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Ascende Bunk bed 安昇德双层床 注意 : 请仔细阅读此说明书, 并妥善保管以便日后参考 BK-ASBB

Boori Furniture NOTE: Use only spare parts approved by the manufacturer EN 747-1:2012+A1:2015 WARNING: Do not leave the child unattended 1. WARNING: High beds and the upper bed of bunk beds are not suitable for chilren under six years due to the risk of injury from falls ; 2. WARNING: Bunk beds and high beds can present a serious risk of injury from stangulation if not used correctly. Never attach or hang items to any part of the bunk bed that are not designed to be used with the bed, for example, but not limited to ropes, strings, cords, hooks, belts and bags ; 3. WARNING: Children can become trapped between the bed and the wall,a roof pitch, the ceiling, adjoining pieces of furniture (e.g. cupboards) and the like. To avoid risk of serious injury the distance between the top safety barrier and the adjoining structure shall not exceed 75 mm or shall be more than 230 mm ; 4. WARNING: Do not use the bunk bed/high bed if any structural part is broken or missing ; 5. always follow the manufacturer s instructions ; 6. Recommended Bottom Mattress size: 1900 x 1000. The mattress thickness must be less than 200mm ; Recommended Top Mattress size: 1900 x 900. The mattress thickness must be less than 120mm ; 7. Ventilation of the room is necessary in order to keep the humidity low and to prevent mould in and around the bed ; 8. To check regularly that all assembly fastenings are properly tightened; 9. This product is certified to comply with EN 747 : 2012+A1 : 2015 AS/NZS 4220:2010 a. A warning and statement as follows WARNING: TOP BUNKS AND ELEVATED BEDS ARE DANGEROUS AND ARE NOT RECOMMENDED Falls from elevated beds can be fatal and deaths have occurred where children have fallen from elevated beds.this is relevant for all ages. The risk is greater for younger children. The risk of injury or death from a fall from an elevated bed compared to a nonelevated bed is: 10 x greater for 7-8 year olds 7 x greater for 9-10 year olds 3 x greater for 11-12 year olds FOR CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF 9 b. Children should : be discoureged from playing on the bunk bed. c. That the bunk bed should be checked periodically to ensure that the guardrail, access device and other components are maintained in the correct position and state of repair and that all commectors are tight. d. WARNING The upper bunk must be more than 2 m from any ceiling fan.

Kids Furniture Care Instructions We hope you love your new Boori Kids furniture and it becomes an important part of your family home. In order to keep your furniture looking its best, please follow these care instructions. Assembly When assembling your furniture, please follow the assembly instructions and use the tools supplied Boori products should only be assembled by an adult away from children Heavy components should be lifted by two people to prevent injury Every section that is assembled should be checked after assembly before moving onto the next stage Product Positioning This product is made of timber and is therefore flammable Do not place your Boori furniture near open flames, fire places or extreme heat sources such as electric or gas heaters Do not direct sprayers or humidifiers at the furniture as they can cause damage Where possible avoid exposing furniture to extreme changes in temperature. Timber is a natural product and will want to expand and contract as the temperature varies. Extreme temperature variations can damage timber products. Avoid direct exposure to sunlight as this can cause our natural timber and plant oil colours to fade. Black rubber feet on items such as radios, computers and picture frames can cause marks. Always use a felt mat (not plastic) to protect your Boori furniture Do not place in damp environments or areas with high levels of moisture as this encourages mould growth. Cleaning Clean your furniture by wiping with a soft, damp cloth If necessary, use a mild soapy solution and wipe clean with a soft cloth Do not use strong household cleaners Always wipe in the direction of the wood grain, not in circles. Wipe up spills immediately with a soft cloth Protect the furniture against bedwetting as this can lead to discolouration Maintenance We advise that you regularly check the safety of your furniture Ensure all bolts and screws are tightened and check for loose connections, missing parts or sharp or pointed edges Avoid contact with sharp objects and hot liquids When moving furniture always lift and place it into position; do not drag. We recommend that two people lift or alter the positioning of the furniture Product testing Standards Standard: GB 28007-2011 EN 747-1: 2012+ A1: 2015 AS/NZS 4220: 2010 BK_FCI_INT/ENG_04/16

Warranty Against Defects - Australia This Boori Kids product ( Product ) (including mattress) carry a full five (5) year manufacturer s warranty ( Warranty Period ) to the end-purchaser ( the Customer ) as testimony to the quality and longevity of the product. This warranty excludes general wear & tear and damage caused, by the Product not being used in accordance with its instructions or the care instructions. During this Warranty Period Boori Australia Pty Ltd (ABN 43 160 962 354) ( Boori ) will replace or repair any defective part. In the event of a Product being replaced, as a whole unit or part thereof during the Warranty Period, the warranty on the replacement will expire five (5) years from the original purchase date. This guarantee excludes accidental damage, misuse and or improper transporting and handling. The warranty is void if the original Product has been altered in design or colour in anyway. Subject to the Australian Consumer Law, this Warranty does not apply to any products sold as seconds, floor stock, repaired products, or products that have a defect where this has been drawn to the customer s attention before the purchase of the product. In addition, this Warranty will not apply if: (a) Repairs to a product are made or attempted by a service provider other than one approved by Boori. (b) The product has not been used or maintained in accordance with the manufacturer s instructions as provided with the product. (c) The customer uses the product in an abnormal manner for example if the product is abused, misused, dropped, crushed, impacted with any hard surface, exposed to extreme heat (including fire) or cold, not maintained properly or used after partial failure. (d) The product has been modified, incorrectly adjusted or operated, subjected to incorrect electrical supply or inconsistent electrical supply or used with inappropriate accessories. (e) The product is tampered with in any way All warranty claims must be lodged: 1. at the place of original purchase as set out on your receipt for purchase of the Products or you may contact Boori on 02 9833 3769 to obtain further details; and 2. together with a proof of purchase. Where the Customer makes a claim pursuant to this Warranty, all expenses incurred in sending the Products to Boori are the Customer s responsibility. Boori s liability in respect of a breach of a consumer guarantee or any warranty made under this Warranty for any Products not of a kind ordinarily acquired for personal, domestic or household use is limited, in relation to the Products to the extent permissible by law and at it s option to: 1. replacing the Products or the supply of equivalent Products; 2. the repair of the Products; 3. the payment of the cost of replacing the Products or of acquiring equivalent goods; or 4. the payment of the cost of having the Products repaired. To the extent permitted by law, all other warranties whether implied or otherwise, not set out in this Warranty are excluded and Boori is not liable in contract, tort (including, without limitation, negligence or breach of statutory duty) or otherwise to compensate the Customer for: 1. any increased costs or expenses; 2. any loss of profit, revenue, business, contracts or anticipated savings; 3. any loss or expense resulting from a claim by a third party; or 4. any special, indirect or consequential loss or damage of any nature whatsoever caused by the Customer s failure in complying with its obligations. Limitations on Warranty Disclaimers In the following paragraph, Our means Boori, You means the Customer and goods means Products : Our goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and for compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure. The benefits given to the Customer in this Warranty are in addition to other rights and remedies under a law in relation to the Products to which this warranty applies. BK_WAD_AUS_04/16

Warranty Against Defects - UK All Boori products (including mattresses) carry a full five (5) year manufacturer s warranty as testimony to the quality and longevity of the range. This warranty excludes general wear & tear and damage caused, by the product not being used in accordance with its instructions or the care instructions. During this guarantee period Boori will replace or repair any defective part. In the event of a product being replaced, as a whole unit or part thereof during the guarantee period, the guarantee on the replacement will expire five (5) years from the original purchase date. This guarantee excludes accidental damage, misuse and or improper transporting and handling. The warranty is void if the original product has been altered in design or colour in anyway. All warranty claims must be lodged at the place of original purchase and proof of purchase must be provided in order to lodge a warranty claim. BK_WAD_UK_04/16

售后服务及产品使用保养手册 一 产品检验标准 产品甲醛释放量 : 合格执行标准 :GB 28007-2011 ( 家具 ) GB 24430.1-2009 AS/NZS 4220: 2010 EN 747-1: 2012+ A1: 2015 ( 双层床 ) 二 信心质保 ( 一 ) 我们对所有 Boori 产品提供长达五年的质保, 为 Urbane by Boori 产品提供两年质保 ( 二 ) 三包服务范围 : 1. 包修 : 凡属产品本身质量问题的一律免费维修或者提供补件 因顾客自行运输 安装及使用维护不当造成的问题, 本公司负责收费维修或补件 2. 包换 : 一年内, 同一缺陷经两次修理未能达到质量标准的包换, 更换后的产品保修期从更换之日起重新计算 3. 包退 : 在包修期限内, 同一缺陷经两次修理 调换后仍无法达到质量标准的, 在约定期限内不能调换的, 经检验为不合格的 ( 三 ) 本质保不包括产品正常使用损耗 不按照使用说明书使用而造成的产品损伤破坏, 不包括由于运输 安装 使用过程不当造成的意外损坏 如果产品被顾客改装或是故意损坏, 也不在保修范围之列 三包 范围属下列情况之一者, 不实行 三包 服务, 可酌情收费修理 1. 消费者因使用 维护 保管不当造成损坏的 ; 2. 自行拆动造成损坏的 ; 3. 无 三包 凭证及有效发票的, 又不能证明其所购产品在 三包 有效期内 ; 4. 三包 凭证号与修理产品型号不符合或者涂改的 ; 5. 超过 三包 期限的 ( 四 ) 运费说明 : 1. 因产品质量问题产生的来回运费由我公司承担 2. 因顾客因素造成的补件和返厂维修及退货等, 来回运费由顾客承担 3. 由于顾客自己找物流公司, 很容易碰到乱要价, 价格虚高的问题, 我公司已与合作物流达成战略合作 如需寄回, 请联系客服 三 常见问题 ( 一 ) 请问 Boori 是全球知名婴童用品品牌吗? Boori, 是澳洲专业婴童家具品牌, 始于 1993 年 二十多年来,Boori 以其品质享誉世界多个国家, 产品受到多家高端商厦信赖, 如欧洲 Harrods 商厦 澳洲 David Jones 百货 英国 John Lewis 连锁百货等 ( 二 ) Boori 婴童家具符合安全标准吗? Boori 所有的婴童床标准均高于澳洲和新西兰 AS/NZS: 2172/2010 安全标准 更有不同的产品, 根据不同市场需求, 通过美国 欧洲 日本等国家安全标准 ( 三 ) Boori 婴童家具环保健康吗? Boori 婴童家具精选优质木材, 木材均通过 FSC 权威认证, 安全环保可持续, 天然健康无农药 Boori 更是通过美国权威 UL 绿色环保金奖认证的婴童家具企业, 可安心用于孩子们 收到产品后, 可先将产品放到阴凉通风处静置几日即可放心使用, 可消除因严密包装产生的味道 BK_FCI+WAD_CN_04/16

售后服务及产品使用保养手册 ( 四 ) 为什么要选用尺寸适宜的 Boori 配套床垫? 床垫的材质和尺寸对婴童睡眠来讲非常重要,Boori 床垫专为 Boori 婴童床研制, 运用天然及高科技材料, 科学搭配, 健康护脊, 尺寸专为 Boori 婴童床研制, 为宝宝的成长提供最安全舒适的睡眠环境 ( 五 ) 如何购买 Boori 单独配件? 如果您需要购买单独配件, 请联系客服 ( 六 ) 如何买到合适的配套床品? 可咨询客服, 客服会根据您购买的婴童床, 提供床品尺寸的建议与更多帮助 四 安装指导 ( 一 ) 请按我公司提供的产品组装说明书组装本产品 ( 二 ) 请定期检查床体的安全性, 确保所有的螺杆 螺丝紧固, 并检查五金件是否有损坏, 接头是否有松动, 零件是否有遗失, 边缘是否有毛刺等 ( 三 ) 您也可以联系客服获取安装视频指导 五 家具保养 为了使您的 Boori 婴童房保持最佳状态, 我们对 Boori 家具的日常保养提供如下建议 : 1. 避免强光直射, 远离热源 2. 用柔软洁净布料直接擦拭灰尘 3. 如有需要, 请用柔软洁净的湿布蘸取中性清洁剂擦拭油污, 并立马擦干 4. 请顺纹理擦拭, 避免打圈移动 5. 避免使用家庭强力去污剂 6. 避免接触尖锐物体 热液体 7. 避免将橡胶底座的物品放置到家具上, 比如收音机 电脑或是电话 8. 表面使用毡布覆盖保护 ( 勿用塑料材质 ) 9. 避免同时抽出两个及以上抽屉 10. 移动家具时一定要抬离地面并平放至水平位置, 避免拖拽 1 1. 避免暴露在极端变化的温度与湿度下, 这会损坏木制品, 不要将家具放在空调出风口 壁炉 散热器 空间加热器或除湿器附近, 避免近火或强热源 12. 避免家具受到阳光直射, 紫外线会使产品褪色, 在一些情况下还会使颜色变暗, 会使表面植物油产生龟裂或毛细裂纹 白色会慢慢自然变暗, 是由于木材会因外界环境变化而产生一些颜色改变, 从而导致家具表面植物油颜色随之改变, 但这不属于质量缺陷, 是实木家具所具有的一种特性 我们对 Boori 床垫的日常保养提供如下建议 : 1. 定期改变受力点 床垫建议在前三个月内每个星期, 左右反转一次, 之后每 2-3 个月左右反转一次, 这样可以确保床垫更加耐用 2. 保持清洁 可使用吸尘机除去灰尘及尘螨, 如果床垫上任何污迹或液体, 可用少量冷水混入温和去污剂清理并迅速用吸水纸吸干, 切勿把床垫浸在水中或其他液体里, 特别是有椰棕填充的床垫 3. 请避免使用酸碱性化学物品清洁床垫, 酸碱性化学物品不仅会损坏床垫, 更会影响婴童身体健康 BK_FCI+WAD_CN_04/16

售后服务及产品使用保养手册 4. 保护好床垫, 最佳方法是加一张保洁垫, 因保洁垫比较容易取下, 能通风透气去除异味, 使床垫更卫生 更加耐用 5. 使用棕垫时定期 2-3 个月将棕垫晾晒, 保持干爽, 延长使用年限 6. 使用时去掉塑料包装袋, 以保持环境通风干爽, 避免床垫受潮 六 退换货流程 如需退换货, 请您按照以下流程操作 工作日客服会在 12 小时内进行处理, 非工作日客服会在恢复工作日后 12 小时内处理 1. 请保证货品及包装完好, 不影响二次销售 2. 请第一时间联系客服, 如有质量问题, 请及时拍照传给客服 3. 与客服联系并协商一致后, 请用一张小纸条写上您的退换货原因 退货商品型号 退货商品有无存在质量问题 您的收货地址和联系方式, 将纸条放在包装内, 将货物寄回 七 联系方式 售后服务联系电话 :400 865 1128 退换货地址 : 浙江省嘉兴市南湖区七星街道经济产业园二期内浙江博瑞家具有限公司, Boori 仓库收,0573-8388 5718 警告适用年龄段 :3 岁及以上 注意! 只允许成人安装, 儿童勿近 警告! 小心夹伤 该手册适用于中国市场 BK_FCI+WAD_CN_04/16