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FROM AMERICA S BEST SELLING BUSINESS-BOOK AU THOR CHINA PICTURE BOOK CEOs Making Money and Having Fun in China Hundreds of Images Over 200 Pages 英文版请从前至后阅读 中文版请从后至前阅读 This book reads in English from front to back and in Chinese from back to front. JOSEPH R. MANCUSO U.S. $19.95


CHINA PICTURE BOOK The CEO Clubs in China Joseph Mancuso CEO 俱乐部在中国约瑟夫. 曼库索 Brown Books Publishing Group Dallas, TX

China Picture Book The CEO Clubs in China 2006 M. Mancuso All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer, who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed in a magazine or newspaper. Manufactured in the United States. For information, please contact: Brown Books Publishing Group 16200 North Dallas Parkway, Suite 170 Dallas, Texas 75248 972-381-0009 A New Era in Publishing ISBN: 1-933285-44-3 LCCN 2005910967 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Business/Travel & Tourism/Hospitality, Travel and Tourism Travel/Special Interest/Business U.S. $19.95

Dedication 英文版请从前至后阅读, 中文版请从后至前阅读 This book reads in English from front to back and in Chinese from back to front. It s not the naysayer who changes the world. It s not the critic who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the CEOs could have done it better. The acclaim belongs to the man in the arena: the doer whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, the man who spends himself in a worthy cause while striving valiantly, always going uphill. These Chinese and American CEOs come up short again and again, but all know the inner warmth of triumph and victory, and they at worst fail while daring greatly, for they know their place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.

Contents Dedication.......................VII CEOs Making Money and Having Fun in China............ 1 Joseph Mancuso.................. 33 Contact Information............... 34 China Picture Book................ 35

CEOs Making Money and Having Fun in China I did not take any of the pictures in this book. All of them were either taken by a staff member from the CEO Clubs, China, or by one of the 217 CEOs who visited China with me. I never lusted after a tour of China. My out-of-the-usa secret dreams were more like Rome and London, and Asia just seemed too far. After all, I had no Chinese heritage and I manufactured nothing, so China was low on my priorities. I knew of its dramatic economic resurgence, but my ancient history high school courses were of Greece, not China. However, China became one of my favorite destinations several years ago, after being introduced to Simon Guo by Helen and Marty Shih, an Asian brother and sister who founded the Asian American Association in Los Angeles. Simon and four other Chinese CEOs attended a three-day management course that the CEO Clubs sponsored at the Ritz Carlton in Laguna Beach, California, in August of 2002. At the first evening s dinner, Simon, who is uniquely fluent in both Chinese and English, invited me to come to China first class, all expenses paid. He made an articulate and strong emotional argument, but I politely refused several times. The next night, Simon made an improved offer that included shopping and sightseeing, and my wife Karla graciously accepted. What follows here is the story of the introduction of the CEO Clubs to China.

China Picture Book In December of 2002, I took several dozen pioneering CEOs to explore China with me. The newsletter that follows was written just after my first trip. The descriptions capture my initial reactions fairly well, but they fail to fully appreciate what was to come from additional visits. In essence, this first trip only scratched the surface of my knowledge of the wealth that is China: a country that is becoming a superpower, and a country that wants to do business with United States CEOs. I have made a total of six trips to China; the last trip was in October 2005. Over the course of those trips, I have brought about 217 CEOs to meet mayors, find joint venture partners, see all the wonders of the world, and eat Chinese food not found in Manhattan s nearby Chinatown. It s been a wonderful cultural exchange, and I have had more fun building the USA-based CEO Clubs than I have had anywhere else, over three decades. We have truly been able to build bridges across the oceans and cultures to mutually benefit all. I am most proud of the fact that the New Jersey industrial coatings manufacturer Peter Tepperman s fifteen-year-old son Ryan spent a summer living in the home of the colorful lady mayor, Ms. Han, in Beijing. Ryan spoke no Chinese yet enjoyed his solo visit. Mayor Han arranged for Ryan interactions with hundreds of English-speaking Chinese schoolchildren. Our crowning accomplishment involved a lovely Chinese lady CEO who manufactured cell phone batteries in the southern city of Shenzhen. When our bus visited her factory of 1700 employees, Madam Guo was greeted by her employees in a welcoming line of several hundred. The CEOs exiting the bus followed behind Madam Guo, shaking hands as we entered her factory. All of the security officers in the welcoming line were at attention as they saluted their leader in military style. This prompted a comment from Connecticut-based CEO Club member Jeff Begoon to say, Reminds me of my laundry facility, where some of my employees greet me at work with a Royal salute. Madam Guo, a woman in her early forties, had confided in me that she was looking for more than just a US joint venture partner. She wanted an American husband, who she judged would be more responsive to her needs and position. As I discovered on my last trip, she and Southlake, Texas-based furniture manufacturer Christopher Reeves have become a married couple. It is easily our crowning achievement. The pictures don t capture my surprise at this bridge-building success.

CEOs Making Money and Having Fun in China I have a close friendship with the dynamic mayor of Shenzhen. The fastestgrowing city in China is just across the bay from Hong Kong. In twenty-seven years, Shenzhen went from a sleepy fishing village of 300,000 to a world-class city of 10 million. What makes it so unique is that most of the city has been built in the last twenty years, and everything is new and clean. The Shenzhen media has quoted me as saying, Shenzhen is the new New York. When Britain gave Hong Kong back to China in 1997, Shenzhen benefited greatly by this transfer of ownership. Shenzhen is the home of the world-class golf resort with 180 holes, Mission Hills. This city has become the CEO Club s favorite stop while visiting China. Tenniel Chu, founder David Chu s second son, always makes our visits to this resort extremely comfortable. The golf course is lighted at night, and late-night golfing is extremely popular. Shenzhen s appeal has more to do with the people than the buildings. The mayor of this city, Mayor Liu, has personally met with all the CEO Club delegations, and his warmth and friendship has made this CEO Club chapter extremely strong. In addition, Mayor Liu has visited me in New York and has traveled all the way to meet a CEO Club SuperPAC in the Turks and Caicos Islands. He makes China a warm, receptive, and friendly country. After my six trips to China, I have concluded that the following ten principles are important for a CEO to know before developing a Chinese joint venture. 1) DON T BE IN A HURRY. I characterize American CEOs as ready-fire-aim types. They like to get it done fast. China doesn t work that way. The People s Republic of China is called PRC, but those letters really mean patience, relationships, and cash. 2) DON T IGNORE THE GOVERNMENT. Unlike the US government, all Chinese government officials want to do business with America. China does seem to have far too many government officials, but it is in your best interest to know and respect them all. All government politicians, especially the mayors, love to spout GDP numbers. They are always big numbers, yet most Americans don t even know GDP stands for gross domestic product, which is an economic measure of output.

China Picture Book 3) ALWAYS MEET THE MAYORS. Mayors are not elected by popular elections, but they survive on their political skills. Mayors are appointed to five-year terms, and they know everybody. You must have deep friendships among the mayors to be successful at doing business. In my opinion, the mayors are the best middlemen to find you a joint venture partner. 4) DON T RELY ON THE CHINESE LEGAL SYSTEM. CEO Club-sized businesses can waste a lot of money protecting rights and drawing up agreements. Your best protection comes from a solid business relationship with a mutually profitable exchange. 5) KNOW THAT EVERYBODY IS IN THE MIDDLEMAN BUSINESS. I do mean everybody. Like in any business, middlemen can help, but in China, there are multiple middlemen involved all sharing profits on the same transaction. It is usually best to have a direct employee represent you. Remember that selling picks and shovels not panning for gold made most of the money during the California Gold Rush. Or as Steve Forbes told me, My grandfather always said it was better to sell investment advice than to follow it. Be careful of all middlemen arrangements. 6) FIRST MAKE FRIENDS, AND THEN DO BUSINESS. If you simply do business, and you hit the proverbial hiccup, you will be stuck trying to work out of the problem. Friends solve problems much more quickly and cheaply than acquaintances. Rather than ready-fireaim, Chinese CEOs are best described as ready-ready-ready. 7) REALIZE THAT EVERYTHING YOU DO IS 100 PERCENT DEPENDENT ON YOUR TRANSLATOR. This person must understand you and your businesses intimately. You must be able to trust your translator completely and he or she should be well connected. If not, all deals will fall apart. Your translator is more important to you than any other person (especially middlemen). 8) DISCOVER THAT BEIJING, SHANGHAI, AND SHENZHEN ARE NOT ALL THERE IS IN CHINA. Like New York, Los Angeles, and Washington DC, these popular, populous

CEOs Making Money and Having Fun in China cities don t represent all of China. The second- and third-level cities have better prices, and the Chinese there are not westernized and they want to do business. 9) UNDERSTAND THAT CHINA HAS HAD THE FASTEST- GROWING ECONOMY IN THE WORLD FOR MORE THAN A DECADE. It will continue to expand. With a market of 1.3 billion people, you should examine your appeal to this market while you develop joint partners. Last year, Americans spent $170 billion more on Chinese goods than Chinese spent on American goods. That number grows annually. By the time you read this, there will be twice as many cell phones (500 million) in China... or two for every living American. 10) LEARN TO SPEAK AND UNDERSTAND 100 CHINESE WORDS AND PHRASES. This effort on the part of American CEOs is not beyond your natural abilities. This one act will differentiate you from the hundreds of other Americans who never learn more than hello, or Neehow. A small Chinese/ English dictionary is a good read during the twenty-hour flight. BONUS TIP FOR CEOS TRAVELING WITH THE CEO CLUBS: When traveling to China with peers and friends, consider being part of a prestigious delegation. It could be a trip arranged by the US government or a governmental agency, but not by a travel agency. When you travel with the CEO Clubs and the CEO Clubs, China, you travel like a rock star as you see the country. Tour groups drop you off at shopping centers and pick you up at night. Government and industry trade groups are a better way to see the real China and find joint venture partners What follows next is the newsletter I sent to the 5,000 US CEO Club members a month after my first China visit, in December 2002. The newsletter has not been altered for this book. Please remember as you read it that these are my first impressions and at the time, I had no real plans to return. I never even thought of publishing a book until after my recent 2005 visit. If I had had even an inkling of writing this book earlier, I would have done so many things differently. But life for a CEO is always full of surprises and excitement. So, here is the newsletter, unedited.

China Picture Book How Can American CEOs Make Money in China? CEOs Making Money and Having Fun in China I am about to save you 44 hours of flying time, $10,000, and three weeks by summarizing the CEO Club launch of four chapters in China in early December 2002. All of the larger US companies found China years ago, and they are building facilities at a rapid pace. CEO Club-sized companies are just now finding Chinese partners, and China is the new wild, wild West. Go West, young man! has become the cry for entrepreneurs. We expect to arrange more trips, more exchanges, and reciprocal visits like the US/China Day at Treasure Island, Las Vegas, on Presidents Day in 2003. Here is the summary In 1997, Britain returned Hong Kong to China. Now China is said to be one country, two systems. Twenty-one CEOs flew to Hong Kong for a kickoff dinner on Monday, December 9, 2002. Ted one of New York member Dave Zeldin s friends, and the first CEO Clubs, China, member joined us there on the trip. On Tuesday morning, we assembled on a bus and crossed the border to a former fishing village called Shenzhen. The surprise at seeing a beautiful, large city was surpassed only by the shock of seeing so much construction still underway. We were flabbergasted, and we wanted to stop the bus and buy a condo. It was the wild, wild West, but it was real estate, not gold, driving the crowd. Hello, mayor Our first visit was to meet Mayor Liu of Shenzhen. Little did we know, Mayor Liu would become a friend and staunch supporter of the CEO Club. We met mayors in all four cities we visited on that trip, and we found that knowing the mayors is the best way to do business in this Communist country. Now, in the US, we would all sit around a long, wooden conference table and talk. Not in China. Meeting a mayor is an event a big event that is covered in detail in the local papers. Member Meredith Gardner had a separate feature story about her

CEOs Making Money and Having Fun in China work. Gifts were exchanged, and photographers were everywhere. Meeting the mayors is worth the price of the trip all by itself. The US CEO Club members who attended all made the papers and became foreign dignitaries. Now, let me frame the meeting for you: We met in a huge, formal, ornate room lined with oversized easy chairs. There were about twenty massive, comfortable, oversized chairs on each side of the room, and two or four even bigger chairs were at the front of the room. It was a sight to see! Everyone had a microphone and a cup of tea. Young, beautiful, brightly clad female attendants in red silk dresses filled the tea every five minutes. Naturally, we used the microphones, and we needed interpreters because no one spoke English. It was a very formal, slow-moving ceremony. The Shenzhen mayor had a straight-forward message: How come you are setting up your headquarters in Beijing and not here? Despite our language barrier, we could see how he became mayor very quickly. The American CEOs were an impressive-looking group. Frank Pagano brought a father/son team of Chinese suppliers on the trip. Frank is a New Jersey-based automotive parts distributor/manufacturer, and he has been doing business in China for quite a while. He is also a genius. His decision to include his suppliers the father/son team for the whole trip was a brilliant choice and a surprise to me. The men reduced Frank s prices and

China Picture Book helped him weed out other suppliers. They had they best time of their lives... really, they did. Outside the CEO Clubs Beijing office. The father and son suppliers had never met a mayor, cruised the Yangtze River in Shanghai, or stayed at such fine hotels. Neither had I. I was overwhelmed and you can only imagine their reaction! They are now part of the CEO Club and part of Frank s family. The hotels we stayed at were all spectacular and one was finer than the finest hotel I had ever seen. I was overwhelmed; can you imagine how this father/son team felt? Our first visit with CEOs In Shenzhen, we visited the largest industrial park I have ever seen. We met, with the help of interpreters, with many of the CEOs. We sat around a formal conference table, and a series of video cameras mounted on a tower took us on a live video tour of a park that contained about a thousand buildings. All of this had been built in the last ten years! Our mouths were wide open, and our boisterous group of entrepreneurs kept asking, Where does the money come from?

CEOs Making Money and Having Fun in China Steve Trenk found a needle in a haystack in Shenzhen on his birthday. Steve heads a clean public shell with an $11 million tax-loss carryforward, and he was looking for a Chinese partner. Steve is the CEO of a fuel-cell research business. One of his newly found Shenzhen friends is headquartered in Beijing, and Steve and his friend arranged a conference a few days later in Beijing. Steve said the meeting paid for the trip and went beyond his expectations. He also enjoyed blowing out the candles on his birthday cake, but because there were so many, he needed help. But it is time to mention the hero of the trip, Simon Guo, who heads the CEO Clubs of China. Steve told me he was successful solely because of Simon. Everyone on the trip agreed. Our meeting received national TV coverage.

10 China Picture Book Who is Simon Guo? Simon is Chinese, but he received his education in America. He once served as the interpreter for many important meetings, and was an interpreter for Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller. Talk about a rare talent! Simon is pure talent, and he left his full-time activities to devote 150 percent of his time to the CEO Clubs. You can t imagine how important the translations service is until you see it. Simon was a teacher for Wilson Learning, and he is wired into China. Everyone agrees that Simon is the perfect person to head the CEO Clubs of China. Simon has eight full-time employees and he has built the CEO Club of China s website: It is a huge resource, as it is the companion site of the US CEO Clubs There is an ongoing exchange as members bios and photos are placed on each site in the corresponding languages. His office in Beijing is strategically located in the largest industrial park, and the CEO Clubs of China have a sign hanging on the 500,000 square foot building. It s an impressive beginning. After a night in Shenzhen, we went by bus to Guangzhou about an hour s ride in the countryside to the capital city of the province of Guangdong. I think this southern province in China is growing so quickly because of the Hong Kong transfer. We met the mayor and stayed in a hotel reserved only for the government. It was the nicest hotel I had ever seen. By now, we all had fallen in love with the country and wanted to buy real estate. A common CEO disease! The pioneering CEOs had the trip of a lifetime.

CEOs Making Money and Having Fun in China 11 We met the mayor and went to the industrial park to meet the CEOs. We were learning how to act. CEOs catch on fast, and we were perfecting our lines. Members started saying, Joe, why don t you say Manhattan was just a fishing village when you launched the CEO Clubs twenty-four years ago? We were into the trip and C.O. and Doris Turner said, The best part of the trip is the banter at breakfast. Rain cancelled the evening boat cruise in Guangzhou, but it gave us the first chance to have our clothes laundered. After seeing the mayor, we visited the plastic resin factory of a Chinese CEO. This person was the counterpart of the US members, and we assembled around the classic, huge (holds fifty people), CEO-type conference table. This CEO was also the head of all the middle-sized businesses in the province. In less than an hour, using interpreters, members (led by Gordon McKenna of Dallas) had found out all the numbers relevant to the business. His Chinese peers had never asked this CEO these penetrating questions. He was fascinated by the US CEOs, and he wanted to be a member and have his whole group be active in the chapter. It turns out that he makes a salary of $80,000 annually, which makes him a millionaire in China. However, his equity in the business in just eight years grew from a few thousand dollars to what he claimed was $60 million. We advised him to get that equity liquid ASAP. We had just started telling him what to do when we ran out of time. Outside the CEO Club s headquarters building in Beijung.

12 China Picture Book You haven t seen it all until you have seen Shanghai We flew to this beautiful city in China and got our first good night s sleep. Shanghai is the financial capital of China, and its skyline is even more spectacular than Manhattan s. Should I repeat that sentence, or did you get the message? It s a jewel! This is where the money is, and everyone wants us to go back and stay longer in Shanghai. This is also where our Japanese CEO Club member Sakan Yanagidaira and Washington DC member Chris Walker joined the tour. Let me digress a moment and tell you a little about our members Can you believe Cliff Blaker and his partner decided to join the tour two days before we left? They didn t even have airline tickets or visas! Or that Chris Walker (Norm Gavin of United Concrete nicknamed him Walkabout ) never registered for the trip and showed up with one bag in Shanghai? I brought five bags CEOs are not normal travelers. Everyone said, This was the best trip I have ever been on. And Walkabout has seen 90 percent of the whole wide world. The distinguished CEOs from America. We all gave out more than 500 business cards printed with our US address on one side and our Chinese identities on the other. I actually ran out of business cards. We met the mayors and the CEOs and then had the boat trip of our lives on the Yangtze River. The whole city of Shanghai is lit up at night, as it is a Wonder of the World. But in Shanghai, we temporarily lost the father/son team, Hal and Phil Katzen...

CEOs Making Money and Having Fun in China 13 They were still buying Rolex watches on the Bund after our boat sailed. They had just paid $15 for five watches when they discovered the boat had left the dock. The cell phones were all programmed so we could just dial Joe or Simon or anyone and our phones would ring. Did they pay for themselves? Just ask the Katzens, who were eventually picked up back at the dock. After Shanghai, we flew to Beijing, the capital of China. This was the highlight of the trip. The best was saved for last. We became tourists and were welcomed by a snowstorm in Beijing... but the snow only made the Temple of Heaven even prettier. We saw less than 10 percent of the Forbidden City in four hours. It has 9,999.5 rooms (the local planning commission thousands of years ago only allowed 10,000 rooms). We all wanted to see the half room but instead had hot coffee in a Starbucks inside the Forbidden City. Did you know Tiananmen Square is adjacent to the Forbidden City? The Forbidden City was an awesome sight beyond what the written word can describe The Forbidden City has 9999 and a half rooms. This is one of them. Next, we went to see the Great Wall of China. Mike Glaspie proposed to Amy at The Great Wall, and she cried when he gave her the ring he smuggled in from Michigan. My wife Karla was the only one in on the surprise because she was the official photographer. The Great Wall is the biggest tourist attraction in the world, (but it can t be seen from the moon, despite the urban legend

14 China Picture Book that persists today). Marty Zaslansky had the most fun at the Great Wall as he negotiated the prices of some beautiful silk scarves. Norm Gavin and John Asher (who had his sales training manual translated to Chinese) each spent $5,000 to buy beautiful jade room dividers. Now, for the best part of the trip... Simon Guo lives in Beijing, where our offices are. In fact, Beijing is the CEO Clubs of China headquarters. We went to see our new offices and were greeted by a host of dignitaries from the largest industrial park in Beijing. They put out thousands of flowers to greet us. They want to do business with the US middle market companies, and they gave us a warm reception. Our offices will be ready The sign above our office entrance in Beijing. this spring, and the 500,000 square foot building where we will office will be named CEO Clubs of China. British Telecom is building a unique teleconferencing suite in our offices. We will be able to teleconference from our China headquarters with hundreds of US sites. So, for instance, when Steve Trenk wants to talk with his Chinese partners, he can go to Manhattan and they can go to our China office and hold a videoconference. We expect this to become a major CEO Club resource. The ability to teleconference is a major accomplishment that will allow real exchanges of business between our members in both countries. Later, we met the eight other employees of the CEO Club. The offices were spectacular and exciting. The Beijing mayor, a vibrant woman, was the best mayor of all. While all the other mayors hosted us to luncheon feasts, she received a standing toast and salutes for her ten-course luncheon. The event was held at a magnificent

CEOs Making Money and Having Fun in China 15 building called the little white house, which was at our disposal for all our events. The building is set on a picturesque lake and is really and truly magnificent. So much so, in fact, that all of us wanted to be members of the Communist party. The most popular mayor was a lady. I was so impressed that I asked the mayor if our twenty-one CEOs could become honorary members of the Communist party. She is working on it, and we are all hopeful. Everybody was thrilled. The mayor has a thirteen-year old son, and Norm Gavin offered the mayor s son a summer job at his plant in Yalesville, Connecticut. It was a show. Our new hero... for those of us who are Communist.

16 China Picture Book Then the formal meeting of the Beijing CEOs and the US CEO Club began... There was a six-piece orchestra, and all the TV stations throughout China covered the event. We had 500 CEOs attend. Plus, an educational channel in China spent four hours with our group to create a one-hour documentary to be aired in a month throughout China. There were dozens of photographers and members were autographing books we gave as gifts. It was a formal ceremony, a big ending to a trip of a lifetime. Simon Guo did a spectacular job. Just ask anyone and everyone pioneering enough to join us. Simon expects to equal the US CEO Club s membership this year. Of course, they have 1.3 billion people and the US only has 250 million, and everyone in China wants to do business here. American CEOs are just now discovering China, where the average factory wage is less than $10 per day. Finally, the trip was over and we could rest. Or not. The vice president of the country asked us to visit him on Thursday after most of the members had gone back to the US. There were only six diehards left, and we went to a national government headquarters for a surprise visit to meet the vice president of the country. You should have seen his building and the soldiers! It was better than the Great Wall and the Forbidden City... it was better than the White House. We met in those oversized, comfortable stuffed chairs. The vice president spoke English, having been educated at UCLA. He spent an hour with the small group and gave us his full support. The VP is known as the father of Chinese venture capital, and he wants us to be part of his annual conference. But, he was also full of surprises. He greeted me by complimenting me on several of my business plan books. He said he had read my bestseller How to Write a Winning Business Plan. I was stroked and honored. He said he was honored to meet an author who had written twenty-four books. I was smiling broadly and beaming, even though I was exhausted. Can you believe that he himself has written thirty books? He couldn t wait to tell me he had written six more books than I, and that he had another three books under contract. He also said he worked twenty-four hours a day, seven

CEOs Making Money and Having Fun in China 17 Here are those overstuffed chairs. On this day, it was Steve Trenk s birthday. We sang Happy Birthday, and he blew out the candles. days a week, and there was no way I could ever catch up to him. He smiled broadly. He was congratulated. He was the clear winner. He had set me up and then deflated my balloon... gently, but he was the king. What a guy! When we left, he arranged a police escort with screaming sirens. We zipped through the traffic-jammed streets and returned to our hotel. The trip of a lifetime was over and Simon Guo s team was signing up the new Chinese CEO Club members. Finally, Norm Gavin, Chris Walker, Karla Mancuso, and I left to visit longtime SuperPAC member Sakan Yanagidaira in Tokyo. It was Friday morning at 6 a.m. as we sought to board the plane from Beijing to Tokyo. Lo and behold, whom did we run into at the airport? Simon Guo. He had been summoned by the mayor of Shenzhen to come for an urgent visit. I could tell you more about the trip to Sakan s new health spa under construction on his three acres in downtown Tokyo, but this is too much to believe. Our SuperPAC member Sakan has spent a million dollars to drill about a mile down into the ground to locate the only hot springs in Tokyo. It will be on his $20 million training center in Tokyo. But if I told you about those last three days, you would conclude this story was nothing but a fairy tale. So, I will keep it a secret, but you can be sure it will be a stop on the CEO Club s next trip to China.

18 China Picture Book We had a great experience when we met John Hui, the head of the World Trade Center s Club Guangzhou. Are you familiar with the World Trade Centers? There are 330 WTCs comprised of approximately 700,000 companies in about one hundred countries. On the Web site www. The world travelers at Sakan s Health Spa., you ll find World Trade Center Association (WTCA) president, Mr. Guy F. Tozzoli s statement: A World Trade Center in any city is a business shopping center, complementing and supporting the existing services of private and government agencies. The purpose of the World Trade Center is to have information available to businesses in a timely, coordinated manner. John Hui hosted our group in his club in Guangzhou as he served us an elaborate lunch and gave us a tour of his facilities. The WTC not only provides offices for members, but they also help find partners for members in various countries. The luncheon and meeting facility is great. John Hui expects to attend the CEO Club meeting on January 7, 2003, at the New York s Harvard Club. Hopefully, he and Simon Guo will develop an exchange of membership privileges for everyone s benefit. The Chinese have several important influences in their lives. An understanding of these concepts is essential for the US CEO traveling in China. One of these crucial influences on Chinese thought is the concept of Yin and Yang, a concept that evolved around 300 BC. The period from the fifth to the third centuries BC is known for the development of intellectual activities in China.

CEOs Making Money and Having Fun in China 19 Yin and Yang and the Five Elements The creation of the world and the continued processes of nature are attributed to the complementary forces of two powers, Yin and Yang. Yin is the female, passive energy, existing in coldness, night, danger, hardness, evil, and death. Yang is the male, active energy in heat, daylight, and life. The procession of natural phenomena was attributed to whichever of the two was ascendant. Yin and Yang manifested themselves in the chi (the vital energy) and in the five elements. The five main elements are fire, water, metal, wood, and earth. These are associated with other elements in sets of five: the colors red, black, white, green, and yellow; the directions south, north, west, east, and center; five sacred mountains; the five senses of human perception; five fingers of the hand; and five toes of the foot. It has become fashionable to believe that the proper state of man on earth depended on maintaining the correct balance of Yin and Yang and that the powers of certain members of the five elements could help against natural disasters and political disturbance. It began to be used in Han court protocol and for political purposes. The influence of the Yin and Yang was used to require support for whichever faction happened to be on the rise. As it had a powerful hold on the minds of the leaders, they hoped to exert this force on those they led. This force can be seen in many aspects of Chinese life. For example, the structure of the ancient cities was based on Yin and Yang. Central buildings were situated on a north-south axis. Since the south symbolized life, all buildings opened to the south. The emperor always sat on the north side, facing south. During the Tang dynasty, physicians and pharmacologists, not cooks, determined what could or could not be eaten, based on Yin and Yang and the five elements. All foods were separated into three categories: the Yin cool food that calms and nourishes the system; the Yang foods that are hot and stimulate the body but deplete energies; and the neutral foods foods which combine the best features of Yin and Yang for a perfect balance. For example, it was better to eat whole barley rather than milled barley so that one would have the heating yang effects of the meal and the cooling yin effect of the bran. The physicians and pharmacologists advised not to eat leeks with beef or honey, and recommended rhubarb to help a sluggish digestion. Seasonings and ingredients in dishes were chosen to balance the body s vital energies.

20 China Picture Book The Yin and Yang and the five elements are also seen as motifs used in decorations of art and in religious articles. Feng Shui Feng shui, another important influence in the lives of those in China, is the art and science of positioning manmade structures in harmony with the vital cosmic energy (chi) coursing through the earth. It is quintessentially Chinese in its concern for harmony and proportion, and for balancing man, nature, and spirit. Traditional cosmology describes how invisible energy currents, or dragon veins, run from the sky down into mountain peaks, and then along the earth, blending heavenly and earthly energies. Natural topography the form of hills, the direction of streams is believed to modify the natural energies, creating auspicious and inauspicious sites. Feng shui experts study this invisible geography, looking at the positioning of mountains, valleys, and streams. Using the luo pan compass, a magnetic disc set in a divining board, they scan the hillsides for hidden dragon veins, then follow these down to the valley floor. Sites where Yin and Yang meet in proper proportions where dragon ridges intersect tiger hills are auspicious locations for villages, houses, and ancestral graves. The ideal site faces south, with rising land to the east and softly undulating hills to the west. The site should have a stream in front, mountains in the back, be open to breezes in front, remain dry, and have no white ants. Often these sites are used as graves ancestors must be appeased with the best of everything. Feng shui s ancient principles (the system dates back to the Sung dynasty) have been successfully transferred to modern urban environments. Hong Kong is the center of the international feng shui scene, exporting geomancers to Chinese communities around the world. Since poor placement of buildings could bring bad luck to businesses and workers, multimillion dollar office buildings are vented by geomancers who adjust the designs. When constructing buildings such as office buildings or hotels, feng shui experts are called in even before the architectural plans are approved. Buildings having

CEOs Making Money and Having Fun in China 1 waterfront location are particularly tricky matters, as dragons are said to sweep down from the hills each day at dawn to bathe in the ocean and would be upset to find their route blocked by a building. Dragons, however, can pass through the glass without trouble, so many hotels have high windows and glass doors facing the mountains. Feng shui experts also advise on the placement of doors, windows, and elevators inside the hotel, and even design right down to the positioning of room furniture. Feng shui principles influence interior decorating, accounting for the abundance of mirrors inside offices (they scare away demons who fear the sign of their own ugly faces). Small octagonal mirrors called pat gwa are strategically placed to deflect evil. Aquariums are another solution the fishes movement and the play of light on the water deflect bad influence. The fish absorb the bad luck, acting as a sort of filter, and if they die, they re replaceable. Face What is face to the Chinese? We usually oversimplify this term by suggesting that the term implies that someone is becoming embarrassed about something. Any foreigner who has no better understanding than this will not only lose face, but contacts and contracts as well. Learning how to give face is not only polite, it s a smart business decision. To show face, for example, when approaching a door with a Chinese host, he will always gesture for you to proceed ahead of him. An unknowing, foreign guest invariably smiles, nods, and proceeds first. But the guest really should resist and gesture for the host to go first... and the host will probably resist and gesture for the guest to go first, while the guest should then resist again and eventually invite the host to go through The gift exchange with the mayor was an important event.

22 China Picture Book the doorway together. So, unless someone is actually having to show the way somewhere, this pantomime is usually played. This is one form of face. Punctuality is one of the many forms that face takes. Always be on time, and if hosting lunch or dinner, get to the restaurant ahead of your guests. What you wear is also an expression of face. If you dress less formally when you call at an office or meet a Chinese host than you would dress for a meeting with your boss, the Chinese may read something into this... as to your showing a lack of respect (face). Escorting a departing visitor all the way to the elevator is standard way of giving face. You can also show the visitor all the way to the front door as a real showing of giving face. If someone repairs something for you, such as a shoe or watch, give the item a little close study before paying the bill show your approval rather than treating his skill casually. He ll appreciate your appreciation. That s face, too. Hands are very important in the role they play in face. You should always accept anything offered with two hands... with two hands. When handing something to the Chinese, such as a business card, offer it with both hands. Holding a glass with two hands during a banquet toast is more polite than using one. If your host pours you a drink from a container held with two hands, hold your cup or glass with two hands as it is being filled. If you are ever extended applause when entering a place, it is polite to discretely and slowly clap We all exchanged gifts with each mayor. for a moment, to return of the courtesy. Simply saying hello or neehow to a hotel floor attendant may seem to you to be a routine courtesy, but by simply acknowledging his or her presence, you are giving face.

CEOs Making Money and Having Fun in China Mianxi, or face, is very important and should be taken into consideration at all times. Losing your temper, confronting someone, putting someone on the spot, arrogant behavior, or failing to accord proper respect can cause a loss of face. Traveler s Prayer Heavenly Father, look down on us, your humble, obedient tourist servants who are doomed to travel this earth, taking photographs, mailing postcards, buying souvenirs, and walking around in drip dry underwear. We beseech You, O Lord, to see that our plane is not hijacked, our luggage is not lost, and our overweight baggage goes unnoticed. Protect us from surly and unscrupulous taxi drivers, avaricious porters, and unlicensed, English-speaking guides. Give us this day divine guidance in the selection of our hotels that we may find our reservations honored, our rooms made up, and hot water running from the taps (if it is all possible). We pray that the telephones work, that the operators speak our tongue, and that there is no mail from our children, forcing us to cancel the rest of our trip. Lead us, Lord, to good, inexpensive restaurants where the food is superb, the waiters friendly, and the wine included in the price of the meal. Give us the wisdom to tip correctly in currencies we do not understand. Forgive us for under tipping out of ignorance and over tipping out of fear. Make the natives love us for what we are and not for what we can contribute to their worldly goods. Grant us the strength to visit museums, cathedrals, palaces, and the castles listed as musts in the guidebooks. And if perchance we skip a historic monument to take a nap after lunch, have mercy on us, for our flesh is weak. (This part of the prayer is for the husbands.) Dear God, keep our wives from shopping sprees and protect them from bargains they don t need and can t afford. Lead them not into temptation for they know not what they do.

24 China Picture Book (This part of the prayer is for wives.) Almighty Father, keep our husbands from looking at foreign women and comparing them to us. Save them from making fools of themselves in cafes and nightclubs. Above all, please do NOT forgive them their trespasses for they know exactly what they do! (Together.) And when our voyage is over and we return to our loved ones, grant us the favor of finding someone who will look at our home movies and listen to our stories, so our lives as tourists will not have been in vain. Modern Beijing Beijing today thrives as the political and cultural capital of China, the center of international activity, and an important socialist base. Great changes have taken place since the founding of the People s Republic of China in 1949. The city walls were demolished to facilitate transportation and allow for general expansion. By 2001, the population exceeded 12.5 million, and the total municipal area was increased to over 17,800 square kilometers. The city is presently divided into sixteen districts; the municipality is comprised of two counties: Miyun and Yanqing. Plans for future development retain the symmetrical layout of the old city on its north-south axis, extending out into the suburban districts. From Dingfuzhuang in the east to Shijingshan in the west, and from Qinghe in the north to Nanyuan in the south, the overall plan covers an area of 1,000 square kilometers. A traffic network of four concentric beltways, twentyeight radial roads, and underground and suburban railways are being further developed to link the city center with outlying areas and surrounding towns.

CEOs Making Money and Having Fun in China With Tiananmen at the center, offices along 38-kilometer-long Chang an Boulevard will concentrate on state, political, and economic affairs. The areas around the Palace Museum (Imperial Palace or Forbidden City) and city gates, as well as the lakes Zhongnanhai, Beihai, and Housanhai have been designated landmark districts. And with a look to the future, an increasing number of historical, cultural, and revolutionary sites are being renovated and opened to the public. Shanghai Shanghai is a scintillating city bristling with rapid cultural change. Its population exceeds 20 million. Since market restrictions were lifted, Shanghai has embraced the forces of business and design and rewritten its purpose, shaping a fresh, new city that is sophisticated, innovative, and living a life it has never lived before. While it can t match the epic history of Beijing or Xian s grander sights, Shanghai is the hotspot of modern China; it s a cosmopolitan city buzzing with the concept of lifestyle revolution, showcased in the architectural temples of art, fine dining, and contemporary urban living on The Bund the tourist hotspot where the popular sunset cruises originate from the Yangtze River. Shanghai is the financial capital of China. The CEO Clubs wine bar is located near The Bund in Shanghai and is a popular attraction for locals and tourists. A city of jockeying juxtapositions, the bullet trains speed from the airport to downtown. The number of recent changes has bewildered and unsettled many. As monumental building projects push skyward, and glinting

26 China Picture Book department stores swing open their doors to a stylish elite, those lacking disposable cash try to realign the vision of their new city with memories of a Communist history. The city s prosperous sheen belies the ongoing social concerns for a disintegrating welfare system. Shanghai is shackled to a past of which it is both suspicious and proud. Nobody can predict what the city will look like two decades from now, but as the Chinese saying goes, if the old doesn t go, the new won t come. Pearl River Delta (Southern China Hong Kong, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou) Just a step from Hong Kong, the Pearl River Delta is the perfect place to start exploring some of China s most famous and exciting cities. The Pearl River, in China s subtropical south, connects three of the Far East s most exciting destinations Hong Kong, Macau, and Guangdong Province (formerly Canton). If you ve only a limited time to visit China, make the most of your time and explore the Pearl River Delta. Hong Kong has long been the dominant airport in China, and since Hong Kong was returned to China in 1997, these areas in Southern China have been the fastest growing cities in the world. Shenzhen has grown from a sleepy fishing village of 300,000 twenty-seven years ago to a clean, essentially new city of 10 million. It is the most exciting city in China, and its nearness to Hong Kong and the gambling city of Macau only enhances its appeal. The CEO Clubs have offices in this city and in Guangzhou, the capital city of the Guangdong province. The new airport in Guangzhou is spectacular and will add to the choices of international flights, which historically have used Hong Kong. All members of the CEO Club were most impressed with the opportunities in the Pearl River Delta. Shenzhen is the home of the popular 180-hole golf

CEOs Making Money and Having Fun in China resort, Mission Hills. Guangdong province offers a glimpse of the China of yesterday and today. This region includes one of China s most vibrant cities, Guangzhou, which lies only an hour from Hong Kong. Qingdao [ching dou ] or Tsingtao[tsing tou, ching dou ] city (1994 est. pop. 1,584,100) SE Shandong province. E China, on the Yellow Sea. With an excellent ice-free harbor, it is a major fishing and trade port of China, connected by rail with Yantai and Jinan. It is a special economic development port. The leading industrial city of Shandong, it has textile mills, food-processing and tobacco-processing establishments, machine shops, breweries, paper mills, and plants making diesel locomotives, railroad cars, tires, fertilizers, rubber products, and chemicals. Leased to Germany in 1898 as part of the Kiaochow territory, Qingdao became the administrative center of the leasehold and developed into a modern city. This city is a tourist attraction, as the ocean is beautiful and only a few miles from mountains. Qingdao is home of the General Electric for China, Haire. It is also the home of China s best-known beer, called Qingdao. Most Americans don t visit this beautiful coastal city, as it is not as easily assessable as the major cities. However, the beautiful beaches and the climate make it a popular Chinese resort. Shenyang Northern China Shenyang is located to the north of the Hun River (named Shen Shui River in the ancient time), and the ancient Chinese traditionally called the north of a river yang, so the city got its name as Shenyang. Shenyang is an ancient city with a long history. Shenzhou was set up during the Liao dynasty (960-1127) and was surrounded by earthen walls. This was the start of

28 China Picture Book the city of Shenyang. The city continued to use the name Shenyang during the Jin dynasty (1127-1279). And during the Yuan dynasty, the city was rebuilt and renamed Shenyang Lu. In 1625, Nurhach, the Tai Zu Emperor of Qing dynasty, transferred its capital from Liaoyang to Shenyang, and in 1634, Huang Tai Ji, the Tai Zong emperor of the Qing dynasty, worshipped Shenyang as Shengjing, and it became the capital of the Qing dynasty. In 1644, after the capital was moved to Beijing during the Qing dynasty, Shenyang became an accompanying capital. After Qing united the whole China in 1657, it set up the Fengtian government in Shenyang. In 1945, the city recovered its name Shenyang. Most of the Shenyang region rests on a plain, stretching flatly. Mountains and highlands are mostly concentrated in the southeastern part, which belongs to the extended part of the Liaodong mountainous highlands. Shenyang is one of the famous industrial cities in China that keeps a good name of Equipment Department of PRC. Shenyang has abundant property resources and a large-scale economy. Shenyang ranks fifth among all the cities in China with regard to its overall strength. At the same time, the World Bank regards Shenyang as one of the most competitive cities of the world. Shenyang deals in all industrial aspects and is capable of manufacturing whole sets of products with high techniques. As the regional central market, Shenyang has a great impact on its neighboring cities, and even the whole China is under its influence. The Yangtze River Cruise China has a wide range of Yangtze River tours in Beijing, Xian, Shanghai, Guilin, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Tibet, Silk Road, Mongolia, and southern minority ethnic group provinces such as Yunnan and Guizhou,

CEOs Making Money and Having Fun in China Chongqing is the largest city in all of China (its population is thirty-two million) and it s the most popular launching point for Yangtze River cruises. The cruises start in Chongqing and end in Shanghai, but the most popular cruise is a shorter one that ends in Wuhan. Chongqing is home of the hot pot Chinese food cooked in hot oil at your table, akin to a French fondue. It s a favorite of most Chinese. Yangtze River Cruise from Chongqing to Wuhan Depart Chongqing at 9 a.m. for an exciting downstream voyage exploring the unique Three Gorges on the world s third-largest river. The great mountains and rapid water isolate and keep a stunning world from the outside. Your first port of call will be Fengdu, the legendary City of Ghost. The Ming Hill, to be submerged when the Three Gorges dam is completed, is a land of hell. The scaring statues describing the afterlife were sculpted to terrify the illiterate. Continue passing the first gorge, Qutang Gorge, and you will see the high

30 China Picture Book peaks, sheer cliffs, and the narrow gates of the waterway. Then you ll come to Wu Gorge, the most beautiful part of the Three Gorges. The most popular cruise ends in Wuhan. Xian An episode in the history of Sino-Western exchanges runs as follows: One day when Julius Caesar went to attend a theatre performance, he found himself the object of the surprised stares of the whole audience. His glamorous gown made of Chinese silk had triggered their interest. From that time onwards, Chinese silk was high fashion in Rome, and people competed with each other, dressing up in it to display their wealth. As a result, the price of silk went up so sharply that it equaled the gold price. The home of this Chinese silk so popular with the ancient Romans was Xian, called Chang an over 2,000 years ago, then the capital of the Han dynasty. Xian was called Chang an during the Han dynasty. The connotation of Chang an is a place of permanent peace. It was not until the prosperous Tang dynasty that Chang an became famous both at home and abroad as the largest and busiest international metropolis of that age in the world. Xian obtained its present name in 1369. During the Tang dynasty (618-907), Xian was the largest city in the world. Chang an was linked to many central Asian regions and Europe via the Silk Road, with thousands of foreign traders living in the city. Xian is the capital of Shaanxi Province and is also the political, economic, and cultural center of northwest China. With the development of the travel industry and the implementation of the open policy, it has become one of the

CEOs Making Money and Having Fun in China 1 nation s key tourist cities and tourism has become the mainstay in Shaanxi s economy. Xian lies at longitude 103 degrees north and is 412 meters above sea level. It has an average annual temperature of thirteen degrees Celsius, and an average annual precipitation of 604 mm. The rainy season comes in July, August and September. As a whole, Xian covers an area of 9,983 square kilometers and has a population of 5,860,000. The city proper occupies an area 861 square kilometers, and reaches a population of 2,650,000. As one of the six ancient capitals in China, Xian served as the seat of twelve imperial capitals for 1,120 years after Chinese society had entered the civilized stage. Xian is also a world-famous tourist city, and the terracotta warriors are its main attraction. Kunming Kunming is the provincial capital of the Yunnan province, which borders with Myanmar, Laos, and Vietnam to the south. At an elevation of 1,891 m, mountains on three sides with one side facing Dianchi Lake surround the city. With Wumeng Mountains in the north stemming the south-blowing cold air, and with moisture in the south from the Bengal Bay warm monsoon, Kunming enjoys a delightfully moderate climate year-round and is reputed to be known as Spring City. There is a fairly even spread of temperature from April to September (15 C). The city can be visited at virtually any time of the year, and one need to only pack light clothing. Because of its favorable natural conditions, it has been chosen as the venue for the International Horticulture Exposition.

32 China Picture Book The city has a total population of 4.67 million, of which about 6 percent are minority nationalities, including Yi, Hui, and Miao. Also, some 150,000 Vietnamese refugees from the China-Vietnam wars have made home here.

Joseph Mancuso A Communist is a Republican who has money. Joe Mancuso is the founder of the CEO Clubs in China and in the USA. The not-for-profit clubs are composed of entrepreneurs and CEOs who run businesses with average annual sales of about $20 million. There are about 5,000 members in the US and several thousand in China. The USA chapters were started in 1977, and the first chapter in China was opened in 2003. Dr. Mancuso is best known as an author. His books and tapes have sold several million copies. He has written numerous magazine and journal articles. His material has appeared in the widest possible spectrum, ranging from Playboy, Penthouse, and Inc., to the Harvard Business Review and the Journal of Marketing. He is the author of twenty-four books, including How to Write a Winning Business Plan and How to Start, Finance, and Manage Your Own Small Business. Joe has addressed groups in over 300 American and 200 foreign cities. In all, CEOs and entrepreneurs have paid in excess of $75 million to hear presentations arranged or given by Dr. Joseph Mancuso. Joe has an electrical engineering degree from WPI and an MBA from the Harvard Business School. His doctorate is from Boston University. Before launching the CEO Clubs, Mancuso was chairman of the management department at WPI.

Contact Information If you hold any interest in the CEO Clubs in either America or China, or if you would like to join the club on a China visit, including during the 2008 Beijing Olympics, see or contact: 如果你对美国或者中国 CEO 俱乐部感兴趣, 或者你计划加入 CEO 俱乐部中国行, 包括 2008 北京奥运会之行, 请关注 或者联系我们 : CEO Clubs, Inc. 47 West Street, Suite 5C New York, NY 10006 Phone: 212-925-7911 Fax: 212-925-7463 E-Mail:

China Picture Book

Beijing is the power city of China and the 2008 Olympics will be its coming-out party. A placard beside Tiananmen counts the days to the summer of 2008. Meanwhile, Beijing is laying asphalt for fifty-nine new roads and buildings and/or renovating seventy-two sports stadiums. The city has over 8,000 construction sites. Over fifteen million people live in Beijing. As a comparison, the second largest organization in the US (after the Catholic Church) is the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP). Composed of Americans over fifty years old, its entire membership is only twice the size of this one city. 北京是中国的首都, 2008 年奥运会将会是北京的一次盛会, 在天安门的旁边竖立着 2008 夏季奥运会的计时牌 同时北京正在修建 59 条新的道路和建筑物, 还有重新翻修 72 个体育场馆 北京拥有 8000 多个建筑场所, 人口超过 1500 万 而作为美国的第二大组织 ( 在天主教堂之后 ) 是美国退休者委员会, 在过去 50 多年的时间里所拥有的全部会员人数也仅仅是北京人口的 2 倍 37

My name is Joe Mancuso, and I am the founder of the CEO Clubs in America (1977) and China (2002). I am at the Great Wall in Beijing during the first China trip, in December of 2002. I never took a single photograph while in China. I never asked anyone to take a photograph, as I had no plans to compile a book... until June 2005, after I took 217 CEOs to China. 我的名字叫约瑟夫. 曼库索 (Joe Mancuso, 1977 年在美国创立了 CEO 俱乐部, 2002 年进入中国 这是我在 2002 年 12 月份首次到中国时在北京的长城拍摄的 我在中国的时候从没有亲自拍过一张照片, 我也没有刻意去让其他人去拍, 因为我从没有计划要把这些写成一本书, 但是到 2005 年 6 月份, 在我已经带领 150 名 CEO 访问中国之后, 我的想法改变了 38

Simon Guo, the founder of the CEO Clubs, China, and I are surprised to find the popular Mayor Liu of the southern city of Shenzhen at a conference in Beijing. These mayors work hard and are politically well connected. The real power base is in Beijing, as it is in Washington DC. The Chinese politicians work harder than their American counterparts, and even though they are not elected, they are tuned as to where they should be for maximum exposure. As a person of the world, Mayor Liu s brother and sister live in New Jersey, and his son is in school in London. Mayors have thousands of people working for them. Simon Guo, the founder of the CEO Clubs, China, and I are surprised to find the popular Mayor Liu of the southern city of Shenzhen at a conference in Beijing. These mayors work hard and are politically well connected. The real power base is in Beijing, as it is in Washington DC. The Chinese politicians work harder 中国首席执行官俱乐部的创始人 - 郭志新 (Simon Guo) 和我非常高兴的是, 在北京的一次会议上我们遇到了中国南部的城市深圳市的刘市长 中国的市长非常努力的工作, 并且互通往来 北京是政治的核心, 就如同华盛顿一样 中国的政客尽管没有选举制度, 但他们甚至比美国的议员更努力工作 他们会随时调整自己, 发挥自己最大功能 刘市长是一个国际型人物, 他的兄妹居住在新泽西, 他的儿子在伦敦的学校读书 中国的市长有几千人为他们工作 39

I am in a photo session with the mayor of Beijing and the vice premier of China and many other dignitaries. We are told where to stand by numbers on the floor, and the photo sessions are totally prearranged. I speak no Chinese and do not know anyone in the picture. I am told they are all very influential in China. My friends have identified the following: Eighth in front row from left to right: Hui Liangyu, vice premier; seventh in front row from left: Liu Qi, secretary of CPC Beijing Committee; fifth in front row from left: Wang Qishan, Beijing mayor. 这一张是我同中国副总理和北京市长还有其他中国政府官员的合影 在拍照之前我们就已经被告诉寻找相对应的号码站位, 也就是说拍照前是做好准备的 我不会说中文, 我不知道照片中都是谁 我后来知道他们都是中国很有名的人物 我的一些朋友认出了他们, 分别是 : 前排从左至右第 8 个 : 国务院副总理回良玉, 前排从左起第 7 个 : 北京市委书记刘淇 ; 前排左数第 5 个 : 北京市市长王岐山 40

Here is the mandatory group photo of the pioneering CEOs who made the first visit to China in 2002 at the original offices of the CEO Clubs, China. The air pollution in China s major cities is appalling. With the country s increasing use of automobiles, it will get worse. The Olympics are set for Beijing in 2008, and by then the air quality will be even worse. In the meantime, the Beijing government is committing massive effort to Greening Beijing, an attempt to ensure a blue sky during the Olympic Games. 这是 2002 年首批 CEO 来华时在中国首席执行官俱乐部最早办公地点拍摄的 污染问题在中国的主要城市已经很严重, 并且随着机动车数量的增加而日益严重, 2008 年奥运会将在北京举行, 到时污染问题将会进一步恶化 所以北京正负现在正致力于 绿化北京 工程, 以确保在奥运会期间北京依然拥有 蓝天 41

These are some of the diverse group of CEOs on the June 2005 China trip in the Forbidden City, which is at the heart of Beijing. This group includes the CEOs running businesses in the following industries: medical travel insurance, janitorial supplies, containers for movers, software, pharmaceuticals, elevator installations, specialty chocolate deserts, specialty label printing, a factor, a financier, an investor, and an author and public speaker. In all, over the six China trips, we had CEOs from a wide variety of industries. 这是 2005 年 CEO 来华时部分人在故宫拍摄的 故宫位于北京的心脏 这次来华的 CEO 主要涉及到以下这些行业 : 旅行医疗保险 搬家货运箱 软件 药品 电梯安装 巧克力甜点 商标印刷 代理人 金融家 投资商 作家, 还有公众演讲家等等 总之, 在过去组织的 5 次访华团里, 我们的 CEO 来自于不同领域 42

Some clever entrepreneur was able to locate a Starbucks coffee franchise in the heart of the Forbidden City. On cold days, he could easily double his prices and still maintain his volume. Like in the US, the secret to good retailing is location, location, location. Legend has it that most emperors, fearing for their lives, slept in a different location every night. Most Chinese prefer tea. 某个聪明的商家在故宫的中心开一家星巴克咖啡店, 在非常冷的天气里, 他可以轻易的把价格提高一倍来保证其营业额 就好像在美国, 一个成功的零售商的秘密就是位置 位置 位置 史书有记载说过去的皇帝, 因为害怕他们自身的安危, 每天晚上都要换地方睡觉 大多数的中国人比较偏爱茶 43

This is one of the walkways up to one of the 9999 and a half rooms within the Forbidden City. In those days, the rules dictated that one couldn t build anything with 10,000 rooms or above. The Forbidden City was completed in 1420 and served 24 emperors. 这是在故宫里通向 9999.5 个房间的通道 在过去, 法律规定不得建造包括 10000 在内以上的建筑 故宫建于 1420 年, 曾供 24 个皇帝使用 44

The Forbidden City was home to 3,000 concubines (single young women between 18 30 years old) and 3,000 eunuchs. It was the emperor s solemn duty to make love to these concubines, and eunuchs recorded each of these sessions on written scrolls. All American CEOs wanted to tour this unusual collection of 10,000 separate rooms. Unfortunately, we couldn t find any concubines. In the eighteenth century, about 9,000 people lived within the walls of the Forbidden City. 故宫内居住着 3000 个嫔妃 ( 年龄在 18 至 30 岁的单身女子 ) 和 3000 个太监 过去皇上例行公事与这些嫔妃睡觉, 同时太监要在卷册上一一记录下来 所有的美国 CEO 都想仔细的了解这 10000 个屋子的一切, 可惜的是, 我们找不到嫔妃的一丝痕迹 在 18 世纪, 大约 9000 人住在紫禁城里面 45

The Forbidden City is so large it would take a week to see it all. Be sure to travel with a knowledgeable guide, as the stories they tell are memorable. To better understand the Forbidden City, see the movie The Last Emperor. James Lee, a New York CEO Club member, is married to the actress who plays the emperor s wife in the movie. You will learn more about James later. His wife is still very well known in China. The movie is a quick practical way to learn about the Forbidden City. The city was forbidden to all but its inhabitants, and intruders were beheaded 故宫大的可以用一个星期的时间去浏览, 但一定要有一个了解背景的导游, 因为故宫的历史故事是很值得作为回忆的 为了更好的了解故宫, 你可以去看电影 我们纽约 CEO 俱乐部的会员 James 李娶到了在电影里扮演皇后的女主角 在后面你可以更好的了解 James 他太太在中国仍然很出名 电影是一个最直接的方式去了解故宫 故宫在过去除了内部住的人以外对外界是禁止入内的, 所有的入侵者都要被斩首 46

This is taken from the Forbidden City as you approach Tiananmen Square. There are Chinese military at attention throughout this area. At sunset, about one hundred of them have a military flag-raising ceremony. It is very popular. Many important events have taken place here, including the 1989 student uprising. 这张照片是从故宫面对天安门广场方向拍摄的 中国人民解放军守卫着整个广场 每天在这里大约有 100 名战士举行升旗仪式, 很值得一看 在这里曾发生过许多重要的历史事件, 也包括 1989 年学生运动 47

While this country still honors Mao Tse-tung, it is widely believed that he kept China from entering the current period of economic growth. However, when you type his name into Google, you will see commentary saying he was the most powerful person who ever lived. His tomb is in TianamenSquare. It draws huge crowds. 就在这个国家仍然以毛泽东为骄傲的同时, 也有广泛的传说他阻止了中国进入现阶段经济增长时期 然而, 当你在 Google 里面键入它的名字, 你会看到里面解释说毛泽东是有史以来最伟大的人物 他的墓就设在天安门广场 每天都有成千上万的人参观他 48

Did you know that Tiananmen Square is in front of the famous Forbidden City? Actually, it is at the entrance of the Forbidden City. Members tell us what happened in this government square in June 1989 changed China forever. The counts of the students killed vary from hundreds to thousands, depending upon who you believe. 你知道天安门广场就位于著名的故宫正前方吗实际上, 天安门是故宫的入口 49

There were lots and lots of informal meetings, usually over ten-course meals. Here, Joe and Simon discuss events. The third person, New Jersey industrial coating manufacturer Peter Tepperman arranged to have his fifteen-year-old son Ryan spend a summer living at the home of the mayor of Beijing, Ms. Han. It has become one of the bridges the CEO Clubs has built between these two countries. It is acceptable to just bring the glass to your lips during a toast if you do not want to drink. 我们在中国有太多的非正式宴会, 通常每餐都多于 10 道菜 照片中是我和 Simon 在讨论活动 照片中的第三个人是新泽西的涂料生产商 -Peter Tepperman. 他计划将他 15 岁的儿子在放暑假的时候送到北京市韩书记的家里, 这是 CEO 俱乐部在两个国家里所建立的桥梁之一 在进餐的时候如果你不想喝酒的话, 在碰杯的时候完全可以将酒杯碰一下嘴唇就可以了 50

Mike Powell (of Regal Research, a full-service machine shop) from Dallas made friends with the colorful lady mayor of Beijing, Mayor Han. Mayor Han offered her home for the summer to fifteen-year-old Ryan Tepperman. Ryan spoke no Chinese but returned to the US with a workable vocabulary. The mayor arranged for hundreds of Chinese school children to interact with Ryan. All Chinese children in school know English. 来自于达拉斯的 Mike Powell(Regal 研究公司 ) 与北京的韩书记成为好朋友 韩书记接待了 15 岁的 Ryan. Tepperman Ryan 不会说中文, 但当他回到美国的时候已经有了一定的中文词汇量 韩书记安排了上百个中国学生与 Ryan 用中文交流, 这些中国学生在学校都学习英文 51

We worked by day and played by night. China is well lit at night. China has more than 300 biotech firms that operate unhindered by America s stem cell policies. Animal rights, religious groups, lobbies, and ethical boards don t interfere with their research and development in Biotech. Investment banking firms see China s biotech as the single best investment opportunity. 我们白天工作, 晚上娱乐 中国晚上的夜色很美 中国拥有 300 多家生物研究机构, 它们不受美国干细胞政策限制 动物权利, 宗教组织, 伦理部门不会干扰他们在生物领域的研究和开发 投资银行已经看到中国的生物科技方面是最好的投资机会 52

My wife Karla decided to bring her eighty-nine-year-old father on the China 2005 trip. When I objected that the trip could kill him, she responded, It wouldn t be the end of the world if he died on a trip of a lifetime with his daughter. His trip made the front page in his home town of the Elroy, Wisconsin (circulation 1800). It was also carried within the Beijing newspaper (circulation 5 million). 我的太太 Karla 决定带她 89 岁的父亲一起参加了 2005 年中国行 我当时听到这个决定马上拒绝了, 因为我认为这样会杀了她父亲, 但卡拉是这样回答的 : 如果他真的死于在这次旅行上但是却与他的女儿一直在一起也是完美的结局 他的这次旅行被登录在他的家乡 - 威斯康星州的杂志上, 发行量达到 1800, 同时也被北京的报纸刊登, 其发行量达到 500 万份 53

Karla (in the dress) and her dad Karl became celebrities because of the traditional Chinese family structure. The Chinese view of Americans treatment of our parents is that we shuttle them off to assisted living centers. Karla s decision to bring her eighty-nine-year-old father made them both celebrities in China. The third lady is Vicky of the CEO Clubs, China, staff. 因为中国人孝敬父母的理念, Karla( 左一 ) 和它的爸爸 (Karl) 在中国成为了榜样 另外一位女士是中国首席执行官俱乐部的工作人员, Vicky 在中国人的眼里美国人对待父母的办法就是将他们送到养老中心 卡拉的这个决定是他们在中国真正的成为 榜样 54

The Chinese dance in the streets of Beijing in the evening as a form of exercise. It is especially popular with the elderly, and having a dance partner is not always necessary. The Chinese elderly dance with strangers as a form of exercise versus going to health clubs. Music is not always necessary for dancing. 傍晚的时候北京街头有很多人在跳舞, 他们把这当作是一种锻炼, 而且这种锻炼在老年者中更流行 有固定舞伴不是必需的 这些年老年舞者可以随便跟一个陌生人跳舞, 他们只当作是一种锻炼, 而不用去健身房 音乐对于这种跳舞来说都不是非常必要的 55

The Great Wall is 3,000 miles long. China has 10 million square meters and is the largest land mass in Asia. It is the third largest in the world, after Russia and Canada. The Great Wall was built to keep the bad guys out of China. China is adjacent to fifteen countries, while the US only has two borders. 从月球上你可以看到长城 长城共 3000 英里长, 中国面积是约 1 千万平方公里, 是亚洲最大的大陆板块, 面积位于俄国和加拿大之后居于第三 长城的建设是为了防御外侵 中国周边共有 15 个邻国, 而美国只有 2 个 56

The Great Wall is best seen from Beijing. One third of China is rivers, 26 percent is plateau, 19 percent is basins, 12 percent is plains, and 10 percent are hills. Constructing the Great Wall across this terrain resulted in millions of deaths. It was constructed to keep out the Mongolian Hordes. 长城是北京最亮丽的景色 中国面积的三分之一是河流, 26% 是高原, 19% 是盆地, 12% 是平原, 10% 是山川 在这个地形上搭建长城就意味着上百万生命的死亡作为代价 长城主要用来防御蒙古人的入侵 57

We are told the love of a woman overpowered the three-thousand mile Great Wall. Years ago, a woman s love for one of the bad guys caused her to open the gates and let in the invaders. Apparently, Genghis Khan had some womanizers among his fierce generals. 听说一个女人的爱曾经让三千英里的长城都折服 很多年前, 58

Walter and Bernice Kaye are on the Great Wall of China. Walter started his factoring business at about the age of sixty-three. Here he is on our trip, energetic and taking 371 photos at the age of seventy-seven. He believes the trip will launch a new division of Merchant Factors, his factoring business in the US. Walter 和 Bernice Kaye 在中国长城的城墙上 Walter 在他 63 岁的时候开始了代理生意 他 77 岁参加了我们的中国行, 非常有精力, 拍了 371 张照片 他相信这次旅行会使他在美国的金融生意开发一个新的招商代理业务 59

Here is an outside view of New York CEO Club member James Lee s offices in Beijing. When I arrived in Beijing, James sent a driver to take me to meet him at these offices. Remember, he is and was then a member of the NY CEO Club, and I had no idea that he owned three major facilities in China. I first meet him in June 2005 in Beijing. James Lee s 50,000-square-foot office in Beijing features four floors. The first floor is a large Chinese restaurant. The top floor contains James s offices for his business, Lee World. The third floor has small hotel facilities for visitors. The second floor has a foot massage parlor with about forty foot massage rooms. Soon you will see how he uses this facility to his advantage. 60 这是我们纽约会员 James lee 在北京的办公室外观 当我到北京的时候, James 派车把我接到这个办公室 特别要提的是, 他是纽约 CEO 俱乐部的会员, 而我却不知道他在中国有三个办公场所 我第一次遇见他是 2005 年 6 月在北京 他在北京的公司面积有 5 万英尺, 共 4 层楼 一层是一个非常大的中国餐馆 顶层是 James 办公的地方 三层是一个酒店, 供来访者使用 二层是拥有 40 个单间的足疗区 后面你可以看到他是怎样经营这个足疗区的

This is the 150,000-square-foot plant of James Lee s, a New York CEO Club member, in Shanghai. Much of this new facility is available for CEO Club members to do research and development and for establishing initial offices in China. James was on the 2005 trip, and the first time we had ever met was in his offices in Beijing just before the 2005 China tour began. Having such an experienced Chinese-speaking American on the trip was a huge asset. 这是纽约 CEO 俱乐部会员 James lee 在上海的 15 万平方英尺的工厂 这个地方可以给许多的 CEO 俱乐部会员用来做研发 开发和建立中国办事处 James 参加了我们的 2005 年中国行, 我们第一次见面是在 2005 年中国行之前在他的北京办公室 在我们的团队中有这样一个会讲中文的美国人真是宝贵的财富 61

Without a doubt, foot massage is the Americans favorite activity. These foot massage parlors are like hamburger stands in the US. There are massage franchises, and the prices are under $10 for an hour. Many places have over 100 people working 24/7. These photos were taken with American CEO James Lee at his Beijing office. Those are his feet. Having your feet massaged while performing negotiations is a great way to do business. 毫无置疑地, 足疗是美国人的最爱 这些足疗馆比较像美国的汉堡经营模式一样, 例如麦当劳的连锁经营 足疗价格每小时低于 10 美金 许多的足疗馆有 100 多员工, 他们 24 小时 7 天工作制 这个照片是美国 CEO 在 James Lee 的北京办公室做足疗的时候照的, 这就是 James 的脚 这是一个很好的生意 62

The lighted candle is supposed to rid the brain of negative thoughts while cleansing the wax from your ear. They actually light the candle while they are rubbing your feet. Foot massage was easily the most popular nonbusiness activity for the American CEOs. Within an hour of meeting James Lee for the first time in my life, my feet were being rubbed, the candle in my ear was on fire, and we had finalized two deals. 点燃的蜡烛是通过清洁耳朵内部的过程中净化思想 他们在给脚做足疗的时候就把蜡烛点燃 足疗是美国 CEO 在不谈生意时的最享受的事情 在和 James 一起的一个小时里, 我经历了生命中第一次足疗的同时蜡烛在我耳朵里燃烧 63

Good Chinese salespeople easily convince Americans to get a candle in their ear while their feet are being massaged. It s a bad deal but a clever marketing strategy for the masseuses. The sales pitch is that the candle, when lighted, draws out the crude and bad thoughts and the dirty wax from your ear. Americans are an easy sell, whereas the Chinese seldom buy. 优秀的中国销售者很轻易的劝说正在做足疗的美国人同时尝试一下将蜡烛放到耳朵里面, 这就是女按摩师的市场策略 销售精髓在于燃烧的蜡烛能够净化思想, 同时清洁耳朵内部 美国人是很容易接受的, 但中国人似乎很少采用 64

These were the major cities we visited during the 2005 trip. We landed in Beijing and then traveled north to Shengyang and then to Xian. We then went to the lovely climate in Kunming and finally to the Pearl River Delta. We visited Shenzhen and stayed at the Mission Hills 180-hole golf resort and ended the trip in Guangzhou. Guangzhou has a one-year-old airport that is larger than Chicago s O Hare. China has become the 800-pound gorilla that is challenging the US in all areas. 这是我们在 2005 年中国行时所到过的主要城市 我们在北京着陆, 然后从北边的沈阳到西安, 然后我们去了气候颐人的昆明, 最后到了珠江三角洲 我们参观了深圳, 并住在观澜高尔夫酒店, 观澜高尔夫球场拥有 180 洞 最后在广州结束 中国已经成为 800 磅重的巨人, 并且从各方面正在挑战美国 65

Chinese acrobats travel to other countries to entertain, and sell out all performances. Many government officials can help you get tickets, as the best seats are reserved for special quests. My favorite was the six-foot, double-jointed man squeezing his whole body through an open-ended barrel the size of my thigh. I don t know whether he was a Communist or not. 中国杂技屡次出演其他国家并获成功 许多政府官员可以帮助你拿到贵宾区的票 我最喜欢的节目是个 6 英尺高的人将身体重叠, 然后钻进跟我大腿差不多粗的敞口的桶里面 66

We drank and said Gan bei, even when we were outdoors. This means drink it all down. Here, J.P. Li, the new head of the CEO Clubs, China, shows us how to do it. As you will see when you visit his wine bar in Shanghai, he is a Gan bei expert. The location of the CEO Club s wine bar: No 500, Zhongshandongyi Rd., Shanghai, in the Hunagpu Park and on the Weitan, near the Huangpu River. Tel: 86-021-5301-5983. It is a common courtesy to fill your partner s glass, even if it is full, before filling your own. 我们一般喝酒时会说 干杯, 即使在户外也是这样 这意味着要全部喝下去 这个是 J.P. Li, 中国首席执行官俱乐部的新领导, 他在向我们演示如何干杯 当你去上海看他的酒吧的时候, 你可以看到他是一个 干杯 专家 CEO 俱乐部酒吧地址是 : 上海中山东一路 500 号, 在外滩边上, 紧邻黄浦江 电话 :86-21-5301-5983 喝酒的时候即使你的同伴的酒杯是满的, 也要先给他的杯子到, 然后再给自己倒, 这是礼节 67

Not seeing a Chinese acrobatic show is like traveling to Manhattan and not seeing a Broadway show. They are very inexpensive, and the costumes are elaborate. While it s OK to change money at hotels, don t get your tickets from the hotel. They mark up everything. The best tickets are free from your government friends. 在中国不看杂技就好像去曼哈顿不看百老汇 看杂技很贵, 他们的服装也很精致 你们可以从酒店里面换外汇, 但是不要在酒店里买票, 他们会把价格提高很多 最好的票是可以从政府朋友手中免费拿到的 68

These group pictures were always in the Chinese media, which is controlled by the Chinese government. The more people in the photo, the more likely the Chinese media would publish the photo. The printed sign says it all: Harness the momentum between Chinese and American CEOs. 这张照片经常出现在中国的媒体上面, 中国的媒体是由政府控制的 越多的人出现在照片上似乎中国的媒体更愿意将照片对外公布 背景板的字是 : 让中美 CEO 互动起来 69

While we were here for the two purposes of making money and having fun, the meetings were exhausting and never ending. Several of the young, vibrant, US CEOs complained that the business sessions never ended. The Chinese never complained. Many US CEOs chose to sleep late and miss some of the business sessions. The flight over to China is an intolerable twenty-plus hours. Today, nonstop flights to Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, and Guangzhou are available from many US cities, making the trip more tolerable. 我们到中国有两个目的 : 赚钱和享乐 会议似乎永远没有尽头 一些美国 CEO 抱怨说商务会谈太多, 但中国 CEO 从来没有抱怨 更多的美国 CEO 选择晚上迟一点睡, 而漏掉上午的商务会议 从美国飞到中国加起来要差不多 20 个小时 现在从美国有直飞香港 上海 北京和广州的航班, 这也能让我们轻松一些 70

A translator sits between the mayor and the guests, and translates for everyone. Consequently, the meetings are slow, and you must speak in sound bites. China s economy, for all its growth, is roughly equal to the state of California s economy. However, its rate of growth says it will be second only to the US in a few years. It is expected to surpass Japan in the next few years. 翻译会坐到市长和宾客的中间, 然后翻译给大家 这样的话, 会谈就变得很慢, 而且你必须要大声的说话 中国的经济增长速度跟加利福尼亚差不多, 据说在几年后中国的经济增长速度将仅次于美国 中国被期望能够在未来的几年超过日本 71

We were often given written descriptions of the available investment opportunities in the local, state-owned enterprises. These businesses are often available for pennies on the dollar for foreign owners, as they are currently losing money. While we have considered arranging visits to these businesses to explore the real opportunity, the time needed for due diligence and to consummate a real deal is overwhelming. To make these happen profitably, it s best to partner with the local government. 我们经常会记下有关于当地一些国有企业的投资机会 这些对于外方来说是一个良好契机, 因为这些国企是处于不盈利状态 我们原本考虑要去参观一下这些企业, 去发现真正的商机, 但是因为时间去调研, 而且真正的完成一个合作是富于挑战的 如果确实想有效经营, 最好的合作伙伴就是政府 72

Argentina abandoned its currencies dollar peg in 2002 because it was strangling their economy. Mexico and Thailand cut themselves loose from dollar pegs in the 1990s, and both countries were thrown into depressions. In July 2005, after a decade, China has cut the Yuan (also called Renminbi) from its dependence on the dollar. But China still controls the Yuan extremely tightly. 2002 年阿根廷由于美元对其经济发展的阻碍从而放弃了美元固定汇率 90 年代墨西哥和泰国取消美元固定汇率, 从而陷入经济危机 十年之后, 2005 年 7 月, 中国的货币元 ( 也称为人民币 ) 取消对美元的固定汇率, 但仍然控制的非常紧 73

Every major city has economic conferences or trade shows organized and paid by the government. In the US, trade shows and conferences are more commonly run by industry associations and private companies. Did you know that China has only one time zone? When it s 8 p.m. in China, it s 8 p.m. everywhere, across all time zones. There is no daylight savings time concept in a country that would have four time zones. 在中国的主要城市, 政府都要组织经济论坛和贸易展览会, 并负担所有费用 在美国, 大部分的贸易会和论坛都是由行业协会和私营企业组织的 你知道中国只由一个时间制吗? 当在中国时间晚上 8 点的时候, 在中国任何地方都是 8 点 在这个拥有 4 个时间区的国家没有节省白天时间概念 74

These statues are elaborate and serious religious places for the Chinese. China s foreign exchange reserves are second only to Japan s at $711 billion. Money pours into China at a rate of about $20 billion a month, while the economy grows at an annual 9.5 percent. These are staggering numbers. 这些场所被精心的布置, 这是非常庄严的宗教场所 中国的外汇储备位于第二, 仅次于日本, 共计 7110 亿美金 随着中国经济以年增长 9.5% 的速度增长的同时, 每月有 200 亿美金的外资流入中国 这是让人惊愕的数字 75

Did you know that China used to peg its dollar (called the Yuan or Renminbi) to the US dollar at a rate of 8.28 to 1? China had pegged the Yuan for eight years until the US put pressure on the government to allow the currency to float. China did not want to cut the peg loose, as it keeps the exchange rate heavily in China s favor. In July 2005, China allowed the Yuan to float against a bundle of foreign currencies and it rose about 2 percent against the dollar. 你知道人民币兑换美元的汇率是 8.28 吗? 这个汇率持续了 8 年, 最后美国给中国政府很大的压力使其改变固定汇率为浮动汇率 从中国的利益角度来说中国并不想降低汇率 2005 年 7 月, 中国出台政策允许人民币对几种国外货币实行浮动汇率, 结果人民币相对于美元升值 2% 76

The entire meet-the-mayor session ends with a gift exchange, which is the occasion for a photo session. Remember to bring gifts when you come to China. The suitcase you carry your gifts over in will come in handy on your return to the States. The most common purchase for the CEOs on the six trips was a suitcase. 与市长的所有会谈最后以交换礼物结束, 这也是拍照的最佳时刻 一定要记住来中国的时候带礼物 装着礼物的行李箱在回国时会变成手拎箱 在来过中国的 150 个 CEO 在中国最普遍要购买的是旅行包 77

A recent study by the World Bank forecasted the Yuan at 5.8 to the dollar in 2010 and 2.8 to the dollar in 2020. Since 1997, while the Yuan was pegged only to the dollar, and the Chinese trusted in America s Federal Reserve Bank chairman Alan Greenspan. Now, in July 2005, the Chinese fate is in the hands of the governor of the People s Bank of China, Zhou Xiaochuan. 世界银行的最近研究预测美元兑人民币在 2010 年的时候会达到 5.8, 2020 年的时候会达到 2.8 自 1997 年以来, 人民币只能兑换美元, 中国人非常信任美国联邦储备银行董事长 Alan Greenspan; 现在, 2005 年 7 月, 中国命运掌握在中国人民银行行长周小川的手里 78

The long-anticipated separation of dollars and the Yuan on July 22, 2005, was hailed by the US as a good first step. However, the net result was a 2 percent shift in rates. After three years of capital flight, $7.8 billion flowed into China in 2002 and $1.8 billion in 2003. Then in 2004, that figure jumped to $27 billion. While the Chinese work hard and diligently, keep in mind that the country of France mandates a five-week vacation and a thirty-five-hour workweek. The attitude in China is just the opposite. The question in China is who can work harder and longer than the next guy. 2005 年 7 月 22 日众人期待的人民币浮动汇率制是美国视为其胜利的第一步, 然而, 最后的结果是汇率浮动只有 2% 在经过 3 年的资金外流, 2002 年 78 亿美金流入中国, 2003 年 18 亿, 2004 年达到 270 亿 当中国人在坚持不懈努力工作的时候, 请记住法国颁布了 5 周休假日和每周 35 小时工作时间的规定 而在中国的工作态度恰恰相反, 在中国的问题是谁能比你旁边的人工作更努力 79

Duck is the most popular food in China. Duck farming is a major source of farmers incomes. In the street markets, the best ducks are sold alive. If you eat at the popular restaurants called Peking Duck, they often have live ducks in the kitchen. Always leave a little food on your plate, as an empty plate means your hosts did not serve enough food. By the way, did you know that Peking and Beijing describe the same place, like when we say The Big Apple and New York City. 鸭子在中国是很流行的食物 养鸭是中国农民收入的主要来源之一 在街边的市场, 最好的鸭子是活着卖的 如果你在一个很好的餐馆里吃北京烤鸭的话, 他们通常在厨房有活鸭子 在进餐的时候要永远在你的盘子里留一点点的食物, 要不然空盘子表示你的主人没有提供给你足够的食物 80

All the servers wore long, red, silk dresses. All were young, attractive women who smiled and were extra attentive, making everyone feel at ease. Red usually a bright red is a lucky color in China. Many Americans don t know that Peking and Beijing are the exact same place. 所有的服务人员都穿着红色丝绸服装 所有的年轻的面带微笑的女服务人员工作都很认真 这让在场的人感觉很轻松 红色在中国是幸运的颜色, 通常是大红颜色 许多的美国人不知道 Peking 和 Beijing 是同一个地方北京, 只是称谓不同 81

National TV coverage for CEO Club meetings is a vital ingredient to the success of the exchanges. Remember, all the media, including television, is controlled by the government. Being on TV establishes a seal of approval from the government, which is vital to long-term success of all business exchanges in China. Below are China s key players. Chiefs of State: President HU Jintao (since 15 March 2003), and Vice President Zeng Qinghong (since 15 March 2003); Head of Government: Premier Wen Jiabao (since 16 March 2003); Vice Premiers Huang Ju (since 17 March 2003), Wu Yi (17 March 2003), Zeng Peiyan (since 17 March 2003), and Hui Liangyu (since 17 March 2003). 国家电视台负责全程报道 CEO 俱乐部会议, 这也是中美交流成功的重要元素之一 请记住, 包括电视在内的所有媒体都是政府控制的 通过电视的播映需要政府的同意, 政府对于在中国做长期的商务交流是至关重要的 下面是中国的主要元首 国家元首 : 胡锦涛主席 (2003 年 3 月 15 日任职 ) 曾庆红副主席 (2003 年 3 月 15 日任职 ) 国务院领导 : 温家宝总理 (2003 年 3 月 16 日任职 ) 黄菊副总理 (2003 年 3 月 17 日任职 ) 吴仪副总理 (2003 年 3 月 7 日任职 ) 曾培炎副总理 (2003 年 3 月 17 日任职 ) 回良玉 (2003 年 3 月 17 日任职 ) 82

The CEO Club events were all marked by prominent welcoming signs. Here we have a plaque welcoming the exchange being created by the non-government controlled CEO Clubs and China. China s flag is red with a large yellow five-pointed star and four smaller yellow fivepointed stars (arranged in a vertical arc toward the middle of the flag) in the upper hoist-side corner. CEO 俱乐部活动都会有非常显著的欢迎标示提示 这是我们的标牌, 欢迎由非政府机构的 CEO 俱乐部和中国分部开创的中外交流活动 中国的国旗是红色的, 在左上角有一个大的黄色的五角星, 周围围着 4 个小的红色五角星 ( 设计成一个拱形朝向国旗中央 ) 83

Forbes magazine has ranked these as the best places to do business in China. I don t agree with the ranking, but here it is: 1. Hangzhou a Marco Polo favorite 2. Wuxi industrial hub near Shanghai 3. Shanghai China s international business capital 4. Dalian popular among Japanese 5. Beijing hosting 2008 Olympics 6. Suzhou multinational manufacturing Mecca 7. Ningbo big port rivals nearby Shanghai 8. Nanjing military city finds new success 9. Guangzhou new airport boosts appeal 10. Shenzhen booming Hong Kong border city 福布斯 已经对在中国最适合做生意的城市排名如下: 杭州 - 马克. 波罗的挚爱 无锡 靠近上海的工业港 上海 中国国际商务之都 大连 - 日本人居多的地方 北京 2008 奥运会 苏州 国际生产基地 宁波 - 靠近上海的港口 南京 军事城市蕴含新的成功 广州 新机场推进经济 深圳 - 香港的邻居城市 发展迅速 84

This conference room in Guangzhou, the industrial capital of the Pearl River Delta, is in the offices of a member of the CEO Club, China. It can hold close to one hundred people, and it is more like the conference/board rooms found in US businesses. 这个会议室是在广州, 广州是珠江三角州的中心 这个会议室是属于中国 CEO 俱乐部一名会员 CEO 的, 可以容纳差不多 100 人, 更象美国企业商务或董事会会议室 85

This is the CEO of the plastic resin manufacturing plant in Guangzhou; he has proudly joined the US CEO Clubs. The previous photo shows his conference room. Even successful Chinese like this have great difficulty securing visas to visit America. Our anti-terrorist policies often prevent our businesses from finding partners in China. 这个是来自于广州一个生产树脂的 CEO, 他非常自豪加入美国 CEO 俱乐部 上一张照片就是在他的会议室 甚至像他这么成功的中国人也很难拿到去美国的 VISA 我们的防恐政策阻止了很多的中国人寻找美国合作伙伴 86

All the mayors can spout rehearsed economic growth numbers. They love to quote growth rates of the gross domestic product (or GDP, a measure of economic output) of their regions. In the US, we more often quote employment and inflation statistics. China s GDP is only about $2,000, whereas the US s is about $40,000 per person. 所有的市长都能够张口说出经济增长数字 他们都愿意提供他们地区的国内生产总值 (GDP) 的增长额, 这是一个经济衡量指数 在美国, 我们更多提到的是就业和通货膨胀情况 中国人均国内生产总值 2000 美金, 而美国是约 4 万美金 87

Beautifully dressed young women, always in red silk dresses, keep everyone s tea hot and full. We never met one of these servers wearing any other color than red. This is another meetthe-mayors session. They usually last an hour. Astronaut Yang Liwei s twenty-one-hour flight around the earth has propelled China into an exclusive club of space powers, making it only the third country in history to have launched a man into space. All Chinese are proud of this accomplishment. 这又是一个着装漂亮的女士, 永远都是穿红色的丝绸 她负责所有人的茶水 我们从没有看到过服务员穿红色以外的其他颜色衣服 这是拍于与市长谈话的时候 谈话通常持续一小时 宇航员杨利伟围绕地球飞行 21 小时让中国加入宇宙空间俱乐部, 中国成为第三个载人宇宙飞行的国家 所有的中国人都为此骄傲 88

To get this type of treatment, it is mandatory to befriend the government officials before doing business. While it is time consuming, the police escorts save time. The US still leads in business education. China s best schools teach management based upon the US business practices. Our education system remains one of our strongest competitive advantages. They like to say in Guangzhou that they eat anything with legs except tables. 为了得到这种待遇, 在做生意前要先成为政府的朋友 当时间很紧张的时候, 警察会开道节省时间 美国仍然在商务教育方面领先 中国最好的学校管理课程都是以美国的商务最为案例 这保持着我们的竞争优势之一 在广州他们会说除了桌子以外他们吃其他任何带腿的东西 89

These photos often made front page news throughout China. Several CEO Club members in China, members who were not on our trip, saw the publicity and contacted us because of the TV and newspaper coverage. We had several hundred stories, magazine covers, and hour-long television documentaries over the six trips. 这张照片在中国许多地方被登到了封面 一些在中国的 CEO 俱乐部会员没有参加我们的行程, 就是因为他们看到了电视和报纸的报道, 却联系上我们 通过 5 次中国旅行, 我们拥有了几百个故事 杂志封面和一个小时长度的电视记录片等 90


We are on first-name basis with many of the members and the government leaders. The Chinese hold the Harvard Business School in the highest possible esteem. MIT and Harvard are judged in China as the two finest schools in the world. Other schools don t hold the same cachet. There are 186 MBA programs in China. Over 200 billion Chinese text messages were sent in 2004. In China, sending a text message is significantly cheaper than making a phone call. 我们和许多会员的名字都和中国政府领导的名字排在首位 中国将哈佛商学院视为最高商务学府 MIT 和哈佛在中国被评为世界上最好的两个学校 其他学校没有如此盛名 在中国有 186 个 MBA 课程 2004 年中国大约有 2 千亿的手机短信被发送 92

Many members who were on our China trips are now doing business in China. All the industrial parks had excellent conference rooms. In AD 1045, the Chinese invented moveable type, which resulted in printable pages. Three hundred years later, Gutenberg invented the printing press in Europe. The Gutenberg press has long been considered the most significant contributor to the industrial revolution. 许多参加过我们旅行的会员现在都在中国做生意 所有的工业园区都有非常好的会议室 在公元 1045 年, 中国发明了可以印在印刷纸上的移动打字机 300 年后, 古腾堡在欧洲发明了活版印刷技术 古腾堡的活版印刷技术在工业革命时期做出了最重要的贡献 93

They had ten-piece orchestras playing American music for us. Signs and plaques welcomed us everywhere. If you fly from the US into Hong Kong, the most popular airport in Asia, you don t need a visa. But to cross into mainland China, a visa is necessary. Americans can get visas in Hong Kong in less than a day, and the border crossing is open 24/7. However, we found it better to get our visas in the US. 他们用 10 种乐器为我们演奏美国音乐 横幅 标牌到处都是欢迎我们的字眼 如果你从美国飞到亚洲最著名的机场香港, 你不需要 VISA 但是如果进入中国内地, 则需要 VISA 美国人在香港可以在一天内拿到 VISA, 而且边检是 24 小时开放的 但是, 我们发现还是在美国就拿到 VISA 好一些 94

This greeting is especially warm. The key employees form welcoming lines to greet Americans. I have been running the US CEO Clubs for thirty years and have never been treated to a reception line. Never. If you visit a Chinese doctor or hospital, the first step in the diagnosis is to feel your pulse on both your left and right wrists. The second step is to examine your palm and tongue. From these inputs, doctors often prescribe herbal remedies. 欢迎仪式通常都很热烈 主要的员工会排成队来欢迎外宾 我经营美国 CEO 俱乐部 30 年但从来没有受到如此的待遇, 从来没有人排成排来欢迎我 如果在中国去看中医, 一般第一个步骤是在左右手腕处诊脉 第二个步骤是检查你的手掌和舌头 通过检查, 他们通常会给你开些中药 95

This is the first Super PAC photo as the CEO Clubs build bridges between the two countries. While the US has long had Presidential Advisory Councils where a dozen CEOs work as a wolf pack to help one another these meetings doesn t happen in China. I believe it is because in America we share all, including failure and problems, whereas in China they only share successes. Our Super PAC is composed of two dozen noncompetitive CEOs who meet three times annually at resort locations to act as a mutual board of advisors. We sign confidentiality agreements and share financials. 96 这是 CEO 俱乐部在中美两个国家成立的首个高级总裁顾问委员会 美国已经设有总裁顾问委员会很长时间, 十二个 CEO 可以像狼群战术一样互相帮助, 但是在中国却没有这样的情况 我觉得原因可能是美国人喜欢分享一切, 包括失败与问题, 而中国人只是喜欢分享成功 我们的高级总裁顾问委员会是由 24 个无竞争关系的 CEO 组成的, 他们每年组织三次会议, 互相成为顾问 我们签订保密协议, 而且可以共同讨论财务问题

We stayed in places one step above luxury. The hotels were equal to or better than those in America. The prices were about 25 percent less than in the US. The American chains are the most expensive places to stay. The most important card in your wallet while in China is not your credit card. It s your hotel room card. Without it, the taxi driver has no idea where you want to go. 我们住的地方要比豪华标准更好一些 这里与美国同级别的酒店, 绝对要比美国好的多, 价格却比美国便宜 25% 美国酒店是最贵的地方 在中国重要不是你口袋里的信用卡, 而是酒店房间门卡, 如果没有他, 出租车司机根本就不知道该把你带到哪 97

The spectacular settings make for better meetings. This is a China roundtable. It holds almost twenty-five people, and it creates better discussions than the long tables commonly used in America. Tapping the table with three fingers while someone is filling your glass is a sign of appreciation. 这些富丽堂皇的布置会更好的促进交流 这就是中国的圆桌, 大概能坐 25 人, 这样比在美国通用的长桌能够更好的交流讨论 当有人给你倒酒的时候用三个手指头轻敲桌子表示感谢 98

In Chinese language picture books a fairy tale starts with Once upon a time, whereas an entrepreneur s tale starts with You re not going to believe this. Many have asked, Joe, why have you decided to reenter the book-writing business isn t writing twenty-four books enough? When answering this question, I recall what one of the great entrepreneurs, Picasso, said: When I work, I relax. Doing nothing or entertaining visitors is exhausting. I always admired Picasso, as he never paid cash for anything. Instead, he signed a blank check for taxi rides, groceries, etc.... all drawn on an empty bank account. 中文里童话故事就会以 很久以前 这样开头, 而一个企业家的故事这样开始 : 你不会相信 许多人问我, Joe, 你为什么决定又要写书, 难道 24 本书还不够吗? 我联想起一位伟大的企业家叫 Picasso, 它对于这个问题的回答是, 当我工作的时候就是我放松的时候, 当我什么都不做的时候我会非常疲倦 我非常羡慕 Picasso 买东西从来都不付现金, 代替的是, 他会给出租车司机或者商店等等一张带有签名的空白支票, 而实际上那是个空白的银行账户 99

Hong Kong is still the most popular gateway to China, and the Hong Kong dollar and the Chinese Yuan are two separate currencies. While US banks will seldom exchange dollars for Yuan, in Hong Kong the exchange is common. Hong Kong is very much like New York, except it s even more expensive and even more crowded. 香港仍然是中国最主要的窗口, 香港港元和内地的人民币仍然是两种独立的货币 美国的银行很少有兑换人民币的, 但是在香港很普遍 除了价格更贵和更多的人以外, 香港很像纽约 100

Hong Kong Island was returned to China from Britain in 1997. Hong Kong has always been an economic powerhouse. To cross from Hong Kong to China you must pass through passport control. The Chinese say they have one country, two systems. Hong Kong is home to almost 7 million people with a density of 6,400 people per square kilometer. In any case, Hong Kong is more crowded than Manhatten. 香港是 1997 年由英国归还给中国的 香港曾经是重要经济城市 从香港到中国需要护照的 中国说 一国两制, 香港面积 6400 平方公里, 是 700 万人民的家 101

We made a friend of an English-speaking cab driver in Hong Kong, which is the gateway to the Pearl River Delta. Our friend had been to America many times. The adjacent island of Macau is one tenth the size of Washington DC, and has a population of 500,000. The growth in Macau, which is China s version of Las Vegas, is simply staggering. 我们在香港交了一个会讲英文的出租车朋友, 香港是珠江三角洲的大门 他去过美国很多次 香港邻近的岛屿是澳门, 面积是华盛顿的十分之一, 人口 50 万 中国人眼中的拉斯维加斯 - 澳门的发展是另人惊讶的 102

To give this book its broadest appeal, it was my decision to publish simultaneously in two languages. All publishers explained carefully that this would, in fact, reduce the appeal, and they told me two books would be better than one. In hindsight, publishers always know more than authors, and they survive because they make more money than authors. But like my hero Picasso, life is not always about maximizing profit. Art can take many forms, and words and pictures are among my preferred art forms. 为了给这本书最好的展示, 我决定以两种语言同时出版 所有的出版商小心谨慎的解释这样的话可能没有单独出两本书效果好 事实上, 出版社永远都比作者知道的多, 他们生存下来是因为他们比作者更能赚钱 但是像我的英雄, Picasso, 生活并不全是最大的利益所充斥着 艺术体现在很多方式 语言和图片是我喜爱的方式 103

Many successful Hong Kong families have invested money and talent in mainland China. Here is the son of a Hong Kong family; he is the founder of China World Trade Corporation (NASDAQ CWTD) with facilities in Beijing and Guangzhou, and his English name is William. Mr. Tsang Chi Hung, forty-five, envisions China and US continuing to expand their mutual cooperation. He splits his time equally between building his business and serving his country. Many of these Hong Kong families who have made fortunes usually in real estate are very active in government and politics and weld enormous power with the Chinese government. 有许多的成功的香港家族都在中国内地进行投资 这位是来自于一个比较大的香港家族, 是中国世贸集团的创始人, 中国世贸集团在北京和广州都设有分部, 他的英文名叫 William 曾智雄先生, 现年 45 岁, 致力于加强中美投资者的互惠合作 他将他的时间平等的用在商务和效力国家上面 许多像这样通常投资于房地产致富的香港家族, 在政府和政治方面都非常活跃, 并拥有很大的权力 104

Fighting the outsourcing process to Asia is a losing uphill battle. The best way to create jobs is not to legislate against what is inevitable. Rather lets free CEO CLUB sized businesses to compete on a level playing field. Japan has less than ten percent of the lawyers (per person) than the USA. In China, when I asked my tour guide, Tiger, what he did before becoming a tour guide, he said, I use to be a lawyer but there is not much business for lawyers in China. Shakespeare long ago had the answer to outsourcing, when he said, First thing we have to do is..... Let s encourage outsourcing while we fix the legal mess, beginning with divorce and bankruptcy. 105

This outdoor free performance begins every morning at 9:00 a.m. and ends with everyone dancing. The CEO Club members had never seen anything like this, and this group of CEOs is well traveled. Of the 217 CEOs on our trips, about 70 percent were male, and about half traveled as a couple. Why not consider rearranging your China trip to include Kunming? It is well worth the trip. 这是在户外的免费演出, 从早上 9 点开始, 最后是和每个人跳舞结束 CEO 俱乐部的会员以前从来没有见识过这个, 这次是真的见识了 在以前来中国的 150 个 CEO 里面, 大约有 70% 都是男性, 大约一半是夫妻一起来的 为什么不考虑重新安排你的中国行, 一定要把昆明加上, 非常值得 106

Local TV stations covered the American and Chinese CEOs celebrating their new friendships. The television cameras always increased the crowd size. The newspaper coverage was equally powerful. The population of Kunming is approaching 5 million. 地方电视台报道了美国和中国 CEO 共同庆祝他们的友谊 电视台的摄像机总是能吸引更多的人群 报纸的报道也同样非常有说服力 昆明的人口接近 500 万 107

Bill Frick operates a label-printing company in Illinois and Florida and flies his own plane. Here he celebrates his first Chinese elephant ride. He made many new business contacts on the 2005 trip. All thirty-eight CEOs wanted a turn to be lifted by this elephant. Bill Frick 在弗罗里达芝加哥经营着一家商标印刷公司, 它自己开飞机 这是他庆祝第一次乘大象 他在 2005 中国行中建立了很多的商业联系 所有的 38 位 CEO 都想尝试被大象举起来的感受 108

This lady CEO owns a famous Dallas linens business called Peacock Alley. Many members, plus the pope and I, sleep on Mary Ella s sheets. Her high-end bedsheets have very large thread counts that give superior wear and comfort. This photo is from the ethnic village in Kunming. 这位 CEO 女士拥有一个很出名的床上用品店, 公司名字叫做 Peacock Alley 许多的会员, 包括我和罗马教皇都在使用 Mary Ella 生产的床单上 她的床单做工精良, 持久耐用, 非常舒适 这张照片摄于昆明的民族村 109

Everybody danced, the costumes were colorful, and the warmth was genuine. These photos are from the ethnic village in the city of Kunming. We didn t dance just once; we danced at different locations all day long. CEOs don t easily volunteer to dance, but the gentle persuasiveness of our hosts eventually made it feel natural. The CEOs mixed well with all the varied ethnic costumes. China competes with the US daily for jobs. The personalities and hard work of these Kunming residents gave most the feeling that fighting to preserve our jobs was a losing battle. 所有的人都在跳舞, 他们服装华丽, 而且他们的热情非常诚恳 这些照片都是拍于昆明的民族村 我们不止一次跳舞, 我们用一整天的时间在不同的地点跳舞 CEO 并不会这么容易的志愿跳舞, 但是我们主人的盛情邀请使不自然变成自然 CEO 与这些民族装扮得人配合的很好 中国和美国每天都在就业方面竞争 这些昆明人的性格和努力工作让我们意识到我们是在打一场败仗 110

At the ethnic village in Kunming, the dancers dragged all the CEOs into the dances. Here author David Yahoo, a motivational speaker who has given over 5,000 paid speeches in the US, pretends to dance like the famous American dancer Fred Astaire. At the age of seventyseven, David and his wife danced for hours. Kunming is composed of fifty-five different ethnic groups, and each person maintains the traditional dress of his or her country. 在昆明的民族村, 舞者将所有的 CEO 拉到舞池中 这个是作者 David Yahoo 假扮美国著名舞者 Fred Astaire David 是一个优秀的演讲家, 他在美国做过超过 5000 场有偿演讲 他和他的妻子跳了几个小时 昆明由 55 个不同的少数民族组成, 每一个人着着自己民族的服装 111


On the 2005 trip, at the surprising city of Kunming, which is several hours from Vietnam, we visited a natural wonder of the world, a rock garden. It is equivalent to the Grand Canyon, as it is a natural and spectacular sight. It is commonly called the Stone Forest. There are actually several stone forests in China, but this is the most popular. 在 2005 中国行中, 昆明是一个让人惊讶的地方 昆明距越南有几个小时的路程 我们参观了一个自然景观, 石头公园 它和美国的大峡谷是同等级别的, 都是因为他们是自然奇观 它通常被称为石林 113

The rock garden is at an elevation of 5,000 feet above sea level. Another advantage of a strong central government is that when constructing a railroad is necessary between two points, the process is not tied up in the courts. The bullet train from Shanghai to Beijing is scheduled to begin operating next year well before the 2008 Olympics. However, no one on the trip was willing to change from a Democracy to a dictatorship. 石林是位于海拔 5000 英尺的地方 一个集权的中央政府的另一个优势就是当决定在两个地方之间建火车的时候不会受到法院的限制 从上海到北京的急速列车明年就要开始建设, 将在 2008 奥运会完成 在本次中国行的成员没有一个愿意把民主政权变为专政制度 114

The rock garden is set amongst a picturesque lake. The stone village in Kunming is not well known in the coastal cities, but it is a spectacular natural sight. All of the Chinese know of this natural wonder, which they refer to as the Stone Forest. 石林是位于一个美丽的湖中间 这个位于昆明的石头公园在沿海城市并不出名, 但是它却是一个自然景观 所有的中国人都知道这个景观, 他们更愿称之为石林 115

The business sessions always included formal signing ceremonies. In the US, in thirty years, we have never had a signing ceremony. The CEO Clubs here are signing a mutual cooperation pact with Kunming. We now have our sixth chapter in this city. 在商务会议期间永远都有正式的签约仪式 CEO 俱乐部与昆明签订合作协议 我们现在在昆明拥有了第六个分部 116

While we were there to do business by day, on the weekends and in the evening, CEOs always have time for group photos. The second word Americans learn in China is the phrase for thank you, Xie Xie, pronounced Shay Shay. The first word they learn is hello, or neehow. While China has captured the manufacturing jobs from the US, its total economy is only the size of the economy of California. However, its rate of growth has exceeded the US rate by two to one. In fact, depending upon how you interpret the GDP numbers, the US s GDP is about twenty times larger than China s. 我们平常要工作, 在周末和晚上, CEO 总是有时间合影 美国人学的第二句中国话是谢谢 第一句话学的是你好 中国抓到了美国的生产制造工作, 它的全部经济总额只相当于加里福尼亚的经济总额 然而, 他的经济增长速度却以 2 倍的速度超过美国 实际上是基于你怎样解释国内生产总值的数字, 美国的国内生产总值是中国的二十倍 117

It was amazing to watch the performers in the charming city of Kunming coax the CEOs into joining them to dance. American CEOs just don t dance, but the salesmanship of the performers was outstanding. Of course, once the Americans began dancing, they wanted to be the best, and we couldn t get them to stop. 真是惊讶于看到来自这个迷人的城市昆明的表演者来劝服 CEO 加入到他们的舞队当中 美国 CEO 是不跳舞的, 但这些表演者的说服力真是杰出 当然了, 一旦美国人开始跳舞, 他们就像成为最好的, 而且你不可能让他们停下来 118

There are dinners and lunches, and the food is distributed on the lazy Susans. Unlike in US Chinese restaurants, you don t get to select one from column A and two from column B, etc. If you leave your chopsticks sticking out of your rice bowl, the Chinese believe it resembles two sticks of incense that stand in a bowl of ashes... which represents death. 有很多的晚餐和午餐, 食物都是被分好的 跟美国不同, 你不用从 A 里选一个, 然后从 B 里再选 如果你将筷子插在米饭碗里, 中国人会觉得这就像在盛满香灰的碗里插了两根香, 这代表死亡 119

We always had a few birthdays to celebrate. We sang Happy Birthday off key in two different languages and then blew out the candles. The birthday boy, Doug Simon, has a twin brother back in New York. They both operate their own businesses and they allowed me to ask, Who was born first? As my twenty-six-question entrepreneur s quiz claims, first-borns are the entrepreneurs. No one knows if the first-born principle applies to twins! The quiz is free on the Web site We woke Arthur Simon from a sound sleep to wish him happy birthday. 我们经常会有几个生日庆祝会 我们用两种语言唱生日歌, 然后吹灭蜡烛 这个生日寿星是 Doug Simon, 他有一个双胞胎兄弟在纽约 他们都有自己的公司, 请允许我问 哪一个首先生出来的? 因为我的 26 个问题企业家测试里认为第一个生出来的会成为企业家 测试在 的网上是免费下载的 我们把作家 Simon 从酣睡中叫醒他并祝他生日快乐 120

The costumes are always colorful, and it is easy to see how China has come to dominate the textile industry. These are some of the fifty-two different costumes of the ethnic group that composes the city of Kunming. All the clothing was made in China. China is roughly twelve hours ahead of us; noon here is midnight in China. 他们的服装永远都是五颜六色的, 这也很轻易的可以看出中国是怎样主导纺织行业的 这是 52 个少数民族中的一部分, 这些民族构成了昆明 所有的衣服都是在中国制造的 中国大约比我们时间提前 12 小时 美国的中午就是中国的午夜 121

About an hour out of Kunming, there is an area of hot spring spas that is a must-see experience. The spas are huge, with dozens of hot pools all at different temperatures. While you soak and only your head is above water, you will see a Broadway-type dance performance. Dozens of performers come out to meet/greet the American CEOs. 大约离昆明一小时的车程是一个一定要尝试的温泉水疗中心 这里有很多不用温度的温泉池 当你泡温泉时, 只有你的头露在外面 他们会表演百老汇一样的舞蹈 很多的表演者出来迎接美国 CEO 122

To dream of doing business in China without suffering through the process of socializing and meeting government officials is pure folly. The government has millions of people who do the same job on the payroll. If the government in China was run as a private business, you could improve their GDP by firing 90 percent of the bureaucrats. But the same problem (to a lesser extent) exists in the US. 想在中国做生意而不通过与政府往来是行不通的 政府有上百万人领薪水但做同样的事情 如果中国的政府能够像经营企业一样运作, 开掉 90% 的官僚主义者, 相信国内生产总值一定会提高 但是其实在美国也是一样的 ( 程度稍轻 ) 123

The May 2005 trip had thirty-nine CEOs visiting China for two weeks. Everyone was in so many group pictures that many CEOs were taking pictures of the people taking pictures. China passed Japan in 2004 and is now the world s second-largest consumer of oil. Sixty-five percent of China s energy comes from coal. China is the world s largest producer and user of coal, but the type of coal they use causes air pollution. 2005 中国行有 39 位 CEO 加入, 在中国度过了 2 周时间 每一个人都出现在很多的合影里面 中国在 2004 年超过了日本现在成为世界第二大石油消费国 65% 的中国能源来自于煤 中国是世界最大的产出国, 也是最大的使用者, 但是他们用的煤会导致空气污染 124

We were all given live flowers as gifts from the Chinese officials. These flowers are often grown in the city of Kunming, where the yearly temperature varies between seventy and eighty degrees. After his May 2005 trip, Harry Hollander went back to Kunming to open an office for his horticultural business. 政府官员会赠鲜花给我们作为礼物 这些花通常会在昆明生长的 昆明的温度一般在 70-80 华氏摄氏度 Harry Hollander 在 2005 中国行之后回到了昆明并设立办公室, 主要为他的园艺事业 125

We opened a CEO Clubs, China, chapter in this city of Kunming with a formal signing ceremony. The government of this southwestern city doesn t get the flow of American businesses and warmly welcomes the CEO Clubs. They wanted us to take over a group of unprofitable, state-owned enterprises. 我们在昆明开设了第六个分部, 并举行了正式的签约仪式 这个西南城市的政府没有引进很多的美国企业, 他们非常欢迎 CEO 俱乐部的加入 他们希望我们能够接管一些不盈利的国有企业 126

We always had group pictures. Here, Chinese American James Lee, who lives with his family in New Jersey but spends half his time in China, is giving instructions. James began his career as a tour guide many years ago in Kunming. His new 150,000-square-foot facility in Shanghai is able to help American companies enter the Chinese market. 我们经常有合影 这是美籍华人 James Lee 他住在新泽西, 但是半数时间都在中国 他在给我们做介绍 James 在很多年前在昆明做导游 他在上海拥有的 15 万平方英尺的建筑可以帮助美国企业进入中国市场 127

Doing business in China is complicated. Making money in China is difficult. There are two Internet-based tools I have uncovered that can be extremely helpful. They are both twice- a- month online newsletters produced by the China experts of The Wall Street Journal. The first is The Wall Street Journal Briefing: China Business, which is $20 per month or $248 annually. The second is China Manufacturing, and this is about $1,000 annually. The good news is I have arranged a free month of both newsletters for readers of this book who go the China section of my Web site ( and click on The Wall Street Journal banner. The first month is free, and you will get a flavor of the information they provide. 128

The business meetings were given national TV coverage. We often rushed back to the hotel and switched among the channels to see if we could find coverage of our meetings. There are thousands of state-owned enterprises that are losing money, and the Chinese government is always searching for partners to take over these enterprises. While most are losers, there are some good, viable businesses that can be acquired for pennies on the dollar. 商务会议都会有电视台报道 我们经常奔回酒店打开频道看是否能看到关于我们的报道 这里有很多的国有企业负盈利, 中国政府一直在寻找合作伙伴能够接管过去 就算大部分企业经营不善, 但有一些还是好的, 一些可行的商业可以化腐朽为神奇 129

The best business to start in China is model making. They had models of all the new construction in China. It was awesome. Did you know that China uses 40 percent of the world s concrete and 25 percent of its steel? The only American system that other countries seek to duplicate is our entrepreneurial system. Have you ever heard of a country that wants to duplicate our legal system? Our political system? No, only our entrepreneurship, which is our most exportable product. 在中国最好的规划都是以制作模型开始 他们有在中国所有新建筑的沙盘 有一组惊人的数字, 你知道中国在用世界 40% 的混凝土和 25% 的钢材吗? 其他国家唯一想参考美国的制度就只有企业管理制度 你听说过哪个国家向参考我们的法律制度? 我们的政治制度? 不, 只有企业管理制度是我们出口量最大的产品 130

You will notice that this caption is not translated into Chinese. It is the CEO Club version of Coca Cola s secret formula. We can t run the risk of letting this secret be discovered, as it is a major contributor to our success in traveling in China at one step above luxury. Consequently, there is no Chinese translation. The average member of the CEO Clubs runs a business with about $20 million in annual sales or about one hundred employees. All Chinese think all CEOs in America run Fortune 500 businesses. It is not our job to change this belief. 131

These Broadway plays all had big casts and spectacular customs. While the American media, led by Lou Dobbs and CNN, try to reverse the outsourcing of American jobs, the 217 American CEOs visiting China see this effort as uphill. Rather, these CEOs need the media s help to be released from government regulation and the burdensome American legal system. CEO Club-sized businesses create the jobs in America. Rather than fighting outsourcing, let s eliminate the ball-and-chain of the American legal system. 这些 百老汇 的演出都有很多的演员和美丽的服饰 当被 Lou Dobbs 的 CNN 主宰的美国媒体尝试去扭转美国就业率下降的时候,150 个美国 CEO 来访中国看到这种努力就像登山的顶峰一样, 这些 CEO 需要媒体帮助他们从政府规定和繁多的美国法律制度下解脱出来 CEO 俱乐部主要为中小型企业, 这些企业的 CEO 在美国是增加就业的主要来源 132

We were always given the best seats in the house. There are too many middlemen working to create joint ventures between the US and China. While some provide value, sorting through the maze of promises usually slows the process. Usually, it is better to go directly to China and deal directly with a potential partner. 我们在剧院永远都是拥有最好的位置 在中美商务合作方面有太多的中间人, 有一些还能提供有价值的东西, 但是要在太多的承诺中寻找有效价值就会让拖延很久 通常最好的办法就是直接到中国与合作伙伴直接谈判 133

Some mayor meetings were less formal, but the rooms remained ornate. One of the practical reasons to meet mayors is they hold a lot of power for doing business in China. Unlike the US, which has an excess of litigation, in China, mayors are often called upon to resolve disputes. The reason it works is the mayor s access to your Chinese partners families, often a better pressure point than the Chinese courts. 一些市长会谈不是很正式, 但房间布置还是很豪华 一个很现实的原因要与市长见面就是因为他们掌控在中国做生意的很多权力 不像美国, 有很多的诉讼 中国的市长经常被要求解决这些纠纷 一般是这样来解决问题的, 市长能够直接找到你的中国合作伙伴家族成员, 这样与中国法庭相比, 压力要更大一些 134

Toasting with Chinese wine was a must. They like to say Gan bei, which means drink it all in one swallow. What separates American CEOs from businesses in other countries is our infrastructure to start and grow businesses. China has a poor system to start ventures, as their government impedes the launch of new businesses. 以中国白酒碰杯是必须的 他们愿意说 干杯, 意思要将酒一口咽下 美国 CEO 的经营管理有别于其他国家的一点是我们的开始经营和发展经营的基础结构不同 因为政府阻止新商业项目的投放, 所以中国有一个非常不完善的系统来运作新的商业项目 135

This hotel, normally only available to top-level government and Communist party officials, was opened for the capitalistic CEO Clubs. It is in the city of Zibo, on the way to the coastal resort city of Qingdao. We all wanted to know how to become Communists... while remaining Republicans. Don t be alarmed by the word Communist. China has only 60 million Communists, and it s because they have a one-party system. America has a two-party system. The other big difference is that all Chinese media is government controlled. In China, TV, radio, and newspapers are really cheerleaders for the Communist government. 这个酒店是只对高级政府官员和共产党官员开放的, 但是却对资本主义的 CEO 俱乐部特别开放了 这个酒店是位于前往沿海城市青岛的路上的一个城市, 淄博 在那里, 我们都想知道怎样能成为共产党员但还保留共和党的身份 不要因为听见共产党就警觉, 中国只有 6 千万共产党, 那是因为他们只有一个执政党 美国实行两党制 另外一个很大的区别是中国的媒体是政府掌控的, 在这儿, 电视 广播和报纸都是共产党政府的拥护者 136

Yes, we played ping-pong. Everybody does. Gunpowder was first developed by the Chinese in the eighth century AD. The first navigational magnetic compasses were used in China in the eleventh century AD. Bamboo provided China with the first forms of paper well ahead of the rest of the world. Americans have no hope in a table tennis game. 是的, 我们在玩乒乓球 所有的人都参与了 火药是中国在公元 8 世纪的时候最先发明的 航海磁罗盘是公元 11 世纪在中国应用的 中国首先用竹子作为造纸原料, 这远远早于世界其他国家 美国人在乒乓球领域没有任何希望 137

This is a smaller town, Zibo, on our way to the beer capital of China: Qingdao. There are over 40 million TV sets produced in China annually. Zibo is known worldwide for its fine porcelain. The abacus was invented in China in the year 500 BC. It was the first calculator, and even today most Chinese know how to use it. It is very fast and doesn t need batteries. 这是个我们去中国的啤酒城市青岛途经的一个小城市, 淄博 中国每年生产约 4 千万台电视 淄博生产世界闻名的瓷器 算盘是中国在公元前 500 年就发明了 这是最早的计算器, 甚至今天仍有很多的中国人用它, 计算速度非常快, 而且不用电池 138

When in China, CEO Club members are no longer Republicans, we are Communists in waiting. This is sure a nice place! There are 40,000 characters in the Chinese language, and each character must be memorized. If you know 4,000 characters, you can handle most written Chinese. While English is dependent on twenty-six letters, each Chinese character stands alone. CEO 俱乐部的会员在中国的时候不再是共和党人 我们是候补共产党人士 这是一个非常美丽的地方 中文大约有 40000 个词, 而且每个单词都必须记住 如果你知道 4000 个, 你就会运用基本的中文 英文是依靠 26 个字母, 而中文每个单字都是独立的 139

In the US, Big Sur, California, is my favorite resort. In China, it s Qingdao, the beer capital located just a few hours out of Shanghai. It has historical ties to Germany and is a quick flight from Japan. Many of the homes and buildings look European. 我们辗转到中国的沿海城市, 有山有海 这个啤酒之都成为青岛 这是我在中国最喜欢的酒店 青岛离上海只有几个小时 青岛的历史与德国有紧密的联系, 从青岛飞日本很快 这里许多的建筑看起来很欧洲化 140

They painted, by hand, a beautiful plate for me in Zibo, and they presented it to me as a gift. I felt so inadequate when I only returned the favor with one of my books, especially since I only give away my books that don t sell. I told you this city had the world s finest porcelain. Now you can see it. 他们在淄博给我制作了一个很精美的盘子并作为礼物送给我 我觉得仅仅回报我喜欢的一本书给他们很不好意思 我告诉过你们这个城市拥有世界上最好的瓷器, 现在你们可以看到了 141

My daughter has this gift over the fireplace in her home. It was hand painted, then baked, and the image is permanent. The real opportunities in China rest in these smaller, less well-known cities. Slurping soup is perfectly acceptable in China, as they believe it cools the soup. Lifting your rice bowl to scoop your rice is sensible, as eating rice with chop sticks is cumbersome. 我的女儿将这个礼品放到她家里壁炉上 这是手工制作的, 经过烧制图案是永久的 在中国最好的休息是在这些小一点, 不是非常出名的城市里 在中国喝汤出声音是没有问题的, 他们会认为帮助汤能够凉, 将碗拿起来吃米饭也是可以的, 因为用筷子吃米饭有一些麻烦 142

The views from our room were always spectacular. Qingdao has miles and miles of beachfront access. Qingdao has the feel of Cancun, Mexico, with its motels, views, and ocean access. My daughter and I were able to sneak away from a plant tour to swim in the ocean. The beer capital in China has beer everywhere, and a bottle of cold Qingdao beer is in every hotel room. 我们的酒店房间外的风景永远是最好的 青岛有很长的海岸线 我的女儿和我曾经从参观工厂的途中溜走然后去海里游泳 这个啤酒之都到处都有啤酒 每个酒店房间里都会备一瓶冰青岛啤酒 143

The ocean coastline is beautiful with sandy beaches. Qingdao is the home of Qingdao Beer and the company named Haier, the Chinese equivalent to General Electric. Haier is an especially large and successful business. We toured Haier, and the CEO was willing to meet with us. Qingdao beer is served in most American restaurants and is available in most liquor stores. 海岸线非常美丽, 而且有沙滩 青岛市是青岛啤酒和中国家用电器生产商海尔公司的家乡 海尔是个非常成功的大企业 我们参观了海尔, 并且海尔的 CEO 本来计划要安排与我们会见 青岛啤酒在大部分的美国饭店都可以买到, 而且在许多的卖酒的商店可以买到 144

The signs of welcome were everywhere, and the hospitality really impacted us. All Chinese cities have what they call high-tech zones. They are not really high-tech but basic industrial parks. However, there are some high-tech parallels with US businesses. For instance, on Friday, August 5, 2005, China s version of Google, Baidu, rose 354 percent on its initial public offering (IPO). Pat McGovern of International Data Group (IDG) was one of the early venture investors. Pat s luncheon address to the CEO Clubs can be heard for free at 欢迎我们的招牌到处都是, 这的确给我们留下深刻的印象 所有的中国城市都有他们自己称为高新区的地方 他们其实并不都是高科技, 实际上应该是工业园区 但是确实存在同美国企业一样的高科技公司 例如, 2005 年 8 月 5 日星期五那天, 中国的搜索引擎百度首次上市交易价格上升了 354% IDG 的麦戈文是其早期投资者之一 145

We had private planes for short trips, but having beautiful hostesses greet each person with flowers puts frequent flier programs to shame. Naturally, the private planes were paid for by the government. Each of those young ladies had a bouquet of flowers for us. One young lady, one bouquet of flowers, one US CEO. 我们在一些短途旅行会有包机, 每个人都会有收到东道主送上的鲜花, 这让我们感到盛情难却 一般来说, 政府负担所有包机费用 这些年轻的女士给我们每人一束鲜花 146

Joe and J.P. are learning to walk like the models walk. It isn t easy. There were lots of fun moments. These models put one foot in front of the other, but doing it on a sailing boat was beyond our abilities. Add the rocking boat to a cold Qingdao beer, and you are better off sitting in those empty chairs. Joe 和 J.P. 在学习模特步法, 才发现真是不容易 有很多快乐的时光 这些模特将一只脚放在另一只的前面, 但是如果在一只行进的船上做这件事情超过了我们的能力 摇晃的船加上一支青岛啤酒最好的办法就是坐在这些空的椅子上 147

On this trip, my oldest child, a thirty-nine-year-old daughter, came for her first experience. My wife came on the first trip, and I was alone on my last trip. Two of my younger children and my wife sailed with me on the Yangtze River. This city had the feel of Cape Cod in Massachusetts. Each year in China is represented by an animal. There are twelve animals and twelve months. The year 2005 is the year of the rooster. 这次旅行我的最大的孩子, 39 岁的女儿也来了, 这是她第一次来中国 第一次来中国我和妻子一起来的, 上次是我自己来的 我的两个小一点的孩子和我的妻子一起陪我在长江上游览 这个城市很像麻萨诸塞州的 Cape Cod 地区感觉 每年中国都有一个属相 一共有 12 个属相和 12 个月 2005 年是鸡年 148

Isn t this a piece of unusual architecture? It is considered good luck to have the entrance of a house facing south. Be sure to read my comments about Feng Shui in the newsletter I wrote after my first trip in December of 2002. The Chinese have not yet realized the dangers of smoking. Their health system does not feature health insurance, and 90 percent of all hospital costs are born by the individual. Cigarette smoking in China is very common. 你不认为这是一个不寻常建筑师的杰作吗? 中国认为房子的正门面向南边是吉祥的象征 一定要阅读我在第一部分中所写的关于风水的讲述, 那是在 2002 年 12 月我上次来中国之后写的 中国人还没有意识到抽烟的危害 他们的医疗保险系统没有完全发挥作用, 医院费用的 90% 基本上由个人支付 在中国吸烟非常普遍 149

Graham said the mayor of Qingdao reminded him of motivational speaker Tony Robbins. Ice cream, America s favorite dessert, was first used in China in 2000 BC. Red is considered a lucky color in China. The Chinese celebration of New Years lasts fifteen days beginning and ending on a full moon. It is currently in early February. During this celebration, all 1.3 billion Chinese overcrowd their transportation capacity. Graham 说青岛的市长让他回想起美国演讲家 Tony Robbins 冰淇淋是美国人的最爱, 公元前 2000 年首次进入中国 红色在中国成为幸运的颜色 中国新年的庆祝持续 15 天, 一直到月圆的那天结束 春节时间一般在 2 月初 在这段期间, 13 亿人承受着过重的交通压力 150

The dinner banquets were elaborate and had fresh flowers everywhere. In this session, four hundred people were given dinner in our honor. I had to sort through thousands of pictures taken by the members to select a few hundred for this book. First, I wrote several hundred captions, and then I hunted for the best picture to fit the caption. Consequently, I am sure I failed to select all the good pictures. 晚宴被鲜花布置得很精致 一共 400 人共同进餐 我不得不从会员提供给我的几千张照片中筛选出几百张用于我这本书 我写了几百字的说明, 然后找出最好的照片来配合我的说明 因此, 我相信我一定没有将全部好的照片选出来 151

The night in China is prettier than the day. The Chinese have a 30 percent savings rate versus only 2 percent in the US. However, that statistic is misleading because most Americans have their savings in home equity. In China, you cannot own real estate; you may only lease it. 中国的夜晚比白天漂亮 中国的储蓄比例是 30%, 而美国只有 2% 然而, 这个统计有一些误导, 因为大部分的美国人将他们的储蓄放到房产上 在中国, 你不能拥有土地, 只能租用 152

Shanghai and the Yangtze River at night are the best views. In Shanghai, which is a very expensive city, the expensive riverfront estates are actually converted embassies. These magnificent structures are all lighted at night. Did you know that in the 1930s, the largest cities in the world were New York, Tokyo, Paris, London, and Shanghai? 上海和长江的夜晚是最漂亮的 在这个昂贵的城市上海, 江两侧的房子实际上都是原来使馆改造的 这些伟大的建筑到晚上都会有照明 你知道在 19 世纪 30 年代世界上最大的城市是纽约 东京 巴黎 伦敦和上海吗? 153

Actually, the views were breathtaking. There were over 5,000 new buildings that were over fifteen stories tall in Shanghai in 2004. China is working to replace Hong Kong with Shanghai as its financial capital. These skylines are sold on The Bund in Shanghai as postcards. The riverfront area where the cruise boats dock in Shanghai is called The Bund, and it is the best place to do business with hundreds of street vendors. The Bund is the downtown business district in Shanghai. 实际上这些风景是让人叹为观止的 2004 年在上海新建设了超过 15 层的建筑 5000 多个 中国致力于建设上海从而取代香港的金融中心的地位 这些风景在上海外滩都有明信片售出 游船停靠的沿江一带被称为外滩 在这里可以跟上百的街头小贩做生意 外滩是上海的繁华商务区 154

They views go on and on. Three hundred million rural Chinese (there are only 250 million people in all of the US) will move from the country to the city in the next fifteen years. While they all prefer to move to Shanghai, it s the most expensive real estate in all of China. The best real estate values, in my humble opinion, are lake- and oceanfront properties in less wellknown cities. 风景不断印入眼帘 中国 3 亿农民 ( 美国只有 2.5 亿人口 ) 准备在未来的 15 年从农村转移到城市 他们都比较喜欢上海 上海的房子是全中国最贵的 我个人认为, 最有价值的房产应该是在不是很著名的城市中靠近湖和海洋的地方 155

The fun on The Bund in Shanghai was to see which CEO got the best deal on a Rolex watch. This is also the location of the CEO Club wine bar. Jeff Begoon was the winner, when he purchased Rolexes as Christmas gifts for all his employees Jeff has close to one hundred employees. It cost more to ship them by FEDEX back to the States than it cost him to buy the watches. The second most popular purchase was silk scarves. 在上海的外滩好玩的是看哪个 CEO 能够买到最便宜的假劳力士手表 照片上也是 CEO 俱乐部酒吧所在地 当 Jeff Begoon 为他的所有员工买 劳力士 手表作为圣诞礼物时他同时也成为了赢家 Jeff 有近 100 个员工 用联邦快递将他们运回国内的费用甚至要高于手表的价格 第二个最流行的购买就是买丝绸围巾 156

It won t be long before China is exporting cars to the US. While General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler now have balance sheets with junk bond ratings, the real dangers are yet to come. This is a model of the Automotive City, an hour out of Shanghai. The city is the equivalent of the US s Detroit. 中国出口汽车到美国的时间不会太长久 通用汽车, 福特和克莱斯勒目前的后保债券仅仅处于持平状态, 真正的危险还没到来 这是汽车城的沙盘, 距离上海一个小时 157

The negotiating was more fun than the acquiring. After all, not one of the vendors speaks English. They are all skilled negotiators who spend lifetimes selling trinkets to foreigners. When the person with experience meets the person with the money, each gains a little from the other. Someone said the calculator looked good and bought it rather than the watch and scarf. So they communicate a price by using a calculator. The vendor types one number, and then you type a counteroffer. 讲价的过程要比最后买到更有乐趣 虽然没有一个商贩会讲英语 但他们都是讲价专家, 他们这一辈子都专门卖老外这些小东西 当有经验的人遇到了有钱的人, 每个人都会小赚一点 有些人说计算器看起来不错就买了, 可能要比买表和围巾要好 然后他们可以用计算器谈讨价还价 他们按一个数字, 然后你再侃价 158

Do you get the idea that the Shanghai views never end? While the US punishes African countries for their human rights abuse, China embraces them. Zimbabwe, Angola, and the Sudan all turn to China first for trade. Zimbabwe has traded ownership in platinum mines for airplanes, cars, and buses. 你看出来上海的风景是永远不断的吗? 当美国惩罚非洲国家滥用人权的时候, 中国则与他们合作 津巴布韦, 安哥拉和苏丹都首先与中国建立贸易关系 津巴布韦以白金矿山来交换飞机, 汽车和巴士 159

Unlike the US, when China decides to build something like Automotive City, they build it before they have firm orders. This decision takes real capital. The capital is at risk, and there is no such thing as throwing good money after bad in China. It is all good money. That is why some think model building is the best Chinese business to start. There are models everywhere. China will soon be shipping automobiles around the world. The target price for a new Chinese car, currently called The Cherry, is $5,000. Equivalent US cars are more than twice that price. 与美国不同, 当中国决定要建设类似于汽车城这样的建筑时, 他们在拿到订单之前就先建好 这个决定是需要大量资金投入的, 而且这个投资是有风险的, 在中国没有浪费钱这一说, 凡是投资的都是值得的 这就是为什么有一些人认为设计沙盘是最好的开始 到处都是沙盘 中国很快就要在世界各国出口汽车 中国有一款新车, 目前叫奇瑞, 售价在 5000 美金 同等级别的美国车的价格是他的 2 倍 160

They call this a small model. It is gigantic. Somebody is building all of this in an area outside of Shanghai known as Automotive City. First, they build the factories, and then the surrounding residential housing. It was fun to see they had built better and higher-priced homes on the lakes for the yet-to-be-hired CEOs. After it is all built, they solicit customers. Remember, the Chinese government controls all the media. You forget how vital to an economy a free press is if you are dependent on a truthful media to keep you informed. 他们说这是一个小沙盘 但它是巨大的 一些人在上海以外的地区建设这个汽车城 首先, 他们建设一些工厂, 然后在盖一些配套住宅 如果他们能在湖边建一些更好更贵的房子给我们有可能来华的 CEO 该有多好 在这些都建设好之后, 他们开始招商 请记住, 中国政府控制所有的媒体 你忘记了自由的媒体对于经济是多么的重要, 因为你要依赖于一个真实的媒体来提供给你信息 161

In the city of Shanghai, in October 2003, we had a similar CEO Club opening, and it included a fashion show. Before the fun begins, the Chinese are very formal and have what is known as a signing ceremony. I had never seen this in any American business transaction. The good news is it didn t require any lawyers. 2003 年十月在上海的时候, 我们上海分部成立, 并准备了一个服装秀 在秀之前, 中国人都正式着装并有签约仪式 我在美国从来没有见过这样处理签约 好在这种签约不需要律师 162

This is the entrance to the newly established CEO Club wine bar on The Bund in Shanghai. It is called a wine bar because good Chinese restaurants like to highlight their selection of wines. Here is location of the CEO Clubs wine bar No 500: Zhongshandongyi Rd., Shanghai, in the Hunagpu Park and on the Weitan, near the Huangpu River. Tel: 86-021-5301-5983. 这个是在上海外滩刚刚新建的 CEO 俱乐部酒吧的入口 这个称为酒吧是因为中国的大饭店喜欢展示他们的存酒 CEO 俱乐部的地址是 : 靠近黄浦江的黄埔公园内中山东一路 500 号, 外滩附近 电话 :86-021-5301-5983 163

First children in the US are most likely to be entrepreneurs. My research, on http://www., shows that the first American child in a family is twice as likely to be an entrepreneur as any of the other children. China s one-child policy is producing 500 million first children. It is scary. In 1979, China instituted a one-child-per-family policy, and any government worker who violates this policy is immediately terminated. Some private company CEOs agree to pay about $15,000 to have a second child. 在美国一般第一个孩子会成为企业家 在 上有我的调查, 说美国家庭的第一个孩子有比家里其它孩子有 2 倍的机会成为企业家 中国的一个孩子政策产生了 5 亿孩子 数字惊人 1979 年, 中国开始实施 一个家庭只生一个孩 的政策 任何公务员违反这个规定马上就被开除 一些私企老板愿意交 15000 美金来生第二个孩子 164

Don t forget the group photos. The flowers are always part of these pictures. When is the last time you were given lapel flowers during a business session? It is an honor to be in these photo sessions, and the members enjoyed seeing their pictures in the morning papers. We always bought out the newsstands morning papers. In addition to the newspapers, we were always on the evening news. These CEOs in China want to do business in the US. Other countries do not hold the appeal to China because America is where the money is located. 别忘了在集体照片中, 鲜花永远在其中 你上次开商务会议的时候给佩戴鲜花是什么时候的事情? 能够出现在这些照片中是很荣幸的事情, 而且会员们很愿意在早上第一份报纸看到关于他们的报道 我们经常买光报摊的早报 除了报纸以外, 我们在晚间新闻也可以看到我们 这些在中国的 CEO 想在美国做生意 美国以外其它国家没有成为中国主要的吸引力, 因为美国经济强大 165

Here comes the fashion show. Keep turning the pages. Nobody left early. China has more speakers of English as a second language than America has native English speakers. Shanghai is the fashion capital of China, so pay close attention. The models came from northern China, where the basketball player Yao Ming seven feet, seven inches plays for Houston in the NBA. The Chinese people in northern China are usually a foot taller than those from southern China. 这就是服装秀 没有人提早离开 中国甚至比美国有更多的人说英文, 他们把英文作为第二种语言, 而美国的母语则是英文 上海是中国的时尚之都, 所以一定要仔细看 这些模特来自于中国北部城市, 那有篮球手, 姚明, 7 英尺 7 英寸高, 他在 NBA 为休斯顿效命 中国北部地区的人通常比南部的人高一英尺 166

The language problem is real, as many Chinese CEOs don t speak English. While China does more trade with Japan and Taiwan, it s America that holds the cachet. They all want to do business here, as many don t like the Japanese or Taiwanese, and Americans are the preferred customers. Why? Do you remember why the bank robber John Dillinger said he robbed banks? Cause that s where the money is. 因为中国许多的 CEO 不讲英文所以语言还真的是问题 当中国与日本和台湾贸易额增加的时候, 美国隐藏其中 他们都喜欢跟美国做生意, 因为他们不喜欢日本和台湾人 美国人是受欢迎的吗? 为什么? 你还记得为什么银行抢劫者 John Dillinger 说他抢劫银行吗? 是因为那里是存放钱的地方 167

I have flown over 3 million miles on US airlines. Consequently, I have become accustomed to and sympathetic with flight stewardesses who tie up the last two rows with items for their personal use. On long flights, however, in this zero sum game, that means nine passengers are squeezed together, mostly in middle seats. Within Asia, the level of airline stewards service is clearly better than the US in all aspects. Among Asians, the ability to serve is superior. In China, one false move can result in the job being given to the next steward on a mile-long waiting list. Contrast both of these with Japan. There is no tipping in Japan. Not for taxis or restaurants or anywhere. The Japanese do not serve for money. They serve for pleasure and honor. Interesting differences, as the US outsources service jobs throughout Asia. 168

Once the business session ended, everyone stayed for the fashion show. While you enjoy this fashion show paid for by the sponsors of this CEO Club tour of China, Automotive City, remember that General Motors expects the Chinese automotive market to be bigger than the US market by the year 2025. Today, 75 million Chinese can afford to buy cars. China must build urban infrastructure to move 300 million rural Chinese to the cities in the next fifteen years. That s about 20 million annually or about one and three quarter million a month. In other words, the number of Chinese who are moving every month approximately equals the population of Houston, Texas. 当签约仪式结束后所有的人都留下来看服装秀 当你在观看这场由 CEO 俱乐部中国行的赞助商 -- 汽车城赞助的这样服装秀的同时, 请记住通用汽车期望中国的汽车市场到 2025 年要比美国还大 今天, 7500 万中国人能买得起汽车 中国在未来的 15 年必须要继续建设城市来容纳 3 亿从农村转移到城市的人民 每年接近 2 千万人口, 也就是差不多一个月 160 万人, 这是得克萨斯州的休斯顿的人口总额 169

This was the single highlight of all six trips, hands down: a CEO Club-sponsored fashion show. It was held at the most expensive hotel in Shanghai, The Ritz Carlton. Most American hotel chains have high-end properties throughout China. The models were all six feet tall, weighed 120 pounds, and were twenty-one years old. They were stunning. The modeling schools only accept one in ten applicants, as most Chinese are too short to be models. 这是这 5 次中国行中的由 CEO 俱乐部组织的亮点之一 这场服装秀在上海最贵的酒店 - 波特曼利嘉酒店 所有的美国酒店链在中国都是很高端的酒店 这些模特都是 6 英尺高, 120 磅,21 岁 他们太棒了, 模特学校的招生比率是十比一, 因为好多中国人都因为身高不够 170

The waiters all stopped work to watch the show. While we enjoyed the show and had fun, we didn t forget our first mission was to make money. The average American company makes an over-40 percent annual return on its Chinese operations. Investors in China s version of Google, Baidu, made a 354 percent gain in one day on the IPO, on August 5, 2005. Baidu s gain exceeded the percentage rise Google experienced since its debut last year. Google has over 3,000 employees whereas has 750. 所有的服务生都停下来看表演 当你享受其中的时候, 别忘了我们的首要目的是做生意 美国公司在中国经营年平均投资回报率是 40% 在中国搜索引擎百度的投资者在 2005 年 8 月 5 日首次上市回报率是 354% 百度的上升的百分点超过了去年 Google 上市时候的点值 Google 拥有 3000 个雇员, 而百度只有 750 171

Who wouldn t want to join a CEO Club with these fine clothes? I brought home four dresses from the show. All were silk. Apparel workers in the US make about $10 an hour. In China, the equivalent rate is about seventy-five cents. In South America, it s about $1.75 an hour. 看到这些美丽的服装谁不想加入 CEO 俱乐部? 我买了其中的 4 套衣服 全是丝绸制成的 在美国服装工人一小时差不多 10 美金, 在中国同等工人只赚 75 美分 在南美差不多一小时 1.75 美金 172

Others purchased more. Prostitution is illegal in China, but the law is seldom enforced. Many young rural Chinese women who come to the big city to try their hand at modeling are unsuccessful. The Chinese use over 2,000,000,000 condoms annually. 其它的人买的更多 妓女在中国是违法的, 但法律强迫性不是很高 许多年轻的农村妇女来到大城市尝试模特却很少成功 中国每年用超过 10 亿的安全套 173

Tony Guo from Shanghai knew all the beautiful models and the entertainers personally and he is a very popular fellow. His modeling agency often works for automotive companies. His models have posed with cars made all over the world. He and J.P. Li have taken his expertise to another level by opening a CEO Club wine bar in Shanghai. Naturally, some of the models work two jobs. 上海的 Tony Guo 认识所有漂亮的模特和演员, 他是个很出名的人 他的模特经纪人经常给汽车公司打工 他的模特在全世界做车模 他和 J.P. Li 在上海开了一个 CEO 俱乐部酒吧 174

I think there were twenty thirty different beautiful models. There are 220 million surplus workers in the central and western regions of China. The total number of American workers is 140 million. China has 320 million people (which is more than the entire US population) under the age of fourteen. 我觉得一共有 20~30 的漂亮模特 在中国中西部地区有 2.2 亿过剩劳动力 美国劳动力总数是 1.4 个亿, 中国低于 14 岁的人口有 3.2 亿, 比美国总人口还多 175

In the city of Hangzhou, an hour out of Shanghai, we are practicing Gan bei on the banks of the West Lake, one of the most spectacular lakes I have ever seen. If any of these photos or captions have peaked your interest, why not go to your favorite search engine (Google) and search Hangzhou to learn more? There is a wealth of information. The Internet has been a source of trouble for the Chinese central government because the government wants to dominate the media. The Internet gives China access to a free press, and this access will make a huge difference in the future. 在杭州, 离上海有一个小时, 我们在练习干杯 如果这些照片中任何一张勾起你的兴趣, 为什么不去 Google 查一下杭州可以了解的更多 这是一个很有价值的信息 因特网已经成为中国中央政府的麻烦之一, 因为中国政府想要支配媒体 因特网给中国提供的自由媒体的通道, 在未来会有很大的变化 176

An hour out of Shanghai is one of the most prosperous, booming cities in all of China: Hangzhou. I led a delegation of over three dozen CEOs to a two-day Hangzhou conference in October, 2005. In this book I am only scratching the surface of what you ll find in China, as there are so many places where opportunities for Americans exist; it would take a set of encyclopedias to cover them. Hangzhou is appealing not only from its business-oriented leaders, but from its access to Shanghai. In the heart of the city is a massive lake that gives rise to thousands of spectacular lakefront properties. In this photo, I am telling the Mayor of Hangzhou about a twenty-six-question entrepreneur quiz, which was widely published in the US and is free on our Web site ( He immediately answered all twenty-six questions to see if he had entrepreneurial tendencies. He didn t. 在离上海一个小时的车程有一个非常繁荣的城市, 杭州 我将在 2005 年 10 月带团去杭州参加 2 天的会议 在这本书我仅仅讲述中国很浅的东西, 因为有太多的地方值得美国人去看去了解 应该带着一系列的百科全书去了解 杭州不仅仅因为他的经济繁荣而著名, 还因为它离上海很近 在这个城市中心有一个很大的湖, 这个湖也让湖边的房产价值有了很快的提升 在这张照片, 我在给杭州市市长讲述在美国非常流行的 26 个企业家测试题, 并且可以免费从 上面下载 他马上回答了这 26 个问题看看有没有成为企业家的可能, 可惜他没通过 177

Plaques are very important in China, and they are almost always displayed prominently on an office wall. We had a formal presentation and plaque ceremony in the city of Hangzhou, just outside Shanghai. CEOs soon began asking about the biggest difference between themselves and Marco Polo. The answer, as the humor doesn t translate, is that the poor traveler Marco Polo didn t have a credit card to rack up excessive frequent flyer points. 标牌在中国很重要, 他们经常被悬挂在公司墙上很显眼的地方 我们在杭州举行了很正式的揭牌仪式 杭州离上海很近 CEO 开始问他们与马可 波罗的最大不同, 回答作为玩笑没有被翻译, 就是马可 波罗没有信用卡可以做航程积分 178

Some Simple Chinese Please send me back to the hotel... qing song wo hui jiu dian Where is the toilet?.. xi shou jian zai na li Goodbye... zai jian You are welcome.. bu ke qi 179

This is the bus we used to go from place to place. It is air conditioned and very comfortable. When we were given police escorts, it was a nail-biting experience to keep up with the police. I visited with many academics during the trips and several had read some of my books and/or articles. What was most interesting in hindsight was that they all eventually asked me the same question: What do you [they asked me] really mean by writing, The A students write books and stay at the University, whereas the B students spend most of their lives working for the C students? 这是我们出去参观时候用的巴士, 带有空调, 很舒适 当我们有警察开道的时候, 追随警察的车真是莫生难忘的经历 我在这几次来华的时候拜访了很多的学校, 但是发现很少学生读过我的书或者文章 后来发现最有趣的事情是他们都会问我同样的问题 就是关于我写的一句话到底是什么意思, 这句话是 : 得 A 的学生在写书并留在学校里, 而得 B 的学生却在为得 C 的学生花费他们大半生的精力去打工 180

Here I meet the mayor of the northern city of Shengyang. This city has a strong desire to encourage US joint ventures. Noncoastal cities are less traveled by Americans and are more open to attract Americans to invest in money-losing state-owned enterprises. The Chinese are often willing to turn over ownership of buildings, land, and equipment to outsiders. While most of these opportunities are bad investments, some can be attractive. The mayors are the best source of information on these thousands of opportunities. The city of Shengyang has several very good businesses available for pennies on the dollar. 在这我与北部城市沈阳市市长会见 这个城市有很强烈的愿望希望能促成中国合资公司 因为不是沿海城市, 所以很少有美国人来此 他们鼓励美国企业投资负盈利的国有企业 中国似乎更愿意将建筑 土地的设备的所有权转让给外方 但是这些大部分都不是好的投资机会, 可能其中一部分是好的 市长是最好的资源 沈阳也有一些比较好的投资机会 181

The Imperial Palace in the northern city of Shengyang was magnificent. There are quite a few religious palaces like this throughout China. The northern provinces have similar weather to Maine, while the southern cities weather is similar to Florida. 沈阳城的故宫是辉煌的 在中国有很多这样的宗教宫殿 北部的很多省份的天气比较像美国的缅因州, 南部比较像弗罗里达州 182

At the meet- the-mayor sessions, which Americans do while sipping coffee around a wooden conference table, the highlight is the gift exchange. The Chinese always gave better gifts, and we soon came to believe it would be rude to try to out-gift our hosts. The number of visitors is expected to explode during the 2008 Olympics. Over China s long history, which began well before the Roman Empire, regime change always came from discontent among the farmers. The bulk of the massive population is still in the countryside, and all Chinese government leaders need their support to stay in power. 在与市长会谈的过程当中, 美国 CEO 坐在木制桌子旁边喝很多的咖啡, 会谈的一大亮点就是交换礼物 中方总是给更好的礼物, 我们后来意识到不回赠礼物是不礼貌的 许多的拜访者都在期待着 2008 奥运会 在中国漫长的历史中, 比罗马帝国开始的还早, 他们的政权变换总是从农民起义开始的 中国农村人口仍是很多, 所有的中国政府领导人都需要他们的支持才能保住政权 183

While none of us can speak or read a word of Chinese, both countries use the letters CEO to communicate the boss. All Chinese schoolchildren are required to learn English. How many American schoolchildren are fluent in two languages? Members suggested I title this book, Why Our Children Must Learn Mandarin. 我们当中没有人会讲或者会读一句中文 两个国家都用 CEO 的字眼与老板沟通 所有的中国学校都要求学生学习英文, 有多少个美国学校的孩子精通两门语言? 会员们建议我用这句话作为我这本书的题目 : 为什么我们的孩子要学习普通话 184

Business meetings always included food. They also brought many toasts, and beer is more popular than wine. Some seasoned American CEO travelers brought candy bars with them (Snickers bars). They could only eat Chinese food for so long, and in most noncoastal cities there are few western restaurants. Never leave your chop sticks sticking out of your bowl of rice, as this gesture is an omen of bad luck. 商务会议都会有宴会 他们都会有很多的祝酒过程, 啤酒比白酒要流行 一些经验丰富的美国 CEO 旅行家会带一些零食跟着他们 他不可能在这么长的时间里只吃中餐, 并且在非沿海城市西餐厅并不是很多 不要把筷子插在米饭碗里, 那是不好的象征 185

We always had a formal meet-the-mayor meeting in huge rooms with those overstuffed easy chairs. The big shots sat at one end, and twenty-five chairs were on each side of the room. Each chair had a cup of tea and a microphone. All the American CEOs made these sessions they discovered the power of knowing the right government official for their industry. 我们经常会在一个非常大的屋子里坐在舒服的沙发上与市长会谈 主要人物坐在一头, 两侧各摆 25 把椅子, 配有茶水和麦克风 所有的美国 CEO 通过这样的会谈就会找到他们各自所属行业管辖的政府官员 186

Mayors love to get their pictures in the papers. A group photo at the end of the meet-themayor session was usually the one to make the morning papers. The best part of the visit to Shengyang was the visit to the MBA program at the university. The best part of the university visit was seeing about one hundred students standing along our bus route to welcome the Americans. We visited on a Sunday when the school was closed, and we had 90 percent of the student body at our session. 市长喜欢将他们的照片登到报纸上 一般会谈结束后的合影留念通常出现在晨报上 沈阳之旅最好的部分是参观大学的 MBA 课程 去参观大学最精彩的部分是看到 100 个学生站在我们巴士旁边欢迎我们 我们是在周天去参观的, 学校关门了, 但仍有 90% 的学生到场参加我们的活动 187


Our hosts treated us to many fine programs. Because China has so many people, these shows had extensive casts. We came to believe there were more people on stage than in the audience. At night, we are all tourists, and we appreciate front row seats. Don t make the classic mistake of missing these Chinese shows. They are worth seeing, especially from the front row seats. 我们的主人给了我们太多的精彩节目 因为中国有太多的人, 所以这些表演有这么多的演员 我们越来越相信台上的人甚至要超过台下的人 在晚上我们都成为旅游家, 我们非常感谢给我们前排的座位 前往别错过中国这些经典的表演 他们非常值得一看, 特别是在前排 189

We had large crowds and met many, many CEOs. The way it often worked was to start with a huge meeting and then to follow that session with a name card exchange. When giving and receiving a Chinese name card (business card), you always use two hands and bow politely. Most Americans exhaust their business card supply before the trip is over. 我们跟大量的 CEO 交谈 做法一般是由一个非常大型的会议开始, 然后下一步就是交换名片 当递出和接收名片的时候, 你要用两只手接并且要微微弯腰 大部分的美国人在旅行结束之前就用完名片了 190

These gatherings always received national TV coverage, which is a huge deal. The CEOs often flipped through the channels at night to see the coverage of the day s meetings. Because we didn t understand any of the spoken words on the TVs, channel flipping took hours. 这些集会经常会被国家电视台报道 CEO 经常在晚上看电视里关于当天会议的报道 因为我们不懂电视里说的是什么, 因此需要不断的调台锁定频道 191

Being beautiful, black, tall, and young, Cavell Kustoff always made the photos. On all trips, members ran short of prescriptions and over-the-counter medications. There are few spots to buy nose spray, aspirin, Tylenol, or cough drops. Then again, Ambien, Sudafed, Prozac, Viagra, and common prescription dugs are simply not available. All real Chinese live and die on their cell phones. They usually have more than one. Some phones are only viable in one city. They seldom use voice mail except for each cell phone. Even the big bosses operate in this manner. 漂亮 黑色 高高的年轻女士 Cavell Kustoff 经常照照片 在我们所有的旅行中, 会员们缺少药方和药品 很少的地方可以买到鼻通, 阿司匹林, 羟苯基乙酰胺和感冒药 同样 Ambien,Sudafed, Prozac, Viagra 和一些普通的处方药都不好买 所有的中国人都太依赖手机了 他们通常有一个以上 一些就只在一个城市能用 他们不常用语音留言, 就算大老板也是这样 192

The CEO Club events in the major cities were always carried in the national media. Remember, the government controls all the media. The CEOs always bought out the newspapers as souvenirs from the newsstands. The photographers were all taken by Mark Kustoff s tall black wife. From the island of St. Kitts, she is very beautiful; she always made the pictures. CEO 俱乐部在主要城市的活动经常被电视台报道 记住, 政府控制整个媒体 CEO 经常买光书报亭的报纸作为纪念品 这些照片都是 Mark Kustoff 的高个黑人太太拍摄的 她很美丽, 来自于 St. Kitt 岛 她手不离照相机 193

The business sessions are well attended and the crowds all want to meet their counterparts from the US. Obtaining a visa to visit the US for a Chinese CEO is a hit-or-miss proposition. Most of our Chinese members cannot obtain visas and are appreciative of the opportunity to meet their American peers. Acquiring an American visa usually requires standing in line for hours. When your request is turned down (only 3 percent are accepted), it s best to toss out your passport and get a new one. Then the rejection is not seen on a future visa attempts. 商务会谈很多人来参加, 来的人都想跟自己相关美国企业交谈 中国人申请美国的 VISA 很不容易 我们许多的中方会员拿不到 VISA, 因此很感谢能够有机会跟美国企业在这交谈 获得 VISA 通常需要等好几个小时 当你被拒签后 ( 只有 3% 能通过 ), 最好的做法是放弃护照, 重新申请一个 这样的话拒签记录就不会影响以后的申请 194

These are the CEOs from the May-June 2005 China trip in a group photo with the staff of the CEO Club, China. Many have found Chinese partners and are beginning a business exchange. When I was delivering a speech to a fairly large crowd in Beijing, suddenly my translator s cell phone went off. Without hesitation, the translator took the incoming call and spoke a few words while the audience waited for him to continue the translation. That just couldn t happen in the US as it would provoke an audience reaction. Not so in China. It s part of the cell phone culture. 这是上次 CEO 团与中国 CEO 俱乐部工作人员的合影 许多人已经找到合作伙伴并且开始商务往来 当我在北京给很多人演讲的时候, 突然我的翻译的手机居然响了, 毫无犹豫的, 翻译拿起电话说了几句就接着翻译了, 这期间所有的人都在等他接电话 这不可能发生在美国, 因为这样会使听众不满 当然在中国这种情况也不多见, 这是手机文化的一部分 195

I said it was spectacular, didn t I? But China and the US hold vastly different opinions about the future of Taiwan. This is certain to remain an explosive issue. To call China from the US, you must first dial the international code 011 then the country code for China, which is 86, and Beijing s city code, which is 10. 我说这是引人入胜的景观, 不是吗? 但是中国和美国对于台湾问题有很大的分歧 这是一个很敏感的话题 从美国给中国打电话, 你必须先拨国际号码 011 然后国家号码 86 然后如果拨北京的话就是 10 196

Among the best known CEO Club members are the founders of AOL, Jim Kimsey and Steve Case. Jim s luncheon address about the early AOL years is free on Jack Ma, a former English teacher with super selling skills, launched, China s largest Internet portal. He attracted a $1.7 billion investment from Yahoo in the summer of 2005. Jack Ma, forty years old, now heads a Chinese success with a $4 billion market capitalization. The company, Alibaba, parallels AOL s success, fifteen years later. 在 CEO 俱乐部所有会员当中, 最著名的是 AOL 的创始人 Jim Kimsey 和 Steve Case Jim 的关于 AOL 早期创业的午宴演讲在 可以免费下载 Jack. 马, 以前是非常有专业销售技能的英语老师, 成立了, 中国最大的电子商务网 他在 2005 年夏季成功吸引 yahoo17 亿美金作为投资资金 Jack. 马今年 40 岁, 现在是最为拥有 40 亿美金资产的中国首富之一 197

This was fun. These are not Chinese fashion models but actual businesswomen who own Chinese businesses and who just became CEO Club members. They speak very limited English and are prominent in the southern city of Shenzhen. They enjoyed the spotlight, and made the party much more fun. 这是非常有意思的 这些不仅仅只有模特, 还有很多刚刚成为 CEO 俱乐部会员的拥有自己企业的女企业家 他们只会说很简单的英文, 但他们在南方城市深圳很有名声 他们非常享受其中, 而且让晚会更加生动 198

The Chinese women CEOs in Shenzhen gladly offered us a fashion show... to the delight of all! They are real CEOs not fashion models but they all enjoyed Andy Warhol s fifteen minutes of fame. 深圳的中国女 CEO 给大家表演了服装秀, 让我们大开眼界 他们是真的 CEO, 不是服装模特, 但是他们非常享受 Andy Warhol 的 15 分钟表演 199

Our strongest CEO Club chapter is thirty minutes from Hong Kong, and is located in the exploding city of Shenzhen. The colorful mayor of twenty-two years in this city is Mayor Liu. During his tenure, the city went from a sleepy fishing village of 300,000 to a brand new metropolitan city of 10 million. Everything in the city is brand new. On the last formal night of the May-June 2005 trip, we held a new member induction party at the classy golf resort, Mission Hills a spectacular resort with 180 holes. After some serious Karaoke, which is the favorite entertainment for the Chinese, the women CEOs from China, all of whom head serious businesses, came to the stage for a fashion show. It was a gas, and the Chinese applauded and stomped their feet. 我们最好的 CEO 俱乐部分部是位于离香港 30 分钟车程的城市深圳 担任这个城市 22 年的刘市长在他的任期内, 把深圳从一个沉睡的 30 万人的渔村改造成有着 1000 万人口的现代化城市 这个城市所有的东西都是新的 在 2005 中国行的最后晚上, 我们在观澜高尔夫酒店举行了一个新会员庆祝晚会 观澜高尔夫场地有 180 个洞 在中国人最爱的卡拉 OK 之后, 所有的女 CEO 聚集到台前开始服装秀, 他们都有自己很好的生意 大家为之喝彩 200

Mayor Liu of Shenzhen and I met after a year, and we exchanged American hugs. He would be a popular American politician, as he is naturally a warm, friendly person. Chinese airlines have more flight attendants per passenger, and the restaurants have more waiters per customer. However, the best value in all of China in every city is a taxi ride. On average, it costs 10 percent of an equivalent ride in the US. 深圳刘市长和我在一年后遇到并来了个美国式拥抱 由于他是个天生热情友好的人, 他应该会成为一个很有名的美国政客 中国航班上有更多的服务人员, 中国的饭店也有更多的服务生 中国的每一个城市最值的就是做出租车, 他的价格是美国同样的 10% 201

Mayor Liu of Shenzhen and I admired the morning newspaper coverage of our visit. Because all media is government controlled, it is impossible to get coverage without strong government support. The mayors love to get their pictures in the papers with American CEOs. The largest-circulation English language newspaper in China The China Daily only began in 1981. It is widely read outside China (about one third of its circulation), and the sixteen pages are fewer than other papers in China. Its circulation is only 200,000, which shows dramatically that the Chinese language newspapers carry the main influence in China. 刘市长和我都很欣喜看到晨报上关于我们的报道, 因为所有的媒体都是政府控制的 如果没有政府的支持, 做什么都很难 市长们都非常愿意在报纸上登出他们和美国 CEO 的合影 中国英文报纸发行量最大的始于 1981 年, 报纸叫中国日报 (China Daily) 报纸广泛在国外发行 ( 总发行量的三分之一 ) 共计 16 页, 比中国其他的报纸要少 它的发行量仅仅 20 万份, 由此看出中文报纸是负责报道中国的主要发展情况 202

We are given specially written invitations to return as guests of the government to attend the famous October Shenzhen high-tech fair. These invitations are very difficult to obtain, as the fair is attended by millions of people. I made my sixth trip to China in mid-october, 2005, and led a delegation of American CEOs to a two-day conference in Hangzhou. We all played golf together, and about 750 people attended. The evening cruise on West Lake in Hangzhou was the highlight of this trip. 我们被给与了特殊的邀请函去参加著名的金秋十月深圳高交会 这些邀请函很不容易拿到, 因为有上百万的人参加此次盛会 我将在 2005 十月中旬组织第六次访华, 带领一批美国 CEO 参加杭州的两天会议 我们要和 750 个选手打高尔夫 晚上在杭州西湖的游览将会成为本次旅行的亮点 203

This is the group photo taken in 2005 with the famous Mayor Liu of Shenzhen. Property rights throughout China are murky. You never own the land; you lease it for a set number of years. In Jingbian, China, a young man invested his life savings into drilling an oil well. His $84,000 investment hit black gold, and Mr. Gao thought he had won the lottery. But, the ownership of the gusher is now tangled in the Chinese courts. The government is very strong in China, and you must be politically connected at all levels and at all times to really win. 这是与深圳刘市长的合影 在中国关于财产权是另有含义的, 你不可能拥有土地, 你只能租用许多年 在中国, 一个年轻人用他毕生的钱全部投在一个油井开发上 他投资 84000 美金, 抽了很多的原油, 高先生认为他一定是中了头彩 但是, 关于这个抽油井的所有权问题一直在中国法院里纠缠不清 中国的政府有很大的影响力, 所以你必须要明智的跟所有不同级别的政府搞关系, 这样才能真正的胜利 204

The group meetings had elaborate signs and were always sold out. Here we celebrate the marriage of our Chinese battery cell phone manufacturer Ms. Gao and our Dallas furniture importer Christopher Reeves. It was a pleasant surprise and a tangible sign of our bridgebuilding efforts. Ms. Gao visited our American CEO Club chapters and especially enjoyed horseback riding at John Brown s home in Denton, Texas. 分组会议总是有漂亮的背板而且人满为患 在这儿我们正在庆祝我们的中国手机电池生产商 -- 高女士和美国达拉斯的家具进口商 Christopher Reeves 的婚姻关系 这是一个喜人的惊讶, 也可以看得出我们的桥梁的影响力 高女士曾参观过我们的美国 CEO 俱乐部分部, 而且特别喜欢在 John Brown 的德克萨斯家中骑马的经历 205

This is the CEO success story that was the big surprise during the 2005 visit. Madam Gao made a small investment in a Chinese cell phone battery business about ten years ago. She has about 2,000 employees who live and work in her factory compound. During earlier visits, she had explained to me that she was seeking an American CEO/husband because she felt that Chinese males couldn t appreciate a successful woman CEO. I was thrilled to learn that she and Southlake, Texas, furniture importer Christopher Reeves had married. It was a very warm moment that drew a standing ovation from about 150 CEOs at dinner. 这是我们 2005 中国行中最成功的故事 高女士在 10 年前开始生产中国手机电池 她在她的厂区大概有 2000 个员工, 吃住都在厂区 在她早期来美时跟我说过她想找一个美国 CEO, 因为大多中国男人不能接受成功的女 CEO 作为妻子 我非常惊讶的了解到她与德克萨斯的家具进口商 Christopher Reeves 后来结婚了 150 个 CEO 共进欢迎晚餐是个非常温馨的时刻 206

Our best bridge-building success is the marriage between Chris Reeves and Madam Gao. When I first visited Madam Gao s cell phone factory, I was overwhelmed when the management team of several hundred all formed a welcoming line to greet the American bus. As we walked through the welcoming line to receive flowers, we noticed the dozen or so security guards standing at attention and saluting. This prompted Jeff Begoon to recall his early morning arrivals at his Connecticut laundry facility. He said, My employees often give me the Royal Salute when my back is turned. 我们桥梁最好的体现是 Chris Reeves 和高女士的婚姻 当我第一次参观高女士的手机电池厂的时候, 我被几百个员工的列队欢迎给震惊了 当我们通过列队接受鲜花的时候, 我发现差不多 10 几个保安在注视并敬礼 这让 Jeff Begoon 联想起在他清晨到了他的康涅狄格的洗衣机厂时, 他说, 我的员工在我转身的时候会给我一个皇家致礼 207

We celebrated the induction of the newest member of the CEO Clubs, a hugely successful Chinese CEO. On average, the members from China ran businesses with about $10 million in annual sales, which is about half the size of the equivalent average US CEO Club member s business. However, it costs much less to live in China, and these CEOs lived luxuriously. 我们在庆祝 CEO 俱乐部的新吸收的会员, 他是中国杰出的 CEO 平均来说, 来自中国的会员通常年销售额为 1000 万美金 这在中国可以说是优秀的企业, 他们差不多拥有美国会员企业的一半销售额 然而, 在中国生活费用要低得多, 这些 CEO 生活的很奢华 208

This member of the Shenzhen chapter has a high-end clothing retail store in the spectacular government-controlled hotel, the Guest House in Shenzhen. He tells the colorful story of the launch of his business and mesmerizes the US members. As a youth, he practiced swimming until he was able to swim from China across the four miles to Hong Kong. He couldn t afford to take the ferry. Today he is the clothier to all of China s celebrities. He made a tailored suit for me, and as you can observe, it wasn t easy. It would have cost me about $4,000. He made it as a gift and shipped it back to me in the US. I had no idea what was happening until he put the tape measure around my waist. It was a total surprise and a deeply appreciated gift. His name is Lau Hay Tong, and here is his address (he has no idea that I included him in this book, and I encourage you to visit his Web site at Lau Hay Tong, managing director, Fa Tin Textile & Fashion (H.K.), Ltd., Fa Tin Industrial Building, Fishermen Village He Ping Road, Shenzhen, China. Tel: 86-755-2559-6923. Store Address: Ground Floor, Block A, Shenzhen Wuzhou Guest House, Shenzhen, China. 这个深圳分部的会员在政府掌控的五洲宾馆里开设一个裁衣店 他讲述了关于他的裁衣生意的故事, 这似乎是个漫长的故事 当他还很年轻的时候, 他练习游泳, 并从中国游了 4 英里到香港, 因为他交不起船钱 今天他是个中国有名的衣商 他在为我量身定做了一套正装, 你可以轻而易举发现这个并不容易 这套衣服价值 4000 美金 他将这套衣服作为礼物而且在我回到美国的时候他邮寄给我 直到他给我量腰围的时候我才知道是怎么回事 这真是让我惊喜, 并且十分感谢这个礼物 他的名字叫刘海通 ( 音译 Lau Hay Tong) 他完全不知道我将他放到这本书里, 我希望你们都能去浏览他的网站 Lau Hay Tong, 花田纺织时装 ( 香港 ) 公司, 中国深圳和平路花田工业渔民村, 电话 :86-755-25596923 商店地址 : 深圳五洲宾馆一层 209

The Pearl River Delta and Guangdong Province, formerly Canton, in southern China is currently the hot spot for growth in China. The three cities of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou are an economic powerhouse. The adjacent area known as Macau is China s version of Las Vegas. All the major US casino owners are making more money faster in Macau than anywhere else in the world. 在中国南部的珠江三角洲和广东省是中国成长最快的地区 这是目前中国经济快速增长的一个地区 香港 深圳和广州这三个城市是经济大市 邻近的地区是澳门, 是中国的拉斯维加斯 所有的主要美国赌场老板在澳门的生意要比在世界其他地方要好得多 210

Mayor Liu of Shenzhen has given us the key to his city. Members said the sessions with Mayor Liu alone made the trip worthwhile. All mayors sprout GDP numbers like US CEOs sprout Earnings Before Interest, Depreciation, and Amortization (EBIDA) numbers. The GDP is the gross domestic product, a measure of an area s output. You will hear these numbers again and again, and there is no counterpart to this economic language in the US. 刘市长把这座城市的钥匙给了我们 会员们说与刘市长的会谈让我们整个行程更有价值 所有的市长谈论国内生产总值就好像美国 CEO 谈论 EBIDA 数字一样 GDP 是国内生产总值, 这个衡量一个地区的产值 你将一遍又一遍的听到这数字, 但是在美国没有与之相对应的数字 211

The well-dressed young Chinese CEO is the second son of the owner of the famous Mission Hills golf resort, Tenniel Chu. As often is the case in China, the family is Canadian and has residences in Vancouver, BC. Tiger Woods has played many times at the ten 18-hole golf courses. There is a statue of Tiger in the lobby. 这个绅士装扮的年轻中国 CEO 是著名的观澜高尔夫酒店老板的二儿子, Tenniel Chu 在中国经常有这样的, 家人住在温哥华, 持加拿大国籍 Tiger Woods 曾多次在这个 180 洞的高尔夫球场打球 在大厅有他的塑像 212

Again we are discussing events with Mission Hills owner Tenniel Chu. Tiger Woods has often played this 180-hole course, and the penthouse suite with four bathrooms is the Tiger Woods suite. I was privileged to be able to sleep, several times, in the Tiger Woods suite. Mandarin is spoken in the north and Cantonese in the south, so often Chinese can not understand each other. However, all Chinese can read Chinese, but not everyone can understand the various dialects. 我们又与观澜的老板 Tenniel Chu 讨论活动 Tiger Woods 经常在这 180 洞的球场打球, 备有 4 个洗手间的豪华套间就是 Tiger Woods 的房间 北方讲普通话而南方讲广东话, 而且通常好多中国话互相听不明白 所有的中国人都认识中文, 但不是每个人都懂各地方言 213

Graham Sampson said he was treated like a rock star, even in the golf carts at Mission Hills. While one in ten American jobs is being outsourced, when you are a rock star, this doesn t matter. At Mission Hills in Shenzhen, every room has a balcony. Our ongoing friendship with the owner, David Chu, allowed us to play golf and stay at the resort at his member prices. Graham Sampson 说他被按照摇滚明星的待遇接待, 甚至在观澜的高尔夫车里面也是一样 尽管美国十比一的就业比率, 如果你是一个摇滚明星的话, 就无所谓 在深圳的观澜酒店, 每个房间都有阳台 和我们有深厚友谊的老板 David Chu 让我们享受会员价格打球和住店 214

We played golf with one of the companies owned by legendary CEO Pat McGovern of International Data Group (IDG). Pat addressed the Boston CEO Club in May 2004. His talk is free to hear on the Web site: Pat said that in over thirty years, he had made about eighty separate investments in China, and his return on these investments averages over 50 percent annually. Here we have a set of fathers and daughters (my oldest child is my daughter Karyn) playing the international game of golf. Pat McGovern s IDG has made a successful investment in a pay telephone company that manufacturers in China and sells to other Asian countries. The pay phone CEO and his daughter played golf with us. 我们和一个由 IDG 集团的传奇 CEO 麦戈文控股的一个公司一起打球 麦戈文在 2004 年 5 月在波士顿 CEO 俱乐部做了演讲 他的演讲在网上可以免费听 麦戈文说在过去的 30 年里, 他在中国做了约 80 个独立投资 这些投资年回报率是 50% 在这我们有很多的父女 ( 我的最大的女儿是 Karyn) 一起打高尔夫 麦戈文的 IDG 公司已经成功投资一个付费电话公司, 这个公司的生产商是在中国, 产品销售到亚洲其他国家 215

All members of the CEO Clubs in China were given wall plaques welcoming them as new members of the CEO Clubs. Unlike most of their American counterparts, these plaques are prominently displayed in the Chinese CEO s office. All businesses in China want American affiliations. 中国 CEO 俱乐部的新会员都会得到一个名牌欢迎他们成为 CEO 俱乐部的新会员 与他们的美国伙伴不同, 这些牌子会被放置到中国 CEO 办公室显眼的位置 中国所有的企业都想寻找美国商机 216

These members have visited the US chapters, and many have already visited our New York chapter. Southern China is dominated by the Pearl River Delta, which includes Hong Kong, Shenzhen, and the capital city of Guangzhou. The greatest growth in China is along the Pearl River Delta 这些会员曾到过美国的一些分部 很多人都已经参观过纽约分部 中国南方被划分为珠江三角洲 : 包括香港, 深圳和省会城市广州 中国经济增长最快的地区就是珠江三角洲一带 217

Two unrelated US CEOs are performing Karaoke and having fun. Chinese love Karaoke, and a label printer from Chicago and a specialty box manufacturer from New York put on a show for 150 people. There was no rehearsal. All they needed were a few glasses of wine and a little applause from their peers. 两个没有任何关系的美国 CEO 在表演卡拉 OK 并享乐其中 中国人喜欢卡拉 OK, 来自于芝加哥的商标印刷商和来自纽约的专业盒子生产商给 150 个人做了表演 不需要排演, 他们需要的就是几杯酒和观众的鼓掌 218

The October Shenzhen high-tech fair started with a fireworks show. It was attended by several million people. Every year, attendance has grown over 25 percent. The Shenzhen high-tech fair is the biggest of its kind in the world. Americans are not the only country attending this fair. Europeans outnumber the Americans significantly. 深圳十月的高交会以烟花开幕 几百万人参加盛会 每年的观众以 25% 的速度递增 深圳高交会是世界大型活动之一 美国不是唯一参会的国家, 欧洲企业的参会数目甚至超过了美国 219

The group with the famous Mayor Liu in Shenzhen. This mayor has given the CEO Clubs in China very favorable office space in an industrial park. He has visited the US CEO Clubs in New York and on the Caribbean Island of the Turks and Caicos. He is the reason the clubs have prospered in Shenzhen. 这是与刘市长在深圳的合影 这位市长在一个工业园区给中国 CEO 俱乐部一个很好的办公室 他曾经参观过在纽约和加勒比海岛的美国 CEO 俱乐部, 他也是俱乐部在深圳非常成功的主要原因 220

This lady heads 15,000 manufactures in Shenzhen. She visited all the chapters of the US CEO Clubs. However, she does not speak English. These government officials are much more effective in locating Chinese joint venture partners than the thousands of Chinese middlemen are... and they don t require a piece of the action. 这位女士领导着深圳 15000 个生产商 她参观过所有美国 CEO 俱乐部的分部 这些政府官员在促进中国对外合作方面要比那些上千的中介公司要有效得多 他们不要求回报 然而, 她不讲英文 221

The real reason to play Mission Hills is that all the caddies are young, beautiful women golfers there are no male caddies. These women are expert golfers who can easily embarrass you with their golfing prowess. Two... yes, two to a cart... and they are friendly and could whip you in a golf contest. Having two caddies makes this silly game really fun. 在观澜打球的原因是所有的球童都是年轻漂亮的女高尔夫手, 没有男的 她们都是专业球手, 会轻而易举就让你感觉不好意思 两个人一车, 他们非常友好, 但会在高尔夫比赛中大胜你 有两个球童一起打球真的很有趣 222

Here Graham Sampson from New Jersey plays golf with the owner of a Chinese pay phone business. He has received an investment from US legend Pat McGovern, the founder of Boston-based International Data Group (IDG). McGovern is a legend in China, having made hundreds of successful investments. Recently, Accel Partners, a similar Silicon Valley venture firm, put another $250 million into IDG for future investments. You can hear Pat McGovern talk to the Boston CEO Club (for no charge) at He tells that his return on his Chinese investments over about thirty years is annually close to 50 percent. Plus he shares on this talk what he believes is the next big thing. 这是来自新泽西的 Graham Sampson 和做付费电话生意的老板的合影 他吸引了美国传奇人物麦戈文的投资 麦戈文是位于波士顿 IDG 集团的创始人 麦戈文在中国是一个传奇人物 已经成功运作很多投资 最近, Accel 合作伙伴, 一个类似的硅谷风险公司投了 2.5 亿美金在 IDG 你可以在 网站上免费听到麦戈文在波士顿 CEO 俱乐部的演讲 他说他在中国的年投资回报率近 50% 另外, 他在他的演讲中共同分享了他的下一个 重大计划 223

Don Cislo (an antenna manufacturer from Chicago) didn t need a toupee to have more fun than all the rest of us added together. Does this look like the start of the first US/China Super PAC, composed of ten US and ten Chinese CEOs? The Super PAC meets as a mutual board of advisors three times annually at resort locations. The first Super PAC meeting was in Manhattan in mid-february, and the second was in China last summer. Don never played golf before. Don Cislo( 天线制造商, 来自于芝加哥 ) 不需要假发也能得到比我们其他人加起来更多的快乐 难道这个不像第一次中美的高级总裁顾问委员会, 由十个美国 CEO 和十个中国 CEO 组成的, 每年在酒店聚会三次, 互相作为顾问的开始吗? 第一次高级总裁顾问委员会的会议在 2 月中旬的曼哈顿举行, 第二次是去年夏天在中国 Don 以前从来没有打过高尔夫 224

Golf is a religion in China, and Americans love to play. The golf courses are lighted at night, and evening play is very popular in China. Pat McGovern s IDG venture capital arm has made more than 140 Chinese venture capital investments. The founder of a pay telephone company and his daughter and my daughter play golf with New York member, Graham Sampson. Last year, venture capital firms invested $1.3 billion dollars in China, up nearly 30 percent from 2003, according to Zero 21 PO, a venture capital research and consulting company. 高尔夫在中国是一种高尚运动, 美国人很喜欢打 高尔夫场地在晚上有灯光, 在中国打夜场很流行 麦戈文的风险投资已经成功投资超过 140 个中国企业 付费电话公司的创始人 我的女儿, 还有他的女儿和纽约会员 Graham Sampson 一起打球 据 Zero21PO 风险投资研究和顾问公司提供的数据表明, 风险投资公司在去年对中国共投资 13 亿美金, 自 2003 年增加了 30% 225

Simon Guo s partner is another American-trained, English-speaking entrepreneur, J.P. Li. On my flight from Kunming to Shenzhen, J.P. had my coach ticket upgraded to first class by sweet talking the stewardess. The deal he made was to take her to dinner in Shenzhen. It was a win-win negotiation, which I have never before seen executed successfully and I have flown over 2 million miles. Simon 郭的合作伙伴是另外一位美籍华人, J.P. Li 在从昆明飞深圳的飞机上, 他通过与女空姐的交谈中讲我的座位从经济舱调到头等舱 条件是他到深圳后要带她共进晚餐 这是一个我从未经历过的双赢的谈判 我已经累计航程 2 百万英里 226

The river cruise boats are air conditioned and very comfortable. On the CEO cruise, we had a night sparkled by Remy Martin, and we celebrated with a $2500 bottle of cognac. The most popular Yangtze River cruises leave from the gigantic (a modest 32 million) Chinese city of Chongking. This city is famous for hot spot. This is where you eat your chosen foods from a boiling pot of oil, much like a French fondue. Chongking is about 900 miles west of Shanghai. 这艘邮轮是带空调的, 而且非常舒适 在我们的巡游中我们举办了一个人头马品酒会 我们品尝了一瓶价值 2500 美金的上等的玛蒂尼 最著名的长江游是始于巨人城市重庆 ( 至少 3200 万人口 ) 这个城市的 火锅 非常著名, 在这你可以从一个沸腾的锅里面选择你想吃的食物 重庆位于上海西部 900 英里 227

One of the popular activities in China is sailing from Chongking to Wuhan on the Yangtze River. This is the area of the famous Three Gorges Dam. This dam dwarfs the Las Vegas Hoover dam. With a government as strong as in China, they can decide to relocate a million people in order to flood their homes for the common good. In the US, the concept of eminent domain accomplishes the same goal but much more slowly. China s rivers account for about 6 percent of the world s river waters. 在中国比较流行的是从重庆到武汉在长江上做邮轮 这是著名的三峡所在地 这个水坝使拉斯维加斯的 Hoover 坝变得矮小 因为中国政府的强大势力, 为了公众的利益, 他们可以决定让 100 万人口迁移 在美国, 也可以利用统治权达到同样的目标, 但是要慢得多 中国的水资源占世界水资源的 6% 228

The smaller the Chinese laborer, the larger the loads he or she can carry uphill. Here they carry the passenger luggage up from The Yangtze River Cruise. It s about half an hour straight uphill. The Yangtze River is the world s third largest river, behind the Amazon and the Nile. The second most important Chinese river is the Yellow River. 越矮的中国劳动力, 越能负担更重的东西上山 这是他们帮助游客将行李从邮轮提上山 大概需要半小时上山 长江是继亚马逊河和尼罗河之后的世界第三大河 中国第二个主要的河流是黄河 229

The boat cruise was a big success and a nice way to do business with the Chinese members. In July 2005, Chinese Major General Zhu Chenghu drew headlines in America with the chilling statement, If the US interferes with us in Taiwan, we would not hesitate to use nuclear weapons. It caused a sensation with a wind strong enough to flicker the candles on this birthday party. 邮轮行是个巨大的成功, 而且也是一个与中国会员做生意的很好方式 2005 年七月, 中国一个将军在美国说过, 如果美国在台湾问题上干涉我们, 我们会毫不犹豫用核武器 这句话如强风足可以扑灭这个生日宴会的蜡烛 230

We had a birthday cake for Clai Bachmann of Dymax (adhesives) in Torrington, Connecticut. Here Tony Guo and J.P. Li orchestrate the party. They have created a CEO Club wine bar and are following that with a set of three health spas. The health spas are located in Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Tianjin and are all called CEO Clubs. The best part of the celebration was singing Happy Birthday in Chinese and English, both off key. 我们为来自康涅狄格州的 Torrington 的生产粘合剂的 Dymax 公司的 Clai Bachmann 准备了生日蛋糕 这是 J.P. Li 和 Tony Guo 在庆祝生日晚会 他们创建了 CEO 俱乐部酒吧, 接下来就是 3 个健康水疗中心 最好玩的就是一起用中英文唱生日快乐歌 231

The Chinese members gave Clai Bachmann (Dymax) a lovely gift. China has been called the Wal-Mart with an army. China supplies more products to Wal-Mart than any other country. Wal-Mart sells more to American consumers than any other business. Did you ever wonder how much income our government would receive annually if it rented the land for fifty year periods? Do you think 2 percent of the value of all of the American land would allow us to eliminate the income tax? Hey, Steve Forbes, that s even better than a flat tax. 中国的会员给 Dymax 公司的 Clai Bachmann 一个可爱的礼物 中国被称为沃尔玛的基地 中国比其他任何国家给沃尔玛供应商品 沃尔玛比其他任何商家卖给美国人的商品都要多 你知道我们的政府要是把地出租 50 年每年会有多少收入? 你认为我们美国全部土地的 2% 的价值就可以让我们免去所得税吗? 史蒂夫. 福布斯认为那比统一税率还要好 232

The CEO Clubs have worked to build bridges between two countries, but our total efforts are a drop in a bucket. Many tourist groups and government agencies have conducted delegation exchanges between the two countries. Our efforts are truly minimal compared to these activities as a whole. Whenever we made group presentations, we always had two languages going simultaneously. We had to talk in short, quick sound bites to keep the audience paying attention, since half the time they don t know what is being said. CEO 俱乐部努力在两个国家建立一个沟通的桥梁, 但是我们的努力只是桶里的一滴水 许多的旅游和政府部门已经在两个国家之间建立了很多代表团互相往来的活动 我们的活动相比起来是小巫见大巫 无论我们什么时候做商务论坛, 我们都是用两种语言 你们必须要说话简练 快速, 能够使听众注意听, 因为有一半的时间他们不知道在说什么 233

This is where the Chinese shop. Never shop within a few blocks of the expensive American hotels. Shop where there are no Westerners. All prices are negotiable, and you should start at 10 percent of the asking price. In America, it is more natural to begin negotiating above 50 percent of the asking price. 这是中国的街边小店 不要在美国酒店的商场里买昂贵的东西, 在没有西方人的商场里购物 价格是可以讲的, 你应该在报价的 10% 开始谈 在美国通常是从 50% 开始讲价的 234

While China maintains a one-child-per-family policy, some lucky people manage to have twins. Government employees who violate this law are immediately fired from their jobs. Private CEOs can arrange to have more than one child by paying an appropriate fine; the average fine amount is around $15,000 for a second child, and a third child costs even more. 当中国坚持一个小孩的政策时, 一些幸运的人开始准备要两个 政府工作人员违背这个规定的话会马上被开除 私企的老板如果愿意交罚款的话可以再多要小孩 235

It was easy to lose at ping-pong, but it takes forever to play. All Chinese are expert players, so don t wager any money. Do you know the technical style penholder fast attack? How about primarily shake hands? Now pushing rarely wins a point, while pen holder and shake hands easily defeats Americans. That is Chinese table-tennis talk. 非常容易输乒乓球, 但是永远都喜欢打 所有的中国人都是乒乓球专家, 所以千万别下赌注 你知道横拍的快速攻击技巧吗? 最基本的直拍打法呢? 横拍和直拍打法可以很轻松的击败美国 这就是中国的乒乓兵法 236

Karaoke is very popular, and here Simon Guo and New York specialty box manufacturer Nadine Cino perform Karaoke. Everybody does it as it a great way to overcome the language difference. There are few gentlemen s clubs in China; they are replaced by Karaoke bars. 卡拉 OK 非常流行 这是 Simon 郭和纽约的专业盒子生产商 Nadine Cino 在演唱卡拉 OK 所有的人都在唱, 这也是克服语言困难的好办法 在中国原来有一些安静的酒吧, 但都被卡拉 OK 取代 237

The circulation of these newspapers, the Chinese editions, can go as high as several hundred million, and the papers reach into the deep rural sections of China. Consequently, we are often contacted by American CEOs who happen to be visiting China. The US and China hold dramatically differing and hostile views on the future of the island of Taiwan. Someday, it could lead to a major conflict between the two counties. 这些报纸的发行量可以达到几亿份, 他们甚至可以渗透到中国的农村地区 之后, 我们会接到很多一些到过中国的美国 CEO 电话 美国和中国在台湾问题上持对立的态度 有可能有一天会因为这个问题两个国家发起冲突 238

The street entertainers were talented, always posing for the American photographers. While less than 5 percent of all regular Chinese have credit cards, all Chinese CEOs have credit cards. These street performers don t accept credit cards, only cash. Did you know that more people use the Internet in China than in the US? 街边艺人很聪明, 总是摆好架势给美国人照相 中国低于 5% 的人有信用卡, 但所有的中国 CEO 都有信用卡 这些街边艺人不接受信用卡 你知道中国有比美国更多的人使用因特网吗? 239

This is James Lee s rubber production facility in his hometown of Wuhan. An enlightening incident occurred while some Chinese were participating in a US Super PAC held in China. During these sessions, US CEOs act as a mutual board of advisors for one another. This is a foreign concept for Chinese. When the Americans wanted to go for lunch, one of them asked, OK, how many want to go for lunch? Six out of ten carried the idea. The Chinese told me they had never voted so many times as during this Super PAC session. So I asked, How do the Chinese decide when to go to lunch? The answer, in hindsight, was so simple. When the big guy is hungry, we all eat. 这是 James 李在他家乡武汉的橡胶生产厂 当一些中国 CEO 在中国参加了美国的高级总裁顾问委员会的会议之后茅塞顿开 在这个会议期间, 美国 CEO 互相之间作为顾问 这对于中国人来说是一个外来概念 当美国人想去吃午饭时, 他们其中的一个会问 : 好的, 有多少想吃午餐? 10 个中有 6 个想去 他们告诉我在这个会议期间, 他们从不投票决定事情 我又问 : 中国人是怎样决定什么时间去吃饭呢? 回答很简单, 当领导决定吃饭, 我们都去吃 240

A group toast before and after dinner is a must in China. Again, we don t say cheers, salud, or good health, but Gan bei, which means drink it all down in one swallow. Seasoned toasters soon learn not to fill the wine glass. Kentucky Fried Chicken has many more franchises in China than any of the other US franchisers, including McDonald s and Starbucks. It will be interesting to see what American fast food outlets are prominent ten years from now. Remember, there are 1.3 billion customers. 在中国进餐前后要敬酒是一定的 再次说明, 我们不说 Cheers, Salute 或者身体健康等等, 但是说 干杯 意思就是把酒一口喝光 有经验的敬酒者知道不把杯子倒满 肯德基在中国的连锁店比美国其他包括麦当劳和星巴克在内的在华连锁店要多得多 这也可以看到未来十年美国的快餐食品出路在哪里 记住, 这里有 13 亿的客户 241

There are lots and lots of formal meetings, always with an abundance of flowers. China is one of the largest countries to control its currency. It used to peg the Yuan at 8.25 Yuan to one US dollar. America has put tremendous pressure on China to allow the Yuan to float against the dollar and thereby reduce China s price/labor advantage against the US. China has resisted this pressure for nine years, but in July 2005 it finally relented. This photo is of a program sponsored by the Chinese Youth Forum to dialogue with the American CEOs. 有太多太多的正式会议 永远鲜花陪伴 中国是货币控制的最大国家 过去美元兑人民币的汇款是 8.25 美国给中国很大的压力, 迫使中国对美元采用浮动汇率, 这样才能减少中国相对于美国的价格和劳动力的优势 中国在这种压力下坚持了 9 年, 但是在 2005 年 7 月终于改变了政策 这张照片是中国青联和美国 CEO 对话 242

We enjoyed buying from street vendors. Negotiating was the best part of the purchase. We never purchased anything we needed, only what they had on sale. In preparing for a business trip to China, most Westerners like to arm themselves with a handy, one-page list of etiquette. Carry a boatload of business cards, tipsters say. Bring your own interpreter. Speak in short sentences. Wear a conservative suit. Finally, remember that the street vendors make a good living in China. 我们很愿意在街边商贩那里买东西 讲价是在整个购买过程中最有意思的 你从不买你需要的东西, 只买他们减价的东西 在准备到中国的商务之旅时, 大部分的西方人都会随身携带一个一页纸的关于礼节方面的小手册 懂行人说 : 带足够的名片 最好带自己的翻译, 说话简练 穿正式服装, 最后记住中国的街边商贩生活实际很好 243

We often took side trips to see the countryside. The rural areas are seldom seen by Americans, and this is the real China, where the bulk of the population still resides. The Yangtze River serves China as a major source of transportation from west to east. This is one of the many tributaries to the Yangtze River. 我们经常去城市郊区转转 这些乡村地方美国人很少能够看到, 这才是真正的中国 仍有大量的人住在这 长江仍是从西到东的重要交通资源之一 这是长江的分支之一 244

Some of the meeting rooms were ornate. You can see how the Chinese government has accumulated $700 billion of foreign currency reserves, mostly in dollars. It sure would cause a heck of a bank run if one of the Chinese showed up at the Federal Reserve Bank and wanted gold. 一些会议室是很华丽的 你可以看出中国政府是怎样积累着 7 千亿外汇储备, 而且大部分是美元 相信如果他们出现在联邦储备局想要黄金, 那是银行最头疼的事情, 恨不得逃走 245

Some Simple Chinese I am sorry... dui bu qi Please give me... qing gei wo How much is it?.. duo shao qian? Let s make friends with each other... rang wo men zuo ge hao peng you 246

Several thousand years ago, a Chinese emperor buried thousands and thousands of individual, full-sized replicas of his army underground. Terra-cotta is clay that is shaped and carved into a statue, and the terra-cotta warriors were our biggest surprise of all during the trip. These warriors are in the city of Xian. Like China itself, which is surrounded by a 3,000-mile great wall, Xian is itself surrounded by a smaller wall. The terra-cotta warriors, located in Xian, have been called the eighth wonder of the world, and they are one of China s biggest tourist attractions. 几千年前, 中国的一个皇帝在地下埋葬了成千上万的部队的原形复制品 陶器是粘土雕刻成形烧制而成的 几千个原形大小的皇帝部队的复制品在 2000 年前被埋葬在地下 兵马俑是世界奇观 这些兵马俑位于西安 像过去的中国, 以 3000 英里的长城包围, 西安则是由一个小一点的城墙包围 兵马俑位于西安, 被称为世界第八大奇观 它也是中国的旅游胜地之一 247

A terra-cotta warrior. The details on each individual solder are fantastic. While what you see today is a brown terra-cotta, when they were first buried, they were fully colored in bright paint. However, when they were exposed to light and oxygen, these colors soon disappeared. These warriors were discovered about twenty years ago in a field by a farmer who was drilling a well. The farmer is now a celebrity who makes a living by signing books and taking photographs. 这是一个兵马俑 每一个兵马俑上面的细节都非常有趣 现在你看到的是棕色的泥土色, 但是当时他们被埋葬的时候是颜色鲜明的 然而, 当他们被曝光在阳光和氧气中的时候, 这些颜色就消失了 这些士兵在 20 年前被一个农民凿井的时候发现的 这个农民现在已经是一个名人了, 他靠给书签名和照相过日子 248

Even the terra-cotta horses were full sized. At the museum, the elderly farmer who discovered this buried treasure stays alive by autographing books and posing for pictures... all for high prices. Partial sites were excavated and are now in full view. The rest remain buried because exposure to the air destroys their beautiful coloring. 连马匹都是原形塑造的 在这个博物馆, 发现这些宝藏的年老的农民靠着给书签名和照相过日子 价格很高 过去只开发了一部分, 现在都可以看得到了 剩下的一部分仍然保持在地下, 因为曝光会损坏其原有的颜色 249

Weapons, carriages, and many other things were made into terra-cotta. These figures were life sized, and they were all buried together. The emperor faced his army in the direction he reasoned his enemy would attack. There is a museum on the site where the figures are preserved behind glass. 武器, 车, 每一样东西都被按照原形制作的 他们都是被埋葬在一块的 皇帝面对士兵, 朝向他预计敌人会侵袭的方向 一些物品被放置到玻璃里面保护, 并为此建设了一个博物馆 250

Every group attended the spectacular Chinese acrobatic shows and took hundreds of photos. Please forget trying to tell jokes in a mixed gathering. Humor doesn t translate period. Please don t make a fool of yourself by opening your mouth to tell one of those cute American jokes. 所有的人都来观看中国精美的杂技, 而且照了很多像 请不要在混合的集会中开玩笑 玩笑是不会被翻译的 在这期间, 请不要浪费时间开这种所谓的美国玩笑 251

These acrobatic shows are always sold out, night after night. The biggest asset America has over China is our infrastructure for creating and growing businesses. We have venture capital, a network of mentoring entrepreneurs, publications that support CEO Club-sized businesses, and organizations where CEOs share ideas. China doesn t. 这些杂技的演出票总是被买光, 每天晚上都如此 美国比中国最强大的就是我们有企业发展的基础构造 我们有风险投资资金, 企业家网络, 支持 CEO 俱乐部大小的企业, 还有 CEO 可以分享心得的组织, 而这些中国没有 252

We were treated like royalty with big welcome signs everywhere. If politicians and appointed officials, such as judges and legislators in America, worked as hard and smart as Chinese government officials, we could start to compete more effectively. Instead, American courts are essentially closed for vacations in August and December. The Chinese government officials work twice as hard and long compared to the American judicial system. 我们像被皇家一样对待, 欢迎的招牌随处可见 如果美国的一些政府官员, 例如法官和立法者能够像中国政府官员这样努力和聪明, 我们肯定能够更有竞争力 相反的是, 美国法庭在 8 月和 12 月的假期基本上关门 中国政府官员比起美国的司法系统来说要工作时间和努力程度是美国的两倍 253

The reason to come with the CEO Club to China is so obvious once you have done it. Why not ask some of the 217 members who have traveled with us, the ones whose pictures I am editing right now. When these pictures were taken during our trips, we had no plans to assemble them in a book. The book was an afterthought. 你如果做过一次你就会明白跟着俱乐部来中国的原因了 为什么不去问问曾跟我们来过的 150 个 CEO 中的任何一个呢? 可以问问这些照片中的一些人 当在我们的旅行中找的这些照片, 我们没有计划要把他们编到书里面 书是后来启发的 254

The models of future growth are everywhere. As this book is being written, the price of a barrel of oil is over $66. China and India are the source of exploding energy demands that will shift the base of economic power in the next decade. Everyone agrees that China is the next superpower. However, everyone also agrees that the nation best able to produce fuel cells has a major leg up, as energy is the strategic asset of a superpower. The US is counting on the automobile industry and especially General Motors to win this race. It should be a bigger priority than establishing a base on the moon. 未来发展的沙盘到处都是 当我写这本书的时候, 原油价格已经超过 66 美金 中国和印度是能源需求大国, 这两个国家在未来十年是经济强国 每个人都赞同中国是下一个经济强国 然而, 每一个人都同意一个国家最好能够生产燃料, 因为能源是作为经济强国的战略性资产 美国正在以汽车工业做尝试, 特别是通用汽车, 来赢得比赛 这个应该是比在月球上建设一个空间站还要重要 255

Some Simple Chinese Hello... ni hao Thank you... xie xie What s your name?.. ni jiao shen me ming zi? My name is... wo de ming zi jiao 256

CEO 俱乐部在中国约瑟夫. 曼库索 绸之路与中东地区和欧洲紧密联系起来, 许多的外国商人都在长安城内居住 西安是陕西省省会, 也是中国西北地区的政治 经济和文化中心 随着旅游业的不断开发, 和对外开放政策的实施, 西安成为国家主要旅游城市之一 旅游业也成为陕西省经济的中流砥柱 西安位于经度 103, 北部, 海拔 412 米 年平均温度 13 度, 平均降雨量为 604 毫米 雨季是七月 八月和九月 西安面积 9983 平方公里, 人口 586 万 市中心面积 861 平方公里, 人口 265 万 作为中国六大古都的城市之一, 当中国进入文明社会以后, 西安曾作为 12 朝国都, 共计 1120 年 西安还是世界著名旅游城市, 兵马俑是主要的旅游胜地 昆明 昆明市云南省省会 云南省南部与缅甸 老挝和越南相临 海拔 1891 米, 三面环山, 另一面是正对滇池, 湖水环绕这个城市 北部的乌蒙山阻挡住了寒冷的北风, 并且保持了南部的由孟加拉湾带来的暖湿气流 昆明一年四季如春, 温度适宜, 被誉为 春城 几乎从 4 月份到 9 月份温度平均在 15 摄氏度 一年当中的任何时间都可以来参观这个城市, 而且只需要带一些单衣 正因为它的适宜的条件, 它被选为国际园艺博览会的基地 昆明人口 467 万, 其中的 6% 是少数民族, 包括彝族 回族和苗族 还有大约 15 万的来自中越战争的越南难民居住在昆明

CEO 俱乐部在中国约瑟夫. 曼库索 时世界银行称沈阳市世界最具竞争力的城市之一 沈阳市在各种行业均有发展, 能够生产制造高科技产品 作为地区中心市场, 沈阳对于邻近城市有很强的影响力, 甚至整个中国都受其影响 长江游 中国的长江历经好几个城市 : 北京 西安 桂林 苏州 杭州 西藏 丝绸之路 蒙古和南方的少数民族省市, 例如 : 云南和贵州省 重庆是中国最大的城市 ( 人口 3200 万 ) 它是开始长江游最好的出发地 长江游由重庆出发, 在上海结束, 但普遍选择短一点的行程, 就是在武汉登陆 重庆是火锅的家乡 把中国的一些食物在火锅里面煮, 把食物放到滚烫的油里面, 比较像法国的奶酪火锅 重庆至武汉的长江游最有吸引力的是 9 点从重庆出发, 在世界第三大河上会经过唯一的三峡 雄伟的山峰和快速的水流将这里与世隔绝 停靠的第一个港口叫做丰都, 传说中是鬼城 明山, 当三峡工程结束后这里将被水淹没, 这里是传说中的 地狱 那些形容死后可怕的雕塑被用来吓唬不识字的老百姓 接着经过的是第一个峡谷 : 瞿塘峡, 你将会看到高耸的山峰, 峻峭的悬崖和细窄的 门 挡住上流的水路 然后我们就会来到巫峡, 是三峡中最漂亮的峡峰 长江游在武汉结束 西安 下面是一幕东西方交流的情景剧 : 一天, 当朱利叶斯. 凯撒 (Julius Caesar) 去观看一个剧院的表演, 他发现他自己成为观众注视的焦点 他的华丽的礼服是由中国丝绸制成的, 这件衣服吸引了所有人的注意 从那时起, 中国的丝绸在罗马变得非常流行 人们比赛穿着丝绸以显示他们的财富 结果导致丝绸的价格上升的很快, 已经跟黄金的价格一样 在罗马非常流行的中国丝绸的家乡就是在西安, 在 2000 多年前称为长安 长安是汉朝的首都 西安在汉朝称为长安 长安的涵义是永久的平安 直到盛唐时期长安成为国内外最大的的国际化都市 西安是 1369 年正式更名为西安的 在唐朝 (618-907) 时期, 西安是世界上最大的城市 长安通过丝

CEO 俱乐部在中国约瑟夫. 曼库索 广东省是中国昨天和今天的写照 这个地区包含了中国最靓的城市 - 广州, 离香港仅仅驱车一个小时的距离 青岛 (1994 年成立, 人口 158.4 万 ) 青岛位于中国东部山东省境内 紧邻黄海, 拥有无冰港口 它是中国渔业和贸易的港口, 与烟台和济南有铁道交通 这是一个非常特别的经济港口城市 青岛是山东省主要的工业城市, 它有纺织工厂 食品加工和烟草生产 机器 啤酒 造纸厂和制造柴油机机车的工厂 有轨车 轮胎 肥料 橡胶产品 还有化工 1898 年时胶洲地区一部分成为德国的租借地, 青岛成为租借时期的管理中心, 向现代化都市方向发展 这个城市是旅游胜地, 因为大海如此美丽, 而且离山只有几英里 青岛是中国电器龙头海尔的家乡, 也是最著名的啤酒 -- 青岛啤酒的家乡 大部分的美国人没有来过这个城市, 因为它不像其他大城市那么显著 然而, 这里美丽的海滩和气候使这里成为中国的休闲别墅 沈阳 : 中国东北 沈阳坐落在浑河的北部 ( 过去称为沈水河 ), 中国古代传统称河的北部为 阳, 所以这个城市取名为沈阳 沈阳是一个有悠久历史的城市 沈洲是辽代 (960-1127) 建成的, 用土建设城墙 这就是沈阳的开始 在金国 (1127-1279), 沈阳继续用这个名字 元朝的时候, 这个城市被重新修建, 改称沈阳路 1625 年, 清朝的太祖皇帝努尔哈赤迁都辽阳至沈阳 1634 年, 清朝太宗皇帝皇太极将沈阳敬为盛京, 并成为了清朝的首都 1644 年, 清朝迁都沈阳至北京之后, 沈阳成为陪都 在清统一了中国之后,1657 年, 在沈阳成立奉天政府 1945 年沈阳恢复了其名字 沈阳大部分地区是平原地带 山川和高地基本都集中在东南部, 与辽东山脉相连 沈阳是中国著名的工业城市之一 堪称 中国的设备部 美称 沈阳富有丰富的资源和大型企业 沈阳在中国整体排名第五 同

CEO 俱乐部在中国约瑟夫. 曼库索 上海随着文化传统的飞速变化, 成为了一个光芒耀眼的城市 人口超过 2000 万 自从市场开放以后, 上海拥有商务及设计的强大优势, 并改写了城市目标 重新造型为新鲜的 创新的, 从未有过的一座新的城市 当然上海不能与北京的伟大的历史和西安宏大的景观相媲美, 但上海是现代中国的代表, 一个国际化的都市, 充满了 改革生活方式 的理念 古典建筑的陈列 外滩上的都市人生活, 这些都是旅游景点, 在那里可以看到非常流行的起源于长江的日落 上海是中国的金融中心 CEO 俱乐部就酒吧就坐落在上海的外滩 那里也是当地人和旅游者的观光点 这个城市拥有从机场到市中心的磁悬浮列车 有数不清的变化每天都在发生 当这些不朽的建筑不断向天空挺进, 闪烁的商场不断张开大门向那些时尚的精英的时候, 那些贫穷的人们怀着对共产党历史的回忆试图重新勾画他们的新城市印象 这个城市的繁荣的光辉掩饰了目前存在的贫富分化的福利系统的社会问题 上海被它存在争论和骄傲并存的过去所束缚 没有人可以预测这个城市 20 年后是什么样子, 但是中国有一句谚语 : 旧的不去, 新的不来 珠江三角洲 ( 中国南部 : 香港 深圳和广州 ) 离香港仅一步之遥, 珠江三角洲可以发掘中国部分最著名和完美城市的最好的地方 珠江, 在中国亚热带南部, 与三个远东地区紧紧相邻 - 香港 澳门和广东省 如果你只有有限的时间拜访中国, 那就用大部分时间去了解珠江三角洲 香港过去一直是中国主要机场 自从香港 1997 年回归中国以后, 这些中国南部地区就成为世界上发展最快的城市 深圳从一个 10 年前的 30 万人的小渔村发展到现在 1000 万人口的新型城市 它是中国最让人兴奋的城市 他与香港和赌城澳门的近距离加快了它的发展 CEO 俱乐部在深圳和广州都有办公室 广州是广东省的省会 广州的新机场很漂亮, 近期将会增加国际航班, 过去都用香港机场 所有的 CEO 俱乐部会员都被珠江三角洲的商机留下了最深刻的印象 深圳是有名的 180 洞的高尔夫酒店 - 观澜高尔夫酒店的所在地

CEO 俱乐部在中国约瑟夫. 曼库索 ( 这一部分是给太太的 ) 全能的神父, 停止我们的丈夫眼睛直盯那些外国女人, 然后与我们对比吧 让他们省点时间在那些把他们变成傻瓜一样的酒吧吧 综上所述, 请不要原谅他们的过失, 因为他们非常明确的知道他们在做什么 ( 全部 ) 当我们的行程结束的时候, 我们返回到我们亲人身边, 请帮助我们找到一些人愿意来看我们的家庭电影, 倾听我们的故事, 让我们作为旅行者的生活从来没有虚度过 现代北京 北京今天作为中国政治和文化之都, 也是国际活动的中心, 和重要的社会主义者基地 自从 1949 年中华人民共和国成立以来发生了伟大的变化 城墙被推翻建设交通以适应其发展 至 2001 年, 人口超过 1250 万 城市占地面积扩张到 17800 平方公里 北京现在被划分为 16 个区和两个县 : 密云和延庆 未来规划将继续保持南北同步开发, 并向郊区发展 从东边的定福庄到西边的石景山, 从北边的清河到南边的南苑, 整体规划面积 1000 平方公里 交通主要有六个环线,28 条射状线路, 地铁, 郊区铁路正在被进一步的开发建设, 这将把市中心与偏远和周边地区连接起来 天安门位于市中心,38 公里的长安街沿线坐落的办公楼多数为国家政府 政治和经济群体 这些地方环绕着故宫 故宫门 中南海 北海和后山海被指定为重要的区域 着眼于未来, 越来越多的具有历史性 文化传统的和改革的地方正在被不断修复并向公众开放 上海

CEO 俱乐部在中国约瑟夫. 曼库索 旅游者的祈祷 神圣的神父, 看看我们吧 你的谦逊的 服从的旅行者仆人决定来这片土地旅行 照相 邮寄明信片 购买纪念品, 还要穿着自然晾干的内衣散步 我们恳求你, 哦, 上帝, 看我们的飞机没有被劫机, 我们的行李箱没有被盗, 我们的超重行李箱顺利通过 ( 请保护我们防止那些粗暴的出租车司机 贪婪的搬运工和没有执照会讲英文的导游的欺骗 ) 给我们这一天了解一下我们酒店的布置, 我们可能发现我们的酒店预定被定为贵宾级, 我们房间被精心布置, 直接热水 ( 如果这些都有可能 ) 我们祈祷电话正常工作, 接线员可以讲我们的语言, 没有来自我们孩子的邮件来强迫我们取消我们余下的行程 带我们去吧, 上帝, 去那些好的价格不是很高的酒店, 有可口的食品, 服务生非常友好, 酒是包含在套餐里面的 给我们智慧吧, 让我们知道如何用不了解的货币正确地去给小费 原谅我们因为忽略而没有给足小费, 因为担心又给过多小费 ( 让本地人是因为我们的本身, 而不是因为我们能给他们的商品做贡献而喜欢我们 ) 请给我们勇气去参观那些博物馆 教堂 宫殿和城堡那些在导游上面标明 必须 去的地方 如果我们在午餐后从这些历史的建筑里溜出来小睡一觉的话, 请给我们仁慈, 因为我们身体是很脆弱的 ( 这一部分祈祷是给丈夫的 ) 亲爱的上帝, 请让我们的太太们远离购物狂潮吧, 从 讲价 中把它们解救出来吧 她们不需要也承担不起 让她们远离诱惑, 因为她们不知道她们在做什么

CEO 俱乐部在中国约瑟夫. 曼库索 准时是面子问题的众多形式中的一种 一定要准时, 而且如果主持午宴或者晚宴的话一定要比你的客人先到 你的着装也是 面子 的表现 如果你去拜访公司或者与中国东道主见面时的着装没有去见你们老板时穿得正式, 中国人会从中读出一些信息, 会认为你不尊重他 将客人送到电梯是 给面子 的基本体现 如果可以将客人送到大门就是 给面子 的十足体现 如果某个人给你修东西, 例如鞋或者表, 交钱之前要先看一下, 证明没有问题, 这样比后来发现修理有问题要好 他会很感谢你的感激 这也是面子 手在 面子 方面是很重要的因素 当你接受任何东西时应该用两只手 当给中国人某样东西的时候, 例如名片, 都应该用两只手 在宴会敬酒的时候用两只手拿杯子要比用一只手更礼貌 如果主人用两只手给你到酒的时候, 你应该用两只手握酒杯 We all exchange gifts with each mayor. 我们和每一个市长交换礼物 在宴会敬酒的时候用两只手拿杯子要比用一只手更礼貌 如果主人用两只手给你到酒的时候, 你应该用两只手握酒杯 简单的对酒店服务员说 Hello 或者 你好 对你来说是最基本的礼貌方式, 但是简单的感谢某个人的出席, 你就是给面子 面子 没面子 留面子和给面子在任何时候都非常重要而且一定要考虑的 面对某人发脾气 指责某人 傲慢自大 缺乏尊重都会导致丢面子

CEO 俱乐部在中国约瑟夫. 曼库索 移到现代的城市环境 香港是国际讲究风水的中心, 将风水先生出口到全世界的中国的各团体 因为一个建筑物的不合理的放置就会给生意和工作者带来坏运气, 数百万美金的办公大楼都会接受风水先生的建议重新按照他们的设计改变 当建筑一个大楼的时候, 例如写字楼或者酒店, 风水先生甚至在建筑规划之前就先被请过来 那些滨水地区的建筑就有很大的问题, 因为龙在传说中每天黎明的是会从山上下来到海里洗澡, 如果看到它的去路被一个建筑给挡上就会不愉快 然而, 龙可以轻松爬过玻璃, 所以许多的酒店在面对山的一面有非常高的窗和玻璃门 风水专家还酒店建议关于门 窗和电梯的放置, 一直到房间内家具的摆放 风水讲究还影响着室内装修, 解释在办公室里面放置很多镜子 ( 可以吓走那些害怕看到自己丑恶嘴脸的恶魔 ) 小一点的八个角的镜子叫八卦, 可以将邪恶驱走 鱼可以吸收坏运气, 作为净化器 如果鱼死了, 就要重新换过 中国人的 面子 什么是 面子? 我们会很简单的联想起是指某个人会因为某件事感到不好意思 任何一个外国人都不会想到这不仅仅是丢脸的问题, 还有社交问题 例如 : 你和中方主人一起走到门前的时候, 主人总会做手势让你先走, 然后外宾会点头微笑, 并先通过 但实际上外宾应该拒绝, 然后让主人先走 主人可能还会拒绝, 然后让你先走 你应该再拒绝, 然后和主人一起通过, 所以, 除非你是必须先走要 带路 去某个地方, 这 种手势通常要做的 这个 面子 的一种形式 The gift exchanges with mayors are especially important events. 与市长交换礼物是一个很重要的活动

CEO 俱乐部在中国约瑟夫. 曼库索 这个可以通过中国的历史中很多地方证实 例如, 古代建筑的结构是基于阴阳之上的 中央的建筑是建在南北轴的 过去南部象征生命, 所有的建筑都是向南边开门的 皇帝永远坐北朝南 在唐朝是内医院和药理学家, 而不是厨师, 来根据阴阳和五元素来决定什么能吃, 什么不能吃 所有的食物都被分成三类 : 阴类, 凉的食物可以镇惊和滋养身体 ; 阳类, 热可以刺激身体但是消耗能量 ; 还有就是中立食物, 这是阴阳结合平衡的最好体现 例如, 最好吃全麦而不是碾过的麦子 为了可以同时拥有由食物带来的热量和大脑的阴凉镇静, 他们建议不把大葱和牛肉或者蜂蜜一起吃, 并建议大黄可以帮助消化 饭菜里的季节性和成分都要被选择来平衡身体的重要能量元素 阴阳和五种元素在艺术 宗教文章上都可以可得到 风水 风水是艺术, 也是将思想结构通过土地融合到重要的宇宙能量 ( 极 ) 的一门科学 关于协调与平衡, 还有平衡人类 自然和精神的这种理念是中国的精髓 传统的宇宙学形容了这种看不见的能量或者称为 龙脉 是怎样从天上跑到山峰, 然后沿着土地, 将天上和地上的能量混合一起 自然地形学 - 山峰的构成和溪流的方向 - 被认为是修改了自然的能量, 创造这些吉利和不吉利的地方 风水专家研究这个隐形的地理, 观看山川 山谷 溪流的位置 通过使用罗盘, 罗盘是在一个占卜的板上有一套带有磁性的盘, 他们扫描山腰处寻找隐藏的龙脉 然后跟到山谷里 找到阴阳均衡交会的地方, 那就是 龙脊 和 虎丘 交叉的地方, 那就是村庄 盖房子和安葬祖先的最好位置 最好的位置是面向南, 东部偏高地带, 轻缓的山峰游至西面 前面有一条小溪, 后面是山 前面有微风, 干燥, 没有白蚂蚁 一般这些地方是用来做坟墓 祖先必须要安葬到最好的安置 风水在历史中的首要地位 ( 这套体制源于宋朝 ) 已经被成功的转

CEO 俱乐部在中国约瑟夫. 曼库索 广州世贸中心俱乐部 当我们与广州市贸中心俱乐部的领导许孝威 (John Hui) 见面的时候, 我们交流得很好 你听说过世贸中心吗? 它在 100 多个国家里设有 330 个世贸中心, 共有 70 万会员 你可以上它的网站 可以看到世贸中心主席盖伊. 托祖利 (Guy.F. Tozzoli) 说的一句话 : 位于任何一个城市的世贸中心是一个商务中心, 提供企业和政府服务 世贸中心的目的是及时提供商务信息 John 在广州世贸中心俱乐部接待了我们, 并给我们准备了丰盛的午餐, 同时带领我们参观了他的俱乐部 他们不仅仅给会员提供办公室, 他们还帮助他们在不同的国家寻找合作伙伴 他们还有设施完备的宴会厅和会议室 John 希望能参加 2003 年 1 月 7 日在哈佛俱乐部组织的 CEO 俱乐部会议 但愿他和 Simon 能够开发会员权益的互惠方案 阴和阳 关于中国文化思想里面还有一个很重要的说法就是阴阳理论 这个说法可以推到公元前 300 年 公元前 5 世纪到公元前 3 世纪在中国是知识文明发展时期 世界的创造和自然的发展过程都是来自于两种力量 : 阴和阳 阴是女性, 无能量, 显示为凉, 夜晚, 危险, 坚硬, 罪恶和死亡 阳是男性, 精力充沛 火热 白天 生命 自然现象的发展过程都是由这两种因素所支配的 阴和阳在 极 和 5 种元素中体现出来 这五种元素是火 水 金 木 和土 这五种和相匹配的五种颜色 : 红色 黑色 白色 绿色和黄色 ; 五个方向 : 南 北 西 东 中间 ; 五个神峰 ; 五种人类感知 ; 五个手指 ; 五个脚趾都联系在一起 越来越多的人相信地球上的人类数量是在保持阴阳的平衡, 五种元素中的一些能量是帮助抵御自然灾害和政治动乱 这个理论最早被汉朝的法庭所采用, 用以政治目的 阴阳的影响力是被用于支持那些呈上升趋势的事情 因为这些在君主的头脑中有很大的影响力 他们希望能够在他领导的群众里面能够发挥它的作用

CEO 俱乐部在中国约瑟夫. 曼库索 他对我写的几本商务计划书大加赞赏 他说他读过我卖的最好的 怎样写好商务计划书 这回是我惊讶了并引以为荣 他说他非常荣幸能见到写 24 本书的作者 我非常高兴的笑了 尽管非常疲倦, 但还是很高兴 你相信他已经写了 30 本书? 他迫不及待的告诉我他比我多写了 6 本书, 而且还有已签的三本书的合同 他说他每周 7 天, 每天 24 小时工作, 我想赶上他是不可能的 他这回开心的笑了 他彻底的赢了 他先让我洋洋自得, 然后给我的气球抽气 最后他是国王 这是怎样的一个人物! 当我们离开的时候, 他安排了警车给我们开道 我们从拥挤的街道中顺利前行回到了酒店 整个行程结束了,Simon 的队伍吸纳了许多俱乐部新会员 之后, 诺文, 克里斯, 卡拉和我去日本东京看望了我们的长期高级顾问总裁委员会的成员萨堪 (Sakan Yanagidaira) The world travelers at Sakan Yanagidaira s health spa. 世界环游者在萨堪 (Sakan) 的健康水疗中心 那是周五的早晨 6 点钟, 我们做飞机从北京飞东京 你瞧, 是谁也跑进了机场? 那是 Simon, 他被深圳市长临时召来要去参加一个临时紧急拜访 我本可以告诉你更多关于萨堪在东京市中心拥有的 3 英亩的新健康水疗中心, 但是实在有太多的东西让你难以置信 我们的高级总裁顾问委员会成员萨堪, 投资 100 万美金在东京开凿一口井设立了唯一的一口温泉 这个将要建在 2 亿美金的培训中心之上 但是如果我要是 3 天前告诉你这样, 你就会总结出这个故事就是一个神话故事 所以, 我会保留这个秘密, 但相信在下次 CEO 中国行的时候会设这一站

CEO 俱乐部在中国约瑟夫. 曼库索 接下来是北京 CEO 和美国 CEO 的正式会谈 会议配有一个 6 人的管弦乐队 所有电视台都报道了这个大型活动, 共有 500 个 CEO 参加 这是我们旅行的最好的结束方式 另外, 中国的一个教育台用了 4 个小时与我们共同制作了一部 1 小时的纪录片, 并在中国播放了 1 个月 无数的摄像师在拍摄我们用书来交换礼物 这是一个正式的开幕式 Simon 完成了一个非常完美的任务, 他让每一个人都能够参与进来 他计划今年发展与美国 CEO 俱乐部同样多的会员 在中国每个 CEO 都想和美国 CEO 合作 美国的 CEO 也刚刚发现, 在中国工厂每天平均工资低于 10 美金 最后, 旅行结束, 我们可以休息了 并不是这样 国家副主席邀请我们周四去拜访他, 但我们大部分会员都回美国了 只有 6 个坚强的会员留下来 最后这六个会员去了国家中央政府拜访了国家副主席, 这是一个让人惊讶的拜访 你本应该看过那的建筑和士兵 那比长城和故宫还要好 甚至比白宫还要好 我们坐在超大型的椅子上会谈 他讲英文, 曾在加利福尼亚大学就读 他用了一小时与我们交给了我们很大的支持 这个副主席被誉为中国风险资本的 祖父 他希望我们参加他的年度会议 但是, 他完全惊讶了 Here are those overstuffed chairs. It was Steve Trenk s birthday, so we sang Happy Birthday, and he blew out candles. 这就是那些超大号椅子 这是史蒂文的生日 我们在唱 生日快乐, 并一起吹蜡烛

CEO 俱乐部在中国约瑟夫. 曼库索 The most popular mayor was a lady. 最有名的书记是一位女士 我想成为一名共产党员 我真的很感动, 所以我问书记我们 21 个 CEO 有没有可能成为共产党的荣誉成员 她正在运作这件事情, 我们每个人都在期待 书记有一个 13 岁的儿子, 诺文给书记的儿子在康涅狄格的工厂里找到了一个暑期工作 这真的是让人感动的事情 Our new hero... for those of us who are Communist wannabes. 这是我们这些想成为共产党员的新 英雄

CEO 俱乐部在中国约瑟夫. 曼库索 到了俱乐部 8 个员工, 非常高兴 英国电信在我们的办公楼里面设立了唯一的电话会议中心 The sign above our offices in Beijing. 北京办公室的入口标志 我们可以利用电话中心从中国打往美国各处 例如, 史蒂文 (Steve Trenk) 想与他中国合作伙伴谈话 他可以去曼哈顿, 中方可以去 CEO 俱乐部中国办公室, 然后他们可以开视频会议 我希望这能够成为 CEO 俱乐部的主要资源之一 这种功能已经齐备, 希望我们的会员在两个国家里可以真正利用它来做生意 北京的书记, 一位积极向上的女士 她是最好的书记 当其他的市长给我们主持午宴, 她却受到了我们对她设宴的真心感谢和致敬 这个活动在一个很富有特色的美丽的湖畔, 一个被称为 小白宫 的建筑内举行的, 这是个非常完美的活动 正因为这样, 我们都想加入共产党

CEO 俱乐部在中国约瑟夫. 曼库索 The Forbidden City has 9999 and a half rooms; this is one of them. 故宫有 9999.5 个房间, 这只是其中一个 这是让人敬仰的景观, 难以用言语表达 之后我们去了中国的长城 迈克. 格拉斯皮 (Mike Glaspie) 在长城上向艾米 (Amy) 求婚, 当他给艾米 y 戴上他从密歇根州偷偷带来的戒指时她流泪了 因为我的太太卡拉 (Karla) 是专业摄影师, 所以她是唯一看到这一幕的人, 她感动了 长城能够在月球上看到 它是让人敬仰的, 也是世界上最吸引人的景观 马蒂 (Marty Zaslansky) 在长城上度过了最快乐的时光, 他与一个卖围巾的在侃价 那是很漂亮的丝绸围巾 诺穆. 佳文 (Norm Gavin) 和约翰. 阿什 (John Asher)( 他把他的销售培训翻译成了中文 ) 各花了 5000 美金买了玉屏风 现在是整个旅行中最好的部分 Simon 的家在北京 我们的办公室设在北京, 这也是 CEO 俱乐部在中国的总部 我们很想去看我们的新办公室, 我们受到了北京最大的工业园区的领导的热烈欢迎 他们摆放了很多鲜花欢迎我们 他们想和美国中型企业合资合作, 这真的是一个很热烈的欢迎仪式 我们的办公室今年春天的时候就会筹备好, 园区将我们公司所在的 50 万平方英尺的建筑命名为中国 CEO 俱乐部 我在那见

CEO 俱乐部在中国约瑟夫. 曼库索 The distinguished CEOs from America. 来自美国的杰出的 CEO 感谢上帝我们都有设定好的手提电话 另外, 我们发完了 500 多张名片 这些名片都是中英文双面的 其实我早就发完了 我们会见市长和 CEO, 然后就在长江上游览 整个上海在晚上都亮了起来 这是一个世界奇观 但是, 我们把那对供应商父子给弄丢了 在我们已经开船后, 他们还在岸上买 劳力士 表 当他们发现船已经开的时候, 他们用 15 美金买了 5 块表 这些手机都是设定好的, 你只需要拨 Joe 或者 Simon 或者电话里的任何一个联系人, 就可以直接拨通 他们需要为此付费的吗? 就问问后来在港口接过来的 Katzen 父子吧 离开上海, 我们飞到中国的首都 - 北京 这是整个旅行的一个高峰 最好的永远在最后 我们全变成真正的旅行者, 北京的暴风雪迎接了我们, 但那个时候天坛看起来更加美丽 我们用了 4 个小时的时间仅仅看了故宫的不到 10% 的地方 故宫有 9999.5 个房间, 因为几千年前规定只允许建 10000 个以下的房屋 我们都想去看那个半间屋子, 但取而代之的是去的故宫内的星巴克喝热咖啡 你知道天安门广场与故宫是紧邻的吗?

CEO 俱乐部在中国约瑟夫. 曼库索 Outside the CEO Club s headquarters building in Beijing. CEO 俱乐部北京总部的外部 如果你没有到上海, 你就没有看到全部 我们飞到了中国的 珠宝 城市, 睡了第一个好觉 上海是中国的金融中心, 它的风景甚至比曼哈顿还要美丽 我应该再重复一遍我的话吗? 你们注意我的用词了吗? 上海是个 珠宝! 这是财富所在的地方, 所有的人都希望我们回上海再停留多点时间 我们的日本会员萨堪 (Sakan Yanagidaira) 和华盛顿会员克里斯. 沃克 (Chris Walker) 在上海参加了我们的行程 让我离题一会儿, 我要告诉你们一些我们会员的事情 你相信克里夫. 布雷克 (Cliff Blaker) 和他的合作伙伴就在我们出发的两天前决定加入我们的旅行的吗? 他们没有机票和签证 克里斯. 沃克 (Chris Walker) ( 联合水泥公司的 Norm Gavin 给他取外号叫 步行者 ) 从不提前注册, 就拿了一个行李箱来到上海 我共带了 5 个 CEO 不是普通的旅行者 每个人都说, 这是我所经历的最好的旅行 这个 步行者 曾到过世界各地的 90% 的地方

CEO 俱乐部在中国约瑟夫. 曼库索 The pioneering CEOs had the trip of lifetime. 这些先锋 CEO 经历了永生难忘的旅行 市长接见了我们, 之后我们去了工业园区与 CEO 座谈 我们已经学会了怎样去做 CEO 学得很快 会员跟我说, Joe, 为什么你不跟他说在 24 年前 CEO 俱乐部刚刚成立的时候曼哈顿就是一个小渔村啊? C.O. 和陶瑞斯 (Doris) 说 旅行中最有趣的部分就是在早餐的时候开一些善意的玩笑 晚上因为下雨, 取消了晚上的游船活动, 也正因为这样, 我们才有时间洗衣服 在市长接见后, 我们参观了中国 CEO 的塑料树脂工厂 他是美国 CEO 俱乐部一个会员的合作伙伴, 我们坐在容纳 50 人的会议桌旁边 这个 CEO 是广东省所有中型企业的领头人 在不到一小时的时间里, 通过翻译, 以戈登. 麦克纳 ( Gordon McKenna) 为首的会员就找到了与他们相关联的中国企业 他的中国伙伴从来没有问过他这么直接了当的问题 他被美国 CEO 深深吸引了, 并想成为一名会员, 而且他让他的整个团队在分部都很活跃 他年薪 8 万美金, 这在中国就是一个百万富翁 但是, 他的资产从他所讲述的几千美金发展到今天的 6 亿美金 我们都建议他要尽快转为流动资产 我们开始告诉他如果过迟的话应该怎样补救

CEO 俱乐部在中国约瑟夫. 曼库索 郭志新 (Simon Guo) 是谁? 他曾是亨利. 基辛格 (Henry Kissinger) 和大卫. 洛克菲勒 (David Rockefeller) 的翻译, 是美籍华裔 他是一个难得的天才, 他放弃了自己的所有的工作, 以 150% 的精力全部投入到 CEO 俱乐部 当你没有遇到他的时候你不会认为翻译的重要性 Simon 是维尔森学校的老师, 被派到中国 所有的人都认为 Simon 是领导中国 CEO 俱乐部最合适的人选 他有 8 个全日制员工, 而且创建了中国 CEO 俱乐部的网站 www.ceoclubschina. com. 因为它与美国网站 的链接, 因此上面有大量的信息 这两个网站分别用不同的语言登录了会员的介绍和照片 他的办公室在北京, 设在最大的工业园内, 而且中国 CEO 俱乐部的牌子被放置到 50 万平方英尺的建筑上 这是俱乐部令人难忘的开始 在深圳住了一个晚上之后我们乘巴士来到广州 在深圳住了一个晚上之后我们乘巴士来到广州大约是在郊区行驶了一个小时的时间进入了广东省 我认为中国这个南方省分经济增长如此快是因为香港的原因 我们见到了市长, 并且住在仅仅对政府开放的酒店 这是我见过的最好的酒店 到目前位置, 我已经爱上这个国家, 而且想买房子 这是 CEO 的通病

CEO 俱乐部在中国约瑟夫. 曼库索 的? 史蒂夫. 天安克 (Steve Trenk) 在深圳的生日宴会上发现宝藏 史蒂文 (Steve) 经营着一家上市 壳 公司, 损失了 1100 万美金, 他一直在寻找中国合作伙伴 他主营燃料电池的调研生意 他最近在深圳新交的一个朋友公司的总部设在北京 在几天后他的朋友在北京跟 Steve 进行了一次会谈 Steve 说这次旅行让他喜出望外 他非常喜欢吹灭生日蛋糕蜡烛, 但因为蜡烛太多, 需要帮助 现在是时候要说明一下这次旅行的英雄, 郭志新 (Simon. Guo), 他是中国 CEO 俱乐部的领导 Steve 告诉我他成功的原因就是因为 Simon 所有的人都同意 Our meeting received national TV coverage. 我们的会谈被国家电视台报道

CEO 俱乐部在中国约瑟夫. 曼库索 Outside of the CEO Clubs Beijing Office. CEO 俱乐部北京办公室外面 佛兰克. 帕刚诺 (Frank Pagano) 在旅行中带来一对中国父子供应商 Frank 是新泽西的汽车配件生产销售商 他在中国做生意已经很长时间了 他是一个天才, 他决定带他的两个中国供应商 ( 父子 ) 一起参加旅行, 这是一个非常好的做法, 对我们来说也是一个惊讶 他们帮他降低价格, 扫除其他的供应商 他们度过了最快乐的时光 他们从没有被市长接见过, 也没有在长江上游览过, 更没有在这样好的酒店住过 我也一样没有 我被惊呆了, 我们可以想象出他们的反应 他们现在是 CEO 俱乐部的一部分, 也是 Frank 家族企业中的成员 Frank 是非常杰出的 我们住的酒店都特别的好, 而且比我以前所见过的都要好 我真的是难以置信这些 你能想象到这个父子供应商会有怎样的感受吗? 我们的初次 CEO 会谈 我们在深圳参观了我所见过的最大的工业园区 我们在翻译的帮助下与众多的 CEO 进行了正式会谈 他们利用已经装置好的录影设备给我们放映了园区的建设情况, 并介绍了园区内 1000 多的建筑物 所有的这一切是在过去的 10 年里建成的 我们的嘴巴张的好大, 我们的会员不断问道, 建设资金是哪里来

CEO 俱乐部在中国约瑟夫. 曼库索 样的一个从事心理学行业的人都会报道关于他的事业 期间会有交换礼物, 到处都是摄影 就旅行本身来讲这个价钱是绝对值得的 参加活动的美国 CEO 俱乐部会员都上了报纸, 成为了著名人物 现在, 让我来形容一下会议布置 我们在一个很大的装饰很豪华的房间里, 坐在舒服无比的沙发上交谈 房间的两侧摆放约 20 张沙发, 房间的前面为重要人物摆放两张沙发 每个人都有麦克风和茶水 年轻漂亮的女服务员会穿着红色的丝绸衣服为大家斟茶 当然了, 我们都用麦克风 我们需要翻译, 因为没有人会说英文 这真的是很漫长的会议 深圳市长问了一个非常直接的问题 为什么你们把总部设在北京, 而不是深圳?, 你可以看到他是怎么在有语言障碍的情况下仍这么快升为市长的 The American CEOs were an impressive-looking group. 美国 CEO 代表团是一个让人印象深刻的团队