Microsoft Word CAST-USA Annual Convention Program revised

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Scientific Innovation and International Collaboration Summit 24 th Annual Convention of CAST-USA October 14 15, 2016 Little America Hotel, Salt Lake City, Utah 科技创新与国际合作高峰论坛 - 暨中国旅美科技协会第 24 届年会 2016 年 10 月 14-15 日, 犹他州盐湖城小美洲酒店 Co-organizer 协办 :Hangzhou A+C 杭州工美 ( 香港 ) 国际有限公司

主办 : 中国旅美科技协会 (CAST USA) 承办 : 旅美科协犹他分会 (CAST UT) 协办单位 : 杭州工美 ( 香港 ) 国际有限公司分会 : 亚利桑那分会 大波士顿分会 康州分会 华盛顿分会 佛罗里达分会 南佛罗里达分会 洛杉矶分会 大纽约分会 北卡分会 匹兹堡分会 圣地亚哥分会 硅谷分会 德州分会 犹他分会 西弗吉尼亚分会 筹备分会 : 亚特兰大 芝加哥 丹佛 休斯顿 内布拉斯加 费城 西雅图国内办事处 联络处 : 北京 上海 大连 济南 青岛 重庆 成都 安徽 长沙 东莞 广州 ( 筹 ) 沈阳 ( 筹 ) 支持单位 : 中国国务院侨务办公室 Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council 四川省外事侨务办公室 Sichuan Department of Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs 犹他州州长经济发展办公室 Utah Governor s Office of Economic Development 犹他州世界贸易中心 World Trade Center of Utah Co-organizer 协办 :Hangzhou A&C 杭州工美 ( 香港 ) 国际有限公司 Page 2

Message from the Convention Co chairs It is our honor to welcome all of you to the Scientific Innovation and International Collaboration Summit (the 24th Annual Convention of Chinese Association for Science and Technology, USA) in Salt Lake City, Utah. Ever since the founding of CAST-USA in New York City in 1992, one of its missions is to bring together industrial professionals and academia to the advancement, exchange and collaboration in science and technology, education and culture, business and trade. The four forums in this convention, Biomedical Science, Innovative Materials, Information Technology and Educational Technology, are doing just that. The theme of the convention is Scientific Innovation and International Collaboration. We are honored to have several significant keynote speakers at our convention, including winner of 2013 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, Professor Thomas C. Südhof; Utah State s Governor, Gary Herbert; Minister Counselor Mr. Futao Chen from the Chinese Embassy in DC. In addition, during the convention three excellence awards will be awarded to successful professionals in both industrial and academia to recognize their long time and outstanding contribution. One of the highlights added to the convention this time is the Young Elite Award to highly achieved high school students in the US. The outcome we would like to accomplish is to motivate more young students think seriously on pursuing STEM in the US and build a pipeline for the future development of CAST-USA. The convention continues the startup competition. We believe it is a process of learning. It should not mean the ending, rather the beginning of a new journey. We are glad that the CAST-USA can provide such a platform to promote innovation and entrepreneurship, and most importantly, can seed such ideas to many young professionals as well as students. On behalf of the organizing committee, we greatly appreciate all the sponsors, distinguished keynote and panel speakers, guests, media reporters, our members, and volunteers. Together, we wish a great success of the 24th CAST-USA annual convention. Best regards, 2016 CAST-USA Annual Convention Organizing Committee Chair, Zhixiong CHEN, President of CAST-USA Co-Chair, Bill JIANG, President-elected of CAST-USA Co-Chair, Rujie SUN, President of CAST-UT Co-organizer 协办 :Hangzhou A&C 杭州工美 ( 香港 ) 国际有限公司 Page 3

中国旅美科技协会介绍 中国旅美科技协会 ( 简称旅美科协 ) 是 1992 年在纽约成立的非政治性 非盈利性的民间团体 旅美科协的三大宗旨是 : 促进中美之间文化 科技 教育 经贸等领域的交流与合作, 弘扬中国传统文化 促进中美两国人民的相互了解, 加强旅美学人 华人专业人士之间的团结 合作与交流 旅美科协是一个跨地区 ( 在美国 ) 跨行业的综合性科技团体, 会员主要由来自科技 文化 教育 法律 金融 人文等领域的中国旅美专业人士组成, 现有会员八千人 许多会员在世界 500 强企业或知名大公司 高等院校或研究机构从事科技开发和研究工作, 部分会员已经成为了中 高层管理人员 目前在全美有十几个分会及专业学会, 会员分布在美国几十个州, 并在中国国内一些省市设立了联络处 总会设执行委员会负责日常工作, 还设有董事会 理事会 学术协调委员会和顾问委员会 旅美科协成立以来的知名名誉顾问包括陈省身教授, 宋健教授, 杨振宁教授, 朱光亚教授, 陈香梅女士, 田长霖教授, 周光召教授, 朱丽兰教授, 路甬祥教授, 邓文中先生, 及诺贝尔奖获得者达尼埃尔 谢赫特曼教授, 马里奥 卡佩奇教授等学术及社会知名人士 旅美科协总会及各分会举行定期学术研讨活动, 为会员提供学术交流的平台 旅美科协总会定期出版 海外学人 杂志及实时通讯, 内容包括介绍协会的学术活动与中美科技界 工商界的最新动态及各种工作与投资机会等许多会员们切身关心的内容 每年总会及各分会举办包括全国年会及分会年会 学术讲座等在内的几十次大中型学术研讨活动, 活动中旅美科协邀请中美各界知名人士对所关心的学术及社会问题进行探讨 旅美科协注重与其他专业协会的交流与合作, 加强不同学科华人的交流, 同时促进中美之间科技人才的沟通和科技的发展 旅美科协各分会也注重参加当地的华人社区活动, 与所在地的其它侨团建立了良好的关系 旅美科协总会现任会长陈志雄, 董事会主席宋云明, 理事会主席于浩, 候任会长蒋为民 旅美科协之前的历任会长为周华康 章球 徐震春 陆重庆 马启元 周孟初 谢家叶 肖水根 石宏 邹有所 林民跃 王飞跃 李百炼 左力 沈陆 陆强 曾大军 方彤 盛晓明 蔡逸强 总会网站 Co-organizer 协办 :Hangzhou A&C 杭州工美 ( 香港 ) 国际有限公司 Page 4

Agenda 大会日程安排 (All in Grand Ballroom unless otherwise specified) Friday Oct 14, 2016 10:00 19:00:Registration and Exhibition 报到, 展览 (Ballroom Reception) 13:00 15:00:Networking 社交 15:00 15:30:Welcome and Opening Remarks 开幕式 Zhixiong Chen, President of CAST-USA 中国旅美科技协会总会会长陈志雄 Futao Chen, Counselor Minister, Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the United States 中国驻美大使馆公使衔参赞陈富韬 Representative of United States Senator in Utah 美国国会参议员代表 15:30 17:00:Keynote Speeches Professor Thomas C. Südhof, Stanford University, Winner of 2013 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine: "Understanding synaptic transmission - yesterday, today, and tomorrow" 2013 年诺贝尔医学与生理学奖得主 Thomas Südhof 教授 o Introduction: Airong Li, MD PhD, Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital 介绍者 : 哈佛医学院和麻省总医院助理教授李爱荣博士 Professor Gerald Stringfellow, University of Utah, Member of the National Academy of Engineering: Materials and Processes for Light Emitting Diodes 美国工程院院士 犹他大学 Gerald Stringfellow 教授 o Introduction: Rujie Sun, PhD, CAST-UT President 介绍者 : 中国旅美科技协会犹他分会会长孙儒杰博士 17:00 18:00:International Talent Exchange and Business Forum 国际人才交流与商业论坛 (Wyoming & Idaho Rooms) 18:00 19:00:Keynote Speeches Professor Lieping Chen, Yale University: Adaptive resistance: From a hypothesis to anti-pd- 1/PD-L1 cancer therapy 耶鲁大学医学院陈列平教授 o Introduction: Victor Pan, MD PhD, CAST-USA Vice President 介绍者 : 中国旅美科技协会总会副会长潘星华博士 Professor Xiang Zhang, Member of US National Academy of Engineering, University of California, Berkeley: Creating materials that do not exist in Nature 美国工程院院士 加州伯克利大学张翔教授 o Introduction: Fred Yan, CAST-GNY Vice President 介绍者 : 中国旅美科技协会大纽约分会副会长颜为民 19:00 20:30:Banquet and CAST-USA Excellence Award Presentation Yunming Song, Chairman of BOG, CAST-USA 中国旅美科技协会总会董事会主席宋云明 Co-organizer 协办 :Hangzhou A&C 杭州工美 ( 香港 ) 国际有限公司 Page 5

CAST-USA Award Excellence in Science Leadership, CAST-USA Award Excellence in Technology Management Leadership, CAST-USA Award Excellence in Technology Innovation Leadership 中国旅美科技协会年度大奖 : 科技创新卓越领袖奖 卓越科学家奖 科技企业管理卓越领袖奖 Dinner Speech 特邀嘉宾演讲 o Yili Ma, President, Shantou Overseas Friendship Association o Jianguo Duan, CEO, Beijing Century Development Technology Inc. Co., Ltd. o Brent Dover, President, Health Catalyst Saturday Oct 15, 2016 08:30 18:30:Registration Opens 报到 09:00 10:00:Keynote Speeches 主题报告 Bill Jiang, President Elect of CAST-USA 中国旅美科技协会总会候任会长蒋为民 Gary Herbert, Governor of Utah: US and China in Scientific Innovation International Collaboration & Entrepreneurship 美国犹他州州长 Gary Herbert Dr. Xuedong (XD) Huang, Distinguished Engineer and Chief Scientist of Speech at Microsoft Research: Speech and Natural Language Progress for Enterprise Artificial Intelligence 微软特级工程师 首席语音科学家黄学东博士 o Introduction: Yunming Song, PhD, Chairman of BOG, CAST-USA 介绍者 : 中国旅美科技协会总会董事会主席宋云明博士 10:00 18:30:Exhibition 展览 (Ballroom Reception) 10:00 10:15:Coffee Break 茶歇 10:15 12:15:Parallel Scientific Forums 专题论坛, 国际人才合作 Biomedical Sciences 生物医学 (Wyoming Room) o Moderator: Airong Li, PhD 主持人 : 李爱荣 o Dana Carroll, PhD: Genome Editing with Programmable Nucleases o Katharine Ullman, PhD: Building the Cell s Nucleus o Eric Huang, MD PhD: Brain Tumor: Big Data to Big Prospects o Gang Luo, PhD: Automating Machine Learning Model Building with Big Clinical Data o Christopher Reilly, PhD: Variations in Pulmonary Irritant Sensing and Drug Metabolism Pathways: An Opportunity for Personalized Asthma Care? Innovative Materials 材料创新 (Idaho Room) o Moderator: Rujie Sun, PhD 主持人 : 孙儒杰 o Qinghuang Lin, PhD: Nanoelectronics Manufacturing: Opportunities in Electronics Materials o Feng Liu, PhD: Introduction to Topological Materials o Heng Ban, PhD: Material Thermal Performance and Accident Tolerant Nuclear Fuel o Densen Cao, PhD: Dental Caries Co-organizer 协办 :Hangzhou A&C 杭州工美 ( 香港 ) 国际有限公司 Page 6

12:15 13:15:Lunch Break 午餐 13:15 13:45:Keynote Presentation 主题报告 Professor Zhonglin Wang, Georgia Institute of Technology, Foreign Member of the Chinese Academy of Science: From Micro Nano Energy to Blue Energy 中国科学院外籍院士 欧洲科学院院士 佐治亚理工学院王中林教授 o Introduction: Xiaoming Sheng, PhD, Former CAST-USA President 介绍者 : 中国旅美科技协会前任会长盛晓明博士 13:45 15:45:Innovation & Entrepreneurship Forum 创新创业大赛决赛, 国际人才合作 Startup Competition 创新创业大赛决赛 (Wyoming Room) Internal Talent Exchange 国际人才合作 (Idaho Room) 15:45 16:00:Coffee Break 茶歇 16:00 18:00:Parallel Scientific Forums 专题论坛, 国际人才合作 Information Technology 信息技术 (Wyoming Room) o Moderator: Jizhong Xiao, PhD 主持人 : 肖继忠 o Chris Johnson, PhD: Visualizing the Future of Biomedicine o Xue (Steve) Liu, PhD: When Bits meet Joules: A view from data center operations' perspective o Shelley Xu: Network can change the society, the big data can change the life o Yousuo Zou, PhD: A New Software Methodology for Scientific Discovery and Decision- Making Based-on Big Data o Clark Wu, PhD: China s first palm size ultrasound scanner, msonics Education Technology 教育技术 (Idaho Room) o 主持人 : 颜为民 o 池燕明 : 立思辰科技董事长 o 王翌 : 英语流利说 CEO/ 创始人 o 施京 :Learning Genie Inc. CEO/ 创始人 o 徐磊 :Emote 创始人 o 张尧 : 萝卜太辣创始人 / 首席执行官 o 卢中昌 : 大连理工大学副校长 18:00 18:30:Networking 社交 18:30 19:30:CAST-UT 20 th Anniversary 犹他分会二十周年庆典 Rujie Sun, President of CAST-UT 中国旅美科技协会犹他分会会长孙儒杰 Yousuo Zou, Founding President of CAST-UT 中国旅美科技协会犹他分会创会会长邹有所 20 th Anniversary Celebration and Awards of CAST-UT 犹他分会二十周年庆典 19:30 20:30:Banquet, Awards Ceremony, and Closing Remarks 晚宴, 颁奖典礼, 闭幕式 Howie Yu, Chairman of BOD, CAST-USA 中国旅美科技协会总会理事会主席于浩 CAST-USA Technology Innovation Awards, Young Elite Awards, and Outstanding Awards 旅美科协颁奖典礼 : 创新创业大赛, 优秀高中生奖, 杰出领袖 贡献与服务奖 Co-organizer 协办 :Hangzhou A&C 杭州工美 ( 香港 ) 国际有限公司 Page 7

Closing Remarks 闭幕致辞 o Zhixiong Chen, President of CAST-USA 中国旅美科技协会总会会长陈志雄 o Bill Jiang, President Elect of CAST-USA 中国旅美科技协会总会候任会长蒋为民 21:00 23:00:CAST-USA Work meeting 旅美科协工作会议 (Wyoming & Idaho Rooms) Sunday Oct 16, 2016 Touring Salt Lake City, Utah 盐湖城参观和考察 Convention Co organizer: HANGZHOU A&C (HONG KONG) INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD 大会协办 : 杭州工美 ( 香港 ) 国际有限公司 Founded in 1992, Hangzhou A&C is a leading garment manufacturer focusing on men s and ladies functional and casual wears: ski wears, jackets, pants, board shorts, and down jackets. We operate five professional garments factories with yearly output 1,500,000 pcs. Hangzhou A&C has the highest standards of quality and is proud to produce garments made for the world market. We have kept business relationships with department stores and brand companies all over the world: Quiksilver, Mizuno, Camel Active, OTTO, Gosport, Next, Rehall, Karstadt etc. With experienced teams of brand consultants, design developers, pattern makers, sample makers, and complete production managers, Hangzhou A&C is the one stop garment manufacturer for clients to create a successful product. Co-organizer 协办 :Hangzhou A&C 杭州工美 ( 香港 ) 国际有限公司 Page 8

Co-organizer 协办 :Hangzhou A&C 杭州工美 ( 香港 ) 国际有限公司 Page 9

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Co-organizer 协办 :Hangzhou A&C 杭州工美 ( 香港 ) 国际有限公司 Page 12

Co-organizer 协办 :Hangzhou A&C 杭州工美 ( 香港 ) 国际有限公司 Page 13

Keynote Speakers 主题演讲嘉宾 Thomas C. Südhof, MD Dr. Südhof is a Nobel Prize laureate, a member of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A., a member of the Institute of Medicine, and the Avram Goldstein Professor in Stanford University. Dr. Südhof studied medicine at the RWTH Aachen University, Harvard University, and then the University of Göttingen. He received his PhD in medical science (Dr. Med.) from the University of Göttingen. Since 1986 Dr. Südhof has been an investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Dr. Südhof is currently the Avram Goldstein Professor in Stanford University School of Medicine as well as a Professor of Molecular & Cellular Physiology, Psychiatry, and Neurology. Dr. Südhof has won many awards, including W. Alden Spencer Award, Wilhelm Feldberg Award, U.S. National Academy Award in Molecular Biology, MetLife Award, Bristol-Myers Squibb Award for Distinguished Achievement in Neuroscience Research, Bernhard Katz Award, Biophysical Society, Kavli Prize, Passano Foundation Award, Albert Lasker Award for Basic Medical Research and 2013 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Title: "Understanding synaptic transmission - yesterday, today, and tomorrow" 2013 年诺贝尔医学奖获得者 斯坦福大学 Thomas C. Südhof 教授 Thomas C. Südhof 教授, 美籍德国生物化学家, 以研究突触传递知名 Thomas 生于德国哥廷根 童年时光在哥廷根与汉诺威度过 年轻时曾学习过音乐, 尤其是巴松, 并于 1975 年毕业于汉诺威的瓦尔道夫音乐学校 他认为他的音乐老师 Herbert Tauscher 是对他 影响最大的老师 Thomas 先后在亚琛工业大学, 哈佛大学和哥廷根大学学习医学, 并在哥廷根的马克思 普朗克生物物理化学研究所攻读博士学位, 于 1982 年取得哥廷根大学医学博士学位 在马普所度过了短暂的博士后时光后,Thomas 于 1983 转去美国, 在德克萨斯大学卫生科学中心分子基因学系从事博士后研究工作 Thomas 于 1986 年完成了博士后研究工作并成为霍华德 休格斯医学研究所的科学家 他在德克萨斯大学西南 Co-organizer 协办 :Hangzhou A&C 杭州工美 ( 香港 ) 国际有限公司 Page 14

医学中心获得了独立实验室并在此工作了二十多年 2008 年,Thomas 转往斯坦福大学, 目前是该校医学院的阿芙兰姆 哥尔特 斯泰因讲席教授 自 1986 年以来,Thomas 博士的研究已经阐明了许多主要的蛋白介导突触前功能 2013 年, 他和理查德 舍勒分享了拉斯克基础医学奖 ; 同年又获得诺贝尔生理学和医学奖 Thomas 的夫人陈路来自中国江苏, 中国科大本科毕业, 美国南加州大学博士, 神经生物学家, 美国斯坦福大学神经外科学副教授 Gary R. Herbert, Governor of Utah Gary Richard Herbert (born May 7, 1947) is an American politician who is the 17th and current Governor of Utah. A member of the Republican Party, Herbert has served as Governor since August 2009. From July 2015 to July 2016, Herbert served as chair of the National Governors Association. Born in American Fork, Utah, Herbert served for two years as an LDS missionary in the eastern United States following his graduation from high school, then attended Brigham Young University and joined the Utah Army National Guard. After serving in the National Guard, Herbert began a career in real estate and opened his own firm. Herbert won a seat on the Utah County Commission in 1990, where he served 14 years. Herbert also served as presidents of the Utah Association of Counties and Utah Association of Realtors. After initially running for the Republican nomination for Governor in 2004, Herbert teamed up with ambassador and businessman Jon Huntsman as his running mate in the general election. Herbert was sworn in as Lieutenant Governor of Utah in 2005, serving one term until he assumed the governorship on August 11, 2009, following the resignation of Governor Huntsman, who was appointed to serve as the United States Ambassador to China by President Barack Obama. Herbert was elected to serve out the remainder of the term in a special election in 2010, and won election to a full four-year term in 2012. Gary Herbert 美国犹他州州长 Co-organizer 协办 :Hangzhou A&C 杭州工美 ( 香港 ) 国际有限公司 Page 15

Gary R. Herbert,2009 年 8 月至今担任犹他州州长, 为犹他州第 17 任州长 2015 年 7 月至 2016 年 7 月担任美国州长协会主席 Gary 出生在犹他州 American Fork, 高中毕业后在美国东部传教两年, 随后就读于杨百翰大学, 并加入了犹他国民警卫队 随后, 他开始从事房地产生意并成立了自己的公司 他从 1990 开始在犹他郡委员会任职, 直到 2004 年, 并担任过犹他郡协会和犹他房地产经纪人协会的主席 在参加犹他州 2004 年共和党州长候选人竞选时, 他成为了 Jon Huntsman 的州长竞选伙伴 Gary 于 2005 年就职犹他州副州长, 并在 Jon Huntsman 被奥巴马总统任命为美国驻中国大使后, 于 2009 年 8 月担任犹他州州长至今 Futao Chen, Minister Counselor Embassy of the P.R. China in the USA Mr. Futao Chen is currently Minister Counselor for Science & Technology at the Chinese Embassy in Washington D.C. He got a BS degree in solid state physics from Jilin University in 1985. Early in his professional career, he was Desk Officer and later Director for Asia and Africa, Director for America and Oceania at the Department of International Cooperation, State Science and Technology Commission of China. He then worked at Chinese Consulate General in San Francisco and Chinese Embassy in Sweden as Counselor for Science & Technology before he returned to China in 2004. Mr. Chen had served as Director General of China Science and Technology Exchange Center from 2005 to 2008. He later spent seven years from 2008 to 2015 in London as Minister Counselor for Science and Technology at the Chinese Embassy in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Mr. Chen is married with one son. Co-organizer 协办 :Hangzhou A&C 杭州工美 ( 香港 ) 国际有限公司 Page 16

Gerald Stringfellow, PhD Gerald Stringfellow is internationally known for his work in developing a particular class of semiconductors, critically important in the areas of fiber-optic communications systems and solar cells. He is also considered a pioneer in his work on light-emitting diodes in order to develop a more energy-efficient, longer-lasting light source. In 2001, Prof. Stringfellow was elected to the National Academy of Engineering, one of the most prestigious academic honors. In addition to many other awards, he has received the Humboldt U.S. Senior Science Award, the Utah Governor s Medal of Science, the International Crystal Growth Frank Prize and the Rosenblatt Prize, the highest honor awarded to a professor at the University of Utah. He is a fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and is an editor of the Journal of Crystal Growth. Stringfellow served as dean of the U s College of Engineering from 1998 to 2003, and twice served as chair of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering. He received his bachelor s degree in ceramic engineering from the University of Utah in 1964, and his master s and Ph.D. degrees in materials science from Stanford University. He was an engineer and project manager at Hewlett Packard Laboratories before joining the University faculty in 1980. Title: Materials and Processes for Light Emitting Diodes 美国工程院院士 犹他大学 Gerald Stringfellow 教授 Gerald Stringfellow 教授,IEEE 会士,Journal of Crystal Growth 杂志主编, 于 2001 年成为美国工程院院士, 他曾被授予洪堡美国高级科学奖项, 犹他州长科学奖和大学杰出科研奖等奖项 因研发了一类特殊的半导体材料而著名, 这类半导体材料在光纤通讯系统和太阳能电池中都非常重要 Stringfellow 教授也是研发发光二极管以便开发一种更高效持久的光源的先驱人物 Stringfellow 教授于 1964 年在犹他大学获得陶瓷工程专业学士学位, 在斯坦福大学获得材料科学专业硕士和博士学位, 他曾在惠普实验室担任工程师和项目经理, 于 1980 年加入犹他大学 1998 年到 2003 年担任犹他大学工学院院长, 并两度担任材料科学与工程系系主任 Co-organizer 协办 :Hangzhou A&C 杭州工美 ( 香港 ) 国际有限公司 Page 17

CAST USA Annual Awards 旅美科协年度大奖 CAST-USA Award Excellence in Technology Innovation Leadership: Dr. Lieping Chen and Dr. Zhonglin Wang 中国旅美科技协会科技创新卓越领袖奖陈列平博士 王中林博士 CAST-USA Award Excellence in Science Leadership: Dr. Xiang Zhang 中国旅美科技协会卓越科学家奖张翔博士 CAST-USA Award Excellence in Technology Management Leadership: Dr. Qi Lu 中国旅美科技协会科技企业管理卓越领袖奖陆奇博士 Lieping Chen, MD, PhD Professor of Immunobiology, Dermatology & Medicine Yale University School of Medicine Lieping Chen is a pioneer in cancer immunotherapy. In 1992, Dr. Chen did the first proof-of-concept study showing that manipulation of the B7-CD28 family molecules could be used for cancer immunotherapy by introducing B7-1 into tumor cells to enhance tumor immunity. This study inspires subsequent studies using antibodies targeting CTLA-4, one of the B7-CD28 family molecules, for the treatment of cancer. Dr. Chen co-discovered the PD-1/PD-L1 pathway and singularly established the PD-1/PD-L1 pathway as target for cancer immunotherapy in 1999-2002. He initiated the first-in-man clinical trial of anti-pd-1 antibody for treating human cancer in 2006 and developed PD-L1 staining as a biomarker to predict treatment outcome. Dr. Chen s studies have revolutionized cancer treatment. His discoveries directly led to the development of anti-pd-1/pd-l1 antibody therapy against broad spectrum of human cancers (first approved by FDA in 2014). Dr. Chen has published more than 300 papers, review, book chapters and edited two books. His work in discovery of the PD-1/PD-L1 pathway in cancer therapy was cited as the #1 breakthrough of the years by Science magazine (2013). He has received several awards and professional recognitions including William B. Coley Award (2014) and AAI-Steinman Award. Title: Adaptive resistance: From a hypothesis to anti-pd-1/pd-l1 cancer therapy Co-organizer 协办 :Hangzhou A&C 杭州工美 ( 香港 ) 国际有限公司 Page 18

耶鲁大学陈列平教授 陈列平博士是肿瘤免疫治疗的先驱者 1992 年, 他的研究开创了运用共刺激和共抑制分子增强肿瘤免疫反应并以此治疗癌症的全新理念 1999 年至 2002 年, 陈列平博士首次鉴定了 PD-1/PD-L1 免疫调节通路并首创了用抗体阻断 PD-1/PD-L1 通路治疗癌症的新方法 2006 年, 他发起并帮助组织了全球首次抗 PD-1 抗体治疗癌症的临床试验 他的科研团队还发现了其他多个免疫调控通路并运用于人类疾病治疗 陈博士的研究奠定了抗 PD-1/PD-L1 抗体用于治疗晚期癌症以及相关广谱抗癌新药研发的基础, 也促成了其他多个创新药物研发, 其中抗 4-1BB(CD137) 抗体 ( 治疗癌症 ) 已进入临床试验阶段 陈博士迄今已发表 300 多篇研究论文 综述及专著章节, 并主编了 2 本学术专著 他的研究工作 发现 PD-1/PD-L1 通路并运用于癌症治疗 被 科学 杂志评为 2013 年度重大科学突破之榜首 陈博士获得的学术荣誉包括 2013 年耶鲁大学 UTC 讲席教授,2014 年免疫学威廉 科利奖 (William B. Coley Award) 和 2016 年美国免疫学会斯坦曼奖 (AAI-Steinman Award) 题目 : 从理论假说到抗 PD-1/PD-L1 的实用性癌症治疗之路 Zhonglin Wang, PhD Dr. Zhong Lin (ZL) Wang received his PhD from Arizona State University in 1987. He now is the Hightower Chair in Materials Science and Engineering and Regents' Professor at Georgia Tech, and Director and Chief Scientist, Beijing Institute of Nanoenergy and Nanosystems, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing. Dr. Wang has made original and innovative contributions to the synthesis, discovery, characterization and understanding of fundamental physical properties of oxide nanobelts and nanowires, as well as applications of nanowires in energy sciences, electronics, optoelectronics and biological science. His discovery and breakthroughs in developing nanogenerators establish the principle and technological road map for harvesting mechanical energy from environment and biological systems for powering a personal electronics. Dr. Wang s publications have been cited for over 100,000 times. The H-index of his citations is 155. Dr. Wang was elected as a foreign member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2009, member of European Academy of Sciences in 2002, fellow of American Physical Society in 2005, fellow of AAAS in 2006, fellow of Materials Co-organizer 协办 :Hangzhou A&C 杭州工美 ( 香港 ) 国际有限公司 Page 19

Research Society in 2008, fellow of Microscopy Society of America in 2010, and fellow of the World Innovation Foundation in 2002. Title: Pioneering new energy technology- challenges, innovations and perspectives 中国科学院外籍院士 欧洲科学院院士 佐治亚理工学院王中林教授 王中林院士是佐治亚理工学院终身校董事讲席教授,Hightower 终身讲席教授, 化学系兼职教授和电机系兼职教授 王教授是首位中组部 千人计划 顶尖人才与团队入选者 他是中国科学院北京纳米能源与系统研究所首席科学家和首任所长 王教授是中国科学院外籍院士和欧洲科学院院士, 美国物理学会 fellow, 美国科学发展协会 (AAAS) fellow, 美国材料学会 fellow, 美国显微学会 fellow, 美国陶瓷学会 fellow 王教授已在国际一流刊物上发表了 1100 篇期刊论文,200 项专利,5 本专著和 20 余本编辑书籍和会议文集 他论文被引用的 H 因子 (h-index) 是 153 他是世界上在材料和纳米技术论文引用次数最多的前五位作者之一 王教授在当今世界最杰出的科学家排名榜上第 25 名 ( 王中林是国际公认的纳米科技领域领军人物, 在一维氧化物纳米结构制备 表征及其在能源技术 电子技术 光电子技术以及生物技术等应用方面均作出了原创性重大贡献 他发明了压电纳米发电机, 摩擦纳米发电机, 并首先提出了自驱动系统的概念, 为微纳电子系统的发展开辟了新途径 他开创了纳米结构压电电子学和压电光电子学研究的先河, 对纳米机器人 人 - 电界面 纳米传感器 医学诊断及光伏技术的发展具有里程碑意义 题目 : 探索新能源技术 挑战, 创新和展望 Co-organizer 协办 :Hangzhou A&C 杭州工美 ( 香港 ) 国际有限公司 Page 20

Xiang Zhang, PhD Xiang Zhang is the inaugural Ernest S. Kuh Endowed Chaired Professor at UC Berkeley and the Director of NSF Nano-scale Science and Engineering Center (NSEC). He is also the Director of Materials Science Division at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), as well as member of Kavli Energy Nano Science Institute. Professor Zhang is an elected member of US National Academy of Engineering (NAE), Academia Sinica (Taiwan), Foreign Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Fellow of four scientific societies: APS (The American Physical Society), OSA (The Optical Society of America), AAAS (The American Association for the Advancement of Science), and SPIE (The International Society of Optical Engineering). Professor Zhang received Ph.D. from UC Berkeley (1996) and MS from University of Minnesota and MS/BS from Nanjing University, China. He was an assistant professor at Pennsylvania State University (1996-1999), and associate professor and full professor at UCLA (1999-2004) prior joined Berkeley faculty in 2004. Professor Zhang s current research focused on materials physics, optical metamaterials and nano photonics. He has published more than 280 journal papers including over 75 publications in Science, Nature series, PNAS and Physical Review Letters. He has given over 300 Keynote, Plenary and Invited talks at international conferences and institutions. In 2008, Professor Zhang s research has been selected by Time Magazine as one of Top Ten Scientific Discoveries of the Year and 50 Best Inventions of the Year, Discover Magazine s Top 100 Science Stories in 2007, and R&D Magazine s top 25 the Most Innovative Products of 2006. His research was frequently featured by international media including BBC, CNN, ABC, New York Times, and Wall Street Journal. Title: Creating materials that do not exist in Nature 美国工程院院士 加州伯克利分校张翔教授 张翔, 出生于江苏南京,1985 年本科毕业于南京大学物理系,1988 年硕士毕业于南京大学物理系,1989 年赴美国留学,1996 年博士毕业于美国加州大学伯克利分校机械工程系 现任美国加州大学伯克利分校特级教授 (chancellor's professor) Co-organizer 协办 :Hangzhou A&C 杭州工美 ( 香港 ) 国际有限公司 Page 21

美国国家纳米科学中心主任, 他主持研制的隐身衣, 被美国 时代 杂志列入 2008 年十大科学发现 2010 年发明世界最小纳米激光器并当选美国国家工程院院士,2012 年受聘 南京大学校长人才工作顾问, 中央研究院 2012 年新增的 2 位中国大陆本科背景的院士之一 陆奇博士 微软集团全球执行副总裁 微软在线服务集团总裁 陆奇博士, 毕业于中国复旦大学计算机系, 获得学士 硕士学位 1987 年毕业后留校执教 1992 年陆奇留学美国卡内基梅隆大学 (CMU), 并于 1996 年 5 月毕业, 获得计算机科学博士学位, 并在 CMU 继续其博士后的研究工作 其博士导师为 Professor M. Satyanarayanan 其博士论文题目为 Improving Data Consistency in Mobile File Access Using Isolation-Only Transactions 随后加盟 IBM 公司的 Almaden 研究实验室, 工作两年 1998 年 8 月 17 号加盟雅虎, 十年间, 陆奇从一个普通工程师一步步的成长,2006 年 4 月 14 日, 陆奇被任命为雅虎的资深副总裁,2007 被再次提升为雅虎执行副总裁 2008 年 12 月, 加盟微软任执行副总裁, 担任微软 Bing 项目的负责人 作为微软在线业务部门总裁, 陆奇现在已是微软四大业务部门负责人之一, 掌管一支 3000 至 5000 多人的技术团队, 并直接向 CEO 萨蒂亚 纳德拉汇报 据称, 这是大陆华人在外资科技公司总部所任职位的最高级别 Speaker: Dr. Xuedong (XD) Huang Distinguished Engineer and Chief Scientist of Speech at Microsoft Research Xuedong XD Huang serves as Microsoft s chief speech scientist and leads Microsoft s Advanced Technology group, which includes Microsoft s world-wide Advanced Technology Labs in Egypt, Israel, and Germany. XD joined Microsoft to found the company s speech recognition team. Title: Speech and Natural Language Progress for Enterprise Artificial Intelligence Co-organizer 协办 :Hangzhou A&C 杭州工美 ( 香港 ) 国际有限公司 Page 22

Individual Sponsors 个体赞助者 Steve Huang Tri-College Alumni Coalition 三校校友联盟湖南新材料技术研究院 From Boston: Yongquan Fu( 付永全 ), 荣科科技股份有限公司 ( 辽宁, 沈阳 ) Kerong Zou( 邹克戎 ),Boston Open Labs Chunqi Li( 李春启 ),Hunter Biotech Ming Lei( 雷明 ),Joyvention Technologies Nissi Cui( 崔尼西 ),LNC International Management Airong Li( 李爱荣 ) Linyan He( 何林艳 ) Kevin Zhang( 张凤海 ) Corporate Sponsors 企业赞助者 Great Washington US-China Innovation Alliance 华盛顿中美创新联盟 Guangzhou Starway Communications Inc. 广州程星通信科技有限公司 Co-organizer 协办 :Hangzhou A&C 杭州工美 ( 香港 ) 国际有限公司 Page 23

Organizer 主办 中国旅美科技协会 CAST-USA Co-organizer 协办 Hangzhou A&C 杭州工美 香港 国际有限公司 Page 24

Scientific Forum: Biomedical Sciences Moderator: Airong Li, MD PhD Assistant Professor of Neurology, Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital. Dr. Li was trained in medical genetics through her graduate study at Oxford and a postdoctoral fellowship at Yale before joining the Harvard Faculty. Dr. Li has studied genes linked to human disease, including asthma, hypertension, ataxia telangiectasia, polycystic liver and kidney diseases, and her current research interests are focused on genes associated with Alzheimer's disease and heart function. Dr. Li is the recipient of a British Government for Overseas Research Student Award, a NIH National Research Service Award, an American Heart Association Scientist Development Award, and a Harvard Medical School Junior Faculty Award. Dr. Li is the Academic Director of the CAST-USA and the Vice President of the CAST- Greater Boston Chapter. Dana Carroll, PhD Distinguished Professor in the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Utah School of Medicine, and a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). He is a worldclass researcher renowned for his work on gene targeting. Dr. Carroll s lab was the first to develop ZFNs as gene targeting tools, and he has continued working with the more recent CRISPR/Cas9 and TALENs technologies on targeted mutagenesis and gene replacement. These gene editing technologies have now been applied to more than 80 different organisms, including current clinical trials in humans. Dr. Carroll has received a number of awards, including the 2012 Novitski Prize from the Genetics Society of America and the 2014 Herbert A. Sober Award from the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Title: Genome Editing with Programmable Nucleases Summary: The history of genome editing with targeted nucleases is relatively brief, but the advances have been stunning, providing powerful tools for intentional genetic manipulations. This talk will review some of that history, including ZFNs, TALENs and CRISPR. Remarkably, all these reagents do is make a targeted double-strand break in Co-organizer 协办 :Hangzhou A&C 杭州工美 ( 香港 ) 国际有限公司 Page 25

genomic DNA. Everything that follows including mutagenesis by NHEJ, sequence replacement by HDR, and more complex outcomes depends on cellular activities and our ability to bend those to our advantage. Mention will be made of how the programmable nucleases can be used in a variety of arenas, and an example of an approach to human therapy will be discussed. Katharine Ullman, PhD Professor in the Department of Oncological Sciences in the Huntsman Cancer Institute and the Associate Dean of the Graduate School at the University of Utah. She has been a Program Leader in the HCI Cancer Center for nine years and her research interests are focused on nuclear architecture and the coordination of cell division. Her past recognitions include a Burroughs Wellcome Career Award, a Leukemia & Lymphoma Scholar award, and a Faculty Mentor of the Year award from the NIH-Sponsored Bridges to the Professoriate Program. Title: Building the Cell s Nucleus Summary: Genetic alteration of lamins and nuclear membrane proteins can lead to a range of clinical problems, including muscular dystrophy. Within each cell, genomic DNA is enclosed by a membrane barrier that forms the outer perimeter of the nucleus. With each cell division, the mammalian cell nucleus is completely disassembled and then reassembled around the newly segregated chromosomes in a remarkably rapid timeframe. Many steps need to be coordinated in order to correctly reform nuclear architecture. One such coordinated step occurs following separation of the two masses of chromosomes destined for each daughter cell, when microtubules that comprise the mitotic spindle the structure that drives chromosome segregation need to be disconnected from chromosomes in coordination with membrane enclosure. This talk will discuss the key determinants of the cellular machinery of chromosome segregation and membrane enclosure process as well as emerging roles for a nuclear pore protein in nuclear assembly. Co-organizer 协办 :Hangzhou A&C 杭州工美 ( 香港 ) 国际有限公司 Page 26

Eric Huang, MD PhD Investigator in the Huntsman Cancer Institute and Associate Professor of the Department of Neurosurgery and the Department of Oncological Sciences in the University of Utah School of Medicine. He is best known worldwide for his important contributions to the understanding of adaptive responses to low oxygen tension in physiology and cancer biology, especially in the areas of oxygen signaling and the effect on cell proliferation. In recent years his research interest has broadened to the study of brain tumors. Title: Brain Tumor: Big Data to Big Prospects Summary: Malignant gliomas, the most common primary brain tumors in adults, are aggressive, invasive, and neurologically destructive. Among them, the most advanced grade, glioblastoma, has a median survival ranging from 9 to 12 months. To advance the understanding of molecular pathways that drive glioblastoma, the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) Research Network was established to assess the value of large-scale multidimensional analysis of high-throughput genomic data of glioblastoma. This talk will discuss about a wealth of information that TCGA have produced, resulting in translation of new knowledge and understanding into molecular classification, precision prognostics, and eventually better treatment of glioma patients. Gang Luo, PhD A faculty member in the Department of Biomedical Informatics and Medical Education of the University of Washington School of Medicine. He received a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science minor in Mathematics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His research interests include health/clinical informatics, big data, information retrieval, database systems, and machine learning with a focus on health applications. He invented the first method for automatically explaining prediction/classification results for any machine learning model without degrading accuracy, the questionnaire-guided intelligent medical search engine imed, intelligent personal health record, and SQL and compiler progress indicators. Title: Automating Machine Learning Model Building with Big Clinical Data Summary: Predictive modeling is fundamental to extracting value from large clinical data sets, or big clinical data, advancing clinical research, and improving healthcare. Co-organizer 协办 :Hangzhou A&C 杭州工美 ( 香港 ) 国际有限公司 Page 27

Predictive modeling can facilitate appropriate and timely care by forecasting an individual s health risk, clinical course, or outcome. Machine learning is a major approach to predictive modeling but two factors make its use in healthcare challenging. First, before training a model, the user of a machine learning software tool must manually select a machine learning algorithm and set one or more model parameters termed hyperparameters. Second, most machine learning models are complex and give no explanation of prediction results. Nevertheless, explanation is essential for a learning healthcare system. To automate machine learning model building with big clinical data, we are currently developing a multitasking software system. To automate machine learning model building with big clinical data, we are currently developing a software system that can perform the following tasks in a pipeline automatically: (a) select effective machine learning algorithms and hyper-parameter values to build predictive models; (b) explain prediction results to healthcare researchers; and (c) suggest tailored interventions. This talk will discuss the design, initial implementation and some preliminary results of this new software system. Christopher Reilly, PhD Associate Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology and Associate- Director of the Center for Human Toxicology at the University of Utah College of Pharmacy. Dr. Reilly also holds adjunct appointments in the Departments of Anesthesiology and Pediatrics, University of Utah School of Medicine. Dr. Reilly s research interests include bioanalytical mass spectrometry, mechanisms of drug metabolism and its relationships to adverse drug responses and therapeutic outcomes, pulmonary irritant sensing via TRP ion channels and its relationship to pulmonary diseases, treatment of pain, and personalized medicine. Title: Variations in Pulmonary Irritant Sensing and Drug Metabolism Pathways: An Opportunity for Personalized Asthma Care? Summary: Asthma is a complex and heterogeneous disease. People with asthma differ in sensitivity to environmental triggers and therapeutic response to medications. This presentation will highlight recent advances in our understanding of the relationships between genetic variations in sensory ions channels, transient receptors potential ankyrin- 1 (TRPA1) and vanilloid-1 (TRPV1), which are important targets of environmental particulate pollutants and inhaled irritants, cytochrome P450 enzymes (CYP3A4 and 3A5), which metabolically clear glucocorticoids from the lung and systemic circulation, Co-organizer 协办 :Hangzhou A&C 杭州工美 ( 香港 ) 国际有限公司 Page 28

and asthma severity/treatment success. Further, a novel technology for longitudinally monitoring asthma symptom severity/control as a function of genotype, medication choice and use, and environmental exposures for the purpose of personalizing and improving asthma care outcomes will be described. Scientific Forum: Innovative Materials Moderator: Rujie Sun, PhD President of CAST-UT Co-chair of 24th CAST-USA Annual Convention Qinghuang Lin, PhD Dr. Qinghuang Lin is a senior manager and a Research Staff Member, at IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, New York. He received his B.E. and M.S. degrees from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China and his Ph.D. degree from the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor. He was a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Texas at Austin prior to joining IBM. An IBM Master Inventor, Dr. Lin holds 90 granted US patents. He is the editor or co-editor of 6 books and 9 conference proceedings volumes and the author and co-author of over 70 technical papers. He is an Associate Editor of Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS and served as a Guest Editor of Journal of Materials Research focus issue on self-assembly and directed assembly of advanced materials. In 2002, Dr. Lin, along with colleagues, received an IBM Research Division Achievement Award for invention, development and implementation of 248nm bilayer resist technology in manufacturing. This IBM bilayer resist technology was also part of the 40 years of innovations in semiconductor technology that won IBM 2004 US National Medal of Technology. In 2015, Dr. Lin, along with colleagues, received an IBM Research Division Outstanding Achievement Award for Spin Torque Magnetic Random Access Memory (MRAM). Co-organizer 协办 :Hangzhou A&C 杭州工美 ( 香港 ) 国际有限公司 Page 29

In 2014, Dr. Lin was named a Fellow of the American Chemical Society (ACS Fellow). In 2015, he was named a Fellow of the Division of Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering (PMSE), American Chemical Society (PMSE Fellow). A member of AAAS, ACS, IEEE, MRS, SPIE and New York Academy of Sciences, Dr. Lin is also a member of two engineering honor societies: Tau Beta Pi and Alpha Sigma Mu. Dr. Lin is active in promoting scientific exchanges between scientists, technologists and innovators in China and the US. Title: Nanoelectronics Manufacturing: Opportunities in Electronics Materials IBM Thomas J. Watson 研究中心研究员林庆煌博士 林庆煌博士, 美国 IBM Thomas J. Watson 研究中心研究员 IBM 发明大师 美国化学会高分子材料协会会士 1980 年考入清华大学化学工程系高分子专业, 分别于 1985 年和 1988 获得学士学位和硕士学位 ;1990 年进入美国密歇根大学材料系学习, 于 1994 年获博士学位 ;1995 年在美国得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校化工系 C. Grant Wilson 院士的研究组进行博士后工作 ;1995 年底, 林博士进入美国 IBM 公司工作至今 多年来, 林庆煌博士热心促进中美高端学术交流 2008 年, 他共同创办 中国国际半导体技术大会, 并于 2012 年 2013 年担任大会主席 2012 年, 他发起并与中国化学会高分子委员会共同创办高端 中美高分子前沿论坛, 至今已轮流在中美连续举行四届 林博士现担任美国化学会高分子材料协会当选主席 据了解, 他是美国化学会高分子材料协会成立九十年来, 第一位华人当选主席 林庆煌博士从事半导体研究近二十年, 是半导体芯片行业的知名专家, 应邀任中国集成电路材料产业技术创新战略联盟特聘专家 林博士拥有 75 项已受权美国专利, 另外还有约 70 项待受权美国专利, 他是 23 项 IBM 杰出发明成就奖的获得者 林博士已发表学术论文 60 余篇, 编辑出版专著 6 部, 学术会议论文集 9 部 他是国际学术期刊 Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS 的副主编和 Journal of Materials Research 的客座主编 2002 年, 林博士因发明 开发并实施 248 纳米双层光刻胶技术, 获 IBM 技术成就奖 这项技术突破作为四十年来 IBM 对世界半导体行业的主要技术贡献之一, 获得 2004 年美国国家技术勋章 林博士发明的技术被广泛用于生产制造高端服务器和流行手机中的尖端芯片 Co-organizer 协办 :Hangzhou A&C 杭州工美 ( 香港 ) 国际有限公司 Page 30

Feng Liu, PhD Feng Liu, Professor and Chair, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Utah. Fellow, American Physical Society. Divisional Associate Editor, Physical Review Letters. Recipient of Senior Humboldt Award and Australia International Professorial Fellow. Liu s research interests lie in nanomaterials, most recently in graphene and two-dimensional topological insulators, and computational materials physics. He is also a co-founder of two start-up companies. Title: Introduction to Topological Materials Heng Ban, PhD Heng Ban is a Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Utah State University (USU). He is the founding Director of Thermohydraulics and Materials Properties Center and lead the research and education effort at USU. His research focuses on thermophysical properties of materials, especially the effect of irradiation on thermal conductivity, and development of measurement technologies for laboratory, hot cell and in pile applications. Ban has won many teaching and advising awards, and he is innovative in integrating research and education. Ban is active in professional societies, especially the thermophysical property research community. He is a fellow of ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) and past chair of the Materials Science and Technology Division of ANS (American Nuclear Society) He organized international conferences and provided leadership in professional committees. B.S. (1985), Tsinghua University M.S. (1988), University of Science and Technology of China Ph.D. (1994), University of Kentucky Title: Material Thermal Performance and Accident Tolerant Nuclear Fuel Co-organizer 协办 :Hangzhou A&C 杭州工美 ( 香港 ) 国际有限公司 Page 31

Densen Cao, PhD Densen Cao, PhD, is founder and CEO of the CAO Group, Inc. (CAO) located in West Jordon, UT. CAO engages in development, manufacturing, marketing and sales of products in Medical, Dental, Veterinary, Forensic, and LED lighting. In the past 16 years, he led the company organically grown into a global company. CAO has created many innovative technologies and products in engaged fields to serve its global customers. The notable technologies developed by CAO include LED dental curing lights, compact diode surgical lasers, advanced teeth whitening strips, LED forensic lights, and 360 degree LED lighting sources. Easier, Faster, and Better is CAO s commitments to provide products and services to its customers. He is the inventor of more than 160 issued and pending patents and published more than 20 technical papers. He holds PhD, MS in Materials Science and Engineering from University of Utah and MS, BS in Optoelectronics from Jilin University of China. Title: Dental Caries Scientific Forum: Information Technology Moderator: Jizhong Xiao, PhD Dr. Jizhong Xiao is Professor and EE PhD program advisor at the Department of Electrical Engineering of the City College, City University of New York (CCNY/CUNY City College), as well as a doctoral faculty member of the Ph.D. program in Computer Science at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY Graduate Center). He is a senior member of IEEE. 肖继忠教授于 2002 年毕业于密西根洲立大学, 获得博士学位 同年受聘于纽约城市大学城市学院电机工程系, 目前任职为终身教授, 并担任纽约城市大学研究生院工程学专业和计算机科学专业的博士生导师 肖继忠教授是国际电子与电器工程学会高级会员, 中国旅美科技协会总会副会长 ( 学术交流 ), 2013~2014 年度大纽约 Co-organizer 协办 :Hangzhou A&C 杭州工美 ( 香港 ) 国际有限公司 Page 32

分会会长, 现任大纽约分会理事会主席 (2015~) 他多次担任美国国家科学基金会和美国国防部等机构的科研项目评审专家 Chris Johnson, PhD Chris R. Johnson is a Distinguished Professor of Computer Science and founding director of the Scientific Computing and Imaging (SCI) Institute at the University of Utah. He also holds faculty appointments in the Departments of Physics and Bioengineering. He holds appointments in the Departments of Physics and Bioengineering. His research interests are in the areas of scientific computing and scientific visualization. In 1992, Dr. Johnson founded the SCI research group, now the SCI Institute, which has grown to to employ over 200 faculty, staff and students. Professor Johnson serves on a number of international journal editorial and advisory boards to national and international research centers. He is a Fellow of AIMBE (2004), AAAS (2005), SIAM (2009), and IEEE (2014). He received a Young Investigator s (FIRST) Award from the NIH in 1992, the NSF National Young Investigator (NYI) Award in 1994, the NSF Presidential Faculty Fellow (PFF) award from President Clinton in 1995, a DOE Computational Science Award (1996), the Presidential Teaching Scholar Award (1997), the Governor s Medal for Science and Technology from Utah Governor Michael Levitt, the Utah Cyber Pioneer Award, the IEEE Visualization Career Award, IEEE IPDPS Charles Babbage Award and the IEEE Sidney Fernbach Award, and the University of Utah s most prestigious faculty award, the Rosenblatt Prize. Title: Visualizing the Future of Biomedicine Abstract: Computers are now extensively used throughout science, engineering, and medicine. Advances in computing allow researchers to build and test models of increasingly complex phenomena and thus to generate unprecedented amounts of data. These advances have created the need to make corresponding progress in our ability to understand large amounts of data and information arising from multiple sources. In fact, to effectively understand and make use of the vast amounts of information being produced is one of the greatest scientific challenges of the 21st Century. Visual computing, which relies on and takes advantage of, the interplay among techniques of visualization, large-scale computing, data management, and imaging, is fundamental to understanding models of complex phenomena, which are often multi-disciplinary in nature. In this talk, I will provide examples of visual computing as applied to important Co-organizer 协办 :Hangzhou A&C 杭州工美 ( 香港 ) 国际有限公司 Page 33

problems in biomedicine and discuss solving important research and clinical problems in neuroscience, cardiology, and genetics. Xue (Steve) Liu, PhD Xue (Steve) Liu is a William Dawson Scholar and an Associate Professor in the School of Computer Science at McGill University. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science (with multiple distinctions) from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He received his Master's degree in Automatic Control and BSc in Mathematics, both from Tsinghua University. He has also worked as the Samuel R. Thompson Chaired Associate Professor in the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and at HP Labs in Palo Alto, California. His research interests are in computing systems and communication networks, cyberphysical systems, big data processing and applications, and smart energy technologies. His research appeared in top computer science and engineering venues including Mobicom, Infocom, AAAI, ICNP, S&P (Oakland), RTSS, RTAS, ICCPS, WWW, KDD, ICDE etc, and received several best paper awards. He is a recipient of the Outstanding Young Canadian Computer Science Researcher Prize from the Canadian Association of Computer Science, and a recipient of the Tomlinson Scientist Award from McGill University. Title: When Bits meet Joules: A view from data center operations' perspective Abstract: The past decade has witnessed the rapid advancement and great success of information technologies. At the same time, new energy technologies including the smart grid and renewables have gained significant momentum. Now we are in a unique position to enable the two technologies to work together and spark new innovations. In this talk, we will use data center as an example to illustrate the importance of the co-design of information technologies and new energy technologies. Specifically, we will focus on how to design cost-saving power management strategies for Internet data center operations. We will conclude the discussion with future work and directions. 题目 : 当比特与焦耳相遇 : 从数据中心运营的视角看能耗管理摘要 : 在过去的二十年中我们看到了信息科技的飞速发展和巨大成功 与此同时, 新能源技术, 包括智能电网和可再生能源等新兴技术也获得了迅猛的发展和普及 我们正处在一个重要的历史关头, 有契机将信息科技和新能源技术融合在一起 Co-organizer 协办 :Hangzhou A&C 杭州工美 ( 香港 ) 国际有限公司 Page 34

以激发新的创新和应用 在这次演讲分享中, 我们以运营互联网数据中心为例来说明把信息科技和新能源技术一起设计的重要性和随之带来的机遇 具体而言, 我们将重点放在如何将两种技术融合来设计新颖和有效的互联网数据中心的能耗管理策略 Shelley Xu Xu Lai, Senior Information and Data Scientist of World Bank, Director of Big Data Sharing Platform, World Bank Vice President Award Winner, and the United States White House Chief Information Technology Officer nomination awards. During the 30 years of service in the World Bank, she has been appointed by the World Bank to China, Mongolia, Angola and other countries to participate in the technical and economic evaluation of the United Nations assistance projects to developing countries. In recent years, she presided over and participated in a number of World Bank s major data analysis projects. She has been invited to provide technical guidance and training to information processing executives of central banks, NASA, the US municipal government, and coordianted information collection and analysis efforts in the United States Central financial institutions and the national core institutions. Title: Network can change the society, the big data can change the life Abstract: What is World Bank Group? What does it do? How can big data help the developing countries? How will artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning change our life? 徐来, 世界银行高级信息及数据科学家 大数据分享平台主管, 世界银行副总裁奖获得者, 并得到美国白宫首席信息技术官员提名嘉奖 在世界银行服务的三十年里, 多次受世界银行委派, 赴中国 蒙古 安哥拉等国参与联合国对发展中国家援助项目的技术与经济评估工作 近年来主持并参与世界银行多个大数据分析重大项目, 多次受邀对各国中央银行 美国太空总署 美国市政府等在内的信息处理高管人员进行技术指导和培训, 协同对全美中央金融机构和国家核心机构进行信息搜集与分析 徐来女士和她的团队凭借坚实的知识和技术, 在超量信息和大数据的搜集 整理分析 数据库建设方面做出了卓越的贡献, 得到了联合国和世界金融机构以及相关国家政府的充分认可和嘉奖 最近几年, 她在国际比较项目 数据搜索和共享 全球 Co-organizer 协办 :Hangzhou A&C 杭州工美 ( 香港 ) 国际有限公司 Page 35

金融包括性 社会保障的韧性和公平指标及其相关的可持续性能源项目等开发和分析方面连续获得多项世界银行副总裁奖, 并得到白宫首席信息技术官员提名嘉奖 题目 : 网络可以改变社会, 数据可以改变生活 Yousuo Zou, PhD University of Guam Ph.D. in Computational Engineering & Sciences (CES), 1996, University of Utah-Salt Lake City, UT Visiting Full-Professor at Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing since 2004. About 100 research papers published or presented at national/international journals or conferences. WORK EXPERIENCE: 2005 Present: Associate Professor of Computer Science, University of Guam, Mangilao, GU, USA 2003 2006: Full-Professor of Computer Science & Director/Dean of China-ASEAN Environmental Research Center, Guangxi University of Science and Technology, China 2001 2003: Associate Professor of Computer & Information Sciences, University of M. H. Baylor, TX 1999 2001: Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Texas State University-Sul Ross, Alpine, TX. 1997 1999: Software Engineer, Computer Task Group-IBM, Salt Lake City, UT & Dallas, TX 1985 1996: Research Assistant Professor (1985 1990), Research Associate Professor (1991 1996), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Atmospheric Physics- Beijing, China 1982 1985: Research Engineer, Environmental Engineering, China Institute of Atomic Energy-Beijing Title: A New Software Methodology for Scientific Discovery and Decision-Making Based-on Big Data 邹有所 ( 美国关岛大学 ) Co-organizer 协办 :Hangzhou A&C 杭州工美 ( 香港 ) 国际有限公司 Page 36

邹博士 1978 年考入南京大学大气物理专业,1982 年获理学士学位, 后在中国科学院大气物理研究所和原子能研究所工作和学习, 获理学硕士学位 先后在国内任助理工程师 工程师 助理研究员和副研究员 他 1990 年赴美国夏威夷大学进修学习,1996 年获美国 Utah 大学计算工程和计算科学博士学位 此后他先后担任美国 CTG 计算机集团公司电脑工程师, 美国 Texas 州立大学计算机科学助理教授 美国 M. H. Baylor 大学计算机副教授和美国关岛大学计算机和环境科学终身教授 受导师廖国男院士邀请, 邹博士作为美国加州大学洛杉基分校的访问科学家和廖院士团队的一员, 与 UCLA 有着密切的合作关系 经过 30 多年的创新创业, 邹有所博士已在计算机应用 环境保护 等离子体物理 高性能计算 软件发展 教育技术等领域中取得了 6 项国际领先的科研和技术成果, 并计划通过他的蓝色太平洋科技公司和其它平台, 进一步深化创新创业, 把科技成果转化为经济效益和生产力 题目 : 利用大数据进行科学发现和科学决策的计算机软件方法新论 Clark Wu, PhD Dr. Wu studied ultrasonic imaging from 1999 through 2005 at the University of Rochester. The shear wave interference method is widely adapted by the industry till now. He was awarded by the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine with the New Investigator Award in 2004. From 2005 through 2010, Dr. Wu served General Electric as an ultrasound systems engineer. During that time, he designed LogiqE9 scanner, which is GE s flagship ultrasound unit. From 2010 through 2013, Dr. Wu has been an assistant professor at the University of California at San Diego. He is also in charge of the ultrasound molecular imaging lab at the Moors cancer center in San Diego. In 2015, Dr. Wu was recognized as one of the Top Talent by the National 1000plan. He founded Lonshine Technology in Suzhou, China. This company developed China s first palm size ultrasound scanner, msonics. msonics is currently approved by the Chinese FDA and it is in clinical sales. It is particularly useful for the family doctors in the rural areas. Title: China s first palm size ultrasound scanner, msonics 吴哲博士于 1999-2005 年就读于罗切斯特大学电子工程系, 主攻超声弹性成像及超声多普勒血流成像, 超声三维成像 其中开创剪切波干涉法弹性成像的文章在业界被广泛引用至今 一项由此技术衍生的弹性成像专利被通用电气公司采用 2004 Co-organizer 协办 :Hangzhou A&C 杭州工美 ( 香港 ) 国际有限公司 Page 37

年被美国超声医学学会 (AIUM) 授予唯一年度最佳新科学家奖 (New Investigator Award) 2005-2010 年任通用电气超声业务总部系统工程师, 作为 GE 超声旗舰产品 LogiqE9 彩色多普勒和弹性成像部分的负责人, 同时主管 GE 超声在中国市场上的技术培训 多次赴欧洲, 东南亚以及中国大陆主持产品临床测试 2010 年至 2013 年于美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校放射科任助理教授, 博士生导师 主持该系的超声基础科研, 并担任该校癌症研究中心分子影像学超声实验室主任 2015 年入选第十二批国家千人计划人才引进到创立朗昇科技 吴哲博士带领团队研发的 掌声 微型超声扫描仪填补来了国内空白, 让超声影像学得以深入基层, 成为家庭医生的有力初诊工具 题目 : 中国第一家微型超声扫描仪 掌声 Scientific Forum: Education Technology 颜为民 ( 论坛主持人 )Principle Analyst, ETS 现任旅美科协纽约分会 Senior Vice President 就职于 Educational Testing Service 研发部任 Principal Research Data Analyst, 长期从事各种与考试相关的数据分析工作, 曾开发诊断式评分报告软件 (Diagnostic Score Report) 天津大学工程力学专业学士 ;Pennsylvania State University 土木工程系硕士, 计算流体力学专业方向 ; 并在 NJIT 修满计算机硕士课程 同时担任美洲中国工程师学会大纽约分会理事, 天津大学 ( 北洋大学 ) 北美校友会会长 池燕明 : 立思辰科技董事长 1990 年毕业于清华大学精密仪器系学士学位,2005 年获清华大学 EMBA 学位 1999 年创办北京立思辰科技股份有限公司, 并与 2009 年成功成为首批登录创业板的上市企业 立思辰教育以 激发 成就亿万青少年 为己任, 用互联网的手段发现 激发亿万青少年独特潜质, 让他们重拾童年快乐时光, 展现每个人独特个性 旗下的康帮科技, 敏特教育覆盖 3 万所中国的中小学 Co-organizer 协办 :Hangzhou A&C 杭州工美 ( 香港 ) 国际有限公司 Page 38

施京 :Learning Genie Inc. CEO/ 创始人 2000 级清华电子系毕业 2006 年获取了内布拉斯加 - 林肯大学工程博士 创办 Learning Genie 之前, 在 Oracle 工作 拥有 10 项美国专利 Learning Genie 公司是一个针对幼儿教育, 儿童档案分析和评估的跨平台数据收集和分析的工具平台 在美国高速增长, 现有美国各州 3000 所幼儿园 包含各大学区 以及 Headstart 等机构用户 通过智能的方法, 辅助教师做儿童的全面评估, 发现儿童特长, 实现个性化教育 徐磊 :Emote 创始人 Lei is the co-founder of Emote, a YC S16 company. Emote is a K- 12 school-wide collaboration that helps schools catch student behavior problems early. Prior to founding Emote, Lei built recommendation algorithms and data visualization platforms at Google in Mountain View and London; he was also a management consultant. Lei graduated top of his class from UC Berkeley with dual degrees in Industrial Engineering and Economics. Emote is a school-wide collaboration tool, where anyone (e.g. receptionist, teacher, admin, parent, student) can share and discuss student social, emotional and behavioral observations. We convert this communication into real-time. 王翌 : 英语流利说 CEO/ 创始人 英语流利说 是一款好玩又有效的英语口语学习应用, 让你 忍不住开口说英语, 帮你真正摆 哑巴英语! 2013 年 Y-Combinator 项目 累计用户 3000 万人, 获 GGV,IDG 千万美金的风险投资 Co-organizer 协办 :Hangzhou A&C 杭州工美 ( 香港 ) 国际有限公司 Page 39

张尧 : 萝卜太辣创始人 & 首席执行官 张尧, 萝卜太辣创始人 & 首席执行官, 哥伦比亚大学教育经济学博士,FIRST 机器人竞赛世界冠军总决赛特邀演讲嘉宾 曾就职于麦肯锡咨询 索罗斯基金会等 ; 在教育创新领域的杰出工作曾获得美国国务院 Best 10 Global Citizen Service Award ; 是 NSFA GIC 等顶级教育研究与评估协会的演讲嘉宾, 为美国最重要的教育评估与创新智库 Hechinger Institute 特邀专栏作者, 国际数学建模大赛冠军 2016 年, 张尧入选 2016 年全球青年领袖 (Young Global Leader) 2016 年五月, 张尧被授予担任联合国创新大使 -innovation ambassador, 切实推动了 The Next Big Human Project 的国际协作, 并在 World Summit On Innovation and Entrepreneurship 大会闭幕上做关于 人和科技 的主题演讲 Yao Zhang Yao is originally from Shanxi, China. She received her BBA from Central University of Finance & Economics and PhD from Columbia University. Yao has worked in McKinsey consulting firm, Solons Foundation, etc. She has done outstanding work in the education innovation field, and she has been awarded the Best 10 Global Citizen Service Award by the USA State Council. She is also the guest speaker at the NAFSA, GIC education study and evaluation association, and the invited column author of the most important education think tank in the US, the Hechinger Institute. She also won the Champion of the international math modeling competition. In the year of 2016, Yao was selected to be the Young Global Leader. In May 2016, Yao has been awarded innovation ambassador by United Nations for her extraordinary contribution in education and technology. She also pushed forward the international cooperation of the Next Big human project. Yao then gave a speech regarding to Human and technology in World summit on Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Co-organizer 协办 :Hangzhou A&C 杭州工美 ( 香港 ) 国际有限公司 Page 40

卢中昌 : 大连理工大学副校长 Dalian University of Technology (DUT) No. 2 Linggong Rd, Hi-Tech Zone, Dalian, 116024, NO.2 Dagong Road, New District of Liaodong Bay, Panjin City, Liaoning, P. R. China Email Fax (86)411-84707983 (86)427-2631967 Tel (86)411-84708312 (86)427-2631967 2013- present Vice President, Dalian University of Technology Director of Panjin Campus, Dalian University of Technology 2006-2013 Vice President, Dalian University of Technology 2003-2006 Assistant to President, Dalian University of Technology 2002-2003 Deputy Dean, Graduate School, Dalian University of Technology 卢中昌, 教授, 男, 管理学硕士学位, 现任大连理工大学副校长兼盘锦校区管委会主任, 中国高教学会高教管理研究会副理事长 ; 曾任大连理工大学校长助理, 研究生院副院长, 校科技处处长, 教育部直属高校工作办公室副主任 ( 挂职 ) 等职务 Young Elite Award 优秀高中生奖 优秀高中生奖 (Young Elite Award) 是旅美科协年会今年新添加的一个项目, 本奖项主要针对 9 到 12 年级的学生, 旨在激励和帮助旅美科协会员子女保持学习成绩优异, 开发领导力, 激发对科技的兴趣和增强社区服务意识 同时也给予他们在华人社区增加影响力的机会 这些全面发展的技能将有助于他们在这个竞争日益激烈的全球化市场上保持领导地位 旅美科协将邀请来自各行各业的专业人士对申请人进行评价打分, 以最终确定获奖人 评价标准包括优异的学习成绩, 杰出领导力和社区服务等 Awardees: Grace Cao, Alexander Cheng, Darrell Cheng, Julia Fu, Amanda Jiang, Christina Lei, Weiran Lyu, Joyce Sheng, Annie Yun, Megan Zeng Co-organizer 协办 :Hangzhou A&C 杭州工美 ( 香港 ) 国际有限公司 Page 41

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition 创新创业大赛评委介绍 薄智泉 James Bo 科技创新和创业大赛 薄先生是博欧士公司 速创园 速创园地产创始人和总裁, 旅美科协 DC 理事长 多个创业大赛的策划组织者, 数十家创新企业的创业导师或董事 邱启裕博士 武汉德诺美生物医药股份有限公司董事长, 曾在加拿大麦吉尔大学附属皇家维多利亚医院癌症研究中心, 美国药物资源有限公司, 及 Otsuka Maryland 医学研究中心担任资深科学家和医学顾问 近 16 年来, 一直致力于肿瘤的精准靶向药的研究与开发, 在 Clinical cancer research, Prostate, Am J. cancer research 等国际著名杂志发表专业文章 50 余篇 邱启裕博士是湖北省特聘专家和湖北省百人计划获得者 张佩和 Henry Zhang 张佩和先生, 是恒元鼎盛投资公司的创始人和总裁 清华 x-lab 导师和驻场天使 校友会投资协会副秘书长 王正先 Jason Wang 医疗健康系统集成专家, 云与大数据平台技术专家, 信息与医学健康新技术风险投资咨询专家. 十五年美国大型企业信息系统的项目管理, 方案咨询, 系统整合和技术研发经验 两家美国新技术公司的创始人 Co-organizer 协办 :Hangzhou A&C 杭州工美 ( 香港 ) 国际有限公司 Page 42

吴盛楠博士 Shane Wu 在数据分析和系统优化领域具有 10 余年的产品研发和团队管理经验 他现领导商业分析和决策优化部, 任总监级总经理, 对首席运营官 (COO) 负责, 全面承担公司的资源 运营和市场的优化工作, 致力于为其打造新一代的智能决策系统和数字信息生态环境 蔡路凯博士 毕业于清华大学计算机系,2004 获得加州大学尔湾分校博士学位 蔡路凯现在就职与美国高通公司, 从事芯片系统级虚拟平台的开发和领导工作, 担任高级资深工程师 / 经理 蔡路凯博士 2010-2011 年其间担任旅美科协圣地亚哥分会会长,2013-2016 年担任旅美科协总会副会长 郭勇 旅美科协全国总会副会长, 主管创业 ; 大纽约清华校友会副会长 ; 春晖创业咖啡共同发起人 ; 曾任北美华人科技企业及创业协会会长 丰富的金融界从业经验, 出版经典金融专著 "Banking Reforms and Monetary Policy in China" 曾创业项目获第九届 " 春晖杯 " 创业大赛二等奖 学生时代就投资硅谷初创公司 初创期曾协助纽约 Tumblr CEO, 以后公司被雅虎收购 参与的 Biotech 创业公司被成功并购 张立言博士 现任科珍通讯 ( 全球前三大网络 ) 网络技术部主任, 并兼任大华府科技和网络协会副会長 他拥有近二十年通讯和因特网工作经验, 九十年代于美国贝尔实验室任高级研究员, 专攻光纤通迅和系统 网络 于最近十二年在科珍通讯规划 建设并营运世界最大网络之一 张博士于 1979 年考入中国科技大学并毕业留校任教, 是一个全方位高科技和网络技术专家 Co-organizer 协办 :Hangzhou A&C 杭州工美 ( 香港 ) 国际有限公司 Page 43

石宏 北京红石诚金创业投资管理公司董事长 / 首席合伙人, 欧美同学会企业家联谊会副会长兼秘书长, 联合国海外技术高级专家, 中国科技部海外咨询专家, 曾任中国 TD 产业联盟理事会主席, 中国天使投资协会执行副会长, 曾任贝尔实验室 / 朗讯研究员, 哥伦比亚大学研究员, 专注 TMT ( 技术 / 媒体 / 通信 ) 领域技术创新, 具有丰富成功创业, 企业管理经验, 从天使到上市的资源整合型投资人 陈赫 (Howard) GMBP Capital CEO & GMBP 投资俱乐部首席投资官, 巴菲特股东大会直播嘉宾, 纽约蜂巢聚创孵化器创业导师, 资深证券公司, 投资银行高级顾问, 中国科技大学财富管理学院海外特聘教授, 专注于风险投资, 二级市场投资, 成功创立多家中美公司 张华 发射山投资先进材料投资总监, 合力投资高级技术顾问, 上海闪容新能源科技公司及美国 CHARJE Co. 创始人, 内蒙古中科石墨烯开发有限公司首席专家 单光存博士 北京航空航天大学仪器光电工程学院教授, 入选国家 千人计划 青年项目 (2016 年 3 月 ) 研究兴趣 : 光电子技术, 新型 MEMS, 微纳器件, 机器人 人工智能, 纳米光子学 Co-organizer 协办 :Hangzhou A&C 杭州工美 ( 香港 ) 国际有限公司 Page 44

CAST USA Outstanding Awards 旅美科协杰出领袖 贡献与服务奖 Outstanding Leadership Award Xiaoming SHENG, President of CAST-USA in 2012 Rujue SUN, President of CAST-UT Le WAN, VP and Secretary-General of CAST-USA Yong GUO, VP of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, CAST-USA Xinghua PAN, VP of Academic Exchanges and Development, CAST-USA Dave JIAO, VP of Institution Development & Advancement, CAST-USA Outstanding Contributions Award Changchun XIE, Director of Public Relation and New Media, CAST-USA Grace FENG, Deputy of Beijing Office Liaisons, CAST-USA Xiaoming DONG, Director of Institution Development & Advancement, CAST-USA Lisa CHENG, President of CAST-AZ James BO, VP of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, CAST-USA Pengcheng JIA, former VP of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, CAST-USA Ming LEI, President of CAST-Boston Yifan TANG, Chief of Chengdu Liaison Office, CAST-USA Outstanding Services Award Airong LI, Director of Academic Exchanges and Development, CAST-USA Xiaomei YANG, VP of Public Relation and New Media, CAST-USA Fred YAN, Director of Academic Exchanges and Development, CAST-USA Qiang LU, President of CAST-USA in 2009 Tom CHEN, Deputy of Secretary-General, CAST-USA Anna YU, Director of Culture Exchange and Education, CAST-USA Ying MA, Treasurer and BOD member of CAST-UT Fanglin ZHENG, Director of Public Relation and New Media, CAST-USA Hanting ZHANG, Director of Academic Exchanges and Development, CAST-USA Jizhong XIAO, VP of Academic Exchanges CAST-USA Xuguang GUO, VP of Public Relation and New Media, CAST-USA Gene SHI, VP of Culture Exchange and Education, CAST-USA Xinguo LIU, Chief of Jinan Liaison Office, CAST-USA Zhonghua ZHAN, Secretary of CAST-USA Gangqiang WANG, BOD member of CAST-UT Hongxia YANG, BOD member of CAST-UT Xuemei AN, BOD member of CAST-UT Chris LENG, VP of CAST-UT Jay XU, VP of CAST-UT Co-organizer 协办 :Hangzhou A&C 杭州工美 ( 香港 ) 国际有限公司 Page 45

How to Get Here by Train 如何从机场乘轻轨到达酒店 First Floor, Little America Hotel 酒店一楼平面图 Co-organizer 协办 :Hangzhou A&C 杭州工美 ( 香港 ) 国际有限公司 Page 46

Sponsors 大会赞助商 大会冠名赞助 :Hangzhou A&C 杭州工美 ( 香港 ) 国际有限公司 大会钻石级赞助 : Beijing Century Development Technology Inc. Co., Ltd 北京盛世创业科技股份有限公司大会专题冠名赞助 : CAST-Shantou 广东汕头市科协 大会金牌赞助 创新创业大赛一等奖冠名赞助 : Health Catalyst Universal Destination Service Group Inc. 环球目的地服务集团 大会银牌赞助 创新创业大赛二等奖冠名赞助 : Woody and Teresa Fang Foundation 方氏基金会 Guangzhou Starway Communications Inc. 广州程星通信科技有限公司 SLC Chinatown Supermarket 盐湖城中国城超市 Great Washington US-China Innovation Alliance 华盛顿中美创新联盟 New York Life 纽约人寿黄鹤杯 :Acinnopark 速创园常春藤杯 :Ivy League of High-Tech Entrepreneurs 常春藤创业联盟 大会铜牌赞助 创新创业大赛三等奖冠名赞助 : JJ Wang Organization Ocean Mart Supermarket 盐湖城大中商场 American Education Federation CAST-Kunshan 江苏昆山市科协 Oriental Chinese School 东方中文学校 晚宴赞助 : Cao Group Capital Trading 合作单位 : Truth Semi Group 求是缘半导体联盟 Chinese Students and Scholars Association at University of Utah 犹他大学中国学生学者联谊会 Co-organizer 协办 :Hangzhou A&C 杭州工美 ( 香港 ) 国际有限公司 Page 47

Co-organizer 协办 :Hangzhou A&C 杭州工美 ( 香港 ) 国际有限公司 Page 48