2 July 16-31, 2016 Torrential rainfall cause of flash floods Story by Danny Ooi & Amanda Khong EXCESSIVE rainfall is among the contributory factors fo

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: _ : Nama Pemilik Cukai Taksiran No Akaun _ Nombor Telefon: ONLY LOCALS FOR MPSP JOBS 要求退还门牌税 可以这样做 pg pg 9 aharaan Jabatan Perbend Pinang Unit Hasil, ya Pulau Pinang Majlis Bandara, 10675 Pulau KOMTAR Tingkat 3, AN UNTUK CUKAI TAKSIR F01/F02. N LEBIHAN KOD KE BAYARA YANG DIPINDA TUNTUTAN TAHUN 2016 TAKSIRAN KES PENGEC UALIAN CUKAI pengenalan no. kad /wakil), taksiran. (pemilik bagi cukai balik bayaran lebihan Saya _ n pulangan 2. ingin memoho tuan/puan: untuk tindakan seperti berikut dokumen Nam n bersama a ada) 3. Dikepilka Taksiran Harta No. (jika san Cukai Bayaran Kad & Penguru Resit ASAL Pen Alama Jabatan Penilaian : gen alan t han Kod Daripada : Surat Peminda dilengkapkan. : yang telah Borang EFT lain-lain ) No jual beli dan surat Telefo ( Muka Hadapan surat mati, PenyataBank n pemilik). Contoh: (jika bukan Pen sokongan : gar Dokumen Majlis ah Per Jala Perban bendah n Ban Perda daran araan Seb dar Uta erang Per ma 140 00 Buk da Per ai it Me rtajam Tua Yang Benar n, ( ) TARI KH Tar ikh: PERM BANG OHON UNAN AN BA YA /TA NAH, RAN BA NO horma.ak LIK / KO AUN tnya say : NTRA a me Suk / LEB acit ruju a dim k per IH CU KAI oho kara n dar TAKS di ata ipada Menye IRA s. N* pihak lara ska ke aka tuan untuk: un cuk n bayara n cuk ai tak ai tak sira Memb n ban sira aya n gun r bal Nam an/tan yang ber ik cuk a Ban jum ah lain ai tak k:_ (Sila lah sira RM. No kem n aka uka sec (Sila un: kan ara EFT tandak sali 3. nan _ No. ke aka an pen _ aka di Ker un yat un: jasam ban a ban kotak k sep Sek a dar k dan yan ian, erti g ber ipada buk berikut terima ti res kait pihak an) : kas it pem tuan ih. bay amatla aran) _ h dih argai. ( Sek iran ya pem KEM ASK KOD BOR INI TERA ANG KHIR : 107 : JUN / L9 2016 Den gan 2. *tandatanga 1 n bay resi aran t bukti ) pem onlin e atau bayaran sura t aku hilang, an sum sila kem uka pah kan ) buk ti pem bay aran lain sep FREE buletin Competency Accountability erti pen yata Transparency http:www.facebook.com/buletinmutiara http:www.facebook.com/cmlimguaneng July 16-31, 2016 No snap polls Story by Amanda Khong THE DAP will not go on with its proposal to dissolve the Penang State assembly and conduct a state general election. Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng announced the decision during a press conference on July 31 at Komtar. Also present were Penang DAP chairman Chow Kon Yeow and other DAP state leaders. This decision was made following quick consultation with party leaders and the Penang state leadership after PKR deputy president and Selangor Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Azmin Ali informed me that the PKR leadership did not agree with having early polls, said Lim. Azmin, PKR vice-president Nurul Izzah Anwar and PKR National Elections Director Saifudin Nasution had earlier met Lim and Chow in Penang on July 20 to listen to their reasons for snap state polls. We explained that it would be a pro-active strategy not just to let the people decide, whether I should continue as Penang Chief Minister whilst facing the corruption allegations against me, but more importantly to pass a verdict on the historic law suit by the US Attorney-General over 1MDB, added Lim. Lim said that it was not wrong to go back to the people for a mandate because this was part and parcel of democracy. This is to show that we do not fear going back to the people for a new mandate to decide on the latest expose on the 1MDB controversy as well as the authority, credibility and legitimacy of the Penang state government led by me, Lim said. During that meeting on July 20, PKR raised concerns about the risk of losing more seats than DAP. It was proposed by PKR that DAP give up one or two of their existing state seats in Penang to PKR to make the proposal more acceptable to the PKR leadership but Lim stated that it was unlikely to happen. Hence, following the disagreement of PKR to the polls move, DAP will not proceed with the idea. DON T WORRY: Lim leading a delegation of state leaders as they visit one of the flood victims at the Teluk Kumbar. community hall. - Pix by Darwina Mohd Daud. SEE PAGE 2 FOR FULL STORY. Lim stressed the importance of a collective consultative process and display trustworthiness as a basis towards forging a strong coalition in Pakatan Harapan. Even though Amanah had agreed with DAP, we had announced that DAP will not make such a decision unilaterally but through a consensus of all three parties within Pakatan Harapan. DAP leaders are democrats who seek to build and reinforce mutual trust, said Lim. Lim ended the press conference by stressing that this is the mutual decision made after much discussion and that they will no longer push for snap polls in Penang.

2 July 16-31, 2016 Torrential rainfall cause of flash floods Story by Danny Ooi & Amanda Khong EXCESSIVE rainfall is among the contributory factors for flash floods in Teluk Bahang and some locations in Bayan Lepas and Batu Maung. Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said the rainfall distribution in Teluk Bahang is 250 millimetres (mm), a record since 2008. He said Kampung Paya, Kampung Suluk, Kampung Nelayan and Kampung Masjid near Teluk Kumbar, Kampung Binjai near Bayan Lepas, Penang International Airport (PIA) and Bayan Lepas town were hit by flash floods. He added that Taman Iping near Batu Maung also experienced flash floods. Like the flash flood in Teluk Bahang, there was never any occurrence of flash flood in the other areas following heavy rainfall before this. The average rainfall distribution of 250mm during the drought season is the collective distribution for one month and not for five days as experienced in Teluk Bahang, resulting in flooding, he told a press conference at the temporary flood relief centre in Teluk Kumbar on July 18. Also present were Deputy Chief Minister 1 Datuk Mohd Rashid Hasnon, exco for Local Government, Traffic Management and Flood Mitigation Chow Kon Yeow, exco for Islamic Affairs, Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Datuk Abdul Malik Abul Kassim and exco for Welfare and Caring Society Phee Boon Poh. Earlier, Lim was briefed on the flash flood occurrence from constituency co-ordinator for Bayan Lepas Azrul Mahathir Aziz, Southwest district officer Ederis Mat Din, director of the Drainage and Irrigation department Penang, Sabri Abdul Mulok, head of disaster and operations of state Civil Defence Department (JPAM), Mohd Aizat Abdul Ghani and Bayan Lepas project engineer, Zamri Yusof. It is learnt that 23 families from Teluk Kumbar and five from Teluk Bahang were evacuated to the temporary flood relief centre in Teluk Kumbar with the help of five officers and 10 staff from the Civil Defence Department. In reply to the media, the Chief Minister said assistance to flood victims will be carried out soonest based on the standard operating procedure (SOP) outlined by the state government. He hoped the flood victims housed at the Community Hall in Teluk Kumbar will extend their fullest co-operation to Mohd Aziat. Meanwhile, at the same press conference, Chow said the state government has approved a few projects for flood mitigation in the Southwest district. Among the projects are RM2 million for Sungai Bayan Lepas near Kampung Binjai, RM3.175 million for Taman Iping and the latest being RM7.2 million for Sungai Teluk Kumbar. For the start, the Flood Mitigation Department has approved the construction of an additional water pump at the existing pump house with an expenditure of RM3 million. However, with feedback from the consultant, we (the state government) have decided to build a new pump house nearer to the mouth of Sungai Teluk Kumbar and this has incurred additional cost of RM7.2 million, added Chow, who is also the Padang Kota assemblymember. TURN TO PAGE 5 Rayer not guilty of alleged seditious words THE Sessions Court on July 28 found Seri Delima assemblymember RSN Rayer not guilty over alleged seditious remarks he made two years ago. Sessions Court Judge Ibrahim Osman, in his judgment, said the prosecution had failed to prove a prima facie case. He said the words which Rayer uttered were done in the correct forum which was the Penang state legislative assembly and referred to elements of peace and harmony raised by Penang Governor Tun Abdul Rahman Abbas in his speech. He added that the court cannot accept the argument that a political party meant a particular race and had to accept that it be viewed as a political entity. I am not confident and do not believe the accused had seditious tendencies, the learned judge said. Gobind Singh and Ramkarpal Singh represented Rayer while DPPs Lim Saw Sim and Farah Aimy Zainul Anwar prosecuted. The DAP lawmaker was charged with making anti-umno remarks on May 20, 2014, during the Penang legislative assembly sitting. The offence, under the Sedition Act 1948, carries a maximum five years imprisonment or RM5,000 fine. Rayer had also been charged with the same offence during a speech in Island Glades on May 22, 2014, but was acquitted of that charge on April 29, this year. Gobind (left), Rayer and Ramkarpal appear jubilant after the verdict was passed. Sessions Court Judge Tuan Roslan Hamid had then also acquitted and discharged him of an alternative charge for the offence under the Penal Code. Outside the courtroom, Gobind urged the prosecution not to appeal against the latest decision, and also urged the Attorney-General to withdraw the appeal in the April acquittal. Meanwhile, Rayer also expressed his relief and gratitude with a short entry - Thank you, Boss - in his Facebook, to his mentor the late Karpal Singh. Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, who was present, congratulated Rayer on his acquittal in his Twitter message and also praised Gobind s excellent submissions in court. The bears are landing in Penang UNITED Buddy Bears (UBB) from Berlin are world renowned. The aim of these UBB is to promote peace and unity. There are 148 two-metre tall UBBs from various countries. Since the first exhibition in Berlin in 2002, more than 35 million visitors world-wide have been able to admire the United Buddy Bears and Penang will follow suit soon. The Buddy Bears stand together hand in hand, symbolising the future vision of a peaceful world. Each bear stands for the people of the different countries and their culture, and not for political systems. Penangites will be able to see these UBBs when they land here on Aug 28 and will be on display till Oct 30, Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng announced during a press conference on July 27. A contest to design a Penang Buddy Bear is open to the public from July 27 to Aug 14. The winning design will join the rest of the UBBs to tour around the world. For details on the contest, visit www.ubbpenang.com/ contest.php Exco members Jagdeep Singh (left) and Phee Boon Poh looking at the mini size bears.

July 16-31, 2016 3 CM attends Puan Sri Chui s wake Story by Victor Seow Pix by Chan Lilian IT was a solemn occasion when Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng led a delegation of state exco members and MPs, comprising mostly DAP leaders, to the wake of Puan Sri Chui Kah Peng on July 25. Chui, who died after a 13-year battle with cancer on July 24 at the age of 65, is the wife of former Chief Minister Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon. They got married in 1975 and have two children; son Yu Cheng, 34, and daughter Yu Jun, 27. Lim spent nearly an hour at Koh s residence at Halaman Cantonment and was seen offering words of comfort and solace to the latter. Others at Chui s wake were Deputy Chief Minister II Prof. Dr P. Ramasamy, exco members Chow Kon Yeow (Local Government, Traffic Management and Flood Mitigation), Jagdeep Singh (Town & Country Planning and Housing), Phee Boon Poh (Welfare, Caring Society and Environment) and Lim Hock Seng Lim shares the pain of Koh who lost his wife of 41 years to cancer. (Works, Utilities and Transport), MPs Ramkarpal Singh (Bukit Gelugor) and Jeff Ooi (Jelutong) as well as Sungai Pinang assemblymember Lim Siew Khim. Keeping tabs on illegal lodging houses THE incessant complaints on illegal lodging houses or units being rented out at residential properties for very short tenure prompted Tanjong MP Ng Wei Aik to investigate the matter with the help of the Penang Island City Council (MBPP). Ng, who led MBPP officers to inspect Phase 1 of the Penang Times Square, known as Birch The Plaza, on July 21, was appalled to learn of the blatant disregard for the law. Speaking to reporters after the inspection which Ng personally conducted with the MBPP officers from the Commissioner of Buildings (COB), Licensing Department and Building Department, the team managed to speak to the occupants of three units who had rented the place from the illegal operators of lodging houses. One unit was occupied by a man from Jakarta who s here for a medical check-up at a private hospital. He paid US$280 for three nights lodging. The second unit is rented out to a guest from Kuching who paid RM1,026 for three nights too. The third unit is rented by two Belgian ladies who divulged no information on the arrangements they made, Ng told the press. According to Ng, these illegal operators had violated the 1991 MPPP Trade, Business and Industry By-law in which they are liable upon conviction to be fined up to RM2,000, imprisonment for one year or both for operating a business without licence. Ng also advised the public who face a similar situation to lodge their complaints with the MBPP at the Development Planning Department or the Licensing Department so that action could be taken. The inspection at Birch The Plaza was the third led by Ng while the first two were conducted at Penang Times Square Phase 2 and Halaman Pulau Tikus. Most of these illegal lodging houses are located near to hospitals or medical facilities to cater to foreigners who visit Penang for the purpose of medical tourism.

4 July 16-31, 2016 RM100,000 for heritage conservation of church NIGHT WALK THE Penang Adventurers Club is organising a 38km All-Night Walk from 10pm on July 30 to 7am the next day. The walk will start from the Penang City Stadium to the Sultan Abdul Halim Mu adzam Shah Bridge and back. Participantion fee is RM30. Registration forms can be obtained from Brunei Clinic at 41, Jalan Aziz Ibrahim, Pantai Jerejak in Sungai Nibong and My CO2 Sdn Bhd at 1, Lengkok Kikik, Taman Inderwasih in Prai (both closed on Sundays) or visit pac.com. my. HELP NEEDED THE Children s Protection Society of Penang is looking for volunteers and sponsors for its Charity Food Fair Bazaar on July 31 at Methodist Boys School in Penang at 9am. For further details, call Rajam (04-8294046) Going back to basics will be the guide for the restoration of the church. The visitors taking a look at the inside of the church. Story by Chan Lilian Pix by Shum Jian-Wei THE Church of the Assumption, which falls under Category 1 of the Unesco World Heritage site, is undergoing a RM2.5 million restoration works set to be completed by October 2017. Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng visited the church on July 7 with exco member Chow Kon Yeow, political secretary to the Chief Minister, Wong Hon Wai, and Penang Island City Council (MBPP) Building Control director Yew Tung Seang. They were welcomed by Bishop Sebastian Francis, Fund Raising Committee chairman John Lau, Fr. Joachim Robert, architect Edmond Khoo and others. Lim announced that the state will give a token sum of RM100,000 to help in the restoration works. We heard about the restoration effort and we came on our own initiative to see what this restoration is about. This church is one of my favourite churches because of the way it is designed. It is also the oldest Catholic church in Penang. We definitely endorse the effort to restore the building to its original form. Like we always say, doing more by doing less, going back to basics. That s why we are giving this token sum to show our endorsement, Lim said in a short speech. Khoo shared with Buletin Mutiara a bit of the history of the church. In 1857, the Church of the Assumption moved to its present site on Farquhar Street. The present building was erected in 1860, under An old photo showing the church circa 1928. the leadership of Father Manissol. When it was completed in 1861, it could hold 1,200 worshippers. The building underwent an extension in 1928, when two wings were added to it. The restoration works will involve minimum intervention to give the church the 1928 design. It will also repair the leakages and plaster works that are falling off. New air-conditioning and sound systems, electrical re-wiring and LCD projection are also part of the works, Khoo said. Francis thanked the Chief Minister and his entourage for the visit. We want to be part of this George Town World Unesco heritage site. We want to enhance the heritage enclave by restoring the church which is located on the same area with all the other significant buildings like the courts, convent school, museum and others. We feel it is something we owe to the people of Penang and those in George Town. It is also for those who come from far, so that they can enjoy the beauty of this place. God bless all of us! he added. FREE TALK MENSA Penang is organising a free talk titled Scholarships & Success Rates: What You Need To Know on Aug 20 at Caring Society Complex, Jalan Utama, from 2.30pm-4.30pm. The speaker, Hor Wei Vern, will talk about her own experience in getting two scholarships - the Petronas scholarship as well as the prestigious Chevening scholarship. Limited seats, so please register at: www.mensapenang.org HOUSING EXPO THE Penang state government Affordable Housing EXPO (Series 2.0 Mission-Home-Possible) will be held on July 30 and 31 at the ground floor, Prangin Mall from 11am to 9pm. Apart from the state government, there are various participants from the private sector at the event. For details call 04-6505242 / 5484 or 04-2610766. FREE TRIAL ENGLISH CLASS THIS will be a highly interactive and engaging 45-minute session, suitable for children of ages six to 12. The aim is to help your child enjoy reading and to read fluently, expand on the vocabulary base to master everyday speech, and achieve confidence in speaking and aim for higher levels. For details, contact 04-611 6158 or write to enquiry@livingstonlearning. my. Livingston House of Learning is located at 78-2, Pesiaran Mahsuri 2, Bayan Lepas. MASS AEROBICS PENANG PENANG Metropolitan Aerobics and Fitness Association is holding mass aerobics sessions on Sundays at SPICE Centre, and at Taman Metropolitian in Relau at 6pm on Thursdays and Saturdays. For details, call Ahmad (012-4738500), or look up metropolitian-aerobics on Facebook. FREE EMAIL COUNSELLING HELP4u, an initiative of the Penang Education Council, provides confidential, anonymous and free email counselling for young people between 13-25 years who need help on issues relating to their studies, family, relationship and others. For details, log on to their website, www.help4u.my, www.help4u. org.my FREE WEBSITE EDUCATION LEARN how to start your e-commerce website successfully when you join a free once-a-month session called Tech Tuesday organised by Redbox Studio at Eureka Complex, Universiti Sains Malaysia. Open to entrepreneurs and business owners. Pick a date and sign up at: http://redboxstudio.com/ tech-tuesday/

July 16-31, 2016 5 Tech Dome Penang opens CHIEF Minister Lim Guan Eng together with his deputies, exco members, assemblymembers and Members of Parliament witnessed the historic occasion to mark the official opening of Tech Dome Penang, our very own science discovery centre, in Komtar. The setting up of Tech Dome Penang represents the state government s commitment and initiative to not only maintain Penang s position and status as a globally-renowned centre of technological excellence but to also take it to the next level and beyond through innovation, research and development. We do know that this mission could not possibly be realised merely through the vision and support of the state government and industry players but would require a very essential component which is highly skilled and knowledgeable human capital. Human talent is the new oil of the 21st century. In building human talent, we must recognise that government cannot do it alone but requires a PPP model of Public Private Partnership, Lim said in his opening speech. I would like to take this opportunity to express my utmost appreciation to all of you present here today and especially to major sponsors like Penang Development Corporation, IJM, Dell and Altera (now Intel) for your contribution for the project and also other corporate and many personal donors who have helped in the mission to make Tech Dome Penang a reality, he added. Going forward, Tech Dome will need further support from the industry, corporate sector and the general public to help ensure its future success. Although set up as a non-profit entity, it is imperative that it remains viable to ensure that it will continue with its mission. We hope that more corporate sponsors can pitch in with funds to be our partner for tomorrow establishing a COE for science and technology for the future., Lim said. For more information visit Tech Done Facebook at : https://www.facebook.com/techdomepenang/ An overview of the Tech Dome full of visitors who are excited to discover the magic of science. RM12 million for flood mitigation projects FROM PAGE 2 Elaborating on the same issue, Lim said the state government has allocated funding of some RM12 million to kick start flood mitigation projects in Penang. About the flash flood issue at the Penang International Airport (PIA), Sabri said the incident was not caused by water overflow from Sungai Teluk Kumbar or Sungai Bayan Lepas. There is no water overflow from rivers here (PIA). The existing construction of the airport could not accommodate heavy rainfall in this area, thus causing flash flood he told reporters present. Chow added that last year, the management of PIA had built a On- Site Detention tank to take care of flood water in the arrival hall of the airport. However, this project has failed to arrest the occurrence of flash floods at the PIA, Chow said. Lim explained that the flash floods at PIA was not caused by overflow of water from the rivers, but the physical construction of the existing airport. There is no river here to cause water overflow to PIA, so you (the Eishah (left) concerned about her house condition. Department of Irrigation and Drainage) need to ask the management of the Penang International Airport, he stressed. Lim, who is also Bagan MP, repeated his advice to the federal government to look into allocations for project ratings for PIA in the interest of Penangites. Meanwhile, in a related development, CM visited the five families who fell victim to the Teluk Bahang flash floods who have temporarily been relocated to the evacuation centre at the Teluk Bahang community library on July 19. The cause of the flood that rarely happens here is due to the rare heavy rain that accumulated up to 250mm of rain. This amount of rain usually takes a month or so to accumulate, said Lim. He added that some of these flash floods were caused by roadworks and that those are beyond state government control as they are under federal government jurisdiction. The airport being flooded is also out of our jurisdiction as it is under the federal government so I have contacted the director of the Drainage and Irrigation Department (JPS) Penang, Ir. Sabri Abdul Mulok, and he said that it was an internal problem so he is dealing with the problem as we speak, said Lim. Eisah Abd Rahman, 78, is the oldest victim at the evacuation centre. She was moved here together with her 34-year-old son, Mohd Zaki Itam. I was washing my clothes when it happened. It was so sudden and I was so shocked to see so much water surrounding me so fast. I just hope my house and things are still intact, said Eishah. Each family was also given aid of RM200 and further help will be given later after obtaining more information from the Malaysian Civil Defence Department (JPAM). The families obtained the green light to return home later in the evening after JPAM confirmed that their homes were safe again to stay.

6 July 16-31, 2016 Double celebration in Pantai Jerejak DATUK Mohd. Rashid Hasnon, who is Deputy Chief Minister I and also Pantai Jerejak assemblymember, held a double celebrations at his constituency on July 17. The guest of honour was Penang Govenor Tun Abdul Rahman Abbas who celebrated his 78th birthday. A huge birthday cake was presented to the Governor and the occasion was marked with a prayer and cake-cutting ceremony. It was indeed a joyous occasion with a live band playing Raya and other festive songs while hundreds of people turned up to celebrate Raya and the Governor s birthday. In the midst of celebrations, the orphans, students and NGOs were not forgotten. A total of RM10,440 junior scholarship (Biasiswa Kecil) was given to 13 students from Sek. Men. Raja Tun Uda. The students were selected based on their academic achievement and family financial background. Each of them got between RM800-RM1,000. Orphans and the less fortunate also received hampers while children got duit raya. Also present were several exco members, assemblymembers, members of Parliament, councillors, consuls-general and others. The Governor and his wife cutting the birthday cake to celebrate his 78th birthday. Raya get-together for PDC THE long queue of those lining up for food, the shaking of hands and greetings, not to mention the Raya songs playing in the background exemplified a typical Raya setting filled with lots of joy and excitement at the Penang Development Corporation (PDC) Open House on July 19. The occasion also called for the remembrance of the achievements PDC made over the years in improving infrastructures in the state as well as future goals in propelling Penang into an era of further growth the fourth Industrial Revolution, so to speak, through the Internet Of Things (IoT). Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, in his speech to the PDC rank and file, highlighted the impressive investment figures generated so far by the state government and assured public servants of well-deserved financial rewards for their hard work. I m happy to note that for 2015, Penang attracted the largest share of Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) among all states in Malaysia which amounted to RM4.5 billion. This is actually 20.5% of the total FDI to Malaysia. Undoubtedly, there are some factories which left us due to restructuring in the global electronics industry, the unemployment rate in Penang is still the lowest nationally at 1.5%, Lim said. The state government hopes with the increased Raya bonus of 0.75 month s salary or a minimum of RM700 for all state employees, Hari Raya here in Penang gets more meaningful and that a clean government will enable all deserving personnel to reap financial rewards, he added. Also present at the function were Deputy Chief Ministers I and II Datuk Rashid Hasnon and Prof. Dr. P. Ramasamy, state exco members Datuk Abdul Malik Kassim, Phee Boon Poh, Danny Law, Jagdeep Singh and Dr. Afif Bahardin, PDC general manager Datuk Rosli Jaafar and investpenang director cum special adviser to the Chief Minister Datuk Lee Kah Choon. A young boy enjoying the laksa and other delicious foods at the open house. PDC staff ensuring the orphans brought to the open house get their fair share of goodies. 1MDB disclosure puts us to shame CHIEF Minister Lim Guan Eng, at a press conference on July 22, expressed his concerns of where the country is heading with the revela-tions made by the US Department of Justice in its 136- page report concerning the alleged wrongdoings of the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) fund. I want to thank the US Government for conducting investigations and seizing at least US$1 billion of assets and to return the money to the people of Malaysia, he said while showing the report to members of the press. We are touched by such a move by a foreign government trying to return us the money. We feel mortified and ashamed but we are thankful to the US government for what they are doing, Lim said. At the same time, the Chief Minister also questioned the Malaysian authorities in the 1MDB debacle. Where is the investigation and prosecution process in Malaysia heading? Lim asked. Lim also mentioned a string of alleged wrong doings committed by those who are responsible for the 1MDB controversy which allegedly went on a spending spree using the people s money luxurious homes, art pieces by Monet and van Gogh, financing the filming of The Wolf of Wall Street and even involvement in gambling activities.

July 16-31, 2016 7 Hari Raya at The Top CHILDREN from shelter homes were amazed with the view of Penang from The Top. They were seen looking down in wonder at the lovely sights of Heritage George Town, the beautiful blue skies and seas, Penang s two bridges and the hills on the mainland. The Top @ Komtar, Penang at the 59th & 60th floors hosted its inaugural Hari Raya Open House on July 21. Over 300 guests, including Deputy Chief Minister I Datuk Mohd. Rashid Hasnon, exco member Law Heng Kiang, Komtar assemblymember Teh Lai Heng and others were greeted and welcomed by Datuk Sri Richard Koh, chief executive officer of Only World Group Holdings (OWG). As part of The Top s corporate social responsibility initiative, we have invited 25 students and five caregivers from Pertubuhan Kebajikan Anak Kesayangan Pulau Pinang and Akademi Generasi Harapan to join in the celebration. These NGOs from Bukit Jambul were established in 2008 and they care for the orphans as well as underprivileged, Adeline Goh, marketing and membership manager of The Top, said. While the VIP guests were tucking into the delicious food, the youths from the NGOs entertained them with a nasyid presentation. The children all went home with their tummy filled, duit raya and gifts and also a memorable visit to Komtar s highest level. For more information on The Top @ Komtar, visit their website at http://www.thetop.com.my/ Rashid (eighth from left) and Koh with the children at The Top.

8 July 16-31, 2016 Remembering Teresa Teng Story by Victor Seow Pix by Law Suun Ting THOSE who grew up listening to the sweet and timeless melodies of the late Teresa Teng will have the opportunity to relive this priceless experience down memory lane on Sept 6 when Teresa Teng The Musical is staged at Dewan Sri Pinang. Brought to Penang by Spring-Time Group Limited, which is headed by wellknown Hong Kong director and producer Clifton Ko Chi Sum, response to the musical when it was performed in Vancouver, London and Singapore last year and in early 2016 was overwhelming. Speaking to reporters on July 18 on this event were exco member for Tourism Development and Culture Danny Law Heng Kiang and Hong Kong actress Perry Chiu, who will be playing the role of Teresa Teng in this musical. The state government is happy to play its role in promoting the arts and this musical is precisely one of those that fit the criteria of what we have in mind, Law told the press. Chiu also explained that the contents of the two-hour musical which will begin at 8pm will focus not only on the Taiwanese singer s sentimental hits but more on the different phases of the four decades of her life. The musical, furthermore, will also shed light on her feminist views in life, her upbringing and personal matters of the heart unknown to most of her devoted fans. Interestingly, the real Teresa, who died from an asthma attack in 1995 at the age of 42, performed at Dewan Sri Chiu (centre) and Law (second from right) at the press conference to promote the musical. Pinang 38 years ago. Those interested in purchasing tickets for the musical can call 012 2686 959/012 2686 908 or email teresatengthemusical@ gmail.com Tickets are priced at RM220, RM180 and RM100. Suite Berservis & Kedai Pejabat PUSAT PERNIAGAAN MAHKOTA IMPIAN TESCO AEON 23 unit Kedai Pejabat (69 Hakmilik Strata) 360 unit Suite Berservis (Menara Mahkota Impian) Luas Tanah (lebih kurang) : 22 x 65 ke atas Luas Binaan (lebih kurang) : 4,008 kaki persegi ke atas HARGA JUALAN : dari RM2,107,280 dan ke atas Luas Binaan (lebih kurang) : 1,156-1,181 kaki persegi HARGA JUALAN : dari RM456,900 dan ke atas Menara Mahkota Impian - Lesen Pemaju : 7432-12/06-2017/01868(L) Tempoh Sah : 14/06/2016-13/06/2017 Permit Iklan Dan Jualan : 7432-12/06-2017/01868(P) Tempoh Sah : 14/06/2016-13/06/2017 Hak Milik : Kekal Bebanan Tanah : Tiada Kelulusan Pelan Bangunan : MPSP/40/20-45/98 Pihak Yang Meluluskan : MPSP Jumlah Unit : 360 unit (Blok B : 112 unit ; Blok C : 112 unit ; Blok D : 136 unit) Harga Minima : RM466,000.00 Harga Maksima : RM525,000.00 Tarikh Dijangka Siap : Jun 2017 Semua maklumat, rekabentuk tersebut tertakluk kepada perubahan dan pengubahsuaian oleh pihak yang berkuasa tertentu atau arkitek / pemaju dan tidak menjadi sebahagian daripada kontrak. Artist s renderings and pictures are impressions only. While illustrations and interiors are only deco suggestions and none can be regarded as representation of facts. 5% Diskaun Untuk Bumiputera. * Terma & Syarat

July 16-31, 2016 9 Only locals for MPSP jobs Story by Victor Seow Pix by Darwina Mohd Daud Lim (in white shirt) accompanied by Rozali (wearing white skull cap) offering words of encouragement to MPSP workers who toil daily to keep the mainland clean. CHIEF Minister Lim Guan Eng during a Roll Call session with the rank and file of the Seberang Perai Municipal Council (MPSP) on July 5 gave his assurance that only locals would be employed for cleaning jobs by the council. Lim added he was touched when he received a memorandum from MPSP that raised the issue which had been a subject of worry for the council workers. The Chief Minister also assured them that there would be no changes to this policy even if any untoward incident were to take place which will affect his position as head of the state government. The state government does not believe that Malaysians are the least interested in jobs which carry the 3Ds Dirty, Difficult and Dangerous. When MPSP advertised for 2,508 vacancies, more than 25,000 applications were received. This proves that Malaysian workers are willing to work in 3Ds sectors as long they are treated well and the pay is reasonable, Lim said at the Jalan Betek MPSP office. Lim also revealed an increase of 43% in cleaning expenses which amounted to RM66,180,467 compared to RM46,097.044 when such jobs were outsourced to private contractors. In spite of the added expenses, the state government is still willing to absorb the extra 43% or RM20 million because it concerns the livelihood of 2,508 Malaysian workers and their family members, he added. Also present were exco members Phee Boon Poh (Welfare, Caring Society and Environment), Lim Hock Seng (Works, Utilities and Transport), Bukit Mertajam MP Steven Sim, MPSP secretary Rozali Mohamud and the MPSP councillors. Towards the end of the event, Rozali handed the memorandum to Lim which carried the signatures of all the concerned 2,508 MPSP rank and file. CEOs speak their minds Lee (centre) moderating the discussion taking place between the participants and the speakers (from left) Chuah, Lau, Chu and Whong. PENANGITES who are concerned with the state s level of competitiveness and the position it occupies in the global technology sector had the opportunity to listen to those who play a pivotal role in this area. Organised by the Penang Skills Development Centre (PSDC) on July 11, four chief executive officers (CEOs) from the private sector related their experiences in starting their business as well as the hurdles they went through in growing them. The four at the two-hour session were KC Lau (Inari-Amerton Berhad), CB Chuah (Pentamaster Corporation Berhad), Chu Jenn Weng (Vitrox Corporation Berhad) and Whong Poh Choon (QDOS Group of Companies). Topics that they covered included; Technology Scene in Penang and the Way Forward, Staying Competitive, Branding through Company Culture and Innovation & Evolution: What Differentiates You?. Special Adviser to the Chief Minister of Penang and investpenang director Datuk Lee Kah Choon was the moderator for the programme. Lee, in his opening address, spoke on the relevance of such a discussion session which involved CEOs in an industry which has been the backbone of the economy as far as Penang is concerned for the past 40 years, especially with the increasing competition from China and India. Be it China or India, we might not be the world s leading player but we want to position Penang as an important player in this particular electronics field. Then, of course, we want to position Penang at the centre for Malaysia if not for anything else, then at least for the electronics manufacturing sector as we want to tap on the momentum we have generated for the past 40 years, he said. Confused over Works Minister s claim on third bridge CHIEF Minister Lim Guan Eng has expressed his disappointment and confusion over the lackadaisical response of Works Minister Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof over talks concerning the proposed third bridge in Penang. Speaking to reporters on July 26, Lim questioned the federal minister on how he can say the third bridge is not a matter of urgency for the state government. How can this third bridge without toll charges not be a priority of the state government? We want to make history here by proving that the 60-year-old model used all the while can be changed into a new one where the first bridge in Malaysia can be built without the need for tolls, Lim said. It s just a simple formula. A bridge can indeed be built if the state government is not corrupt, the chief minister added. Lim, furthermore, also explained that all documentation had been furnished to the federal authorities for the purpose of seeking approval to build a third bridge but what was asked repeatedly in return concerned documents for the underwater sea bed tunnel. In our July 15 letter to the Works Minister, we repeatedly asked for approval to build a third bridge but the Minister kept on asking for the feasibility study report for the underwater sea bed tunnel. It s like comparing apples with oranges, Lim said. Copies of the official correspondence between Lim and the Works Minister were provided to the media during the press conference. Lim was accompanied by exco member for Works, Utilities and Transport Lim Hock Seng.

10 July 16-31, 2016 State government donates RM20,000 for cancer patients Story by Danny Ooi Pix by Wartawa Zulkifli Nataf THE state government allocation of RM20,000 to support the Plexus Cycle To Challenge Cancer Program 2016 was channelled to Mount Miriam Cancer Hospital for the recovery activities and treatment of cancer patients in the hospital. Deputy Chief Minister 1 Datuk Mohd Rashid Hasnon said this when he flaggged off some 200 cyclists from the compound of Plexus Corp. Reverside on July 17. As a state which adopts the slogan Clean, Green, Healthy and Safe, it is without doubt we will always support such programmes and fund them too, Rashid, who is also Pantai Jerejak assemblymember, said. Also present were president of Plexus Asia Pacific Lim Yong Jin and board chairman of Mount Miriam Cancer Hospital John Lau. Rashid added that the state government always supports programmes that encourage healthy life styles, apart from initiatives of hospitals to treat cancer patients. Apart from this, the state government through Penang Island City Council and Seberang Perai Municipal Council together with non-government organisations is actively constructing bicycle lanes to promote Penang as a sport city. Rashid also joined the Plexus Cycle charity event which Rashid (front row, fourth from left joining participants in the Plexus Cycle charity event. started around 7am Earlier, Lau in his speech expressed his appreciation to the state government, Plexus and several non-government organisations which always support in kind and cash for charity events organised by Mount Miriam Hospital. It was learned that the Plexus Cycle charity event managed to raise RM116, 030, which include the RM20,000 donated by the Penang state government.

July 16-31, 2016 11 Playful George Town Heritage celebration Story by Victor Seow Pix by Shum Jian-Wei THIS year s George Town Heritage celebrations from July 7 until July 9, with its theme on traditional sports and games, could not have had a better and more appropriate colloquial term Mai Main or in common words Let s Play selected to personify the local context of the celebration. This vibrant and lively affair held annually to commemorate the inscription of George Town as a Unesco World Heritage Site in July 2008 was once again officially launched on July 7 by Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng at Armenian Park. Lim, in his opening address, remarked on the attributes of George Town which had enabled it to gain official recognition so as to attain the much coveted Unesco World Heritage Site status eight years ago. Our unique architectural and cultural townscape is unparalleled anywhere in East and Southeast Asia, as pronounced by UNESCO, but my personal belief is that the true gem of George Town is our living heritage and the ability of different faiths and cultures to coexist in harmony and to mutually respect one another, he said. Together with Lim at the launch were exco members Chow Kon Yeow (Local Government, Traffic Management and Flood Mitigation), Lim Hock Seng Two boys showing their moves of the traditional Malay martial arts silat as part of the programme at the launch of the heritage celebrations. (Works, Utilities and Transport) and Datuk Abdul Malik Kassim (Religious Affairs, Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs), political secretary to the chief minister Wong Hon Wai, Komtar assemblymember Teh Lai Heng, Penang Island City Council (MBPP) secretary Ang Aing Thye and George Town World Heritage Incorporated (GTWHI) general manager Dr. Ang Ming Chee. Among the highlights of this year s heritage celebrations was the StreetFest that took place around the old streets of George Town from 6pm onwards. Locals and foreign visitors were enthralled by the extensive array of activities from workshops on traditional sports and games to expressive street performances by martial artists and open courts as well as bazaars to appease one s taste buds and shopaholics. Penang upbeat about foreign duo for a lift THE Penang football team is hoping that the signing of South Korean Jeong Sek-min and Nigerian Ranti Martins will help lift them off the bottom of the Super League standings. Midfielder Seok-min, 28, was formerly with K-League giants Pohang Steelers and featured for Jeonnam Dragons before heading to Penang for his first stint outside South Korea. He replaces injury-stricken Australian defender Bren Griffiths. Striker Martins, 30, arrives in Malaysia on the back of a great record of having scored over 200 goals during his 10 seasons playing in India. He replaces compatriot Osas Ikpefua, who was himself a last-minute signing to replace the ineffective Brazilian Jose Tadeu before the season started. The Panthers other two imports are Brazilian defender Reinaldo Lobo and Argentine midfielder Matias Cordoba. Our target now is to avoid relegation and remain in the Super League, said Football Association of Penang (FAP) president Datuk Seri Nazir Ariff during the unveiling of the new imports on July 12. The mid-season change of imports is the latest move in a major revamp by FAP following their failure to qualify for the Malaysia Cup. Subsequently, Brazilian coach Tiago Jacksen was an early casualty, and FAP vicepresident Mohd Azizudin Shariff stepped down as the team manager. Replacing them were Croatian duo of Bojan Hodak and Nenad Bacina as the team s CEO and chief coach. The Penang players have found it difficult to score goals this season. I hope the inclusion of Sek-min and Martins will help solve the problem, Hodak said. Meanwhile, in a bid to woo more supporters to the City Stadium, FAP is offering a discounted ticket package for Penang s remaining six Super League home matches. Fans can purchase a Super Six package to watch Penang take on Selangor (July 23), Kedah (July 26), Johor Darul Ta zim (Aug 3), Kelantan (Aug 16), Police (Sept 10) and Terengganu (Oct 22). Nazir (right) sharing a light moment with new imports Martins (left) and Sek-min at the event. The package is priced at RM120 (grandstand) and RM60 (terrace) for adults, and RM30 (terrace) for children. We are offering the attractive discounts to enable more Penang fans to come and lend their support to the team. Penang are at the bottom of the league, and the only way to go now is up. We need the fans backing to help spur the team, said FAP treasurer Datuk Murly Manokharan who was also present at the function.

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免费 Competency Accountability Transparency 2016 年 7 月 16 日 - 31 日 要求退还门牌税可以这样做 以下为威省市政局的 4 部曲 : 1. 前往柏达镇威省市政局 12 楼 Perbendaharaan 部门索取门牌税转缴或退还表格 已缴交 2016 年门牌税的廉价及中廉价屋业主, 只需跟着 4 个步骤, 就可向槟岛市政厅及威省市政局要求退还门牌税 已缴交 2016 年门牌税的廉价及中廉价屋业主, 只需跟着 4 个步骤, 就可向槟岛市政厅及威省市政局要求退还门牌税 槟州首长林冠英于去年提呈 2016 年槟州财政预算案时宣布豁免廉价及中廉价屋的门牌税, 但他于今年 6 月 13 日出席垄尾日月城垃圾分类计划时发现有民众已缴交 2016 年门牌税, 因此, 他当场指示槟岛市政厅小组交替主席黄顺祥着手处理, 将款项退还给已既缴交门牌税的民众 针对此, 黄顺祥向 珍珠快讯 讲解民众该怎么做, 来取回已经缴交的门牌税 黄顺祥表示, 槟岛市政厅将把款项退还给已缴交 2016 年门牌税的廉价及中廉价屋业主, 而民众只需跟着 4 个步骤来做 以下是如何向槟岛市政厅要求退还门牌税的 4 部曲 : 1. 前往光大 3 楼槟岛市政厅办事处, 或向州议员服务中心索取门牌税退还表格 2. 在提呈表格时, 须附上以下文件 : 已缴交的门牌税收据 ( 正本 ) 已填妥的 EFT 表格 银行账单副本 / 银行簿 ( 首页 ) 支持文件 ( 如非屋主 ), 如 : 死亡证书 买卖合约或其他 3. 把已填妥的表格及文件交回槟岛市政厅或州议员服务中心 4. 槟岛市政厅将进行处理及把钱汇进屋主的银行户头 2. 民众可在以下 2 种方式选择其一进行处理已缴付的门牌税 : 将已缴交门牌税的数额转移缴付其他建筑物或土地的门牌税 通过 EFT 索回门已缴的交牌税 在提呈表格时, 须附上以下文件 : 已缴交的门牌税收据 ( 正本 ) 已填妥的 EFT 表格 银行账单副本 / 银行簿 ( 首页 ) 支持文件 ( 如非屋主 ), 如 : 死亡证书 买卖合约或其他 3. 把已填妥的表格及文件交回威省市政局 4. 处理方式 : A. 威省市政局将进行处理 B 威省市政局将进行处理及把钱汇进屋主的银行户头 另外, 威省市议员王育璇在接受询问时也表示, 当局也收到民众提早缴交的 2016 年门牌税, 因此, 已缴交门牌税的民众可选择要求退还款项 民众可浏览 http://www.mpsp.gov.my/ brgonline/kew/107l9.pdf, 以下载威省市政局的 EFT 表格

2 时事 2016 年 7 月 16 日 - 31 日 槟州将不提前州选举 随着公正党反对举行州选举, 行动党也不再进一步要求州选 就算诚信党已经同意行动党的建议, 我们也宣布了, 行动党不会单独行动, 而是寻求希望联盟三党的一致同意 槟州首长林冠英指出, 行动党将不再推进有关解散槟州议会 举行州选举的建议 他指出, 这是在经过与党领袖 槟城州政府领袖的快速咨询后做出的决定, 公正党署理主席及雪州大臣拿督斯里阿兹敏昨天通知他, 公正党领袖不同意提早进行选举 拿督斯里阿兹敏 公正党副主席努鲁依莎及公正党全国竞选总监赛夫丁较早于 2016 年 7 月 20 日, 与我以及槟州行动党主席曹观友会面, 听取我们要求提早举行州选举的理由 把委托权交回给人民并没有错, 这是民主的一部分, 而我们不怕把委托权交回给人民 他指出, 国阵没有理由反对槟州选举, 他们也曾经在吉兰丹 沙巴及砂拉越举行州选举, 不需等到与全国大选同步 他说, 在 7 月 20 日的会议中也提及举行州选举的隐忧, 那就是 公正党可能比行动党失去更多议席 其中一项建议是行动党放弃槟州一两个议席给公正党, 好让公正党更加接受提早州选的建议 但是, 我们认为这行不通 随着公正党反对举行州选举, 行动党也不再进一步要求州选 就算诚信党已经同意行动党的建议, 我们也宣布了, 行动党不会单独行动, 而是寻求希望联盟三党的一致同意 行动党拥护集体咨询过程 虽然我们面对不公平的指责, 我们将遵守诺言, 展现希望联盟致力打造以精诚团结为基础的强大联盟 他指出, 行动党领袖是寻求建立相互信任关系的民主派人士 林冠英于 7 月 31 日发表声明时表示, 槟城希联领袖现在应该要致力于打造槟城成为良好施政及廉洁领导的模范州, 将槟城打造成一个创业及福利州 他说, 尽管缺乏天然资源, 槟城成功地凭借良好施政继续繁荣 我们栽培人才, 在公私合作伙伴的框架上依赖私人界及公 民社会的协助 州政府提供种子基金或资助整项计划, 在永续发展方面, 我们邀请私人公司投入资金或专才 他指出, 尽管是公共投资, 很多计划或项目还是由私人界或公民社会进行, 州政府极少甚至不干预 价值 2000 万令吉的槟城科学咖啡店计划提供孩童免费的应用科学及机器人制作训练 ; 价值 2800 万令吉的槟城科学馆点燃科学工艺的兴趣 ;600 万令吉德国双元教职培训计划提供 42 个月的高级文凭课程, 让学生可以在工厂边做边学, 德国也承认 ;300 万令吉的槟城数码图书馆, 还有每一年的乔治市节庆都展现了槟城做为创业州的模范 槟城也是一个福利州, 我们没有遗忘穷苦及弱势群体 自 2008 年, 我们拨出超过 4 亿令吉的援助给学生 乐龄人士 新生儿 单亲妈妈 体障人士 家庭主妇 德士司机 鱼民 三轮车 中小学至大学的学生 我们在年度预算案中拨出 12% 在现金援助, 甚至通过加额补贴, 确保月入少过 790 令吉的家庭获得 790 令吉 换句话说, 如果你的家庭月入 600 令吉, 州政府每个月加额 190 令吉给你 这就是为什么槟城在贫富悬殊的基尼系数从 2009 年 0.42 减少至 2014 年 0.364, 在 5 年内进步了 13%, 全国系数为 0.401 我们设立 5 亿令吉的基金, 兴建 2 万 2512 个公共及可负担房屋单位, 这项计划在前两天在 Prangin Mall 广场的可负担房屋展销会获得不俗的反应 唯有通过廉洁施政, 我们才能取得预算盈余, 然后打造一个创业及福利州 槟城的能干 公信及透明施政让我们的储备金在八年里, 从 8 亿 5000 万令吉增加至 16 亿令吉 槟城的政府债务也减少 90% 至 6900 万令吉, 成为全马债务最低的州属 槟城的失业率为 1.5% 意味着还有很多就业机会 我们必须更加努力在基层向人民传达槟州政府所推行的良好政策, 这些政策都是利民政策, 而不是让朋党谋利 那么, 我们才有信心面对下一届大选, 不怕会失去议席 我们要凭自己的努力 通过打造一个创业及福利州在选举中光彩胜出 BEST 反应热烈 槟州政府补贴推行的 停车换乘计划 (BEST) 每日平均乘客量高达 900 人, 槟州地方政府委员会主席曹观友行政议员建议让 RapidPenang 双层巴士加入 BEST 服务, 让乘客在高峰时段也能够更舒适地乘坐巴士抵达目的地 曹观友指出, 每天上午 7 时 15 分至 7 点 45 分之间是高峰时段, 许多乘客都会在这段时间使用 BEST 服务乘搭巴士前往工厂, 导致一些乘客必须站着 因此, 曹观友建议 Rapid- Penang 在高峰时段使用双层巴士载客, 让在繁忙时段的乘客能够更舒适地乘坐巴士抵达目的地 他补充, 现阶段暂时没必要增加 BEST 的巴士数量, 因为除 曹观友 : 建议加入双层巴士让乘客搭得更舒服 ( 前排左起 ) 曹观友 林冠英及莫哈末拉昔向 BEST 巴士乘客挥手致意 了高峰时段外,BEST 服务并未客满 曹观友是于 7 月 26 日在皇后湾广场陪同槟州首长林冠英及槟州第一副首长拿督莫哈末拉昔派发礼品给 BEST 乘客后, 在记 者会上发表谈话 同时出席者为槟州地方政府首席助理秘书维珊蒂及 Rapid- Penang 首席营运员莫哈末苏克里等人 另外, 林冠英指出,BEST 服 务推行至今已将近 6 年, 获得许多上班族的青睐, 如今每日平均乘客已达 900 人 他指出, 槟州政府承担 BEST 服务的费用, 州政府每月支付 15 万 4800 令吉给 RapidPenang 以提供有关服务 他指出, 这表示州政府每年所承担的费用是 185 万 7600 令吉, 而自这项服务于 2011 年 3 月 1 日推行以来, 州政府总共承担了 985 万 2170 令吉 30 仙的费用 另外, 槟州第一副首长拿督莫哈末拉昔则对莫哈末苏克里建议在峇央峇鲁一带增设一条免费巴士的路线表示赞同 他指出, 峇央峇鲁区及新港区有很多商场, 若推行免费巴士, 将有助改善交通

2016 年 7 月 16 日 - 31 日 时事 3 槟选手赴砂角逐马运会 获奖选手将获奖励 槟州共有 441 人随队出征本届马运会, 除了运动员以外, 当中也有管理员 教练及工作人员 槟州政府将通过槟州体育理事会奖励在 2016 年第 18 届马运会中摘下金牌的槟州选手, 奖金高达 3000 令吉! 槟州第一副首长拿督莫哈末拉昔指出, 在个人赛事中, 夺奖的选手将可分别获得 3000 令吉 ( 金牌 ) 2000 令吉 ( 银牌 ) 及 1000 令吉 ( 铜牌 ), 而团体赛 (4 人 ) 则是每名选手将获得奖励 1000 令吉 ( 金牌 ) 700 令吉 ( 银牌 ) 及 500 令吉 ( 铜牌 ) 他补充, 若是 5 人以上的队伍, 则是每名健儿 500 令吉 ( 金牌 ) 300 令吉 ( 银牌 ) 及 200 令吉 ( 铜牌 ) 莫哈末拉昔是于 7 月 14 日在移交州旗给槟州代表队的仪式上发表谈话 同时出席者为槟州行政议员章瑛等人 另外, 章瑛指出, 槟州本次共有 441 人随 队出征马运会, 除了运动员以外, 当中也有管理员 教练及工作人员, 而州政府除了放眼 30 面金牌以外, 槟州也希望能够较往年取得更好的排名 槟州代表队也令人感到光荣, 因为当中 5 名成员是奥运会选手 2016 年第 18 届大马运动会将于 7 月 19 日至 30 日在砂劳越举行 槟州代表队成员高举槟州州旗, 准备出征 2016 年第 18 届大马运动会 槟州第一副首长拿督莫哈末拉昔 ( 左 ) 及章瑛行政议员为槟州代表队加油 槟州健儿们将在马运会全力以赴, 以取得更好的成绩

4 时事 2016 年 7 月 16 日 - 31 日 槟城基层科学故事通过志工和游子的故事追溯槟州科学集群的起源及成长 Dr. Teoh Chin Soon ( 张振顺 ) chinsoonteoh@gmail.com, 2015 年 2 月草于槟城 永远不要怀疑一小群有思想, 致力于改变世界的人们 事实上, 这是惟一存在的人种 玛格丽特 米德 ~ 美国人类文化学家 为了我们孩子的孩子 - 这是袁俊良的口头禅, 在我们的午餐访谈会期间, 他的生意伙伴 Anita 反复告诉我这件事 当我问他槟城公共科学 -- 槟城科学集群 (PSC) 背后的动机是什么时, 袁俊良说他在槟城游车河, 看到路边有很多外劳, 他确信当中一定也有 爱因斯坦 那些人离乡背井来这里工作, 因为他们的国家无法给予他们更好的机会 于是, 他决定为科学而奋斗, 因为他想为槟城制造一个可以生产本地 爱因斯坦 的环境 他在高科技跨国公司工作时, 就萌生了为天才制造环境的念头 在公司里, 他不满工程师缺乏创新的能力 显然, 一定是我们的环境出了问题, 无论是在学校或工厂, 重点始终是提高产量, 并没有要求现有的产品出现任何变化 事实上, 电子业不断寻找拥有实践技术 知识和创造力的人才, 但来自学校和大学的人才, 无论在数量和质量方面都无法满足这个行业 - 这个 人才缺口 的背后原因是什么? 动手去做感受科学魅力为了回答这个问题, 我想与大家分享 2011 年 5 月, 我在印度钦奈为流落街头的孩童开设的小羔羊学校, 进行数星期志愿教学的体验 照片中是我最喜爱的两个孩子, 戴眼镜及微笑的男孩叫 Jabaraj 我去那儿介绍我与朋友朱玮恒一起设计的 磁体和电池的神奇世界 课程 更确切地说, 是朱玮恒设计的, 我只是带着它前往充满异国情调的印度, 与孩子们嬉戏, 品尝美味的印度布雅尼美食, 躺在床上发烧和腹泻两天 ( 也是乐趣的一 部分 ) 该课程的概念是通过与磁铁和电池的动手活动, 传授给孩子们科学的感觉 我们小时候都曾在家里玩过这些东西 -- 拆开破损的玩具来清除磁铁 电机 灯泡等, 它让我们意识到科学现象, 后来在学校时就能更好地感觉及体会到科学课程 我们也曾是技术导师, 教导马来西亚电子业的青年工程师 正如袁俊良所发现的, 他们掌握概念的能力, 以及实验室技能比较差, 相信是因为他们缺乏 STEM( 科学技术工程和数学 ) 的感觉 从小只是学习理论而已 我的流浪精神于 2014 年 10 月又带我去一次印度, 代表 PSC 在新德里的亚洲科学会议演讲 迄今为止, 我们学懂了两件事情, 那就是人才缺口来自缺乏动手的感觉, 因为动手是灵感的驱动力 袁俊良与伙伴因而构思了 PSC 的使命, 即激励年轻人的创新精神, 结果创办 PSC 的我们和工业领袖也从中获得不少灵感 -- 灵感是重要的, 但难以捉摸 谈回我在钦奈学校看到的海报 我拍下了这张照片, 因为我发现英迪拉甘地的话十分鼓舞人心 : 我本身去印度介绍新事物, 却也从他们的前领导人身上获得灵感 在短短一个段落的文字, 她总结了我多年来对于教育的思索 政府与企业合作提升孩子数理能力实际上, 在与朱玮恒设计 磁铁和电池教育 教材的过程中, 我发现欧洲人早年已通过波冷与斐波那契数为基础的 STEM 教育方法, 更协调一致地进行此教育 而英迪拉甘 ( 图二 ) 地告诉我, 即使回到 1976 年, 这一切已不是什么新鲜事了 为什么不进一步追溯到推广这一切的苏格拉底时代? 苏格拉底问了太多问题, 以至惹恼了雅典会议, 最终把他处死! 所以, 我了解到, 教育当中有一些新事物 - 我们都只是重新发现前人已知道的事情而已 让我们谈回 PSC 的起源和发展吧! 在新员工加入本地电子业之际, 我们看出了人才缺口的问题症结, 为了挽救 为了我们孩子的孩子 的局面, 我们开始展开行动 2012 年 2 月 12 日的 星报 指出, 修读理科的学生下跌了 37%, 修读纯科学的学生则下降了 29%, 所以我们的孩子基本上已经对 STEM 失去兴趣 其实这是一个全球性的现象, 以挪威为首的国际科学相关教育 (ROSE)2010 年的报告指出, 越先进的国家, 情况越恶劣 由于认识到这个问题,2009 年槟州首席部长呼吁行业领袖 学者和管理人员展开脑力激荡会来解决这个问题 最终达成的共识是, 激发年轻人创新精神的工作, 必须由工业界来领导 -- 由州政府推动支持, 而工业界长期领导 PSC 这个非营 ( 图一 ) 利组织就这样在 2009 年成立了, 目的是在槟城激发科学和科技方面的创新文化和企业精神 以下是 组织架构 ( 图一 ): 回到我们的午餐访谈环节, 出席者有袁俊良 Anita 黄炳意和朱玮恒, 大家一起探讨 PSC 的成立主旨是什么? 我们需要创造怎样的环境? 互相鼓励一起成长我们的讨论结果是, 必须有三个主要因素 -- 槟州政府的支持 相关行业的参与 热情的前同行协助 ( 最后一个是我很快就意识到的因素 ) 这三个因素的推动力则是相信这个事业的人, 想要为我们下一代做出改变的人 以下照片 ( 图二 ) 是州政府与业者的会议之一. 下一个问题是如何成长?PSC 过去 6 年如何发展 STEM? 简单的答案 :PSC 提供互相鼓舞和激励 ( 全世界的成功案例 ) 的机会 例如,PSC 第一个活动就是乐高机器人系列讲习班, 来自电子业的志愿导师在全槟的学校教课 这个活动在学校广受欢迎, 大大鼓励了业者和志愿人士 日后他们继续付出精力和时间,2014 年槟威两地 51 所学校参与此计划, 这个长寿活动从 2010 年至今仍继续运作 2011 年,PSC 举办第一届槟城国际科学博览会 这是一个很难组织的活动 --Anita 带领的团队必须说服一家家的跨国公司 第一届博览会成功后, 下一届就更容易举行, 因为业界人士已经对它有信心了, 知道这活动实际上可以成功举办 国外的成功案例也给予我们许多创意和灵感, 例如风靡全球的嵌入式项目 Arduino 平台 朱玮恒花费很多时间进行微调学习教材, 这个可以制作出许多小型项目的平台成为朱玮恒的最爱 2012 年开始, 它

2016 年 7 月 16 日 - 31 日时事 5 成为 TechMentor 半年课程一个完整的嵌入式系统教材配套 2013 年某一天, 袁俊良和 Soon Chai 在土库街的慈济基金会成立的静思书轩聚会 他们发现静思书轩都是由志愿人士在经营, 想想一下, 我们为何不那么做呢?-- 开一家全年营业的科学咖啡馆, 而不只是一年一度的科学博览会 -- 这将是一个全年运作的科学展 于是, 科学咖啡馆在 Krystal Suites 诞生了, 袁俊良和 Anita 贡献了自己的办公空间, 作为槟城第一家科学咖啡馆 2013 年, 第二届槟城国际科学博览会继续吸引来 3 万 5000 名观众与 27 个参展商, 展出 4000 项动手活动, 所有志愿人士使用业界 州政府和个人捐助的资金来营运这场展览会 制造者运动 (Maker Movement) 是全球最快速增长的教育方法之一,PSC 认为这是激发 STEM 兴趣的重要工具, 因为它是一个动手性质的工具, 这也解决了 STEM 在年轻人之间缺乏感觉的问题 全世界的另一个趋势是把艺术纳入 STEM, 衍生出更完整的 STEAM 因此,2014 年科学咖啡馆成立很多开放资源的厂商工作坊, 其中一个例子是四轴飞行器的制作 比如, 这照片中的男孩通过嵌入式电子制造计划, 为他的残疾叔叔建造了这座 食品运输机, 降低他从厨房提取食物的难度 这是结合了解决社会问题的要素, 而不仅仅是单纯的科学技术制作 接着的版本还装上了 LED 装饰灯 ( 艺术 的一部分 ): 甚至有一个升降梯, 让食物提高到残疾叔叔的水平, 一切都可远程控制 : 上述故事传播出去后, 最终传到了槟城名门望族叶祖意家族的耳朵 我认为槟城是收养我的州属 ( 我来自吉隆坡 ), 槟城人最令人钦佩的特点之一, 是传统上志愿服务社会及具有社会责任感 当叶祖意的孙儿叶良发获知槟城正在进行 STEM 教育时, 他一定是相当高兴, 因此以很低的租金把渡轮码头对面的古迹建筑叶祖意大厦租给 PSC 和槟州政府 2015 年, 这里成为 PSC 的主要活动空间, 配备了许多本地电子业者和跨国公司捐出的许多工具 无论如何,Krystal Point centre 中心仍保留为其中一个扮演 卫星 角色的科学咖啡馆 此图是街道全景 ( 图三 ): 最后, 这是 PSC 终端到终端的科技创业模式 : 虽然 STEM 和 沙盒 制作工作坊主要激发人们在学校和家里对 STEM/STEAM 的兴趣, 一些有能力的制造者却很认真地发明出有前景的原型 对于这样的个案,PSC 也赶紧引入天使投资人, 希望帮助他们尽快科技创业, 为我们孩子的孩子创造更多有趣的工作机会!** **OECD 十年来在 18 个国家的研究成果 : 年轻的中小企业是最大的就业机会创造者 (42%), 即使在老公司裁员的金融危机期间 PSC 速览 : PSC 是一个非营利性且豁免税务的组织, 其使命是激发人们对科学和科技的兴趣, 创造槟城和马来西亚青年追求创新及创业的文化 www.pscpen.com FB/penangsciencecluster admin@pscpen. com 04-8244355, 012-6023039 上图是叶祖意大厦的大门 ( 图三 )

6 时事 2016 年 7 月 16 日 - 31 日 柑仔园修道院国民型华文中学 50 万令吉拨款如及时雨 李文和 : 华校不曾获州政府如此大笔拨款 槟城政府制度化拨款的政策扭转各源流学校的命运, 而柑仔园修道院国民型华文中学在该政策落实的第一年即成为首间获得最高拨款的学校,50 万令吉一发放, 犹如一场及时雨般将扩建委员会的烦恼一扫而空 该校董事长李文和指出, 扩建委员会成员从 2006 年开始, 透过义演等方式四处奔走筹款, 用了 3 年半的时间仍筹不足所需的费用 就在大家搔破头脑苦思解决方案时, 槟州首席部长林冠英宣布制度化拨款 50 万令吉, 另外再拨 2 万令吉的特别拨款, 共 52 万令吉给该校充作扩建费用 这个宣布让建委会惊喜不已, 毕竟华校在此前不曾获得州政府如此大笔的款项 首长在 2009 年受邀到学校为扩建工程动土, 在了解我们筹款筹得很辛苦后, 就决定帮助我们 我诚心感激槟州政府拨款, 充作本校建校委员会基金, 使本校增建工程, 能顺利完成 由于学生日愈增加, 扩建委员会于 2015 年尾在原有的四层楼校舍上增盖多一层, 有关工程已接近完工, 届时, 将增加 10 间课室 4 间厕所和 1 间储藏室 同时, 该校也将在底楼建设 1 间可容纳超过 200 个座位的多媒体礼堂 李文和透露, 这座校舍建竣后, 预计可以容纳 1500 名学生 该校目前共有 1200 名学生 截至目前, 该校已获得州政府共 91 万令吉的拨款, 其中 88 万 7000 令吉为制度化拨款 除了五层楼的校舍, 州政府也拨款扩建本校图书馆及提升其设备, 以便学生们有更宽阔的空间进行阅读 这些拨款用于提升各项设施, 其中包括改善学校食堂厨房, 增设学校后巷有盖走廊, 提升学校化学室设备, 让学生有更好的学习环境 他表示, 槟州政府大力支持及推动母语教育举动, 使槟州的国民型中学及华文教育得以发扬光大, 修道院国民型中学董事会致于万二分的谢意 柑仔园修道院国民型华文中学 2005 年原貌 目前二层楼高的校舍已被五层楼的新校舍取代 章瑛 : 制度化拨款树立新风气槟州华校事务协调委员会主席章瑛行政议员指出, 槟城政府制度化拨款树立新的风气, 不论董事会的政治背 景 不靠关系, 而是依据需求急缓, 直接将款项拨给董事会的户口, 从来不须要透过第三者 协调 申请的学校不须要请人吃饭或牵线, 只要学校符合资格, 就可以申请 我们强调透明 问责 她说, 州政府知道柑仔园修道院国民型华文中学的扩建委员会为了新校舍, 很努力地去筹款, 于是, 决定助他们一臂之力, 完成有关工程 在原有的四层楼校舍上增盖多一层的扩建工程已近完工, 届时, 将增加 10 间课室 4 间厕所和 1 间储藏室 柑仔园修道院国民型华文中学在 2009 年至 2016 年期间所获的制度化拨款数额 : 年份 数额 ( 令吉 ) 2009 年 500,000 2010 年 ( 没申请, 把机会让出 ) 0 2011 年 52, 000 2012 年 90,000 2013 年 40,000 2014 年 65, 000 2015 年 60, 000 2016 年 80,000 总共 887,000 柑仔园修道院国民型华文中学董事长李文和 : 槟州政府共拨 52 万令吉充作扩建费用 这个宣布无不让建委会惊喜不已, 毕竟华校在此前不曾获得州政府如此大笔的款项 我诚心感激槟州政府拨款

2016 年 7 月 16 日 - 31 日时事 7 江美菁 刘汉伟 大手拉小手骑脚车 慢慢探索槟城的美 ( 受访者提供图片 ) 自州政府在槟城打造脚车道以来, 脚车运动在槟州越趋盛行, 许多人都将其视为视为一项周末的户外运动, 与三五好友一起相约共骑, 在休闲之余促进身心健康 但在槟城就有一位年轻妈妈江美菁 (41 岁 ), 不仅仅将脚车视为一种休闲运动, 更选择将脚车融入一家四口的生活里, 透过骑脚车的方式, 让家人一起学习放慢脚步, 在繁忙的城市生活中, 从另外一个角度跟视野, 来细细品味槟城的美 走进江美菁的家里, 处处可见脚车与他们生活息息相关的踪迹, 而墙面上也贴满了她与丈夫刘汉伟 (42 岁 ) 与儿子刘宇航 (13 岁 ) 女儿刘小梵 (15 岁 ) 一同骑脚车出游的照片, 也布满了他们接待过的许多脚车背包客的留言及讯息 我自小对脚车情有独钟, 我也喜欢摄影, 每当我看到照片里面伴着脚车的倩影时, 那种感觉是非常美妙的 她认为, 骑脚车的感觉是非常特别, 而基于槟城的脚车道主要都处于沿海地带, 骑在海边的感觉真的是特别舒服, 所经过之处都是平时不常见的景色, 因此即便是在槟城也很有旅行的感觉 透过骑脚车可以慢慢地欣赏旅途上的点滴, 这是非常享受的 有许多景色, 是我骑脚车过后才发现, 槟城真的很美丽 从乔治市骑往皇后湾谈起全家共骑的经验, 江美菁指出, 两个孩子原本并不会骑脚车, 为了让他们也能够一同参与, 还特地用了半年的时间来准备, 让他们学习骑脚车 到了女儿约 12 岁及儿子约 10 岁时, 他们一家就开始共骑, 除了偶尔陪孩子骑脚车去学校外, 更曾经几乎每逢周日都会由乔治市出发沿着脚车道骑至皇后湾 等待孩子熟练了之后, 他们也慢慢往更远的目的地出发, 除了槟城各地, 他们一家也透过骑脚车, 前往浮罗交怡 泰国勿洞及东海岸等地旅游 透过脚车旅游, 他们得以放慢速度, 进而更仔细地感受旅途中的点点滴滴 尽管有些人认为孩子年纪还小在路上骑 脚车并不太合适, 但江美菁表示只要在路上小心地慢慢骑并注意安全就不会有问题, 而槟城更有脚车道可让他们放心行驶 在骑脚车游历了许多地方之后, 江美菁却对槟城的脚车道更是喜欢及引以为荣, 毕竟许多地方并没有如槟城般拥有的脚车专用道供骑士们安全使用 比方说, 当我们去东海岸的时候, 尽管有许多漂亮的风景, 但是基于没有脚车专用道, 当一些大卡车经过身边时, 感觉就比较危险 我也必须时刻叮咛我的孩子们尽量靠左以策安全 除了旅游外, 江美菁在日常生活中也尽量以脚车代步, 更在每天都骑脚车去上班, 希望透过自己小小的努力, 来鼓励人们利用脚车来通勤 许多骑士都认为骑脚车是一种运动, 但我跟一群朋友更希望鼓励人们用脚车来通勤, 若有朝一日人们都骑脚车去上班, 我想会大大改善槟州及乔治市的交通情况 同时, 当你骑脚车的时候, 也能够更加体谅脚车骑士的感受, 从而也学习到礼让精神 骑脚车生活化无需大费周章尽管一些人会认为骑脚车是非常耗费的运动, 但江美菁却认为这是一件非常生活化的事情, 并不需要大费周张来进行准备 除非你时要去骑长途旅行, 否则不需要耗费巨资来买很好的脚车, 对我而言骑脚车最向往的应该就是穿着短裤拖鞋就可以出发的那种自由 若你买太贵的脚车, 也许会整天提心吊胆怕脚车被偷 展望未来, 她希望槟州的脚车道以及相关设施能够更加完善, 也鼓励规划者能够向国外取经, 在拓展路线之余, 也能增加补给设施, 同时也希望能够更多的人, 以骑脚车的方式来槟州旅游 骑脚车让我懂得更简单生活, 学习在旅途中去掉许多不必要的东西, 也学习放慢脚步生活及细细体会减法人生 走进江美菁的家里, 处处可见脚车与他们生活息息相关的踪迹 槟城的脚车道主要都处于沿海地带, 所经之处都是平时不常见的景色 ( 受访者提供图片 )

8 时事 2016 年 7 月 16 日 - 31 日 珍珠快讯填色比赛成绩出炉 比赛的 3 位评审分别是槟州绿色机构总经理邓晓璇 ( 左 ) 槟州地方政府首席助理秘书维珊蒂 ( 中 ) 以及首长高级机要秘书莫哈末阿芝莱再尼 ( 右 ) 由 珍珠快讯 举办的填色比赛 (Peraduan Bakat Si Cilik - Mewarna 3.0 ) 已在 6 月 14 日正式截止, 主办单位一共收到近 1000 副参赛作品, 其中有 23 优胜者成功从众多作品之中脱颖而出 于此同时, 珍珠快讯 也公布了收集及赢取比赛 (Peraduan Kumpul & Menang Buletin Mutiara) 的成绩, 在这项比赛中, 有一个优胜者胜出 上述比赛的 3 位评审分别是槟州绿色机构总经理邓晓璇 槟州地方政府首席助理秘书维珊蒂以及首长高级机要秘书 莫哈末阿芝莱再尼 维珊蒂指出, 这次的参赛作品都相当优秀及极具创意, 因此评审们要挑选优胜作品相当不易, 而这次比赛也有助于在社区中鼓励孩童们支持垃圾源头分类措施 维珊蒂是于 7 月 18 日在评审们在 珍珠快讯 办事处挑选出优胜作品后发表谈话 主办单位将通知上述两项比赛的优胜者前来出席于 7 月 23 日在诗布朗再也的双威嘉年华广场 (Sunway Carnival Mall) 举行的颁奖典礼 其中有 23 优胜者成功从众多作品之中脱颖而出 得奖者名单

2016 年 7 月 16 日 - 31 日时事 9 乔治市古迹区生活形态已转型 槟州行政议会建议恢复屋租统制法令, 主要是为了避免乔治市古迹区的战前房屋高档化以及租金暴涨 槟州行政议会建议恢复屋租统制法令, 以免乔治市古迹区逐步高档化 ; 对乔治市古迹文化颇有研究的欧宗敏认为, 乔治市给人一种人口外流的错觉, 其实主要是因为乔治市古迹区的生活形态转型, 但对他来说, 生活形态不能是一潭死水, 它应该是有活水流入及流出的水潭, 活水为水潭带来生机 槟州首长林冠英于 7 月 4 日宣布, 槟州行政议会建议恢复屋租统制法令, 主要是为了避免乔治市古迹区的战前房屋高档化以及租金暴涨 针对乔治市在近年来给人一种因外籍投资者购买老屋后而导致本地人口外流的错觉, 欧宗敏认为, 这主要是因为乔治市古迹区的生活形态已经转型 他接受 珍珠快讯 访问时说, 乔治市在 80 年代已经失去作为住家的角色, 那就是欠缺生活机能 住户负担不起租金, 再加上槟城的制造业在 90 年代发展蓬勃, 以及新城市如峇央峇鲁 发林以及垄尾的发展, 导致乔治市区的年轻一代慢慢地搬离该区 在 90 年, 许多年轻家庭都 是双薪家庭, 乔治市老屋的克难居住环境 (72 家房客型 ) 是他们无法接受的 再加上当时有其他的城市都在发展成型中, 那么年轻一代都选择在其他地区购屋, 渐渐地, 这就形成了乔治市区的人口在慢慢地减少 接着就是来到了 2000 年时代, 屋租统制法令废除后, 租金不再受到控制, 但许多老屋也失去了生活技能的功用, 许多居民慢慢就搬离了 这对我来说, 不是人口外流, 而是一个生活形态的转型 古迹区生活形态已改变对他而言, 近年来乔治市古迹区的各种发展 转变, 无论是建筑 行业 生活 人口 经济 文化等领域, 一直都是槟城人关心的话题, 或者说, 它的种种变化都牵动槟城人维护传统与古迹的用心 废除屋租统制法令 人口逐渐流失 租金高涨几倍 老房子价格飙升等, 对古迹区来说, 几乎都是负面新闻, 另一方面, 游客大量涌入 酒店民宿林立 咖啡馆涌现 小贩生意兴隆等, 对古迹区而言, 则是处处商机 在负面与正面效 应的互相拉扯之下, 古迹区的变化难免成为议论不休的话题 在正面与负面效应的冲击下, 古迹区的生活形态已经开始出现转变, 无论是好是坏, 转变已经无可避免了 影响生活形态的转变有二种, 其一为人文 传统, 其二是经济 商机 这两种转变因素是相辅相成, 或者互相牵连, 而它们的转变意味着古迹区可能出现新颖的生活形态 他续称, 如果从华社的角度来看, 乔治市的华裔人口是在大量地减少, 但对印裔社群来说, 他们的看法却是不同的 他们认为这里商机蓬勃, 经济活动活跃, 一点都没有衰退现象, 他们从有 小印度 之称的一条街道往外扩展至几道横街, 各种具有浓厚印度风味的香料 服饰 批发等商店不断涌现, 整个 小印度 的面貌有了重大改变, 而这里已经成为印度社群的重要购物商圈 他说, 今天在古迹区里的 小印度 显现一股欣欣向荣气氛, 夜晚时分在那里闲逛, 发现许多商店依然营业 ( 顾客绝对不是以游客为主 ), 印度餐 欧宗敏认为, 乔治市给人一种人口外流的错觉, 其实主要是因为乔治市古迹区的生活形态转型 馆与印裔穆斯林餐馆同样高朋满座, 与其他古迹区寂静街道比较, 这里太热闹 旺盛了 活水流入才会有新生机他认为, 小印度 的旺盛与乔治市荣获世遗地位 游客大量涌入没有直接关系, 与它有直接关系的行业应该是民宿酒店 小吃摊贩 脚车租借和咖啡馆等, 而顺应游客量大增的商机, 确实让槟城舆论担心整个古迹区的经济发展趋势偏向迎合游客需求, 而丧失原有 的地方性经济活动本质, 进而影响该区的生活形态 乔治市古迹区的面积不小 ( 超过 5000 所房子 ), 至今进驻该区的国际和全国连锁店集团寥寥几家, 一家是国际连锁的三文治专卖店, 另一家是全国连锁的本地咖啡店, 还有是全国连锁的便利店 至于著名饮食品牌如麦当劳 星巴克等都不见踪影, 更不用说那些服饰 药妆 运动等品牌 由此看来, 该区并没有获得财团青睐, 这也意味着在世遗区如雨后春笋般涌现的新颖商店 ( 例如餐厅 咖啡馆 民宿 ) 都是小本经营的在地人 乔治市古迹区住户人口流失, 取而代之的是新一代商人 商人不是住户, 不过他们选择在古迹区创业, 除了地点适中之外, 相信多少对于古迹区的历史文化有一定的了解与认同, 因此对于该区未来发展, 他们有一定的想法 生活形态不能是一潭死水, 它应该是有活水流入及流出的水潭, 活水为水潭带来生机, 正如来到该区创业的年轻人, 虽然他们不是住户, 可是他们可能会在该区工作与生活蛮长一段时间

10 FUN玩槟城 2016年7月16日 - 31日 亚漫馆设计出 当年的摊贩原 型 这地方曾 经是许多孩子 第一次买漫画 的记忆 世界首家亚洲漫画文化馆 就在槟城光大二楼 为了弘扬大马本土漫画 促进亚洲各国漫画艺术的 鉴赏和交流 槟城州政府下辖的槟城青年发展机构 PYDC 联同马来西亚中文漫画协会 共同筹建了 槟城 亚洲漫画文化馆 简称亚漫馆 亚漫馆坐落于槟岛光大数码广场 ICT Mall 二 楼 佔地面积13000平方尺 于今年5月28日正式开 幕 这个堪称世界首个云集亚洲九大国家和区域的漫画 博物馆 收集和展示了250位著名漫画家的原稿 复 制稿 实体书和周边产品 籍此叙述一个世纪以来 的亚洲漫画的发展史 并介绍来自大马 新加坡 泰国 印尼 日本 韩国 中国大陆 台湾和香港 的漫画史 再现漫画文化的感染力 见证漫画艺术 和产业的兴衰 保存世人对漫画世界的集体回忆 亚漫馆集艺文教史娱乐于一身 亚漫馆自开幕以来 参观者众多 好评如潮 连香 港著名漫画家黄玉郎先生也赞不绝口 认为香港政 府当学习槟城政府 兴办一个香港漫画博物馆 亚漫馆不是3D照相馆 不是趣味主题馆 而是 一个集文化 教育 历史 艺术和娱乐的漫画博物 馆 它符合现代博物馆的3E标准 即 Education Entertainment Enrichment 基于亚漫馆是槟城州政府所办的博物馆 故以四种 语文 马来西亚文 英文 中文和泰米尔文 来展 现 文化民主 民族平等 的精神 此外 全馆的 每一面展墙 都设有二维码QR code 参观者可以 用手机扫描 将全馆的电子图文资料带回家 慢慢 阅读 除了九个国家和区域的展厅外 亚漫馆还内设五大 专区 即Zunar专区 黄玉郎专区 马荣成专区 季 节性主题展区以及亲子漫画互动区 让家长和小朋 友一起体验画漫画的乐趣 香港展厅内的黄玉郎专区 设有龙虎门武馆外景

2016年7月16日 - 31日 马荣成在其 画出彩虹 的专区竖起两个大拇指讚好 亚漫馆内部还设有48座位的迷你电影院 除了用作办漫画家 分享会 也放映漫画制作过程的短片 此外 馆内亦设有育婴 室 充分体现尊重女性的设计考量 连男女洗手间都充满漫画 设计 参观完毕后 大家可以到漫画馆的纪念品店购买喜欢的周边 产品 有漫画书 精装画册 海报 T-shirt 徽章 文具和玩 偶等等 亚漫馆入门票 外国人RM20 大马人RM15 学生 乐龄人士和残障人士RM10 凡学校或团体集体参观(20人) 可再享票价优惠 开放时间为周二至五 11am-7pm 周六 日 11am-9pm 周一闭馆休息 步入博物馆 就是大马著名动漫3D摄影区 询问电话 04-3715512 地点 Level 2, ICT Mall, Komtar, 10000 Georgetown, Penang. 凡剪此印花或用手机拍下并向柜台人员展示 可享有入门票RM2折扣 免费 Competency Accountability 2016年7月1日 - 15日 Transparency 本地原创漫画和动漫周边产品 琳瑯满目 再续铁窗缘 在反贪会内的15小时 FUN玩槟城 11

12 2016 年 7 月 16 日 - 31 日 大马政治女性面对不完美选举机制 VS 必须要改变的事 马来西亚州议员的女性代表率平均仅有 11.5% 2013 年第 13 届全国大选 222 名国会议员性别比例 女性虽然占了全国人口的一半, 但女性选民 政治要领和被推选的官员人数依然不足以代表半数人口 女性参与民主, 虽说对国家的成就和可持续性发展尤其重要, 然而马来西亚女性参政却一直处于劣势, 无法获得足够的代表率或在其他领域中被排斥 女性时常因为性别的不平等而受到社会经济方面的负面影响, 面对着许多阻碍和挑战 马来西亚妇女 家庭和社会发展部与联合国开署 ( UNDP ) 在 2008 年发布一项名为 马来西亚, 达致至少 30% 妇女参与决策阶层 的报告当中, 列出马来西亚政治女性在以下 6 大领域面对着很大挑战 男性 89.2% 女性 10.8% 马来西亚国会议员女性代表率在东南亚是排名最后第二的国家 女性在参与各个领域中面对最大的障碍是 玻璃天花板 (Glass Ceiling) 现象 这种现象阻碍着妇女地位的发展, 在工作与生活之间取得平衡的挑战 妇女需要面对工作和家庭双方面的负担, 同时普遍文化已将女性塑造为矜持和谦卑的形象, 称为 隐形女性综合症 (Invisible Women Syndrome) 当一半的女性人口未在政治领域获得充分代表时, 平等是无法达成的 女性在政治的参与率是成就活力充沛 有效及效率民主的基本要素, 这对于达致可持续性发展非常重要 马来西亚政治女性面对挑战的 6 大领域 名字印在选票上是大马政治女性的挑战 现有选举机制是为了平衡人口和地理因素而设, 它并未给予政党或政府足够的弹性在性别上取得平衡 除了女性参与政治必须面对种种挑战, 包括文化和社交障碍, 其中审视高票当选选举机制的重点是 胜者为王 为了确保女性在政治代表率上拥有公平的机会, 我们必须重新检讨当前的组织, 尤其是选举制度里的女性政治代表机制, 意思就是说从选出候选人至投票结果的过程 选举制度是在持续争取平等中其中一项被关注的课题 现有高票当选机制 (First-Past- 在 Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung International ( FES International) 的支持下, 槟州妇女发展机构和槟州研究所将于 2016 年 8 月 26 及 27 日举办全国性别和选举改革峰会 这项研讨会专注于决策领域上的女性人数的增加 这项活动将汇集多个领域的代表出席, 他们包括来自联邦 州和地方政府要领和决策人 政党 学术界 社团领导和代表 以及其他非政府组织及个人 在 6 月 26 日, 槟州妇女发展机构已举办焦点小组讨 8 月办性别和选举改革峰会 The-Post ) 是个有缺陷的制度, 尤其女性面对最大的挑战就是将她们的姓名印在选票上 在马来西亚, 女性在政党中会被选为候选人就已经是件很难的事 政党在全国大选中也偏向予遴选受欢迎的党员, 更多的是以男性为主 各项学术研究皆显示, 如果与实行单一代表选举制度 ( 比如高票当选机制 ) 的国家相比, 实行任何一项比例代表制选举机制的国家在国家司法制度中都拥有更多女性代表 比例代表选举机制造就一个更公平的选举结果 论, 以搜集有关领域的回映和建议, 多名著名的性别课题佼佼者和女性领导, 如槟州行政议员章瑛和净选盟主席 Maria Chin Abdullah 皆有出席 马来西亚是一个多元种族的国家, 我们不想失去占了全国一半人口, 既有潜质又有技巧的人才 女性可以为社会带来更多的技术和知识, 事实也证明了多元性可以在决策上做出许多正面的改变 我们都相信民主健康的代表率将创造更可靠 有效和平衡的领导及政府 让我们一起为下一代拥有一个更强健民主的基础和机会努力吧! 国会和政党私人领域政府部门 司法 ( 民事 伊斯兰和法院 ) 法定机构 和大学 州议会 行政议员和地方议员 各领域的领袖首要参与于 6 月 26 日举办的性别和选举机制改革焦点小组讨论 马来西亚儿童保障圆桌会议 槟州妇女发展机构于日前给予槟州妇女 家庭与社会发展委员会支持, 举办圆桌会议, 商讨关于儿童保障课题 机制和政策 当天共有 35 名政治领袖出席, 包括柔佛古来区国会议员张念群 雪兰莪安邦国会议员祖莱达和非政府组织代表 心理辅导师 专家和媒体等 圆桌会议上 讨论有关 2001 年儿童修正 法案的建议, 以便提供儿童 更完整的保障, 尤其是在性 暴力方面的意识 这项圆桌 会议的目的是为了搜集各界 的意见, 并将之汇集于备忘 录内呈交给政府机构 圆桌会议于 6 月 27 日举行, 吸引 35 人参与 王美玲接任槟州妇女发展机构 CEO 槟州妇女发展机构深感荣幸, 拥有高级管理经验的王美玲已从 7 月 1 日起正式被委任为槟州妇女发展机构首席执行员 她毕业于在马来西亚理科大学教育学士和统计学硕士学位, 在公共和私人界的教育和培训领域担任要职 从身为一名教师至被委为首席执行员, 这些经验令她在培训 提高营运 卓越营运和商业成长上拥有宝贵经验 我们相信在未来, 她将带领槟州妇女发展机构迈向更高峰 Realising Equality Together 配合庆祝 5 周年纪念, 槟州妇女发展机构将于今年 7 月更新网站, 让 5 周年过得别具意义! 网站新面貌将更有效提高民众对槟州妇女发展机构愿景的认识, 共同迈向更繁荣的槟州 王美玲 另外, 槟州妇女发展机构将以新口号 Realising Equality Together 与槟州子民携手继续实现平等的征途, 实现一个秉持男女实质平等 良好治理和社会平等原则的州属 欢迎浏览 www.pwdc.org.my 体验网站的互动特点, 并向我们提出您的意见 我们已迫不及待迎接您们的来信

148 只巴迪熊 2016 年 7 月 16 日 - 31 日时事 13 巴迪熊围起一个大圈圈于 2004 年在香港维多利亚公园展出 柏林来槟城 国庆日和马来西亚日的假期该去哪里呢? 当然是到槟城旧关仔角看巴迪熊 (buddy Bear)!148 只联合国巴迪熊将到槟城展出两个月, 你可以亲距离接触米高的熊雕像, 个个都是宣传和平 友谊 互助的使者, 而且参观展览完全免费 巴迪熊象征宽容的艺术 (The Art of Tolerance), 源起信念为 我们必须增进相互了解, 这样才能更好地相互理解, 相互信任, 共同生存 因此, 百多只巴迪熊是象征性手拉手地站在一起 8 月 28 日至 10 月 30 日免费参观巴迪熊联队将从 8 月 28 日至 10 月 30 日在旧关仔角草场巡展,148 只巴迪熊将在这片草地上高举双爪, 站成一个大圆圈 2 米高的巴迪熊代表着个个联合国的成员国, 从巴迪熊在 2002 年于柏林首次展出后, 巴迪熊联队已在五大洲 20 多个国际大都市巡回展出, 超过 3 千万全球各地民众欣赏熊姿 每到一个城市参展, 就增加一只该城市特色的巴迪熊, 巴迪熊联队数目也逐渐增加中 巴迪熊每到之处都掀起拍摄热潮, 因为每一只巴迪熊身上的彩绘都具有国家民族特色, 如美国巴迪熊是模仿自由女神的姿态 中国巴迪熊身穿龙图案的唐装, 手臂上还写着 自强 英国巴迪熊身披英国国旗 埃及巴迪熊打扮为法老的模样等 每只巴迪熊踏板都附有身份说明, 如果要和所有巴迪熊合照相信得耗上好几天时间, 若要详看每只熊的资料和了解身上特征, 在展出的 2 个月内就得常来探访熊熊们 即将来槟巴迪熊联队来头不小, 从 2002 年开始就周游列国 巴迪熊的威名不只是环游世界, 除了宣扬和平, 它们还有一项任务 : 救助贫困和灾难儿童, 通过捐款以及拍卖, 至今已经为联合国教科文组织以及多家当地儿童救助机构筹至今筹获超过 200 万欧元善款 武打巨星成龙也是巴迪熊的好朋友 是他促成联合巴迪熊于 2004 年在香港维多利亚公园展出, 他也向联合国教科文组织和其它两个儿童机构转交了逾 400 万港币的支票 巴迪熊曾浩荡荡列队巴黎铁塔下 Buddy Bear 的足迹 : 2002/2003: 柏林 2004: 香港 伊斯坦布尔 基茨比厄尔 - 奥地利 2005: 东京 首尔 2006: 悉尼 柏林 维也纳 2007: 开罗 2008: 华沙 斯图加特 平壤 2009: 布宜諾斯艾利斯 蒙特維多 2010: 柏林 阿斯塔納 赫尔辛基 2011: 索菲亞 柏林 吉隆坡 2012: 新德里 圣彼得堡 巴黎 2013: 葉卡捷琳堡 2014: 里約熱內盧州 2015: 哈瓦那 圣地亚哥 - 德智利 武打巨星成龙当年把巴迪熊从柏林带入香港, 还筹获逾 400 万港币的善款 2 米高的巴迪熊运输过程必须谨慎装箱, 以保护巴迪熊 槟城巴迪熊, 你来设计 槟城巴迪熊该以什么形象面世? 你心中的槟城巴迪熊是什么如何的? 现在就动手设计槟城巴迪熊, 胜出者将能亲手为 2 米高槟城巴迪熊上色, 巴迪熊将到世界各地展出 槟城巴迪熊设计公开于所有 12 岁以上的马来西亚公民, 从 7 月 27 日至 8 月 14 日, 参与者必须到槟城巴迪熊官网 www.ubbpenang.com/contest.php 下载样本 创意不限制, 但作品必须能代表槟城, 并附上不超过 50 字的说明 这项展出由 E Plus 主办, 获得槟城环球旅游机构和槟岛市政厅支持 德国总理默克尔和新加坡总理李显龙于 2015 年在巴迪熊前的合照

14 时事 2016 年 7 月 16 日 - 31 日 榴莲 黑刺 威南美食 让蔡澜也食指大动! 榴莲新贵 黑刺 让香港美食家蔡澜慕名而来, 这次更是带着美食团来槟城一尝榴莲王的风味! 蔡澜一行人在爪夷区州议员孙意志的带领下, 前往双料冠军榴莲 黑刺 廖石乾位于双溪堡的榴莲园, 品尝以 黑刺 为主的榴莲和其他本地水果, 并为今年第二季槟州榴梿盛会主持推介礼 香港美食家蔡澜受访时对 黑刺 赞不绝口, 并坦言黑刺让人停不了口 被问及猫山王及黑刺之间做比较时, 他形容 猫山王 外形虽歪歪斜斜, 但核小肉丰满, 与 黑刺 浑圆外形, 核较大 ( 亦有核小 ), 两者各有千秋 黑刺榴莲味道浓郁 肉质饱满 口感好, 而且一棵树一个味, 不同树龄的黑刺, 口感香味略有不同, 各有不同风味 蔡澜表示将尽量将此榴莲之行向其 930 万微博粉丝介绍 原可启动手机软件应用程序 一直播 即时直播给 1000 多万人看, 可惜这里没在无线上网的范围, 无法连线直播 我会录影上载到网上让大家观赏 蔡澜当天也亲手栽种一棵 黑刺 幼树, 取名 抱抱榴莲, 并和园主廖石乾订下 5 年之约 : 好好照顾它,5 年后树长出果实时, 摇一个电话给我, 我就飞来 在品尝过榴莲后, 蔡澜继续前往高渊港口渔村品尝海鲜美食 另外, 爪夷区州议员孙意志表示, 蔡澜在回国后将会把槟城的点滴分享给朋友, 而这将带动槟城的旅游业, 同时也让威南榴莲走进外国游客的眼中 此外, 槟州政府禁止外劳掌厨的政策是合时宜, 有助于保住槟城美食的原汁原味 相较于外劳, 本地人才能恰到好处的掌握道地美食的煮法, 煮出道地风味的美食, 而且本地人掌厨肯定比外劳掌厨更有吸引力, 尤其是路边的食摊, 常常是路过的旅客停下脚步品尝美食之地 蔡澜 ( 右 ) 在爪夷区州议员孙意志的带领下, 品尝以 黑刺 为主的榴莲和其他本地水果, 而蔡澜更是表示将尽量将此榴莲之行向其 930 万微博粉丝介绍 在中国一带一路政策的支持下, 许多中国游客在旅游时都会选择东南亚, 因此, 槟州旅游发展委员会主席罗兴强行政议员希望中国游客在东南亚旅游时能首选马来西亚及槟城, 同时也希望中华人民共和国驻槟城总领事馆能够协助带更多的中国人前来槟城观光 罗兴强表示, 中国游客在旅游东南亚时能首选马来西亚及槟州, 因为这里有许多人都会讲中文, 因此中国游客到访时也不会感到陌生 在中国一带一路政策的支持下, 有许多中国人都会前往东南亚, 因此希望中国游客在东南亚旅游时能首选马来西亚及槟城 特别是在槟州有许多人都会说普通话 ( 中文 ), 因此中国游客到访时不会感到陌生 他希望未来能有更多的航班从中国直飞槟州, 同时也希望中华人民共和国驻槟城总领事馆能够协助带更多的中国人前来槟城观光 罗兴强是于 6 月 28 日出席槟城 - 成都国际广场文化艺术交流会时发表谈话 同时出席者包括中国四川省人民对外友好协会会长赵平及成都代表李跃等人 罗兴强 : 希望中国游客首选来槟观光 槟州旅游发展委员会主席罗兴强行政议员 ( 中 ) 出席槟城 - 成都国际广场文化艺术交流会

2016 年 7 月 16 日 - 31 日时事 15 厦门副市长访槟积极推动有益两地事宜 厦门市常务副市长郑云峰率团拜会槟州地方政府委员会主席曹观友行政议员 ; 曹观友指出, 槟城与厦门于 1993 年缔结为姐妹城市, 这些年来双方都有许多互相学习之处, 而厦门近年来更得到迅猛发展, 并已经成为中国名列前茅的城市 曹观友也感谢槟厦友好协会, 该会长期协助槟厦两市保持良好关系 郑云峰则表示, 槟城跟厦门是缔结为姐妹城市已达 20 多年, 中国自落实改革开放的政策, 并得到各友好城市及华侨的大量支持, 而随着中国落实一带一路政策, 他希望槟城与马来西亚也能够得到共同发展 郑云峰也认为恢复槟城厦门航线非常重要, 而无论是空中和海上的航线, 还是任何对两市人民有益处的事情, 厦门市政府都会积极推动 同时出席者包括槟厦友好协会主席拿督斯里许廷忠及秘书拿督邓国彬等人 厦门市常务副市长郑云峰 ( 左 2) 率团拜会槟州地方政府委员会主席曹观友行政议员 ( 右 2) 州政府奖励金计划今年共 1960 学生受惠 槟州首长政治秘书黄汉伟指出, 槟州政府今年共颁发 143 万 880 令吉奖励金, 让来自 122 所学校共 1960 名学生受惠 尽管这些是槟州政府的奖励金, 但希望学生们在将来毕业工作后能做出 偿还, 惟对象并非州政府, 而是必须要帮助有需要的人士, 进而回馈社会 同时也是亚依淡区州议员的他表示, 希望在槟州政府奖励金计划下受惠的学生们将来可回馈社会, 以便能够将爱心传承, 永远流传下去 黄汉伟是在亚依淡钟灵中学移交槟州政府奖励金给受惠学生时指出, 今年亚依淡区共有 58 名学生获得槟州政府奖励金, 总额为 4 万 4880 令吉 亚依淡区州议员黄汉伟 ( 左四 ) 在钟灵中学移交总额 1 万 680 令吉槟州政府奖励金给 15 名受惠学生, 并由家教协会代表接领

16 时事 2016 年 7 月 16 日 - 31 日

议员堂 2016 年 7 月 16 日 - 31 日时事 17 打造绿色州属, 槟州勇往直前 李凯伦马章武莫区州议员 自垃圾分类政策开始在槟城实行, 政府的首要任务就是要改变人民的态度 改变生活习惯或者要改变态度是最艰难的环节 为了方便, 过去大家都习惯把垃圾丟在垃圾桶, 过后如何一切就与自己无关 据说最近在直落巴亨闪电水灾的其中一个原因是沟渠被垃圾填满, 排水不顺畅而导致淹水 除了指责市议会或者有关当局没有定期清理沟渠, 每一 个市民都有责任确保把垃圾丟进垃圾桶, 甚至在还没丟之前应该先鉴定到底这些垃圾是否可以再循环或再利用 別再认为气候变迁与我无关, 环保没有用, 只有我一个人做, 別人还是乱丟垃圾, 根本无济於事 是时候从自己以身做起, 身教是最好的方法, 当权者也要以身作则, 不能把经济利益摆在人民和环境利益之前 任何的决定都是影响下一代和槟城的未来 槟城要绿化, 靠的是大家 要真正能够把整个州属打造成为一个绿色州属是一件不容易的事 可是如果我们连第一步都没有勇气去尝试 开始, 那根本就是一个失败的象征 当然, 我们知道要打造绿色州属不是一朝一夕就可完成的事, 同时也不是单单靠州政府一直高喊口号就行 它需要很多个单位同心协力, 扮演好各自的角色才能, 如进行讲解会, 通过学校活动 社区活动 非政府组织 以及一些媒体来宣传, 这些都是很重要的 在槟州希联政府执政时, 就推动了绿意槟城计划, 要把槟州打造成绿色及清洁的州属 花了很多的努力, 我们今天总算有看到结果了, 槟州成了全国走向绿色 孙意志爪夷区州议员 州属的最前线 当然, 这些也是得靠槟州子民的配合与支持下才能完成的任务 所以希望人民可以继续支持槟州政府打造绿色州属的意愿, 继续努力配合, 槟州人民我们继续加油吧! 杨顺兴垄尾区州议员 郑来兴光大区州议员 黄汉伟亚依淡区州议员 槟城是一个山明水秀的好方地, 也誉有东方之珠的美称, 这是铁一般的事实, 也是槟城人的骄傲 自希盟州政府於 2008 年上台执政槟州后, 州政府的其中一项良政, 即是要把槟城打造成全国第一的緑色州属 州政府说到做到, 在短短地数年内, 把早年曾被讥为垃圾州的槟城改头换面, 如州内的垃圾再循环率达到 32%, 比全国再循环率 10.5% 还高, 并设定目标, 希望到了 2020 年, 能提升至 40% 从州政府于 2009 年 7 月开始推介的 无免费塑胶袋 举措, 禁用保 丽龙餐盒, 再到光盘行动 槟州绿色办公室认证 落实废料分类计划, 目前都取得良性进展, 获得槟民的大力配合 州政府带领人民迈向绿色州属的目标, 旨在成为一个净 绿 安 康 永续及宜居的国际智能都市 诚如槟州首席部长林冠英早前曾说露, 尽管槟州垃圾循环率目前已冠全国, 但距离成为全国最清洁的州属尚有一段距离 槟州的子民, 在环保课题上, 我们必须勇往直前, 共同把槟城打造成全世界最认同的绿色州属吧! 净. 绿. 安. 康, 槟州的宏愿之一 从一开始的绿意槟城, 后来加入净 安 康, 成为了大家梦寐以求的完美城市愿景 无论如何, 净绿安康不该只停留在口号而已, 实践更重要 城市也不该只是高楼大厦 七彩霓虹, 所以州政府非常重视绿肺, 打造绿色州属的开始就先实行种树, 恢复和打造更多的口袋公园等 紧接着, 脚车道 安装街道闭路电视 无塑料袋日 无车日 槟威两地设立 CAT 洗肾中心 光盘行动等等, 直到最近实行的垃圾源头分类, 致力让槟州子民享有更适宜居住的环境 槟州在历史上成为马来西亚第一个推行多项绿意政策的州属 接下来, 我们要继续成为全马第一, 虽然打造第一的道路困难重重, 但我们不怕, 只要大家团结, 勇往直前, 槟州将可以在各方面继续引领全马! 我常在槟城植物园晨运 那是一个城市里的绿色瑰宝, 英国人留下來的绿色资产, 也是一个城市绿色軟力量的象征 绿色政策包罗万象, 从垃圾分类, 垃圾再循环, 植树计划, 森林保留地, 水源保护, 空气素质到治水计划等 槟城做为一个宜居的城市必须在绿色政策更下功夫 一个绿色政策做得好的城市肯定是宜居的 绿色政策做不好的城市会延伸很多负面后果如空气素质差, 垃圾满城, 一雨成災, 水源污染, 海灘不易遊泳等 要做到好的绿色政策監督, 就须把这些工作量化及指标化, 以科学的方式来追踪成果 全槟的自然森林树木保护区, 公园的分佈图有否增长? 全年的植树计划是否有目标及达标? 水災黑区是否有改善及减少? 空气素质是否有改善? 垃圾分类工作指标评估如何?

18 时事 2016 年 7 月 16 日 - 31 日 2 3

2016 年 7 月 16 日 - 31 日 19 如果你是一位小学老师, 你应该不会对这样的学生, 留下太深刻的印象 出生于 1960 年代, 他有着那一代男孩都有点共同爱好 ---- 养 豹虎 哪位同学要挑战这数学题呢? 哇, 你这只豹虎看起来很威咧! 这次肯定会打赢你的! 他不是班上排名数一数二的学生... 老师, 我要! 平时, 孩子们会把各自饲养的 豹虎 拿出来打斗, 主人会遗弃屡吃败仗的 豹虎, 然后再去找新的 他也不算太调皮, 大部分时间只静静听课, 就像大部份的学童一样... 幸好没点我出去... 妈, 我回来了! 洗澡先才吃饭噢! 4 5 哇... 是客人送来的礼物吗? 他是个充满好奇心的孩子 和一般小孩一样, 他和母亲的感情比父亲还要亲密 父亲给他的第一印象, 就是严肃而忙碌 妈妈, 你看我画的爸爸! 给我过来! 谁叫你拆礼物的! 总有见不完的客人, 开不完的会议和去不完的地方 为了迁就父亲在不同城镇工作, 他 6 年的小学生涯分别在 2 间不同的学校度过 爷爷, 我只是好奇... 讨厌! 适应了这里又要离开... 冠英, 快上车了! 对传统华人长辈来说, 太好奇的小孩往往就被标签为 不听话 由于父亲需要到处去, 他常常有机会到西马半岛不同城镇游历 6 7

20 时事 2016 年 7 月 16 日 - 31 日 民众风雨中不减热情 摄影 : 岑健伟 每年都会吸引许多民众参与的槟城日本盆舞节今年已经迈入第 20 个年头, 而 2016 年槟城日本盆舞节在民众的热烈欢呼声中画上完美的句点 尽管今年的盆舞节庆典下着大雨, 却也浇不灭人们心中的热情, 许多民众在雨中撑着雨伞欣赏庆典, 更有民众在雨中随着音乐起舞 今年的日本盆舞节得到主办单位精心策划, 并安排了吉祥物和日本武士亮相在庆典之中, 而有关庆典也在璀璨的烟花及民众的热情欢呼声中, 画完完美的句点 尽管下着大雨, 表演者依然为民众呈现出精彩的演出 主办单位精心策划今年的盆舞节庆, 并精心安排了日本武士亮相于庆典中 许多民众在雨中撑着雨伞欣赏来庆典活动 小女孩们穿着传统的日本服装参与 2016 年槟城日本盆舞节 表演者正聚精会神, 准备为民众呈现最好的击鼓 盆舞节庆上也安排了许多日本的传统活动让民众参与

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12 July 16-31, 2016 Nama ADUN AIR PUTIH YAB Tuan Lim Guan Eng limguaneng@penang.gov.my PANTAI JEREJAK YB Haji Mohd. Rashid Hasnon rashid.hasnon@penang.gov.my PERAI YB Prof. Dr. P. Ramasamy ramasamy@penang.gov.my PADANG KOTA YB Chow Kon Yeow chowkonyeow@penang.gov.my BATU MAUNG YB Datuk Abdul Malik Abul Kassim abdmalik@penang.gov.my BAGAN JERMAL YB Lim Hock Seng limhockseng@penang.gov.my BATU LANCHANG YB Law Heng Kiang lawhengkiang@penang.gov.my SUNGAI PUYU YB Phee Boon Poh pheeboonpoh@penang.gov.my; pheeboonpoh@yahoo.com PADANG LALANG YB Chong Eng chong.eng@penang.gov.my DATO KERAMAT YB Jagdeep Singh DEO jagdeepsinghdeo@penang.gov.my SEBERANG JAYA YB Dr. Afif Bahardin BUKIT TAMBUN YB Law Choo Kiang lawchookiang@penang.gov.my AIR ITAM YB Wong Hon Wai wonghonwai@penang.gov.my BERAPIT YB Ong Kok Fooi ongkokfooi@penang.gov.my MACHANG BUBOK YB Lee Khai Loon kllee78@gmail.com TANJONG BUNGAH YB Teh Yee Cheu dappenang.cagw.teh@gmail.com JAWI YB Soon Lip Chee dunjawi@hotmail.com PENGKALAN KOTA YB Lau Keng Ee dappengkalankota@gmail.com BAGAN DALAM YB Tanasekharan a/l Autheraphy atana@first.net.my No Tel/ No Faks (T) 04-829 0614 (T) 04-646 4700 (T) 04-399 6689 (T) 04-226 0218 (F) 04-226 0218 (T) 04-626 1968 (F) 04-626 5496 (T) 04-331 7175 (F) 04-331 7175 (T) 04-282 6419 (F) 04-282 6419 (T) 04-262 0860 012-480 5495 (F) 04-261 8745 (T) 04-530 3028 (T) 04-226 2464 (F) 04-227 2464 (T) 04-390 5109 (T) 04-588 0818 (F) 04-588 0885 (T) 04-828 0926 (F) 04-828 0926 (T) 04-530 8476 (T) 013-399 0519 (F) 04-551 1442 (T) 04-899 9581 (T) 04-594 1163 (F) 04-594 3163 (T) 04-250 1521 04-250 1522 (F) 04-250 1523 (T) 04-323 5870 (F) 04-323 5870 NAMA ADUN No Tel/ No Faks PENAGA YB Mohd. Zain Ahmad (T) 04-351 5825 BERTAM YB Shariful Azhar Othman (T) 012-411 4690 (F) 04-575 8670 PINANG TUNGGAL YB Datuk Haji Roslan Saidin (T) 04-398 3555 (F) 04-397 3555 PERMATANG BERANGAN YB Omar Abd. Hamid (T) 04-573 4630 (F) 04-573 4630 SUNGAI DUA YB Muhamad Yusoff Mohd. Noor (T) 04-575 7454 TELOK AIR TAWAR YB Datuk Jahara Hamid jahara.hamid@gmail.com SUNGAI ACHEH YB Datuk Mahmud Zakaria datomahmud@umpangroup.com.my BAYAN LEPAS YB Nordin Ahmad (T) 04-351 2873 (F) 04-351 4389 (T) 04-593 3100 (F) 04-593 9529 Sedang dikemaskini PULAU BETONG YB Muhamad Farid Saad (T) 04-866 4202 (F) 04-866 4202 TELUK BAHANG YB Shah Haedan Ayoob (T) 04-866 1760 (F) 04-866 1821 Talian Kecemasan & Perkhidmatan Awam POLIS, AMBULANS, BOMBA 999 & PENYELAMAT DIREKTORI TELEFON 103 OPERATOR ANTARABANGSA 101 HOTLINE MBPP 04-263 7637 04-263 7000 BIRO PENGADUAN AWAM 04-263 6893 SEKRETARIAT KERAJAAN 04-262 1957 NEGERI KASTAM 04-262 2300 IMIGRESEN 04-250 3419 WCC (Women s Centre for Change) 04-228 0342 Pusat Perkhidmatan Wanita (Seberang)04-398 8340 EPF 04-226 1000 SOCSO 04-238 9888 PEGAWAI PENYELARAS KADUN PENAGA Dahalan Fazil dlan6658@gmail.com BERTAM Asrol Sani Abdul Razak asrolpkb@gmail.com PINANG TUNGGAL Muhasdey Muhamad muhasdey@gmail.com PERMATANG BERANGAN Fahmi Abu Bakar mudiram@gmail.com SUNGAI DUA Rosli Hassan rosli1971@yahoo.com TELOK AIR TAWAR Mustafa Kamal Ahmad mustafakamalmkba@gmail.com SUNGAI ACHEH Azmi Samsudin azmikeadilan@gmail.com BAYAN LEPAS Azrul Mahathir Aziz ambasegaria.aam@gmail.com PULAU BETONG Mohd Tuah Ismail mtuah17@gmail.com TELUK BAHANG Halil Sabri Hamid halilsabri.hsh@gmail.com No Tel/ No Faks 019-727 4388 013-580 6981 019-437 2887 013-488 1601 019-410 5990 019-556 9552 012-594 1515 017-594 1976 019-570 9500 017-460 4849 JPJ 04-656 4131 04-398 8809 JABATAN PENDAFTARAN 04-226 5161 PENANG GLOBAL TOURISM (PGT) 04-263 1166 TOURISM MALAYSIA 04-261 0058 KERETAPI BUKIT BENDERA 04-828 8880 FERI (GEORGETOWN) 04-210 2363 ( BUTTERWORTH) 04-310 2377 JAMBATAN PP 04-398 7419 STESEN KERETAPI BUTTERWORTH 04-261 0290 PERSATUAN PERLINDUNGAN 04-829 4046 KANAK-KANAK CAP 04-829 9511 BEFRIENDERS PENANG 04-281 5161 04-281 1108 PERPUSTAKAAN PP 04-229 8555 PROGRAM PENGHARGAAN WARGA EMAS/OKU/IBU TUNGGAL/ PROGRAM ANAK EMAS/ PROGRAM RAKAN ANTI KEMISKINAN/ PROGRAM PELAJAR EMAS KEBUN BUNGA YB Cheah Kah Peng kebunbunga24@gmail.com SUNGAI BAKAP YB Hj. Maktar Hj. Shapee adunan.dunsgbakap@yahoo.com KOMTAR YB Teh Lai Heng komtarn28@gmail.com PAYA TERUBONG YB Yeoh Soon Hin clementyeoh@hotmail.com PULAU TIKUS YB Yap Soo Huey yapsoohueydap@gmail.com PERMATANG PASIR YB Datuk Hj. Mohd. Salleh Man adunptgpasir@gmail.com BUKIT TENGAH YB Ong Chin Wen pkrbkttengah@gmail.com PENANTI YB Dr. Norlela Ariffin norlela.ariffin@gmail.com SUNGAI PINANG YB Lim Siew Khim dapsungaipinang@hotmail.com BATU UBAN YB Dr. T. Jayabalan drjayabalan@gmail.com SERI DELIMA YB Sanisvara Nethaji Rayer a/l Rajaji rsnrayer@gmail.com DAP PENANG HQ dappg@streamyx.com (T) 04-826 5451 (F) 04-826 5451 (T) 04-582 7549 (F) 04-582 8648 (T) 04-227 7068 (F) 04-227 7068 (T) 04-827 8868 (T) 04-226 5217 (F) 04-227 5217 (T) 04-398 4226 (F) 04-398 4226 (T) 04-508 3977 (F) 04-508 3677 (T) 04-538 2871 (F) 04-538 4871 (T) 04-282 6630 (T) 04-656 2605 (F) 04-656 0699 (T) 04-659 5611 (F) 04-659 6611 (T) 04-228 8482 (F) 04-228 8514 PKR PENANG HQ (T) 04-397 0115 N1 Penaga : 010-542 9158 - Mohd. Zaki Ismail N2 Bertam : 012-466 9681 - Fatimah Bakar N3 Pinang : 017-424 9371 - Tasrin Tugemin Tunggal N4 Permatang : 019-556 4664 - R. M Reza Berangan N5 Sungai Dua : 013-417 3068 - Siti Zunnurain Zulkafli N6 Telok Air : 016-463 3866 - Malik Bakar Tawar N7 Sungai Puyu : 012-480 5495 - Mr.Lee N8 Bagan : 013-449 0366 - Yeap Choon Jermal Keong N9 Bagan : 016-473 1963 - Gesan Dalam N10 Seberang : 04-390 5109 - Nor Hayati Jaya Mohd. Iskander N11 Permatang : 019-412 8442 - Kamal Pasir 013-595 6865 - Rosli N12 Penanti : 04-538 2871 - Tira 04-538 3871 N13 Berapit : 016-401 3507 - Mr.Lim 017-446 1817 - Yeoh Ee Yee N14 Machang : 012-474 0964 - Andrew Chin Bubuk 012-473 0964 - Ikhwan N15 Padang : 017-552 8928 - Chan Lalang 014-945 9786 - Lai N16 Perai : 04-399 6689 - Selvi N17 Bukit : 013-518 8735 - Lim Tuan Chun Tengah N18 Bukit Tambun : 016-404 9120 - G.Dumany 017-378 4448 - Khor N19 Jawi : 017-408 4784 - Abdul Halim 012-456 5018 - Mr. Khor N20 Sungai : 019-552 8689 - Norjuliana Bakap 012-542 4454 - Hasbullah N21 Sungai : 0111-508 0215 - Siti Hajar Acheh Abdul Aziz N22 Tanjong : 012-465 0021 - Tina Bungah 011-12441069 - Hezreen N23 Air Putih : 04-829 0614 - Hong Kian Beng N24 Kebun : 012-493 3342 - Cheng Kok Bunga Eong N25 Pulau Tikus : 017-956 3237 - Quah N26 Padang Kota : 012-431 7015 - Johnny Chee N27 Pengkalan : 012-401 1522 - Ch ng Chin Kota Keat N28 KOMTAR : 012-423 3227 - Benji Ang 010-811 7300 - Razin N29 Datok : 04-226 2464 - Kalvinder Keramat N30 Sungai : 04-282 6630 - Shuen Pinang N31 Batu : 04-282 6419 - Karuna Lancang N32 Seri Delima : 019-4474362 Mahen 012-5242549 James N33 Air Itam : 012-4730736 - Anne 016-4940705 - Janet N34 Paya : 012-484 1963 - Toon Hoon Terubong Lee 016-205 1185 - Frankie Kee N35 Batu Uban : 016-480 0232 - Jalal 016-487 8602 - Khairul 016-444 3550 - Sathya N36 Pantai : 04-646 4700 - Aliff / Jerejak Shamsudin N37 Batu : 019-498 1096 - Amirulzaman Maung 016-428 6158 - Danny Ho N38 Bayan Lepas : 010-773 2395 - Firdaus N39 Pulau : 016-407 2135 - Zulkiflee Betong Ahmad N40 Telok : 017-413 5695 - Johan Abu Bahang Bakar

July 16-31, 2016 13 SENARAI NAMA AHLI MAJLIS MPSP 2016 SENARAI PEGAWAI-PEGAWAI PEMBANTU KEWARGANEGARAAN PULAU PINANG Nama Telefon MPSP 04-549 7555 Bil. Nama Daerah Pejabat / Unit Kewarganegaraan No. Telefon David Marshel a/l Pakianathan 019-412 3397 1. Chiam Heng Hak Timur Laut Bilik Perkhidmatan Awam, Tingkat 3, KOMTAR. 04-650 5556 Heng Yeh Shiuan 016-261 2460 H ng Mooi Lye 012-425 2602 2. Abdul Rahim Mohamed Nor Barat Daya Kuarters Kerajaan Negeri No.1, Jalan Relau, Balik Pulau. 016-482 3549 Kumar a/l Kanapathy 04-323 8757 016-407 6058 3. K. Krishnasamy Seberang Perai Utara Tingkat 1, Pejabat Daerah SPU, Bertam Kepala Batas. 012-488 1553 Mohamad Shaipol Ismail 019-414 6079 Satees A/l Muniandy 016-438 4767 4. P. Rachenamorthy Seberang Perai Tengah 5. R. Gunalan Seberang Perai Selatan Pejabat Bangunan MPSP, Jalan Betek, Bukit Mertajam Tingkat Dua, Kompleks Pejabat-Pejabat Kerajaan SPS, 14200, Jawi. 019-457 2271 011-2666 9091 Siti Nur Shazreen Mohd. Jilani 019-411 8343 Nota: Orang awam dipohon menghubungi Pegawai-Pegawai Pembantu Kewarganegaraan untuk menetapkan temujanji masing-masing. Tan Chee Teong 012-401 7718 Tan Cheong Heng 012-487 3101 Tan Chong Hee 019-411 5598 Zulkifli Ibrahim 012-477 5588 Nama SENARAI NAMA AHLI MAJLIS MBPP 2016 Telefon MBPP 04-259 2020 Goh Choon Keong 019-471 7931 Gooi Seong Kin 016-457 1271 Teoh Koon Gee 016-419 1938 Kalendar Pelancongan Pulau Pinang Julai - Ogos 2016 Mohd Sharmizan Mohamad Nor 011-1110 6456 Harvindar a/l Darshan Singh 012-428 2250 Joseph Ng Soon Siang 012-423 9143 Zaini Awang 019-546 3115 Goh Choon Aik 04-588 3045 019 457 3222 Alias Wan Chek 019-540 4553 Ong Jing Cheng 016-445 5709 012-758 3779 Anuar Yusoff 04-507 5390 016-4616 390 Amar Pritpal Abdullah 04-582 2020 019-452 2020 Shuhada Abdul Rahim 010-380 7672 Zulkiply Ishak 013-431 6161 Muhamad Suzuki Ahmad 012-465 4419 Dr. Tiun Ling Ta 04-508 0039 (Tel) 04-657 0918 (Fax) Wong Chee Keet 012-451 1312 Ahmad Tarmizi Abdullah 013-414 4822 Kala a/p Durai Raj 016-468 4247 Lee Chun Kit 012-519 2152 Ong Ah Teong 012-410 6566 Syerleena Abdul Rashid 019-225 6502 Wong Yuee Harng 016-439 9121 Francis a/l Joseph 012-474 3321 Muhammad Bakhtiar Wan Chik 019-470 8811 Nur Zarina Zakaria 011-1578 5098 Kumaresan a/l Aramugam 014-945 9621 Felix Ooi Keat Hin 016-417 1331 Ahmad Azrizal Tahir 012-498 4556 Shahul Hameed M.K. Mohamed Ishack 017-473 0194 Ahmad Razaaim bin Azimi 012-572 4711 016-451 9225 Mhd. Nasir Yahya 012-402 6739 Saiful Azwan Abd Malik 016-463 2787 Dr. Lim Mah Hui 012-422 1880 Eric Lim Seng Keat 016-414 3428 Gan Ay Ling 012-401 2265 Mohamed Yusoff Mohamed Noor 012-472 8114 BULETIN MUTIARA Tingkat 47, Komtar, 10503 Penang Phone : 04-650 5468 ; Fax : 04-261 5923 Email: buletinmutiara.bpkn@gmail.com EDITORIAL Editor Chan Lilian (English) Tam Poh Guek (Chinese) G.Revatic (Tamil) Writer Danny Ooi, Victor Seow, Amanda Khong (English) Shum Jian Wei, Chris Koay (Chinese) J. Patmavathy(Tamil) Photographers : Chan Lilian, Law Suun Ting, Alissala Thian, Ahmad Adil Muhamad and Darwina Daud Graphic Designers : Idzham Ahmad and Loo Mei Fern

14 July 16-31, 2016 AppSejahtera makes it easier for Penangites THE Penang state government has been very committed in running various welfare programmes since 2009 to ensure residents enjoy the fruits of its efforts through the Golden programmes. Starting from its Senior Citizens programme with RM100 and funding to families of deceased senior citizens RM1,000 in 2009, the other programmes initiated were Single Mother (2011) with RM100, Handicapped (2011) with RM100, Golden Child in 2011 (RM200), Golden Student (2012) with RM100 and Golden Mother in 2014 (RM100). The state government started the i-sejahtera system in 2009 to facilitate recovery, updating and data collection in the distribution of funds, Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said when launching the AppSejahtera application on website (http://sejahtera.penang. gov.my) in Komtar on June 25. Also present were exco for Welfare, Caring Society and Environment Phee Boon Poh and chairman of State Information Technology and Communication Department Nuriannahar Mohamed. Lim said the state government has handed out a total of RM184.3 million to recipients of various programmes since 2009. At the function, the Chief Minister also handed out RM1,000 each to 71 beneficiaries of the deceased families of the less privileged, totalling RM71,000. He hoped the aid will lessen the burden of the affected families in preparing for the coming Hari Raya Adilfitri. Meanwhile, retiree Loh Poh Hong, 75, was present to receive the fund on behalf of her late son, Ng Kok Eng, 59. Loh who is wheelchair-bound was accompanied by her grandson, Ng Chee Siang, 26. I am very grateful to the state government for starting this fund and helping less privileged people like us, she told Buletin Mutiara. Back to nature tourist attraction Story by Chan Lilian Pix by Alissala Thian ENTOPIA houses the largest butterfly and dragonfly garden in Malaysia with more than 15,000 free-flying butterflies and 300-400 dragonflies at any one time. Therefore, a step into the newly opened Entopia in Telok Bahang promises an experience that you cannot find anywhere in Malaysia. Penang exco member for Local Government, Traffic Management and Flood Mitigation Chow Kon Yeow, who represented Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, exco member for Housing and Town & Country Planning Jagdeep Singh, Political Secretary to the Chief Minister Wong Hon Wai, Telok Bahang assemblymember Datuk Shah Headan Ayoob Hussain Shah, Penang Island City Council Building Control director Yew Tung Seang and others were at the official opening on July 8. Chairman and founder of Entopia by the Penang Butterfly Farm David Goh delivered an A young girl is in awe when a butterfly perches on her hand. emotional speech as he looked back at the decades how he started the Penang Butterfly Farm. He recalled the iconic tourist destination was opened by former Penang Chief Minister Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu. I am grateful to the (current) Penang state government for sharing the same foresight as Tun Lim, he said in his speech. Meanwhile, in his speech, Chow said: CM Lim has given a lot of interest and was looking forward to the opening of Entopia. In our meetings, he had paid special attention to Entopia. As he has a scheduled A huge atlas moth resting on Chow s shirt while Jagdeep and his son watch in amusement. visit elsewhere, he cannot be here today but I am very sure he will make a special visit soon. Chow also reminisced how he had visited the Penang Butterfly Farm in the 1980s and had also taken many state guests from abroad to visit. The state government is putting efforts into developing other parts of Penang apart from the city. Towns like Telok Bahang and Balik Pulau are places with plenty of heritage value in them. Penang is enhancing connectivity through various implementations. We believe that with the right approach in packaging Penang as a Back To Nature destination to the world, we can offer more meaningful activities and exciting attractions, Chow said in conveying the message from the Chief Minister to the guests. For more information on the opening hours and tickets, visit Entopia FB at https:// www.facebook.com/ entopiapenang/?fref=ts

July 16-31, 2016 15 An Imperfect System and the Need for Change by Rubini M, PWDC Although comprising almost half of the country s population, women continue to be under-represented as voters, political leaders and elected officials. As of the 13 th General Elections in 2013, women make up only 10.8% of the Malaysian Parliament (24 out of 222 MPs) and is the second lowest country ranked in Southeast Asia. Women s representation at the State Legislative Assemblies in Malaysia is at an average of 11.5%. Although women s full and meaningful participation in democracy is critical to the success and sustainability of a country, Malaysian women are continuously disadvantaged, under represented or excluded from various sectors. Women as a group face many barriers and challenges and are often times impacted by socioeconomic hurdles disproportionately due to gender inequality. In a report published in 2008 by the Malaysian Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development together with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) entitled Towards Achieving at least 30 Per Cent Participation of Women at Decision Making Levels in Malaysia, challenges faced by women in politics in Malaysia across six sectors : Parliament and political parties; State Legislatures, EXCOs and Local Councils; Ministries; Statutory Bodies and Universities; the Judiciary (Civil, Shariah and Native Courts); and the Private Sector were outlined. In terms of barriers to women s participation, several findings were common to all sectors: the glass ceiling phenomenon halting women s advancement, the work-life balance challenge and its resulting double burden on women in terms of work and family commitments, and the invisible woman syndrome rooted in prevailing cultural norms of women s modesty and self-effacement. Women s participation is a fundamental element of vibrant, effective and efficient democracy and is essential to the achievement of sustainable development. Democracy cannot truly deliver for all of its citizens if half of the population remains underrepresented in the political arena. There is a wealth of data and research that proves that gender equality is beneficial to individuals, to societies and countries. The data shows that countries with greater gender equality have higher gross national product per capita, that women s leadership in the corporate sector results in improved business performance and that countries with more women in parliament tend to have more equitable laws and social programmes and budgets that benefit women and children and families. As a direct impact from gender inequality and the barriers women face in politics and leadership, we are losing the opportunity of having good women leaders and as a result, our policies, people and country are impacted. This is why it is so important to actively promote women's political participation, including through institutional reform and affirmative measures, as appropriate. To ensure that women are given equal opportunities in political representation, it is critical that we review the impact of the current institutions, in particular the electoral system on women s political representation - from candidacy to election results. The Electoral System matters in our on-going struggle for equality as the FPTP is a fundamentally flawed system. As noted by the ACE Electoral Knowledge Network, 'the FPTP system excludes minorities... [and] women... [because] as a rule, under FPTP, parties put up the most broadly acceptable candidate in a particular district so as to avoid alienating the majority of electors... [and women] are often less likely to be selected as candidates by male-dominated party structures. Women s biggest challenge has been getting their names on ballots. Because the electoral system is set up first to balance populations and geographic regions, it doesn t allow parties or governments much flexibility to create balance between genders. While not discounting other challenges to women's political participation including cultural and social barriers, a critical examination of our First-Past-The-Post (FPTP) electoral system and its 'winner-takes-all' nature needs to take place. As part of larger institutional reform, electoral reform has been identifies as one of the key strategies. This is an effort to dismantle flawed system which create unequal playing fields, such as FPTP, to make way for fairer, more representative systems. Academic studies have consistently shown that countries with any type of proportional representation electoral system tend to have a substantially larger proportion of women in their national legislatures as compared to countries with single-representative systems, such as FPTP. It also provides a foundation for the nomination and election of more women and visible minorities, because parties will learn that diverse lists of at-large candidates attract more votes. Proportional representation systems also delivers fair election results. If a party gets 49 per cent of the votes, it will get 49 per cent of the seats, not 50 per cent or 60 per cent or more. Therefore, with a focus on increasing the number of women in decision-making, PWDC and the Penang State Government, in collaboration with Penang Institute, and with the kind support of the Friedrich- Ebert-Stiftung (FES International), will be organising a National Conference on Gender and Electoral Reform on 26 & 27 August 2016. The Conference targets participants comprising of representatives from various sectors including the Malaysian Federal, State and Local Government leaders and decision-makers, leaders and representatives of political parties, academia, civil society and other interested organisations and individuals. On 26 th June, a pre-conference Focus Group Discussion was organized to gather feedback and recommendations from key players in the area and was attended by gender champions and women leaders such as YB Chong Eng and Maria Chin Abdullah. Given the multiple challenges that Malaysia, as a nation faces, we cannot afford to waste the potential, the talents and the skills of half of the country s population. Women bring additional skills and knowledge to the table and it has been proven time and again that diversity improves decision making. Healthy representative democracy is what creates accountable, effective and balanced leadership and governments. Let's give future generations a foundation and opportunity for a stronger, healthier democracy. Ong Bee Leng the new CEO leading PWDC to greater height! By Cheong Ka Mei, PWDC Penang Women s Development Corporation (PWDC) is delighted to announce the appointment of Ms. Ong Bee Leng as the Chief Executive Officer of the organisation as of 1 July 2016. Ms. Ong has obtained her BSc in Education (Hons.) and later MSc (Statistics) from USM in 1997. Ms. Ong Bee Leng has served in various capacities in the education and training industry in both the public and private sector. Her journey from a teacher to Chief Executive has enabled her to gain invaluable experienced in the delivery of training, the driving of sales, operations excellence and business growth. We are confident Ms. Ong Bee Leng s appointment would steer PWDC to greater heights. PWDC is now FIVE YEARS OLD and is celebrating its 5 th anniversary in many exciting ways beginning with the reintroduction of our website this July! The fresh appearance of PWDC in digital space will help create awareness towards PWDC's vision and progressively contribute towards a better Penang. Furthermore, PWDC will walk through the future journey towards realising equality with a new tagline Realising Equality Together with the ambition of working hand-in-hand with the people of Penang, realising a State which practices the principles of substantive equality among women and men, good governance and social justice. Please visit www.pwdc.org.my to experience our new interactive features and do send us your comments. We look forward to hear from you! Ms Ong Bee Leng has been appointed as the Chief Executive Officer of PWDC effective 1 July 2016. Roundtable on Child Protection in Malaysia Penang Women s Development Corporation (PWDC) recently supported the Penang State Executive Council for Women, Family and Community Development in organising a Roundtable on Child Protection in Malaysia titled Roundtable on Child Protection: Issues, Mechanisms and Policies. The Roundtable was attended by 35 participants consisting of national and local political leaders including the Member of Parliament for Kulai, Johor and the Member of Parliament for from NGOs for children, counsellors, various professionals and media representatives to discuss the latest amendment proposals to the Child Act 2001 and to understand how better protection can be given to children, particularly in matters concerning sexual violence. The objective of this Roundtable was to assemble responses and to synthesise them into a memo for further amendments by the authorities. Participants at the Roundtable held on 27 th June 2016. Participants of Pre-Conference Focus Group Discussion for the Gender and Electoral Reform Conference held on 26 th of June 2016.

16 July 16-31, 2016 The Penang Grassroots-Science Story An attempt to trace the origins and growth of the Penang Science Cluster by a sometime-volunteer and inveterate wanderer By Dr. Teoh Chin Soon chinsoonteoh@gmail.com, Feb 2015, Penang Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead, American cultural anthropologist FOR our children s children this is Yoon s mantra, which his business partner Anita repeated to me during our lunchinterview session, when I asked him what is the motivation behind Penang s science-for-public initiative that is the Penang Science Cluster (PSC). Yoon also related how as he drove around Penang and seeing all the foreign workers around, that he was sure that among them there must be some Einsteins that are here working in a foreign land because their home country could not afford them a better opportunity. So he was doing this science thing because he wanted to foster an environment for our local Penang Einstein to emerge. This desire to create the right environment for genius to emerge has its origins in his experience working in high-tech multinational corporations (MNCs) where he found himself frustrated at engineers lack of ability to create new things. Obviously something must be wrong with the environment, either at school or even in the factory where the emphasis is always on yield improvement and not having any variations in a given product. In fact the electronics industry has been seeing an increasing demand for people with the right practical skills, knowledge and creativity, but the talent from schools and universities has been lacking in both quantity and quality what is the cause of this talent-gap? To help answer this question, I would like to share about a trip I made in May 2011, where I spent a few weeks volunteering at the Little Lambs School for street kids in Chennai, India. Here is a photo of two of my favourite kids from one of the classes I taught in. The name of the boy with the spectacles and characteristic smile is Jabaraj: I had gone there to introduce a hands-on science project entitled The Magical World of Magnets and Batteries which my friend Choo and I had put together. To be more exact, he put it together and I got to do the fun part of travelling to exotic India, playing with the kids, savouring the delicious Indian briyanis, and also lying in bed for two days with fever and diarrhoea. The key idea of this project was to impart to the kids a feel of science through the hands-on activities with the magnets and batteries. We both had played with these things at home as children ourselves taking apart broken toys to scavenge the magnets, motors, lamp bulbs etc., and we realized that it equipped us with an innate feel of scientific phenomena which later on enabled us to better appreciate what was being taught in class at school. This understanding guided our methodology. We both had also, as technical instructors, taught young working engineers from the electronics industry in Malaysia and like Yoon noticed amongst them a trend of generally weaker grasp of concepts and poorer laboratory skills, and believe this is due to a lack of feel of STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics) because of a theoretically-oriented education. My wandering spirit brought me to India again in Oct 2014 to present on behalf of PSC a talk with the same title as this article at an Asian scientific conference in New Delhi, and Yoon had told me to share about this earlier volunteer-teaching trip because my account of it was an important source of inspiration to him to continue on with his efforts through the PSC. This brings us to two things we have learnt so far and the answer to our question: that we believe one of the causes of the talent-gap is a lack of hands-on feel of STEM, and not to underestimate the power of inspiration as a driving force. Yoon & Co. had conceived of the PSC with a mission to inspire innovation amongst the young, but it turns out that we ourselves and the captains of industry who started the PSC also would be spurred on through inspiration that inspiration is an important but elusive resource. Whilst we are on the topic of inspiration, I would like to digress to a poster which I saw at that Chennai school. I took this picture of the poster below, as I found Indira Gandhi s words most inspiring: I thought that I had gone to India to introduce something new, but instead I received inspiration from one of their former leaders. In just one paragraph she summarized all the important points about education which took me many years to discover. Actually in the process of developing the Magnets and Batteries education kit with Choo, I discovered that the Europeans had already been at it some years earlier and in a more concerted way through their Pollen and Fibonacci inquirybased STEM education projects. And here Indira Gandhi was telling me that all this is nothing new to her either, even back in 1976. Well why not go back even further to the days of Socrates who first popularized all this inquiry stuff. He asked so many questions that it annoyed the Athenian assembly who finally put him to death for it! So I learnt that there are few things which are really new in education we are all just rediscovering for ourselves what others in the past have already known. Let us return to the main thread of this article which is about the origins and growth of the PSC. So the problem which triggered the whole thing was the talent-gap which we saw in the new hires into our local electronics industry, and a desire to remedy the situation for our children s children as per Yoon s mantra. It is appropriate to look at one statistic to justify this observation: The Star Online Newspaper reported on 12th Feb 2012 that there had been a 37% drop in school students taking up both science and mathematics, and a 29% decline for pure science subjects. So our children are basically losing interest in STEM. This is a global phenomenon, observed in many countries. In fact the more advanced and modern the country, the worse is the problem as reported by the Norwegian-led international ROSE (Relevance Of Science Education) study in 2010. Recognizing this issue, in 2009 the Chief Minister of Penang called for a brainstorming workshop with industry leaders, academics and administrators to address it. The agreement reached was that any initiative to inspire innovation in the young must be led by industry kickstarted by the state initially but supported and led by the industry in the long-term. This led to the formation of the PSC in 2009, a non-profit organization with the purpose to spark interest and create a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship in science and technology in Penang. This is its latest org. chart : Back to our lunch-interview session, I probed the round-table gathering which comprised Yoon, Anita, Peng Ee and Choo more on the question of origins what factors led to the formation and founding of the PSC? What was the environment which was needed for this to happen? Through our discussions three main factors emerged a supportive state, proximity of a relevant industry, and passionate ex-industry individuals (the last was something I noticed very quickly). The Penang state government gave the needed mandate and support, then there were captains of industry who really believed in this and already had existing CSR programmes which could be leveraged and could provide volunteers with the right skills, and we had motivated ex-industry individuals who wanted to put their hand in and change things. A common thread running through these three factors is the human element individuals who believed in this and who TURN TO PAGE17

July 16-31, 2016 17 FROM PAGE16 wanted to make a difference for our future generations, and the close linkages and relationships between people through being former colleagues and through work. Here is one of those statewith-industry meetings (Pix 1). The next question I had was about growth how did the PSC grow this STEM effort over the past 6 years? The short answer we came up with is that the PSC provides a multiplying factor that otherwise would not exist, through the aggregation and communication of CSR success stories (and stories from the wider world) to mutually inspire and motivate further efforts and activities. For example one of the first activities run by the PSC was the LEGO robotics series of workshops, with the help of mentors who are volunteers from industry. These are run at schools all around Penang. The rapid take up and good reception of this programme in schools was key to encouraging deeper engagement from industry and their volunteers, whose support and time was needed to continue growing this programme. In 2014 it reached a total of 51 schools on Penang island and Prai, and is the longest running programme of the PSC, still ongoing since its inception in 2010. In 2011 the PSC organized the first Penang International Science Fair. This first big event was a tough one to organize Anita related how they had to literally go begging door-todoor to the many MNCs as people needed convincing that it could work. After the first event proved successful, it has been much easier to repeat it as industry folks saw that it could actually be done. Success stories from abroad also provided ideas and inspiration, for example the worldwide popularity of the Arduino platform for embedded projects. This became Choo s favourite project which he spent many hours fine-tuning, tweaking the learning guide and the many mini-projects that could be done using this platform, until it became a complete embedded systems educational kit and used in 6-month TechMentor programmes from 2012 onwards. One day in 2013, Yoon and Soon Chai were at Beach Street sitting inside Jing-Si Books & Cafe founded by the Tzu Chi Foundation, when they were struck by how well run it was and all staffed just by volunteers, and a bulb lit up in their minds and they thought why not do the same open a Science Cafe which would run all year round instead of having only an annual Science Fair? It would be a year-round science fair, and thus Science Cafe was born at Krystal Suites, with Yoon and Anita contributing their office space to become the very first Science Cafe. In 2013, The 2nd annual Penang International Science Fair would go on to attract 35,000 visitors with 27 exhibitors and 4,000 hands-on activities, all volunteer-run with some funding from industry, the state and individual contributors. The Maker Movement is one of the fast-growing educational methods used worldwide another inspiring story and PSC believes it is an important vehicle to spur interest in STEM, as it is naturally of a hands-on nature, hence also addressing the problem of lack of feel of STEM amongst the young. Another aspect gaining momentum worldwide is to re-incorporate the Arts into STEM leading to a more holistic STEAM. So 2014 saw a proliferation of many open-source maker workshops at our Science Cafes, one example is the making of quadcopters, now all the rage amongst maker groups. For example there is this boy in this photo who through an embedded-electronics maker project built this food-transporter for his disabled uncle to save him the difficulty of getting food from the kitchen. This is an example of a maker project which incorporates social- and problem-solving elements, not just pure science and technology. Later versions have decorative LED lights too (the Arts part): It even has a lift to bring the item up to the level of his disabled uncle, all controllable remotely: As all these stories start to spread around through the grapevine, they would eventually reach the ears of one of the well-known business families of Penang the family of the late Yeap Chor Ee. I consider Penang as my adopted state (being originally from KL), and one of the admirable characteristics of Penang folks which I have observed is a tradition of volunteerism and social responsibility. When Stephen Yeap who is the grandson of Yeap Chor Ee got to hear about Penang s STEM education efforts, he must have been quite inspired motivated enough to open up to the PSC and Penang state at very minimal rent the heritage building Wisma Yeap Chor Ee (WYCE) which fronts the ferry terminal. In 2015, this will become PSC s main Maker Space, equipped with many maker tools contributed by the local electronics industry and MNCs, with the Krystal Point centre still being retained as one of the many Science Cafes run as satellites to this WYCE headquarters. The main entrance to WYCE is shown below: And a panoramic street view is seen here (Pix 2). Finally, here is PSC s end-toend technopreneurship model for Penang: While the regular STEM and Sandbox Maker workshops are aimed at spurring interest in STEM/STEAM in schools and at home, some may become serious and capable makers who manage to invent promising prototypes for these the PSC will link up to angel investors to hopefully groom them into tech startups, with the vision of creating more interesting jobs for our children s children!** ** OECD 10-year study across 18 countries: Young SME firms the greatest job creators (42%) even during a financial crisis, when older firms shed jobs. PSC at a glance: PSC is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization with a mission to spark interest in science and technology, create a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship among our young in Penang and Malaysia. www.pscpen.com FB/penangsciencecluster admin@ pscpen.com 04-8244355, 012-6023039 Pix 1 Pix 2

18 July 16-31, 2016 Tightening security at Komtar Story by Danny Ooi Pix by Chris Koay THE authorities have better eyes with the 30 existing closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras in Komtar s four-storey podium block being replaced with better ones and another 42 added to increase security at the premises. Penang Development Corporation (PDC) Setia Urus adviser Datuk Ang Choo Hong said the RM484,000 project was part of the RM40 million facelift for Komtar which is managed by the company. The replacement of the existing CCTVs and installation of the new ones began early this year and was completed in May. They were installed at locations suggested by the Royal Malaysian Police, Ang told a press conference at Komtar on June 29. Also present was Komtar assemblymember Teh Lai Heng. Ang added there were plans to install a television screen on Level Three to broadcast the CCTV footage by the end of the year. The public will thus realise that they are being monitored which could be more effective to prevent crime than merely watching from the CCTV control room, he said. Meanwhile, Air Itam assemblymember Wong Hon Wai on June 18 officiated the installation of a CCTV camera in front of Sekolah Kebangsaan Sri Aman in Air Itam. He said this was part of the state government effort in helping schools in Penang for the safety of children and also to ease traffic congestion especially near school areas. Joining him at the event were Bukit Glugor MP Ramkarpal Singh and Penang Island city councilor Syerleena Abdul Rashid. Ramkarpal said this initiative will also benefit the residents of Air Itam as a whole. Ang pointing to a recently installed CCTV camera as Teh looks on.

July 16-31, 2016 19 Winners for contests picked Story by Danny Ooi Pix by Alissala Thian A TOTAL of 23 winners were announced on July 18 for the Bakat Si Cilik Mewarna 3.0 together with the Kumpul dan Menang Buletin Mutiara (Collect & Win Buletin Mutiara) contests jointly organised by Buletin Mutiara and Penang Green Council (PGC). The three judges for the contests comprised PGC general manager Thing Siew Shuen, principal assistant secretary of Local Government, Penang State Secretary Office, K. Vishantini and senior private secretary to the Chief Minister, Muhamad Azrai Mohamad Zaini. It was difficult for us as the panel of judges to choose the winners as all entries submitted were of excellent quality with additional creativity displayed. What is pertinent to these contests, is to instill the awareness in the community, starting from young children, as supporting the initiative of the state government in carrying out Separation of Waste at Source, said Vishantini after the selection of winners at the conference room of Buletin (from left) Thing, Vishantini and Azrai sharing a pointer about the colouring entries. Mutiara on Level 47, Komtar. The colouring contest themed Waste Segregation At Source was on from April 1 to June 14 and attracted some 1,000 entries from participants aged 12 years and below. The winner will walk away with RM300, second placing (RM200) and third (RM100). There will also be prizes for 20 consolation winners. Meanwhile, for the Collect & Win Buletin Mutiara contest, winners are entitled to get prizes worth RM1,000. List of winners - Bakat Si Cilik Colouring 3.0 First : Gracelyn Loh Yee Thing Second : Natasha Goh Jia Xi Third : Aarifah binti Mujibur Rahman Consolation: Cheryl Pang Jia Tong Alwin Chin Jin Xiang Joey Kok Muhammad A Qil Ilhami Ibrahim Lee Sin Xuan Khor Jeyee Tan Yi Hua Al Nazfeera Wardina Al Rafaee Yap Thien Li Ramalakshmi Arunachalam Chew Yu Qi Lai Ting Xin Eleni Loh Yee Chern Nur Hidayah Rizuan Ang Kok Miao Muhammad Uwais Thureshnia Selvam Chua Li Jean Ganeshwharan Ananthan Nurul Ain Hazirah Arman Kumpul & Menang Buletin Mutiara First - Siti Nur Bahirah Rosidi Bon Odori marks 20th anniversary THE 20th edition of Penang Bon Odori Festival 2016 took place on July 16 at Esplanade with Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng officiating the festival. For 20 years, this festival has showcased some of the finest traditional performers from Japan and promoted cross-cultural relationship between people of Penang and Japan. This festival has also become a platform for locals, tourists and Japanese residents of Penang to come together and socialise while enjoying the traditional Japanese games, delicious food and talented performers for the evening, said Lim. Also present during the festival were Penang state exco member for Tourism Development and Culture, Law Heng Kiang, Consul-General of Japan, Kiyoshi Itoi, Consul-General of Thailand, Ekajit Kraivichin and Consul-General of Indonesia, Taufiq Roshi. I am sure that all of you will enjoy yourself and have fun with all that is going Visitors getting their very own water balloons at the stalls. on tonight here at Bon Odori, said Law. This year the festival features the world famous Rilakkuma bear and the official mascot of Ehime Prefecture, Mikyan. There was also a Samurai performance by the Samurai Maeda Toshi group from Japan where the crowd joined in on dancing to the upbeat songs. The longest running Bon Odori in Malaysia saw some 3,000 visitors enjoying themselves at the festival, joining in on the dance performances, playing the various games at the stations and enjoying the variety of splendid food. Relay for Life for better cancer services THE 12th edition of Relay For Life Penang - Fighting Cancer Together will be held on July 23 and July 24 at the Youth Park. Organised by the National Cancer Society of Malaysia, Penang Branch, with the support of the Penang Hospice Society, the Relay For Life campaign takes over three months, culminating in the relay event. National Cancer Society of Malaysia, Penang Branch vice-chairman Datuk Seri Dr T. Devaraj and Pulau Tikus assemblymember Yap Soo Huey attended a press conference at Komtar on July 13 to announce the event. Yap commented that the Relay For Life Penang campaign is not only about raising awareness about cancer but also about raising funds for badly needed cancer services in Penang. Apart from teams and individuals raising funds for the relay, corporate sponsors are a key part of the event and we welcome Relay For Life sponsor partners here today including Perbadanan Bekalan Air Pulau Pinang (PBA), IJM Land, Wawasan Open University, Sentral College and IHS. Corporate Social Responsibility is becoming increasingly recognised as a major contribution to bringing key stakeholders together in developing a caring and sharing society and the state government applauds their presence here and their support for Relay For Life Penang, she added. Over the years, thousands of Penangites have participated in the relay. The culminating event at the Youth Park has attracted up to 3,000 people at a time. Relay for Life was pioneered in Penang in 2005. Over the years Kuala Lumpur and Malacca have followed suit. So Penang is now part of Relay For Life Malaysia, which in turn is part of the worldwide Relay For Life movement. For more information, contact the secretariat, Relay For Life Penang at 04-2284140, or visit their website: www.relayforlife. org.my; facebook: Relay For Life Penang.

20 July 16-31, 2016 PAAG achieves much for the disabled Story and pix by Chan Lilian VERY often, we go about our daily life with very little empathy for persons with disabilities (PWDs or OKU). Sometimes it is out of ignorance as many of us may not be aware what their specific needs are. This prompted the Penang Accessibility Action Group (PAAG) to organise a three-day workshop with government departments and professional bodies. Pulau Tikus assemblymember Yap Soo Huey, who heads PAAG, was at the closing ceremony held at the Kompleks Masyarakat Penyayang in Jalan Utama on June 16. PWDs from various groups including the vision impaired, hearing impaired and those on wheelchairs had a fruitful three-day workshop with facilitators from Singapore and also various government agencies including the two local councils. The blind, the deaf and those on wheelchairs were part of the group who helped to provide the local councils and other Participants, facilitators and state department officers are all smiles after the workshop. departments feedback so that buildings and the surroundings are built to allow easy accessibility. For example, the colours of the facilities like parking, lift, directions in shopping malls and others have to use colours that those with visual impairment can distinguish. Simple placement of things such as dustbins next to lift buttons too can cause difficulties to those in wheelchairs. The workshop, which included site visits to the Sungai Pinang PPR (public housing) homes for OKU, shopping mall and market, enabled both the policy makers, local governments and the different groups of OKU to audit and suggest improvements to buildings and public facilities. Yap urged the media to help create public awareness and also education so that people are more aware and sensitive towards the needs of the OKUs. The aim of this workshop is to ensure that all participants try to open their minds and understand and feel the needs of those whose needs may be different from us. Not only the PWDs understanding other PWDs but also everyone to realise that every individual has different needs, Yap said in her speech. That is why we have prepared a check-list and the state government hopes to help developers of buildings to ensure that buildings are built with universal accessibility. At the same time, the authorities concerned can ensure that all buildings have the features to allow access to the different group of PWDs, she added. One of the PWDs who lives in the Sungai Pinang PPR, who wished to be identified as Suresh said: I was selected to participate in this workshop because we have a lot of PWDs living in the area. Our flats which have three rooms have been renovated by the state government to become two rooms and the bathroom and kitchen were modified for our easy access, Suresh, who is wheelchair-bound, said. When asked by Buletin Mutiara what he would like to convey to society in general, Suresh said: I wish people will have more consideration for people like us. Sometimes, at my flat, people park their motorbikes right in front of my house and I cannot get out of the house because the ramp is blocked. I also hope there are more facilities at bus-stops, food courts and other places so that we can get around easily. I can hear now Dr. Afif (seventh from right), Dr. Lim (ninth from right) and other organising committee members get together for a group photo. CHILDREN of various races and ages uttering I can hear now and telling their parents and doctors I love you touched a chord in everyone s hearts when a video was shown to members of the press during a press conference for Ride For Hearing. These were babies born deaf who received early intervention of cochlear implant and were able to talk and grow up normally. Instead of resigning themselves to a life of silence and out of the mainstream speaking community and receive a life of vocational training and doing handicraft works, they can grow up normally and become any professional they want. They can contribute back to society. However, we need public awareness about early intervention. Cochlear implant was carried out 20 years ago and so far we have done 95 cases, said Datuk Dr. Lim Seh Guan, a ear, nose, throat, head and neck surgeon at the press conference on July 19. Penang state exco member for Health, Rural Development and Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry Dr. Afif Bahardin who was at the press conference praised Loh Guan Lye Specialists Centre for successfully completing 95 cochlear implants. Soon, there will be 100 cases of cochlear implants and we are proud that this is done in Penang, he said. We hope to raise the awareness that hearing impairment can be corrected. At the same time, we hope to raise funds for the less fortunate patients as implants are around RM80,000 per ear, Dr Afif added. All proceeds from the Ride For Sight will be channeled to Kwong Wah Yit Poh Charity Fund for needy patients. On July 24, a total of 417 people will be joining the charity Ride For Hearing. Although the hospital targetted only 200 participants, it has received overwhelming response. Dr. Afif will be flagging off and joining the 30km ride from Loh Guan Lye to Karpal Singh Drive to Queensbay Mall and back. Two cochlear implant recipients will be participating in the ride as well.

July 16-31, 2016 Better, cheaper, faster Transport Master Plan not practical Story by Danny Ooi Pix by Lilian Chan EXCO for Local Government, Traffic Management and Flood Mitigation Chow Kon Yeow on July 22, while thanking the Penang Forum for their suggestions and input, said they could not have a better, cheaper and faster alternative to the Penang Transport Master Plan. Their proposed alternative is not viable and practical, he added. Chow, together with the PTMP project delivery partner SRS Consortium s project director Szeto Wai Loong, pointed out a list of weaknesses in the alternative better, cheaper, faster transport plan by the local non-governmental organisation (NGO), including the lack of a funding plan and impractical proposals. Penang Forum wants the best of both worlds they want faster, cheaper, better. They want to share roads but all these proposals are not practical, Chow told a press conference in Komtar with Szeto and SRS Consortium s project manager Poh Chin Ching. Chow said the roads in Penang were not wide enough to allow for sharing between private vehicles and on-the-road Chow (centre) with Szeto (right) briefing the press on the latest development on the Penang Transport Master Plan. trams. I believe this will contribute to even more traffic jams as the lanes for cars will have to be reduced. Meanwhile, according to Szeto, the costs of trams was not cheaper than the LRT as claimed because the additional space required for the tram lines would mean extra costs to acquire land. To back his point, Szeto quoted the Edinburgh tram as an example where the original plan was to build an 18.5km track, but only 14km was completed to date due to a funding crisis. Both Chow and Szeto said the state s aim was to reach 40% public transport share, but that this will not happen overnight as it takes years for commuters to switch to public transportation. Chow commented that even if the target is reached, there will still be 60% private vehicles on the road and with trams taking up parts of the roads, this will contribute to even more jams. This is the reason why elevated structures for the Light Rapid Transit (LRT) are needed, so that it does not take up several lanes on the road, he said. Szeto added that the total project cost of the PTMP is estimated to run up to RM46 billion due to additional components for the mainland. In our proposal, the cost of RM27 billion was according to the Halcrow proposal but after we were made project delivery partner, we had discussions with 21 the state and added more components. Due to this, the estimated costs increased, he said. SRS also listed out the reasons for the Penang South Reclamation plan, the main purpose of which was to fund the PTMP. The reclaimed land will belong solely to the state government and the proceeds from the sale of the land via public auction will be used to fund the PTMP, he said. Szeto contends that the additional land space will be an economic driver for the state. SRS and Chow were responding to a press conference by Penang Forum recently claiming that the state could have implemented a better, cheaper and faster transport plan. The group claimed the state s PTMP was too expensive and poorly integrated before proposing their alternative plan consisting mostly of trams and a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT). Penang Forum justified that there was no need to build more highways, but instead to introduce an integrated tramline system complemented by the BRT to minimise cars on the roads.

22 July 16-31, 2016 Huge crowd at Indian Shopping Festival Story by Chan Lilian Pix by Alissala Thian THE much awaited annual Penang International Indian Shopping Festival 2016was held on July 6-10 at the SPICE Arena. The event was officially launched by Penang Deputy Chief Minister II Prof. Dr. P. Ramasamy at a glittering concert. Jaggarao Simancha, CEO and founder of Agenda Suria Communications Sdn Bhd, welcomed Ramasamy and his wife. Agenda Suria Communications is the organiser of the annual event. Huge crowds at the SPICE gave the shopping festival a carnival feel. Beautiful costume jewellery, leather shoes, the latest fashion sarees, Punjabi suits and even delicious Indian foods were on sale. Penang was the first city out of KL when we first ventured into this event eight years ago. We are very grateful to Prof. Dr. P. Ramasamy as we initially faced some obstacles in running the shopping festival. We are also thankful for the support from the Chief Minister too, Jaggarao said in his speech. I am very happy that today, in its eighth edition, the shopping fair has attracted 185 booths from overseas and locally. Out of this, 90 booths are by locals and 30 of them from Penang. When we started we didn t have local businesses taking part. It is only through business that we can improve and empower our local Indian community and when we gave them the opportunities, they have reached a certain standard and gone global, he added. Wooing investors with the king of fruits OUT of the boardroom and factories, about 150 corporate leaders, investors and other members of the business and industries communities and heads of government departments joined investpenang Director of investpenang Datuk Lee Kah Choon and General Manager Loo Lee Lian for business networking at a fruit party at Penang Golf Club on July 21. We want to introduce the king of fruits, that is Penang s world famous durians and other fruits to our potential investors. It is also a lovely place to gather and get to know each other, Lee said. The guests freely mingled while they feasted on branded durians like the 604, musang Lee (standing) making sure that guests get their fill of durians, mangosteens, rambutans, chempedak and other fruits. king, ang hay, hor lor and others. Plenty of other seasonal local fruits were also available. To complement the fruits, there were laksa, pulut and other dishes as well. The event was part of the Fourth Penang Shared Services Outsourcing Conference which was held at the same time. By : ME Disiar oleh Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang