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~ 13D9N ~ Tour Code: S13SEP-KL Ecuador & Peru (Quito-Guayaquil-Galapagos-Cusco-Lima) Highlights: Ecuador: Quito ~ City Tour, Pululahua & Middle of the World Guayaquil ~ City Tour Galapagos ~ Charles Darwin Research Center for giant tortoise & Plazas Islands for Land Iguanas Peru: Cusco ~ Korikancha (the Ancient Temple of the Sun), Machu Picchu The lost city of Incas - the 7 wonder Of the World!, Sacred Valley of Incas, City Tour Lima ~ City Tour Specialty: Peruvian Seafood & Sour Pisco Cities/Nights of Stay Ecuador: Quito (2N) Quito Guayaquil (1N) Galapagos (2N) Silberstein Peru: Lima (1N) Estelar Miraflores Cusco (2N) Libertadoe Palacio Sacred Valley (1N) Aranwa (Superior class accommodation and confirmation based on similar standard) Day 1 Day 2 Kuala Lumpur Amsterdam Quito, Ecuador Depart to Quito, the capital city of Ecuador! It was the first World Cultural Heritage Site declared by UNESCO. Arrive Quito (Local dinner) Upon arrival, meet and transfer to hotel for check-in after dinner. Day 3 Quito (Hotel breakfast/local lunch & dinner) Morning excursion to Pululahua Geobotanical Reserves, the first National Park in Ecuador and in South America to protect this unique place. It is a caldera formed from a collapsed volcano due to a very strong eruption that weakens the internal structure of a volcano. The caldera has three lava domes, Pondona, El Chivo and Pan de Azucar, which formed in the years following the eruption, and after the volcano collapsed. Then continue our journey to the Equatorial Monument, which marks the exact Middle of the World, latitude 0º. The monument was built during the 17 th century when the French-Spanish expedition determined the position of the equator. Here you can have one of the most unique experiences in your life: standing with one foot on the Northern Hemisphere and with the other one in the Southern Hemisphere! After this, we will visit the adjacent park which has leisure facilities and looks like typical Spanish style colonial village and an ethnological museum. Next, visit the Museum of the Sun (Museo de Sol) where we will learn about Incas and their knowledge. Later, visit downtown Quito to relish in this urban jewel and its treasures of art and architecture. You will visit Guapulo, where you have a beautiful view of the Valle de los Chillos and the eastern Andes. Following the tour, visit the beautiful renewed colonial centre with the Independence Square, the Presidential Palace, the Cathedral, the Church of San Francisco and Church la Compañia which is bath in Gold, an impressive local art. To finish with the city tour, visit the Panecillo, a small hill middle of the city with a fabulous view of the 45 km long and 4 km wide city and the snow-capped volcanoes. Day 4 Quito(45mins) Guayaquil (Hotel breakfast/local lunch/seafood dinner) After breakfast, transfer to airport for your flight to Guayaquil, known as the Pearl of the Pacific is the largest and the most populous city in Ecuador.

Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 City orientation with a stop at the Administration Plaza to see the City Hall, the Sucre Monument and the Seminario Park, also known as the Iguana Park. Continue the ride to the Southern Melecon 2000 where you will appreciate the Integration Plaza with its famous Southern Marketplace and Cristal Palace. Next, visit the Olmedo Plaza and see the monument to Jose Joaquin Olmedo, the first mayor of Guayaquil. Then, proceed to the Morisca Tower for excellent views of the city and the famous monument of the 4 elements of the planet. Walk toward the Rotonda Monument with the statues of Simon Bolivar and San Martin. We will end our tour in the oldest part of the city in which you will have the opportunity to climb the numerous steps until the Cerro Santa Ana and watch Guayaquil and the river Guayas. Guayaquil(1.50hrs) Galápagos Islands (Hotel breakfast/local lunch & dinner) After breakfast, transfer to airport for your flight to Galápagos Islands. The Galápagos Islands are known as Enchanted Islands due to their overwhelming beauty and biodiversity. Upon arrival Baltra Airport, meet and transfer to the main town of Santa Cruz Island, Puerto Ayora the most populous town in Galápagos Islands. After lunch, visit to the Charles Darwin Research Station which you will learn about natural history, issues concerning the islands, and see the giant tortoise breeding and rearing project at work. You can see different generations of tortoise and also the famous and the rarest creature in the world - Lonesome George, who is the only survivor of his species of Pinta Island. Galápagos Islands (Hotel breakfast/local lunch & dinner) Today, aboard a cruise to the Plazas Islands, the twin islands located off the east coast of Santa Cruz. Begins our journey with a dry landing. The rocky trail circumnavigates the islands displaying the combination of dry and coastal vegetation zone. The island is home to enormous prickly pear cactus and the endemic succulent sesuvium. These succulents with almond-shaped leaves change its color from intense green in the rainy season and to red in the dry seasons giving the island an unusual appearance. South Plaza has one of the largest populations of land iguanas, it is also home to marine iguanas living along the coast and a hybrid iguana whose fathers are marine iguanas and mothers are land iguanas. The iguanas seem to be everywhere once you land. After lunch, you will have the opportunity to snorkel and swim at Punta Carrion (own expenses) Galápagos Islands(1:55hrs) Guayaquil(1:50hrs) Lima (Hotel breakfast/local dinner) After breakfast, transfer to airport for flight to Lima, the capital and largest city of Peru. Founded by Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro on 1535, also known as The City of Kings. Transfer to hotel for overnight stay after dinner. Day 8 Lima(1:15hrs) Cusco(74km) Ollantaytambo (20km) Urubamba Valley (Sacred Valley) (Hotel breakfast/local lunch/seafood dinner) After breakfast, transfer to airport for your flight to Cuzco. Welcome to Cusco South America s archaeological capital and oldest continuously inhabited city, Cusco is now an important link in the region s travel network. Upon arrival, Transfer towards Sacred Valley of the Incas. A succession of picturesque towns, agricultural terraces and archaeological sites. Photo stop when we on the way to have a classic view of the Urubamba Valley with crops dressing the mountains like carpets. Visit the Archaeological complex of Pisac (32km north of Cusco), the most complete Inca Archaeological site after Machu Picchu and visit colorful market located in Pisac (The Sacred Valley) High in the Peruvian Andes near Cuzco, historic capital of the Incan Empire. Enjoy Urubamba lunch with complimentary drink of Pisco Sour, Cheers!! Visit the fortress of Ollantaytambo (72km to Cusco) one of the most monumental architectural complexes of the Inca Empire. In its high part one rises to an impressive ceremonial center of cult to the water and a fortress that guarded the access to the inferior part of the valley.

Day 9 Urubamba Valley Ollantaytambo Machu Picchu Cusco (Hotel breakfast/local lunch/hotel dinner) Early morning, transfer to Ollantaytambo train station and board on the Peruvian Inca Rail Train (6.30am-first train) to the legendary of Machu Picchu (2,460 meters above sea level) also known as the Lost City of the Incas. It was declared as UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE site in 1983 and voted as the New Seven Wonders of the World in 2007. This train arrives at the Aguas Calientes train station, where we will transfer to a motor-coach for 30 minutes winding journey up to the marvelous Citadel. Upon arrival, guided tour of the Citadel, visiting the Main Plaza, Circular Tower, Sacred Sun Dial (the most important Intihuatana), Royal Quarters, Temple of Three Windows and various burial grounds. Transfer back by train to Poray station and continue journey back to Cusco. Day 10 Cusco(1:25hrs) Lima (Hotel breakfast/local lunch/chinese dinner) This morning begins with Cusco city orientation and walking tour to Korikancha (the ancient temple of the Sun), the Inca Street of Loreto (12 cornered stone).. After lunch, transfer to airport for your flight back to Lima. Peru is blessed with a long Pacific coast with richest fishing ground in South America and seafood in Lima is definitely not to be missed! Tonight, let be pampered by Lima s freshest seafood. Day 11 Lima Amsterdam Kuala Lumpur (Hotel breakfast/local lunch/ Hotel dinner) Today, city orientation tour to see Archbishop Palace, Plaza Mayor, The City Hall and the Cathedral. Enjoy last minute shopping pleasure until time transfer to airport. Day 12 On Board Day 13 Arrive Kuala Lumpur Selamat pulang ke Malaysia! Disclaimer: We reserve the right to alter the sequence or change, amend or alter the itinerary if necessary, with or without prior notice. The group departure is subject to a minimum group size of 15 paying adults. All flights and hotels are provisional and will be subject to our final confirmation. *Valid from April 2012 till further notice* Preferred Agents:

13 天 9 晚厄瓜多尔及秘鲁 团号 : S13SEP-KL 第一天吉隆坡 阿姆斯特丹 基多, 厄瓜多尔从吉隆坡出发到厄瓜多尔的首都 - 基多, 是世界上距赤道最近的首都 称为 赤道之都 于 1978 年被联合国教育 科学及文化组织列为世界文化遗产 第二天抵达基多 ( 晚餐 ) 晚餐后, 由专车送往酒店入住 第三天基多 ( 早 / 午 / 晚餐 ) 今早, 出发前往 Pululahua 地理植物自然保护区, 是一个因地核变动由三座倒塌火山而形成的火山口 续程前往把世界分成两个半球 ( 南北纬均为 0 度 ) 的赤道纪念碑, 在这里你可实现一个地理上的 伟大跨越 - 把脚分别站在赤道线两侧! 然后到碑内的民族博物馆, 楼梯盘旋而上, 一层层展出厄瓜多尔各个土著族群的服饰, 生活实物与图片, 最后参观太阳博物馆 中午, 来到基多市殖民区, 发掘 16 世纪基多城的魅力 参观独立广场, 这是一座美丽的法国广场, 周边有大教堂和政府宫殿 接着参观著名的拉康帕尼亚教堂及圣弗朗西斯科修道院, 这两所教堂是美洲大陆上西班牙建筑艺术 美学与印第安文化相互渗透的精品建筑 继续游览埃尔面包山, 欣赏壮美的安第斯山脉风光 第四天基多 (45 分钟 ) 瓜亚基尔 ( 早 / 午 / 晚餐 ) 今早, 乘搭飞机到享有 太平洋的滨海明珠 美称的瓜亚基尔, 也是厄瓜多尔第一大城市 享用丰富的午餐后, 即开始市区观光 首先到城中心的一百年广场, 在这里可看到壮观典雅的市政厅, 苏克雷将军雕像及 Seminario 公园, 即著名的鬣蜥蜴公园 (Iguana s Park) 第二站是马雷贡 2000 海滨大道的南市场 综合广场 手工艺市场及伫立在瓜亚斯河河畔的 Jose Joaquin de Olmedo( 瓜亚基尔第一位市长 ) 的雕像 最后参观摩尔塔及圆形纪念碑 第五天瓜亚基尔 (1:50 小时 ) 加拉帕戈斯群岛 ( 早 / 午 / 晚餐 ) 早餐后, 飞往加拉帕戈斯群岛, 是世界最宝贵的国家公园之一, 以拥有巨龟等珍奇动植物而闻名 抵达后, 驱车前往圣克鲁斯岛上最大的镇阿约拉港享用午餐 接着到达尔文基金研究会, 在这里你将认识到关于加拉帕戈斯岛上独特的生物圈, 近距离观看多种巨型路龟及地球上最稀有的动物 - 乔治, 它是世界上仅存唯一的阿宾登岛龟 第六天加拉帕戈斯群岛 ( 早 / 午 / 晚餐 ) 今天, 乘船前往广场岛 踏上陆地, 可看到典型的海马齿属科植物, 杏仁状的叶子从雨季时的呈绿色渐渐变成了干季的艳红色, 别有一番景象! 南广场岛上拥有加拉帕戈斯群岛最多数量的陆蜥蜴 海蜥蜴及独有的混合蜥蜴 ( 爸爸是海蜥蜴, 而妈妈是陆蜥蜴 午餐后, 可自由活动! 第七天加拉帕戈斯群岛 (1:55 小时 ) 瓜亚基尔 (1:50 小时 ) 利马, 秘鲁 ( 早 / 晚餐 ) 早餐后, 乘搭飞机飞往秘鲁的首都利马, 也被称为国王的城市, 在 1535 年被西班牙征服者 - 弗朗西斯科皮萨罗发现, 这里也曾经是独霸南美大陆的印加帝国的首都 第八天利马 (1:15 15 小时 ) 库斯科 (74km) 奥扬泰坦博堡垒 (20km) 乌鲁班巴山谷 ( 早 / 午 / 晚餐 ) 今天, 启程到机场飞往库斯科 库斯科是南美洲一个最古老的考古城市, 库斯科现在是该地区的旅游网络的重要环节 抵达后, 出发前往安第斯山脉中的古印加聚集地 -- 圣谷 (Sacred Valley). 途径乌鲁班巴山谷拍照留念, 这时出現眼前是佈滿山坡的梯田, 呈現漂亮的流線型弧度 接下来前往位于比萨克的集市, 在这里你可以有机会与当地的工匠互动或尽情购买具有特色的手工纪念品 然后继续游乌鲁班巴山谷, 享用 Pisco Sour, 和道地的风味午餐 接下来参观奥扬泰坦博堡垒, 一个令人印象深刻的印加礼仪中心 第九天乌鲁班巴河谷 (20km) 奥扬泰坦博堡垒 (1: 1:30 小时 ) 马丘比丘 (112km) 库斯科 ( 早 / 午 / 晚餐 ) 今晨, 到奥扬泰坦博火车站, 乘搭 秘鲁印加铁列车 通过乌鲁班巴山谷, 观看着优美的景观之旅, 前往马丘比 丘 ( 海拔 2460 米 ), 印加语意为 古老的山颠, 也被称为 失落的印加古城市 列车将会到达阿瓜卡连特火 车站, 在那里我们将会转搭游览车前往马丘比丘 抵达后, 参观中央广场, 圆塔, 圣萨恩戴尔 ( 最重要的拴日 石 ), 皇家宿舍, 三窗之屋和各个墓地庙 随后返回库斯科

第十天库斯科 (1:25 小时 ) 利马 ( 早 / 午 / 晚餐 ) 今早, 将进行市区观光 Korikancha( 太阳的古寺庙 ) 和洛雷托印加广场 午餐后, 乘搭飞机飞返利马 今晚, 将享用不可错过的海鲜餐 第十一天利马 阿姆斯特丹 吉隆坡 ( 早 / 午 / 晚餐 ) 早上, 我们将前往参观主教宫殿, 市政广场, 市政厅和大教堂等 送往机场前, 您可尽情的享受购物乐趣 第十二天飞行途中, 越过换日线 第十三天抵达吉隆坡 * 正确行程以英文为准 * * 最后确认的行程以旅行团抵达各地后由接待社安排 * ** 有效期 2012 年 4 月起至另行通知 ** 代订旅行社 :