ViVA ESPAñA! 伟大的西班牙 Words 撰文 :Liana Cafolla Photo courtesy of dfic 图片提供 : 东方 IC 31 LUXURY PROPERTIES

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专辑 feature

ViVA ESPAñA! 伟大的西班牙 Words 撰文 :Liana Cafolla Photo courtesy of dfic 图片提供 : 东方 IC 31 LUXURY PROPERTIES

Spain s property market has been in the doldrums for so long that current talk of a comeback is tinged with a notion of caution. After years of fast-paced growth and vast construction, the country s property bubble burst in 2008, with devastating consequences for the economy and employment. Finally, though, Spain s property sector is showing distinct signs of recovery, albeit unevenly. The recovery is regional, and a wavering Euro and the high unemployment rate (22 per cent) are certainly reasons for concern. However, among property agents in the city s most in-demand cities and in the most popular islands, which escaped the worst of the downturn, the mood now is upbeat. It is buoyed by rising demand, a falling differential between asking prices and sales prices, and a sense that the country s property market has turned a corner. Increasingly, foreign buyers are now competing with locals. Data for Q3 2015 from the Spanish Property Registrars shows a rise in sales by national buyers, which are up 16 per cent compared to the same period last year. Foreign sales were up 20 per cent during the same period. Sales to national buyers at Lucas Fox rose by 50 per cent from November 2014 to November 2015. The company s latest market reports also show that prices in Spain s three key cities Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia are now slowly beginning to increase. Whether prices are up or down, the attractions of the country, especially for its sun-starved European neighbours, have never waned. Like its visitors, the majority of Spain s overseas property owners have traditionally hailed from colder northern European countries, particularly the UK, Germany, Austria, and the Netherlands. They are drawn by the country s long, hot summers, cheaper cost of living, excellent beaches, and many historical and cultural attractions. With a population of 48 million, Spain is the fourth largest country in Europe. It is bordered by Portugal in the south and by France in the northeast. The largest concentrations of high-end property are found along the Mediterranean coast, in Barcelona and Valencia, in the capital, Madrid, and on the Mediterranean islands of Mallorca and Ibiza. Madrid Spain s capital is located in the centre of the country and is home to about 3.3 million people. An elegant and historic city that comes alive after dark, Madrid has a very limited stock of new luxury property, which is helping to buoy prices. The key factor relating to stock is the lack of available supply in Madrid, says Knight Frank s 2015 prime residential report for the city. Of the 700 million Euros of available supply for sale in 2014, the market has dropped to 500 million Euros, which equates to a take-up of approximately 30 per cent. The fact that there is virtually no new-build prime supply, coupled with the marked decrease in resale housing stock and buyer appetite, is causing a genuine lack of new-build supply and good quality resale supply. Seventy per cent of luxury property buyers in the capital are Spanish. The number of foreign buyers who come mainly from South America has doubled to 30 per cent in the last two years, buying either for investment or as second homes, adds the report. Overall, Madrid has seen the second-highest year on year growth in prime residential prices in Europe, with prices up 5.2 per cent, far higher than the European average of PRICES IN SPAIN S THREE KEY CITIES MADRID, BARCELONA AND VALENCIA ARE NOW SLOWLY BEGINNING TO INCREASE 西班牙的三大主要城市 马德里 巴塞罗那 瓦伦西亚 的房价正在缓慢回升 32 LUXURY PROPERTIES Luxury Villa in Castellón, Valancia. Photo courtesy of Rimontgó, Christie's International Real Estate's affiliate in Spain 位于瓦伦西亚卡斯特利翁的别墅 图片提供 :Rimontgó( 佳士得国际地产在西班牙的分公司 )

Apartment in Valencia. Photo courtesy of Christie s International Real Estate 瓦伦西亚市中心的豪华公寓 图片提供 : 佳士得国际地产 0.8 per cent. Prices have risen fastest in the city s popular Salamanca and Jeronimos districts, which saw year-on-year increases of 7 per cent and 8 per cent, respectively, for resales. Luxury Villa in Castellón, Valancia. Photo courtesy of Rimontgó, Christie's International Real Estate's affiliate in Spain 位于瓦伦西亚卡斯特利翁的别墅 图片提供 :Rimontgó( 佳士得国际地产在西班牙的分公司 ) Apartment in Valencia. Photo courtesy of Christie s International Real Estate 瓦伦西亚市中心的豪华公寓 图片提供 : 佳士得国际地产 Madrid s property market is continuing to attract increasing numbers of both national and international investors, according to Lucas Fox International Properties, which suggests that 60 per cent of clients are buying for investment purposes and 20 per cent to take advantage of Spain s Golden Visa programme, which offers residency rights for investors spending at least 500,000 Euros. Since the scheme was introduced in October 2013, it has attracted 530 applicants, of whom 490 invested at least EUR 500,000 in property. Most of the applicants were Chinese and Russian. Barcelona One of the sources of Spain s great appeal is the choice of attractive cities. People looking for a cosmopolitan environment are attracted to Barcelona Spain s modern, vibrant second city. Located on the coast not far from the French border, this coastal city is home to many of Antonio Gaudi s great artistic works, with a lively port and a famous and historic pedestrian artery, Las Ramblas. Barcelona s location on the Mediterranean and its inviting climate attracts more international lifestyle buyers than Madrid. They are drawn by its seaside location, beach, marinas, culture, Michelin-starred cuisine, shopping, nightlife and proximity to ski slopes. The city s location also appeals to start-up companies and larger firms alike, whose employees are drawn to its high quality of life. In Barcelona, 2015 is expected to be the most significant year of recovery for the prime residential property market in the past seven years, says Lucas Fox founding partner Alexander Vaughan. Prices have stabilised in the past 12 to 18 months, and international interest for turnkey properties is forcing up demand, alongside renewed confidence amongst local buyers. Barcelona s top locations for luxury villas are in the Pedralbes and Bonanova areas of the city, as well as in the adjoining towns of Maresme to the north of Barcelona and Sitges to the south, which have shared in the city s renewed buoyancy. In previous years in Maresme, local buyers accounted for as little as 20 per cent of Lucas Fox s sales enquiries, but this figure is now closer to 50 per cent and there has been a substantial increase in the number of sales transactions to local clients, says Vaughan. 33 LUXURY PROPERTIES

Luxury villa in LAS ROZAS, Madrid. Photo courtesy of Christie s International Real Estate 马德里拉斯罗萨斯的豪华别墅 图片提供 : 佳士得国际地产 In Sitges, the prime property market has seen increased activity in 2015. In the first two quarters of 2015, the company traded twice as much property as in the same period in 2014, he adds. As well as the many lifestyle and cultural benefits, buyers in Barcelona and Sitges are attracted by the good connections with the rest of Europe via Barcelona s international airport and the high-speed AVE trains. In both areas, the strong recovery is being driven by increasing numbers of national and international clients looking to take advantage of current pricing which is still significantly lower than in the boom years, says Vaughan. Favourable interest rates and stronger economic growth are also boosting sales. For those who need financing, banks are offering very competitive mortgage packages, sometimes just 1.3 per cent above Euribor for nonresidents, he says. The economy is also growing at a rate faster than many analysts predicted. From July to August, it grew at 3.4 per cent, a rate not seen since 2008. Luxury villa in LAS ROZAS, Madrid. Photo courtesy of Christie s International Real Estate 马德里拉斯罗萨斯的豪华别墅 图片提供 : 佳士得国际地产 Vaughan predicts that 2016 will be Barcelona s year. For the first time since the city became a must-go destination, there is going to be a wide range of new residential developments coming onto the market. All signs point to price increases in the mid-term, so 2016 should be a great opportunity for buyers to get their hands on a property in one of the world s most desirable cities. Valencia South of Barcelona lies Valencia, a port city on the Mediterranean with a rich cultural heritage and beautiful centre. The city is Spain s third largest, and accounted for the largest surplus housing stock in Spain in recent 34 LUXURY PROPERTIES Luxury house next to the sea in the Bahía de Roses, Costa Brava, Barcelona. Photo courtesy of Rimontgó, Christie's International Real Estate's affiliate in Spain 位于巴塞罗那布拉瓦海岸的豪华别墅 图片提供 :Rimontgó( 佳士得国际地产在西班牙的分公司 )

Luxury villa in Las Rozas, Madrid. Photo courtesy of Christie s International Real Estate 马德里拉斯罗萨斯的豪华别墅 图片提供 : 佳士得国际地产 WHETHER PRICES ARE UP OR DOWN, THE ATTRACTIONS OF THE COUNTRY, ESPECIALLY FOR ITS SUN-STARVED EUROPEAN NEIGHBOURS, HAVE NEVER WANED 不管房价是涨是跌, 西班牙的迷人魅力从未消退, 尤其是对那些光照并不充分的欧洲其他城市的居民来说 years, with about 25 per cent of the national total. The region s housing property includes many second homes located on the coast, and had a total stock of 163,098 units by end of 2014. Valencia s housing stock is expected to have dropped to 27.5 per cent in 2015, according to a report in Global Property Guide. In Valencia, the first quarter of 2015 saw an increase of 14 per cent for property re-sales a sure sign that the sector is becoming stronger, says Vaughan of Lucas Fox. Ibiza Thanks to its longstanding reputation as a party playground for the rich and famous, with probably the best club scene in the world, Ibiza is in the midst of a wild party that shows no sign of stopping any time soon. The island s population has grown from 106,000 residents to 140,000 in the space of a decade, an increase of 32 per cent, and testament to its desirability as a year-round residence for expatriates who can t get enough of the party scene. You won t find another place in the world with more top DJs, musicians, actors, football players and the like in the summer, says Rene Heinz, Partner at Gould Heinz & Lang Property Consultants, Ibiza. Ibiza has amazing beaches 50 and its sister island Formentera s beach, Ses Illetes, has just been voted the 5th best beach in the world in the 2015 Travelers Choice awards on Trip Advisor. Ibiza also offers a completely different side that attracts spiritual people, healers and health practitioners from all over the world. The retreat scene has been growing strongly over the last ten years and there is nothing you will not find if you are interested in yoga, meditation, detox, life coaching and tailor-made retreats, says Heinz. Strict planning laws assure the survival of the island s habitat and consequently a very limited amount of prime real estate is available on the market. Properties on the seafront usually sell before they come to the open market. The market has been climbing for more than 30 years now, with an average 2-3 per cent rise by year, he says. The last two years were exceptional with an average increase of 5 per cent in 2014 and 10 per cent in 2015. Even in 2007 during the crash, real estate prices in Ibiza s 35 LUXURY PROPERTIES

Casa Libelai, photo courtesy of Lucas Fox 位于伊维萨岛上的别墅 图片提供 :Lucas Fox 36 LUXURY PROPERTIES top locations did not really suffer. We had a couple of years of stagnation and fewer sales in terms of quantity. Only small houses and apartments were affected by the price decreases in those years. On the Spanish mainland, there are still areas where prices are up to 40 per cent below the price level of 2007. So the market in Ibiza is completely [distinct from] the mainland market. Ibiza s most popular areas are in the southwest, where some of the best beaches, beach clubs, bars and restaurants are located. The bohemian village of Santa Gertrudis is considered by many to be the most beautiful village on the island, he says, and is particularly popular among expats. You will find the highest density of top restaurants and cafés, many of which offer ecological and vegetarian food. Also, the only international college Morna is situated in Santa Gertrudis, and most rich expats send their kids there. An up and coming area is found the in the north of the island, around San Juan. This will be the next hot area, Heinz predicts, and will meet the growing demand for a more countryside environment with traditional fincas, or country estates. The price level is lower than in the south, but the times of bargains are definitely over in Ibiza, Heinz says. With less traffic and no night clubs, the north attracts people that want to get to know the spiritual side of the island, away from the hustle and bustle. Mallorca Like Ibiza, the idyllic island of Mallorca, which is home to just under 900,000 people, escaped the worst of the Spanish property bust. In Mallorca, the high-end market didn t drop so much, as the owners who didn t need to sell just held on to their properties, explains Carin Isgård, managing director of Buy A Home Mallorca. The owners who did need to sell during the crisis had to accept offers up to 20-30 per cent lower, and overall prices are still a bit lower than 2008 s level. However, they are almost back on the same level, or at least on the way. The island s perennial appeal is down to a fortuitous blend of luck and nature, she says. It s an island with limited supply, which makes it more attractive than the mainland. The climate is fantastic, with more than 300 days of sunshine but still having seasons. Also, the landscape is very impressive on the island, and there is an area to suit every taste. There are plenty of activities to do, ranging from beach life, yachting, golfing, hiking, and cycling to just enjoying the beautiful historical town of Palma. I think that Palma being a smaller but still metropolitan city definitely contributes to Mallorca s attraction. Mallorca easily outranks Spain s other islands in terms of offering the most attractive high-end lifestyle, she says.

Casa Libelai, photo courtesy of Lucas Fox 位于伊维萨岛上的别墅 图片提供 :Lucas Fox I would rank it as the number one island for sure. You ll find lots of high-end restaurants, luxury boutique hotels, fantastic shopping, great golf courses and more. It has life all year around, which none of the other islands can offer. Mallorca offers several different areas for luxury homes, including the mountains in the west, such as Puigponyent. Inland, the area around Santa Maria has plenty of land and privacy, while the north of the island around Pollensa has been popular for many years. Other desirable areas include coastal areas with stunning views such as Puig de Ros, the southwest area around the yachting harbours Puerto Portals, Puerto Andratx and Port Adriano, and also the heart of the old town, where historical city palaces can be found close to the cathedral. High-end properties tend to be either new developments built using the best materials, and fully equipped with top of the line appliances and cutting edge technology, usually with pools and wonderful sea views, or older historical buildings that offer character and charm, and have usually been renovated to a very high standard. Most have pools, large terraces and outdoor space, sea vistas, or other beautiful views. Most owners want their property to have a very private location, says Isgård. The majority of foreign buyers on Mallorca come from the UK, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, and Scandinavia, she adds. The relative stability of Mallorca s property prices compared to those on the mainland proves that the island is a safe and good property investment. Prices in the next three to five years will definitely go up, Isgård predicts. I think that in two to three years we will be back on 2008 levels, if not earlier, and in five years it s already a good investment. Casa Libelai, photo courtesy of Lucas Fox 位于伊维萨岛上的别墅 图片提供 :Lucas Fox 37 LUXURY PROPERTIES

西班牙的房地产市场低迷了太久, 以至于现在人们谈起复苏时总会持一种谨小慎微的态度 在数年的高速发展和大规模建设后, 西班牙房地产市场的泡沫在 2008 年破裂, 给该国经济和就业带来了毁灭性打击 今天, 虽然过程不是非常平稳, 但西班牙的房地产市场终于表现出了明显的回暖迹象 尽管这次回暖仅局限于某些地区, 而不稳定的欧元以及高达 22% 的失业率依然是令人们担忧的因素, 但在这个国家最炙手可热的城市和最受欢迎的岛屿 ( 这些岛屿并没有受到不景气经济的影响 ), 房地产中介们的情绪却是异常高涨 造成这一现象的主要原因包括 : 不断上升的需求, 逐渐缩小的要价和实际成交价之间的差距, 以及对西班牙房地产市场将会度过难关的坚定信心 如今, 正在有越来越多的国外买家与当地买家进行竞价 西班牙房产登记处发布的 2015 年第三季度数据显示, 来自国内买家的交易额相比去年同期上升了 16%, 而来自国外买家的交易额同期上涨了 20% 2014 年 11 月至 2015 年 11 月, 房地产中介公司 Lucas Fox 的国内买家成交额增加了 50% 根据这家公司最新的市场报告, 西班牙的三大主要城市 马德里 巴塞罗那 瓦伦西亚 的房价正在缓慢回升 不管房价是涨是跌, 西班牙的迷人魅力从未消退, 尤其是对那些光照并不充分的欧洲其他城市的居民来说 同前往这里的游客一样, 西班牙房产的海外业主主要来自寒冷的欧洲国家, 尤其是英国 德国 奥地利和荷兰等 对这些购房者来说, 西班牙漫长而炎热的夏季 低廉的生活成本 优质的海滩以及诸多历史文化景点无一不是难以抗拒的诱惑 西班牙拥有 4,800 万人口, 是欧洲第四大国 它的南部与葡萄牙接壤, 东北与法国相邻 这个国家的高端地产项目主要集中在地中海沿岸 巴塞罗那和瓦伦西亚地区 首都马德里以及位于地中海的马略卡岛 (Mallorca) 和伊维萨岛 (Ibiza) 马德里首都马德里位于西班牙中部, 拥有 330 万人口 这座城市优雅且富有历史气息, 到了夜晚更加活力四射 由于新建豪宅的库存有限, 马德里的房产价格也在不断上升 地产顾问公司莱坊马德里分部发布的 2015 年高端住宅报告称 : 影响马德里房地产库存的主要因素是房产的供应量非常有限 2014 年马德里的待售房产总价格大约为 7 亿欧元 到了 2015 年, 这一数字已经降至 5 亿欧元, 相当于消化了将近 30% 在包括实际上几乎不存在的新建高档住宅供应 急剧减少的二手房库存量 不断增加的买家胃口在内的三大因素共同作用下, 新建住宅和优质二手房的存量极为稀缺 报告还称, 在西班牙首都购买高档地产项目的买家中,70% 为西班牙人 国外买家主要来自于南美, 其数量在过去两年间已经翻番, 达到了 30% 这些国外买家在马德里购买房产的目的是投资或者将其作为度假住宅 总的来说, 马德里优质住宅价格的年增幅为 5.2%, 在全欧洲排名第二, 远远高于欧洲 0.8% 的平均增幅 广受追捧的萨拉曼卡区 (Salamanca) 和杰洛尼莫区 (Jeronimos) 是马德里房产价格增长最快的地方, 二手房价格年增幅分别为 7% 和 8% 在房地产经济公司 Lucas Fox 国际房产公司看来, 马德里的房地产市场将吸引更多的国内和国际投资者 其中, 大约 60% 的客户将是以投资为目的,20% 则是为了加入西班牙的 黄金签证 计划 根据这个政策, 投资金额超过 50 万欧元的投资者可享受西班牙的居留权 该政策于 2013 年 10 月出台, 目前已收到了 530 人的申请 其中, 有 490 人在房地产的投资额超过了 50 万欧元, 且大多数申请人来自中国和俄罗斯 巴塞罗那西班牙的迷人之处在于, 它拥有诸多令人向往的迷人城市 作为西班牙充满现代气息与活力的第二大城市, 巴塞罗那吸引了许多渴望生活在国际 Luxury villa in Puig de Ros, Mallorca. Photo courtesy of Buy A Home 位于马略卡普格德罗斯的别墅 图片提供 :Buy A Home 38 LUXURY PROPERTIES

Luxury villa in Puig de Ros, Mallorca. Photo courtesy of Buy A Home 位于马略卡普格德罗斯的别墅 图片提供 :Buy A Home MADRID HAS SEEN THE SECOND-HIGHEST YEAR ON YEAR GROWTH IN PRIME RESIDENTIAL PRICES IN EUROPE, WITH PRICES UP 5.2 PER CENT, FAR HIGHER THAN THE EUROPEAN AVERAGE OF 0.8 PER CENT 马德里优质住宅价格的年增幅为 5.2%, 在全欧洲排名第二, 远远高于欧洲 0.8% 的平均增幅 化大都市氛围之中的人 这个海滨城市距离法国边境不远, 拥有一个热闹的港口, 一条声名远扬 历史悠久的步行林荫道 兰布拉大道, 以及包括安东尼奥 高迪的圣家族大教堂在内的许多伟大艺术作品 靠近地中海的巴塞罗那气候舒适宜人, 地理位置优越, 海滩 码头 文化 米其林星级餐厅 购物 夜生活和离市区不远的滑雪场无一不令人向往, 因此要比马德里更能吸引具有国际化生活方式的买家 它的地理位置还吸引着许多创业公司和大型企业, 而这些企业的员工对这里的高品质生活也同样向往 2015 年将成为巴塞罗那过去 7 年中高档住宅房地产市场复苏最为引人注目的一年 Lucas Fox 的创办者兼合伙人亚历山大 沃恩说 在过去的 12 到 18 个月里, 房地产的价格已经趋于稳定, 国际买家对能够立刻入住的房产的兴趣令市场需求增加, 而当地买家对市场的信心也正在恢复之中 巴塞罗那顶级的豪华别墅区包括佩德拉贝斯区 (Pedralbes) 和博纳诺瓦区 (Bonanova), 以及分别位于巴塞罗那南部和北部的马雷斯梅 (Maresme) 和锡切斯 (Sitges) 这两个临近小镇从巴塞罗那复苏的房产市场中受益匪浅 沃恩说 : 在 2014 年, 马雷斯梅当地买家只占到了向 Lucas Fox 询问这 一地区房产价格的潜在客户的 20% 如今, 这一比例已经增加到了 50%, 而且当地客户的购房成交量也有了显著增加 在锡切斯,2015 年高档房产市场的活跃度明显增加 前两个季度,Lucas Fox 公司经手的房产交易量是 2014 年同时期的两倍 沃恩补充道 除了生活方式和文化方面的诸多优势, 吸引人们在巴塞罗那和锡切斯当地购房的还有让欧洲其他地区变得近在咫尺的巴塞罗那国际机场和西班牙高速列车 (AVE) 沃恩认为, 在这两个地区, 当前的房产价格仍然远远低于市场火热的那些年头, 这吸引了越来越多的国内和国际买家, 也由此为市场带来了强劲的复苏 优惠的贷款利率和更强劲的经济发展趋势同样是刺激房产市场发展的因素 对那些需要贷款的投资者来说, 银行可以提供非常有竞争力的抵押贷款计划 非本国居民甚至可以享受到仅比欧元区银行间同业拆借利率高 1.3% 的利率, 沃恩说 西班牙的经济正在以一个超乎许多分析家预料的速度发展 从 7 月到 8 月, 经济增速为 3.4%, 为 2008 年来最高 39 LUXURY PROPERTIES

沃恩预测, 巴塞罗那将在 2016 年成为地产市场的最大焦点 : 巴塞罗那的房地产市场将首次迎来一个大规模的多类型新开发住宅上市热潮, 这在这座著名旅游城市的历史上十分少见 此外还有迹象表明, 房产价格将在中期上涨 这一切都预示着,2016 年将成为买家们在世界最迷人城市之一的巴塞罗那拥有自己地产的绝佳时机 瓦伦西亚巴塞罗那往南, 是地中海沿岸的港口城市瓦伦西亚 这座市中心风景优美的城市有着丰富的文化古迹, 是西班牙的第三大城市, 也是近年来整个西班牙房产库存余量最大的城市, 其房产库存余量大约占全国总库存余量的 25% 该地区的房产包括许多位于海岸线上的二手房 截止到 2014 年底, 瓦伦西亚的房产总库存量为 163,089 套, 但据全球房地产指南发布的报告推测, 到 2015 年底, 该市的房产库存将降至 27.5% Lucas Fox 公司的沃恩说 : 在 2015 年第一季度, 瓦伦西亚房产市场的二 手交易量增加了 14%, 这无疑是该市房地产市场走势愈加强劲的明显标志 伊维萨岛在很长一段时间里, 伊维萨岛都被视为富人和名人的派对天堂, 它有着世界上最出色的俱乐部和无与伦比的风景, 并由此驰名海内外 伊维萨岛上的投资热潮似乎从来没有冷下来的迹象 在十年的时间里, 岛上人口从 106,000 增长到了 140,000, 增加了 32% 不难看出, 作为适宜常年居住的岛屿, 伊维萨岛对那些酷爱派对的外国人有着异样的诱惑力 你在世界上绝对找不到第二个能在夏天聚拢如此之多顶级 DJ 音乐人 演员 足球运动员的地方 伊维萨岛的房地产咨询公司 Gould Heinz & Lang Property Consultants 的合伙人热内 海因兹说道 伊维萨岛有五十块风景优美的海滩, 而它的姊妹岛福门特拉岛 (Formentera) 上的塞斯依耶得斯海滩 (Ses Illetes) 最近刚在旅行评论网站 Trip Advisor 举办的 2015 年旅行者之选大奖中被评选为全球第五最佳海滩 Finca with sea views, Ibiza. Photo courtesy of GHL Ibiza 位于伊维萨岛上的临海庄园 图片提供 :GHL Ibiz Finca with sea views, Ibiza. Photo courtesy of GHL Ibiza 位于伊维萨岛上的临海庄园 图片提供 :GHL Ibiz 40 LUXURY PROPERTIES

BARCELONA S LOCATION ON THE MEDITERRANEAN AND ITS INVITING CLIMATE ATTRACTS MORE INTERNATIONAL LIFESTYLE BUYERS THAN MADRID 靠近地中海的巴塞罗那气候舒适宜人, 地理位置优越, 要比马德里更能吸引具有国际化生活方式的买家 Finca with sea views, Ibiza. Photo courtesy of GHL Ibiza 位于伊维萨岛上的临海庄园 图片提供 :GHL Ibiz 41 LUXURY PROPERTIES

Country estate in Puigpunyent, Mallorca. Photo courtesy of Buy A Home 位于马略卡普伊彭耶特的乡间别墅, 马略卡, 图片提供 :Buy A Home 2016 WILL BE A GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR BUYERS TO GET THEIR HANDS ON A PROPERTY IN ONE OF THE WORLD S MOST DESIRABLE CITIES 2016 年将成为买家们在世界最迷人城市之一的巴塞罗那拥有自己地产的绝佳时机 与此同时, 伊维萨岛还拥有和热闹喧嚣截然不同的一面, 并由此吸引了来自世界各地的另外一群人来此体验灵修之旅 治愈之旅以及健康之旅 过去十年间, 静修之地越来越受欢迎 如果你对瑜伽 冥想 排毒 人生指导和量身定制的静修感兴趣, 这里有你想要的一切 海因兹说道 在许多人看来, 波西米亚风格的圣塔格鲁迪斯 (Santa Gertrudis) 是岛上最美的村庄, 海因兹说 它尤其受到那些侨居西班牙的外国人的青睐 这里有着最多的顶级餐厅和咖啡馆, 其中还有很多家能够提供生态食品和素食 同时, 唯一的莫纳国际学院 (Morna International College) 也位于圣塔格鲁迪斯 多数移居这里的富豪都会将孩子送入这所学校 严格的规划法律确保了岛上安静的栖息之所不会被破坏 其后果就 是, 市场上能够买到的优质不动产数量有限 临海的房产往往还未公开上市 便已售罄 一个具有巨大潜力的地区是位于伊维萨岛北部 圣胡安周围的地带 海 因兹预测, 这片地区将成为下一个热点, 因为它能满足人们对坐落在乡村环 境中的传统西班牙大农场 或者乡村地产 日益增长的需求 42 LUXURY PROPERTIES 到目前为止, 伊维萨岛的房地产市场已连续攀升了三十几年, 平均每年的增长率为 2% 到 3%, 海因兹说 这种增长在过去两年尤为明显 2014 年的平均增幅为 5%,2015 年为 10% 即使是在 2007 年经济崩溃的时候, 伊维萨岛最好位置的不动产价格也没有受到真正影响 我们有过几年不景气的日子, 成交量也有所减少, 但真正受到影响 价格下跌的都是小面积的住宅和公寓 与之相反, 在西班牙大陆的有些地方, 房地产的价格至今仍比 2007 年的水平低 40% 从这个角度来说, 伊维萨岛的市场跟西班牙大陆的市场完全 [ 不同 ] 伊维萨岛上最热门的区域多位于岛的西南部, 那里有最好的海滩 沙滩俱乐部 酒吧和餐厅 这里的价格水平低于南方, 但伊维萨岛明显已经告别了廉价时代, 海因兹指出 北方人流量少, 没有夜总会, 因此吸引着那些想要了解伊维萨岛的灵魂 想要远离喧嚣的人 马略卡岛同伊维萨岛一样, 这个人口不到 90 万 充满田园诗意的岛屿平安度过了西班牙最糟糕的地产低迷期 马略卡岛的高端房产市场跌得并不厉害, 因为那些不是特别急于出售的业主们选择了将房产留在手中 马略卡岛地产中介 Buy A Home 的总经理卡林 伊丝卡尔德解释道 那些需要在经济危机中出售房产的业主不

得不接受低于要价 20% 到 30% 的价格 如今, 马略卡岛房产的总体价格水平仍然略低于 2008 年 不过, 价格正在回升, 而且已经接近原来的水平 伊丝卡尔德说, 马略卡岛经久不衰的魅力是时运与自然偶然结合的产物 这座岛上的房产供应量有限, 因而比大陆更有吸引力 岛上气候极佳, 全年有 300 多天阳光普照, 却仍然四季分明 同时, 岛上风景如画, 不管你的品味如何, 总有一处适合你 这座岛屿还能提供丰富的娱乐活动, 从沙滩休憩 游艇 高尔夫 远足 自行车到领略美丽而富有历史沉淀的帕尔马 (Palma) 市风光 在我看来, 帕尔马虽小, 但仍然不失为一座有着国际化风格的大都市, 它为马略卡岛锦上添花 在提供最理想的高端生活方式方面, 马略卡岛将西班牙的其他岛屿远远甩在身后 我会毫不犹豫地把它视为天下第一岛 这里有许多高端餐厅 豪华精品酒店 顶级购物中心和高尔夫球场 岛上一年四季生机勃勃, 这是其他岛屿不可比拟的 伊丝卡尔德说道 马略卡岛上的豪华地产分布在几个不同的地区 包括普伊彭耶特 (P u i g p o nye nt) 在内的西部山区就是其中之一 岛内靠近圣玛丽亚 (S a n t a M a r i a) 的地区土地资源丰富, 远离闹市, 而靠近波连斯萨 (Pollensa) 的岛北已受追捧多年 其他热门地段还包括一些风景迷人的海滨地区, 如普格德罗斯 (Puig de Ros), 靠近波塔尔斯港 (Puerto Portals) 安德拉奇港(Puerto Andratx) 和阿德里阿诺港 (Port Adriano) 等游艇港口的西南地区, 以及旧城中心, 这里可以看到年代久远的城市宫殿以及屹立在不远处的大教堂 岛上的高端房产分成两类, 一类是新建成的物业, 采用最好的材料 拥有顶级家电和尖端科技打造的全套设施, 往往带游泳池, 能够欣赏到壮丽的海景 ; 一类是年代久远的历史建筑, 品质不凡, 气质优雅, 并且通常都已按高标准进行了翻修 大部分房产都带有游泳池 宽阔的阳台和室外空间, 并且拥有海景或其他优美的风景 此外, 大多数业主希望他们的房产能够位于较幽静的位置, 伊丝卡尔德说 马略卡岛上的大部分国外买家来自英国 德国 瑞士 奥地利和斯堪的纳维亚, 她补充说 伊丝卡尔德预测, 相对于西班牙大陆, 马略卡岛上的房产价格较为稳定 这足以证明, 在该岛上购买房产是一项安全 有利可图的投资 而在未来的三到五年内, 房产的价格还会上涨 我认为, 再过两到三年 也许更早, 价格将回到 2008 年的水平 五年之内, 你的投资便会获得收益 43 LUXURY PROPERTIES

Photo courtesy of dfic 图片提供 : 东方 IC The costs of buying in Spain Budget for tax costs: In addition to the purchase price, buyers are expected to pay 10 per cent value added tax (VAT) on the sale (and up to 13 per cent in Catalonia). A transfer tax called the ITP (Impuesta Sobre Transmisiones Patrimoniale) is payable by buyers of resold homes. This is typically 7 per cent of the purchase price, but varies depending on the autonomous community where the property is located it is 10 per cent in Catalonia and the Valencia community, and 6 per cent in Madrid. Add another 1 per cent for stamp duty, which is payable on new homes. 在西班牙购买房产的成本 税款预算 : 在房产的成交价之外, 买方还要支付 10% 的增值税 ( 加泰罗尼亚地区可达 13%) 购买二手房的买家需要支付房产转入税 (Impuesta Sobre Transmisiones Patrimoniale, ITP) 房产转入税通常为房价的 7%, 但根据房产所在的地区而有所不同 加泰罗尼亚和瓦伦西亚地区为 10%, 马德里为 6% 购买的新房需支付 1% 的印花税 44 LUXURY PROPERTIES Allow for time: The average transaction takes 3-6 months from offer to completion. It can sometimes take longer or, in the case of new developments, be quicker. 时间预算 : 从出价到交易完成, 平均需要 3 到 6 个月的时 间, 有时还会更长 如果购买的是新开发的房地产, 交易速度 可能会快些

Casa Libelai, photo courtesy of Lucas Fox 位于伊维萨岛上的别墅 图片提供 :Lucas Fox Finca with sea views, Ibiza. Photo courtesy of GHL Ibiza 位于伊维萨岛上的临海庄园 图片提供 :GHL Ibiz 45 LUXURY PROPERTIES