Preface CityU SCOPE has been a pioneer and major provider of quality professional and life-long education in Hong Kong. We aim to provide quality educ

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Suitable for HKDSE Holders or equivalent 適合香港中學文憑畢業生或同等學歷人士報讀 三年制在港修讀 3-Year Programme Studying in HK Locally accredited by HKCAAVQ equivalent to the standing of local University degrees 課程已獲 香港學術及職業資歷評審局 評審等同本地大學學歷 Collaboration between CityU SCOPE and prestigious UK universities 香港城市大學專業進修學院與英國知名大學合辦 Studying at CityU in 3 years 在城大修讀三年完成 International Business Communication with Chinese/Japanese 國際商業傳意 ( 中文 / 日語專業 ) Business Administration and Management 商業行政及管理 English for International Corporate Communication 英語國際企業傳意 Applied Social Science 應用社會科學 Business Information Technology 商業資訊科技 Pursuing Quality University Education

Preface CityU SCOPE has been a pioneer and major provider of quality professional and life-long education in Hong Kong. We aim to provide quality education for professional practice, retraining and self-development which anticipates and responds to community needs as well as social and technological changes. Those who are keen to upgrade and improve themselves, regardless of their learning needs, will find that CityU SCOPE s quality programmes facilitate their progression along the qualifications ladder. Back in the early 1990 s, our School already established co-operation with overseas universities in running top-up degree programmes locally. So far we have nurtured over 26,000 bachelor degree graduates, and many of them are now making significant contributions to various sectors of society. As CityU SCOPE celebrates its 26th anniversary in 2017, we build upon our rich experience in providing programmes recognized by the Qualifications Framework (QF) and take the lead to introduce 3-Year UK Bachelor s Honours Degree programmes. Jointly run with prestigious UK universities, these programmes have been delivered locally in four major disciplines: Business Administration, Language and Communication, Social Science, and Business Information Technology. These programmes are desirable options for HKDSE graduates. These programmes have been approved by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) as reaching QF Level 5, which is equivalent to the standing of local university degrees. As such, students are eligible for applying Government grants, loans, and scholarships. Graduates of these programmes can also apply for Government posts, and take up Master s degree study in local or overseas universities. Every year, thousands of students in Hong Kong go abroad to study, and the UK is a popular destination. By offering 3-Year UK Bachelor s Honours Degree programmes locally, CityU SCOPE provides HKDSE graduates with an alternative route for obtaining UK university degrees without the need to study abroad. UK degree HK study

前言 香港城市大學專業進修學院 矢志成為一所提供專業及終身教育的頂尖學院, 在專業訓練 人才培訓及個人發展方面, 提供各類進修途徑, 以切合社會及科技發展之需要, 為有志進修的人士開拓升學及進修機會, 構建資歷階梯, 以滿足社會上不同人士的學習需求 學院自上世紀九十年代初, 已與海外大學合作, 開辦在本港修讀之學士學位銜接課程, 具有豐 富的辦學經驗 學院迄今已培育逾二萬六千多名畢業生, 其中不少已成為行業內的翹楚, 在工 作崗位上貢獻社會 2017 是學院成立的第二十六週年, 憑藉豐富的辦學經驗, 學院繼續與英國多家知名大學合作, 在港開辦 三年制英國大學榮譽學士學位課程, 為香港中學文憑畢業生提供商業行政 語文傳意 社會科學 商業資訊科技四類課程選擇 該等課程已獲得 香港學術及職業資歷評審局 確認為學術資歷級別第五級, 相等於本地大學學位資歷水平 此資歷可讓學生申請政府獎學金 助學金及免息貸款, 亦有助畢業後申請政府職位, 或升讀本地及海外大學的碩士學位課程 每年選擇赴笈海外的學生為數不少, 而英國正是升學的熱門地點 香港城市大學專業進修學院在港開辦 三年制英國大學榮譽學士學位課程, 能為香港中學文憑畢業生提供 在港修讀, 取得英國學位 的升學途徑選擇 1

Advantages of studying a UK degree at CityU SCOPE UK honours degrees completed in 3 years Unlike those in Hong Kong s educational system, the UK universities honours degree programmes can be completed within 3 years. Upon graduation after 3 years of study, students will be awarded the Bachelor s Honours degree from a UK university, giving them the academic qualification for further study or career employment. Some students may also choose to study one more year to get a Master degree. Even for students who need to study the Foundation Programme prior to the degree admission, they can still graduate within 3 years with the special design in the programme curriculum. Flexible entrance requirements, HKDSE Chinese not required There are two routes for students to be admitted to the 3-year UK degree programmes. Both routes do not require HKDSE Chinese Language subject: Route (i) : Have five subjects at HKDSE Level 3 or above, including English (HKDSE Chinese is NOT required for studying a UK degree). OR Route (ii) : Have five subjects at HKDSE Level 2, including English (HKDSE Chinese is NOT required for studying a UK degree). Students on this route will need to take the Diploma in International Degree Foundation prior to admission to the chosen degree programmes. Diploma in International Degree Foundation (Foundation Programme) offers an alternative route for students who achieved Level 2 in five HKSDE subjects, to be admitted to the UK degree programmes. This Foundation programme is tailor-made for the designated UK degree programmes offered by CityU SCOPE. It provides a solid foundation for the future chosen study area. Upon successful completion of the programme, students will be eligible to be admitted to the designated degree programme. Benefited from the curriculum design, students entering through the Foundation Programme will still be able to graduate in 3 years. Locally accredited by HKCAAVQ at QF Level 5 Accredited at QF Level 5, this qualification is comparable to a local Bachelor s degree. Students are eligible to apply for Government s Grant and Loan, Scholarships as well as Internship Schemes. Upon graduation, students can also further study in the Master s degree programmes, and to apply for civil service posts, such as Executive Officer and Inspector of the disciplinary forces. 2 Financial advantage in studying a UK degree at CityU SCOPE It is some parents wish to send their children to study abroad in order to increase their exposure to international culture. But there are financial implications. Tuition fees plus living expenses for a child to complete a Bachelor s degree programme in the UK can easily cost more than one million Hong Kong dollars. However, the same goal can be achieved by studying in CityU SCOPE at one third of the cost. Experiencing international education to enrich learning experience Studying at CityU SCOPE does not preclude the intercultural experience as studying in a UK university since the programmes will also include international education elements. Opportunities in student exchange with the partner universities, short study tours and so on will be provided. The UK professors will also be invited to conduct lectures and seminars. The incorporation of international elements is to widen students horizons by taking advantage of Hong Kong s unique position at the doorstep of China to foster in students the global perspectives. Quality education support and whole-person development Teaching is delivered by experienced and well-qualified CityU lecturers. Students can enjoy a wide range of learning facilities, including the Run Run Shaw Library and Computing Services Centre. Moreover, a series of student support services comprising self-development, career and employment coaching, cultural exchange, and language enhancement, will be provided to equip students for their further study and future career development.

在城大專業進修學院修讀英國大學學位的好處 英國大學榮譽學位三年畢業 英國大學的課程為三年制, 有別於香港的四年制 畢業後, 同學可獲取相關大學的榮譽學士學位資歷, 有助升學或就業 部分同學更可多讀一年, 以四年之期, 進一步取得碩士學位 縱或須先修 國際學位基礎教育文憑 課程方能入學, 同學亦因課程設計之利, 得以在三年内完成學位課程 入學途徑靈活彈性無須中文 入讀英國制三年制榮譽學士課程有下列兩種途徑, 均無須包括中文科, 同學可就個人需要選擇其中一種途徑入學 : (i) 於中學文憑考試取得五科第三級成績 ( 包括英國語文, 但無須包括中文科 ); 或 (ii) 於中學文憑考試取得五科第二級成績 ( 包括英國語文, 但無須包括中文科 ), 亦可申請, 惟須先修讀為期五個半月之全日制 國際學位基礎教育文憑 課程, 以取得入學資格 國際學位基礎教育文憑 課程, 是升讀大學的另一途徑, 為在中學文憑試中取得五科第二級成績的同學而設 該課程內容針對學生所選的學位課程制定, 為他們建立主修課程所需的知識基礎, 以備升讀相關的學士課程 完成後便可獲得 三年制英國大學榮譽學士學位課程 的入學資格, 出路清晰 因應課程的特殊設計和密集教學模式, 同學仍可以三年取得學士學位 學術評審第五級別大學資歷課程已獲得 香港學術及職業資歷評審局 確認為學術資歷級別第五級, 相等於本地大學學位資歷水平 此資歷可讓學生申請政府設立的獎學金 助學金 免息貸款 行業實習計劃, 亦有助其畢業後申請政府職位, 如行政主任及紀律部隊督察等, 亦可繼續升讀本地及海外大學的碩士學位課程 英國學位在港修讀費用較低不少家長有意安排子女到海外升學, 讓他們接受外國教育, 體驗西方文化, 卻擔心費用開支的承擔 赴笈英國, 學費連同生活費約需港幣一百萬元 ; 而選擇在城大修讀與英國大學合辦的榮譽學士學位課程, 費用只為赴英留學的三分之一, 可助家長紓解財務壓力 國際元素交流體驗擴濶視野同學雖在香港修讀, 但仍有機會體驗英國文化 學院除為學生提供優質的學習環境及設施外, 亦加強 國際教育 元素 例如與英國學生進行學術文化交流, 組織短期赴英學習團活動, 邀請英國大學教授來港講學等, 以擴闊學生的國際視野, 豐富其學習經驗, 幫助他們達致 立足香港 背靠中國 放眼全球 的長遠學習目標 優質教學支援學生全人發展課程由城大資深教學團隊任教, 同學可使用大學設施, 如大學圖書館 電腦中心等 除此之外, 學院更為學生提供全人發展服務, 包括個人成長 職業與就業 語言提升課程等, 幫助學生發展潛能, 為未來進修及職涯發展作充分準備 3

Locally Accredited UK Honours Degree Programmes Admission Route 入學途徑 Route 1: Level 3 or above in five subjects in Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Examination including English Language*; 途徑 ( 一 ): 香港中學文憑考試五 科成績達第三級或以上, 包括 英國語文 *; Or 或 Route 2: Level 2 or above in five subjects in Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Examination including English Language*; OR Equivalent qualification. 途徑 ( 二 ): 香港中學文憑考試五 科成績達第二級或以上, 包括 英國語文 *; 或 同等學歷 Please refer to P.20 for the programme details 有關課程資料, 請參閱第二十頁 ^ Diploma in International Degree Foundation (Full-time 5.5 months intensive programme) ^ 國際學位基礎教育文憑 ( 為期五個半月全日制密集課程 ) Applicants are allowed to use a maximum of two Applied learning (APL) subjects for the application. Attained with Distinction is deemed equivalent to HKDSE Level 3; and Attained is deemed equivalent to HKDSE Level 2. 中學文憑考試 應用學習科目 取得 達標 / 達標並表現優異 成績, 於入學申請時會被視為相等於香港中學文憑考試達 第二級 / 第三級, 申請者可用最多兩個 應用學習科目 報讀課程 Applicants holding the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma, or completed the IB programme can also apply. 獲頒 International Baccalaureate (IB) 文憑, 或已修畢 IB 課程者, 均可申請入學 ^ Recognized at QF Level 3. 確認為資歷架構第三級 * HKSDE Chinese Language is not required. 無須包括香港中學文憑考試中國語文科 4

本地認可英國榮譽學士學位課程 Award 資歷頒授 Locally accredited by HKCAAVQ at QF Level 5, equivalent to the standing of local University degrees. 已獲 香港學術及職業資歷評審局 確認為資歷架構第五級, 相等於本地大學學位資歷水平 BA (Hons) Business Administration and Management 商業行政及管理榮譽文學士 BA (Hons) International Business Communication with Chinese/Japanese 國際商業傳意榮譽文學士 ( 中文 / 日語專業 ) BA (Hons) English for International Corporate Communication 英語國際企業傳意榮譽文學士 BA (Hons) Applied Social Science 應用社會科學榮譽文學士 BSc (Hons) Business Information Technology 商業資訊科技榮譽理學士 (3 years, Full-time) (3 年全日制 ) 5

3-Year UK Bachelor's Honours Degree Programmes Locally accredited by HKCAAVQ at QF Level 5 equivalent to the standing of local University degrees 已獲 香港學術及職業資歷評審局 確認為資歷架構第五級相等於本地大學學位資歷水平 6

三年制英國大學榮譽學士學位課程 BA (Hons) Business Administration and Management P.8-9 商業行政及管理榮譽文學士 BA (Hons) International Business Communication with Chinese/Japanese P.10-11 國際商業傳意榮譽文學士 ( 中文 / 日語專業 ) BA (Hons) English for International Corporate Communication P.12-13 英語國際企業傳意榮譽文學士 BA (Hons) Applied Social Science 應用社會科學榮譽文學士 P.14-15 BSc (Hons) Business Information Technology 商業資訊科技榮譽理學士 P.16-17 University of Central Lancashire Sheffield Hallam University Coventry University De Montfort University 7

BA (Hons) Business Administration and Management 商業行政及管理榮譽文學士 De Montfort University (DMU) offers the perfect combination of award-winning teaching, world-class facilities and a fantastic student experience. We are proud to be ranked in the top 35 in the UK for student satisfaction 1. Based in Leicester, in the heart of England, DMU is a vibrant, multicultural hub of creativity and innovation that never surrenders to convention. It provides a supportive learning environment in which students are encouraged to improve their skills, be creative and defy the odds. The Faculty of Business and Law at DMU is a large provider of business and management education in the UK, and enjoys close links with major UK professional bodies, industry and the public sector. The Faculty has over 150 academic staff and around 6,000 students studying undergraduate, postgraduate, research and professional programmes. The diverse student community includes a growing population of international students from around the world with over 100 nationalities represented in addition to many professionals studying part-time or by distance learning, both in the UK and overseas. Programme Code: 173-19531 About the Programme 課程簡介 The programme provides students with a wide range of applied skills and knowledge in Business and Management. Students are encouraged to examine real-life business issues in an analytical context in Hong Kong as well as the wider global community. They are given a broad range of assessments with which to practise and develop their growing confidence, knowledge and practical abilities. In the final year of the programme, the students can then move on to specialize in either Marketing or Human Resource Management, so as to enhance their employability prospects in their desired field. 本課程教授廣泛的行政及商業管理專業知識, 鼓勵學生結合商業實例和個案進行分析, 並以不同的評核方式增強學生的專業信心及實踐能力 課程設有 市場學 和 人力資源管理學 專科選修, 以加強學生的專科知識, 提升他們在就業市場上的競爭力與優勢 8 The programme is recognized under the Qualifications Framework Level 5, QR Registration Number: 12/000107/5, Validity Period: 01/09/2012 to 31/08/2020. This is an exempted programme under the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance (reference number 450283). It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognize any qualification to which this programme may lead. < 商業行政及管理榮譽文學士 > 在資歷架構下獲得認可 資歷級別 : 第五級, 資歷名冊登記號碼 : 12/000107/5, 登記有效期 : 由 01/09/2012 至 31/08/2020 本課程已獲非本地高等及專業教育 ( 規管 ) 條例豁免註冊 ( 參考編號 : 450283), 個別僱主可酌情決定是否承認本課程可令學員獲取的任何資格

Programme Structure 課程結構 Year 1 (75 Credits) Academic Writing Skills (Preparatory module) Foundations in Business Studies OR Quantitative Methods (Preparatory module) Year 2 (105 Credits) Financial Decision Making Introduction to Work and Organisations Principles of Marketing Year 3 (180 Credits) Business Law Marketing Communications International Marketing Business Research Issues and Analysis Service Operations Management Business and Environmental Sustainability Strategic Management* General Electives (Choose one module only) Strategy and Management Dissertation* Contemporary Business Issues* Business Communications and Academic Skills Global Business Issues* An Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Enterprise* Contemporary Management* HRM in the Workplace* Choose two modules from one of the following streams Marketing Stream Creative Management and Marketing Retail Marketing E Marketing HRM Stream Managing Organisations Globalisation and International HRM Contemporary HRM * Double module The availability of electives/streams is subject to the enrolment number. CEF reimbursable course Programme Features 課程特色 Offers students competitive edge in the graduate job market Equips students with different employability skills in business management Guarantee of high quality education Reputable overseas degree with almost the longest history (19 years) in HK Provides specialist pathway options in either Marketing or Human Resource Management 課程能提升學生於就業市場的競爭力與優勢 課程能讓學生掌握不同的商業管理能力 課程由高質素的教學團隊任教 Enquiries 查詢 : (Tel) 3442 4423 / 3442 7423 (Email) Website 網址 : 課程在港已開辦 19 年, 歷史悠久, 口碑載譽, 認受性甚高 課程設有 市場學 和 人力資源管理學 專科選修 1 Complete University Guide 2017 9

BA (Hons) International Business Communication with Chinese BA (Hons) International Business Communication with Japanese 國際商業傳意榮譽文學士 ( 中文專業 ) 國際商業傳意榮譽文學士 ( 日語專業 ) The University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) has developed into one of the UK s largest Universities with a student and staff community of approximately 35,000. UCLan has evolved over the years to become a world class institution, recognised with its inclusion in the 2010 QA World Rankings the first Modern University in the UK to gain this status. In the Centre for World University Rankings, UCLan is placed in the top 4% of all worldwide universities. The University offers a portfolio of over 500 high caliber degree courses and approximately 180 taught postgraduate programmes for students. It has partnership with 125 international institutions across the world, with 3,000 students enrolled offshore. The School of Language and Global Studies is a leader in the field of teaching English for professional purposes. It was rated as excellent in its recent official inspection by UK Government authorities. It is a department that has received government commendation regularly through the UK Quality Assurance Agency for providing a learning environment of the highest quality. Programme Code: 173-19551 About the Programme 課程簡介 BA (Hons) International Business Communication with Chinese/Japanese is a bilingual programme which offers students the unique opportunity to engage in undergraduate level study for business and culture, along with professional training in Chinese OR Japanese. Students will be taught by a team of well qualified and experienced teachers in CityU SCOPE. The programme is designed to enable students to gain the English language plus Chinese OR Japanese, and intercultural communication skills to succeed in international business. Upon completion of the programme, students will be well equipped with the skills to operate in a global environment or undertake postgraduate study. 國際商業傳意榮譽文學士 ( 中文專業 / 日語專業 ) 為雙語課程, 旨在培養學生在商業 文化及語文三方面的知識和技能 課程由城大資深的教學團隊教授, 同學於課程中學習英語和中文或日語傳意, 以及跨文化溝通技巧 完成課程後, 同學將能憑藉豐富的知識及技能, 在多元文化的環境下工作, 亦可選擇繼續進修相關的碩士學位課程 10 BA (Hons) International Business Communication with Chinese/Japanese is recognized under the Qualifications Framework Level 5, QR Registration Number: 14/002655/L5 (BAIBC with Chinese),14/002656/L5 (BAIBC with Japanese) Validity Period: 01/09/2014 to 31/08/2018. This is an exempted programme under the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance (reference number 452052 for BAIBC with Chinese and 452053 for BAIBC with Japanese). It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognize any qualification to which this programme may lead. < 國際商業傳意榮譽文學士 ( 中文 / 日語專業 )> 在資歷架構下獲得認可 資歷級別 : 第五級, 資歷名冊登記號碼 : 14/002655/L5 ( 中文專業 ),14/002656/L5 ( 日語專業 ), 登記有效期 : 由 01/09/2014 至 31/08/2018 本課程已獲非本地高等及專業教育 ( 規管 ) 條例豁免註冊 [ 參考編號 : 452052 ( 中文專業 ) 及 452053 ( 日語專業 )], 個別僱主可酌情決定是否承認本課程可令學員獲取的任何資格

Programme Structure 課程結構 Students can choose either the Chinese or Japanese Language Option. Year 1 (80 Credits) Academic Writing Skills (Preparatory module) Introduction to Communication OR Language and Society (Preparatory module) Year 2 (100 Credits) Enterprise for International Business Communication Management Practice for International Business Communication Introduction to Translation and Interpreting Year 3 (180 Credits) International Business Communication 2* International Business Communication 3* Managing International Businesses for International Business Communication Plus International Business Communication 1* Introduction to Business for International Business Communication Study and Communication Chinese Modules Chinese History: From Middle Kingdom to Modern State Introduction to Contemporary China OR Japanese Modules Japanese Language 1* Chinese Modules Contemporary Chinese Society and Culture Reading China Professional Communication in Chinese Critical Appreciation of Chinese Literature Plus OR Japanese Modules Aspects of Japanese Society Reading Japan Contemporary Issues in Japan Professional Communication in Japanese * These are 40-credit modules. CEF reimbursable course Programme Features 課程特色 Combines the study of English for business communication and international culture, plus professional training in Chinese OR Japanese, to equip students with global perspective Through understanding the impact of cultural issues on organizations and business, students will acquire the managerial and business related knowledge, skills and thinking style, which prepare them for managerial careers in linguistically and culturally diverse business environments and for further studies of management and business Students will be able to develop interpersonal skills, critical self-awareness and problem solving abilities; as well as an active approach to personal development planning as a life-long process Enquiries 查詢 : (Tel) 3442 5819 / 3442 7423 (Email) Website 網址 : 結合 英中 或 英日 商業傳意及國際文化元素, 提升同學的語文傳意能力, 開闊同學的國際視野 讓同學了解文化對企業的影響, 學習與商業管理有關的知識和思考模式, 為日後在多元文化的環境下工作奠下基礎 幫助同學培養多元思維及解難能力, 學習建立人際溝通的技巧, 為人生和事業作長遠規劃 11

BA (Hons) English for International Corporate Communication 英語國際企業傳意榮譽文學士 The University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) has developed into one of the UK s largest Universities with a student and staff community of approximately 35,000. UCLan has evolved over the years to become a world class institution, recognised with its inclusion in the 2010 QA World Rankings the first Modern University in the UK to gain this status. In the Centre for World University Rankings, UCLan is placed in the top 4% of all worldwide universities. The University offers a portfolio of over 500 high caliber degree courses and approximately 180 taught postgraduate programmes for students. It has partnership with 125 international institutions across the world, with 3,000 students enrolled offshore. The School of Language and Global Studies is a leader in the field of teaching English for professional purposes. It was rated as excellent in its recent official inspection by UK Government authorities. It is a department that has received government commendation regularly through the UK Quality Assurance Agency for providing a learning environment of the highest quality. Programme Code: 173-19441 About the Programme 課程簡介 This programme nurtures students to communicate effectively in English in a wide range of social and work-related situations. It also develops students understanding in their chosen specialist options Marketing OR Translation and Interpreting 課程旨在培育學生在不同的社會及商業環境下有效地運用英語傳意技巧, 並輔以兩個不同的專業選修範疇, 包括 : 市場學 及 翻譯及傳譯, 以加強同學在不同語言環境下的傳意能力 12 BA (Hons) English for International Corporate Communication is recognized under the Qualifications Framework Level 5, QR Registration Number: 14/002654/L5 Validity Period: 01/09/2014 to 31/08/2018. This is an exempted programme under the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance (reference number 451362). It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognize any qualification to which this programme may lead. < 英語國際企業傳意榮譽文學士 > 在資歷架構下獲得認可 資歷級別 : 第五級, 資歷名冊登記號碼 : 14/002654/L5, 登記有效期 : 由 01/09/2014 至 31/08/2018 本課程已獲非本地高等及專業教育 ( 規管 ) 條例豁免註冊 ( 參考編號 : 451362), 個別僱主可酌情決定是否承認本課程可令學員獲取的任何資格

Programme Structure 課程結構 Year 1 (80 Credits) Academic Writing Skills (Preparatory module) Introduction to Communication OR Language and Society (Preparatory module) Year 2 (100 Credits) Project English Introduction to Business for International Business Communication English for Business Communication 1 Study and Communication Introduction to Marketing for International Business Communication English for Business Communication 2 Enterprise for International Business Communication Management Practice for International Business Communication Advanced English for Business Communication 1 Year 3 (180 Credits) Advanced English for Business Communication 2 Advanced English Language Skills for English for International Corporate Communication Workplace English for Business Globalisation and Business in International Corporate Communication Culture and Business in International Corporate Communication Plus one of the following specialist options*: Marketing Marketing and Advertising Communication Advertising around the World for International Business Communication Public Relations for Marketing Translation and Interpreting Introduction to Translation and Interpreting Theory and Practice of Interpreting Theory and Practice of Translation Plus Dissertation OR one specialist option module. * CityU SCOPE reserves the right not to offer certain specialist options. CEF reimbursable course Programme Features 課程特色 A strong communication programme, with emphasis on the use of English in a corporate setting Students can choose one of the specialist options Marketing OR Translation and Interpreting Students can choose to do a dissertation, which would be helpful for further studies Graduates are well-equipped for both work and further studies. They may take up career positions in management, administration, marketing and Chinese-English bilingual communications Enquiries 查詢 : (Tel) 3442 5814 / 3442 7423 (Email) Website 網址 : 課程著重教授在商業環境下如何有效運用英語傳意技巧 同學可選修 市場學 或 翻譯及傳譯 其中一個專業範疇 提供撰寫畢業論文的機會, 對有志繼續進修碩士課程的同學尤有幫助 畢業生出路多元化, 除可繼續進修外, 亦可選擇在不同行業中發展, 例如行政及管理 市場及營銷等 13

BA (Hons) Applied Social Science 應用社會科學榮譽文學士 Sheffield Hallam University (SHU) is a welcoming community of students and staff from more than 120 countries. SHU offers exceptional teaching across 700 foundation, undergraduate, postgraduate and research degree programmes. With more than 31,000 students, SHU is among the largest universities in the UK. Their courses all focus on developing the skills students need to excel in their career. SHU embeds work experience and real-world case studies into their teaching, so students have many opportunities to put their learning into practice. SHU has decades of experience of delivering courses internationally. Sheffield Hallam s world-leading research, now ranked in the top five of all UK modern universities, is practical. Their researchers deliver solutions to complex, real-world challenges. This applied focus informs their teaching and ensures the graduates with vital workplace skills, such as working as a team, delivering presentations and writing reports. Programme Code: 173-19391 About the Programme 課程簡介 This programme aims to provide students with a sound knowledge base in applied social science and an academic base for postgraduate study. It also helps students to develop key personal and transferable skills associated with future employment in a rapidly changing environment and cultivates an open-minded enquiring attitude and independent learning capacity that enhance life-long learning. 本課程為學生提供應用社會科學基礎知識, 並奠下進修碩士課程的穩固學術根基 課程亦致力培養學生的專業技能, 使能把理論和知識轉化 學生亦能從課程中掌握開放 探索及自主的學習方法, 以助提升終身學習的能力 14 BA (Hons) Applied Social Science is recognized under the Qualifications Framework Level 5, QR Registration Number: 14/002769/L5 Validity Period: 01/09/2014 to 31/08/2018. This is an exempted programme under the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance (reference number 451254). It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognize any qualification to which this programme may lead. < 應用社會科學榮譽文學士 > 在資歷架構下獲得認可 資歷級別 : 第五級, 資歷名冊登記號碼 : 14/002769/L5, 登記有效期 : 由 01/09/2014 至 31/08/2018 本課程已獲非本地高等及專業教育 ( 規管 ) 條例豁免註冊 ( 參考編號 : 451254), 個別僱主可酌情決定是否承認本課程可令學員獲取的任何資格

Programme Structure 課程結構 Year 1 (80 Credits) Academic Writing Skills (Preparatory module) Foundations in Social Studies or Culture and Society (Preparatory module) Introduction to Psychology 1 Shaping Societies Introduction to Politics and Society Deviance, Order and Protest Year 2 (100 Credits) Introduction to Psychology 2 The Sociological Imagination Applications of Psychology Work Placement (HK) # Year 3 (180 Credits) Personal Learning Portfolio Research Methods (HK) Understanding Global Societies (HK) Organizations, Work & Psychology Families & Kinship: Global Perspectives Electives Welfare Rights and Legal Issues Counselling and Psychotherapy Youth Justice Systems in International Contexts Work, Employment and Globalization Applied Dissertation # # These are 40 credits modules. Students can EITHER take Applied Dissertation (40 credits) plus 2 out of 4 other electives OR all 4 electives except Applied Dissertation. The availability of electives is subject to the enrolment number. Programme Features 課程特色 The programme is tailor-made for students who would like to pursue a career in social services. The programme provides students with broad-based social science knowledge through a range of modules. Besides, it provides students with an opportunity to experience in a real work context with the module Work Placement so that their employability is enhanced and integration of theories and practice is enabled. Graduates will be eligible to apply for a range of postgraduate programmes in local and overseas universities. They will also be ready for a wide range of careers in the public and private sectors. 本課程特別為有志投身社會服務的學生而設 本課程除了為學生提供深厚的社會科學知識, 並為他們安排社會服務實習機會, 理論與實踐並重 Enquiries 查詢 : (Tel) 3442 7768 / 3442 7423 (Email) Website 網址 : 畢業生可以申請本地及海外大學的碩士學位課程, 也可以在公營及私營機構內任職 15

BSc (Hons) Business Information Technology 商業資訊科技榮譽理學士 The history of Coventry University can be traced back over 170 years to 1843. The academic structure of the University comprises four faculties: Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing; Faculty of Business and Law; Faculty of Health and Life Sciences; and Faculty of Arts and Humanities, with a current total enrolment of around 24,000 students. Coventry University is situated at the birthplace of the British motor industry and the historical heart of UK manufacturing. Many of its student activities are sourced from industries and are designed to expose students to real-world challenges that are industry relevant. Coventry University is an uprising achiever university that cares about developing its students Ranked top 15 of UK universities (Guardian University Guide 2017) Named 'Modern University of the Year' for the past three consecutive years (Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2014, 2015, 2016) Named 'University of the Year' (Times Higher Education (THE) Awards 2015) Programme Code: 173-19431 About the Programme 課程簡介 The programme is the first non-local self-financed IT programme achieving local accreditation status in Hong Kong. It aims to provide an integrative approach to the study of IT and business, emphasizing the application of IT for business success. Students will be learning mastery skills in programming, contemporary system development methodologies, business organisation and management. The programme hence offers a sound and relevant education for people wishing to enter and develop a career in an inter-disciplinary field that requires understanding both IT and business. 本課程為全港首個本地認可之非本地自資資訊科技學士學位課程, 為有志投身與資訊科技及商業管理相關行業的人士提供專業培訓 課程結合資訊科技及商業管理, 重點教授如何運用資訊科技以提升商業管理效率 學生可從課程中學習程式編寫 系統開發方法 商業組織管理技巧 16 BSc (Hons) Business Information Technology is recognized under the Qualifications Framework Level 5, QR Registration Number: 10/000641/5 Validity Period: 01/09/2010 to 31/08/2018. This is an exempted programme under the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance (reference number 451831). It is a matterof discretion for individual employers to recognize any qualification to which this programme may lead. < 商業資訊科技榮譽理學士 > 在資歷架構下獲得認可 資歷級別 : 第五級, 資歷名冊登記號碼 : 10/000641/5, 登記有效期 : 由 01/09/2010 至 31/08/2018 本課程已獲非本地高等及專業教育 ( 規管 ) 條例豁免註冊 ( 參考編號 : 451831), 個別僱主可酌情決定是否承認本課程可令學員獲取的任何資格

Programme Structure 課程結構 Year 1 (60 Credits) Academic Writing Skills (Preparatory module) Quantitative Methods or Foundations in Information Systems (Preparatory module) Current Technologies Introduction to Computing Business Decision Making Year 2 (120 Credits) Year 3 (180 Credits) Enterprise Information Systems Operational Research IT Infrastructure and Service Management Real World Project Introduction to Algorithms Data and Information Retrieval Developing the Modern Web Information Technology and Global Development Computer Simulation Agile Development Technology and its Social, Legal and Ethical Context Project Management Analytical Skills for Business Using Excel Security and Compliance in the Cloud Navigating the Information Maze: Skill for a Digital World Data Analysis Using SPSS Individual Project CEF reimbursable course Programme Features 課程特色 Develop students discipline specialist knowledge, as well as applied employment skills Diverse learning setting (including theoretical discourse, hands-on laboratory practice, site visits and corporate projects) to enrich student learning experience which are important for IT industry Regular programme review to ensure curriculum is up-to-date. Programme is designed with inputs from practitioners in the IT industry and following professional guidelines of British Computer Society. It bears both strengths for specialist employment and professional development Graduates are mainly employed in the fields of software programming, IT consultancy, database administration, project management and business system support. A minority of graduates join the Government in various departments Graduates may pursue postgraduate studies offered by local and overseas universities. Relevant MSc or MBA programmes offered by Coventry University are also appropriate opportunities for further study in UK 著重發展學生的學科專業知識及職場應用技能 提供多元學習模式, 包括理論探討 技能實踐 實地考察及企業策劃等, 務求豐富學生的學習經歷 課程內容根據英國電腦學會的指引制訂, 與時並進..更邀請業內人士提供意見, 以切合行業實際需要, 務求提升學生的專業知識和能力 畢業生出路廣闊, 可受聘於軟件程式開發 資訊科技顧問 資料庫管理 項目管理 商業系統支援等行業, 亦可從事公營及私營機構的行政工作 畢業生亦可選擇於本地及海外大學升讀項士課程; Coventry University 亦為課程畢業生提供留學英國的機會 Programme Specific Requirement 課程特定入學要求 Enquiries 查詢 : (Tel) 3442 5809 / 3442 7423 (Email) Website 網址 : Applicants obtaining Level 3 or above in five HKDSE subjects, including English Language, plus one of the followings: Mathematics, Physics, Design Technology or Computing, or equivalent. 申請者須獲香港中學文憑考試五科成績達第三級或以上, 包括英國語文, 及下列其中一科..數學 物理 設計科技或電腦或相等學科 17

3-Year UK Bachelor's Honours Degree Programmes General Information Application Fee : HK$160 Tuition Fee^ : Year 1 HK$51,200 (2 Semesters) Year 2 HK$64,000 (2 Semesters) Year 3 HK$115,200 (3 Semesters) Commencement : October 2017 Application Details Before HKDSE Result Announcement (Apply Online): 1) Applicants can apply online through CityU SCOPE website : 2) The CityU SCOPE staff will contact the applicants about the interview arrangements and other details within 4 working days upon receipt of the online applications. 3) Successful applicants will be given a conditional offer prior to the HKDSE result announcement. 4) Once the applicants have met the admission requirements, they can bring the HKDSE result slip along to CityU SCOPE for confirming the programme enrolment. (Detailed information on admission requirements can be referred to p.4 Admission Route ) After HKDSE Result Announcement (Apply in person): 1) Applicants who have met the admission requirements can bring the HKDSE result slip along to CityU SCOPE located at Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong to apply for admission. (Detailed information on admission requirements can be referred to p.4 Admission Route ) 2) On-site interview will be arranged. Admission result will be informed to the applicants on the same day. Government Financial Assistance Education Grant and Loans* Eligible students can apply for Government grant and loans under the Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students (FASP), and Non-means-tested Loan Scheme for Post-secondary Students (NLSPS). For details, please visit the Government's website: index.htm Continuing Education Fund (CEF)* Modules of some programmes have been included in the list of reimbursable courses under the Government s Continuing Education Fund (CEF). For details, please visit the government's website: ^ There may be slight variations in the tuition fees across three years, but the total amount will remain unchanged. * Eligible students can only apply for either FASP or CEF before commencement of the programme. 18

三年制英國大學榮譽學士學位課程 一般資料 報名費 : HK$160 學費 ^ : 第一年 HK$51,200 ( 兩學期 ) 第二年 HK$64,000 ( 兩學期 ) 第三年 HK$115,200 ( 三學期 ) 開課日期 : 2017 年 10 月 報名詳情 中學文憑考試放榜前 ( 網上報名 ): 1) 申請者可登入香港城市大學專業進修學院網址 進行網上報名 2) 本院收到申請後四個工作天內, 將安排專人聯絡申請者, 通知有關入學面試等事宜 3) 經面試並符合入學資格者, 可先獲本院發出 有條件取錄 通知書 4) 待中學文憑考試成績公布後, 若成績已達課程入學要求, 請帶同成績單親臨本院確認取錄資格 ( 有關入學要求, 請參閱第 4 頁 入讀途徑 ) 中學文憑考試放榜後 ( 親臨報名 ): 1) 成績已達課程入學要求的同學, 可攜同成績單親臨九龍塘達之路香港城市大學專業進修學院報名入學 ( 有關入學要求, 請參閱第 4 頁 入讀途徑 ) 2) 學院會為申請者安排即場面試, 取錄結果亦於即日通知 學費資助 學費資助及貸款計劃 * 學生可申請政府學生資助處 學費資助及貸款計劃 計劃包括 專上學生資助計劃 及 專上學生免入息審查貸款計劃 詳情請瀏覽 持續進修基金 * 課程部份科目已列入政府持續進修基金, 可申請退還進修款項 符合資格的同學於成功修畢課程後, 最高可獲發還港幣 10,000 元正或學費 80%, 以較低者為準 詳情請瀏覽 www.wfsfaa. ^ 每年所繳交之學費或會有所微調, 但全期學費不會變動 * 符合資格的同學須於開課前申請 專上學生資助計劃 或 持續進修基金 19

Diploma in International Degree Foundation Entering the 3-Year UK Honours Degree Programmes through Foundation Programme 循基礎課程入讀三年制英國大學榮譽學士學位課程 Diploma in International Degree Foundation Programme offers an alternative route for students attaining 5 HKDSE subjects at Level 2 (including English) to be admitted to the UK Bachelor s Honours Degree Programmes. # 於香港中學文憑考試取得 5 科第二級成績 ( 其中包括英文科 ) 的學生, 可先修讀國際學位基礎教育文憑課程, 以取得英國大學榮譽學士學位課程之入學資格 # Programme Highlights 課程特色 This programme aims at strengthening and improving English Language competence, and developing students ability to undertake self-learning and directed learning for academic study at university level. In addition, programme specific knowledge will equip students to take up their study in their chosen degree programme. 為學生建立穩固的英語水平及自主學習能力, 使能應對大學課程之學習需要 ; 並針對學生所選讀的學士學位課程, 建立所需的學術知識基礎, 使能無縫銜接所選之專修科目 Articulation Pathway 升學階梯 Commence in mid-august 2017 Diploma in International Degree Foundation 國際學位基礎教育文憑 Graduate in August 2020 3-Year UK Bachelor s Honours Degree Programmes 三年制英國大學榮譽學士學位課程 20 # Applicants who have completed International Baccalaureate Diploma programme (IB) can also apply, and will be considered on case-by-case basis. 修畢 IB 文憑課程者申請入學, 亦可予考慮

國際學位基礎教育文憑課程 Programme Structure 課程結構 Diploma in International Degree Foundation is an intensive programme to provide preparatory foundation for students to take up their chosen degree programme in either (i) Business Administration and Management; (ii) Language and Communication; (iii) Applied Social Science; or (iv) Business Information Technology. 國際學位基礎教育文憑課程採密集教學模式, 培訓學生在英語 自學能力和專修科目知識方面的能力, 使能順利升讀所選的學位課程, 包括 (i) 商業及行政 ;(ii) 語文傳意 ;(iii) 應用社會科學 ; 或 (iv) 商業資訊科技 English Modules 英語單元 Foundation English English 1: Reading and Writing English 2: Listening and Speaking Learning Skill Modules 學習技巧單元 Personal Development and Learning Skills Academic Writing Skills Programme-related modules (Based on students chosen degree) 專修課程相關學科 ( 根據學生所選之學位課程 ) Business Administration and Management 商業及行政 Foundations in Business Studies Quantitative Methods Language and Communication 語文傳意 Introduction to Communication Language and Society Applied Social Science 應用社會科學 Foundations in Social Studies Culture and Society Business Information technology 商業資訊科技 Foundations in Information Systems Quantitative Methods 21

Diploma in International Degree Foundation Recognized at QF level 3 已獲確認為資歷架構第三級 資歷架構級別 QF Level : 3 資歷名冊登記號碼 QR Registration No : 15/003171/L3 登記有效期 Registration Validity Period : 23/10/2015 To 31/12/2019 22

國際學位基礎教育文憑課程 Assessment and Articulation 成績評核及升學出路 The modules are assessed by written assignments, oral tasks, small group project, tests and so on. Upon successful completion of the programme, students will be eligible for admission to the first year of the designated 3-Year UK Degree Programme. 課程主要通過寫作練習 口頭報告 小組專題研習 測驗等來評核成績 成功修畢 國際學位基礎教育文憑 的同學, 將獲得英國大學榮譽學士學位課程的入學資格, 直接升讀相關課程的一年級 General Information 一般資料 Tuition Fee 學費 : HK$29,400 Commencement 開課日期 : Mid - August 2017 2017 年 8 月中 Government Financial Assistance 學費資助 Non-means Tested Loan Scheme 政府免入息審查貸款計劃 Eligible students can apply for the Non-means tested Loan Scheme (NLS) administered by the Student Finance Office (SFO) of Hong Kong SAR Government. The loan borrowed plus the accumulated interests will be payable within the specified period upon completion of the programme. For details, please visit the government s website: 學生可申請政府學生資助處 免入息審查貸款計劃 借款人必須於畢業後指定時間內, 向香港特別行政區政府償還貸款及所累積的利息 詳情請瀏覽 23

Student Development Services 學生發展服務 Experiential Learning Enrich Personal Growth and Career Development 體驗學習促進個人成長及職業發展 High Table Dinner 高桌晚宴 English-Cantonese Corner 港美交流 Self-financing Post-secondary Scholarship Scheme (SPSS) Presentation Ceremony 自資專上獎學金計劃頒獎禮 Korea Study Tour 韓國學習團 24 Social Etiquette Workshop 社交禮儀工作坊 Common Recruitment Examination (CRE) Introduction 香港政府公務員綜合招聘考試簡介

Learning Resources Support 學習設施配套 Run Run Shaw Library 城大圖書館 Location : 3/F, Academic I, CityU Website : Computing Services Centre 電算服務中心 Location: 4/F, Academic 2, CityU Website: Electronic Services and Other Supports 電子服務及其他支援 Canvas: centrally supported e-learning platform where students can get most of the learning materials and communicate with teachers and classmates Email account: students will be given a CityU email account with 50GB quota SCOPE Resource Centre: located at SCOPE TSTE Learning Centre providing PCs with Internet access and space for study and discussion Online resources from overseas universities: available for most overseas degree programmes 25

3-Year UK Bachelor's Honours Degree Programmes 三年制英國大學榮譽學士學位課程 商業管理 Business Administration 語文傳意 Language and Communication 社會科學 Social Science 商業科技 Business Infomation Technology School of Continuing and Professional Education (SCOPE) City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學專業進修學院 Web : E-mail : Address : Lower Ground Floor, Academic Exchange Building, City University of Hong Kong Tel : (852) 3442 7423 Fax : (852) 3442 0399 The programmes in this booklet are exempted courses under the Non-local Higher & Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance in Hong Kong. It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognise any qualifications to which these courses may lead. 小冊子內之課程已獲非本地高等及專業教育 ( 規管 ) 條例豁免註冊, 個別僱主可酌情決定是否承認本課程可令學員獲取的任何資格 SCOPE/1/16/10/2869