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大众旅行社有限公司 KKKP 33 Jalan Tugu, Kampung Air, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. (121052-W) 1293 POPULAR EXPRESS TRAVEL SDN BHD www.popularexpress.com 088-221 313 Email : outbound@popularexpress.com Fax: (088) 213 036 PopularExpressTravelSdnBhd Tour Code: 11EGG 11 DAYS 8 NIGHTS 4 star hotel based on final confirmation or similar standard Salzburg (1 Night) Vienna (2 Nights) Budapest (1Night) Prague (2 Nights) Munich (2Nights) Local delicacies Hungarian goulash Austrian Schnitzel German Pork Knuckle 1 Kota Kinabalu Transit City Munich, Germany Meal on board Assemble from Kota Kinabalu International Airport for flight to Munich: A cosmopolitan city with a heart and its warm city motto Munich Likes You. 2 Arrive Munich (127KM) Neuchwansten (214KM) Salzburg, Austria Lunch / Dinner Neuschwanstein Castle is a nineteenth-century Romanesque Revival palace on a rugged hill above the village of Hohenschwangau near Füssen in southwest Bavaria, Germany. The Neuschwanstein Castle is one of the most visited castles in Germany and one of the most popular tourist destinations in Europe The palace has appeared prominently in several movies such as Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and The Great Escape and serves as the inspiration for Disneyland's Sleeping Beauty Castle and later, similar structures.. Salzburg, Austria.

3 Salzburg (295KM) Vienna, Austria Salzburg: A charming city which is the shooting place for the most successful film in musical history Sound of Music. Birthplace of Mozart (include entrance): the place where the genius musician Mozart was born, the building containing his historic instruments, documents, memorabilia and some of the portraits painted during his lifetime. Mirabell Garden (outview)with its famous winged Pegasus; Fountain of Sound of Music. And Old Town Vienna, the capital city of Austria. 4 Vienna Sightseeing tour of Vienna to see the St Charles Church, Opera House, Ringstrasse, Hofburg Palace, Historical & Fine Art Museum, Maria Theresa Monument, Parliament, Stadpark, St Stephen Cathedral and Hundertwasserhaus (outview). Schonbrunn Palace (include entrance): The most important cultural monuments in Austria. The palace and gardens illustrate the taste, interests and aspirations of the successive Habsburg monarchs. Parndorf Outlet: It is home to over 150 stores and 600 designer brands, including all the fashion heavyweights; Escada, Polo Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger, Bally, Aigner and many more! 5 Vienna (243KM) Budapest, Hungary Depart to Budapest, the capital city of Hungary, which straddles the wide Danube River. Danube River Cruise offers sightseeing of two parts of the city, BUDA and PEST. You may see some of the fabulous and charming sights along the river. Sightseeing tour of Budapest to see the Heroes Square, Millennium Monument, St Stephen Basilica, the Parliament, the Fisherman s Bastion and the Matthias Coronation Church. Enjoy café culture in one of the largest and most traditional cafes in the city with an afternoon tea or coffee served with traditional cake.

6 Budapest Prague, Czech Republic Leave Budapest and cross the border into the Czech Republic. See the medieval town of Brno. Journey through beautiful Bohemian countryside to the golden city of Prague. Prague: the capital and largest city of the Czech Republic. 7 Prague Sightseeing tour of Prague to see the Old Royal Palace, St Vitus Cathedral, St George A Basilica, Golden Lane and Daliborka, St Charles Bridge, Old Town, Tyne Cathedral, the Astronomical Clock and St Nicholas Cathedral. Prague Castle area (include entrance): The largest castle area in the world with three courtyards. The castle buildings represent the architectural style of the millennium such as Bohemia, Romanesque and Gothic styles. 8 Prague Cesky Krumlov Munich Cesky Krumlov Castle - Cesky Krumlov Castle was built in 1240. The State Castle of Cesky Krumlov, with its architectural standard, cultural tradition and expanse, rank among the most important historic sights in the central European region. Building development from the 14th to 19th centuries is well-preserved in the original groundplan layout, material structure, interior installation and architectural detail. View of Castle Tower and Egon Schiele Art Centrum (Outside) 9 Munich Sightseeing tour of Munich to see the Marienplatz, Neues Rathaus & Glockenspiel, Bavarian Gothic Altes Rathaus, Hofbrauhaus, Peterskirche, twin onion domed Frauenkirche and Funf Hofe. BMW Museum (include entrance): If offers a fascinating presentation of the company, brand and product history of BMW. About 125 of the brand s most valuable and attractive automobiles motorcycles and engines are displayed on a surface area of 5,000m. 10 Munich Transit City Breakfast / Meal on board Time to bid farewell to these exciting destinations and bring home wonderful memories of Eastern Europe! 11 Transit City Meal on board Kota Kinabalu Arrive Kota Kinabalu International Airport Remarks: The sequence of the itinerary may be subject to change with/without prior notice. In the event that a place of visit or attraction is closed to visitors, it will be replaced with an alternative, if possible. During major events/trade fairs/peak season, accommodation may not be in the city mentioned.

大众旅行社有限公司 KKKP 33 Jalan Tugu, Kampung Air, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. (121052-W) 1293 POPULAR EXPRESS TRAVEL SDN BHD www.popularexpress.com 088-221 313 Email : outbound@popularexpress.com Fax: (088) 213 036 PopularExpressTravelSdnBhd Tour Code: 11EGG 11 天 8 晚 德国 - 奥地利 - 匈牙利 捷克共和国 旅游住宿 4 星级以类似为标 萨尔茨堡 (1 晚 ) 维也纳 (2 晚 ) 布达佩斯 (1 晚 ) 布拉格 (2 晚 ) 慕尼黑 (2 晚 ) 道地美食 古雅什汤奥地利炸肉排德国咸猪手 1 亚庇中转城市慕尼黑, 德国 机上用餐 聚集亚庇国际机场, 搭乘豪华客机飞往慕尼黑 : 德国最热情的城市, 多年来该城市的格言 慕尼黑喜欢您. 2 抵达慕尼黑 (127 公里 ) - 新天鹅堡 (127 公里 ) - 萨尔茨堡, 奥地利 午餐 / 晚餐 新天鹅堡是 19 世纪晚期的建筑, 位于德国巴伐利亚西南方, 距离福森镇约 4 公里 这座白色城堡耸立在高高的山上, 其四周环山和湖泊 一年四季, 风光各异, 数年来作为德国的经典旅游景点, 吸引着全世界的游客 新天鹅堡的独特外形激发了许多现代童话城堡的灵感, 美国加州迪士尼乐园和香港迪士尼乐园的睡美人城堡的灵感均来自于此 萨尔茨堡, 奥地利

3 萨尔茨堡 (295 公里 ) 维也纳, 奥地利 萨尔茨堡 : 为 音乐之声 拍摄场地, 并且是历史上最成功的音乐剧和电影同时庆祝第 50 周年纪念 正是由于这部好莱坞电影, 让萨尔茨堡市被全世界所熟知和喜爱 莫扎特的出生地 ( 含门票 ): 回顾莫扎特童年时举办著名的作品展, 如他的小提琴演奏, 他的击弦古钢琴, 画像, 信件和莫扎特家族的其它纪念品在此馆, 继续参观米拉贝尔花园 米拉贝尔花园 ( 外观 ) 是着名的飞马座 ; 音乐之声 的喷泉 和老镇 维也纳, 奥地利的首都 4 维也纳 维也纳市区游 : 查理教堂, 歌剧院, 戒指路, 霍夫堡宫殿, 美术博物馆, 玛丽亚特丽莎纪念碑, 国会大厦, 维也纳城市公园, 斯蒂芬主教座堂和百水公寓 ( 外观 ) 美泉宫 ( 含门票 ): 位于奥地利也西南部的巴洛克艺术建筑, 如今是维也纳最负盛名的旅游景点 帕嗯多夫购物中心 : 是出售质量上乘的过季名牌产品, 样品及世界顶级厂商和品牌所生产的过剩产品 从各式设计师装品牌到鞋类, 配饰, 珠宝首饰所有这一切都将以最优惠的价格在这里呈现! 5 维也纳 (243 公里 ) - 布达佩斯, 匈牙利 布达佩斯 : 匈牙利的首府, 也是该国主要的政治, 商业, 运输中心和最大的城市, 也被认为是中欧一个重要的中继站 船游多瑙河 : 观赏两岸上的 布达 和 佩斯 美丽风景 布达佩斯市区游 : 游览英雄广场, 千年纪念碑, 圣伊什特万圣殿, 国会大厦, 渔人堡和马提亚斯教堂 您还有机会在城中规模最大及咖啡文化馆享用下午茶或咖啡, 再配上传统的匈牙利蛋糕

6 布达佩斯 - 布拉格, 捷克共和国 离开布达佩斯, 将越过捷克共和国边境 我们将途经参观中世纪的布尔诺小镇 及将经过美丽的波希米亚乡村到达布拉格的黄金城市 布拉格, 是捷克共和国的首都和最大的城市 7 布拉格 布拉格市区游 : 游览旧皇宫, 圣维持特大教堂, 圣维持大教堂, 圣乔治大殿, 黄金巷, 达利沃尔塔, 查理四世大桥, 旧城广场, 天文钟和圣尼古拉教堂 布拉格城堡 ( 含门票 ): 是世界上最大和拥有三个庭院的古城堡 此城堡的建筑风格是代表了最后太平盛世的波希米亚和罗马式哥特式的建筑之一 8 布拉格 - 捷克克鲁姆洛夫 慕尼黑 克鲁姆洛夫城堡 - 克鲁姆洛夫城堡兴建于 1240 年, 是捷克除布拉格城堡之外最大的一个古堡, 城堡中有一个保存完好的巴洛克式剧场以及一些原始的布景和道具 考虑到其年代久远, 一年只在该剧场上演一次歌剧, 主要是巴洛克时期的剧目 整座城堡本身就是一幅绝美的画卷, 气势磅礴, 色泽艳丽, 分为古堡 高塔 博物馆等几个部分 城堡塔和埃贡席勒艺术中心 ( 外观 ) 9 慕尼黑 慕尼黑市区游 : 玛丽亚广场, 霍夫城堡, 蒂罗尔州的冰川峰, 市政厅, 钟楼, 豪夫布洛豪斯, 双洋葱圈顶圣母教堂和五宫廷 参观宝马博物馆 ( 含门票 ), 在这里您可以了解有关宝马创新技术和独特设计的更多信息 10 慕尼黑 早餐 / 机上用餐 中转城市 是时候告别这些令人怀念的目的地, 把东欧最美好的回忆带回家! 11 中转城市 机上用餐 亚庇 抵达亚庇国际机场 备注 : 中文版行程翻译自英文版本, 如有差异, 将以英文版本为标准 行程顺序或因当地非预期情况而需临时更改, 恕不预先告知 如有任何景点在旅游期间对外关闭, 将尽可能以另一个景点代替 在主要节日 / 商业展览 / 旅游旺季期间, 住宿酒店可能需安排在另一个城市