Confucius Institute Fall 2014 Publication (Report)

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Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR The Confucius Institute Publications Confucius Institute at Western Kentucky University Fall 2014 Confucius Institute Fall 2014 Publication (Report) Dr. Wei-ping Pan Director Western Kentucky Univeristy, Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education Commons, Chinese Studies Commons, and the Modern Languages Commons Recommended Citation Pan, Dr. Wei-ping Director, "Confucius Institute Fall 2014 Publication (Report)" (2014). The Confucius Institute Publications. Paper 7. This Report is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Confucius Institute Publications by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR. For more information, please contact

Contents 目录 Director s Note 院长致辞...2 Strategic Programs for Sustainable Development 有计划推动孔子学院的可持续发展...5 Innovative Marketing 创新思路, 全方位推广孔子学院...8 Coordination and Arrangement of Performance Tours 成功组织孔子学院大型巡演活动...10 Community Outreach 拓展社区活动, 提高孔子学院的影响力...12 2014 Confucius Institute Day Events 西肯塔基大学孔子学院 2014 年孔子学院日活动...15 Teachers' Perspective: Chinese Cultural Experience Mobile 西肯塔基大学孔子学院 中国文化体验移动车 感人趣事...19 Parents' Perspective: Fuzzy: An Amazing Panda 西肯塔基大学孔子学院学生家长故事讲述 - Fuzzy, 神奇的玩具熊猫...22 2014 Chinese Teachers 2014 年汉语教师一览...23

Director s Note: Under the leadership of Dr. Gary A. Ransdell, who coined Western Kentucky University s (WKU) vision of A leading American University with International Reach, the Confucius Institute at Western Kentucky University (CI at WKU) has adopted a strategy consisting of several phases toward this goal. The first stage was aimed at creating programs for the dissemination of the Chinese language and culture. With no precedent to follow in regards to Chinese language and culture programs, it was a highly important role for the university to create a pipeline of students interested in Chinese language and culture. Thus, Dr. Ransdell developed two distinct programs the development and implementation of the Confucius Institute culminated in February 2010 and officially opened in April 2010, with the other marking the official launch of the Chinese major/ minor within the Department of Modern Languages. The CI at WKU was the pivotal piece, which set things in motion. In February 2010, the CI at WKU became one of over 450 CI's worldwide and one of over 100 CI's in North America. Over the years, the CI at WKU has taken a very deliberate approach in creating a presence and promoting the Chinese language and culture throughout the state of Kentucky. The CI at WKU taps into K-12 schools throughout the state, yielding more students who could potentially attend the Chinese language programs at WKU. The latest data shows the following trends since the 2010/2011 academic year to present: Increased from 11 Chinese Hanban teachers to 42 teachers; Increased the number of school districts from 4 to 17; The number of students registered in the program has increased from 1,600 to over 12,000. One of the motivating factors behind this growth is the attainment of Kentucky Teacher Certification. The CI at WKU partnered with the College of Education and Behavioral Sciences and Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board (EPSB) to establish a platform that assisted 17 of our 33 teachers with the attainment of 5-Year Rank One Kentucky Certification in 2012-2013. In the consecutive years, 10 of our teachers were granted certification in the academic year of 2013-2014, with an additional 11 for the academic year of 2014-2015. The second phase in disseminating the Chinese language and culture was the establishment of a Chinese Major/Minor at WKU, approved by CPE (Council on Postsecondary Education) in the 2013-2014 school year. Over this past year, the program has expanded to a great extent. Presently, over 300 students are enrolled in the Chinese major/minor, and 17 of these students were granted HSK scholarships after successfully passing HSK tests to study in China in 2014. The implementation of the Chinese Major/Minor program has greatly facilitated the dissemination of the Chinese language and culture. In addition to these two programs, starting from the 2014-2015 academic year, the CI at WKU was instrumental in facilitating the College of Education with the establishment of a 1 plus 2 MTCSOL program to prepare more teachers with becoming certified in the state of Kentucky. This program offers an alternate path for teachers seeking certification, and who potentially foresee finding full time employment in the U.S. in teaching Chinese throughout the state. The CI at WKU is not only interested in being an institute with progressive vision and action, it strives to implement the standards that we set for ourselves. Following these standards, we conduct an evaluation of our performance every year and we take it very seriously. Since the inception, we have evaluated ourselves through the creation of a booklet that outlines our accomplishments. Please see below for some highlights in 2014: Hosted the 3 rd Spring Festival Gala Performance in February, for approximately 500 faculty, staff, students, and community members; Successfully organized an Erhu soloist, Ms. Xiaojun Huo s performance tour in Western Kentucky University, Middle Tennessee State University, University of Tennessee Knoxville and the Confucius Classroom at Bowling Green Housing Authority, as well as Erhu art demonstration and lectures; Led the first ever China Business Management Abroad class in May, in which 16 business students and faculty visited Kentucky companies that were based in China. The trip took the participants to Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Xiamen and Taiwan, with its purpose to create a pipeline of internship opportunities for business students who wish to work in China; Led the first ever Understanding China group to China in June, which consisted of school Superintendents, Principals, and school administrators. The trip was designed to give U.S. administrators a glimpse at the teaching styles in China and their differences from that in the U.S., in the hopes of providing school administrators with a vision of how to assist incoming Chinese teachers with the acclimation process to U.S. K-12 settings through training and professional development; Led the largest single group of 19 high school students to Jilin Province (Changchun) in July to attend the Chinese Bridge summer camp; President Ransdell presented to the staff at Hanban/ Confucius Institute Headquarters on the topic of Sustained Leadership at the request of Madame Xu Lin; Over 3,000 students have taken the HSK/HSKK/YCT, among which 17 were awarded scholarships worth a total of $250,000; Hosted the celebration of the 10th anniversary of global Confucius Institutes/Confucius Institute Day on September 27, 2014, jointly with Bowling Green International Festival, and organized a series of Chinese culture demonstrations. On the basis of these achievements, the Confucius Institute at WKU is striving to achieve the following goals in 2014-2015 academic year: Build a Model Confucius Institute at WKU; Increase the number of students from 10,800 to 12,000, and to 45,000 by the year 2025; Increase the number of Chinese Hanban volunteer teachers with an increase from 36 to 42, and to 100 by the year 2025; 2

院长致辞 Increase the number of teachers enrolled in the 1+2 program and maximize Hanban Teacher Certification Program in Kentucky in collaboration with College of Education and Behavioral Science; Expand the number of Confucius Classrooms from 11 to 20; Prepare over 3,000 WKU and local students for YCT and HSK; Develop and improve Online Cloud-based Curriculum Development to expand coverage of the Chinese language and culture; Launch more Understanding China Programs and summer camps to promote the cultural communication and understanding between U.S. and China. The review of our past achievements allows us to have a clear view of the path we have explored and gives us a chance to prepare for what lies ahead. It is our sincere hope that the CI at WKU will follow this path to the realization of its ultimate goal. Dr. Wei-Ping Pan 西肯塔基大学在 Gary A. Ransdell 校长的领导下, 确立了 建设美国一流国际化大学 的发展目标, 并采取了多步走的战略 建设和规划中国语言和文化推广项目是实现这一目标的第一步 由于之前没有开设过中国语言和文化课程, 所以生源的保障是至关重要的问题 为此,Gary A. Ransdell 校长开拓了两个特色项目, 一个是创办孔子学院, 另一个是创建中文专业 / 辅修专业 在中外各方的大力支持下,2010 年 2 月, 西肯塔基大学与中国国家汉办签署了孔子学院共建协议 2010 年 4 月, 西肯塔基大学孔子学院正式揭牌成立 可以说, 孔子学院是一切事物发展的动力源泉 西肯塔基大学孔子学院, 是全球 450 多所孔子学院之一, 也是北美 100 多所孔子学院中的一个 孔子学院的成立, 促进了肯塔基州中文教学的开展和普及 截止到 2014 年 9 月底, 注册汉语学生人数从最初 1,600 人增长至 2013-2014 学年度的 12,000 余人, 开设中国语言和文化课程的学区数量从最初的 4 个增加至 17 个, 汉语教师志愿者数量也从 2010-2011 学年度的 11 人增长到了 2014-2015 学年度的 45 人 这些成果的取得主要归功于西肯塔基大学孔子学院大力推动的肯塔基州汉语教师资格认证项目 2012-2013 学年度, 西肯塔基大学孔子学院通过与教育和行为科学学院合作, 在 33 名汉语教师志愿者中, 有 17 名获得了有效期为五年的肯塔基州一等汉语教师资格证书 2013-2014 学年度, 又有 10 名汉语教师志愿者获得了肯塔基州汉语教师资格证书 2014-2015 学年度, 另外 11 名新汉语教师志愿者又获得了肯塔基州汉语教师资格证书 与此同时, 在孔子学院学习汉语的肯塔基州 K-12 年级中小学生已经成为西肯塔基大学中文专业的主要生源 以上这些都为西肯塔基大学建立稳定的生源渠道提供了保障 3

经大学教育委员会批准, 西肯塔基大学中文专业 / 辅修专业也于 2013-2014 学年度正式成立 目前, 西肯塔基大学中文专业 / 辅修专业已有学生 300 余人, 其中 17 名学生已经通过 HSK 考试并获得孔子学院奖学金资助于 2014 年赴中国留学 此外, 西肯塔基大学教育和行为科学学院已经于 2014-2015 学年度开展了 1+2 汉语国际教育硕士联合培养项目, 以输出更多的肯塔基州认证汉语教师 第一步的成功, 也为西肯塔基大学实现战略目标的第二步 建立自己的评估标准 奠定了基础 西肯塔基大学孔子学院不仅具有积极向上的发展目标和切实的举措, 而且还设立了自身的评估标准 由于评估结果非常重要, 因此西肯塔基大学孔子学院会认真对待每一项评估 自成立以来, 西肯塔基大学孔子学院进行过多次自我评估, 每年都要制作孔子学院新画册, 以总结孔子学院取得的成绩 这一措施使得西肯塔基大学孔子学院每年不仅能够达到孔子学院自己所确定的发展目标, 而且还能够达到中国国家汉办为全球孔子学院所确定的发展目标 不仅如此, 这一措施还确保了西肯塔基大学孔子学院的项目经费能够完全用于中国国家汉办 / 孔子学院总部所确立的汉语言文化推广项目 以下是西肯塔基大学孔子学院 2014 年取得的成绩 : 2014 年 2 月, 邀请杭州师范大学艺术团在西肯塔基大学举办了第三届春节文艺演出活动, 约 500 名西肯塔基大学师生和社区人士观看了此次演出 2014 年 4 月 20 日 -26 日, 成功举办了中国二胡艺术家霍晓君女士在美国西肯塔基大学 中田纳西州立大学 田纳西大学诺克斯威尔分校以及鲍灵格林房产管理局汉语学习中心孔子课堂等地的四场巡回演出和三场二胡艺术展示活动 2014 年 5 月, 举办了首届 中国商务管理 培训班,16 名西肯塔基大学商学院的师生赴中国北京 天津 上海 厦门和台湾参观考察了美国肯塔基州跨国公司在中国的分公司 此次活动为希望到中国工作的西肯塔基大学商学院学生提供了一次实习机会 2014 年 6 月, 举办了首届新汉学计划 理解中国 短期访问中国项目 该项目成员包括学区教育局长 中小学校长和中小学管理人员等, 旨在让美国教育管理者更好地了解中国的教育方式, 以及中美之间的教育差异 该项目有助于中小学管理者更好地组织专业技能培训, 从而使汉语教师志愿者更快地适应美国的教育环境 2014 年 7 月, 组织 19 名高中生参加了赴中国吉林省长春市的汉语桥高中生夏令营活动 应中国国家汉办主任许琳女士的邀请, 西肯塔基大学校长 Gary A. Ransdell 为中国国家汉办 / 孔子学院总部工作人员开展了一次题为 变革时代领导能力提升之我见 的学术讲座 组织 3000 余名学生参加了 HSK/HSKK/YCT 考试, 其中 17 名学生获得了孔子学院奖学金, 资助金额约 25 万美元 2014 年 9 月, 为庆祝全球孔子学院成立十周年, 与鲍灵格林国际文化节相结合, 成功组织了孔子学院日中国文化展示系列活动 在此成绩的基础上, 西肯塔基大学制定了 2014-2015 学年度西肯塔基大学孔子学院工作计划与目标 : 积极开展西肯塔基大学示范孔子学院建设 注册汉语学生人数从目前的 10,800 人增加到 12,000 人,2025 年达到 45,000 人 汉语教师志愿者人数由目前的 36 人增加到 45 人,2025 年达到 100 人 充分利用 1+2 汉语国际教育硕士联合培养项目的优势, 与教育和行为科学学院合作, 进一步增加认证汉语教师的数量 下设孔子课堂数量争取从目前的 11 所增加到 20 所 HSK/YCT 考试人数增加到 3,000 人 进一步完善和开发云端网络汉语课程, 扩大孔子学院汉语课程的覆盖范围 继续举办新汉学计划 理解中国 项目和中国之旅夏令营活动, 推动中美文化的相互交流和理解 综上所述, 总结过去所取得的成绩可以让我们更清楚地看到西肯塔基大学孔子学院所走过的历程, 这将进一步保障西肯塔基大学孔子学院沿着正确的轨道实现自己的最终目标 Dr. Wei-Ping Pan 4

Strategic Programs for Sustainable Development 有计划地推动孔子学院的可持续发展 Chinese Language Program and Chinese Hanban Teacher Certification At present, the CI at WKU has placed Chinese Hanban teachers in 42 schools across 17 school districts. The number of registered students at CI has grown from 1,600 to over 12,000, with the number of Chinese Hanban teachers have increased from 11 to 42. In 2012/2013 academic year, the CI at WKU became the first Institute in the state of Kentucky whose 17 Hanban Chinese Teachers were awarded official Kentucky Teacher Certification by Kentucky s Educational Professional Standards Board (EPSB) for teaching Chinese for all grades K-12. In 2013/2014, the CI at WKU received Kentucky Certification for 10 new teachers, and gained an additional 11 teacher certification for the 2014/2015 academic year. In an effort to support continued growth, the CI at WKU is prepared to provide certified teachers in the states of Kentucky, Tennessee, and Georgia for school districts seeking certified Hanban Chinese teachers. 注册汉语学生和认证汉语教师规模不断扩大目前已在肯塔基州 17 个学区 42 所中小学开设了汉语言文化课程, 注册汉语学生人数已从 2010 年成立之初的 1,600 人增长至 12,000 人 汉语教师志愿者数量也从 2010 年成立之初的 11 人增长到 42 人 2012-2013 学年度,17 名汉语教师志愿者首次获得了由肯塔基州教育专业标准委员会颁发的 K-12( 幼儿园至高中 ) 年级汉语教师资格证书 2013-2014 学年度, 又有 10 名新汉语教师志愿者获得了肯塔基州汉语教师资格证书 2014-2015 学年度, 另外 11 名新汉语教师志愿者获得了肯塔基州汉语教师资格证书 目前, 西肯塔基大学孔子学院正根据需要向肯塔基州 田纳西州和佐治亚州学区提供认证汉语教师 Increasing Affiliated Confucius Classrooms Throughout Kentucky In September 2013, the CI at WKU opened its first three affiliated Confucius Classrooms in the state of Kentucky in Barren County, Franklin/Simpson County, and Bowling Green Housing Authority respectively. In 2014, seven more affiliated Confucius Classrooms were approved by Hanban and opened in September 2014 in Logan County School District, Bowling Green Independent Schools, Cloverport Independent Schools, Gatton Academy of Math & Science, Owensboro/Daviess School Districts, Hardin County Schools, and St. Francis (Goshen Campus) School. In addition, with the approval from Hanban, the Confucius Classroom at St. Francis High School was transferred from the Asia Society to CI at WKU. To date, all these affiliated Confucius Classrooms are playing important roles in Chinese language programming in their respective districts and communities. 下设孔子课堂数量逐年递增 2013 年 9 月, 西肯塔基大学孔子学院下设的 3 所孔子课堂 (Barren 县学区孔子课堂 Simpson 县学区孔子课堂和鲍灵格林市房产管理局汉语学习中心孔子课堂 ) 正式揭牌 2014 年, 又有 7 所下设孔子课堂 (Logan 县学区孔子课堂 鲍灵格林独立学区孔子课堂 Cloverport 独立学区孔子课堂 Gatton 数理高中孔子课堂 Owensboro/Daviess 学区孔子课堂 Hardin 县学区孔子课堂 St. Francis 初中孔子课堂 ) 获得中国国家汉办批准, 并于 2014 年 9 月正式揭牌 另外一所孔子课堂, 即 St. Francis 高中孔子课堂, 也已经中国国家汉办批准, 由亚洲协会转由西肯塔基大学孔子学院管理 目前这些下设孔子课堂已成为所在学区和社区汉语言文化推广的主要基地 5

Head Teacher Position and Teaching Chair Positions In October 2013, Hanban agreed to support the Chinese Major and Minor at WKU by providing financial support for two teaching chair positions at WKU, with one position within the Department of Modern Languages and another in the College of Education & Behavioral Sciences. These positions will support the teacher certification program and the degree attainment of students enrolled in the Chinese Major/Minor program. In addition, in July 2014, Hanban approved the first head teacher position, which is responsible for the management of teachers at the CI at WKU. 孔子学院核心教师岗位和汉语师范专业教席岗位项目成效显著经过孔子学院的积极努力,2013 年 10 月, 西肯塔基大学汉语师范专业两个教席岗位获得中国国家汉办批准 其中一个教席岗位设在现代语言系, 负责中文专业 / 辅修专业的学位课程管理 ; 另一个教席岗位设在教育和行为科学学院, 负责肯塔基州汉语教师资格认证项目管理 2014 年 7 月, 孔子学院第一个核心教师岗位也获得了中国国家汉办批准, 将全面负责西肯塔基大学孔子学院汉语教学的组织和管理 1+2 MAT Program With the support from Hanban, the 1+2 MAT program between WKU and Beijing Language and Culture University is underway, with the first cohort admitted into the University as of Fall 2014, is preparing Hanban Chinese teachers with becoming certified teachers in the state of Kentucky. This program is an alternate way to offer certification for those teachers who seek formal degrees in teaching the Chinese language and culture. 1+2 汉语国际教育硕士联合培养项目进入实质性阶段在孔子学院的积极努力与中国国家汉办的大力支持下, 西肯塔基大学与北京语言大学合作开展的 1+2 汉语国际教育硕士联合培养项目于 2014 年秋季学期正式进入实施阶段 该项目有助于培养和输出更多的肯塔基州认证汉语教师 6

HSK/HSKK/YCT Tests In April 2013, the CI at WKU became an official testing site to administer the YCT/HSK/HSKK tests. In April 2013, fourteen WKU undergraduate students took the test, among whom, eight students received Hanban scholarships and attended Chinese language and culture classes at North China Electric Power University (NCEPU) in Fall 2013, and Spring, 2014, respectively. In November 2013, 23 students took the YCT test, among whom, 21 passed the test. From March to May 2014, with great effort from the CI at WKU, 463 students from different schools and universities throughout the state of Kentucky attended the HSK, HSKK and YCT tests. Statistics show that 270 of them passed these tests with a passing rate of 58.3%. Among these students, 41 of 47 students passed HSK tests, 24 of 43 passed HSKK tests, and 205 of 373 passed YCT tests. In 2014, seventeen students received HSK scholarships to study the Chinese language and culture in China in the 2014/2015 academic year. The CI at WKU is in the planning stages of putting together an YCT/HSK/HSKK Testing Day, which will consist of more than 2,600 students taking the YCT/HSK/HSKK tests in March/April 2015. This Testing Day will be the platform to make our goal of reaching more than 3,000 students each year. At present, the CI at WKU is actively promoting the strategies of sustainable development in an effort to build these programs into a Model CI in the United States. HSK/HSKK/YCT 考试人数逐年增加 2013 年 4 月, 西肯塔基大学孔子学院正式成为 HSK( 汉语水平考试 ) 官方考点并举办了首届 HSK 考试 来自西肯塔基大学的 14 名本科生参加了此次考试, 其中 8 名学生荣获了孔子学院奖学金, 并已于 2013 年秋季学期和 2014 年春季学期赴华北电力大学学习中国语言和文化 2013 年 11 月, 又有 23 名学生参加了 YCT( 中小学生汉语考试 ) 考试, 其中 21 名学生通过了此次考试 2014 年 3 月 -5 月, 西肯塔基大学孔子学院成功组织肯塔基州 463 名大中小学生参加了 HSK HSKK( 汉语水平口语考试 ) 和 YCT 考试, 通过考试人数为 270 人, 考试通过率达 58.3% 其中 47 名学生参加 HSK 考试, 通过考试人数为 41 人 ;43 名学生参加 HSKK 考试, 通过考试人数为 24 人 ;373 名学生参加 YCT 考试, 通过考试人数为 205 人 2014 年,17 名西肯塔基大学学生荣获了 2014/2015 学年度孔子学院奖学金, 并赴华北电力大学学习中国语言和文化 西肯塔基大学孔子学院目前正在筹备 2015 年 3 月 -4 月举办的 YCT/HSK/HSKK 考试日活动, 届时将有 2,600 余名学生参加 YCT/HSK/HSKK 考试 此次考试日活动将为实现每年 YCT/HSK/HSKK 考试人数 3,000 余人的目标奠定良好的基础 目前, 西肯塔基大学孔子学院正在积极推进可持续发展的战略, 努力将自己打造成为美国示范孔子学院 7

Innovative Marketing 创新思路, 全方位推广孔子学院 Chinese Learning Center at the Confucius Institute at WKU The Chinese Learning Center (CLC) was established on May 20, 2011 with a vision of experiencing the Chinese culture without leaving Kentucky. Strategically located at the entrance to the Helm Library, the CLC takes up an area of over 651 square meters (7,000 square feet) and contains seven touch screen videos highlighting Ancient Chinese Science and Technology, Chinese Characters, Famous Philosophers, Paper Cutting, Folk Music, Kung Fu and Chinese cities. The CLC also houses a growing library of books and encyclopedias in both Chinese and English about Chinese history, tea ceremonies, music, food, geography, etc. Thanks to the generous contributions from WKU community, as well as around the world, several revolving show racks stand in CLC to exhibit the gems of Chinese culture. The spacious Community Room which is set up for lectures, workshops, and demonstrations, is equipped with a computer, a screen, and a projector. Over the past two years, the CLC is constantly enriched and expanding with Chinese artifacts and folk arts, which has become an important platform for American citizens to understand China. More than 15,000 students from K-12, University and community individuals visit our CLC every year. 中国文化体验中心已经成为美国民众了解中国的重要窗口西肯塔基大学孔子学院中国文化体验中心 (CLC) 于 2011 年 5 月 20 日正式揭牌, 学生不用离开肯塔基州, 就可以在这里体验到中国文化 中国文化体验中心位于西肯塔基大学 Helm 图书馆的入口处, 占地 651 平方米 ( 折合 7,000 余平方英尺 ), 配有 7 台触摸屏电视, 分别安装了古代科技 汉字演变 诸子问答 中国剪纸 中国民乐 中国功夫和城市变迁等多媒体学习课件 中国文化体验中心拥有丰富的中英双语图书馆藏和百科全书, 包括中国历史 中国茶艺 中国音乐 中国美食 中国地理等书籍 西肯塔基大学社区和世界各地的慷慨赞助者还为中国文化体验中心捐助了艺术品旋转展台 另外, 宽敞的活动场地还配备了计算机 投影仪和大屏幕, 可用于汉语教学 文化讲座和活动示范 两年来, 西肯塔基大学孔子学院中国文化体验中心的中国文化展品不断丰富和扩充, 已经成为美国民众了解中国的重要窗口 每年参观中国文化体验中心的 K-12 年级中小学生 大学生和社区人士达 15,000 余人 8

CI Mobile Unit The Chinese Cultural Experience The state of Kentucky consists of 120 counties, 174 school districts, and 1,233 public schools (excluding private schools) with 647,827 students enrolled, which gives the possibility for further promotion of the CI program. The concern is that the further away from WKU, the fewer individuals in the state of Kentucky know about WKU, and least about the CI program. Thus, the purpose of the Confucius Institute Mobile Unit The Chinese Cultural Experience is to establish a new innovative and economic unit, which will be transported strategically throughout the state of Kentucky to promote the Chinese language and culture. With partial support from Hanban/ Confucius Institute Headquarters, the CI at WKU purchased a 40 x 13 x 10 (ft) mobile home that has been converted to a Chinese museum on wheels. Inside the CI mobile unit, it is divided into 6 compartments, including Musical Instruments, Facts/Holidays, Chinese Calligraphy, Arts/Crafts, Wellness/ Games, and Costumes. Since September 2013 when CI at WKU unveiled the CI mobile unit Chinese Cultural Experience, it has visited more than 100 locations throughout the state, where more than 5,000 students, parents, administrators, and community members have had an opportunity to experience the Chinese language and culture aboard the mobile. The mobile has attracted great interest from local school districts, as a result of which, more and more new school districts are applying for Chinese language and culture programs at CI at WKU. 大胆创新, 敢于实践, 打造中国文化移动体验肯塔基州有 120 个县,174 个学区,1,233 个公立学校 ( 不含私立学校 ), 中小学生 647,827 人, 因此, 中国语言和文化推广项目在这里有很大的发展空间 但是, 离西肯塔基大学越远的地区, 往往知道孔子学院的人就越少 为了以一种新颖节俭的方式在肯塔基州巡回推广中国语言和文化, 西肯塔基大学孔子学院开创性地打造了 中国文化体验移动车 该 中国文化体验移动车 由 3.96 米 (13 英尺 ) 宽 12.19 米 (40 英尺 ) 长 3.05 米 (10 英尺 ) 高的可移动式房车经过改装而成 其内部包含 6 个中国文化主题单元, 分别是音乐和乐器主题单元 中国标志和中国节日主题单元 中国书法主题单元 中国艺术品和手工艺品主题单元 中国健身和游戏主题单元 中国传统服饰主题单元 该 中国文化体验移动车 自 2013 年 9 月在美国首届孔子学院联席会议期间正式亮相和运营以来, 已经走访了 100 多所学校,5,000 余名学生通过 中国文化体验移动车 亲身体验了中国语言和文化, 引起了当地学区对中国语言和文化的极大兴趣 目前, 越来越多的新学区正在申请加入西肯塔基大学孔子学院的汉语言文化推广项目 WKU imedia Project In collaboration with Western imedia, the CI at WKU features a special news bulletin which gives a multifaceted and detailed look into Confucius Institutes around the globe by employing vivid graphic designs with embedded mobileaccessed digital pictures and video articles. The 9 panels in the bulletin provide an in-depth explanation of the development of CI around the globe, as well as many touching stories in CI programs worldwide. Just scan any one panel by using a smartphone or tablet camera; audiences can enjoy a great interactive experience of the augmented-reality (AR) overlay technology, which promotes a dynamic audience engagement of news report. The project consists of facts interweaved with narratives from many different perspectives. Since May 2013, this project has been displayed at WKU Kentucky museum, Hanban/Confucius Institute Headquarters, 2013 Joint Meeting of U.S. Confucius Institutes, the 8th Global Confucius Institute Conference, and more than 25,000 individuals have visited the display. Western imedia is exploring the use of a new technology, which will allow the story to expand in a new and exciting arena. They are seeking to create virtual classroom experiences, which will allow individuals to visually see inside a Chinese classroom through an immersive media experience. This technology utilizes a pair of innovate glasses, channeling smartphone device lenses that allows the audience to see the classroom in a real live 360 degree setting. The technology is user friendly, and allows for audio recordings for narratives. Virtual reality is now more accessible to more people, and will continue to spread the story and CI branding through other forms of media. 与新闻媒体合作, 树立孔子学院品牌形象与西肯塔基大学西部传媒 (imedia) 合作, 专题新闻报道 走进孔子学院 通过在生动形象 图文并茂 可视化的展板上附加可移动访问的数字视频画面, 多角度详细地宣传推广全球孔子学院 9 块展板深入地反映了世界孔子学院的发展状况和许多汉语教学中的动人故事 通过智能手机或平板电脑的应用程序将摄像头对准展板, 观众可以体验现实增强叠加技术实现的交互环境, 从而提高新闻报道的动态感和现场感 2013 年 5 月以来, 该专题新闻报道曾在西肯塔基大学博物馆 中国国家汉办 / 孔子学院总部 2013 年美国孔子学院联席会议和 2013 年第八届孔子学院大会展出, 约 25,000 余人参观了展览 2014 年西部传媒 ((imedia) 又探索应用了更新的技术, 这些新技术将以一种更加新颖的方式报道孔子学院 西部传媒 (imedia) 正在着手采用新技术建立虚拟教室环境, 从而通过沉浸式媒体体验让用户置身于可视化的汉语教室 该技术采用了一副创新眼镜, 镜片可以与智能手机设备通信, 以便让用户看到一个真实的教室环境 新技术采用了友好的用户界面, 并且允许对讲述人进行录音 目前, 虚拟现实技术越来越多地走进了人们的生活, 其将通过多种媒体形式进一步宣传孔子学院, 树立孔子学院的品牌形象 9

Coordination and Arrangement of CI Performance Tours 成功组织孔子学院大型巡演活动 Chinese Opera Troupe Performance from CI at Binghamton University On January 23, 2014, the CI at WKU hosted a Chinese spring gala in the auditorium of Bowling Green Junior High School where the Chinese Opera Troupe from the Confucius Institute at Binghamton University gave a lively performance, which consisted of Sichuan Opera face-changing act, traditional acrobat skits, flute solos and singing performances. The performance attracted more than 600 students at Bowling Green Junior High school. 宾汉姆顿大学孔子学院戏曲艺术团巡演活动 2014 年 1 月 23 日, 西肯塔基大学孔子学院成功组织了宾汉姆顿大学孔子学院戏曲艺术团在鲍灵格林初中的春节文艺演出活动 演出节目丰富多彩, 涵盖了川剧变脸 杂技 - 转碟和钻筒 笛子独奏 民族歌曲演唱等中国传统文艺节目 鲍灵格林初中 600 余名学生观看了此次演出, 亲身感受了中国民族艺术的魅力 10 An Oriental Monsoon Hangzhou Normal University, China 杭州师范大学艺术团 风从东方来 文艺演出

Hangzhou Normal University Troupe Performance On February 8, 2014, at the invitation of the CI at WKU, 26 performers from Hangzhou Normal University, China, brought an enjoyable Spring Gala entitled An Oriental Monsoon to the campus of WKU. The artists showcased a wide variety of Chinese dances, instrumental acrobatic skills, martial arts, Thai dances and Chinese folk songs. Audience members held their breath as the women acrobats floated across the stage with a stack of delicate bowls on their heads. Martial artists energized the crowds with a mixture of swordplay and acrobatic tricks. Performers from Hangzhou Normal University, were dressed in brightly embellished traditional dresses representing various parts of China wowed the nearly 500 audience members in Van Meter Auditorium at WKU. 杭州师范大学艺术团巡演活动 2014 年 2 月 8 日, 西肯塔基大学孔子学院成功组织了由 26 人组成的杭州师范大学艺术团在西肯塔基大学的巡演活动 此次文艺演出的主题为 风从东方来, 演出节目富有中国特色, 有中国舞蹈 中国乐器 中国杂技 中国武术 傣族舞蹈和中国民歌等 尤其杂技表演以及综合了舞剑和杂技的武术表演更是让在场观众大开眼界 在座的 500 余名观众无不对此次集灯光 音响和动感于一体的春节文艺盛会大加赞赏 Ms. Xiaojun Huo s Erhu Performance Tour From April 20 to 26, 2014, the CI at WKU successfully organized Erhu soloist, Ms. Xiaojun Huo s performance tours at Western Kentucky University, Middle Tennessee State University, University of Tennessee Knoxville and the Confucius Classroom at Bowling Green Housing Authority. In addition, the Erhu artist performed demonstrations and lectures to students at WKU. For the finale, Ms. Xiaojun Huo, played Lovely Night, Bird Songs from the High Mountain, Racing Horses, and Csárdás, and wowed more than 1,800 audience members from Kentucky and Tennessee. 中国著名二胡艺术家霍晓君女士 2014 年美国巡演活动 2014 年 4 月 20 日 -26 日, 西肯塔基大学孔子学院成功举办了中国二胡艺术家霍晓君女士在美国西肯塔基大学 中田纳西州立大学 田纳西大学诺克斯威尔分校以及鲍灵格林房产管理局汉语学习中心孔子课堂等地的四场巡回演出和三场二胡艺术展示活动, 并为西肯塔基大学音乐系学生开展了二胡演奏艺术专题学术讲座 尤其是霍晓君女士生动演奏的 良宵 空山鸟语 赛马 查尔达什 等二胡经典曲目, 让美国肯塔基州和田纳西州 1,800 余师生和民众亲身感受了中国民族音乐艺术的魅力 11

Community Outreach 拓展社区活动, 提高孔子学院的影响力 Chinese Business Management Study Abroad The CI at WKU partnered with Gordon Ford College of Business, and the Educational Leadership Doctorate Program to develop the CI s first faculty-led study abroad trip to China for a 2-week trip, with the focus on Corporate Leadership. The group consisted of business students, doctoral students who visited Alltech (Beijing, Tianjin, China), ZETEC (Shanghai), Source International (Xiamen), and Zoeller Taiwan Company, LTD (Taipei, Taiwan), as they hosted our delegation and graciously shared their experiences on conducting business in China, and the various leadership issues that they faced or/ are facing. At the conclusion, the group visited the companies Kentucky headquarters to get a full-rounded experience of how American business is conducted in China. " 中国企业管理 " 国际培训班通过与 Gordon Ford 商学院和教育领导力博士专业合作, 西肯塔基大学孔子学院举办了为期 2 周的 中国企业管理 国际培训班, 旨在深入研究和探讨企业领导力培养问题 该培训班由企业管理专业的本科生和博士生组成, 考察了 Alltech 公司 ( 中国北京和天津 ) ZETEC 公司 ( 中国上海 ) 源国际公司( 中国厦门 ) 和 Zoeller 台湾股份有限公司 ( 中国台北 ), 进一步了解了中国企业的管理经验及其所面临的领导力培养问题 不仅如此, 该培训班还访问了这些跨国公司在美国肯塔基州的总部, 以全面了解美国跨国公司在中国的运营模式 Understanding China Program and Symposium From June 9 to 17, 2014, the CI at WKU became the first to host an Understanding China Short-term Research on Chinese Educational Leadership as part of the Confucius China Studies Program. The 12-member team, was composed of 1 staff from CI at WKU, 7 educators from Kentucky (3 superintendents, 2 principals, and 2 assistant principals), 1 VP of business development and a journalist team of 3 members. The team conducted talks with incoming Chinese teachers, administrators of Beijing Language and Culture University, as well as local high schools and elementary schools. The fundamental purpose was to gain a better understanding of the leadership and teaching practice in China. This seven-day visit was a great opportunity for Kentucky administrators to gain insight on how to further assist the incoming Chinese volunteer teachers more effectively, and assist with adapting to U.S. school environment. It was a win-win exchange for both the U.S. and the Chinese administrators as we strive to expand and cultivate efforts to improve leadership development. Many of the Kentucky administrators stated their wish to have Chinese administrators visit the schools systems in Kentucky, for leadership opportunities and teaching practices in the future. 理解中国 项目和论坛 2014 年 6 月 9 日 -17 日, 西肯塔基大学孔子学院首次举办了由 12 人参加的孔子新汉学计划 理解中国 短期访问中国项目 - 中国教育领导力培养研究 该团组成员包括 1 名西肯塔基大学孔子学院工作人员 7 名肯塔基州教育官员 (3 名学区教育局长 2 名中小学校长和 2 名中小学副校长 ) 1 名企业管理副总裁和 3 名新闻记者 该团组与即将到任的汉语教师 北京语言大学管理人员和中小学官员进行了会谈, 更好地了解和考察了中国的领导力培养和教学实践 此次活动为肯塔基州中小学管理人员更有效地帮助汉语教师适应美国的教育环境提供了帮助 此次中国之旅活动促进了中美双方的教育交流, 肯塔基州教育管理者希望中国教育管理者也能够到美国, 尤其是肯塔基州, 考察教育领导力培养和教学实践 Sino-U.S. Agriculture Symposium From August 1 to 10, 2014, the CI at WKU and the Institute for Combustion Science & Environmental Technology (ICSET) led a group to a Sino-U.S. Agriculture Symposium in Langfang, China, and presented on the following topics: Directions on how to apply the same food regulations of USDA toward the management of a diversified farming operations The ability of the soil and certain practices to produce vegetation crops in an urban setting (limited space) How to involve corporate partnerships into a family farming situation The WKU delegation was composed of Dr. Wei-Ping Pan (CI & ICSET), Dr. Jack Rudolph (WKU Agriculture Department Head), Dr. Hanna (John) Khouryieh (Food Science Professor), Darwin Newton (USDA Representative), Gregory Drake II (USDA Representative), Martin Cohron (ICSET and Kentucky farmer) and CI at WKU staff. This event enhanced the academic and cultural exchanges between China and the U.S. 12

中美农场发展论坛 2014 年 8 月 1 日 -10 日, 西肯塔基大学孔子学院和燃烧科学与环境技术研究所成功组团参加了在中国廊坊举办的中美农场发展论坛, 并就 如何将美国农业部的食品管理规定应用于不同类型农场的运营管理 城市区域 ( 有限空间 ) 土壤的有效利用以及蔬菜农作物生产的实践 以及 家庭农场如何与大公司合作 等议题进行了研讨和交流 代表团成员包括西肯塔基大学孔子学院院长 燃烧科学与环境技术研究所创建人潘伟平 西肯塔基大学农业系主任 Jack Rudolph 西肯塔基大学食品科学教授 Hanna(John) Khouryieh 美国农业部农业拓展经纪人 Darwin Newton 和 Gregory Drake II 西肯塔基大学燃烧科学与环境技术研究所工作人员和肯塔基州家庭农场主 Martin Cohron 以及西肯塔基大学孔子学院工作人员 此次活动进一步促进了中美之间的科技文化交流 13

China High School Bridge Program Since 2011, the CI at WKU has led a group of high school students to China, as part of the Hanban/CI Headquarters sponsored China High School Bridge Program. In 2011, the CI at WKU led a delegation of 11 students from the Gatton Academy to Beijing and Tianjin. In 2012, the CI at WKU partnered with the Housing Authority of Bowling Green, who sent 7 students, in addition, to 1 student from the Crane House in Louisville to Beijing, Dengfeng, and Luoyang. In 2013, we sent a diverse group of 9 to China, who visited Shandong (Birthplace of Confucius). Last, but certainly not least, 2014 proved to be a success, in which the largest group to date of 19 visited China, and went to Beijing, and Changchun (Jilin Province). To date this program has taken over 47 Kentucky high school students to China. 汉语桥 高中生夏令营活动西肯塔基大学孔子学院自 2011 年起开始举办 汉语桥 高中生夏令营活动 2011 年,Gatton 数理高中 11 名学生参加了在中国北京和天津举办的为期 2 周的 汉语桥 高中生夏令营活动 2012 年, 西肯塔基孔子学院与鲍灵格林房产管理局和仙鹤宫合作, 组织 8 名高中生赴中国北京 洛阳和登封参加了为期 2 周的 汉语桥 高中生夏令营活动 2013 年,9 名高中生赴中国山东省 ( 孔子出生地 ) 参加了 汉语桥 高中生夏令营活动 2014 年,19 名高中生赴中国北京和吉林省长春市参加了 汉语桥 高中生夏令营活动, 这也是参加人数最多的一次 到目前为止, 参加 汉语桥 高中生夏令营活动的肯塔基州学生人数达 47 人 Community Donation Through consistent efforts of building strong ties within the Bowling Green community, the CI at WKU received a donation in the amount of $250,000 from the community in August 2013. Of those funds, $50,000 has been designated to the building of a Sino-U.S. Friendship Park on the campus of WKU, another $25,000 toward scholarships to send more students to study China, and the rest of the funds go into an Interest bearing endowment account, which will be used to continue to support student visits and travels to China. In September 2014, the CI at WKU received an additional $25,000 donation from Dow Chemical to support further developments of CI at WKU. 获得社区慷慨捐助通过不断努力, 孔子学院事业获得了美国社区民众的支持 2013 年 8 月, 肯塔基州鲍灵格林市民出于对中国文化的热爱, 向西肯塔基大学孔子学院捐资 25 万美元, 其中 5 万美元被指定用于在西肯塔基大学校园修建中美友谊文化园,2.5 万美元被指定为资助美国学生去中国留学的奖学金, 剩余的资金将存入捐款计息账户, 以不断资助西肯塔基大学的学生赴中国访问 2014 年 9 月, 陶氏化学公司又向西肯塔基大学孔子学院捐款 2.5 万美元, 以资助孔子学院的发展 14

2014 Confucius Institute Day Events 西肯塔基大学孔子学院 2014 年孔子学院日活动 During the opening ceremony of the first-ever Joint Meeting of the U.S. Confucius Institutes on September 28, 2013, Kentucky Representatives (Jim Decesare and Jody Richards), Warren County Judge Executive (Mike Buchanon) and Mayor of Bowling Green (Bruce Wilkerson) proclaimed September 28th as Confucius Institute Day. In an effort to celebrate the 10th anniversary of global Confucius Institutes, and to better serve the needs of learning and understanding the Chinese language and culture, Hanban/CI Headquarters announced September 27th as the Inaugural Confucius Day. Thus, the CI at WKU began the preparation, and took the approach of hosting events leading up to the official day. The CI at WKU identified three specific areas that would do the following: Enhance the brand image of the CI in the U.S. with a focus on the Chinese Culture; Promoting Mutual Cooperation and Exchange between China and the U.S. on the platform of Understanding China Symposium and CI Executive Board Meeting Actively Disseminating Chinese Culture in Local Communities through Participating in Dragon Boat Festival 2013 年 9 月 28 日, 在西肯塔基大学孔子学院主办的美国首届孔子学院联席会议开幕式上, 肯塔基州众议员 (Jim Decesare 和 Jody Richards) Warren 县执行法官 (Mike Buchanon) 和鲍灵格林市长 (Bruce Wilkerson) 曾正式宣布将 9 月 28 日确定为孔子学院日 2014 年 9 月, 为了庆祝全球孔子学院成立十周年, 更好地满足美国肯塔基州师生和当地民众学习和了解中国语言和文化的需求, 增强孔子学院的凝聚力和向心力, 西肯塔基大学孔子学院积极响应中国国家汉办 / 孔子学院总部的号召, 举办了丰富多彩的孔子学院日系列活动, 包括以中国文化为切入点, 提升孔子学院在美国的影响力 ; 以 理解中国 论坛和孔子学院理事会为平台, 增进中美之间的合作与交流 ; 以 龙舟节 活动为契机, 推动中国文化深入当地社区 15

Enhancing the Brand Image of CI in the U.S. with Focus on Chinese Culture 以中国文化为切入点, 提升孔子学院在美国的影响力 Planned, organized and hosted North China Electric Power University s Troupe, Love for China, Performance Tour in U.S. From September 19 to 28, 2014, the CI at WKU planned and coordinated the North China Electric Power University (NCEPU) troupe entitled, Love for China, which consisted of 21 members, who performed at 7 different venues, at 4 different CI s. They performed for the CI s at Purdue University, Valparaiso University, Indianapolis, and Western Kentucky University (WKU). The CI at WKU hosted successfully the performances of the NCEPU troupe in both Louisville and Bowling Green, Kentucky on September 24 to 26, and 27, 2014, respectively. More than 4,000 Kentucky faculty members, students, and citizens experienced the amazing Chinese culture such as Chinese dance, folk music, Peking opera, Chinese martial arts, folk musical instrument, and Chinese calligraphy, which also boosted the reputation and influence of CI at WKU in Kentucky. Celebrating CI Day jointly with Bowling Green International Festival September 27, 2014, also marked the date for the annual BG International Festival, which began approximately 7 years ago. This year, the CI at WKU partnered with the BG International Festival and obtained 14 booths, where the CI at WKU was able to showcase the Chinese culture and art, such as Tea Ceremony, Blow Painting, Learn Chinese Language, Chinese Music, Chopsticks Games, Zodiac Signs, Paper Cutting, Calligraphy, Fan Painting, Handkerchief Games, Kung Fu/Taichi, Origami, and pre-k Duck Counting Games in Chinese. In addition, to the booths set up above, the CI Mobile unit, Chinese Cultural Experience, was on display, in which participants were able to visit China, right there at the BG International Festival. All of these activities attracted great interest in the Chinese language and culture amongst Kentucky citizens, and was a great success. 组织策划和承办华北电力大学艺术团在美国巡演活动 2014 年 9 月 19 日 -28 日, 西肯塔基大学孔子学院策划 协调和组织了由 21 人组成的华北电力大学艺术团先后在美国普渡大学孔子学院 瓦尔帕莱索大学孔子学院 印地安纳波利斯孔子学院和西肯塔基大学孔子学院的五地七场巡回演出, 并成功承办了 2014 年 9 月 24 日 -27 日华北电力大学艺术团在肯塔基州路易斯维尔和鲍灵格林的演出活动,4,000 余名肯塔基州师生和民众亲身感受了中国舞蹈 中国音乐 中国戏剧 中国武术 中国民族乐器和中国书法等的艺术魅力, 提高了孔子学院在美国的知名度和影响力 与鲍灵格林国际文化节相结合, 推广中国文化 2014 年 9 月 27 日, 西肯塔基大学孔子学院将孔子学院日活动融入鲍灵格林国际文化节, 搭建了 14 个中国文化展亭, 并展出创意新颖的中国文化体验移动车, 向肯塔基州社区民众现场展示了中国茶艺 吹画艺术 学说中国话 中国音乐 中国筷子游戏 中国十二生肖 中国剪纸 中国书法 中国扇画 中国手帕游戏 中国功夫 / 太极拳 中国折纸以及学前班学生数鸭游戏等, 激发了肯塔基州民众对中国文化的极大兴趣 16

Promoting Mutual Cooperation and Exchange between China and the U.S. on the platform of Understanding China Symposium and CI Executive Board Meeting 以 理解中国 论坛和孔子学院理事会为平台, 增进中美之间的合作与交流 Understanding China Symposium In an effort to enhance mutual exchange and understanding between China and the U.S., in addition to expand the achievement of Confucius China Study Plan Understanding China Program, CI at WKU hosted an Understanding China Symposium on September 26, 2014. As part of the Confucius Day events, Dr. Kechang Xie (Academician at Chinese Academy of Engineering and Vice Chairman of Chinese Association of Science and Technology in China), Dr. Jizhen Liu (President of North China Electric Power University), Dr. Jack Rudolph (Department Head of Agriculture at WKU), Dr. Nannette Johnson (Superintendent of Hardin County Schools), Mr. Logan Mitchell (Undergraduate of Chinese major at WKU), and Mr. Kain Kotoucek (Gatton Academy student) held talks and discussed their participation in the CI at WKU s 2014 summer programs. The topics consisted of Production and Consumption of Energy in China, the development and current situation of China Power Industry, China s Current Agricultural Landscape, Effective Leadership Development and Cultivation, and Chinese Bridge Summer Camp Experience. The CI Executive Board Meeting CI at WKU held its 3rd Annual Executive Board Meeting at WKU s Augenstein Alumni Center on September 26, 2014. The purpose is to advance the joint construction of CI at WKU and mutual exchange between WKU and NCEPU. Dr. Gary A. Ransdell (Chairman of the CI Board and President of WKU), Dr. Wei-Ping Pan (Assistant to President and Director of CI at WKU), Dr. David Lee (Dean of Potter College of Arts and Letters at WKU), Dr. Sam Evans (Dean of College of Education and Behavioral Sciences at WKU), Mr. Terrill Martin (Managing Director of CI at WKU), Ms. Betty Yu (Associate Director of CI at WKU), Ms. Janna Chiang (Coordinator of CI at WKU), Dr. Jizhen Liu (Vice Chairman of CI Board and President of NCEPU), Mr. Shuangchen Li (Vice President of NCEPU), Dr. Yongqian Liu (Director of International Cooperation Office at NCEPU), Mr. Yanjun Wu (Deputy Director of International Cooperation Office at NCEPU), and Dr. Kechang Xie (Special Advisor to CI Board and Academician at Chinese Academy of Engineering), Mr. Chengguo Ma (President of Heilongjiang Double Boiler Company), and Mr. Minghong Zhu (Manager of Heilongjiang Double Boiler Company) participated in this meeting to discuss the work of the CI for the 2013/2014 academic year; in addition, discussing possibilities for the 2014/2015 academic year. The CI Board proposed many ideas on the future development and budget items related to the CI at WKU, as well as some constructive suggestions for deepening mutual cooperation between WKU and NCEPU. 理解中国 论坛为了增进中美之间的相互交流和了解, 进一步扩大 孔子新汉学计划 - 理解中国 项目成果,2014 年 9 月 26 日, 西肯塔基大学孔子学院在孔子学院日举办了 理解中国 论坛 中国工程院院士 中国科协副主席谢克昌 华北电力大学校长刘吉臻 西肯塔基大学农业系主任 Jack Rudolph 肯塔基州 Hardin 县学区教育局长 Nannette Johnson 西肯塔基大学中文专业本科生 Logan Mitchell 以及 Gatton 数理高中学生 Kain Kotoucek 分别就中国能源生产和消费变革的战略思考 中国电力工业的发展和现状 当代中国农业概览 有效领导力培养 汉语桥 高中生夏令营活动体会等主题进行了学术交流和研讨 孔子学院理事会议为了加强中美双方更好地合作建设孔子学院, 促进校际交流, 西肯塔基大学孔子学院理事会议于 2014 年 9 月 26 日在肯塔基州鲍灵格林市西肯塔基大学召开 西肯塔基大学校长 Gary A. Ransdell 校长助理 孔子学院院长潘伟平 波特文学与艺术学院院长 David Lee 教育和行为科学学院院长 Sam Evans 孔子学院执行院长 Terrill Martin 孔子学院副院长 Betty Yu 孔子学院协调员 Janna Chiang 以及华北电力大学校长刘吉臻 党委副书记李双辰 国际合作处处长刘永前 孔子学院中方院长武彦军 中国工程院院士谢克昌 中国黑龙江双锅锅炉股份有限公司董事长马成果 中国黑龙江双锅锅炉股份有限公司经理朱明宏参加了孔子学院理事会议 会议讨论并审核了潘伟平院长所做的西肯塔基大学孔子学院 2013-2014 学年度工作报告和预算以及 2014-2015 学年度工作计划和预算, 并对西肯塔基大学孔子学院的未来规划和合作建设, 以及如何深化西肯塔基大学和华北电力大学之间的校际合作提出了建设性意见 17

Actively Disseminating Chinese Culture in Local Communities through Participating in Dragon Boat Festival 以 龙舟节 活动为契机, 推动中国文化深入当地社区 Dragon Boat Festival Activities The Dragon Boat Festival is a Chinese traditional festival popular with American people. The CI at WKU actively took advantage of the festival to further promote Chinese language and culture in local communities. On August 23, September 6, and 13, 2014, CI at WKU attended the Dragon Boat Festival events held in Owensboro, KY, Nashville, TN, and Louisville, KY, respectively. The CI at WKU took home awards for winning 3rd place, 3rd place, and 2nd place awards in rowing competitions at each event. During the Dragon Boat Festival, the CI at WKU also set up booths to showcase Chinese calligraphy, Zodiac, Paper Cutting, Fan Painting, Origami, etc. which were greatly welcomed by many local citizens. The CI Mobile Unite, Chinese Cultural Experience, gave the attendees a further appreciation of the Chinese culture. In conclusion, the CI has become an important platform for building friendship and cultural exchange between China and the U.S. The recent Confucius Day, strengthened the public understanding and love of the Chinese culture. 18 Last, but not least, the above events received a lot of media coverage and interviews from media outlets such as WKU News, WKU Herald, BG Daily News and a CUNY journalist, which represents the successful and fruitful achievements made by the CI at WKU. 龙舟节活动龙舟节是中华民族的传统节日, 也是深受美国民众喜爱的中国文化活动 西肯塔基大学孔子学院紧紧抓住这一契机, 积极参与美国当地社区的龙舟节活动, 将孔子学院日中国文化宣传进一步向社区拓展 2014 年 8 月 23 日 9 月 6 日和 9 月 13 日, 西肯塔基大学孔子学院先后参加了在肯塔基州 Owensboro 田纳西州 Nashville 和肯塔基州 Louisville 举办的龙舟节活动, 并在划龙舟比赛中分别取得了第三名 第三名和第二名的好成绩 在龙舟节活动期间, 西肯塔基大学孔子学院还搭建了中国文化展示亭, 向美国民众现场展示了中国书法 中国十二生肖 中国剪纸 中国扇画 中国折纸等传统文化和艺术, 深受美国社区民众的欢迎 美国当地新闻媒体, 如西肯塔基大学新闻 西肯塔基大学先驱导报 鲍灵格林每日新闻和纽约城市大学新闻记者等, 对以上孔子学院日系列活动进行了专题采访和报道, 大大提高了孔子学院在美国的影响力 这也是西肯塔基大学孔子学院所取得的巨大成功和丰硕成果 西肯塔基大学孔子学院目前已经成为中美友谊和文化交流的重要窗口, 孔子学院日系列活动的举办更增加了美国当地民众对中国文化的了解和喜爱, 树立了孔子学院在美国的品牌形象

Teachers' Perspective: Chinese Cultural Experience Mobile 西肯塔基大学孔子学院 中国文化体验移动车 感人趣事 From the eyes of Haibin Teng, volunteer Chinese teacher Haibin Teng, one of the volunteer Chinese teachers at the CI at WKU during the 2013/2014 academic year, and was the teacher responsible of the Chinese Cultural Experience as a Chinese culture guide to many of the places the mobile visited in Kentucky. It was aboard the unit where many true and touching stories took place, which moved her into reflection on her experiences. Teng shared some of his true and heartwarming stories from his visits: 国际汉语教师志愿者滕海彬讲述 中国文化体验移动车 上发生的故事滕海彬曾是西肯塔基大学孔子学院 2013-2014 学年度的国际汉语教师志愿者, 其间作为中国文化向导跟随 中国文化体验移动车 去了肯塔基州的很多地方, 在那里发生的很多故事令其感动 促其思考 让其坚定 请随着下面的镜头感受 中国文化体验移动车 上的真实故事 Episode one: My close friend and partner 57-year-old Martin Cohron Martin Cohron, whose name is translated into Chinese as Kong Maoting, was also my partner on board of the Chinese Cultural Experience Mobile. In my eyes, Martin has a strong passion for Chinese language and culture and he is also a good instructor to promote the Chinese cultures. Martin s last name in Chinese happens to be the same as Confucius s last name in Chinese this makes him very proud of himself. Whenever we visited schools, I was responsible on the mobile unit to explain different cultural experiences to students while Martin was responsible for the entire team to get on and off the mobile unit. For many times the students first sentence was actually to greet me in Chinese Hello, teacher Teng, or Hello, teacher Summer, which was actually taught by Martin as he organized students. On some occasions when there were more classes to visit the Chinese Cultural Experience Mobile than I could handle, Martin would assume the role of a teaching partner and passionately shared his point of view with students in regards to Chinese language and culture. Seeing that this almost 60-yearold American man was filled with love of the Chinese culture, and feeling the kind of pride and sincerity when he shared his understanding of the Chinese culture and the stories between him and his Chinese colleagues, I could not but feel deeply moved. Martin s dream is to be able to go to China practically to feel the atmosphere of China, so that he will be able to share more vivid description of China with American children when he goes on school visit trips. As luck would have it, in August 2014, his dream came true! 镜头一 : 我的忘年交好朋友和搭档,57 岁的 Martin Cohron Martin Cohron, 中文名叫孔茂庭, 是我在 中国文化体验移动车 上的搭档, 但在我眼中, 他更是中国语言和文化的热爱者和很好的讲解员, 他时常为自己能和孔老夫子 同姓 而自豪 每当我们走访学校的时候, 我负责在车上为学生们进行讲解并让他们亲身体验每个文化单元,Martin Cohron 则负责在车外整队并带学生按次序上车 很多次学生上车后的第一句话竟是用中文跟我打招呼 你好, 滕老师, 你好,Ms. Summer, 这些都是 Martin Cohron 在整队时教给他们的 有时上车参观的班级特别多, 我前一个班还没讲完, 后面一个班已经上来了, 这时候他会担任起临时讲解员的角色, 讲解得有声有色 看着这位年近花甲的美国老人眼神中充满着对中国文化的热爱, 在平时聊天中经常说起他对中国文化的理解以及他和中国朋友之间发生过的故事, 那种真诚让我深深地感动 他的梦想就是能够去中国切实地感受一下中国的氛围, 这样他就可以在移动车上更加生动鲜活地给美国的孩子们讲述这个东方大国的昨天和今天 终于,2014 年的 8 月, 他的梦想实现了! Episode Two: Students with special needs The Chinese Cultural Experience Mobile at CI at WKU visited many schools in the past year and I was truly impressed by some school teachers who were teaching eight- or nine-yearold kids with special needs. When students visited the mobile museum in a group of 3 to 5, in most situations they would be under some kind of stress and resistance since they were put to face strangers in a new environment. It was lucky that I was informed of this situation in advance and was thus prepared. At the beginning of the tour, the students were very timid and shy during my explanation of Chinese cultures. So I tried to encourage them by smiling at them and telling them that they 19

can do it, and that they were awesome. Gradually, they forgot about their fear and started trying new things such as wearing crown costumes, playing saucers, studying calligraphy brushes, and experiencing therapeutic cupping and massage hammers. They also tried many other activities such as playing traditional Chinese musical instruments, using chopsticks, playing with Chinese toys (diabolo, roll hoop, hacky sacks, shadow puppets, rattles, kites, etc.), and so on. I remember once a child came one morning to the mobile museum four times each time he was reluctant to leave so that his teacher had to take him off the mobile through soft cajole and explanation of logical thinking. Whenever I met with children with special needs, I could not help thinking about issues related to their education and teachers, even more so, the education of Chinese culture outside of China. Perhaps in some ways these children may be handicapped physically or mentally: they might be hard of hearing, but they understood smiles meant friendship; they might have blurred vision, but they learned to connect by emotions and feeling. With the help of individualized attention, patience, careful planning, and teaching, all students could be immersed in Chinese culture and language, and to feel the generosity and joy. 镜头二 : 那些接受 特殊教育 的孩子西肯塔基大学孔子学院 中国文化体验移动车 一年来走访了很多学校 印象非常深刻的是由学校老师带队来的一些接受 特殊教育 的八 九岁的孩子们 他们大概 3-5 人一组, 对于陌生的人和环境, 大多会表现出某种程度上的抵触 在他们来之前, 学校负责人提前告诉了我他们的情况 在刚开始的讲解和体验中, 他们很胆怯, 但是我用微笑告诉他们说, 他们完全可以, 他们很棒 慢慢地, 在后面的文化单元中他们积极地参与了进来, 争先恐后地去试戴皇冠 试穿花盆底 学习毛笔握笔姿势 体验拔罐 按摩捶 尝试各种中国传统乐器 学习用筷子 玩中国玩具 ( 空竹 滚铁环 毽子 皮影 拨浪鼓 风筝 ) 等等 记得有一次, 一个孩子一上午到车上来了四次, 每次都不愿意下去, 他们的负责老师只能哄着 讲着道理将他带回教室去 每当见到这些孩子, 我都会不由自主地去思考有关他们的教育和教师问题, 以及中国文化在海外的教育问题 眼前这些孩子或许在生理和心理上存在着某些方面的不足, 他们或许听不到, 但他们懂得微笑是友善 他们或许看不清, 但他们懂得用心去感受 因材施教, 加上用心 耐心 细心, 他们会沉浸在中国文化的海洋中, 感受包容和快乐 Episode Three: American students were fired up! Kong Fanrong, a volunteer teacher who taught Chinese in the U.S. for 3 years says, when the Chinese Cultural Experience Mobile went to Olmstead elementary school, the American students were totally fired up! Students were very curious about items in the Mobile, such as Chinese traditional musical instruments. When I taught these things before in class, I could only show them photos of the instruments. But after all, they were not real and did not have the same quality of feel to it. However, now they could actually see and feel them. Same thing went to Chinese arts and crafts. On the mobile museum there were a variety of new gadgets that students could actually experience and truly understand the meaning of Chinese traditional cultures. Students were eager to try on traditional Chinese costumes from various dynasties and took pictures with their cellphones to share with each other. When I looked at these blond American children wearing traditional Chinese ethnic costumes, speaking the Chinese language, having this bright smile on their faces, my heart was filled with great pleasure and gratification for being able to help the spread of Chinese language and culture. The Chinese Cultural Experience Mobile provided real life connections for my school to be fired up. Now the whole school is swept with Chinese wind. 镜头三 : 美国学生沸腾了国际汉语教师志愿者孔繁荣已经是第三年在美国教汉语了, 当 中国文化体验移动车 来到孔繁荣老师所在的 Olmstead 小学时, 美国学生沸腾了 学生们对移动车里的一切都感到非常好奇, 像中国传统乐器, 我在上课的时候给学生们展示过照片, 但毕竟没有真实的生动直观 还有中国艺术品和手工艺品主题单元中展示的各种新奇的小玩意儿, 学生们更是爱不释手, 都想实际操作体验, 在游戏中体会中国传统文化的意境和内涵 学生们争相试穿着中国传统服饰主题单元里的中国各朝代和民族传统服饰, 并拿出手机互相拍照留念 看着金发碧眼的美国孩子身上穿着中国民族的传统服饰, 嘴里说着汉语, 脸上露出灿烂的微笑, 作为一名传播汉语言文化的使者, 我的内心感到无比的喜悦与欣慰 是中国文化体验移动车让学校里刮起了中国风 孔繁荣老师如是说 Episode four: those who say "I Love China" students Mind the steps, and goodbye! A team of kindergarten children had finished visiting the Chinese Cultural Experience Mobile and was about to get off when a boy with blond hair walked to me with open arms to give me a hug: I Love China! Although he was not even tall enough to reach my waistline, his blue eyes were beaming with sincerity. These kindergartners might not be old enough to even walk straight, but they showed great interest and sincerity when they tried Chinese tea, writing brush, and tai-chi fans. Today s experience is over. Thank you! I wish you a pleasant trip to China. Bye! I addressed to a group of high school and college students who already had a strong Chinese language foundation and were getting ready to a Chinese summer camp soon. Several students asked, Can you buy this cow bottle in China? as they circled around different Chinese culture pieces. Many of them said that they would want to bring several Chinese culture items back to the United States because they were not only beautiful but also contained rich cultural meanings. They said: Thank you, teacher. Goodbye! I Love China. I love China! By now their China trip was over. As they returned to the United States and shared their Chinese culture experience, it was probably a lot more like what we were doing on the mobile museum - rounding up small groups of friends to share the Chinese language and culture. Probably now they also brought their own cow bottles from China and put them in front of their desks. It is truly an honor as the Chinese volunteer teachers to hear students say "love" China. Because we know that we opened the door for our students to not only understand Chinese culture, but also to understand China s past, present and future. And we also know our youth is closely connected with our motherland! The Confucius Institute at Western Kentucky University is thriving in its growth, and the volunteer teachers on staff are also learning and growing. Witnessing Dr. Pan s and Ms. Yu s pursuit of efficiency with high work ethics, they learned many new ways of doing things. Mr. Terrill Martin, a gentleman who was always there and eager to help, many other American friends who gave us a lot of help, together with different responses from 20

inevitable cultural communication and conflicts all taught us newly graduates from universities and colleges, and youngsters travelling abroad to learn and grow. Although we had to switch roles from student s to the teacher s once we arrived in America, the role exchanges also enhanced and increased our sense of responsibility and mission. This experience in America has served as our catalyst for personal growth. No matter what we will do in the future, we will always reflect about this invaluable experience. We will always hold up this momentum of the youth, because our youth is closely connected to our motherland! As President Gary A. Ransdell pointed out, WKU is striving toward A leading American university with International Reach and CI is the source and motivation of this internationalization which push every field of WKU toward this process of internationalization. With a model CI being a major project of WKU, the whole university is exerting great effort in the selection of the location of the building, construction design and program development in an aim to win the approval of Hanban/CI headquarters. In the future, it is our sincere wish that we can continue our close cooperation between the two parties, strive to develop more extensive cooperative fields, and to further maintain the sustainable development of CI at WKU. In conclusion, identifying our accomplishments allows us to clearly see our path and ensures that we are on the right trajectory for accomplishing our ultimate goal. 镜头四 : 那些说 I Love China 的学生 小心台阶, 再见! 一队幼儿园的小朋友参观体验完中国文化正准备下车, 一个长着一头金色卷发的小男孩走到我前面, 张开双手给我一个拥抱说 : I Love China! 他仰着头还不及我的腰身高, 蓝色的眼眸中闪烁着真诚 可以说这些孩子走路还没走稳, 但是他们品茶时却是那么有滋有味, 他们运笔时那么有板有眼, 他们玩太极扇时那么有模有样 今天的体验到此结束了, 谢谢你们! 祝你们在中国过得愉快, 再见! 他们是即将去中国参加夏令营的高中生和大学生, 有一定的中文基础 这个在中国的哪里可以买到? 几个学生围着一个牛樽问道 他们说一定要带一个回美国 ; 他们还说要带很多中国的东西回美国, 因为它们不仅美观, 而且还蕴含着丰富的文化内涵 他们说 : 谢谢老师, 再见,I Love China, 我爱中国! 如今他们的中国之行结束了, 我想他们回到美国时一定还会像在我们的中国文化体验移动车上那样, 三五成群地讲述着关于中国语言和文化的见闻感受 我想属于他们自己的 牛樽 或许已经摆在了他们的书桌前 学生口中述说的这份 爱, 在我们国际汉语教师志愿者这个群体的心中是一份无上的荣誉 因为我们知道, 我们打开了一扇门, 让我们的学生可以去理解中国文化, 去认识中国的过去 现在和未来 ; 我们知道, 我们的青春与祖国息息相关! 西肯塔基大学孔子学院在茁壮成长, 我们也在与她的相处中不断成长 在工作上追求效率的潘伟平院长和于圣惠女士, 教会了我们很多处理事情的方法 ; 有绅士风度的 Terrill Martin 先生, 还有很多热心帮助我们的美国朋友, 以及在文化的交流与碰撞中所产生的化学反应, 让我们这些初出校园 走出国门的年轻人在学习中不断成长 由学生到老师的角色转换, 更是让我们的责任感和使命感不断增强 回国后, 这段经历是让我们迅速成长的催化剂 不论做什么, 我相信我们都会一如既往地坚持那份青春向上的力量, 因为我们的青春与祖国息息相关! Gary A. Ransdell 校长指出, 西肯塔基大学正在努力向 美国一流国际化大学 迈进, 孔子学院目前已经成为西肯塔基大学国际化的源泉和动力, 正在促进西肯塔基大学各个领域的国际化进程 示范孔子学院是西肯塔基大学目前的重点项目, 西肯塔基大学在示范孔子学院大楼选址 建筑设计以及项目拓展等方面正在进行积极努力, 以期获得中国国家汉办的批准 在未来的工作中, 也希望能够继续保持中美双方的密切合作, 开拓更加广泛的合作领域, 以进一步促进孔子学院的可持续发展 综上所述, 总结过去所取得的成绩可以让我们更清楚地看到西肯塔基大学孔子学院所走过的历程, 这将进一步保障西肯塔基大学孔子学院沿着正确的轨道实现自己的最终目标 21

Parents' Perspective - Fuzzy: An Amazing Panda 西肯塔基大学孔子学院学生家长故事讲述 - Fuzzy, 神奇的玩具熊猫 Fuzzy entered our lives about 6 months ago. He's 11 inches tall, is white with black eyes and wears a traditional Chinese outfit. But most importantly, Fuzzy is my 7 year old's prized possession. He won Fuzzy when the Chinese school held "the year of the horse" drawing contest. Now, no activity is complete until it's shared with Fuzzy! Before I tell you about Fuzzy's adventures, I must first express my deep gratitude to the Chinese school for its involvement in helping teach my grade school children Chinese. What an amazing opportunity! My children have not only learned about the language, but also, the country's customs and songs. For instance, take the "year of the horse" contest. After researching the different elements involved with this holiday, my son excitedly drew his poster in which he tried to incorporate all of those aspects of the Chinese New Year. My children speak so fondly about Jerry who is their Chinese teacher. He's a rock star! The kids all yell out "Ni hao Jerry!" whenever they see him in the hallways. Jerry makes Chinese class a treat and my children look forward to it during the school day. Fuzzy, our Chinese panda, is so special to my son, I think, since he won Fuzzy himself and because he is so cute. It is now the norm to have Fuzzy eat dinner with us or need his own kiss goodnight. Fuzzy even has opinions on certain occasions, which you would think would be unusual for a panda bear! We decided that Fuzzy needed his own Instagram account to capture his daily adventures as the world's smartest panda. The idea truly originated because I would find Fuzzy "snuggled under blankets" or "watching the ipad" or "playing with our guinea pigs" all posed by my 7 year old. It delights me to see how his imagination is captured by something so simple! Please follow us on Instagram: fuzzyandelvis. (Elvis is my daughter's rabbit who wanted in on the fun). You may be surprised to see what a Chinese panda can do! Fuzzy 是一个玩具熊猫, 大约在 6 个月前进入我们的生活 它 11 英寸高 外表为黑白两色, 大大的黑眼圈, 身着中国传统服饰 但最重要的是, 我 7 岁的儿子将 Fuzzy 视为珍宝 这是他在参加西肯塔基大学孔子学院举办的 马年 绘画比赛时赢得的奖品 现在, 无论参加什么活动, 他都要带上 Fuzzy 在讲述 Fuzzy 的趣事之前, 首先我要深深地感谢西肯塔基大学孔子学院对孩子们学习汉语提供的帮助 这对孩子们来说是一次难得的机会 我的孩子不仅学习了汉语, 还学习了中国习俗和中国歌曲 在参加 马年 绘画比赛中, 我儿子通过研究中国节日的不同特点, 满怀激情地绘制了他的海报作品, 并将中国春节文化融入其中 我的孩子每当谈起他们的汉语老师 -Jerry 时, 都非常自豪 Jerry 是一个摇滚明星! 每当孩子们在走廊里见到他时, 都会大喊 Jerry, 你好! Jerry 的汉语课堂快乐有趣, 已经成为孩子们每天期待的课程 Fuzzy 对我儿子来说具有特殊的意义, 这不仅缘于 Fuzzy 是他自己赢得的奖品, 更因为 Fuzzy 非常可爱 每次吃饭时我儿子都要带上 Fuzzy, 晚上睡觉前还要亲吻一下 Fuzzy 甚至在某些场合, 还要 Fuzzy 发表意见, 可能你会认为这样对待一个玩具熊猫有些不可思议 我们认为, 作为世界上最聪明的熊猫,Fuzzy 需要有自己的 Instagram 相册帐户, 以记录其每天的冒险经历 我之所以会产生这个想法, 是因为我经常看到 Fuzzy 有时 蜷伏在毛毯下, 有时 观看 ipad, 有时 与我们的几内亚猪玩耍, 这些都是我 7 岁儿子给 Fuzzy 摆出的姿势 通过这一简单的玩具, 竟然可以充分发挥我儿子的想象力, 这令我感到很兴奋 请关注我们的 Instagram 相册帐户 :fuzzyandelvis (Elvis 是我女儿的玩具兔子, 它也想与你分享乐趣 ) 你一定会为中国熊猫的故事感到惊讶! 22

2014 Chinese Teachers 2014 年汉语教师一览 23

2014 Chinese Teachers 2014 年汉语教师一览 Chao Xiaoyan 晁晓燕 Bowling Green Junior High Gu Fang 谷芳 WKU Confucius Institute Chen Hongjie 陈虹杰 Apollo High School Owensboro, KY Guo Juan 郭娟 Jody Richards Elementary School Chou Yuting 侴雨婷 W.R.McNeil Elementary School Guo Yonghua 郭永滑 Franklin-Simpson Middle School Franklin, KY Cui Lili 崔莉莉 Logan County High School Russellville, KY Hu Wei 胡维 Simpson Elementary School Franklin, KY 24 Gong Yingmei 巩映梅 Taylor County Elementary School Campbellsville, KY Kong Fanrong 孔繁荣 Independence High School & Frankin High School Williamson, TN

Li Guodong 李国栋 WKU Confucius Institute Liu Qian 刘倩 Meade County High School Brandenburg, KY Li Huanhuan 李欢欢 TC Cherry Elementary School Liu Shanshan 刘珊珊 Cumberland Trace Elementary School Li Liming 李黎明 Dishman Mcginnis Elementary School Ren Hui 任慧 East Hardin Middle School Glendale, KY Li Na 李娜 Metcalfe Middle School & Metcalfe High School Edmonton, KY Sun Ling 孙菱 WKU Confucius Institute Li Yuehua 李岳华 William Natcher Elementary School Cloverport, KY Tan Suya 谭苏亚 WKU Modern Language 25

2014 Chinese Teachers 2014 年汉语教师一览 Tan Yuanshun 谭元顺 Boyle County Middle School & Boyle County High School Danville, KY Wu Shuyan 吴舒燕 Parker Bennett Curry Elementary School Tian Tian 田恬 WKU Modern Language Wu Wenxi 吴文希 Stuart Pepper Middle School Brandenburg, KY Wan Zhifang 万志芳 Potter Gray Elementary School Wu Xuan 吴旋 Dishman Mcginnis Elementary School Wang Jing 王竞 Franklin-Simpson High School Franklin, KY Yuan Rujie 苑汝杰 WKU Flagship 26 Wei Yi 魏祎 Owensboro Middle School & Owensboro High School Owensboro, KY Xing Jia 邢佳 Frederick Fraize Middle School & Frederick Fraize High School Cloverport, KY

Xing Xiaodan 邢小丹 Lincoln Elementary School Franklin, KY Zhang Qin 张芩 WKU Flagship Xing Yugeng 邢宇庚 Bristow Elementary School Zhang Wenhui 张文会 WKU Confucius Institute Xu Huihui 许慧慧 WKU Confucius Institute Zhang Yanjie 张妍杰 Montessori School of Bowling Green Xu Jing 徐静 TC Cherry Elementary Zhang Yu 张玉 Deer Park Elementary School Owensboro, KY Yang Ying 杨颖 Barren County High School Glasgow, KY Zhu Di 朱迪 W.R.McNeil Elementary 27

Contact Information 联系方式 Wei-Ping Pan 潘伟平 Terrill Martin 特里尔. 马丁 Betty Sheng-Huei Yu 于圣惠 Yanjun Wu 武彦军 Janna Yun - Fang Chiang 蒋芸芳 Western Kentucky University 1906 College Heights Blvd. #11067 42101-1067 Phone ( 电话 ): 270-745-2836 Fax ( 传真 ): 270-745-4165 If you are interested in partnering with the Confucius Institute, please contact us at ( 西肯塔基大学孔子学院联系方式 ): ( 电子邮件 ) or at ( 电话 ) 270-745-2836. 2014 Western Kentucky University. Printing paid from state funds, KRS 57.375. Western Kentucky University is an equal opportunity institution of higher education and upon request provides reasonable accommodation to individuals with disabilities.