, 协助州内华校 槟州希盟在第 14 届全国大选许下涵盖 11 个领域, 共 68 项竞选承诺 曹观友说, 他已指示其机要秘书针对希盟每一项竞选承诺进行分工, 由负责相关职务的行政议员逐一构思和落实 至于宣言中, 限制首长两届的承诺, 预料将在今年 11 月于州议会上被提呈, 动议修宪, 实现有关承诺 曹观友希望中央落实华校制度化拨款, 图为他最近在颁发独中回馈金后, 与学校代表交流 人民越来越关注环境问题, 曹观友确保州内发展不会影响到环境 亲民的曹观友, 常与民众打成一片 曹观友积极为交通大蓝图取得进展, 将优先处理衔接敦林苍祐大道及亚依淡的大道工程 每天留 1 至 2 小时整理事务和思绪 曹观友指出, 他会避免让自己的行程过于紧凑, 同时让自己每天有一些时间可留在办公室处理公务 对他来说, 每天能有 1 至 2 个小时不受干扰, 以整理事务和思绪是很重要的 他说, 出任首长的第一个星期还算平静, 第二个星期开始则事务越来越多, 会议 汇报会 工作访问等接踵而来 以前当行政议员时, 我们只需专注在自己掌管的事务即可 如今作为首长, 所要接触的和了解的范围则更广 尽管工作量节节上升, 但他坚持和过去 10 年一样, 不把工作带回家 他说, 每天的睡眠时间是 6 小时, 超过这时限都是件奢侈的事

4 要闻 2018 年 5 月 16 日 31 日 行政会议通过进行修宪 兑现首长任期两届承诺 槟州首席部长曹观友表示, 首次召开的州行政会议通过, 要求州法律顾问研究修宪, 兑现限制首长任期两届的承诺 首长任期只限两届 是槟州希望联盟在第 14 届大选竞选宣言中,11 个领域的 68 项承诺中, 位列第一个领域即 能干 公信及透明施政 里的首项承诺 曹观友在行政会议后召开的新闻发布会上说, 这是会议第一个提出的事项 曹观友与众行政议员手持希盟竞选宣言, 矢同心协力, 完成 68 项承诺 他指出, 修改州宪法, 才有法律根据, 不会只停留在政党的层面 有关修宪过程, 他解释说 : 州法律顾问需要时间研究, 完成后提呈给槟州议会宪法委员会, 后者研讨后, 再交给州议会寻求通过, 完成修宪 无论如何, 由于过程需时, 可能无法来得及在 8 月初召开的州议会提呈, 需等到 11 月的明年度州财政预算案会议上寻求通过 我们会对有关建议进行公开咨询, 让公众提出意见, 以做改善 行政议员受促落实 68 项承诺另一方面, 曹观友说, 行政议员受促在所掌管的事务, 一一落实希盟立下的 68 项竞选宣言承诺 我们必须认真看待许下的承诺, 并且一一把它实现, 才不会辜负选民的委托 我已指示官员把 68 项宣言分组, 让每一个行政议员负责实行他们掌管部门的承诺 因此, 行政议员在获知本身掌管部门必须实行的承诺后, 将研究在任期内如何推动政策 法案来符合选民对希盟的要求, 也落实对选民的承诺 他形容大选宣言为一份严肃的文件, 是希盟跟槟州选民的契约, 所以希盟会在任期内圆满的把所有 68 项承诺落实 他也要求行政议员与中央政府相关部长亲自交流及保持联系, 以便本身负责的事务更有效进行 另外, 曹观友也说, 槟州政府将制定绩效机制 (KPI), 确保行政议员 州议员及市议员有效传递服务 配合捐款救国槟首长及行政议员减薪 10% 捐希望基金 槟州首席部长曹观友宣布, 槟州希盟政府昨天在行政会议通过, 首长及 10 位州行政议员减薪 10%, 从 2018 年 6 月起生效, 直到另行通知为止 他说, 州政府此举是为了减轻国家财务负担, 有关 10% 薪金扣除后将捐献为了减轻国家债务, 改善国家财务状况所设的 希望基金 (Tabung Harapan ) 他今天中午在新闻发布会上指出, 首长将扣的薪金数额为 1417 令吉 51 仙,10 位州行政议员则各扣除 1210 令吉 92 仙, 捐献希望基金的总数是 1 万 3526 令吉 80 仙 槟州政府是配合首相敦马哈迪宣布中央政府部长将减薪 10%, 我们希望可以减轻前朝国阵政府留下来让中央政府承担的债务 受委政治秘书郑来兴冀减轻首长负担助槟更上一层楼 槟州首席部长曹观友宣布, 光大区州议员郑来兴受委为其政治秘书 首长是在行政议会后的新闻发布会上如是宣布 郑来兴接受 珍珠快讯 专访时, 表示会克尽全力减轻首长负担, 协助槟州更上一层楼 被选民称为 摩托车议员 的郑来兴作风亲民, 由于槟岛道路局限性时常会遇上塞车问题, 所以他还特地在服务中心准备了摩托车, 以便在紧急事件时第一时间赶到现场 他强调, 首长政务非常繁忙, 因此, 本身希望能够尽最大能力协助首长 我会在协调方面下足功夫, 并贯彻时间管理的守则, 务求让所有工作能够有顺序完成 在希盟执政中央后, 他也希望槟州政府和中央政府有更紧密的合作, 尤其是熟悉槟州政务的前任首长林冠英在中央担任要职后, 他相信未来槟州将能够有更大的发挥空间

2018 年 5 月 16 日 31 日要闻 5 [ 承先启后迎新挑战 ] 佳日星要稳定屋价 掌管槟州政府两大重要部门, 佳日星要 承先启后, 迎接新挑战 报导 黃国伟 佳日星将尽力为槟州的房价, 能够被多数人所负担 槟州政府将确保在原有的良好施政下, 放眼交出更好的成绩 佳日星要稳定屋价, 让更多人买得起 掌管地方政府和槟州房屋 城市及乡村规划委员会的槟州行政议员佳日星坦承, 两项重任对他而言是一项挑战, 但最喜挑战的他将迎难而上, 务求把职务做到最好 对于房屋 城市及乡村规划委员会驾轻就熟的他透露, 本身这次将致力于数个大课题, 尤其是在稳定槟州屋价方面下功夫 槟州因为发展迅速, 许多人都来这里购买房子导致这里的屋价一路高涨, 虽然在州政府 3 年前开始为市场降温, 并成功逐步把屋价稳定下来, 但我还是将继续寻找方案, 让州内的房屋价格迈向更可负担的水平, 既州内出现更多 30 万令吉或以下的房子 此外, 他说, 槟州政府也将全力为兴建廉价屋 中廉价屋及可负担房屋计划护航, 务求让更多人居者有其屋, 打造宜居环境 他也期待开启和中央政府的谈判之门, 为早前陷入僵局的数项房屋课题重启谈判, 并要对当局做出数项建议, 其中包括把一马房屋计划更名为希望房屋计划及一马房屋维修基金更名为希望维修基金 现在希盟获得中央政权, 我们早前在中央面对的问题有望解决, 而我也将在 6 月 4 日前往房屋部, 商谈以前数个被搁置许久的房屋课题, 如在槟城的人民组屋计划等, 为槟州甚至是全马人民带来福音 他强调, 其中一项重要的全国房屋议题, 既首购族的房屋贷款问题, 将是他重要的议题之一, 希望能够在各造的安排下, 重新检讨放宽贷款予购屋借贷者 至于新职务 ( 地方政府 ) 的未来愿景, 他说, 其实槟州政府在希盟掌管下, 早前所定下来的政策对于州的治理已有着良好的发展方向, 他首要任务就是确保以前所实施的计划能够得到贯彻 以前由同僚曹观友掌管的地方政府, 他们精明城市的大方针, 在城市安全 环境 发展等方面已经有着很好的开始, 目前我们需要的就是良好的实行, 确保能够成功 他以 创业难, 守业更难 来形容新职务所面对的挑战, 并表示, 前人已经打下坚实基础, 他要做的是先确保所有计划能够按照轨迹走下去, 同时守住已经获得的成就 我们不希望失去如今的成就, 比如世遗地位和东南亚最清洁城市之一的殊荣, 这些都是我们必须继续维持并且跟进的, 我将会确保大家能够配合, 把好的措施实行下去 着重精明城市计划他也说, 早前槟州政府提出的精明城市计划, 也是未来他着重的目标之一, 他将会确保地方政府更亲民和更有效率, 以达到更好的服务人民目标 至于其他的方向, 他指出, 城市的减碳 安全 环境 交通和环保等课题, 也将是未来的主要关注要点之一 他希望能够配合如今的最新科技, 如精明交通管理系统 省电的发光二极管灯泡和更佳的网络等, 为人民带来更好的生活品质 佳日星为我国已故的政治强人 日落洞之虎 卡巴星长子, 深受其父的熏陶, 佳日星在从政路上向来以敢怒敢言而著称 他经历过其父亲政治生涯最黑暗的时段, 既父亲因内安法令被扣留, 而他却因刚好报考高级教育文凭, 母亲为了不让他分心, 而隐瞒父亲被捕消息 直至一个月后, 他才被告知父亲的处境, 由于其父亲是家里的一家之主, 在其父亲被扣留期间因公司无法运作, 没有经济来源的他们, 险些断送了佳日星继续学业的机会 他忆述, 本身曾拿到奖学金前往墨尔本深造, 第二次要更进一步到英国深造时, 因为父亲仍被扣留, 他念及本身是家中长子, 必须要留下来承担责任, 一度想要中断学业 然而, 在一次探访父亲, 并讲出自己的打算后, 却被对方大骂, 并以 你的学业比我更重要 打消了佳日星的念头, 最终他也不负所望, 拿到奖学金继续自己的学业 佳日星学成后, 回到马来西亚执律师一职, 并在 1999 年在政治上初试啼声, 上阵武吉牛汝莪, 唯遇上当年国阵最强势时期而败北 之后, 他于 2013 再度上阵柑仔园, 终于当选当地州议员 ; 第 14 届大选, 他再度上阵, 因卓越服务再度获得人民委任, 继续为民服务

6 要闻 2018 年 5 月 16 日 31 日 曹观友移交独中教职员回馈金后, 与各校代表及章瑛 佳日星 李俊杰等合影 [ 槟政府发放回馈金 ] 5 独中 572 教职员获逾 17 万 槟州政府日前发放共 17 万 1600 令吉独中教职员回馈金, 予 572 名来自州内 5 所独中的教职员, 每人各获 300 令吉 槟州首席部长曹观友说, 受惠的独中教职员为韩江中学 152 人 槟城锺灵独中 149 人 菩提独中 36 人 槟华女子独中 60 人及大山脚日新独中 175 人 槟州政府从 2012 年开始发放独中教职员回馈金, 从当时的 200 令吉, 于 2014 年提高至 300 令吉, 尔后在 2016 年提高至 600 令吉 有关 600 令吉款项一年分两次发放, 每次 3 0 0 令吉 曹观友是在其办公室发放上述回馈金 他说, 槟州政府从 2012 年至今, 已拨出 152 万 6700 令吉回馈金给独中教职员 槟州政府除了把独中每年 200 万令吉的制度化拨款纳入州预算案中, 也每年发放 50 万令吉特别拨款和独中教职员每人每年 600 令吉的回馈金 在这 10 年里, 所拨给独中的款项已超过 2235 万 5100 令吉 他指出, 槟州政府这些年来给予独中的拨款, 让校方在清楚一定会有拨款的情况下, 可以更全面及有效的规划学校维修 提升基本设施和扩建工程, 保障师生安全 拨款都是直接汇进学校董事户头, 从没透过第三者移交款项, 拨款被骑劫的事件不再发生, 每分每毫都直接利惠师生们 出席仪式者包括槟州政府华校及教会学校事务协调委员会主席章瑛 槟州行政议员佳日星 浮罗池滑区州议员李俊杰 韩江中学校长副董事长拿督斯里方炎华 校长江美俐 钟灵独中董事主席拿督斯里郭显荣 校长吴维城 菩提独中校长赖文祥 槟华女子独中董事会副主席拿督温子开 校长廖静仪和日新独中副董事长拿督庄弗和 拿督陈行庆和校长陈奇杰等 1 黄顺祥巡视遭受白蚁腐蚀的校舍 2 亚依淡国小校舍遭受白蚁腐蚀, 导致天花板出现轻微塌下情况 1 希盟议员获准进校园黄顺祥视察选区学校 2 向来不受邀出席政府学校活动的希盟议员, 在 509 大选改朝换代后, 终于获得校方邀请进入校园内, 参与校方活动及视察校园情况 候任亚依淡区州议员黄顺祥日前就受邀访问亚依淡国小, 以巡视该校教育楼被白蚁侵蚀的情况 该校校长莎丽扎娃蒂和家协主席阿查哈全程陪同 黄顺祥指, 这是希盟议员首次可如此通行无阻的进入学校, 视察校园情况或参与活动 他也称赞槟州教育局迅速反应, 早前接获校方有关天花板轻微塌下的投报后, 第一时间派官员到校视察, 并将协助校方维修天花板 他将跟进工程进程, 并协助解决校方面对的问题 莎丽扎娃蒂说, 该校创设于 1881 年, 至今有 130 年历史 学校目前有 9 名老师及 339 名学生, 其中 39 人是特殊学生, 校舍因遭受白蚁腐蚀而发生轻微坍塌 她说, 事发时没人受伤, 校方之后紧急疏散学生到其他校舍上课

2018 年 5 月 16 日 31 日要闻 7 1 3 1 公巴一带频频因豪雨发生水灾, 导致居民财务损失惨重 2 再里尔实地走访公巴水灾黑区, 并向媒体讲解槟州政府将耗资 1000 万令吉在当地推行大型治水工程计划 3 再里尔指着地图表示, 槟城道路分别由 3 方所管辖, 即市政厅 州政府辖下公共工程局及中央政府辖下公共工程局 4 再里尔表示, 峇眼花园水泵让当地积水快速流走, 减少水患 5 再里尔说, 去年完工及启用的峇冬丁宜泵房, 自投入运作后, 马章武莫水灾黑区情况明显获得改善 要让人民脱离苦海 再里尔第一把火直指治水 受委为掌管工程 基本设施及治水工程事务, 对再里尔而言是全新的挑战, 他表示新官上任的 第一把火, 是向中央争取前朝国阵政府搁置已久, 仍未完成的双溪槟榔及州内多项治水计划 报导 黄文慧 治水是我的首要任务, 槟州经常因豪雨及气候变化因素而频频发生水灾, 导致老百姓受苦, 我会尽力让大家早日脱离苦海 再里尔在受委行政议员后, 就马不停蹄走访及聆听各相关单位给予的汇报和各项计划的进展 此外, 他也实地观察工程进度, 势必在短期内更深入掌握及了解其负责的事务大纲 在这些日子, 我实地走访了一些水灾黑区, 观察治水工程进展 接下来, 我会实地走访公共工程局在州内所进行的道路工程等 也是丹绒武雅区候任州议员的再里尔透露, 掌管工程 基本设施及治水工程是个重大的责任, 因这涉及了州内的多项基本设施工程, 需与多个单位如公共工程局 槟州供水机构 水利灌溉局 大马国家能源局及英达丽水等有密切的合作 我本身也必需对所进行的工程, 具备技术上的认知, 但我会以管理工程进展的角度去监督受委的工程师在所定的期限, 秉持高效率及特定标准作业程序完成工程 他说, 基本建设如治水 建路工程等在未来 5 年内还是会持续的展开, 以提升人民的生活素质 他对于惠及人民的工程经费及工程获批机率抱持着正面的期望, 并认为希盟政府能执政中央无疑地能更公平审核工程的所需度, 处理事务上较前朝国阵中央政府来得公正 透明 跟进两岸三通计划另外, 再里尔也会继续跟进 两岸三通, 一个槟城 海底隧道及 3 条大道发展计划, 设法改善槟州交通问题 他也提及, 槟州政府也会在未来实践纳入在槟希盟竞选宣言里的轻快铁计划, 让槟民方便往返槟岛及威省两地 询及丹绒武雅工地意外事件进展, 再里尔指出, 调查委员会现阶段已通过听证会来还原真相, 同时也从中探究该有的方案和措施 他也促请州政府对所涉及的单位采取严厉的行动, 避免悲剧再度重演 槟州政府一向以来都严格要求州内的建筑发展需符合所定的规格, 遗憾的是所涉及的单位出现了专业过失 (professional negligence), 我身为该区州议员在接下来的日子, 会更严谨审核一切建筑或工程方案, 以确保民众的安全受保障 再里尔说, 最近都非常忙碌, 下班后也在翻阅资料, 没多余的时间进行热爱的运动, 如游泳 踢足球及打网球 无论如何他会全力以赴, 做好本份, 实现对选民的承诺 4 5

8 要闻 2018 年 5 月 16 日 31 日 [ 实现居者有其屋 ] 佳日星吁中央放宽房贷 槟州地方政府 房屋及城乡规划委员会主席佳日星建议希盟联邦政府房屋部, 将过去国阵失败的 一马房屋计划 (Program Perumahan Rakyat 1Malaysia), 易名为 希望房屋计划 (Program Perumahan Harapan Malaysia), 并让人民较易获得房屋贷款 佳日星说, 为了让人民可更轻易贷款购买屋子, 他也将透过财政部长林冠英与国家银行总裁会面, 以商讨建议放宽房屋借贷事宜 佳日星日前在走访大英义学园组屋巴刹及饮食中心后, 在新闻发布会上如是说 对于新接手的槟州地方政府委员会, 佳日星则认为, 由于前任行政议员, 也就是已经升任首长的曹观友管理得很好, 因此他希望接下来这个部门在他掌管下, 槟岛市政厅及威省市政局可有效的推行各项利民政策 另外, 他透露, 大英义学园组屋提升计划已获批准且正处招标程序, 将会在明年进行 除此之外, 大英义学园组屋巴刹饮食中心或会得到重新发展成多层巴刹及饮食中心 佳日星在访问上述地点时, 接获当地小贩及居民所提及的种种的问题 他认为为解决相关问题的最佳方案是对该巴刹主饮食中心进行重新规划与发展, 兴建一座 4 至 5 层楼且具备停车场的巴刹饮食中心 他说, 位于大英义学园交通圈旁的饮食中心为一个合适的地点建设多层巴刹及饮食中心, 不过这需市政厅去研究其可行性, 为此他也已交代市政厅展开相关研究 他表示, 在 2008 年至 2017 年间, 州政府从房屋基金已拨出 448 万令吉以做该组屋群的提升工程, 当中包括接电线 电梯维修及重新粉刷等 和佳日星一起走访该巴刹的还有日落洞国会议员雷尔, 两名议员在走访谢票的时也分发围裙给当地小贩 佳日星 ( 左 ) 及雷尔在走访大英义学园巴刹及小贩中心时分发围裙给当地小贩及向民众谢票

2018 年 5 月 16 日 31 日要闻 9 1 除了行政议员工作也得顾及垄尾选区事务, 杨顺兴更忙了, 这是日前发生风灾后, 他慰问当地居民的镜头 2 乔治市的古迹文化, 需要得到每一个槟城人的配合和推广 ( 槟州环球旅游机构图片 ) 3 游客来了一批又一批, 老屋的故事总是说不完 ( 槟州环球旅游机构图片 ) 1 2 3 注入 可持续发展旅游 元素 杨顺兴拟擦亮槟州旅游品牌 槟州是旅游胜地, 过去 10 年在州政府精心打造下, 在国际名声更上一层楼, 频频获得各大媒体给予高评价, 垄尾区州议员杨顺兴获得赏识, 掌管旅游发展事务重任, 计划注入 可持续发展旅游 元素, 继续擦亮槟州旅游品牌 杨顺兴也负责与旅游息息相关的古迹, 文化及艺术事务 他表示, 除了乔治市世遗机构和槟州环球旅游机构的协助, 他也希望获得人民的配合, 本着 我爱槟城的精神, 一起推广槟城 报导 陈健敏 以下是 珍珠快讯 与杨顺兴的访谈 : 问 : 槟州旅游业是受到重视的部门, 在接手旅游发展后, 你是否已拟定一套计划, 来推动继续业的发展? 答 : 我计划为州内旅游注入 可持续发展旅游 元素, 以保持环境资源和文化的完整性为前提, 在推动旅游发展的同时, 也能保持本地居民的生活质量, 保护本地旅游资源及生态环境 问 : 在古迹, 文化及艺术方面, 会否与非政府组织接洽, 加强在这方面的合作? 答 : 近来槟州政府在乔治市世遗机构和槟州环球旅游机构的配合下, 举办了多项古迹 文化及艺术活动 未来希望能够与非政府组织加强合作, 举办更多文化表演 音乐演出 美术工作坊 画作展览等等 问 : 至今为止, 对你所掌管的部门了解多少? 答 : 对于槟城旅来说, 旅游业发展蓬勃, 是相当重要的经济支柱 除了闻名遐迩的美食旅游, 在槟城也可体会到文化旅游, 古迹旅游, 生态旅游等不同且多姿多的旅游方式, 因此, 旅游, 古迹, 文化与艺术是息息相关的 问 : 什么事情是你需要更长时间去深入了解的? 还适应吗? 答 : 很多方面都需要时间去了解, 毕竟我才刚上任, 唯有每天不断学习与钻研才能做得更好 目前为止还算适应 问 : 槟州旅游还能如何寻求突破? 答 : 槟州旅游业蓬勃发展, 旅客人数逐年增多, 因此在发展和管理旅游的同时, 需要充分考虑旅游资源和环境的可持续性, 唯有在旅游资源和环境在保持原有的状态下, 才能让槟州旅游领域得到长期发展 问 : 现在希盟执政中央, 能直接与中央联系, 你认为需要中央怎样形式的支援? 答 : 希盟执政中央当然是最好的, 首先, 我们希望中央政府扩建槟城国际机场, 以应付日渐增加的游客数量 其次, 瑞典咸码头也需要进行扩充, 以让更邮轮停靠 问 : 最欣赏哪个国家的古迹文化? 认为槟城还远不及这个国家 / 地方吗? 要如何追上这个国家 / 地方的步伐? 维护古迹 要怎么做? 答 : 西方国家在维护遗产古迹方面做得非常好, 他们注重古迹的原真性和完整性, 像法国, 不仅有许多现代艺术, 更有众多举世闻名的古迹建筑, 像卢浮宫, 巴黎圣母院, 圣心大教堂, 奥赛博物馆等等 乔治市的古迹文化, 需要得到每一个槟城人的配合和推广, 加上州政府, 世遗机构等各单位的推动, 方可成事 问 : 近两三年来, 每年一度的槟城大桥跑出现一些状况, 对于刚上任, 只有不到半年时间要接手, 你会感到压力吗? 是否已有一套对策来筹备今年度的大桥跑工作? 答 : 槟城大桥国际马拉松是槟州年度大型活动, 每年都吸引数万人参与, 难免会有压力, 目前处于接手阶段, 处理着报名, 赛服和奖牌设计等细节部分, 没有任何活动能够做到尽善尽美, 但我相信能提高参赛者的满意度 杨顺兴认为, 唯有每天不断学习与钻研才能做得更好

10 要闻 2018 年 5 月 16 日 31 日 槟州政府计划打造的沿海脚车道, 全长 39.9 公里, 目前工程进度已达 95% 希望之桥 大受欢迎, 是槟岛新的打卡景点 西南区旋转脚车及行人天桥竣工 曹观友 ( 左 ) 与林冠英 ( 右 ) 在一众槟州希盟领袖陪同下, 为 希望之桥 主持揭幕礼 曹观友较后指出, 当局事先并没决定天桥的名称, 相信现场出席者是因受到近期选举的喜悦, 才决定将它命名为 希望之桥 他也说, 槟州政府努力推广脚车运动, 目前槟岛脚车专用道长达 37.3 公里, 让脚车爱好者能安全行驶 他补充,7.1 公里长的 新海峡广场至巴当哥打 脚车道 3.9 公里长的 皇后湾广场至峇央峇鲁 脚车道料也能在今年内竣工 与此同时, 候任财政部长林冠英也在致词上赞扬槟城的脚车设施, 并指未来会将槟城的脚车运动介绍至布城 首长命名为 2 0 1 6 年开始动工的西南区旋转脚车及行人天桥, 于今年 5 月 1 7 日完工 槟州首席部长曹观友日前为这项耗资 870 万令吉的工程主持开幕礼, 咨询现场意见后, 也将此天桥命名为 希望之桥 当天与会者还有槟岛市长尤端詳 行政议员杨顺兴 孙意志 佳日星等 名为 希望之桥 的西南区旋转脚车及行人天桥, 桥身距离地面 11 米, 全长 600 米 希望之桥 拥有 3 米宽的双向脚车道, 及 1.5 米宽的人行走道 站在 希望之桥 的最高处, 可以欣赏美丽的槟城海域, 远处还有苏丹阿都哈林大桥 槟州政府早在 10 年前便开始推广脚车运动, 在槟岛兴建脚车专用道, 并计划在 2020 年完成长达 39.3 公里的沿海脚车专用道 根据资料, 目前槟州政府已兴建了 3 7.3 公里, 换言之, 当局已完成计划中约 9 5 % 的沿海脚车专用道 报导 汪壬捷 耗资 870 万令吉的西南区旋转脚车及行人天桥, 获命名为 希望之桥

Link Bike 共享脚车服务在推出两年后, 目前已被普及化, 成为槟城人通勤的新选择 周五骑脚车上班 符合时下全球节能减碳的生活趋势 希望之桥 2018 年 5 月 16 日 31 日要闻 11 周五骑脚车上班 槟州政府也推出 周五骑脚车上班 (Bike On Friday) 活动, 鼓励民众多骑脚车 这项由槟岛市政厅及 G Club 脚车俱乐部号召的活动, 鼓励人们将汽车停放在加巴星大道或皇后湾购物广场附近的停车位, 然后骑脚车前往光大或市区上班 这项活动的目的, 是为了提倡环保和健康, 同时也希望借此减少路上的车辆, 解除乔治市逢周五必塞的问题 是项活动在 2015 年展开, 响应的领袖包括槟岛市长尤端祥 时任槟第一副首长拿督莫哈末拉昔 双溪槟榔州议员林秀琴等 州政府积极推广脚车运动槟州政府近年落实多项计划, 积极地推广脚车运动, 让这项活动在槟州越趋盛行 骑脚车除了推动绿化城市, 也带来健康 许多人都将其视为一项周末的户外运动, 与三五好友一起相约, 骑着脚车欣赏乔治市古城迷人的风景, 在休闲之余促进身心健康 槟州政府的第一项计划, 就是在槟岛打造全长 39.9 公里的沿海脚车道, 让脚车人士更安全地骑脚车 有关计划预料在 2020 年完成, 截至今日, 有关当局已完成了计划中的 95% 由州政府推动打造的槟岛沿海脚车道, 路线从海峡岸广场为起点, 穿越旧关仔角 古迹区到光大后, 进入东北县海岸 ( 敦林苍祐大道 ) 后, 直驱皇后湾和苏丹阿都哈林大桥 之后, 再接通到槟城峇六拜国际机场 除此之外, 槟州政府也推广脚车共享系统, 推出 Link Bike 服务 此服务从 2016 年开始启用, 首阶段在全槟设立 2 5 个脚车站, 并有 250 辆公共脚车以及 300 个脚车停放站 首次移师至浮罗山背的 2018 年城市骑行 大受欢迎 浮罗亦是骑车热点除了乔治市外, 浮罗山背是另一个备受脚车骑士欢迎的骑车地点 有别于乔治市古城景色, 浮罗山背绿意葱葱的环境, 让脚车骑士运动之余, 也更贴近大自然 许多民众喜欢周末时带着一家大小, 在浮罗山背的稻田中, 一边踏脚车, 一边欣赏美丽的夕阳景色 而槟州政府在今年也首开先河, 将 2018 年城市骑行 (City Ride) 移师浮罗山背, 召骑友踏出拥挤喧嚣城市, 享受纯朴甘榜翠绿氛围 希望之桥 最高处设置观景台, 让民众休息及欣赏槟城美丽的海域

12 要闻 2018 年 25 月 16 日 31 28 日 [ ] 文 / 图 槟州妇女发展机构 爸爸制作, 妈妈摆盘, 我摇匀 Auto City 母亲节办家庭活动 在 2018 年 5 月 13 号 ( 星期日 ) 当天阳光明媚的早晨里, 槟州妇女发展机构在威中县 Auto City 举办了一项主题为 爸爸制作, 妈妈摆盘, 我摇匀 的母亲节的特别节目 这已经是连续 2 年由槟州妇女发展机构在母亲节里所特别举办的项目 此节目旨在传达出共担责任的讯息, 意即 共担责任 = 一个健康 + 平衡的家庭 = 一个性别平等的社会 活动也促进了家庭成员的亲子关系 在 Florance Sinniah 医生的开场致词里, 槟州妇女发展机构的董事说这个名为 爸爸制作, 妈妈摆盘, 我摇匀 是一项以 家庭 为基础的活动, 因为它在母亲节里把家庭成员们都聚集起来了 槟州妇女发展机构希望可以透过能够令各别的家庭们化身为一个团队来完成一下简单的任务的活动以便可以在家庭社群里推广共担责任的文化, 并在活动尾声让各家庭都能从中明白 共担责任 的习惯是可以透过从事简单地事情如洗盘, 烫衣服, 丢垃圾等等培养起来 槟州妇女发展机构的董事 Ahmad Munawir 先生以及槟州妇女发展机构的总裁王美玲女士也出席了这场活动节目 很多来自各族的民众们也在周日里现身参加此项具特别意义 这可说是对于此项活动最大的鼓励 这项凝聚着马来西亚人民的活动非常重要 此因幸福与团结又家庭开始, 然后才得以逐渐扩散至社群, 更甚者至整个槟州与马来西亚 此项活动节目里总共汇聚了 33 组包含父亲, 母亲与一至两名孩子的参赛组合 每一个参与此活动的家庭不止共同度过了美好的家庭时光, 赢家也得以将丰富地礼品与现金折扣卷带回家 而每一个参与的家庭也带回来一个 DIY 矮桌, 地毯与装满巧克力, 糖果和杯子的礼品袋 活动共有 33 组家庭参與 贺章瑛获委行政议员职 槟州妇女发展机构 (PWDC) 董事会于全体职员至诚恭贺章瑛州议员于 2018 年 5 月 18 日当天获委任为掌管妇女与家庭发展, 性别包容及非伊斯兰教宗教事务的槟州行政议员 槟州妇女发展机构在董事会会长章瑛英明领 尊敬的章瑛女士正接受来自槟州最高元首的正式委任之凭证 王美玲女士将纪念品颁于 Florance Sinniah 医生 导之下, 誓要继续尽最大的努力继续承担起责任以便不负众托 自 2012 年槟州妇女发展机构运作开始, 此机构便以其致力于争取女性赋权和性别平等广为人知达成了突破性的成长 槟州妇女发展机构透过与各州政府部门, 机构, 伙伴和公共众合作得以在同时期里实践不少的改革框架, 其中最具代表性的旗舰项目为 : 女性经济赋权项目 (WEE), 女性赋权与领导能力项目 (WEL) 及 两性敏感参与式财政预算案 (G R P B) 这些项目的目的是为了赋予女性在财务, 领导自主能力与和两性有关的包容性策略上的自由度 有了来自章瑛的职位加持, 我们希望这三项项目能够在槟州妇女发展机构之下继续获得蓬勃的发展 我们祝愿她今后事务上的圆满成功以及继续加强我们之间在未来的项目的合作关系

2018 年 5 月 16 日 31 日要闻 13 推广更多社区健康活动, 让大家拥有健康生活 亲民的郑来兴, 常骑着摩托车巡视选区 助减首长负担, 打造选区愿景 郑来兴矢在协调下功夫 2018 年 5 月 23 日, 光大区州议员郑来兴迎来政治生涯的里程碑, 槟州首席部长曹观友宣布委任为其政治秘书, 并于当天早上宣誓就职 报导 陈健敏 首长日理万机, 工作繁重, 又得应付选区问题及出席各种各样活动, 政治秘书就得成为首长的左右手, 减轻首长负担, 也负起各单位与首长之间的沟通桥梁 郑来兴接受 珍珠快讯 专访时, 表示会克尽全力减轻首长负担, 协助槟州更上一层楼 他说, 本身会在协调方面下足功夫, 并贯彻时间管理的守则, 务求让所有工作能够有顺序的完成 在这之前, 我的工作方式比较自由自在, 比如驾着摩托车在选区走透透, 与选民接触, 了解民生 当上政治秘书后, 我必须分出时间前往光大首长办公室工作, 由于刚上任, 需要花些时间掌握, 目前会以政治秘书工作为主, 选区问题由助理们帮忙解决 在政治秘书工作上手后, 我会投入选区的发展工作, 实现对选民的承诺 郑来兴为选区定下 9 个愿景, 会全力朝此方向前进, 即 : (1) 重新定位光大摩天楼的方向, 吸引更多商店进驻, 恢复光大人潮 (2) 提升安顺律万山及新街头万山, 打造更舒适及现代化巴刹 (3) 兴建更多可负担房屋, 解决选区人口老化及选民人数下降问题 (4) 敦促及争取更多的治水工程, 解决选区闪电水灾问题 (5) 落实槟州交通大蓝图, 舒缓市区交通拥挤, 推广公共交通, 鼓励节能减碳, 打造绿色城市 (6) 提升后巷及行人走道计划, 美化环境, 打造更好的衔接性和便利性 (7) 提升街边小贩经商环境及卫生并助他们合法化 (8) 推广更多社区健康活动, 鼓吹健康生活意识 (9) 通过举办醒觉运动及教育, 提高公民意识, 共创美好家园 现年 3 8 岁的郑来兴, 来自大山脚, 在日新国民型中学毕业后, 考获拉曼学院商科 ( 会计 ) 文凭, 过后考获理科大学远程课程财务管理学位 他在 2008 年担任曹观友政治秘书,2 011 至 13 年则担任市议员 郑来兴也活跃于华社活动, 担任槟州华堂青年团署理团长, 也在其他华团担任青年团领袖 受委政治秘书, 郑来兴迎来政治生涯的里程碑 打铜仔街公园是古迹区一道绿色风景, 郑来兴呼吁当地居民善用来休闲做运动 郑来兴服务中心电话 :0 4-2 2 7 7 0 6 8 地址 :14,Jalan Talipon,10400 Georgetown,Penang 身为光大州议员, 恢复光大摩天楼人潮是郑来兴的目标

14 要闻 2018 年 5 月 16 日 31 日 [ 善用科技接触选民 ] 王耶宗 24 小时内解民生问题 报导 汪壬捷 科技与社交媒体普及化, 为现今各行各业的工作效率带来大幅度的提升, 许多程序也随之简化并变得更加便利 而对于政治人物而言, 社交媒体在其职务上带来的好处, 莫过于拉近与选民的距离, 彼此之间能有更直接的交流, 政治人物也能在更短的时间内解决选民所面对的问题 王耶宗打算拍摄一系列短片介绍峇都兰樟特色 峇都兰樟巴刹外空地停车场停车位不足 王耶宗善用社交媒体, 拉近与选民的距离 48 岁的峇都兰樟候任州议员王耶宗, 早在第 14 届全国大选前, 便开设了脸书粉丝专页及 W h a t s a p p 账号, 与选民直接交流, 让该区选民随时随地可以进行投诉 他说, 过去科技尚未普及时, 选民必须亲身前往议员服务中心填写资料, 才能进行民生投诉, 不仅手续繁锁, 效率也不理想 随着社交媒体的出现, 他认为政治人物应善用这类科技的便利, 为人民带来跟高素质的选区服务 王耶宗说, 选民投诉后, 他会尽快处理, 最迟也不会超过 24 小时, 也会在解决后透过社交媒体向投诉者汇报成果 根据王耶宗脸书粉丝专页记录, 他在全国大选后所解决的民生问题, 包括在大英义学路旁装置新的道路反光镜 清理苏洛峇都兰樟沟渠 修补青草巷修道院中学外路面 三山小学外种树等 除了改善峇都兰樟民生课题, 王耶宗也推出 5 项长远计划, 改善该区选民的生活 位于南华医院对面的峇都兰樟 Bata Merah 组屋年久失修 1. 提升峇都兰樟 Bata Merah 组屋王耶宗指出, 位于南华医院对面的峇都兰樟 Bata Merah 组屋, 约有 30 年历史, 许多结构已年久失修 他计划在未来州议会中提出这项计划, 并与州政府探讨提升的方式, 如原地重建 他说, 上述建筑共有 7 栋, 约 200 间单位, 每单位约 600 方尺, 当年是以先租后售的售卖 他指出, 早前他巡视该栋建筑, 发现有水管破裂 消防设施老旧等问题 他希望任期内, 能将这栋占地 7 英亩的建筑现代化, 提供更多基本设施给原本的居民, 也希望能将他们的居住空间扩大至 8 0 0 方尺, 以便能有更好的生活 2. 提升日落洞河床解决苏洛峇都兰樟逢雨必灾问题王耶宗指出, 苏洛峇都兰樟逢雨必灾, 主要是因为隶属水利灌溉局日落洞河床久未提升 他说, 只要下大雨, 日落洞河水就会倒灌入丹斯里郑耀林路一带的沟渠, 令雨水无法顺利排出, 最终造成地势较低的苏洛峇都兰樟淹水 3. 更改铺沥青工序王耶宗认为, 地方政府过去为马路铺沥青的程序必须更改, 避免路面越铺越高, 造成平地屋内外地势不均 以前是屋子比马路高, 现在却不同了 他说, 每次铺盖沥青会令路面 长高 约 6 厘米 如此一来, 下雨时, 雨水就会流进地势相对较低的平地屋内, 造成水灾 4. 在 Desa Green 组屋及峇都兰樟巴刹外兴建多层停车场王耶宗指出, 峇都兰樟巴刹外的空地停车场目前面临停车位不足的问题, 未来他将争取兴建 6 层楼的多层停车场 他说, 当前该处停车场的使用者, 除了峇都兰樟巴刹及小贩中心的小贩及顾客使用, 也有附近组屋的居民将汽车停放在该处 他补充,Desa Green 组屋一带同样面对停车位不足的问题, 尤其是在夜市期间, 更是一位难求, 要前往大路后巴刹的民众也可以在该处停车 5. 提升卿田花园外夜市知名度王耶宗指出, 他会致力提升卿田花园外夜市知名度, 让它成为峇都兰樟美食聚集地, 达到如台湾士林夜市或的水准, 并促进旅游业 他说, 将计划拍摄一系列短片, 介绍峇都兰樟各方面的特色, 如文化 历史 美食 信仰, 也包括上述夜市

2018 年 5 月 16 日 31 日 要闻 15 1 2 保留传统原貌, 改善居住环境 黄顺祥欲舒缓亚依淡交通 作为土生土长的亚依淡人, 候任亚依淡区州议员黄顺祥力推 保留传统原貌, 改善居住环境 理念, 其中将重点关注当地的交通阻塞情况 3 1 黄顺祥承诺将积极关注亚依淡交通问题, 并在其任内推出短期的舒缓交通方案 2 正在装修中的服务中心, 未来将换上服务中心招牌 3 黄顺祥力推 保留传统原貌, 改善居住环境 理念, 誓要打造更具活力的亚依淡 报导 谢丽萍 现年 39 岁的黄顺祥在担任市议员期间, 常在市议会内为亚依淡交通问题发声, 并参与推动衔接亚依淡路及甘榜比桑路的动物园路工程 随着槟岛市政厅在去年委任顾问以拟定 亚依淡交通蓝图, 他将确保有关计划, 贴近居民需求 他要求拟定蓝图者不要仅仅依靠电脑和数据制图, 而是亲身实地体验交通情况, 以便可根据现实情况, 拟制更贴近当地要求的交通计划 他欢迎非政府组织和反对党人士对计划提出看法, 但他希望批评者不要只是一味的批评, 而是能提出实际建议或替代方案, 通过交流和思想激荡, 让计划变得更加完善 他保证, 在他 5 年任期内, 将出台短期缓解亚依淡交通情况的计划 此外, 他也放眼在当地打造活力社区环境, 通过各种丰富多彩活动让居民更具活力和凝聚力 我在竞选期期间, 就举办了 我爱亚依淡登山 活动, 获得居民热烈参与, 运动之余也沿路收集垃圾, 为环保出一份力, 共同打造绿意槟城 黄顺祥是于 2 0 1 3 年开始受委为槟岛市议员, 随后出任槟岛市政厅财务管理常务委员会交替主席 他今年受党委以重任, 于第 14 届全国大选上阵亚依淡区, 取代将转战升旗山区国会议席的原任州议员黄汉伟, 担下守土重责 最终, 多年来都在亚依淡耕耘的他, 成功于三角战中脱颖而出, 以 1 万 2588 票击败国阵民政党和国民团结党候选人, 当选为当地州议员 我依然是我 对黄顺祥而言, 当选州议员意味着他将肩负更大责任, 但他依然是他, 是人们所认识的那位黄顺祥, 而不是 YB(Yang Berhormat, 尊敬的 ) 他笑言, 至今依然不习惯被称为 YB, 也不觉得当 YB 有多特别, 而他将尽心尽力服务社会, 为槟城带来美好改变 今年第 14 届全国大选, 多位槟岛及威省市议员获得党委以上阵重任, 且纷纷报捷 黄顺祥指出, 中选的州议员们皆是认识多年的战友, 他相信他们将可以延续在槟岛市政厅和威省市政局时的合作及默契, 团结共创未来 询及何以会投身政治领域, 他指其父亲黄成泉是行动党的忠实党员, 他自小就跟着父亲出席各种党内的活动, 激发他对政治的兴趣, 并于 2008 年正式成为该党党员 服务中心预计 6 月中运作黄顺祥指出, 其位于亚依淡垄尾路的服务中心现正进行装修工作, 预计可在 6 月中完工并投入运作, 民众暂时可拨打其电话号码与他联系 他说, 一旦服务中心开幕后, 服务时间为周一至周五, 早上 10 时至傍晚 6 时, 周六早上 10 时至中午 1 时 此外, 中心每周三晚 7 时至 9 时亦会开放服务, 以方便工作人士上门求助 坚持载送孩子上下课家庭至上的黄顺祥, 不管再怎么忙, 都坚持送孩子上下课 黄顺祥与妻子陈晓妍育有两名孩子, 年龄分别是 6 岁及 16 个月大 存有浓厚家庭观念的他, 相当看重家庭生活, 愿意花更多的时间陪伴家人 原本平静的生活, 在他 2013 年受委为槟岛市议员后, 起了很大的改变 接踵而来的会议和课题, 占据了他大部分的时间, 见到家人的时间越来越少 但是, 他依然尝试在家庭和市议员事务间取得平衡点, 妥善安排会议时间, 以便他可以亲自接送孩子上下课 即使当选为州议员后, 他依然坚持享有这份可与孩子亲近的 福利

16 广告 2018 年 5 月 16 日 31 日

2018 年 5 月 16 日 31 日要闻 17 [ 专业问政, 草根服务 ] 吴俊益致力提升居民生活素质 以 专业问政, 草根服务 为竞选口号的武吉淡汶区候任州议员吴俊益, 向选民承诺会致力履行其在竞选期间许下的十大承诺, 主要以提升选区基本建设及提升居民的生活素质为服务方针, 同时会致力使武吉淡汶成为著名旅游景点 报导 黄文慧 吴俊益与团队在大发园夜市场走透透, 进行谢票活动 前排 ( 左 3) 为吴俊益 ( 左 4) 为大发园乡委会主席凯文 我从竞选期间至今就不停的走访选区, 也出席了选区内举办的多场丧礼, 我本身是武吉淡汶的居民, 早上载送孩子上学后, 我便会去走巴刹, 接着在咖啡店逗留一会儿, 才去上班, 这已成了一种生活习惯 因此, 走透透活动, 并不会难倒我, 我也能与市民近距离交流, 掌握民生问题 拥有城市规划专业背景的吴俊益曾在槟州发展机构任职城乡规划主任, 他在接受 珍珠快讯 专访时表示, 槟州发展机构的一切活动 发展项目 征用土地事宜, 他都有跟进, 并全力支持槟州政府打造峇都加湾成为 卫星智慧城市 他透露, 槟州发展机构目前在峇都加湾仍有逾 4000 依格的地段待发展, 他会以城市规划师的角度配合该机构及州政府一起商讨如何更完善的规划该区域及加速落实峇都加湾衔接华都工业园 槟城科学园衔接柔府工业园的两座桥梁, 以减缓武吉淡汶路和芭尾路高峰时段的繁忙车流量 对政治事务充满热忱的他, 自 21 岁开始就加入政党至今, 他也曾经当过威省市议员, 服务民众不遗余力 目前, 他将重新启动因资金问题而搁置一段日子的 美丽淡汶计划, 并已开始接洽相关单位, 如威省市政局 Think City 有限公司及掌管旅游发展 古迹 文化及艺术的杨顺兴行政议员和中央旅游部, 这是一项涉及多方的大计划, 他盼能将武吉淡汶推广为闻名遐迩的旅游景点, 让更多人发现当地的美景 美食 古迹及人情味 另外, 吴俊益也会设法向有关当局争取把槟州水上养殖业者纳入 槟州结构蓝图 或 威南地方蓝图 目前, 希盟槟州政府有意将威北 威中及威南地方蓝图三合一, 成为 威南地方蓝图, 这需等州政府重新修正该蓝图, 而他将在现阶段成为选民的桥梁, 为他们请命 当被询及设立服务中心的进展时, 他透露其坐落于怡景苑商业中心的服务中心目前正在进行装修工作, 料于 6 月开斋节后完成 在等待启用装修后的服务中心当儿, 他暂定在其经营的优馆 (U cafe) 及华都村会见选民 吴俊益服务中心电话 :0 4-5 0 6 213 8 地址 :32, Jalan Perniagaan Seri Tambun, Pusat Perniagaan Seri Tambun, 14100 Simpang Ampat,Penang 早期因配合 美丽淡汶计划 而推动的武吉淡汶彩虹屋, 成为游客们打卡景点 吴俊益将善用祝清坤的有盖多用途广场, 把新邦安拔塑造为文化与体育中心, 并打响当地的龙狮文化品牌 吴俊益与台球国手莫景皓在威南首次举办的台球公开赛相见欢

18 要闻 2018 年 5 月 16 日 31 日 1 2 3 升旗山 一起来拥抱大自然吧! 佳节 7 月热闹登场 槟城升旗山机构将于 7 月 21 日至 29 日举办 第一届升旗山佳节, 与民众分享升旗山的辉煌历史 生机蓬勃的大自然以及浓厚的文化遗产 槟城升旗山将在七月的最后两个星期举办一连串精心策划的佳节余兴节目, 配合大量国外和本地游客因冬夏季假期前往升旗山 升旗山佳节所举办的活动都与其中心主题相映成趣 4 1 升旗山是稀有动物郁乌叶猴的栖息地, 且看你是否有缘见到 2 升旗山的瞭望台看日出 日落或云海, 都让人赏心悦目 3 第四代缆车大约在 5 分钟内就可上到山顶 4 升旗山风景让人心醉 5 全马最高森林走道让你近距离感受大自然

2018 年 5 月 16 日 31 日要闻 19 活动名称 21/7/2018( 星期六 ) 漫步热带雨林 和其讲座会 @The Habitat 槟城食叶眼镜猴计划 (Langur Project Penang) 举办的 荒野之路 槟城升旗山的历史 讲座会 @Bellevue Hotel 铜乐队擂台 深夜游升旗山 22/7/2018( 星期日 ) 亲近大自然 系列之步走 Moniot 小径 大自然, 小路径之漫步系列 联合国教科文组织 (UNESCO) 生物圈保护区 槟城升旗山的付出 讲座会 @The Habitat 23-27/7/2018( 星期一至五 ) 亲近大自然 系列之遗产导赏团 好事成双 : 观看月食和火星近日点冲 @Bellevue Hotel( 星期五 ) 28/7/2018( 星期六 ) 亲近大自然 系列之探讨 Viaduct 小径 解读神秘的猪笼草 @Monkey Cup Garden 本地歌舞文化表演 中西合并 音乐演奏之夜 认识爬虫 两栖类动物 讲座会, 探索它们的生态环境 @The Habitat 21-29/7/2018( 星期日 ) Curtis Crest 欣赏晨光熹微 @The Habitat 回首来时路 ~The Crag( 槟城 Uplands School 国际学校发源地 ) 大自然, 小路径之漫步系列二 21, 22, 28, 29/7/2018 英式下午茶及示范 @David Brown 以下活动均在这期间都继续举办 全马最高森林走道 @The Habitat 槟城升旗山历史 大自然与山崩滑坡复原 摄影展 联合国教科文组织 (UNESCO) 生物圈保护区展览 我的升旗山家园 展览举办 槟城升旗山历史 大自然与山崩滑坡复原 摄影展的目的是为了让旅客有机会回顾早年升旗山的模样 我们恳请槟城民众支持这项活动, 献上自己私人珍藏升旗山的旧照片 成功经过筛选的照片将被纳入摄影展的作品之一, 好让大众能一同观赏昔日的升旗山 缴交照片截止日期为 6 月 15 日 此外, 想多了解升旗山历史的游客可借此机会参与 槟城升旗山的历史 讲座会 我们有幸邀请拿督斯里林苍吉带领着一群杰出的演讲者分享升旗山的历史 拿督斯里曾是槟城光大摩天楼的建筑师 槟州古迹信托会创始人兼主席和植物研究员, 童年时光更是在升旗山上度过, 目前还是升旗山 Bellevue 酒店的主席 因此, 他是这次讲座的不二人选 为了让游客深入了解历史悠久的升旗山, 这个佳节还有一个不容错过的活动 回首来时路 ~The Crag( 槟城兀兰国际学校 (Uplands School) 发源地 ) T h e C r a g 建于 18 5 0 年, 原是一间独立式洋房并在早期作为驻远东区域欧洲人的疗养院 后来 The Crag 被 Sarkies 兄弟收购, 在 1894 年增建外围并将其改造成今日所熟悉的 The Crag 酒店 The Crag 酒店保持运作直到第二次世界大战被日本占领后便停止操作, 战争结束后更是被荒废 1955 年, 槟城兀兰国际学校利用这被遗弃的建筑作为学校的发源地后才让 The Crag 死灰复燃 1972 年, 英女王伊丽莎白二世出访该校, 并将其推向巅峰 1977 年, 学校迁移到乔治市后, 直到 1992 年 The Crag 才再次被 Indochina 取景 2015 年, 电视连续剧 Indian Summers 亦选了它作外景拍摄 凭借 The Crag 丰富多彩的过去, 回首 The Crag 的来时路定会是一次难忘的经历, 尤其是 Indian Summers 的粉丝及槟城兀兰国际学校在升旗山时上学的校友 不仅如此, 虽然学校早已搬迁到乔治市, 但后来的校友也应该会对母校早年的历史赋有浓厚的兴趣 5 音乐歌舞文化表演等着你! 为期九天的佳节也会举办其他活动展示升旗山罕见的动植物, 其中一项便是由槟城植物园园长苏另源博士带领的 漫步热带雨林 和其讲座会 我们很荣幸能邀请理科大学的西蒂阿芝查 (Siti Azizah) 教授和其他著名科学家和学者一同讨论升旗山对教科文组织 (UNESCO) 生物圈保护区的举措 天文学爱好者可以聚集在 Bellevue 酒店观察月食和火星近日点冲象 Mind Team 也举办了一系列 亲近大自然 的活动 导游将带着大家走入 Moniot 小径参观猪笼草花园 这精心策划的 5 公里路线会介绍升旗山的遗产, 讲述升旗山这 230 年以来的历史并追溯到 19 世纪初作为英国高级官员首次确立山丘的时候 另一个 亲近大自然 的活动将会带游客探索 Viaduct 小径 Canon 马来西亚和 David Brown 餐厅赞助的大自然摄影工作坊和展览也会和升旗山佳节一起举办, 希望摄影爱好者能好好利用这个机会和专业的摄影师接洽 学习, 并提升自己的摄影技术 升旗山佳节的高潮便是本地歌舞文化表演 中西合并 音乐演奏之夜以及在升旗山 Dataran 举办的铜乐队比赛 这一系列的余兴节目不过是升旗山佳节活动的一部分, 更多详情请将会刊登在升旗山机构的官方网站 www.penanghill.gov.my/ phf2018 有那么多精彩的节目即将来临, 大家记得要记下日期, 不要错过了 如有任何疑问, 请电邮至 phf2018@penanghill.gov. my

20 要闻 2018 年 5 月 16 日 31 日 1 吴骏助槟引中资 首长允续参与一带一路 2015 年抵槟担任中国驻槟总领事的吴骏, 任内积极协助槟州政府推动经济发展 3 年匆匆飞逝, 吴骏如今受中国委派前往越南, 即将与槟城道别 1 槟州中华总商会会长拿督斯里祝友成 ( 左一 ) 执行顾问丹斯里陈国平 ( 左三 ) 等与曹观友 ( 左 6 起 ) 及吴骏合照 2 行政议员彭文宝 ( 左 3) 议长刘子健 ( 右 3) 与华团代表在吴骏离任晚宴上交流并进行合照 3 新科州议员魏子森与华团代表开心合照 4 行政议员杨顺兴 ( 左 3) 在吴骏离任晚宴上, 与华团代表相聚交流 5 槟州中元联合会主席王益辉 ( 左 6) 前槟州行政议员罗兴强等合影 5 2 3 4 吴骏在离开之际, 举办离任招待会, 与槟州政府以致州内政经文教组织共聚一堂, 叙话离别之情 槟州首席部长曹观友在致词时直言可惜, 对吴骏的离别万分不舍 他说, 这是他正式上任槟州首长后的首个晚宴, 没想到就要与好友道别 他说, 吴骏在任期内, 为槟城贡献良多, 包括在一带一路政策下, 帮助槟城吸引投资, 成功让中国驻槟城总领馆, 成为全球推动一带一路绩效最好的总领事馆 此外, 中国外资也开始投资槟城, 包括晶科太阳能投资 1 亿美元 晶澳太阳能投资 1 亿 2000 万美元 南通富士通微电子有限公司与 AMD 电子公司投资 4.36 亿美元, 在槟城成立合资公司 他说, 槟城未来也会积极参与一带一路建设, 中国多个建筑公司已经在槟城取得 143 亿令吉的建筑项目, 包括海底隧道 桥梁 填海工程 道路等 曹观友希望, 通过一带一路的契机, 中国企业和大馬企业未来能有更多合作机会 他当天也祝福吴骏前程似锦, 也希望他多回来槟城, 与老朋友们相聚 吴骏在会上也说, 自己与曹观友相识 3 年, 双方有许多合作 他相信, 在曹观友的带领下, 槟城能得到新的发展, 变得更加繁荣

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12 May 16-31, 2018 Nama ADUN N.26 PADANG KOTA YAB Chow Kon Yeow chowkonyeow@penang.gov.my N.03 PINANG TUNGGAL YB Dato Ir. Zakiyuddin Abdul Rahman No Tel/ No Faks 04-226 0218 (F) 04-226 0218 NAMA ADUN N.33 AIR ITAM YB Joseph Ng Soon Siang N.35 BATU UBAN YB Kumaresan A/L Arumugam No Tel/ No Faks NAMA ADUN PEMBANGKANG N.01 PENAGA YB Ustaz Yusni Mat Piah N.04 PERMATANG BERANGAN YB Nor Hafizah Othman No Tel/ No Faks N.16 PERAI YB Prof. Dr. P. Ramasamy ramasamy@penang.gov.my N.07 SUNGAI PUYU YB Phee Boon Poh pheeboonpoh@penang.gov.my; pheeboonpoh@yahoo.com 04-383 9131 (F) 04-383 9131 04-262 0860 012-480 5495 (F) 04-261 8745 N.10 SEBERANG JAYA YB Dr. Afif Bahardin 04-390 5109 N.15 PADANG LALANG YB Chong Eng chong.eng@penang.gov.my N.29 DATO KERAMAT YB Jagdeep Singh Deo jagdeepsinghdeo@penang.gov.my N.37 BATU MAUNG YB Dato Haji Abdul Halim Hussain N.08 BAGAN JERMAL YB Soon Lip Chee N.22 TANJONG BUNGA YB Zairil Khir Johari 04-530 3028 04-226 2464 (F) 04-227 2464 N.36 PANTAI JEREJAK YB Dato Saifuddin Nasution N.38 BAYAN LEPAS YB Azrul Mahathir Aziz ambasegaria.aam@gmail.com N.39 PULAU BETONG YB Haji Mohd. Tuah Ismail N.40 TELUK BAHANG YB Zolkifly Md. Lazim DAP PENANG HQ dappg@streamyx.com 04-228 8482 (F) 04-228 8514 PKR PENANG HQ 04-397 0115 - N.05 SUNGAI DUA YB Muhamad Yusoff Mohd. Noor - No Tel/ No Faks - - - - - - - - - - - - N.34 PAYA TERUBONG YB Yeoh Soon Hin N.28 KOMTAR YB Teh Lai Heng komtarn28@gmail.com N.02 BERTAM YB Khaliq Mehtab Mohd. Isha N.06 TELOK AYER TAWAR YB Mustafa Kamal N.09 BAGAN DALAM YB Satees A/L Muniandy N.11 PERMATANG PASIR YB Muhammad Faiz Bin Fadzil faizfadzilamanah@gmail.com N.12 PENANTI YB Dr. Norlela Ariffin norlela.ariffin@gmail.com N.13 BERAPIT YB Heng Lee Lee N.14 MACHANG BUBOK YB Lee Khai Loon kllee78@gmail.com 04-227 7068 (F) 04-227 7068 04-538 2871 (F) 04-538 4871 013-399 0519 (F) 04-551 1442 Talian Kecemasan & Perkhidmatan Awam POLIS, AMBULANS, BOMBA 999 & PENYELAMAT DIREKTORI TELEFON 103 OPERATOR ANTARABANGSA 101 HOTLINE MBPP 04-263 7637 ANGKATAN PERTAHANAN AWAM 04-228 9012 BIRO PENGADUAN AWAM 04-263 6893 SEKRETARIAT KERAJAAN 04-262 1957 NEGERI KASTAM 04-262 2300 IMIGRESEN 04-250 3419 WCC (Women s Centre for Change) 04-228 0342 Pusat Perkhidmatan Wanita (Seberang)04-398 8340 EPF 04-226 1000 SOCSO 04-238 9888 JPJ 04-656 4131 04-398 8809 JABATAN PENDAFTARAN 04-226 5161 PENANG GLOBAL TOURISM (PGT) 04-263 1166 TOURISM MALAYSIA 04-261 0058 KERETAPI BUKIT BENDERA 04-828 8880 FERI (GEORGETOWN) 04-210 2363 ( BUTTERWORTH) 04-310 2377 JAMBATAN PP 04-398 7419 STESEN KERETAPI BUTTERWORTH 04-261 0290 PERSATUAN PERLINDUNGAN 04-829 4046 KANAK-KANAK CAP 04-829 9511 BEFRIENDERS PENANG 04-281 5161 04-281 1108 PERPUSTAKAAN PP 04-229 8555 PROGRAM PENGHARGAAN WARGA EMAS/OKU/IBU TUNGGAL/ PROGRAM ANAK EMAS/ PROGRAM RAKAN ANTI KEMISKINAN/ PROGRAM PELAJAR EMAS N.17 BUKIT TENGAH YB Gooi Hsiao-Leung N.18 BUKIT TAMBUN YB Goh Choon Aik N.19 JAWI YB H ng Mooi Lye N.20 SUNGAI BAKAP YB Dr. Amar Pritpal Abdullah N.21 SUNGAI ACHEH YB Zulkifli Ibrahim N.23 AIR PUTIH YB Lim Guan Eng limguaneng@penang.gov.my N.24 KEBUN BUNGA YB Jason Ong Khan Lee N.25 PULAU TIKUS YB Lee Chun Kit N.27 PENGKALAN KOTA YB Gooi Zi Sen N.30 SUNGAI PINANG YB Lim Siew Khim dapsungaipinang@hotmail.com N.31 BATU LANCANG YB Ong Ah Teong N.32 SERI DELIMA YB Syerleena Abdul Rashid 04-829 0614 04-282 6630 PKR PENANG HQ 04-397 0115 N1 Penaga : - - N2 Bertam : - - N3 Pinang : - - Tunggal N4 Permatang : - - Berangan N5 Sungai Dua : - - N6 Telok Air : - - Tawar N7 Sungai Puyu : - - N8 Bagan : - - Jermal N9 Bagan : - - Dalam N10 Seberang : - - Jaya N11 Permatang : - - Pasir - N12 Penanti : - - N13 Berapit : - - - N14 Machang : - - Bubuk - N15 Padang : - - Lalang - N16 Perai : - - N17 Bukit : - - Tengah N18 Bukit Tambun : - - - N19 Jawi : - - - N20 Sungai : - - Bakap - N21 Sungai : - - Acheh N22 Tanjong : - - Bungah - N23 Air Putih : - - N24 Kebun : - - Bunga N25 Pulau Tikus : - - N26 Padang Kota : - - N27 Pengkalan : - - Kota N28 KOMTAR : - - N29 Datok : - - Keramat N30 Sungai : - - Pinang N31 Batu : - - Lancang N32 Seri Delima : - - N33 Air Itam : - - N34 Paya : - - Terubong N35 Batu Uban : - - N36 Pantai : - - Jerejak N37 Batu : - - Maung N38 Bayan Lepas : - - N39 Pulau : - - Betong N40 Telok : - - Bahang

May 16-31, 2018 13 SENARAI NAMA AHLI MAJLIS MPSP 2018 SENARAI PEGAWAI-PEGAWAI PEMBANTU KEWARGANEGARAAN PULAU PINANG Nama Telefon MPSP 04-549 7555 Bil. Nama Daerah Pejabat / Unit Kewarganegaraan No. Telefon David Marshel a/l Pakianathan 019-412 3397 1. Elemperu Valuthi Timur Laut Bilik Perkhidmatan Awam, Tingkat 3, KOMTAR. 04-650 5556 018-467 0037 Heng Yeh Shiuan 016-261 2460 Kumar a/l Kanapathy 012-548 2465 019-658 2465 Mohamad Shaipol Ismail 019-414 6079 Tan Chee Teong 012-401 7718 Tan Cheong Heng 012-487 3101 2. Abdul Rahim Mohamed Nor Barat Daya 3. K. Krishnasamy Seberang Perai Utara 4. P. Rachenamorthy Seberang Perai Tengah 5. Nakulan A/L Muthumanikam Seberang Perai Selatan Kuarters Kerajaan Negeri No.1, Jalan Relau, Balik Pulau. Tingkat 1, Pejabat Daerah SPU, Bertam Kepala Batas. Pejabat Bangunan MPSP, Jalan Betek, Bukit Mertajam Tingkat Dua, Kompleks Pejabat-Pejabat Kerajaan SPS, 14200, Jawi. 016-482 3549 012-488 1553 019-457 2271 010-462 0073 Thomas Loh Wei Pheng 04-390 6836 012-409 6836 Woo Sze Zeng (Joshua) 016-557 6672 Mohd Sharmizan Mohamad Nor 011-1110 6456 Zaini Awang 019-546 3115 Ong Jing Cheng 016-445 5709 012-758 3779 Anuar Yusoff 04-507 5390 016-461 6390 Shuhada Abdul Rahim 010-380 7672 Dr. Seow Kweng Tian 04-593 5493 012-507 2229 Fadzil Hj Abdullah 017-343 4464 Nota: Orang awam dipohon menghubungi Pegawai-Pegawai Pembantu Kewarganegaraan untuk menetapkan temujanji masing-masing. Nama SENARAI NAMA AHLI MAJLIS MBPP 2018 Telefon MBPP 04-259 2020 Ahmad Azrizal Tahir 012-498 4556 Ahmad Razaaim bin Azimi 012-572 4711 016-451 9225 Francis a/l Joseph 012-474 3321 Goh Choon Keong 019-471 7931 Gooi Seong Kin 016-457 1271 Teoh Koon Gee 016-419 1938 Harvindar a/l Darshan Singh 012-428 2250 Kala a/p Durai Raj 016-468 4247 Khoo Salma Nasution 017-456 6012 Mhd. Nasir Yahya 012-402 6739 Kalendar Pelancongan Pulau Pinang Mei 2018 Zulkiply Ishak 013-431 6161 Nur Zarina Zakaria 011-1578 5098 Saiful Azwan Abd Malik 016-463 2787 29hb Mei 2018 Wesak Day Dr. Tiun Ling Ta 04-505 7288 013-430 2096 Wong Chee Keet 012-451 1312 Hamizah Abdul Manab 013-591 6344 - - - - Shahrudin Mohamed Shariff 012-428 3160 Shung Yin Ni 012-413 9246 Tan Chiew Choon 019-470 4499 Wong Yuee Harng 016-439 9121 - - - - - - - BULETIN MUTIARA Tingkat 47, Komtar, 10503 Penang Phone : 04-650 5468 ; Fax : 04-261 5923 Email: buletinmutiara.bpkn@gmail.com EDITORIAL Editors : Victor Seow (English) Tan Kean Ming (Chinese) G. Revatic (Tamil) Writers : Danny Ooi, M. Tanushalini, Christopher Tan, Ong Kok Hoay, Thaarshenii Kumar (English) Cheah Lay Ping, Wong Boon Foei, Eng Kok Wei, Oong Ren Jie (Chinese) J. Patmavathy(Tamil) Photographers : Law Suun Ting, Alissala Thian, Ahmad Adil Muhamad, Darwina Mohd. Daud, Shum Jian-Wei, Alvie Cheng, Noor Siti Nabilah Noorazis and Chan Kok Kuan Graphic Designers : Idzham Ahmad and Nur Afiqah Zainudi

14 May 16-31, 2018 Pakatan Harapan a reformist government Story by Victor Seow Pix by Law Suun Ting LAWYER Ramkarpal Singh who successfully defended his Bukit Gelugor parliamentary seat in GE14, spoke to Buletin Mutiara on his plans for the constituency which was once held by his legendary father, the late Karpal Singh. In Bukit Gelugor, as you know, there are some problems in relation to the high-rise condos particularly in the Farlim area. These problems are specifically related to basic amenities such as lifts and water tanks. These are all managed by the Farlim Group and there have been lots of complaints I have received personally before the election. This is something that I would like to overcome in the near future. So, if we talk about specific issues in Bukit Gelugor, this (Farlim) would be one of them because it affects a lot of residents, he told Buletin Mutiara on May 23. Ramkarpal, or Ram as he is fondly called, was first elected as MP for Bukit Gelugor in a byelection in 2014 after the demise of his father who was the incumbent MP. Time was of the essence as the state government then had just taken power in the general election a year earlier and needed to continue with its reform agenda for Penang. Ram wasted no time in mastering the facts and figures of the constituency and now knows Bukit Gelugor like the back of his hand. Flooding is another issue. As you know, it has affected Penang on a number of occasions and the most serious one was on Nov 4 and 5 last year. That was the most serious floods to have been recorded in the history of Penang, I believe. Obviously, the usual areas like Caunter Hall, Sungai Pinang and Datok Keramat were very badly affected. But Air Itam and Paya Terubong in Bukit Gelugor were also similarly affected. You see, one of the main problems in the past as to why Ramkarpal knows the Bukit Gelugor constituency like the back of his hand due to his frequent interaction with his voters. this flooding problem kept recurring was because the state was unable to get the necessary funds from the federal government to implement the flood mitigation programmes. So now that we are in federal government, I hope with the assistance of the state government under Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow, these flood mitigation programmes can be implemented as soon as possible. We can t stop the rain from falling but we can at least try to contain the floods by implementing these urgently needed flood mitigation programmes, he said. Traffic congestion is not something peculiar only to Bukit Gelugor but throughout the entire Penang island. Various projects can be looked into as we are now the federal government and one of them is the LRT. It s long overdue in Penang to have an LRT system. Interestingly, Ram also gave reasons for the complacency of Barisan Nasional that ultimately led to its downfall on May 9, Being legally trained and a practising lawyer, he wants to see reforms in the institutions of government by Pakatan Harapan. Pakatan Harapan (PH) is in federal power for the first time. The challenge for PH now is that we are a reformist government. Prior to that, we were the Opposition. Now our mindset has to change to that of a reformist government. This means we must have at the forefront of our mind at all times the reform agenda. For me, I have issues which are very close to my heart which are reforms for the judiciary, the Attorney-General s Chambers, the police force, the MACC. All these institutions need to be seriously revamped! This is a major challenge to PH federal government because when we talk about reforms, we have to come out of our comfort zone. You see, the Barisan Nasional never came out of its comfort zone. It just kept doing the same things over and over again, he said. On the question of whether the DAP fielding many lawyers as its candidates in GE14 formed Ramkarpal (right) explaining the benefits of the new heat absorbant material to be used for replacing the roof of the Air Itam market food court to its traders. part of the party s strategic move in the reform agenda, Ramkarpal believes that whether or not one is legally trained is not a criteria to participate in the country s reform agenda. I don t think there s a specific reason for that. It just so happens to be. Quite a number of us (the candidates) practise law but some of us are not actively doing so. Of course, I am and my brother Gobind was (a practising lawyer) but is no longer in practice because he s now a Minister. Kula (MP for Ipoh Barat M. Kulasegaran) also has to give up. Those who were active in practice, there were not many. Those who were qualified lawyers, yes, there were quite a few. But I think it s just a coincidence (that many DAP GE14 candidates were lawyers). Well, it helps to have a legal background when we talk about reforming the laws made by Barisan Nasional. One example is the Anti-Fake News Act which was passed before the election which Gobind announced would be reviewed or repealed. All such laws would be reviewed and of course, if you got a legal background, it makes it easier. I m not saying those without a legal background can t do it. What I am saying is, I don t think you have to be a lawyer to participate in reforms. Everybody can participate in the reform agenda and there are lots of talents in the DAP who can contribute to it, added Ramkarpal.

May 16-31, 2018 15 Chow feels pulse of Tech Dome Story by Victor Seow Pix by Ahmad Adil Muhamad CHIEF Minister Chow Kon Yeow on May 22 spent almost an hour at the Tech Dome Penang to see its latest attractions the six space models from the China Science and Technology Museum as well as to gain a deeper understanding on its operations and achievements to date. Chow was briefed by Tech Dome Penang chief executive officer Dr. Khong Yoon Loong throughout the visit. The chief minister s interest was piqued by the Chinese space models especially the life-sized Chang e 3 Moon Lander. A powerpoint presentation was also conducted by Khong which gave details of the background of Tech Dome Penang, the number of visitors thus far, special programmes for international students, education workshops, international collaborations with China and Taiwan, its internal governance make-up and Chow (forefront in black suit) being briefed on the Chinese rockets made of high quality steel and contributed by the China Science and Technology Museum. key personnel in the advisory panel, quotations committee, business advisory council and tender board as well as the state of its finances. Just a day earlier on May 21, the chief minister was briefed by Penang Island City Council (MBPP) mayor Yew Tung Seang on the future directions of the city council and the further steps which will be taken to ensure Penang becomes a cleaner, greener, healthier and safer place. The closed-door briefing which lasted almost two hours was attended by many of the newly elected assemblymembers such as Daniel Gooi (Pengkalan Kota), Ong Ah Teong (Batu Lancang), Joseph Ng (Air Itam), Lim Siew Khim (Sungai Pinang), Chris Lee Chun Kit (Pulau Tikus), Syerleena Abdul Rashid (Seri Delima) and A. Kumaresan (Batu Uban). Also present were newly sworn in exco members Datuk Halim Hussain (Domestic & International Trade, Consumer Affairs and Entrepreneur Development), Chong Eng (Women & Family Development, Gender Inclusiveness and Non-Islamic Religious Affairs), Yeoh Soon Hin (Tourism Development, Heritage, Culture & Arts) and state secretary Datuk Seri Farizan Darus. Among the issues which were discussed included urban poverty, housing for the lower income group as well as job opportunities for social mobility. The chief minister also conveyed his thoughts on running a compassionate state government which meets the needs of the people as well as the delivery of the promises made during the campaign period. Chow s visit to Tech Dome Penang and the MBPP were part of a series of visits he had made to the various state agencies and government departments since becoming chief minister. Other state agencies he had visited included the Northeast District and Land Office and Penang Development Corporation (PDC). Guan Eng: No holds barred in scrutinising nation s finances FINANCE Minister Lim Guan Eng told the press on May 20 that the state of the nation s finances would be scrutinised to make sure everything is in proper order and any malpractices to be rectified. We must take into consideration the previously announced financial statements, whether accurate or not, we have to check and study them further. From what I see, it does not appear to be like what was announced before. So we have to take precautions (while studying the figures), he told reporters at Tech Dome Penang (TDP). Lim added that any information that was not made available by the Barisan Nasional government would be unearthed. We want an open book for all, he added. The former chief minister had earlier unveiled the space models contributed to Tech Dome Penang by China Science and Technology Museum. The fascination is obvious on the faces of (from left) Khong, Wu and Lim as they take a closer look at the Chang e Moon Lander built on a scale ratio of 1:1. The six models are the lifesized Chang e Moon Lander and the Yutu Moon Rover while the 4 rockets the Long March 2F, Long March CZ-3A, Long March 5 and Long March 7 are scale models measuring 6 metres each in height and are made of high quality steel. This project is a collaboration between Tech Dome and China Science and Technology Museum for the past two years and the models contributed by the Chinese cost almost RM1 million. So, we have saved on that much of an amount to enable visitors to Tech Dome to see for themselves the marvels of Chinese rocket science, Lim said in his speech. The exhibits are placed in the Space Exploration Gallery within Tech Dome to be viewed by the public. Also present were Lim s wife Betty Chew, TDP director and steering committee chairman Datuk Wong Siew Hai, TDP chief executive officer Dr. Khong Yoon Loong and Chinese consul-general Wu Jun.

16 May 16-31, 2018 pwdc congratulates yb chong eng on her appointment as exco for women & family development, gender inclusiveness and non islamic religious affairs The Board of Directors and staff of Penang Women s Development Corporation (PWDC) would like to extend our heartiest congratulations to YB Chong Eng on her appointment as the Penang State Executive Councillor for Women and Family Development, Gender Inclusiveness and Non-Islamic Religious Affairs on 18 May 2018. PWDC pledges to continue to carry out the duties and responsibilities entrusted to them, to the best of their abilities, under the able and competent guidance and leadership of YB Chong Eng who is also the Chairperson of the Board of Directors at PWDC. Ever since its operation in 2012, PWDC has achieved tremendous growth and is widely recognized for its advocacy work on women empowerment and gender equality. Working with the state government departments, agencies, partners and the public, PWDC has managed to implement several frameworks concurrently, through three of our flagship programmes, namely Women Economic Empowerment (WEE), Women Empowerment and Leadership (WEL) and Gender Responsive Participatory Budgeting (GRPB). These programmes are aimed at empowering women through financial freedom, leadership and gender inclusiveness. With the addition of gender inclusiveness in YB Chong Eng s state portfolio, we hope to see further expansion of the three programmes under PWDC. We wish her every success and a strengthening of our already close working relationship for all future programmes and endeavours. YB Chong Eng receiving her official appointment credential from the Yang di-pertua Negeri Pulau Pinang. e-commerce workshop: Mother s Day event Papa Makes, Mama Plates, I Shake at Auto City, Juru how to be successful entrepreneurs Penang Women s Development Corporation (PWDC) organized an E Commerce Workshop titled How to Be Successful Entrepreneurs at PSDC, Bayan Lepas on 28 April 2018. The workshop which is part of a series of workshops organized by PWDC s Women Economic Empowerment (WEE) programme, to enable women and men to learn new skills and connect them to the area of digital income opportunities. Past workshops have received tremendous response from participants of various communities, including young adults, working adults and women homemakers. It is part of PWDC s effort in realising our vision for a Penang which upholds the practice and principles of substantive equality among women and men, good governance and social justice and to enable more women from the communities to be involved in economic activities said YB Chong Eng, Exco for Women, Family, and Community Development as well as Chairperson of PWDC, in her opening speech which was read out by Dr Florance Sinniah, Director of PWDC. Workshop participants started registering as early as 8.00 am and breakfast was served while participants waited for the workshop to begin. The morning session started with Ms Ong Bee Leng, CEO of PWDC, leading some 38 participants which comprised of both women and men of various age Listening to the briefing on Big Timer. groups, through a forum titled Sex & Gender - What is the Difference?. From the interactive session forum participants were able to understand the difference between a person s sex as determined by his or her biological body functions while a person s gender is a social construct for women and men. Gender roles are interchangeable depending on time and context. The morning session continued with a presentation by e-commerce website host and service provider, Site Giant, a Penang based ICT company. Participants were shown many examples of how the rapid growth of e-commerce business has impacted traditional brick and mortar businesses throughout the world. Such examples include Walmart, Amazon and Alibaba. Site Giant provides an e-commerce platform for entrepreneurs with packages starting from as low as RM1090 to RM2390 per year. Their services include digital marketing, e-commerce platform, payment gateway, and logistics & fulfilment. The afternoon session was conducted by Red Box Studio, a web design and hosting company based in Penang. The session involved participants in a Monopoly type of entrepreneurial game, using colored cue cards, where participants compete among each other in a marketplace, with time, event, action and customer cards. In each round, the player will decide which card to play and draw, and the winner is determined by a player getting the required number of customers as stated in her or his drawn card. The workshop ended with Ms Ong Bee Leng, CEO of PWDC thanking all the participants for taking time out on a Saturday to attend the e-commerce workshop and playing the Big Timer entrepreneurial game where the participants learned business strategy through play. On a bright sunny Sunday morning on 13 May 2018, Penang Women s Development Corporation (PWDC) organized a Mother s Day event Papa Makes, Mama Plates, I Shake at AutoCity, Juru. It was the 2nd consecutive year that this Mother s Day event by PWDC is being held to highlight the message of shared responsibility and how Shared Responsibility = A Healthy + Balanced Household = A Gender Equality Society. In her opening speech Dr Florance Sinniah, Director of PWDC said that Papa Makes, Mama Plates, I Shake is a family-orientated programme to bring families together on Mother s Day. PWDC hopes to promote the culture of shared responsibilities at home through this fun-filled event where the whole family complete simple tasks together as a team. At the end of the event, each family would have learned something important, which is, shared responsibility is something that can be cultivated through doing simple things together such as washing the dishes, ironing the clothes, taking out the garbage, among many other things. Also present at the event were En Ahmad Munawir, Director of PWDC and Ms Ong Bee Leng, CEO of PWDC. The response for this Participants working together in the family. Ms Ong Bee Leng presenting a memento to Dr Florance Sinniah. programme was encouraging as many participants from a diversity of ethnicity turned up to spend a Sunday morning to be part of this community event. It is important for all Malaysians to come together as unity and happiness start at home, then it spreads outwards to the community, and hopefully, to the whole of Penang and Malaysia. There were a total of 33 participating teams comprising the mum, dad and a child or two. Every family who took part in the event not only had a great time spending quality time together but the winners took home hampers and cash vouchers. Every participating family also took home a DIY low table, floor mat and goody bag containing a tumbler, chocolates and candies.

May 16-31, 2018 17 Landscape programme by MBPP begins at SJK(C) Jelutong WITH the allocation of RM6,000 approved in April, SJK (C) Jelutong pioneered the One Class One Landscape project by the Penang Island City Council (MBPP). MBPP councillor Grace Teoh said a total of 900 saplings of various types were planted in the garden of the school. Teoh was attending the launch of the Waste Segregation At Source programme for the school with Jelutong MP RSN Rayer and Batu Lancang assemblymember Ong Ah Teong at the school on May 25. Also present were school headmaster Tan Ko Leong and MBPP Urban Services Department director Mubarak Junus. Earlier in his speech, Rayer said the state government together with MBPP will continue to embark on the One Class One Landscape programme by introducing it to other schools in the state soon. We want to instill the spirit of taking care of nature and observing the importance of waste segregation at source for all Penang residents, he said. Meanwhile, Ong also engaged the students in a dialogue session by asking them questions about waste segregation at source and its importance to households and for Penang in general. (From left) Teoh, Rayer, Ong and Tan joining the school children at the launch of the waste segregation programme. Ramadan cheer for 25 underprivileged children AS part of its corporate social responsibility (CSR) programme in conjunction with the holy month of Ramadan, 25 underprivileged children from Pertubuhan Kebajikan Anak Kesayangan Pulau Pinang were treated to a feast on May 24. The orphans age ranged from two to 18 years. The charity event started off by welcoming the children and guardians at the Lexis Suites hotel lobby by general manager Ben Ho, Bayan Lepas assemblymember Azrul Mahathir, and heads of departments from the hotel. The children were given a love balloon each before all of them were then ushered to the Hibiscus Grand Ballroom for the event where they were treated to local traditional delicacies. It is indeed a blessing to be able to see all of their happy faces, enjoying their time very much here, Ho said. At the function, Ho and Azrul presented a mock cheque for RM4,080 as donation to the owner of Pertubuhan Kebajikan Abak Kesayangan Pulau Pinang, Mohamad Dalep. They also presented hampers of daily groceries such as flour, milk powder, noodles, oyster sauce and assorted Ramadan Cookies to the guardians. Besides that, each child also received goodie bags comprising mechanical pencils, coloured pens and ballpoint pens from the management. From Ramadan vouchers sold in 2017, a total donation of RM4,080 was collected.

18 May 16-31, 2018 Health officers check Balik Pulau Ramadan bazaar Story and pix by K.H. Ong The Southwest District Health Department conducted a check on the Ramadan bazaar in front of the district s mosque in Jalan Balik Pulau on May 28. State deputy Health director Datuk Dr Norlia Yahaya, who led a team of officers, advised some of 80-odd hawkers on cleanliness and the hygienic way of preparing and selling food. They were also joined by Balik Pulau MP Muhammad Bakhtiar Wan Chik and Pulau Betong assemblymember Mohd Tuah Ismail. State exco member in charge of Health, Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Dr Afif Bahardin, who was supposed to lead the walkabout, was unable to be present as he had to attend another function at the eleventh hour. As part of their activity, Muhammad Bakhtiar, Mohd Tuah and Dr Norlia handed souvenir bags containing aprons, caps, hand gloves and health education materials to the hawkers. During this fasting month, Health officers from Southwest District showing the goodie bags containing aprons, caps, hand gloves and health education materials for distribution to the hawkers at the Ramadan bazaar in Balik Pulau. Muhammad Bakhtiar putting on an apron for hawker Mohd Firdaus Abdul Rahim during the walkabout. With them are Dr Norlia (wearing tudung), Mohd Tuah (about to put a cap on Mohd Firdaus) and district health officer Dr Mohamed Iqbal Hamzah (right). we re conducting random checks on the bazaars throughout the state. Today, we just want to see the quality of the hawkers food and the way they handle it, said Dr Norlia. We want them to be aware of the importance of cleanliness so that their food won t be contaminated and cause food poisoning. Contamination can happen when the buyers keep touching the food here and there. From May 17 to May 25, Dr Norlia said health officers from the Penang Island City Council (MBPP) and Seberang Perai Municipal Council (MPPP) had conducted a total of 26 operations on 3,540 stalls. MBPP conducted 10 operations on 1,760 stalls while MPPP conducted 16 operations on 1,780 stalls. They had issued 115 compounds worth RM15,400 for offences such as for not wearing proper attire, not undergoing medical check-up and allowing unregistered persons to operate instead. She added that health officers would next visit the Ramadan bazaars in Pinang Tunggal, the constituency of Penang Deputy Chief Minister I Datuk Ahmad Zakiyuddin Abdul Rahman, to also promote cleanliness awareness. Visitors to the Ramadan bazaar in Balik Pulau were spoilt for choice as food such as fried chicken, murtabak, kuih, drinks, laksa, burger, tomato rice, chicken rice, mee udang (prawn mee), nasi kerabu, nasi ayam, nasir lemak pandan, pasembur, dates and various fruits, pizza, donuts and biscuits were sold. Muhammad Bakhtiar, who won the Balik Pulau parliamentary seat by beating incumbent Datuk Seri Dr Hilmi Yahya, the then deputy health minister, with a majority 6,464 votes, said the walkabout was a friendly reminder to the bazaar hawkers to take care of cleanliness. In 2013, Muhammad Bakhtiar lost to Dr Hilmi by 1,539 votes. We ve got to upgrade the standard of cleanliness and facilities. Food cannot be simply exposed because there are many flies flying around, he said. Furthermore, I think food wastage is most rampant during Ramadan. This is against the spirit of Ramadan when we learn to experience what hunger is all about.

German push for Penang May 16-31, 2018 Story by Danny Ooi Pix by Darwina Mohd Daud THE Penang government is confident that more investments are coming to the state. German ambassador to Malaysia Nikolaus Graf Lambsdorff told Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow that Germany would be sending a representative to look into possible investments in the state and the country. Accompanying the ambassador was German honorary consul in Penang Datuk Hans Peter Brenner. Lambsdorff and Brenner paid a courtesy call on the Chief Minister at his office on May 28. They also congratulated Chow and enquired on the status of the Penang Transport Master 19 Plan. Chow thanked Lambsdorff and Brenner for their concerns, and stressed the importance of addressing the state s traffic condition. We have to work towards the betterment of the state. However, in view of the current financial situation of our country, these projects will have to be carried out in stages, Chow said, referring to the Light Rail Transit (LRT), undersea tunnel and the three paired road projects. Chow also spoke highly of Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng. Lim (former Penang Chief Minister) has laid a good foundation for the state, and I will definitely bring it to greater heights, he said. Chow (right) in a discussion with Lambsdorff (centre), while Brenner looks on. CAREGIVERS TRAINING CHARIS Hospice will conduct a basic caregivers training session at its premises at 28, Lintang Paya Terubong 3, Penang on June 23, from 9am to 3pm. Registration closes on June 18. Details, call 017-4514258. PHOTO CONTEST IDEAL PROPERTY Group is organising My Ideal Home photo contest. The registration is open until June 8. Registration is free and fabulous prizes await winners. For details, call Lim or Kate at 04-6411969. CATARACT SURGERY LIONS Club and Pantai Hospital are offering subsidised cataract surgery for the needy. Details, call the hospital s Public Relations Department (04-6396517) or its careline (017-5782899). VOLUNTEERS WANTED GEORGE TOWN Heritage Celebrations 2018 is looking for volunteers for its Street Festival on July 7 at the George Town heritage site. To sign up as a volunteer, visit gtwhi.com.my/ gthc2018. For details, call Bernard at 011-51319213. STREET MARKET THERE will be a Street Market at Udini Square every Saturday and Sunday, at Level 2. A variety of clothes, shoes, fashion accessories and food are available from 10am to 8pm. For details, contact Udini Square Management Office at 04-2915477. COUNSELLING HELP4u provides confidential and free email counselling for the personal, emotional and social issues of youths. Visit www. help4u.org.my or www.help4u.my YWCA ROOM VACANCIES YOUNG Women s Christian Association (Jalan Masjid Negeri) has newly-refurbished spacious rooms with attached bathrooms for rent. For enquiries and details, call 04-828155 between 9am and 5pm (week days) and 9am 1pm (Saturdays).

20 May 16-31, 2018 Jagdeep: We were once persona non grata at housing ministry Story by Victor Seow Pix by Ahmad Adil Muhamad STATE exco member for Local Government, Housing and Town & Country Planning Jagdeep Singh revealed that he and former Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng were once persona non grata (unwelcome) at the Housing & Local Government Ministry (KPKT) in Putrajaya. Let me tell you frankly. I can still remember during Rahman Dahlan s time (when he was Urban Wellbeing, Housing & Local Government Minister), we were persona non grata at the Kementerian Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan (KPKT). That means we are not allowed to step into the (Ministry) building. And I was told this by the deputy minister after he (Rahman Dahlan) left. That is how bad it was. Persona non grata...me and Lim Guan Eng. After Tan Sri Noh Omar came in (as the Housing Minister replacing Halaman Damai JMB members led by Mohd Ramlah (fifth from left) are jubilant over the state government s 80% contribution towards improving their piping system. With him are (from his right) Rayer, Mohd Fauzy, Jagdeep and Lim. Rahman Dahlan), he allowed Guan Eng and I to visit him. We entered the premises of the KPKT for the first time in February 2017. Noh Omar met us, listened to us but whatever requests we made were not fulfilled unfortunately. And now things have changed. Today I m so happy as straightaway less than one month after GE14, (newly appointed) Housing & Local Government Minister Zuraida Kamaruddin has confirmed meeting the Penang Housing and Local Government delegation to be led by me on June 7 at 10am in Putrajaya. So fast (things are happening now) she wants to see me because there are many things to discuss, Jagdeep told the media on May 24. Jagdeep was attending the cheque presentation ceremony at Halaman Damai Block 10 located along Lintang Kampung Rawa 1 for the approval of the piping system works in which 80% of the cost was borne by the state government. The cheque amounted to RM29,468. It should be noted that prior to GE14, some 139 projects under the Penang Maximum 80% Maintenance Fund had already been approved by the state government. Many other applications that were submitted under this fund were also being considered and I m happy to state that as of today, some 146 projects have been approved at a cost of RM21.7 million which includes 136 applications for lift replacement and upgrading, 53 for water tank replacement and upgrading and 11 for roof replacement and upgrading, the Datok Keramat assemblymember added. Also present were Jelutong MP RSN Rayer, Sungai Pinang assemblymember Lim Siew Khim, Housing Department (Placement & Development) senior assistant secretary Mohd Fauzy Mohd Yusoff and Halaman Damai Joint Management Body (JMB) chairman Mohd Ramlah Mohd Rowther. Best of Taiwanese performing arts coming to Penang GEORGE Town Festival (GTF), in collaboration with the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Malaysia (Teco), will present Isle to Isle, a series of programmes highlighting the best of Taiwanese performing arts, creativity and art administration from Aug 12 to 19. GTF director Joe Sidek said he hoped the locals would gain more exposure and knowledge from the one-week Isle to Isle event that would be held in George Town. I have been to Taiwan eight times and each time, there s always so much to learn from the Taiwanese art and cultural creative industries, Joe said during a cross-cultural exchange signing ceremony with Teco cultural division director Peggy Chou at the E&O Hotel in George Town on May 24. I hope this collaboration with Teco is only the start of more (From right) Joe, Chou, Lee and Goay Huah at the cross-cultural signing ceremony at E&O Hotel to promote Isle to Isle programme. things to come. Also present were vice-president of Taipei Investors Association in Malaysia Datuk Lee Hung Lung, Penang Alumni Association of Taiwan University (PAA- TU) president Lim Goay Huah, PAATU secretary Lim Kheng Yeow, Mano Plus Select Store Founder Jessie Ng and Fact Lifestyle Founder and Mano Plus representative William Ho. We are thrilled to bring to Penang the best of Taiwanese art, design and more. Taiwan is now actively promoting the New Southbound Policy and Malaysia is one of the key countries. We hope through the festival, we can create a closer bond with Malaysia. Penang, a fascinating fusion of Asian and European influences, is Malaysia s most beautiful city, said Chou. The Isle to Isle programme consists of Hsinchu City Youth Orchestra Concert, Isle of Dreams, Second Body, Kaxabu! A Language No Longer Spoken, talks and a market showcasing and selling Taiwanese creative products curated by Songshan Cultural and Creative Park and screenings of Taiwanese films. Joe added that Taiwanese films like Ah Chung, The Fourth Portrait and The Best of Times that would be screened at the festival had won international awards. It is something we can look up to and what their style of storytelling is. Somehow or rather, we missed the boat. So hopefully, we will catch up now, he said. For details of the festival, visit georgetownfestival.com.

May 16-31, 2018 21 Flood projects to address long-term concerns Story & pix by Danny Ooi EXCO for Public Works, Utilities and Flood Mitigation Zairil Khir Johari said flood mitigation projects are the only avenue to solve flood issues in Penang. He was referring to flood mitigation projects in Teluk Kumbar, Teluk Bahang and Pondok Upeh in the Southwest district of Penang island. Speaking during a press conference held at the Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID) of Sungai Burung in Balik Pulau on May 21, the newly-elected Tanjong Bunga assemblymember said the flash floods that occurred during the night of May 19 were mainly caused by: 1. Heavy rain in a short duration (72.5mm/hr). 2. Drainage system which is not systematic and does not allow maximum water discharge. 3. Choked drains. 4. Repair of roads which impede water flow. 5. Occurrence of high tide. The areas affected were Kg Sungai Rusa, Kg Bukit Kecil, Ta- Zairil (centre) speaking with DID staff about flood mitigation projects at the water pump station. man Nelayan, Kg Paya, Taman Manggis, Jalan Air Putih, Pulau Betong, Kg Perlis, Kg Terang and Gertak Sanggul, he added. Also present at the briefing session was Balik Pulau MP Muhammad Bakthiar Wan Chik. Meanwhile, Muhammad Bakthiar said short-term measures to check flash floods include improving conditions of river banks, carrying out clean-up works, proper drainage and ensuring no blockage in the irrigation system apart from repair works concentrated at the flood affected areas. Zairil together with staff of DID and other personnel present at the briefing session later paid a visit to the water pump station located at Teluk Kumbar. (From left) Rohayu, Ong and Teoh checking the progress of the resurfacing works at Jalan Batu Lanchang, with the Autopond from Jalan Masjid Negeri in the background. RM500,000 for road resurfacing in Batu Lanchang area THE Penang Island City Council (MBPP) is in the final stages of resurfacing the major roads in the Batu Lanchang area at an estimated cost of RM500,000. The works are almost completed, except for the finishing touches and road markings, at Jalan Teh Ewe Lim (550m at RM233,000), Autopond Jalan Masjid Negeri (180m at RM33,000) and Jalan Sir Ibrahim (600m at RM238,000). MBPP senior assistant engineer Rohayu Mohamed Rashid said on April 18 they would take about two to three weeks to complete the task which began at the end of April. She was at the site together with newly elected Batu Lanchang assemblymember Ong Ah Teong and MBPP councillor Grace Teoh Koon Gee to check on the project s progress. Teoh said there were quite a number of minor accidents involving motorcyclists that happened at the Autopond because of potholes. Hiring annual contractors because of the urgency of the matter, Rohayu said milling works had to be done at the Autopond by scrapping 75mm of the road surface before paving the road again. Ong thanked MBPP for carrying out quick remedial work, saying that he had contacted them even while he was named a candidate for Batu Lanchang constituency in the 14th General Election. He said the MBPP team would move on to do resurfacing works in Taman Hutchings and Jalan Perak in early June. (From fifth from left) Cheah, Chow and Lee coming together for a group photograph during the courtesy call. Penang s original flavours CHIEF Minister Chow Kon Yeow expressed his hope for the Penang Chefs Association (PCA) to revitalise and promote the original food range Kor Char Bi (Original Flavour) and take itvto another level. He commented that the traditional foods from Penang should move towards a new branding. Work with stakeholders to achieve this goal. It s a challenge to break away (from the norms), Chow told members of the PCA who paid him a courtesy visit at Komtar on May 22. The PCA delegation was led by its president Audee Cheah and deputy president Lee Chan Wai. Meanwhile, Cheah hoped the state government will support the PCA in its mission to organise more food fairs such as the Battle of the Chefs which is scheduled to be held in October. We hope to make Penang the food capital of the world, he told Chow. During the visit, the PCA also conveyed its well wishes to Chow for becoming the fifth Penang Chief Minister.

22 要闻 2018年5月16日 31日 1 3 2 4 5 述说印裔200年奋斗史 槟印裔文遗博物馆全国首创 印裔文化遗产博物馆 Indian Heritage Museum 槟州落户 为大家述说印裔社会200年来在大马的奋斗史和生活故事 有关由兴都基金会主导的博物馆 就位于槟岛中路 它不仅是槟州首见 相 信也是全国首座类似的博物馆 让更多人有机会通过这里 接触和了解更多 印裔文化 为有关博物馆开幕的槟州第二副首长拉玛沙米指出 有关博物馆储存了印裔 在此土地上的身份象征与记忆 能够让下一代通过展馆内的各种展品 勾勒 出属于印裔的独有文化 这些展出的物品 是印裔先贤所留下来的遗产 诉说着印裔社会来马200 年来 在这里生活 并把这里变成家乡的一段故事 6 他是在有关博物馆的开幕礼上 如是指出 他补充 这是一项保留印裔文化习俗的重要举措 也是希盟所倡导多元文化 1 古老的器具 在现今社会已经绝迹 互映的努力之一 而他们也将继续这项努力 让更多的文化得以保存下来 2 展馆开放让各族参观 促进彼此间的文化交融和了解 当我们谈及槟城的发展 不仅是来自现实或实质上 如基本设施 道路和 3 写实的场景 让人忍不住在馆内 打卡 留念 房产上的进步 更重要是槟州注重人文发展 给予人民精神上的富足 4 民众能够通过展品更为了解以往社会的生活面貌 有关博物馆目前免费 而馆方更会安排讲解馆内的种种展品 让参观者更直 5 以前的传统玩具 你见过吗 观的了解展品的来历和其文化渊源 6 槟州印裔文遗博物馆正式开幕 诉说印裔在大马落户的历史故 博物馆每逢周六 周日和周三 三天 开放 开馆时间为上午10时至下午4 事 时 Disiar oleh Kerajiaan Negeri Pulau Pinang