Zhenjia Fan. Context-based roles and competencies of data curators in supporting data lifecycle-Multi-case study in China.

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Context-based roles and competencies of data curators in supporting data lifecycle: Multicase study in China Zhenjia Fan Nankai University, China

Background Innovation Big ; Development R&D Management Unit; Lifecycle IRM Lifecycle Renew; Reuse Governance Framework; Competency

Research Questions Roles and competencies of R&D Curators? Q1: what are Different contexts of curation? Q2: stakeholders of data curation? Q3: Key r0les and their functions?

Literature Review Governance Curation Critical Thinking DAMA DGI IBM quality Model DG vs DC Context Business Context Roles

Methodology Findings Participatory Observation R&D data curation practice Interview curators Stakeholders Archives Workflow archive Roles and competency

Methodology Interview & Observation Transcripts Case Memo Reports Archives Analysis Content analysis Grounded Theory Type, topic, and emotion 8/24/17

Business Context i: NSR, Enterprise

Business Context Ii: CAS,R&D Institute

Business Context Iii: College Libraries

Business Context section document task 申报指南 策划项目表 任务下达 1. 编制申报任务书 2. 召开项目申报编制启动会 3. 编制申报工作计划 4. 编制申报书编写计划与分工表 5. 编制申报书框架与格式说明 申报工作计划 申报书编写计划与分工表 申报书框架与格式说明 编制申报书 1. 组织编写申报书 2. 预算编制 3. 编制装订目录 盖章清单 4. 准备商务文件 5. 与主管部门沟通 6. 申报书初稿审查与修改 申报书初稿 预算初稿 装订目录盖章清单 申报书初稿审查 1. 整理申报材料初稿 2. 初稿审查 申报材料终稿 提交申报书 1. 制作申报书 2. 报送材料 3. 跟踪材料, 获取反馈 4. 文件归档 申报书 申报任务书 通讯录 编写跟踪通报 商务文件 审查报告 反馈通报致谢 纸质存档 SEAS 存档 stakeholder workflow

Discussion university government Board of directors partner enterprise R&D institute SVP SVP PSD TSD NSR AAC R&D Curation System DF DQ Meta Master DS Reuse Stakeholders of R&D Governance in NSR

Lifecycle of R&D Management Approval document R&D contact Budget document Research plan Implementation plan Financial plan Methodologies Technological innovation Application Progress report Implementation Inspection report Actual budget Audit report R&D supervisor Researcher R&D Manager Partners Approval R&D supervisor R&D Manager Assessment expert Competent department Researcher R&D supervisor R&D Manager Assessment expert Competent department Check Competent department Assessment expert

Posts & Roles Creator Supervisor Steward Custodian Researcher, financial agents, experts, R&D Supervisor R&D Manager User Librarian

Supervisor Direction custodian creator Collection Steward supply User Roles of R&D Curation

Conclusions curators stakeholders librarians Different stakeholders collaboration in DG framework Roles of data curators in R&D management lifecycle Competencies would be affected by both structural and agent factors in given context.

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Thank you! fanzhenjia@nankai.edu.cn