Remark : Sightseeing Included entrance fee, Sightseeing visit, No Symbol = Drive by Day 1 Kuala Lumpur Transit City Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan) Day 2 Bishkek

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Registan Square Stay: 4 Star throughout the tour. Experience: Ride in a bullet train from Tashkent to Samarkand (return trip), traditional horse riding games, hawk performance. Savour: Local delicacies with cultural show in Kyrgyzstan, dinner in a traditional Yurt, Shish Kebab, Tuy Palovi. Explore: The mini Grand Canyon Charyn Canyon, the second largest alpine lake in the world Issyk-kul Lake, the second tallest wooden cathedral in the world Zenkov Cathedral. 入住国际&当地 4 星级酒店 体验子弹列车从塔什干至撒马尔罕 来回, 游牧民运动表演, 中亚特有的鹰表演 品尝当地美食及文化表演 在传统蒙古包用餐 烧肉串 手抓饭 探索迷你大峡谷-恰伦大峡谷 世界上第二大的高山湖泊 - 伊塞克湖 世界第二高的木制大教堂 -升天主教座堂 Issyk-Kul Ulak Tartsyh

Remark : Sightseeing Included entrance fee, Sightseeing visit, No Symbol = Drive by Day 1 Kuala Lumpur Transit City Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan) Day 2 Bishkek Issyk-Kul ± 4Hrs / 322Km Burana Tower The tower is built in the 9 th century with a height of 45m. The last major earthquake in the 15th century destroyed the top half of the tower, reducing it to its current height of 25 m. Open Air Museum of Balbans A museum that display artifacts of the stone warriors. National Horse Games Performance Enjoy the famous national game performance by warriors of Kyrgyzstan such as Ulak Tartysh, Oodarysh, Kyz Kumay & Tiyin Enmey. Issyk-kul Lake (Includes boat ride) The second largest alpine lake in the World. Being the first natural reserve in Kyrgyzstan, the area is surrounded by many celestial mountain. Day 3 Issyk-Kul Bishkek ± 4Hrs / 322Km Pobeda Square (Victory Square) A monument built in 1985 to commemorate the 40 years of win during World War 2. Duboviy Park (Oak Park) It is the oldest park in Bishkek. Central Ala Too Square Located in the central of Bishkek, it was built in 1984 to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Kyrgyz SSR. History Museum National Philharmonic Day 4 Bishkek Tashkent (Uzbekistan) ±1Hrs15Min Tashkent City Tour The city tour includes; Independence square, Amit Temur Central square, Romanov Prince Duke residence, Opera & Ballet Threatre, Monument of Courage, Tashkent TV tower. Khast-Imam Complex The world famous Quran of Caliph Uthman-Ottoman is located in this complex. Day 5 Tashkent Samarkand ± 2Hrs / 344Km Registan Square It is a legacy of the Turco-Mongol King Timur located in the city of Samarkand. Bibi Khanym Mosque Built in the 1399 by the order of Tamerlane during his victorious Indian campaign. The mosque was once the largest and most magnificent mosque in the Islamic world during the 15 th century. Shah-i-Zinda Necropolis Pilgrimage site that are visited by people from all around the world. It host to almost 20 mausoleums of different centuries built between 11 th 19 th centuries. At the area, one can see the finest samples of majolica, mosaic and terracotta tile work. Gur Emir Mausoleum A place where people can see the best sample of medieval oriental (Persian-mongolian) architecture and one of the most significant monument during Tamerlane times. Day 6 Samarkand Tashkent ± 2Hrs / 344Km Koni-Gil Visit to famous Samarkand silk paper manufacturer. Papers in the area are made from the inner bark of mulberry branches. Visitor will have the chance to see the whole process of producing paper. Ulugh Beg Observatory It is an observatory in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. Built in the 1420s by the Timurid astronomer Ulugh Beg, it is considered by scholars to have been one of the finest observatories in the Islamic world. Afrasiab Museum of Samarkand Museum that present the ancient history of Samarkand. The museum s exhibits illustrate the history of Samarkand s development from the times of Alexander the Great. Day 7 Tashkent Almaty (Kazakhstan) ±1Hrs30Min Chorsu Bazaar Explore the local bazaar to purchase some local products and crafts as souvenir to be bring home from Uzbekistan. Green Market Day 8 Almaty Charyn Canyon ± 3hrs / 220Km Charyn National Park Charyn Canyon is located 200 KM east of Almaty, on the Chinese border, and features a multitude of colourful rocky formations - often crumbly to the touch - that are resplendent in pink and orange hues. Located inside the Charyn national park, the canyon is about 80 to 90 metres in length. The Canyon is described as the mini Grand Canyon. Day 9 Almaty Kok-Tobe (Include One Way Cable Car & One Way Electrical Car) Located at the highest point of Almaty with an altitude of 1100m above sea level, it is the area where you can view the whole landscape of the Almaty city. Independence Square + Monument of Golden Man The Monument of Independence is located on Republic Square, one of Almaty s main squares. The monument is dedicated to the Republic of Kazakhstan s rich history, from the time of Queen Tomiris to the present day. First President s Residence Park 28 Gunman Panfilov Park + Zenkov Cathedral The second tallest wooden Cathedral in the world. The cathedral is built without using any nails. The Cathedral was used as a museum after the Revolution and restored to its original use as a Russian Orthodox Cathedral in 1990. Rakhat Chocolate factory Sunkar Falcon Farm Enjoy a spectacular show by specially trained hawks. Hunting with hawks by the Kazakhstan people is the most unique features of the Kazakh way of life. Day 10 Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur

符号表示 : 含门票, 下车游览, 未标示行车经过 第一天吉隆坡 中途转站 比什凯克 ( 吉尔吉斯斯坦 ) 第二天比什凯克 伊塞克湖 ± 4 小时 / 322 公里 布拉纳塔 古称 Balasagyn, 中文名为八剌沙衮, 即虎思斡耳朵, 它位于今吉尔吉斯斯坦托克马克东南二十里 石人战士 (Balbans) 户外博物馆布拉纳城的西北角有大量的石人矗立, 相貌迥异, 和中国新疆西北部的伊犁州草原石人有相像之处 国家游牧民运动表演演員們用牧民獨有的音樂 舞蹈以及投影畫來展現遊牧民族的歷史及文化 伊塞克湖 ( 含船游 ) 是世界上面积第二大的高山湖泊 湖水微咸, 冬季不结冰, 主要水源是高山泉水和积雪融水, 无出水口, 属内流湖 第三天 伊塞克湖 比什凯克 ± 4 小时 / 322 公里 胜利广场 广场的中心是一座高大宏伟的胜利纪念碑, 纪念碑的造型来源于游牧民族毡房弧形骨架的形状, 纪念碑下竖立着英雄母亲雕像, 中心是一座长明火坛, 红色的火苗时刻在坛中燃烧着 橡树公园是比什凯克历史最久的公园, 其历史已逾百年 阿拉多广场建于 1984 年以庆祝吉尔吉斯苏维埃社会主义共和国成立 60 周年, 同时在广场中央放置了一尊巨大的列宁雕像 历史博物馆 国家爱乐乐团 第四天 古里阿米尔陵是帖木儿及其后嗣的陵墓, 具有浓厚的东方建筑特色, 是世界著名的中亚建筑瑰宝 第六天 撒马尔罕 塔什干 ± 2 小时 / 344 公里 Koni-Gil 造纸工厂这家造纸工厂至今仍保留着 8 世纪从中国传到此地的桑枝造纸工艺 兀鲁伯天文台是中世纪时期具有世界影响的天文台之一 阿伏拉西卜博物馆展示撒马尔罕古代历史的博物馆 博物馆展示撒马尔罕亚山大大帝时代的发展的历史 第七天塔什干阿拉木图 ( 哈萨克斯坦 ) ± 1 小时 30 分 圆顶市集塔什干最大的平民市场, 位于老城区中心地带, 卖蔬菜水果等副食品和各种生活用品 绿市集 第八天 阿拉木图 恰伦大峡谷 ±3 小时 /220 公里 恰伦大峡谷属于哈萨克斯坦恰仑国家自然公园, 在阿拉木图的东北 200 公里 绚丽缤纷, 不同颜色的岩石好像显示峡谷经过不同阶段的大自然创造及洗礼 因其岩层和颜色类似美国亚利桑那州的大峡谷但较小型, 故被称为世界上的第二大峡谷 第九天 比什凯克 塔什干 ( 乌兹别克斯坦 ) ± 1 小时 15 分 阿拉木图 吉隆坡 塔什干城游城游包含 : 独立广场, 帖木兒廣場, 罗曼诺夫王子杜克居住地, 纳沃伊歌剧院, 勇气纪念碑, 塔什干塔. 哈斯特 伊玛目建筑群是塔什干最有名的地方, 而是整个世界的文化组织 第五天塔什干撒马尔罕 ± 2 小时 / 344 公里 雷吉斯坦廣場中亚建筑的经典之作, 其中乌卢格别克神学院是 15 世纪最好的穆斯林学府 比比哈努姆清真寺在帖木尔时代被公认为东方最雄伟的建筑物, 是帖木尔出征印度并征服德里后建成的 沙赫靜達陵墓沙赫静达陵墓建于 14 世纪和 15 世纪, 由 13 座陵墓和一座清真寺组成 " 沙赫静达 " 意为 " 永生之王 ", 是撒马尔罕的执政者及其家属的坟墓 库图博山 ( 含单程览车及单程电瓶车 ) 当地居民称科克托别山为绿山, 是阿拉木图一处非常著名的景点 独立纪念广场 + 独立纪念碑念碑是由哈总统纳扎尔巴耶夫倡议并支持在 1999 年修建的 第一任总统公园 潘菲洛夫 -28 勇士纪念公园 + 升天主教座堂是全世界第二高的木製教堂, 整座建築更沒有使用過一根釘子 拉哈特巧克力工厂 Sunkar 猎鹰农场各类中亚特有的鹰及幽默的表演者会为您带来不同 有趣的体验 第十天吉隆坡

Kyrgyzstan or the Kyrgyz republic is a country in Central Asia with a history span of more than 2000 years and it is a part of the Silk Road. Visitor will discover its beautiful natural landscapes, magnificent mountains and lakes in the country. Burana Tower 吉尔吉斯斯坦或吉尔吉斯共和国是中亚的国家, 历史大约 2000 多 年, 是丝绸之路的一部分 游客将发现其美丽的自然景观, 壮丽的 山脉和湖泊在该国 Museum of Balbans Duboviy Park (Oak Park) Pobeda Square Uzbekistan is the proud home to spellbinding architecture and ancient cities with all deeply infused with the fascinating history of Silk Road. It never fail to impress visitor with their fabulous mosque, madrassas and mausoleums. 乌兹别克斯坦是骄傲的建筑和古老城市的骄傲之家, 深深地注入了丝绸之路的迷人历史 它永远打动访客与他们的神话般的清真寺 Shakh-I-Zinda Necropolis Zenkov Cathedral Sunkar Falcon Farm Charyn Canyon Kazakhstan is the ninth biggest country in the world and most economically advance of the "Stans", thanks to its abundant oil reserve and many valuable minerals. The biggest city, Almaty, is almost reminiscent of Europe with its leafy avenues, chic cafes, glossy shopping centers and hedonistic nightlife. 哈萨克斯坦是世界第九大国家, 也是经济上最先进的 斯 坦, 由于其丰富的石油储备和许多有价值的矿物质 最大 的城市, 阿拉木图, 几乎让人联想起欧洲的绿叶大道, 别致 的咖啡馆, 有光泽的购物中心和享乐的夜生活

Tuy Palovi Shish Kebab Traditional Yurt

Meals 餐食 s 酒店 Day 天数 Breakfast 早餐 Lunch 午餐 Dinner 晚餐 Local+International 4* s 当地 + 国际 4* 酒店 1 - On Board Chinese Cuisine Bishkek Ambassador or similar class 机上用餐中华风味比什凯克大使酒店或同级 2 Local Cuisine Local Cuisine Issyk-kul Karven Four Seasons or similar class 酒店当地风味当地风味伊塞克湖卡文四季酒店或同级 3 Nomad Cuisine + Cultural Italian Cuisine Bishkek Ambassador or similar class Show 酒店意大利风味比什凯克大使酒店或同级游牧民风味 + 文化表演 4 Indian Cuisine Xinxiang Cuisine Tashkent Ramada or similar Class 酒店印度风味新乡风味塔什干华美达酒店或同级 5 Shish Kebab Uzbek Cuisine Samarkand Diyora or similar Class 酒店烤肉棒乌兹别风味撒马尔罕达耶拉酒店或同级 6 Western Cuisine Chinese Cuisine Tashkent Ramada or similar Class 酒店欧洲风味中华风味塔什干华美达酒店或同级 7 Tuy Palovi Kazakh Cusine (Wedding Pilaf) 酒店哈萨克风味手抓饭 Almaty Holiday Inn or similar Class 8 Kazakh Cusine + 阿拉木图智选假日酒店或同级 Kazakh Cusine Cultural Show 酒店哈萨克风味哈萨克风味 + 文化表演 9 Georgian Cuisine Traditional Kazakh Cuisine 酒店格鲁吉亚风味传统哈萨克风味 - 10 On Board 机上 - - - Remark: Restaurants & meals menu are subject to change based on restaurant availability; seasonality and freshness of the ingredients. * 注 : 以上餐厅与餐饮仅供参考, 旅程饮食安排将视餐厅订位和季节性食材的不同而有所调整 恕未能及时通知 Departure Date Adult Twin/Triple Adult Single Children Twin/Triple Children Extra Bed Children Without Bed Terms & Conditions 备注 1. Flights, transportation, hotels, meals and itinerary stated in the brochure are subject to change without prior notice. Any changes after booking shall be advised accordingly. 2. The sequence of itinerary, meals and hotel arrangements are subject to the final confirmation by the local ground operator. 3. Tour buses are arranged based on group size. Every passenger is entitled to one seat each. Should there be extra seats remaining, it shall be reserved for baggage storage. 4. Tour is conducted in English, unless otherwise stated. 5. Due to seasonal change in temperature and weather, most hotels and restaurants have a central control system to regulate the indoor temperature for the comfort of the tour members and the system cannot be adjusted by the tour members. 6. Triple room or extra bed shall be in the form of a roll-in bed or mattress. The room type and category allocated shall depend on the hotel's room availability and arrangement, and is not predetermined by the Company. 7. Purchase of travel insurance is highly advisable. The Company shall not be liable for any losses or personal expenses incurred by the tour members during the tour. Please refer to the insurance policy for the terms of coverage. 8.In the event of adverse weather conditions and/or natural disasters which may lead to traffic delays, extended stays in hotel, cancellation/rescheduling of flights, and/or any other losses, the onus is on the tour members to bear the expenses. 9. Due to adverse weather conditions, traffic congestion, and other unforeseen circumstances, the Company reserves the right to rearrange, change or abandon the tour itinerary without prior notice and there shall not be any reimbursement. 10. For passengers who wish to deviate from the tour, no refund shall be entertained for any unutilized portion of the tour. 11. As this is a packaged tour, no refunds shall be made to tour members should any agents' discounts or special rated discounts be obtained, with respect to airlines, accommodations, meals, entrance fees, transport, etc. 12. Any tour price quoted is valid for MALAYSIAN only. For other nationalities, please consult our tour consultant as the tour price differs. 13. For other conditions, please refer to the overleaf of your invoice for our standard Terms & Conditions. Tour Code: CENTRALASIA_GCA10_CTA001 1. 行程表所列载的航班资料 交通 行程 酒店住宿及膳食安排, 将可能因应不同出发日期而有所变动, 恕可能不及时通知 然而如报名后有所更动的话, 本公司将另作个别通知 2. 行程 膳食及住宿的先后次序, 以当地地接待社安排为准 3. 本公司会根据团量来安排旅游巴士的大小, 但若巴士行李舱放置空间不足时, 或会遇上行李箱得放置在车厢内的可能, 所以一人一座位为前提 4. 基本上全程英文讲解为主 如需以其他语言讲解, 必需在报名时提前通知本公司 本公司将另作安排, 将以最终确认為準 5. 因季节性的气温转变, 多数酒店及餐厅都以中央空调来控制室内温度, 空调设定为时段或是无空调提供, 如遇此况敬请见谅 6. 团体房型及等级分配, 由当地酒店排房为准, 非本公司所能掌控 任何三人房或加床都以折叠式或床垫为标准 7. 团队出发前建议需购买旅游保险, 以则安心 本公司对旅客的任何费用损失不承担任何责任, 有关保障范围及承保条款, 请参阅保单 8. 若遭遇恶劣天气如暴风雪等无法控制的特殊天灾情况而导致交通延误或航班取消, 因而被迫延住 附加膳食等引致额外支出或损失问题, 旅客需自行负责额外的费用 9. 若遇特殊情况或其他不可抗拒之因素如天气不佳导致海陆空交通延误或取消, 错过住宿, 膳食及景点观光等等 本公司保留放弃或更改景点的权利, 以免耽误下个景点的观光时间, 并无任何代替景点 10. 如旅客决定离团, 所有的费用恕不退还 11. 对于机票 住宿 餐饮 门票 交通或其他服务费用, 在团体折扣和优惠价上的差额, 本旅行社恕不退还 12. 团费仅适用本国马来西亚公民参团有效, 其他国籍需补差额请洽询销售部 13. 确保消费者权益, 详情请参阅单据背页之基本条规细节