世界共同聖餐主日禮拜程序 Order of World Communion Worship Service 司會 :Rev. Roberta Kearney 司琴 :Stephanie Mangioglu 證道 : Rev. Jim Huang 11:00 am October 02, 2016 歡

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世界共同聖餐主日禮拜程序 Order of World Communion Worship Service 司會 :Rev. Roberta Kearney 司琴 :Stephanie Mangioglu 證道 : Rev. Jim Huang 11:00 am October 02, 2016 歡迎 (Welcome) 宣召 (Call to Worship) 各用自己的語言 One: Sing to the Lord, whose mercy is from everlasting to everlasting! 司會 : 著向主唱歌, 伊的慈愛從永遠到永遠! All: But how can we sing the Lord s song when so many are without? 眾 : 但是, 當多多人不唱之時, 咱怎樣 ē 通唱主的歌? One: Sing to the Lord, whose faithfulness renews us every morning! 司會 : 著向主唱歌, 伊的信實每早晨都是新的! All: But how can we sing the Lord s song when so many are gone? 眾 : 但是, 多多人已經不在 le, 咱怎樣 ē 通唱主的歌? One: Sing to the Lord, who has not forgotten the melodies of salvation! 司會 : 著向主唱歌, 伊無忘記救恩的旋律! All: Let us remember the joy of the Lord, and sing a new song together! 眾 : 咱著記得主的喜樂, 作夥唱新歌! * 聚集敬拜 (Gathering Together ) Sky Worship Band How Great is Our God Chris Tomlin The splendor of a king Clothed in majesty Let all the earth rejoice All the earth rejoice He wraps Himself in light, And darkness tries to hide And trembles at His voice Trembles at His voice [Refrain] How great is our God Sing with me How great is our God And all will see How great, how great is our God Age to age He stands And time is in His hands Beginning and the end Beginning and the end The Godhead Three in One Father, Spirit, Son Lion and the Lamb Lion and the Lamb 1

How great is our God Sing with me How great is our God And all will see How great, how great is our God Name above all names Worthy of all praise My heart will sing How great is our God Name above all names And my heart will sing "Heart of Worship" You are worthy of all praise How great is our God When the music fades All is stripped away And I simply come Longin' just to bring Something that's of worth That will bless your heart I'll bring You more than a song For a song in itself Is not what You have required You search much deeper within Through the ways things appear You're looking into my heart I'm comin' back to the heart of worship And it's all about You It's all about You, Jesus I'm sorry Lord for the thing I've made it When it's all about You It's all about You, Jesus 2 Michael W Smith The King of endless worth No one could express How much You deserve? Lord Though I'm weak and poor All I have is Yours Every single breath I'll bring You more than a song For a song in itself Is not what You have required You search much deeper within Through the ways things appear You're looking into my heart I'm comin' back to the heart of worship And it's all about You It's all about You, Jesus I'm sorry Lord for the thing I've made it When it's all about You It's all about You, Jesus

"Mighty To Save" Everyone needs compassion Let mercy fall on me Everyone needs forgiveness The hope of nations A love that's never failing The kindness of a Saviour Hillsong [Refrain] Saviour He can move the mountains My God is mighty to save He is mighty to save Forever author of salvation He rose and conquered the grave Jesus conquered the grave So take me as you find me All my fears and failures Fill my life again I give my life to follow Everything I believe in Now I surrender [Refrain 2x] Shine your light and let the whole world see We're singing For the glory of the risen king Jesus[2x] [Refrain 2x] Shine your light and let the whole world see We're singing For the glory of the risen king Jesus[6x] 認罪默想 (Confession Meditation) 司會 ( 翻譯 ) 全能的上帝, 祢呼召阮同坐一桌, 但阮總是偏行家己的路 祢保證有夠額的資源通供應每一個人, 但因為阮的貪求, 阮取用真多超過所需要的, 致到有人因為欠缺無法度生存 祢應允阮生命的糧本身, 但阮卻在別人挨餓之時, 浪費食物 祢應允阮和平及公義的水, 但因為阮的暴力, 及不和諧, 世界變成乾渴 現在連阮家己也是營養不良 主啊, 憐憫阮, 閣一遍赦免阮 藉著祢的仔, 阮的主的大權能, 在這個聖餐桌前, 改變阮, 閣為著這個桌, 差遣阮從這出去, 成做祢公義的僕人 赦罪宣告 (Assurance) * 平安禮 (Passing the Peace of Christ) 兒童時間 (Time with Children) Rev. Katie Mulligan 讀經 (Scripture) 彌迦 6:8 ( 舊約 : 藍, p1029; 紅, p1166; 棕, p1165) 司 : 這是上帝的話眾 : 感謝上帝證道 (Sermon) Unity, Reconciliation, Justice 黃景彬牧師認信 (Affirmation of Faith) 貝爾哈信仰告白 ( 見第 8 頁 ) 3

奉獻 (Offering) 奉獻詩歌 (Offertory) Onyankopong Psalm 139 "Hark, Hark My Soul, verses 1-4, and 18" ( 以迦納人的語言 TWI 唱, 歌詞翻譯見第 11 頁 ) * 讚美 (Doxology) 各用自己的語言 天下萬邦萬國萬民 天下萬邦萬國萬民, 敬拜上帝父子聖神, 讚美三位一體上帝, 尊名流傳直到萬世 * 奉獻禱告 (Prayer of Dedication) Ekan Onylie ( 以奈及利亞人的語言 EFIK 禱告 ) * 唱詩 (Hymn) 各用自己的語言 新聖詩 # 370 咱奉獻聲音及才能 聖餐 (Lord s Supper) 謝恩 (Great Thanksgiving) 祝聖 (Words of Institution) 領受餅杯 (Distribute Bread and Cup) 獻詩 (Special Music ) God and Love Are One PCNB 聖歌隊 ( 歌詞見第 11 頁 ) 散會禱告 (Closing Prayer) 各用自己的語言 主禱文 阮佇天裡的父, 願祢的名聖, 祢的國臨到, 祢的旨意得成, 佇地裡親像佇天裡 阮的日食 (jit-sit) 今仔日互阮, 赦免阮的辜負 (ko-hu), 親像 (chhin-chhiu n ) 阮亦有赦免辜負阮的人 莫得導 (chhoa) 阮入佇試 (chhì), 著救阮脫離彼個歹的 (phái n -e), 因為國 權能 (khoân-lîng) 榮光攏是祢所有, 代代無盡 阿們! * 散會詩歌 (Closing Song) 各用自己的語言新聖詩 #255 聖會獨一的地基 * 祝福差遣 (Charge and Benediction) 殿樂 (Postlude) Hispanic Praise (* 方便站立的人, 請站立 ) 4

小會公告 : 1. 今天召開小會, 請會員準時出席 2. 10/30( 日 ) 召開會員大會, 改選部分長執, 請預留時間出席 謝謝! 消息報告 : 1. 歡迎兄姊來聚會, 禮拜後請上樓享用茶點及交誼 2. 今天成人主日學暫停一次 下週由何德淵兄主講, 講題是 "What It Means to Be A 'Wealthy Man ( 新教倫理與資本主義精神 )" 3. 請注意! 請不要把垃圾堆積在停車場旁垃圾箱的上面或周圍, 以免妨礙垃圾車的運作, 造成垃圾四散在地 此外, 資源回收物品如紙箱 塑料等, 請回收, 不要丟進垃圾箱 謝謝合作! 4. 婦女查經組從九月開始, 研讀 " 信心之旅 " 讀經系列, 目前讀約書亞記, 歡迎參加 5. 成人手鐘團招募新團員, 意者即日起請向曼麗姐或玫麗姐報名, 十月份開始練習 6. NB 中會婦女會於 10/8 舉辦秋季聚會, 地點在 Kingston 長老教會 意者請向李淑真姐或魏淑玲姐洽詳情, 或看公佈欄 7. 2016 華人牧長信徒研讀本聖經研習會將於 11 月在普林斯頓神學院 (11/16-18) 及新城歸正教會 (11/19) 舉行 歡迎直接向主辦單位報名參加, 詳情請看公佈欄 主內交通與代禱 : 1. 請繼續為本會建堂的需要迫切禱告, 求主來帶領 也為本會 2016 教牧長執同工代禱, 求主加添智慧及恩典! 2. 請為謝敏川牧師膽管內的結石 心臟及體力代禱, 求主醫治, 願早日康復 謝謝! 3. 美智姐腳受傷, 請常常代禱, 並歡迎打電話問候她 若要探訪, 請先以電話與她聯繫 她的電話號碼是 609-651-9870, 新地址是 Morris Hall Meadow, 2 Morris Ave, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648. 謝謝! 生活充實俱樂部 : 1. 10/05 吳耿志先生 " 漫談人造衛星系統 " 2. 10/12 Movie "Memories of Tomorrow 明日の記憶 " 5

聖工分配 : 本週下週 (10/02/2016) (10/09/2016) 招待陳毓盛李昭瑩陳毓盛李昭瑩司琴 Stephanie Mangioglu 陳玫麗司會 / 報告 World Communion 陳美雲洪潔君陳叔承洪潔君陳叔承司獻賴文義賴基生賴文義賴基生來賓鍾崇仁鍾崇仁 清點奉獻黃再蘭林珍珠黃再蘭林珍珠茶點吳曼麗 TKC 整理陳毓盛邱瀚賢黃民安李梓義 育嬰 Sonya Agatha Darren Ochs Darren Ochs 值日長執洪潔君洪潔君 每日讀經 (10/02/16-10/08/16) : 日期經節思考問題 10/2 路加 17:5-10 你從這段文字學到什麼是 " 有信心 "? 10/3 以弗所 1:3-14 你是如何被神領養? 10/4 詩篇 85:8-13 上帝應許平安給你是什麼意思? 10/5 10/6 歌林多後書 12:2-10 耶利米 29:1, 4-7 一個人如何能既軟弱又剛強? 當我們無能為力的時候, 神要我們做什麼呢? 10/7 詩篇 66:1-11 這詩篇說我們與神的關係是什麼呢? 10/8 提摩太後書 2:8-15 你從這個經文學到了什麼有關如何分享福音? 6

教會行事表 : 日 日 日 日 日 日 二 聚會項目 主日早禱會 聖歌隊練習 主日禮拜 成人主日學 TKC Hand Bell 婦女查經 時間 11:00am- 11:30am 11:30 am- 12:45 pm 1:00pm- 2:15pm 2:45pm- 4:30pm 2:45pm- 4:30pm 2:45pm- 4:30pm 10amnoon 主理 (10/02) 暫停 暫停 (11:00am) 黃景彬 主理 (10/09) 張文傑 沈新欽 黃景彬 地 點 Basement Room 3 Basement Room 9 Sanctuary 暫停何德淵 Chapel 暫停 暫停 (10/04) 信心之旅 - 約書亞 2a 陳玫麗 Cooking 陳玫麗 (10/11) 信心之旅 - 約書亞 2b 陳玫麗 Basement Room 1 Hand bell Room Board Room 出席與奉獻 (9/25/2016): 台語禮拜 出席 106 人 奉獻 $3,555.84 英語禮拜 出席 18 人 奉獻 $125.00 特別奉獻 感恩 $100.00 建堂 $300.00 7

Affirmation of Faith 認信 : Belhar Confession 貝爾哈信仰告白 UNITY 合一 We believe 阮相信 that unity is, therefore, both a gift and an obligation for the Church of Jesus Christ;... 合一是恩賜, 也是耶穌基督教會的義務 ; that this unity must become visible so that the world may believe that separation, enmity and hatred between people and groups is sin which Christ has already conquered, and accordingly that anything which threatens this unity may have no place in the Church and must be resisted;... 這種合一必須是看得見的, 使世界可以相信人及群體之間的隔閡 敵對和仇恨, 就是基督已經征服的罪, 因此任何對這種合一造成威脅的, 在教會裡沒有容身之處, 並且必須予以抵制 ; that this unity can be established only in freedom and not under constraint; that the variety of spiritual gifts, opportunities, backgrounds, convictions, as well as the various languages and cultures, are by virtue of the reconciliation in Christ, opportunities for mutual service and enrichment within the one visible people of God; That true faith in Jesus Christ is the only condition for membership of this Church;... 這種合一只有在自由和沒有約束下成立 ; 藉著在基督裡的和好, 各種屬靈恩賜, 機會, 背景, 信仰, 以及不同的語言和文化, 都是在一個有形的上帝的子民當中, 相互服事和豐富彼此的機會 ; 在耶穌基督裡的真誠信仰, 該是成為這教會會友的唯一條件 ; Therefore, we reject any doctrine 所以, 阮拒絕任何教義 which absolutizes either natural diversity or the sinful separation of people in such a way that this absolutization hinders or breaks the visible and active unity of the church, or even leads to the establishment of a separate church formation; 它無論是把自然多樣性或人種罪惡的分離絕對化到一個地步, 使得這種絕對化妨礙或破壞教會有形和積極的合一, 甚至導致另一個教會的產生 ; which denies that a refusal earnestly to pursue this visible unity as 8

a priceless gift is sin; which explicitly or implicitly maintains that descent or any other human or social factor should be a consideration in determining membership of the church.... 它否認, 凡拒絕認真地追求這個有形的合一作為一個無價的禮物的就是罪 ; 其中明確或含蓄地認為, 血統或任何其他人為或社會因素應該作為決定教會會友的考量 RECONCILIATION 和好 We believe 阮相信 that God has entrusted to his Church the message of reconciliation in and through Jesus Christ; 上帝將藉著耶穌基督在祂裡面和好的信息, 託付給祂的教會 ; that the credibility of this message is seriously affected and its beneficial work obstructed when it is proclaimed in a land which professes to be Christian, but in which the enforced separation of people on a racial basis promotes and perpetuates alienation, hatred and enmity;... 當此信息在自稱是基督徒, 卻以種族為基礎進行強制分離, 促進並延續疏離, 仇恨和敵意的土地上被宣揚時, 它的可信度就會受到嚴重影響, 並且它有益的工作也受阻礙 ; that any teaching which attempts to legitimate such forced separation by appeal to the gospel, and is not prepared to venture on the road of obedience and reconciliation, but rather, out of prejudice, fear, selfishness and unbelief, denies in advance the reconciling power of the gospel, must be considered ideology and false doctrine. 任何教導若是試圖訴求於福音將這種強制分離合法化, 不行在順服與復和的道路上, 寧可出於偏見, 恐懼, 自私和不信, 事先否定福音使人復和的力量, 必須被視為空論和錯誤的教義 Therefore, we reject any doctrine 所以, 阮拒絕任何教義 which, in such a situation sanctions in the name of the gospel or of the will of God the forced separation of people on the grounds of race and color and thereby in advance obstructs and weakens the ministry and experience of reconciliation in Christ. 9

它以福音的名義或者上帝的旨意, 容許按照種族和膚色強行將人種隔離, 從而阻礙 削弱宣教, 使人無法經歷在基督裡的合一 JUSTICE 公義 We believe 阮相信 that God has revealed himself as the One who wishes to bring about justice and true peace among people; 上帝已經顯明祂自己是期待給人帶來公義與平安的那一位 ; that God, in a world full of injustice and enmity, is in a special way the God of the destitute, the poor and the wronged;... 上帝, 在充滿不公正和敵意的世界裡, 是用一種獨特的方式成作困乏, 貧窮和受委屈者的神 ; that God calls the Church to follow him in this; for God brings justice to the oppressed and gives bread to the hungry; 上帝呼召教會在這事上跟隨祂 ; 因為上帝為受壓迫者帶來公義, 並且提供麵包 ( 食物 ) 給飢餓的 ; that the Church as the possession of God must stand where the Lord stands, namely against injustice and with the wronged; that in following Christ the Church must witness against all the powerful and privileged who selfishly seek their own interests and thus control and harm others.... 教會是上帝的, 必須站在主的立場, 意思就是反對不公平, 並且扶持受委屈者 ; 要跟隨基督, 教會必須對所有自私地謀取個人的利益, 又控制及傷害他人的強勢和特權者採取反對立場 Therefore, we reject any ideology 所以, 阮拒絕任何意識形態 which would legitimate forms of injustice and any doctrine which is unwilling to resist such an ideology in the name of the gospel. 用福音的名義, 將各種的不公義和任何不願意抵制這種意識形態的教義合理化 10

"Hark, Hark My Soul" (Onyankopong) Psalm 139: 1-4, and 18 Jehovah God, the Lord Almighty, praise Him. Omnipotent, Almighty God, know Him, I ll praise His glorious Name on earth. What God desires, He does and that endureth, All things He made, He sustains all He made here, That they may not perish in life. Holy is God, There is no sin in Lord God, He is the Head, All things are subject to Him, His Throne is the everlasting Throne. The Lord is God, He is sufficient Lord God, He is so full, With love and grace and mercy, All things are possible with Him. My Lord and God, Your Name is wonderful, Lord. I ll praise you Lord, I ll worship you forever, I ll glorify and honor you. God and Love are One D avid Ashley White O Thou who in this mysterious bread did in Emmaus break, return here with our souls to feed, and to thy followers speak. Unseal the volume of thy grace, apply the gospel word; open our eyes to see thy face, our hearts to know the Lord. Of thee communing still, we mourn till thou the well remove, talk with us, and our hearts shall burn with flames of fervent love. Enkindle now the heav nly zeal and make thy mercy known, and give our pardoned souls to feel that God and loae are one, that God and love are one. 11