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摘 要 互 联 网 的 勃 兴 为 草 根 阶 层 书 写 自 我 和 他 人 提 供 了 契 机, 通 过 网 络 自 由 开 放 的 平 台, 网 络 红 人 风 靡 于 虚 拟 世 界 近 年 来, 或 无 心 插 柳, 或 有 意 噱 头, 或 自 我 表 达, 或 幕 后 操 纵, 网 络


起 初, 距 離 出 版 日 期 還 有 大 半 年, 大 家 雀 躍 萬 分 之 餘 還 滿 盤 大 計, 他 答 應 做 這 樣 她 應 承 安 排 那 樣 你 負 責 做 三 件 事 我 就 辦 兩 件 大 家 都 是 成 年 而 又 自 律 的 人, 一 切 猶 如 入 了 自 動 波, 不



Target Language: Chinese Grade Level: 1 Prficiency Level: Junir Nvice Lw Junir Nvice Mid Cntext and Stryline: The teacher begins this mdule by reading Eric Carle s bk, Papa, Please Get the Mn fr Me. As the children access this piece f literature and learn key wrds and expressins in the bk, they becme mtivated t explre the changing phases f the mn and the mn s relatinship t the sun and the earth. The teacher will guide children t understand the phases f the mn and help them figure ut why the mn seems t lk different t us at different times. The lessns will guide students thrugh varius hands-n experiment and activities, including a light bulb and a ball, and a ckie prject. In the prcess, especially thrugh their wn bservatins f the mn, children will btain facts abut the phases f the mn, and learn hw t make bservatins and discern patterns f natural bjects in the sky. At the end, besides making their wn science jurnal abut their learning experiences, students will g back t the Carle bk and identify different phases f the mn during the stry. They will als reflect upn their wn learning experience thrughut this mdule. * 爸爸, 我要月亮 is used with permissin frm Eric Carle Studis. Enduring Understanding: Students will understand that bjects may appear t be different than they really are. We need t investigate befre we can draw a cnclusin. Essential Questins: What des the mn lk like? Why des the mn lk different at different times? Mdule Duratin and Lessns: Five 30-minute lessns Depending n the length and frequency f classes per week, we suggest the five lessns in this mdule culd be taught during a perid f three t five weeks. On the average, each lessn may be taught ver a week, with 30-minute classes, three t five times per week. Lessn 1 爸爸, 我要月亮 Lessn 2 这就是为什么月亮看起來不一样 Lessn 3 如果月亮是饼干 Lessn 4 我們看到的月亮在天上 Lessn 5 我的月亮的故事 1

Standards Targeted 5C Wrld Language Standards Cmmunicatin Culture Students engage in exchanges abut familiar and persnal tpics in the present, past and future in the target language (1.3 B) Students identify and describe practices and perspectives f the cultures studied (2.1A) Describe and participate in schlbased cultural activities such as games, sngs, and hliday celebratins, which are representative f the cultures studied (2.1Ab) Cnnectins (sample belw) Students access new infrmatin and reinfrce existing knwledge f ther cntent areas thrugh the target language (3.1A) 5E STEM Standards NGSS 1.PC Patterns and Cycles Students wh demnstrate understanding can: a. Investigate and cmpare hw sme natural events ccur quickly and ther natural events ccur slwly. b. Recrd and share bservatins abut hw sme events have cycles; whereas, ther events have a clear beginning and end. c. Obtain infrmatin and share bservatins t determine simple patterns f natural bjects in the sky. e. Obtain infrmatin and cmmunicate that there are tls that allw peple t see mre bjects in the sky and in greater detail. Math Cmmn Cre G.3 Partitin circles and rectangles int tw r fur equal shares, describe the shares using the wrlds halves, furths, and quarters, and use the phrases half f, furth f, and quarter f. Describe the whle as tw f, r fur f the shares. Understand fr these examples that decmpsing int mre equal shares creates smaller shares. Knwledge: Students will knw Skills: Students can Vcabulary (bth linguistic and cntent areas) 天空, 太阳, 地球, 月亮 Identify 月相 : 新月, 上弦月, 满月, 下弦月形状 - 圆形, 半圈 Identify and describe fur phases f the mn. Express why the mn seems t change shape. Sequence the cyclic pattern f the fur mn phases learned. 2

阳光, 点亮变化, 不同的 Expressins and patterns Sequence 第一, 下, 然后, 最后更大, 更小, 体积黑, 明亮右, 左 Make simple statements in TL. Ask and answer simple questins in TL. Perfrmance Assessment Interpretive and Presentatinal Task Students create and read their wn versin f Carle s bk. Students walk arund t view each ther s bks. Each student will select anther student s bk t read t the class. Interpretive Task My Science Jurnal Flder: They will develp their wn mini-bks based n the prmpt frm each statin. Students Science Jurnals will be n display. Students will d a gallery walk and lk at all bks. When the time is up fr gallery walk, they will identify the bk they are assigned t review. Interpersnal Task The class will be divided int tw grups Grup A: the authrs and Grup B: the reprters. Members f Grup B will interview the authr f the science jurnals. Then the rles are switched, and members f Grup B are the authrs and will be interviewed by members f Grup A. Each interview will be cnducted using prmpts. Presentatinal Task Wrking in pairs, students will reprt n the scientists and the jurnals. They will talk abut the scientists evaluatin f their wrk, as well as their wn cmments abut the scientists wrk. Materials/Resurces Materials: Laptp/cmputer LCD prjectr USB Micrphne Speakers Internet access t TeacherTube r vide and a DVD player Phts f the different phases f the mn, Wrksheet 2a, cut apart (recmmend 3

laminating fr use in ther lessns during this mdule) Phts f Mn, Earth and sun (recmmend laminating fr use) Pcket chart r magnets t hld phts fr display Mn Phases Pem/Sng- need transparency fr verhead if there is n dcument camera Pht f empty paper plate fr ckie mns Pht f paper plate with ckie mns n it. (ne fr each student fr their Jurnal) Paper plates, prepared in advance as seen in Wrksheet with ptinal 2 Earth in center (ne fr teacher and ne per student) Chclate ckies with white cream filling, preferably miniature-sized, with ne chclate wafer already carefully remved (fur per persn) r regular chclate ckie w/a can f frsting. Chclate ckies with white cream filling, regular-sized, with ne chclate wafer already carefully remved (fur, fr teacher demnstratin) Pster bard pre-labeled with fur mn phases in a circle, fr placing demnstratin ckies int cycle Craft stick (ne per persn) Lamp, with shade remved and picture f sun taped t it Tape Ball (fr mn mdel), with face drawn n ne half (suggest taping n a face) - OR Sftball, with ne side marked t indicate ne fixed side f the mn Permanent marker r pen, fr drawing face n ball Dcument Camera r scanner, if available, t enlarge Mn Phases Pem/Sng, and wrksheet Paper clips r small plastic zip bags fr pre-cut mn phase pictures, if using 2a. clze versin fr individual students Glue Mn Phases calendars Clred pencils (yellw, black, gray) Printed paper Stapler Resurces: Papa. Please Get the Mn fr me translated int target language. Teacher can cut and attach the sentence strips n tp f the English versin. Wrksheet 1a 爬, 爬, 爬, 他往上爬 Wrksheet 1b 下, 下, 下, 他往下爬 Wrksheet 1c 月亮一天天的变大 Wrksheet 1d 月亮的月历 Papa, please get the mn fr me Internet access t DVD and DVD player f Eric Carle s Mn stry Arabic Mn Vide and Sng Ramadan Mn Vide and Sng (in English): Bk Mn game, by Frank Asch: A stry abut a little bear playing hide-and-seek with his friends. One f his friends is the mn, wh hides behind sme cluds, and can t be fund until the cluds mve ut f the way. This may be used t supprt the meaning f the wrds hide, and hidden. Teacher may find time t explain t students that smetimes 4

we cannt see the mn, even when it is nt a New Mn, because f cluds. Wrksheet 2a 太阳, 地球, 月亮的相貌 ( 各阶段的照片 ) Wrksheet 2b 太阳像一个大火球 Wrksheet 2c 转, 转, 转 Wrksheet 2d 转, 转, 转 Chant - fr clze versin, with pre-cut pictures f mn phases. Paper clips r small plastic zip bags fr pre-cut mn phase pictures, if using Wrksheet 2d. clze versin fr individual students Wrksheet 3a 月亮饼干 preparing paper mn plate Wrksheet 3b 天上的月亮 Chant Wrksheet 3c 月亮和我 (cver & cntent ) Wrksheet 4a 太阳像一个红色的大火球 Wrksheet 4b 月亮的月历 Wrksheet 4c 中文翻译 Wrksheet 5a 学生的自我评估 Wrksheet 5b 我学了什么 Nte: Audi tape the stry s students can read the bk independently and repeat after it, similar t read alud activities fr elementary students. We recmmend that teachers establish a recrding statin in the classrm fr the rest f the mdule. When apprpriate, find time during Lessns 2-4 s students can review and practice the language. Extensin: In Lessns 3 and 4, find time fr grups f students t recrd their wn reading f the bk. Share this with the class fr assessment and fun. STEM Backgrund fr teachers: (identified and prvided by a STEM teacher/resurce persn) The Slar System Our slar system includes the sun, planets and their mns, cmets, asterids, and meterids. Beynd ur slar system are stars and galaxies. Space stretches beynd ur slar system fr at least 100 sextillin kilmeters (numeral 1 fllwed by 23 zers)! The sun is a star at the center f ur slar system. It is made f fiery hydrgen gas. It prduces heat and light. Its heat and light travel 150 millin kilmeters thrugh space t Earth. Everything in ur slar system revlves arund the sun and everything is kept in rbit by the pull f the sun s gravity. The sun rtates n its axis and cmpletes ne rtatin in 25 days. One rtatin f the earth arund the sun takes 24 hurs. Earth s Rtatin Earth rtates n its axis every 24 hurs. Earth s axis is an imaginary line that passes thrugh the center f the earth frm the Nrth Ple t the Suth Ple. 5

One day equals ne rtatin f Earth. Half f the earth faces the sun; this half is daytime. The ther half f the earth faces away frm the sun; this half is nighttime. Earth rtates frm west t east. This makes the sun, mn, and stars lk like they are mving frm east t west. The sun, mn, and stars rise in the east and set in the west. Daylight In the Nrthern Hemisphere, the shrtest amunt f daylight is n the first day f winter (December 21). The lngest amunt f daylight is n the first day f summer (June 21). Places farthest frm the equatr are in daylight the lngest. Hwever, in the Suthern Hemisphere, places farthest frm the equatr are in darkness the lngest. On June 21, the area arund the Nrth Ple has 24 hurs f daylight and the area arund the Suth Ple has 24 hurs f darkness. At the equatr, daylight and darkness are abut equal. The length f daylight changes during the year. Frm June 21 t December 21, the days grw shrter and frm December 21 t June 21, the days grw lnger. This is caused by the Earth s tilt n its axis and its revlutin arund the sun. Mn Phases Frm night t night, the shape f the mn lks different. These changes are called the mn s phases. The mn is shaped like a glf ball; it never changes its shape. The mn des nt have any light f its wn. We see the part f the mn that reflects light frm the sun t Earth, and this changes with the mvement f the mn. The mn rtates n its axis and revlves arund the earth. One rtatin and ne revlutin take the same abut f time, abut 28 days. The shape f the part f the mn that reflects light depends n tw things, the mn s psitin in its rbit arund Earth and the psitin f the sun. The same phase f the mn repeats abut every 27 ¾ t 29 ½ days. In sme phases, yu can see the mn during part f the day. First quarter 7 days befre a full mn and the mn lks like a half circle Full mn mn lk like a full circle Last quarter 7 days after a full mn and the mn lks like a half circle 6

Lessn 1- Papa, Please Get the Mn fr Me 爸爸, 我要月亮 Lessn 1 f 5 - 爸爸, 我要月亮 Duratin: 30 Minutes Objectives Vcabulary and Expressins I Can: Oral language: Literacy: Huse: huse, windw, dr, ladder 房子, 窗, 门, 梯子 Recgnize the wrds: 窗, 门, 梯子, 月亮 Read alud with teacher STEM and Other Subject Areas: Students wh demnstrate understanding can: a. Investigate and cmpare hw sme natural events ccur quickly and ther natural events ccur slwly. b. Recrd and share bservatins abut hw sme events have cycles; whereas, ther events have a clear beginning and end. Previus Learned: Family members: 爸爸, 妈妈, 女儿, 儿子, 猫 / 狗 Directinal wrds: 上, 下 Nature: 星星, 太阳, 月亮 Cntent bligatry language: 梯子, 一起玩, 跳舞, Cntent cmpatible language: 大, 小, 不见首先, 然后, 终于, 跟 Materials/ Resurces laptp Vide camera LCD prjectr speakers Internet access t YuTube r vide f "Papa. Please Get the Mn fr me Papa. Please Get the Mn fr me in target language. If necessary the teacher can cut and fasten translated sentence strips n tp f the English versin. Wrksheet 1a 爬, 爬, 爬, 他往上爬 Wrksheet 1b 下, 下, 下, 他往下爬 Wrksheet 1c 月亮一天天的变大 Wrksheet 1d - 月亮的月历 7

Nte: If yu d nt have internet access, a laptp, LCD prjectr (with cnnectr cables), and speakers, yu may dwnlad and burn a cpy f the YuTube vide prir t class n a DVD and bring a DVD player (with sme way t display the DVD) int the classrm. There are many vides f this stry; yu may chse ne that yu prefer instead f the ne suggested here. Lessn Stryline and Cre Text Teacher begins this mdule by reading Eric Carle s bk, Papa, Please Get the Mn fr Me. As the children access this piece f literature during the rest f this lessn, and as they learn key wrds and expressins in the bk, they becme mtivated t explre the changing phases f the mn and the mn s relatinship t the sun and the earth. 同学们, 我们一起來看这本書 爸爸, 我要月亮 爸爸拿了一把好长好长的梯子, 放在一座好高好高的山上, 爬, 爬, 爬, 他往上爬最后, 爸爸爬到月亮那儿 爸爸说 : 我的女儿小茉莉想要跟你玩, 可是你太大了! 月亮说 : 我每天晚上都会变小一点儿, 等到我大小合适的时候, 你就可以把我带回家了 当月亮的大小刚好的时候, 爸爸就把月亮带回家了 这儿, 爸爸说 : 我把月亮带回来给你了 小茉莉和月亮一起跳舞她有時抱着月亮, 有時把它丢到空中 可是月亮越来越小, 最后月亮不见了 有一天晚上, 小茉莉看到天上出现了一个小小的月亮 月亮一天天的变大了 Key Elements Engagement Object, event r questin used t engage students. Cnnectins Lessn 1 Prcedures Papa, please get the mn fr me Read Carle s bk; What des Mnica want? T: 早, 同学们, 我们一起來看这本書 Teacher shws the bk and asks students t predict what the bk is abut. T: 你看到什么? 我们来一起看看 (Pinting) 8

Key Elements facilitated between what students knw and can d Lessn 1 Prcedures Papa, please get the mn fr me 这是一个关于一个 (Wait fr student respnse. If they d nt prvide the wrd, then ask) 这是太阳还是月亮? 这是一个 (Wait and prmpt, if necessary.) 这是个女孩, 还是个男孩? 他们住在 (Wait and prmpt, if necessary.) 她住在一个房子里, 这是一个关于一个小女孩的故事 她有一个宠物, 你们谁知道是只狗还是猫? (Wait and prmpt, if necessary.) 你们谁知道这个故事里小女孩的名字? 让我们一起来看看 Students respnd. Nte: The purpse f this activity is t prvide the necessary vcabulary t students while activating their prir knwledge and building their interest. It desn t have t be very extensive. Teacher reads the stry (TL). T: 这个故事有一个英文的录像带, 你们想不想看? (This vide can be purchased r teacher als can read the bk t students) Nte t Teacher: Abut using English and the target language n the first day f this mdule: Our philsphy is t tap int students bi-literacy as a resurce. By expsing students with the English vide first, we prime them t building r activating their prir knwledge. Thrughut the mdule, nly the target language (TL) is used. T: 现在我们再继续月亮的故事 (Read the stry with animatin and interpretatin, while pinting at pictures.) Ask simple cmprehensin questins: 故事里的人是谁? 小女孩的名字是什么? 她有宠物吗? 她有什么样的宠物? 小茉莉想要什么? Clsing Rutine (t be used every day): Say thank yu, gdbye t the teacher and fellw students. Adding different things daily, based n the new vcabulary r cncepts intrduced that day. Fr this day, lead the students t say gd-bye t Mnica, papa, cat, and the mn. Explratin Objects and phenmena are What des Papa d? Use the bk up t the page that reads, Up and up and up, he climb. T: (Pulls ut the Papa bk which already has TL strips cvering the English 9

Key Elements explred. Hands-n activities, with guidance. Lessn 1 Prcedures Papa, please get the mn fr me in the bk and reads the stry nce in the TL up t the page that states, 爬, 爬, 爬, 他往上爬 Then g back t the first page and engage students in answering cmprehensin questins page by page. Pint at the pictures while asking questins.) 小茉莉想跟月亮做什么? 小茉莉跟她的父亲要什么? 小茉莉的父亲有一个很长的梯子, 他用梯子做什么? 小茉莉的父亲把梯子拿去哪儿了呢? 谁知道梯子去哪儿了? 对了, 他去了一个好高好高的山! Text in the bk up t this page: Wrksheet 1a 小茉莉上床睡觉时, 往窗外一看, 看到了月亮 月亮看起来是那么的近 我希望我能和月亮一起玩, 小茉莉想着 但不管她怎么伸长她的手, 她还是碰不到月亮 小茉莉对爸爸说, 爸爸, 请把月亮拿给我 爸爸拿了一把好长好长的梯子, 放在一座好高好高的山上, 爬, 爬, 爬, 他往上爬 As yu read the bk, lead students in pantmiming the actins in the stry. Afterwards read the text again, with the entire class jining in, especially by supplying key wrds in the target language. Lead students t recite (with mtin):: 我希望我能和月亮一起玩 但不管我怎么伸长我的手, 还是碰不到月亮 爸爸, 请把月亮拿给我 T: Have yu ever lked at the mn, like Mnica did? What did the mn lk like? Let s all draw a picture f the mn. 你们有没有像莫尼卡一样看过窗外的月亮? 月亮是什么样子? 我们来画我们看过的月亮 (Have students draw pictures f the mn and have them hld them up fr everyne t see. Thse pictures will likely lk different frm ne anther.) 大家画的月亮看起来都不太一样, 我们看的是同一个月亮吗? 让我们来看看 T: (Distribute Mn Calendar t students, Wrksheet 1d) 同学们, 今天回家的作业是要你们画今天晚上天上的月亮 我先画一个给你们看 T: 昨天晚上的月亮像这个样子 (Teacher mdels by drawing a shape f the mn n the calendar. Repeat the mdeling a few times s students understand hw t cmplete the assignment. Teacher can check nline 10

Key Elements Lessn 1 Prcedures Papa, please get the mn fr me mn calendar r lked at mn n the previus night. ) T: 每天晚上我们把看到的月亮画下来 我们上课时, 把我们看到的月亮画在我们班上的大月历上 我们一起来看月亮的变化, 好不好? Nte: Have students fill in every day f their calendars, based n class discussin. Fr days when they actually see the mn themselves, ask them t put a star in the crner f that day f the calendar, s they can keep track f hw many times they saw the mn. Clsing: Lead the students in the refrain f what Mnica says in the bk (with mtin): 我希望我能和月亮一起玩 但不管我怎么伸长我的手, 还是碰不到月亮 爸爸, 请把月亮拿给我 Explanatin Students explain their understanding f cncepts and prcesses. New cncepts and skills are intrduced as cnceptual clarity and chesin are sught. What did yu see last night? Read and discuss Carle s bk T: (After daily rutines, greetings, calendar, weather, etc.) 你们谁昨晚看到月亮? 有没有画下来? 可不可以给大家你画的月亮? Students shw each ther what they drew the night befre. T: (Walks arund the classrm, making cmments such as the fllwing) 很漂亮, (r 非常好 ), 昨天晚上的月亮看起来好大 (r 很小, 胖, 瘦, 半圆, (Student s name), 你的呢? T: (Shwing Internet picture f the mn) 我昨天晚上没有看到月亮, 但是我从网上找到这张昨天晚上月亮的图片, 是不是和你的很像? Students cmment. T: 我们把它画在我们的月历上 (Either the teacher draws r invites a student t draw it n the class calendar pster.) T: 现在, 我们再来看故事 Teacher leads students in reading the passage up t 爬, 爬, 爬, 他往上爬 Teacher cntinues t read the fllwing page: 最后, 爸爸爬到月亮那儿 爸爸说 : 我女儿小茉莉想要跟你一起玩, 可是你太大了 月亮说 : 我每天会变小一点儿, 等到我大小合适的时候, 你就可以把我带回家了 月亮真的一天天的变小 11

Key Elements Lessn 1 Prcedures Papa, please get the mn fr me 当月亮的大小刚好的时候, 爸爸把月亮带回家了 下, 下, 下, 他往下爬 Teacher asks and students answer cmprehensin questins. 小茉莉想要什么? 小茉莉要爸爸做什么? 小茉莉的爸爸跟月亮说什么? 小茉莉的爸爸为什么不能马上带月亮回家? 月亮跟小茉莉的爸爸说什么? 爸爸把带月亮回家了吗? Fllw the prcedures fr reading and cmprehending the stry suggested in Explanatin. Additinally, lead students t imitate the fllwing passage frm the stry, mdeled in shrt phrases: 我的女儿小茉莉想要跟你一起玩, 可是你太大了 月亮说 : 我每天会变得小一点儿, 等到我的大小合适的时候, 你就可以把我带回家了 月亮真的一天天的变小 T: 今天我们学到这儿, 明天我们继续月亮的故事 (At the end, remind students abut their hmewrk assignment Mn Calendar hmewrk.) 同学们, 别忘了回家作业 - 画今天晚上的月亮 Extensin: Fllw similar clsing prcedures as the previus day. Recite the dialgue frm the stry. Elabratin Activities allw students t apply cncepts in cntexts, and build n r extend understanding and skill. The Mn? D the calendar and mn rutine. Make sure t d the class calendar daily. T: 现在, 我们再来看月亮的故事 Teacher leads students in reading the passage up t Dwn, dwn, and dwn he climbed. Teacher cntinues reading the fllwing sectin 这儿, 爸爸说 : 我把月亮带给你 小茉莉和月亮一起跳舞她抱着月亮, 把它丢到空中 和月亮一起玩但是月亮越来越小, 越来越小, 最后月亮不见了 有一天晚上, 小茉莉看到天上出现了一个小小片的月亮 12

Key Elements Lessn 1 Prcedures Papa, please get the mn fr me 月亮一天天的变大 Ask and lead students answer cmprehensin questins, including learning the text frm the bk: 我把月亮带给你 (in Papa s vice). 谢谢, 爸爸 (in Mnica s vice). 小茉莉和月亮一起跳舞她抱着月亮, 把它丢到空气中 但月亮越来越小, 最后月亮不见了 有一天晚上, 一片小小片的月亮又出现在空中了 月亮一天天的变大了 Nte: If there is time, prepare a gift pack and have students practice gift giving and taking by using the language and gesture described in the stry and chant. T: (At the end, remind students abut their hmewrk assignment Mn Calendar hmewrk.) 別忘了画今天晚上月亮的形状 Evaluatin Students assess their knwledge, skills and abilities. Activities permit evaluatin f student develpment and lessn effectiveness. Fr students wh are nt yet independent readers: Let s read and perfrm the stry: Teacher guides students in re-reading the stry in its entirety. Divide the class int three grups. Distribute Wrksheet 1a - 1c t each child. Assign ne f the wrksheets t each grup t act ut as it is read. Read the stry line by line, and the class repeats, and the designated grup pantmimes the lines in the stry. Fr students wh are already readers: Let s Read and Perfrm the Stry Tgether Teacher guides students in re-reading the stry in its entirety. Divide the class int grups. Distribute Wrksheet 1a - 1c, ne t each grup. The grup will read the sectin as assigned frm the wrksheet. Each grup will vlunteer t read its sectin t the class. In this way, three grups will cmplete the reading f the entire bk. Nte: Prvide assistance t any grup that needs help. Make sure they can read the stry accurately. At the end, remind students abut their hmewrk assignment Mn Calendar hmewrk. 13

Teacher Reflectin Lessn 1- Papa, please get the mn fr me What wrked well? What did nt wrk well? What wuld I d differently? Other cmments r ntes 14

Lessn 2 This is Hw the Mn Lks at Different Times 这是为什么月亮看起来不一样 Lessn 2 f 5 This is Hw the Mn Lks at Different Times Duratin: 30 Minutes Objectives I Can: Oral language: 月相 : 新月, 上弦月, 满月, 下弦月 词汇 : 月亮, 太阳, 地球, 阳光, 亮, 暗 打开, 形状, 变化, 不同的 Literacy: Identify the written wrds fr the 4 fur mn phase: 新月, 上弦月, 满月, 下弦月 Pint t the wrds in the Mn Phases Chant. (Track the written wrds while reading the chant chrally with the class.) STEM and Other Subject Areas: Name and identify the 月亮, 太阳, 地球. Tell the different mn phases that I can see lighted by the sun n the mn mdel. Tell that Earth and the mn bth turn. Identify the bright side and a dark side f the mn mdel. Partitin circles and rectangles int tw r fur equal shares, describe the shares using the wrlds halves, furths, and quarters, and use the phrases half f, furth f, and quarter f. Describe the whle as tw f, r fur f the shares. Understand fr these examples that decmpsing int mre equal shares creates smaller shares. Vcabulary and Expressins Cntent bligatry language: 月相 : 新月, 上弦月, 满月, 下弦月太阳, 地球, 阳光, 照亮, 光明, 黑, 打开, 形状, 变化, 不同的 Cntent cmpatible language: 真实的, 火, 看起来, 头, 实验, 志愿者 圈, 半圈, 有多少, 变化, 复习, 哪一组 Materials/Resurces Cmputer, LCD prjectr, USB micrphnes and speakers Earth & Sun phts (printed in clr and laminated, if pssible) Lamp, with shade remved and picture f sun taped t it Tape Ball (fr mn mdel), with face drawn n ne half Permanent marker r pen, fr drawing face n ball Turn! Turn! Chant cmplete versin (ne per persn) 15

Lessn 2 f 5 This is Hw the Mn Lks at Different Times Duratin: 30 Minutes Use scanner r prjectr, if available, t enlarge Sun, Earth, Mn phases phts. - OR Overhead Prjectr and teacher-made transparency f wrksheet 2a. Turn! Turn! Chant - OR Teacher-created large pster f wrksheet 2a. Turn! Turn! Chant Wrksheets: Wrksheet 2a 太阳, 地球, 各种月相的照片 Wrksheet 2b 太阳像一个火球 Wrksheet 2c 转, 转, 转 Wrksheet 2d 转, 转, 转 - fr clze versin, with pre-cut pictures f mn phases. Paper clips r small plastic zip bags fr pre-cut mn phase pictures, if using Wrksheet 2d. clze versin fr individual students Glue Lessn Stryline and Cre Text The teacher begins this lessn by reviewing Eric Carle s bk, Papa, please get the mn fr me. Cntinue with a hands-n experiment invlving a light bulb, a student vlunteer and a ball r an range. Guide and infrm students abut the relatinship between the mn, earth, and sun thrugh the experiment. Students will understand that bjects may be different than hw they appear t the naked eye. Students will understand the need t investigate befre a cnclusin can be drawn. In this lessn, students will nt nly learn the fur basic mn phases but als why the mn s appearance changes. Cre Text: 太阳像一个火球, 它给我们热量和阳光, 当我们看到太阳时, 天空是亮的, 这是白天 当我们看不到太阳时, 天空是黑的, 这是晚上 我们在晚上可以看到月亮 这个灯是太阳 这个球是月亮我们转一转, 球跟着我们转 转, 转, 转, 月亮有 4 个月相, 新月, 上弦月, 满月, 下弦月 16

Key Elements Engagement Object, event r questin used t engage students. Cnnectins facilitated between what students knw and can d Lessn 2 Prcedures This is Hw the Mn Lks at Different Times The Facts abut the Sun, Mn and Earth; Review the Carle s Bk T: 让我们一起来念 爸爸, 我要月亮 这本书 谁要跟我一起念? Invite different students t read with teacher. T: (differentiating fantasy frm reality.) 你觉得小茉莉真的可以和月亮一起玩吗? 这可能吗? 爸爸会帮小茉莉拿到月亮吗? 为什么不可能? 月亮在哪里? Students respnd. T: 月亮会越来越小吗? 月亮也会越来越大吗? T: (Shw pictures f the sun, the mn, and the earth. Pint at the mn) 同学们, 这是月亮还是太阳? (Pint at the pictures randmly t intrduce the vcabulary fr each until students understand.) T: (Pinting at r shwing the picture f the sun) 太阳像一个火球, 它给我们热量和阳光, 当我们看到太阳时, 白天时天空明亮的, 这是白天 (Putting the hand ver the eyebrws and blinking the eyes as if the sun is t bright. Als fan with the hand as if fr relief frm the heat. Gesture students t fllw the mtins and repeat the utterances.) 当我们看不到太阳时, 天空是黑的, 这是晚上 我们可以在晚上看到月亮 T: (Pinting at the picture f the earth) 我們住在地球. 我们需要从太阳那儿得到热量和阳光 (Shwing the mtin f waking up and getting up.) 晚上时我们看不到太阳 (Yawning and putting hands tgether as if t sleep.) T: (Shwing the picture f the mn) 小茉莉看到月亮, 是白天, 还是晚上? Teach the chant (Wrksheet 2b) ne line at a time, having students repeat after the teacher, in rhythm. 太阳像一个火球, 它给我们热量和阳光, 当我们看到太阳时, 天空是亮的, 这是白天 当我们看不到太阳时, 天空是黑的, 这是晚上 我们在晚上可以看到月亮 D the clsing rutine. Remind students f their mn watching. Explratin Objects and phenmena are Relatinship amng the sun, the mn, and the earth After the pening rutine, begin by reminding students f the stry, perhaps 17

explred. Hands-n activities, with guidance. asking: 月亮怎么了? 小茉莉跟月亮一起玩吗? 它变得越来越小吗? 月亮真的变得更小和更大的吗? 这是一本关于月亮还是太阳的书? 月亮变来变去, 是不是很有趣? 很多人都喜欢看月亮的月相吗? 我们要学月亮为什么有四个月相 Shw fur pictures f the phases f the mn. Tell students what they are called: New Mn, First Quarter Mn, Third Quarter Mn, and Full Mn. Put the pictures up n the bard in the rder they appear. Have students pint t pictures as yu name them, and then invite vlunteers t name phases as anther student pints t them. T: 我们来看看月亮的不同形状 (Bring ut a lamp and a ball. Shwing the lamp) 你看看我手上是什么? 这是一个灯 T: 今天这个灯是太阳. (Ceremniusly tape a picture f the sun n the lamp.) 大家跟太阳说 好 Ss: 你好, 太阳 T: 这个灯是月亮. (Ceremniusly tape a small picture f the mn n the ball.) 大家跟月亮说 好 Ss: 你好, 月亮 T: 我的头是地球 (Ceremniusly tape a picture f the earth n teacher s wn frehead.) 大家跟地球说好 Ss: 你好, 地球 T: 我们现在要看看月亮, 太阳和地球的运行 T: (Teacher dims r turns ff lights in the rm. Try t make the rm as dark as pssible. Turn n the sun lamp.) 亮光是太阳带来的 你们说说看, 太阳带给我们亮的或是黑的? Ss: 太阳带来亮光 T: (Turns ff lamp fr a mment.) 是的, 太阳为我们带来阳光, 如果没有太阳, 没有阳光, 没有光亮, 那世界会变成怎么样? Ss: 黑的 T: (Turn the lamp back n.) 现在, 我们又看到阳光了 18

T: 现在, 让我们做一个实验 你还记得我是谁? 我是太阳或地球? (Pinting the picture f the earth n the frehead.) Ss: 地球 T: 我需要一个志愿者 Select a vlunteering student, Michael (r any vlunteer s name). T: Michael, 你的头是地球 (Put the picture f the earth frm Teachers frehead t Michael s frehead.) T: Michael, 你拿的球是月亮 对着灯, 把手臂伸直, 提高一点 记住, 你的头是地球, 球是月亮 (Be sure the child hlds the ball slightly abve her/his head, s the head des nt cast a shadw n the ball.) T: (Turn t class) 同学们, 谁知道,Michael 的头是什么?Michael 的手有什么? 是太阳, 月亮, 还是地球 T: 哦, 我忘了, 地球一面总是朝向着月亮 所以, 让我们把那一方的球, 画上个脸. (Draw a happy face n the ball.) 记得, Michael, 当你转时, 记得总是朝着同一面转 T: (Mtin Michael t turn and stp, abut a quarter turn) 现在我们看看月亮会怎么样? Call n a few students t stand behind Michael. T: 同学们, 你看到了什么? 太阳照的光, 使月亮有不同的相貌, 有新月 / 上弦月 / 满月 / 下弦月? Students respnd. Cntinue the turn and identificatin f the phases f the mn. Call n 19

different students t be the vlunteer and identifiers. Fr example: T: 你看! 我可以看到太阳的光照在月亮上! 太阳使这一侧的月亮明亮的 它看起来就像一个圆环, 像满月! 你可以看到满月吗? Ss: 我看到满月 T: 很好, 满月是亮的还是黑的 Ss: 满月很亮 T: 现在我们再转一下 T: 看, 我们看到什么? 我们可以看到月亮很亮 月亮看起来像个半圆 这时候的月相就叫做下弦月 (shw tw pictures) 这是满月还是下弦月? Ss: (vlunteering) 下弦月 T: 现在我们再转一下. T: 我们可以看到太阳照到月亮的部分吗? 不行, 我们看不到 亮的部分在另一面, 可是我们看不到 我们看到的这面, 月亮是黑的 所以这个时候的月相就叫新月 (Shw pictures f varius phases f the mn, including the new mn) 这个月相叫什么? Ss: (vlunteering) 新月 T: 新月是黑的还是亮的? Ss: 黑的 T: 很好, 太阳照不到新月的这一面, 所以新月是黑的 Ss: 新月是黑的 T: 现在我们再转一下 T: 我看到太阳又找到月亮了, 我看到半圆月 谁能告诉我这叫什么? Ss: (vlunteering) 上弦月 T: 上弦月是圆形还是半月形? Ss: 上弦月是半月形 T: 答对了, 上弦月看起来是半月形 所以今天我们学了月亮的四个月相 谁记得哪四个月相? Ss: respnd D the clsing rutine and remind students f the mn calendar wrk. T: 同学们, 我们学了月相 别忘了今晚看看天空的月亮是什么形状 20

Explanatin Students explain their understanding f cncepts and prcesses. New cncepts and skills are intrduced as cnceptual clarity and chesin are sught. Mn Phases Chant - Turn! Turn! What Can Yu See? D the pening rutine. Ask students if they can figure ut which phase the mn was, als using the picture frm the Internet as part f the discussin. Nte: Althugh the mn phases cycle cntinuusly, astrnmers cnsider the New Mn t mark the beginning f the mn cycle which lasts between 27 1/3 t 29 1/2 days Get a calendar and pst several mnths n a wall r the white bard f the classrm. Cut several sets f phases f the mn: New Mn, First Quarter Mn, Last Quarter Mn, and the Full Mn. (Nte: many calendars already shw the phases f the mn, s it shuld be pssible t use an existing calendar fr this activity.) Start with several mnths calendar that shws three mn cycles: T: (Invite a student t identify where the New Mn is n a calendar.) 同学们, 现在我们知道了月亮是怎么改变它的月相的 让我们再来看看哪一个是新月? T: 太好了 让我们来算算从一个新月到下一个新月要多少天 T: (Cunt with the students, starting frm a New Mn) 1, 2, 3 28. 很好, 差不多要多少天? ( 二十八天 ) Nte:Recrd ne Mn Phase. Repeat with ther mnths. Students will see that each mn phase is slightly different, but it s between 27-29 days. T: 好, 现在我们知道, 当月球绕地球一次, 它大概要 28 天或 29 天 月亮大概每 7 天会有一个新的月相 Nte: Repeat the prcess starting with the first quarter mn. Have them first predict hw many days there will be frm ne first quarter mn t the next, and then cunt them. Then find the number f days between each f the phases. Once this is dne, put a cuple f blank calendar psters n the white bard r a wall. Invite vlunteer students t paste pictures f different phases f the mn n the apprpriate days. Start with a New Mn. T: 我们来学个月咏 Wrksheet 2c Teacher says while making the mtin. This is hw the chant ges: 转, 转, 转, 你看到什么? 21

我们看不到新月因为亮光被遮住了转, 转, 转, 你看到什么? 我看到 在看着我 上弦月 转, 转, 转, 你看到什么? 我看到 在看着我 满月 转, 转, 转, 你看到什么? 我看到 在看着我 下弦月 Nte: When students are cmfrtable with the chant, Teacher may randmly pint at a mn phase n the calendar pster, and invite a vlunteer student t d the chant fr that phase f the mn. D the clsing rutine. Elabratin Activities allw students t apply cncepts in cntexts, and build n r extend understanding and skill. Hw the Mn Lks at Different Times D the pening rutine. T: 我们来复习一下我们学了什么. (Pinting at each f these). 我们用灯 / 球 / 我们自己 灯是什么?(The sun and s n.) T: 谁记得我们做什么, 让月亮上的光看起来不同? T: (Calls n ne r mre Ss.) 我们做了什么? Ss: 我们转, 转, 转 T: 很好! 我们转! 我们 / 地球转! 球 / 月亮也转吗? 22

Ss: 是的, 球 / 月亮跟着我们 / 地球转 T: 很好! 我们转, 球也转 这表示月亮和地球都在转 (Teacher picks up ball, and quickly demnstrates hw Earth turned, and als hw the mn turned arund Earth.) T: 但是, 我们看到的月亮, 都是同一面, 还是不同的一面? (Remind students f the happy face if they can t remember it.) Ss: 同一面 T: 没错, 我们总是看到月亮的同一面 当地球和月亮转, 阳光会照在地球和月球的不同部分 但是, 我们只能看到月亮的同一面, 所以, 我们看到的一面是亮的话, 月亮看起来就是光亮的 如果我们看到的一面是黑暗的, 我们看到的就是一个黑暗的月亮 这就是为什么月亮有许多月相的原因 T: 你们记不记得有哪四个月相? Ss: 新月, 上弦月, 满月, 下弦月 Nte: Earth rtates n its axis, and revlves arund the sun. The mn als rtates n its axis and revlves arund Earth. (Its rtatins are in sync with Earth s rtatins, which is why we nly see ne side f the mn.) Fr purpses f this demnstratin with yung children, it is best t keep the explanatin simple. T: 让我们一起来学月相 (Repeat the chant with the class, using the mtins.) 我们组成几个小组, 大家来吟唱 月相咏 Divide the class int grups f fur. Distribute a phase t a student. That student will be respnsible fr chanting the phase f the mn. Give them a few minutes t practice, and then call n grups t perfrm. Literacy time: D the Wrksheet 2d. Have students d peer editing. Cllect wrksheets. D clsing rutine. Evaluatin Students assess their knwledge, skills and abilities. Activities permit evaluatin f student develpment and lessn effectiveness. Assessment: Students can Identify and name different phases f the mn Tell the relatinship amng the sun, the mn, and the earth Students perfrm ne f the chants they learned The sun is like a ball f fire Turn! Turn! Chant 23

Teacher Reflectins n Lessn 2 This is Hw the Mn Lks at Different Times What wrked well? What did nt wrk well? What wuld I d differently? Other cmments r ntes 24

Lessn 3 If the Mn Were Ckies 如果月亮像饼干 Lessn 3 f 5 If the Mn Were Ckies Duratin: 30 Minutes Objectives I can: Oral language: Ckie, week, mnth, appear Literacy: Label the phases f the Mn n the calendar and find the cycle patterns f the mn phases n the calendar. STEM and Other Subject Areas: Observe mn calendar and name and label the phases f the mn. Obtain infrmatin and cmmunicate that there are tls that allw peple t see mre bjects in the sky and in greater detail. Vcabulary and Expressins Materials/ Resurces Lessn Stryline and Cre Text Calendar, week, mnth, appear, phase, mn, and cycle Change, plate, mn phases, ckie Mn Phases calendars Clred pencils Printed paper Paper plates, enugh fr entire class Ppsicle sticks Cream-filled sandwich ckies, enugh fr each student t have 4+ Internet access t Ggle fr Mn Phases calendar phts f the different phases f the mn Wrksheet 2a Use Mn Phases Phtgraphs Wrksheet 3a Ckie Mn Plate preparing paper mn plate Wrksheet 3b The MOON we all see up in the SKY Chant Wrksheet 3c My Mn Jurnal Flder (cver & cntent ) In this lessn, teacher begins with a hands-n experiment, my ckie plate, and guides student review if the relatinship amng the mn, Earth, and the sun thrugh the ckie activity. Students learned the mn, Earth, and sun relatinship in earlier lessns. Students als learned a chant t help them t remember the lessn. Cre Text: 我们要做的另一个活动! 我们要做 我的月亮盘 但是我需要你们的帮忙 25

月亮高高挂天上它的形状为什么一直在改变? 有时它像一个大圆球, 有时它又不见了! 我们看到满月, 可是满月越来越小, 过了几天满月变成左半圆, 我们叫它下弦月 又过了几天, 月亮好像不见了! 看不到的时候叫新月 再过了几天, 月亮变成右半圆, 我们叫它上弦月 又过了几天, 满月又出现了 月亮高高挂天上 Key Elements Engagement. Cnnectins facilitated between what students knw and can d Lessn 3 Prcedures If the Mn Were Ckies My Mn Plate D the pening rutine and identify the current phase f the mn, frm student bservatins and frm the Internet picture. T: 我们要做的另一个月亮活动! 我们会做 我的月亮盘 但我需要你们的帮忙 Nte: Prepare paper/styrfam plates, preferably in black t represent the night sky. Prepare plain chclate ckies, a can f plain vanilla cake frsting and a craft stick t spread frsting n the ckies, and a stick f glue t paste ckies t the plate. (r yu may use cream-filled chclate ckies instead) Put a picture f the earth in the center f the plate, as shwn in the picture belw. Tell students that we ll put the New Mn n the tp f the circle, as shwn. 26

Key Elements Lessn 3 Prcedures If the Mn Were Ckies Nte: Be sure t determine if any f the students are gluten-intlerant. Fr thse students prvide pictures f the ckies, r find a gluten-free alternative (parents can be helpful here). T: (Reviews each phase with Ss by pinting t the plate and saying) 这是我的月亮盘, 我把新月放在这儿 (Invite a student t find the picture f the New Mn and pst it at the spt r as suggested by Teacher.) T: 这儿应该是什么呢? (In cunter-clckwise directin)? (Invite anther student t find the picture f the next phase f the mn and pst it n the plate. Ask the student r the class t name the phase. Repeat the prcess until all phases are dne.) T: 大家看这儿, 我用饼干做成不同的月相 (Shw students a chclate ckie as the New Mn. Place it at the 12:00 psitin n the paper plate. Spread vanilla frsting n anther ckie t make different phases f the mn. Repeat statements and glue/paste the mn phase ckies cunter-clckwise n the prepared plate. ) Students watch as the teacher uses the ckies t depict the fur phases f the mn. Invlve students during the prcess. T: 大家要记得我们所学的月相喔 明天你们每个人都要用饼干做一个月盘 27

Key Elements Lessn 3 Prcedures If the Mn Were Ckies (See Wrksheets 3c) D the clsing rutine and the Mn Phase chant. Wrkbk 2d Explratin Objects and phenmena are explred. Hands-n activities, with guidance. My Own Ckie Mn Plate T: (After the pening rutine.) 谁记得今天我们要做什么? Ss: 月盘饼干 T: 你记得怎么做? (Shw the Ckie Mn Plate made yesterday and asks students t identify and name each phase.) Prepare enugh plates and craft sticks, ne fr each student. Prepare a can f plain vanilla cake frsting and several sticks f glue fr students t use. Distribute a picture f the earth and fur chclate ckies per student. Tell students that they must finish the task in 5 minutes. Once students are finished, shw them hw t label the phases. (Write the captins n the bard r prject them n a transparency.) Prvide students with mre ckies if they need them. Walk arund t prvide the necessary assistance and guidance. Nte: Use self-adhesive address labels t write captins fr the phases f the mn, ne n each label. Peel the label frm its backing and paste it n the Ckie Mn Plate under the apprpriate mn phase. Invlve students t help. This is an excellent literacy activity. Distribute 4 labels per student. Once students are finished, ask them t d peer editing with a partner. If there are mistakes, students may ask fr mre labels and paste the new ne n tp f the ne with errrs. Distribute ckies fr the students t enjy. Nte: Be sure t supply an alternative snack fr students wh are glutenintlerant. While eating, they can shw f their prducts and practice telling 28

Key Elements Lessn 3 Prcedures If the Mn Were Ckies abut them. D the clsing rutines afterward. Explanatin Students explain their understanding f cncepts and prcesses. New cncepts and skills are intrduced as cnceptual clarity and chesin are sught. Fr students with independent literacy skills: Write a Science Jurnal abut My Own Mn Ckie D the pening rutine. T: 你喜欢我们昨天的活动吗? (Invite students t reflect why they like it. Prvide vcabulary such as fun, delicius, like, remember) Shw the class a cpy f the Wrksheet 3d. Ask students t help with cmpleting the prject. Distribute a cpy f the Wrksheet 3d t each student. Nte: Tell the students that this is ging t be their mn jurnal flder. Have them write their names and then draw pictures f the phases f the mn, leaving rm t add labels. Remind them t put the phases in the crrect rder, starting with the New Mn. Circulate as they draw their pictures, and then have them d the labeling, using the mdel yu have written n the bard. Ask students t practice writing the labels n a separate sheet f paper. D peer editing t ensure accuracy n the drawing, phases, and the writing. After each student receives the check frm the teacher, he/she may write the labels n the wrksheet. D Gallery-Walk f the class t review the wrk. D the clsing rutine, the Mn Chant. Elabratin Activities allw students t apply cncepts in cntexts, and build n r extend understanding and skill. The MOON We All Can See Up In The SKY. D the pening rutines, calendar wrk, and review what they did yesterday (my Science Jurnal). T: 我们今天要学一个月相咏, 叫 月亮高高挂天上 让我们一起来学 Verse 1: REFRAIN: 月亮高高挂在天上你知道为什么它的形状一直在改变有时, 它像一个又大又圆的球, 有时, 它又不见了! Verse 2: 我们可以说, 地球和月亮转动 月亮有些部分我们看不到 我们看不到有些阳光照到月亮部分 29

Key Elements Lessn 3 Prcedures If the Mn Were Ckies REFRAIN: 月亮高高挂在天上你知道为什么它的形状一直在改变有时, 它像一个又大又圆的球, 有时, 它又不见了! 我们可以看到新月, 一开始我们看不到它然后, 它只有一点点过了一段时间, 它慢慢的变大, 像半个球后来, 半个球变成一个又大又园的球月亮高高挂在天上看着你, 看着我 后来, 大圆球又慢慢的变小过了一段时间, 它慢慢的变小, 像半个球有时, 它又不见了 新月, 上弦月, 满月, 下弦月, 是我们学的四个月相 Nte: Yu may divide the class int several grups; each grup is respnsible fr nly tw r three stanzas. Fr example, fr Verse 1: Grup A: 月亮高高挂天上它的形状为什么一直在改变? Grup B: 有时, 它像一个又大又圆的球, 有时, 它又不见了! In this chral recital way, each time a grup recites, children need t remember nly tw lines instead f the entire verse. Once students have practiced and becme cmfrtable with the verses, yu may switch grups r lines s at the end, each student will have the pprtunity t recite the entire chant. Tell students t practice the chant as hmewrk in additin t bserving the mn if they can. Evaluatin Activities permit evaluatin f student develpment and lessn effectiveness. We can chant the Mn we all can see up in the Sky. Give students time t practice. In small grups, students perfrm the Chant: The MOON we can all see up in the SKY 30

Teacher Reflectins n Lessn 3 If the Mn were Ckie What wrked well? What did nt wrk well? What wuld I d differently? Other cmments r ntes 31

Lessn 4 The Mn we can all see up in the Sky 月亮高高掛在天上 Lessn 4 f 5 The Mn We Can All See Up in the Sky Duratin: 30 Minutes Objectives Vcabulary and Expressins I Can: Oral language: Ask yes/n questins abut the mn phases in the target language. Answer yes/n questins in cmplete sentences abut the mn phases in the target language. Literacy: Recgnize the wrds: mn phases, sun, earth, full mn, first quarter mn, last quarter mn, new mn, circle, half circle, semi- circle, and calendar STEM and Other Subject Areas: Partitin circles and rectangles int tw r fur equal shares, describe the shares using the wrlds halves, furths, and quarters, and use the phrases half f, furth f, and quarter f. Recrd and share bservatins abut hw sme events have cycles; whereas, ther events have a clear beginning and end. Obtain infrmatin and share bservatins t determine simple patterns f natural bjects in the sky. Cntent bligatry language: 有多少? 你怎么知道? 你能说说看吗? 你能标出来吗? 什么? Cntent cmpatible language: 下一个是? Materials/ Resurces A calendar strings r tape t hang pht n back Sentence strips fr students (Wrksheet 4c) and large strips t be read, srted and put in rder n the magnet bard r in the circle. (Nte: this culd als be dne n a Smart Bard.) cmputer USB micrphnes and speakers LCD prjectr speakers internet access t YuTube r DVD and DVD player f ckie mnster 32

vide frm day ne Wrksheet 2a Prepare several sets f pictures f the sun, earth, and mn, day, night, New Mn, First Quarter Mn, Last Quarter mn Wrksheet 4a Chant: 太阳是个大火球 (expand) Mn Calendar with Captins Lessn Stryline and Cre Text In this lessn, the teacher will help students summarize what they have learned frm the mn mdule. Teacher guides students thrugh the chants, experiments, nightly mn bservatins, and mini bk making. At the end, each student will have a cmpleted Mn Jurnal flder t review and keep. Key Elements Engagement Object, event r questin used t engage students. Cnnectins facilitated between what students knw and can d Lessn 4 Prcedures The Mn we can all see up in the Sky What Can I Tell Others abut the Sun, the Mn, and the Earth? After the pening rutine, d the expanded The sun is like a ball f fire chant, Wrksheet 4a Prepare several sets f pictures f the sun, earth, and mn, day, night, New Mn, First Quarter Mn, Last Quarter Mn, and the Full Mn as in PPT (r examples as seen belw). Shw crrespnding pictures as reciting the chant: Sun Earth 太阳像个大火球, 它给我们热量和阳光, 当我们看到太阳时, 是白天, 天空明亮的 当我们看不到太阳, 是晚上, 天空是黑的 我们可以在晚上看到月亮 New: 地球跟着太阳转月亮跟着地球转转转转, 太阳照在月亮上, 33

Key Elements Lessn 4 Prcedures The Mn we can all see up in the Sky 有时光亮有时黑, 月亮高高挂天上四个月相都不同, 新月, 上弦月, 满月, 下弦月 Nte: Randmly give pictures f these bjects t students, ne picture per student. Ask these students t stand in frnt f the class. When the class recites, the student with the picture f the bject named will stand frward, preferably ding the mtin as described. Distribute the rest f the pictures t ther students. In this way, there will be several grups f students wh can perfrm tgether. Have students practice and tell them that they will perfrm this the next day. Cllect the pictures and attach pictures t students backs, withut shwing the picture r telling them what picture they represent. Then the students circulate t try t find ut wh they are. They may ask nly ne questin f each persn they talk with, ging frm persn t persn until they find ut wh they are. Befre the activity begins, have the class brainstrm what questins they might ask: Am I the sun? Am I the mn? Am I the Earth? Am I a first-quarter mn? And s frth. Once the children find ut wh they are, they get a grup tgether that cnsists f Earth, sun, full mn, last quarter, new mn, first quarter. When all the grups are frmed, have each grup member tell wh they are fr the class. Explratin Objects and phenmena are explred. Hands-n activities, with guidance. Wrk n My Mn Calendar After the pening rutines. D the chant perfrmance and wrk n My Mn Calendar. The students shuld have all the days filled in, since the teacher has prvided a picture f the mn every day and discussed it. Lead students t answer the fllwing questins rally: 1 月亮运转一次要多少天? 2 我们学了几个月相? 3 你的日历上有几个新月 / 上弦月 / 下弦月 / 满月? 4 你可以在你的的日历上标出月相吗? A Star (bnus) questin: 5 你可以猜得出下个月相是哪一个吗? Instruct students t d Wrksheet 4b. Keep their wrksheet in their science jurnal flder. D the clsing rutine. 34

Key Elements Explanatin Students explain their understanding f cncepts and prcesses. Lessn 4 Prcedures The Mn we can all see up in the Sky Make My Own Papa, Please Get the Mn fr Me Bk. Lead students t read the bk again. Invite different students t c-read. Task A: Ask students t identify each phase f the mn in the stry. Task B: Make My Own Papa Bk. Wrkbk 4c Bring ut the large sentence strips fr retelling the stry, and give each student an envelpe with the same sentence strips cut up. They will use these strips t create their wn Papa bk. Put the sentence strips in randm rder n the bard (r in the center f the circle). Ask the students t take ut their sentence strips and spread them ut s they can lk at them. Each student shuld als have a pencil. Read each sentence strip alud, pinting t it n the bard, but NOT in the crrect rder. Have students find the same strip in frnt f them and pint t it. Cntinue until all the strips have been read. Then ask students: Nw, which thing cmes first in ur stry? (Have students agree r disagree and finally settle n the crrect segment with teacher help, if necessary. After the crrect segment is identified, have students put the number 1 n the back f the strip.) Nw, what cmes next in ur stry? (Cntinue with each segment, always numbering n the back f the segment, s students will be cnfident as they arrange their bks.) After reading, tell students that they will make their wn Papa bk. They are t paste the sentences in the crrect rder in their little bks, ne n a page. Then they are t chse fur f their favrite parts f the stry and draw a picture n thse pages. They may draw mre pictures if they wish, but they must draw at least fur. The sentences are: 1. 我希望我能和月亮一起玩, 2. 爸爸, 请把月亮拿给我 3. 爸爸拿了一把好长好长的梯子, 4. 爬, 爬, 爬, 他往上爬 5. 我的女儿想要跟你一起玩, 可是你太大了 6. 月亮说 : 我每天会变得小一点儿, 7. 当月亮的大小刚好的时候, 爸爸把月亮带回家了 8. 小茉莉和月亮一起跳舞 9. 但月亮越来越小, 最后月亮不见了 35

Key Elements Lessn 4 Prcedures The Mn we can all see up in the Sky 10. 有一天晚上, 天上出现了一个小小片的月亮 Elabratin Activities allw students t apply cncepts in cntexts, and build n r extend understanding and skill. Evaluatin Students assess their knwledge, skills and abilities. Activities permit evaluatin f student develpment and lessn effectiveness. Cntinue t finish the Papa bk. G thrugh peer editing. G arund ensure accuracy. Put My Mn Jurnal flder tgether Lead students t reflect what they have dne s far in this mdule: 爸爸, 我要月亮 月相日历灯的实验我的月盘歌咏 : 太阳像一个火球转, 转, 转月亮高高挂在天上我的月亮 Teacher Reflectins n Lessn 4 The Mn we can all see up in the Sky What wrked well? What did nt wrk well? What wuld I d differently? Other cmments r ntes 36

Lessn 5 My Mn Stry Lessn 5 f 5 Objectives Duratin: 30 Minute I Can: Oral Language: Ask and answer questins t name and tell abut the mn phases, Earth and the sun. Literacy: Read labels n pictures f mn phases (while matching them t drawings f mn shapes.) STEM And Other Subject Areas: Recrd and Share bservatins abut hw sme events have cycles: whereas, ther events have a clear beginning and end Obtain infrmatin and share bservatins t determine simple patterns f natural bjects in the sky. Materials/Resurces Mn Phases Phts, physically displayed in randm rder, Pencils, ne per student Glue fr each student Wrksheet 5a Student s Self Check Wrksheet 5b What Did I Learn? Wrksheet 5c - Student s Interview Review Mn Calendar 爸爸, 我要月亮 (Wrksheet 1a,1b,1c) 我的月亮 (Wrksheet 4c) Chant: 太阳像个大火球 (Wrksheet 2b) Chant: 转, 转, 转 (Wrksheet2d) Chant: 月亮高高挂天上 (Wrksheet 3b) My Science Experiment #1 灯的实验 My Science Experiment #2 我的月盘我的月亮饼干我的月亮盘我的月相 Perfrmance Assessment Interpretive and Presentatinal Task Creatin f their wn Papa bk and reading the pages they illustrated: Students walk arund t view each ther s bks. Each student will select anther student s bk t read t the class (illustrated segments nly). 37

Interpretive Task My Science Jurnal Flder: Students Science Jurnals will be n display. Students will d a gallery walk and lk at all the jurnals. When the time is up fr the gallery walk, the will identify the partners fr the Interpersnal Task. Presentatinal Task Each pair will reprt n the authrs and the jurnals. They will talk abut their interviews and their wn wrk. Rubrics fr assessment: T: I want yu take a mment nw t think abut what yu did! Yu sequenced the 4 mn phases and yu talked abut the mn phases. Put an X in the bx under the face that shws hw yu feel abut yur wrk tday. Did yu d it by yurself, did yu need a little help, r d yu need mre practice t d it? (Guides students as needed t cmplete the self-assessments.) Ss: (Cmplete self-assessments.) Wrksheet 5b Interpersnal Task Partners will take turns interviewing each ther abut their jurnals, using the prmpts frm Wrksheet 5c. What is the best part f yur jurnal? What are yu prud f? What will yu shw yur family? Hw many times did yu watch the mn? The teacher will first mdel the interview several times with vlunteer students. What wrked well? What did nt wrk well? What wuld I d differently? Other cmments r ntes Teacher Reflectins n Lessn 5 Assessment Task 38