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Blue Shield 6 Plus (HMO) 017 Formulary (List of Covered s) PLEASE READ: THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION ABOUT THE DRUGS WE COVER IN THIS PLAN Formulary ID 00017337, Version 8 This formulary was updated on 08/3/016. For more recent information or other questions, please contact Blue Shield 6 Plus Member Services, at (800) 776-4466 or, for TTY users, 711, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., seven days a week, from October 1 through February 14, and 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., weekdays, from February 1 through September 30, or visit blueshieldca.com/med_formulary. Note to existing members: This formulary has changed since last year. Please review this document to make sure that it still contains the drugs you take. When this drug list (formulary) refers to we, us, or our, it means Blue Shield of California. When it refers to plan or our plan, it means Blue Shield 6 Plus. This document includes a list of the drugs (formulary) for our plan which is current as of 08/3/016. For an updated formulary, please contact us. Our contact information, along with the date we last updated the formulary, appears on the front and back cover pages. You must generally use network pharmacies to use your prescription drug benefit. Benefits, formulary, pharmacy network, and/or copayments/coinsurance may change on January 1, 018, and from time to time during the year. H004_16_301R_037 Accepted 087016

What is the Blue Shield 6 Plus Formulary? A formulary is a list of covered drugs selected by Blue Shield 6 Plus in consultation with a team of health care providers, which represents the prescription therapies believed to be a necessary part of a quality treatment program. Blue Shield 6 Plus will generally cover the drugs listed in our formulary as long as the drug is medically necessary, the prescription is filled at a plan network pharmacy, and other plan rules are followed. For more information on how to fill your prescriptions, please review your Evidence of Coverage. Can the Formulary (drug list) change? Generally, if you are taking a drug on our 017 formulary that was covered at the beginning of the year, we will not discontinue or reduce coverage of the drug during the 017 coverage year except when a new, less expensive generic drug becomes available or when new adverse information about the safety or effectiveness of a drug is released. Other types of formulary changes, such as removing a drug from our formulary, will not affect members who are currently taking the drug. It will remain available at the same cost-sharing for those members taking it for the remainder of the coverage year. We feel it is important that you have continued access for the remainder of the coverage year to the formulary drugs that were available when you chose our plan, except for cases in which you can save additional money or we can ensure your safety. If we remove drugs from our formulary, or add prior authorization, quantity limits and/or step therapy restrictions on a drug or move a drug to a higher cost-sharing tier, we must notify affected members of the change at least 60 days before the change becomes effective, or at the time the member requests a refill of the drug, at which time the member will receive a 60-day supply of the drug. If the Food and Administration deems a drug on our formulary to be unsafe or the drug s manufacturer removes the drug from the market, we will immediately remove the drug from our formulary and provide notice to members who take the drug. The enclosed formulary is current as of 08/3/016. To get updated information about the drugs covered by Blue Shield 6 Plus, please contact us. Our contact information appears on the front and back cover pages. If we make any other negative formulary changes during the year, you will receive 60 days notice via mail and the changes will be posted on our website.at blueshieldca.com/med_formulary How do I use the Formulary? There are two ways to find your drug within the formulary: Medical Condition The formulary begins on page 1. The drugs in this formulary are grouped into categories depending on the type of medical conditions that they are used to treat. For example, drugs used to treat a heart condition are listed under the category, Cardiovascular Agents. If you know what your drug is used for, look for the category name in the list that begins on page number 1. Then look under the category name for your drug. Alphabetical Listing If you are not sure what category to look under, you should look for your drug in the Index that begins on page 4. The Index provides an alphabetical list of all of the drugs included in this document. Both brand name drugs and generic drugs are listed in the Index. Look in the Index and find your drug. Next to your drug, you will see the page number where you can find coverage information. Turn to the page listed in the Index and find the name of your drug in the first column of the list. ii

What are generic drugs? Blue Shield 6 Plus covers both brand name drugs and generic drugs. A generic drug is approved by the FDA as having the same active ingredient as the brand name drug. Generally, generic drugs cost less than brand name drugs. Are there any restrictions on my coverage? Some covered drugs may have additional requirements or limits on coverage. These requirements and limits may include: Prior Authorization: Blue Shield 6 Plus requires you or your physician to get prior authorization for certain drugs. This means that you will need to get approval from our plan before you fill your prescriptions. If you don t get approval, our plan may not cover the drug. Quantity : For certain drugs, Blue Shield 6 Plus limits the amount of the drug that our plan will cover. For example, our plan provides 18 tablets per 30-day prescription for sumatriptan (generic for IMITREX). This may be in addition to a standard one-month or three-month supply. Step Therapy: In some cases, Blue Shield 6 Plus requires you to first try certain drugs to treat your medical condition before we will cover another drug for that condition. For example, if A and B both treat your medical condition, our plan may not cover B unless you try A first. If A does not work for you, our plan will then cover B. You can find out if your drug has any additional requirements or limits by looking in the formulary that begins on page 1. You can also get more information about the restrictions applied to specific covered drugs by visiting our Web site. We have posted on line documents that explain our prior authorization and step therapy restrictions. You may also ask us to send you a copy. Our contact information, along with the date we last updated the formulary, appears on the front and back cover pages. You can ask Blue Shield 6 Plus to make an exception to these restrictions or limits or for a list of other, similar drugs that may treat your health condition. See the section, How do I request an exception to the Blue Shield 6 Plus formulary? on page iii for information about how to request an exception. What if my drug is not on the Formulary? If your drug is not included in this formulary (list of covered drugs), you should first contact Member Services and ask if your drug is covered. If you learn that our plan does not cover your drug, you have two options: You can ask Member Services for a list of similar drugs that are covered by Blue Shield 6 Plus. When you receive the list, show it to your doctor and ask him or her to prescribe a similar drug that is covered by our plan. You can ask Blue Shield 6 Plus to make an exception and cover your drug. See below for information about how to request an exception. 3

How do I request an exception to the Blue Shield 6 Plus Formulary? You can ask Blue Shield 6 Plus to make an exception to our coverage rules. There are several types of exceptions that you can ask us to make. You can ask us to cover a drug even if it is not on our formulary. If approved, this drug will be covered at a pre-determined cost-sharing level, and you would not be able to ask us to provide the drug at a lower cost-sharing level. You can ask us to cover a formulary drug at a lower cost-sharing level if this drug is not on the specialty tier. If approved this would lower the amount you must pay for your drug. You can ask us to waive coverage restrictions or limits on your drug. For example, for certain drugs, Blue Shield 6 Plus limits the amount of the drug that we will cover. If your drug has a quantity limit, you can ask us to waive the limit and cover a greater amount. Generally, Blue Shield 6 Plus will only approve your request for an exception if the alternative drugs included on the plan s formulary, the lower cost-sharing drug or additional utilization restrictions would not be as effective in treating your condition and/or would cause you to have adverse medical effects. You should contact us to ask us for an initial coverage decision for a formulary, tiering or utilization restriction exception. When you request a formulary, tiering or utilization restriction exception you should submit a statement from your prescriber or physician supporting your request. Generally, we must make our decision within 7 hours of getting your prescriber s supporting statement. You can request an expedited (fast) exception if you or your doctor believe that your health could be seriously harmed by waiting up to 7 hours for a decision. If your request to expedite is granted, we must give you a decision no later than 4 hours after we get a supporting statement from your doctor or other prescriber. What do I do before I can talk to my doctor about changing my drugs or requesting an exception? As a new or continuing member in our plan you may be taking drugs that are not on our formulary. Or, you may be taking a drug that is on our formulary but your ability to get it is limited. For example, you may need a prior authorization from us before you can fill your prescription. You should talk to your doctor to decide if you should switch to an appropriate drug that we cover or request a formulary exception so that we will cover the drug you take. While you talk to your doctor to determine the right course of action for you, we may cover your drug in certain cases during the first 90 days you are a member of our plan. For each of your drugs that is not on our formulary or if your ability to get your drugs is limited, we will cover a temporary 30-day supply (unless you have a prescription written for fewer days) when you go to a network pharmacy. After your first 30-day supply, we will not pay for these drugs, even if you have been a member of the plan less than 90 days. If you are a resident of a long-term care facility, we will allow you to refill your prescription until we have provided you with up to a 98-day transition supply, consistent with dispensing increment, (unless you have a prescription written for fewer days). We will cover more than one refill of these drugs for the first 90 days you are a member of our plan. If you need a drug that is not on our formulary or if your ability to get your drugs is limited, but you are past the first 90 days of membership in our plan, we will cover a 31-day emergency supply of that drug (unless you have a prescription for fewer days) while you pursue a formulary exception. 4

Our transition policy applies to members who are stabilized on: Part D drugs not on the Blue Shield 6 Plus formulary, or Part D drugs previously covered by exception upon expiration of the exception, or Part D drugs on the Blue Shield 6 Plus formulary with a prior authorization, step therapy or a quantity limit requirement, or Part D drugs as listed above, where a distinction cannot be made at point of service whether it is a new or ongoing prescription drug And are members in any of the following scenarios: new members at the beginning of a plan year, newly eligible members transitioning from other coverage at the beginning of a plan year, transitioning individuals who switch from one Blue Shield plan to another after the beginning of a plan year, members residing in long-term care (LTC) facilities, or in some cases, current members affected by formulary changes from one plan year to the next. Members continuing coverage into a new plan year and experiencing negative formulary changes will have coverage continued for selected drugs in the new plan year, as determined by Blue Shield 6 Plus and in accordance with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) guidance for Part D drugs. Plan members on drugs that were not selected for automatic continued coverage; will be provided a transition process consistent with the transition process required for new members beginning in the new contract year. The transition policy will be extended across contract years if a member enrolls in a plan with an effective enrollment date of either November 1 or December 1 and needs access to a transition supply. During the transitional stage, members may talk to their prescribers to decide whether they should switch to a different drug that we cover or request a formulary exception in order to get coverage for the drug, if it is not on our formulary or has restrictions such as step therapy or prior authorization. Members may contact Blue Shield 6 Plus Member Services for assistance in initiating a prior authorization or exception request. Prior authorization or exception request forms are available on our website at blueshieldca.com/med_formulary (select prior authorization forms ), and are also provided upon request to members and prescribers, via mail, email or fax. Per our transition policy in conjunction with network pharmacies, a temporary supply of non-formulary Part D drugs, or formulary drugs with coverage restrictions, is provided in order to prevent interruptions in continuing therapy. This temporary supply also provides sufficient time for members to work with their prescribers to switch to a therapeutically equivalent formulary medication, or to complete a formulary exception request based on medical necessity. Requests for prior authorization of formulary drugs are reviewed against the CMS-approved coverage criteria, and formulary exception requests are reviewed for medical necessity by Blue Shield pharmacy technicians, pharmacists and/or physicians. If a formulary exception request is denied, we will provide the prescriber a list of appropriate therapeutic alternatives. A letter will also be sent to you providing instructions on how to appeal the decision. The transitional supply is a one-time, 30-day temporary supply (unless the prescription is written for fewer days in which case we will cover multiple fills to provide up to a total of 30 days of medication) of the nonformulary drug at a retail pharmacy during the first 90 days of new membership beginning on your effective date of coverage in Blue Shield 6 Plus. Refills may be provided for transition prescriptions dispensed for less than the written amount, due to a plan quantity limit edit for safety or drug utilization edits that are based

on approved product labeling, and for up to a total of a 30-day supply. If a current member is affected by a negative formulary change from one year to the next, we will provide up to a 30-day temporary supply of the non-formulary drug, if you need a refill for the drug during the first 90 days of the new plan year. Retail and LTC pharmacies have the ability to provide a point-of-sale override for coverage of a transition supply of a drug that is non-formulary, requires prior authorization or step therapy unless the drug is subject to review for Part B vs. Part D determination, limits to prevent coverage of non-part D drugs or limits that promote safe utilization of a Part D drug. We will cover a 30-day supply (unless the prescription is written for fewer days in which case we will cover multiple fills to provide up to a total of 30 days of medication). The cost-sharing for low-income subsidy (LIS) eligible members for a temporary supply of drugs provided under the transition process, will not exceed the statutory maximum co-payment amounts for LIS-eligible members. For all other members (non-lis members), we will apply the same cost-sharing for non-formulary Part D drugs provided during the transition that would apply for non-formulary drugs approved through a formulary exception and the same cost-sharing for formulary drugs subject to utilization management edits provided during the transition that would apply once the utilization management criteria are met. Members will not be required to pay additional cost-sharing associated with multiple fills of lesser quantities of Part D drugs based upon quantity limits for safety once the originally prescribed doses of Part D drugs have been determined to be medically necessary, after an exception process has been completed. After we cover the temporary 30-day supply, we generally will not pay for these drugs as part of our transition policy again. We will send you a written notice within 3 business days of the transitional fill after we cover the temporary supply. This notice will contain an explanation of the temporary nature of the transition supply received, instructions for working with us and the prescriber to identify appropriate therapeutic alternatives that are on our formulary, an explanation of your right to request a formulary exception and a description of the procedures for requesting a formulary exception. If a transition supply has been provided once and you is currently in the process of receiving a coverage determination, the transition supply may be extended by one additional 30 day prescription fill beyond the initial 30 days supply, unless you presents with a prescription written for less than 30 days. The extension of the transition period, is on a case-by-case basis, to the extent that the member s exception request or appeal has not been processed by the end of the minimum day transition period and until such time as a transition has been made (either through a switch to an appropriate formulary drug or a decision on an exception request). Please note that our transition policy applies only to those drugs that are "Part D drugs" and bought at a network pharmacy. The transition policy can't be used to buy a non-part D drug or a drug out of network, unless you qualify for out-of-network access. For more information For more detailed information about your Blue Shield 6 Plus prescription drug coverage, please review your Evidence of Coverage and other plan materials. If you have questions about Blue Shield 6 Plus, please contact us. Our contact information, along with the date we last updated the formulary, appears on the front and back cover pages. If you have general questions about Medicare prescription drug coverage, please call Medicare at 1-800- MEDICARE (1-800-633-47) 4 hours a day/7 days a week. TTY users should call 1-877-486-048. Or, visit www.medicare.gov. 6

Blue Shield 6 Plus Formulary The formulary that begins on page 1 provides coverage information about the drugs covered by Blue Shield 6 Plus. If you have trouble finding your drug in the list, turn to the Index that begins on page 4. The first column of the chart lists the drug name. Brand name drugs are capitalized (e.g., AUGMENTIN) and generic drugs are listed in lower-case italics (e.g., amoxicillin). The information in the column tells you if our plan has any special requirements for coverage of your drug. Blue Shield 6 Plus Supply Sacramento County 1 Preferred Generic s Preferred retail cost-sharing (in-network) (30-day supply) $0 Copay Preferred retail cost-sharing (in-network) or the plan s mail service cost-sharing (90-day supply) $0 Copay Standard retail cost-sharing (in-network) (30-day supply) $7 Copay Standard retail cost-sharing (in-network) (90-day supply) $1 Copay vii

Supply Blue Shield 6 Plus Sacramento County Generic s Preferred retail cost-sharing (in-network) (30- day supply) $ Copay Preferred retail cost-sharing (in-network) or the plan s mail service cost-sharing (90-day supply) $10 Copay Standard retail cost-sharing (in-network) (30-day supply) $1 Copay Standard retail cost-sharing (in-network) (90-day supply) $36 Copay 3 Preferred Brand s Preferred retail cost-sharing (in-network) (30- day supply) $40 Copay Preferred retail cost-sharing (in-network) or the plan s mail service cost-sharing (90-day supply) $80 Copay Standard retail cost-sharing (in-network) (30-day supply) $47 Copay Standard retail cost-sharing (in-network) (90-day supply) $141 Copay 8

Supply Blue Shield 6 Plus Sacramento County 4 Non-Preferred Brand s Preferred retail cost-sharing (in-network) (30- day supply) $88 Copay Preferred retail cost-sharing (in-network) or the plan s mail service cost-sharing (90-day supply) $176 Copay Standard retail cost-sharing (in-network) (30-day supply) $9 Copay Standard retail cost-sharing (in-network) (90-day supply) $8 Copay Injectable s Preferred retail cost-sharing (in-network) (30- day supply) Preferred retail cost-sharing (in-network) or the plan s mail service cost-sharing (90-day supply) Standard retail cost-sharing (in-network) (30-day supply) 33% coinsurance Standard retail cost-sharing (in-network) (90-day supply) 9

Supply Blue Shield 6 Plus Sacramento County 6 Specialty s Preferred retail cost-sharing (in-network), standard retail cost-sharing (in-network), or the plan s mail service cost-sharing (30-day supply) 33% coinsurance Preferred retail cost-sharing (in-network) or standard retail cost-sharing (in-network) (90-day supply) A long-term supply is not available for drugs in 6. Cost-sharing for drugs obtained from out-of-network pharmacies (30-day supply) is the same as the in-network standard retail cost-sharing (30-day supply). Cost-sharing for drugs on s 1 through 6 obtained from network long-term care pharmacies (31- day supply) is the same as the in-network standard retail cost-sharing (30-day supply). 10

Limit Codes Code Definition AG This prescription drug has coverage limits based on age groups. The limits may be based upon how the U.S. Food and Administration (FDA) approved the drug for use or special cautions for use by people in certain age groups. For new prescriptions, discuss alternatives with your physician. Your pharmacy or physician may call Blue Shield for assistance with coverage for ongoing use. B/D This prescription drug requires prior authorization review to determine whether coverage is under Part B or Part D of the Medicare benefit, based on Medicare coverage rules. Call Blue Shield to provide the necessary information to determine coverage. LA This prescription may be available only at certain pharmacies. For more information, consult your Pharmacy Directory or call our Member Services number at (800) 776-4466 [TTY 711], 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., seven days a week, from October 1 through February 14, and 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., weekdays, from February 1 through September 30. QL This medication has a dosing or prescription quantity limit. Maximum daily dose limits are defined by the FDA and listed in the drug package insert. Other quantity limits encourage consolidated dosing when possible. PA Coverage for this prescription requires prior authorization from Blue Shield. Call Blue Shield to provide the necessary information to determine coverage. ST Coverage for this prescription is provided when other first-line or preferred drug therapies have been tried (step therapy). Medication is NOT available for long-term supply. Form Codes Abbreviation EA Each SOLN Solution Definition 11

Name Analgesics Analgesics acetaminophen-codeine oral solution 300-30 /1. ml acetaminophen-codeine oral tablet 300-1, 300-30 acetaminophen-codeine oral tablet 300-60 butalbital-acetaminop-c af-cod oral capsule 0-3-40-30 butalbital-acetaminophe n butalbital-acetaminophe n-caff oral capsule 0-3-40 butalbital-acetaminophe n-caff oral tablet 0-3-40 butalbital-aspirin-caffei ne oral capsule ENDOCET ORAL TABLET 10-3 MG ENDOCET ORAL TABLET -3 MG ENDOCET ORAL TABLET 7.-3 MG hydrocodone-acetamino phen oral solution 7.-3 /1 ml hydrocodone-acetamino phen oral tablet 10-300 hydrocodone-acetamino phen oral tablet 10-3 hydrocodone-acetamino phen oral tablet -300, 7.-300 hydrocodone-acetamino phen oral tablet -3, 7.-3 QL (700 ML per ; QL (360 EA per ; QL (180 EA per ; QL (180 EA per QL (180 EA per QL (180 EA per QL (180 EA per QL (180 EA per ; QL (360 EA per ; QL (40 EA per ; 4 QL (400 ML per ; 4 QL (70 EA per ; QL (70 EA per ; 4 QL (360 EA per ; QL (360 EA per ; 1 Name hydrocodone-ibuprofen oral tablet 7.-00 oxycodone-acetaminoph en oral solution oxycodone-acetaminoph en oral tablet 10-3 oxycodone-acetaminoph en oral tablet.-3, -3 oxycodone-acetaminoph en oral tablet 7.-3 4 QL (10 EA per ; 3 QL (180 EA per ; QL (360 EA per ; QL (40 EA per ; oxycodone-aspirin 3 QL (360 EA per ; tramadol-acetaminophe n QL (40 EA per ; Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory s celecoxib oral capsule 100, 00, 0 celecoxib oral capsule 400 diclofenac potassium diclofenac sodium oral diclofenac sodium 6 topical gel 3 % diflunisal etodolac oral capsule etodolac oral tablet etodolac oral tablet 3 extended release 4 hr fenoprofen oral tablet flurbiprofen ibuprofen oral suspension ibuprofen oral tablet 400, 600, 800 indomethacin oral capsule ketoprofen oral capsule meloxicam oral 4 suspension meloxicam oral tablet nabumetone QL (60 EA per QL (30 EA per

Name naproxen naproxen sodium oral tablet 7, 0 oxaprozin 3 sulindac oral Opioid Analgesics, Long-Acting DURAMORPH (PF) INJECTION SOLUTION 0. MG/ML DURAMORPH (PF) INJECTION SOLUTION 1 MG/ML B/D; QL (400 ML per ; B/D; QL (700 ML per ; fentanyl citrate 6 PA; QL (10 EA per fentanyl transdermal patch 7 hour 100 mcg/hr, 1 mcg/hr, mcg/hr, 0 mcg/hr, 7 mcg/hr fentanyl transdermal patch 7 hour 37. mcg/hour, 6. mcg/hour fentanyl transdermal patch 7 hour 87. mcg/hour LAZANDA NASAL SPRAY,NON-AEROSO L 300 MCG/SPRAY 3 PA; QL (10 EA per ; 4 PA; QL (10 EA per ; 6 PA; QL (10 EA per 6 PA; QL (30 EA per levorphanol tartrate 3 QL (10 EA per ; methadone injection B/D; QL (90 ML per ; methadone oral solution 10 / ml methadone oral solution / ml methadone oral tablet 10 methadone oral tablet morphine concentrate oral solution 3 QL (40 ML per ; 3 QL (900 ML per ; QL (90 EA per ; QL (180 EA per ; 3 QL (10 ML per ; Name morphine oral solution 10 / ml morphine oral solution 0 / ml (4 /ml) morphine oral tablet 1 morphine oral tablet 30 morphine oral tablet extended release 100, 00, 30, 60 morphine oral tablet extended release 1 Opioid Analgesics, Short-Acting butorphanol tartrate nasal codeine sulfate oral tablet 1 codeine sulfate oral tablet 30 codeine sulfate oral tablet 60 3 QL (130 ML per ; 3 QL (17 ML per ; QL (180 EA per ; QL (90 EA per ; 3 QL (60 EA per ; 3 QL (180 EA per ; 3 QL (10 ML per ; 3 QL (70 EA per ; 3 QL (360 EA per ; 3 QL (180 EA per ; fentanyl citrate 6 PA; QL (10 EA per fentanyl transdermal patch 7 hour 100 mcg/hr, 1 mcg/hr, mcg/hr, 0 mcg/hr, 7 mcg/hr hydromorphone oral liquid hydromorphone oral tablet hydromorphone oral tablet 4 hydromorphone oral tablet 8 LAZANDA NASAL SPRAY,NON-AEROSO L 100 MCG/SPRAY, 400 MCG/SPRAY morphine concentrate oral solution 3 PA; QL (10 EA per ; QL (67 ML per QL (330 EA per ; QL (180 EA per ; QL (90 EA per ; 6 PA; QL (30 EA per 3 QL (10 ML per ;

Name morphine intravenous syringe 10 /ml morphine intravenous syringe /ml morphine intravenous syringe 4 /ml morphine intravenous syringe 8 /ml morphine oral solution 10 / ml morphine oral solution 0 / ml (4 /ml) morphine oral tablet 1 morphine oral tablet 30 oxycodone oral concentrate B/D; QL (70 ML per ; B/D; QL (130 ML per ; B/D; QL (690 ML per ; B/D; QL (330 ML per ; 3 QL (130 ML per ; 3 QL (17 ML per ; QL (180 EA per ; QL (90 EA per ; 4 QL (10 ML per ; oxycodone oral solution 3 QL (1800 ML per ; oxycodone oral tablet 10 oxycodone oral tablet 1, 0 oxycodone oral tablet 30 oxycodone oral tablet QL (180 EA per ; QL (10 EA per ; QL (60 EA per ; QL (360 EA per ; tramadol oral tablet QL (40 EA per ; Anesthetics Local Anesthetics lidocaine hcl injection solution 0 /ml ( %) lidocaine hcl mucous membrane gel lidocaine hcl mucous membrane solution lidocaine hcl urethral Name lidocaine topical adhesive patch,medicated lidocaine topical ointment lidocaine-prilocaine topical cream 4 PA; QL (90 EA per Anti-Addiction/ Substance Abuse Treatment Agents buprenorphine hcl sublingual tablet buprenorphine hcl sublingual tablet 8 buprenorphine-naloxone sublingual tablet -0. buprenorphine-naloxone sublingual tablet 8- naltrexone SUBOXONE SUBLINGUAL FILM 1-3 MG, 8- MG SUBOXONE SUBLINGUAL FILM -0. MG SUBOXONE SUBLINGUAL FILM 4-1 MG ZUBSOLV SUBLINGUAL TABLET 1.4-0.36 MG,.7-1.4 MG ZUBSOLV SUBLINGUAL TABLET 11.4-.9 MG,.9-0.71 MG ZUBSOLV SUBLINGUAL TABLET 8.6-.1 MG Alcohol Deterrents/ Anti-Craving acamprosate 4 disulfiram 4 naltrexone Opioid Reversal Agents 3 3 PA; QL (480 EA per 3 PA; QL (10 EA per 3 PA; QL (480 EA per 3 PA; QL (10 EA per 4 PA; QL (60 EA per 4 PA; QL (180 EA per 4 PA; QL (90 EA per 4 PA; QL (90 EA per 4 PA; QL (30 EA per 4 PA; QL (60 EA per 3

Name naloxone injection solution naloxone injection syringe 1 /ml QL ( ML per 30 days) Smoking Cessation Agents CHANTIX 4 QL (60 EA per CHANTIX CONTINUING MONTH BOX CHANTIX STARTING MONTH BOX 4 QL (6 EA per 8 days) 4 QL (60 EA per NICOTROL NS 4 Antibacterials Aminoglycosides amikacin injection solution 00 / ml BETHKIS 6 PA; QL (4 ML per 8 days) gentak ophthalmic ointment gentamicin injection B/D solution 40 /ml gentamicin ophthalmic GENTAMICIN B/D SULFATE (PF) INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 80 MG/8 ML gentamicin topical neomycin paromomycin 3 streptomycin intramuscular B/D TOBI PODHALER INHALATION CAPSULE, W/INHALATION DEVICE TOBRADEX OPHTHALMIC OINTMENT tobramycin 6 PA; QL (4 EA per 8 days) 3 Name tobramycin in 0. % nacl tobramycin sulfate injection solution TOBREX OPHTHALMIC OINTMENT 6 PA; QL (80 ML per 8 days) ZANOSAR Antibacterials, Other acetic acid otic alcohol pads bacitracin ophthalmic chloramphenicol sod B/D succinate CLEOCIN VAGINAL 3 SUPPOSITORY clindamycin hcl clindamycin in % dextrose clindamycin pediatric clindamycin phosphate topical gel clindamycin phosphate topical lotion clindamycin phosphate topical solution clindamycin phosphate topical swab clindamycin phosphate vaginal CUBICIN 6 DALVANCE 6 PA lincomycin injection linezolid 6 PA methenamine hippurate 3 metronidazole in nacl (iso-os) metronidazole oral metronidazole topical 3 cream metronidazole topical gel 0.7 % 4 4

Name metronidazole topical gel 1 % metronidazole topical lotion 3 3 metronidazole vaginal mupirocin nitrofurantoin PA macrocrystal nitrofurantoin PA monohyd/m-cryst ORBACTIV 6 PA; QL (9 EA per polymyxin b sulfate SIVEXTRO 6 PA INTRAVENOUS SIVEXTRO ORAL 6 PA; QL (6 EA per SULFAMYLON 4 TOPICAL CREAM tinidazole 3 trimethoprim TYGACIL 6 vancomycin intravenous recon soln 1,000, 10 gram, 00 vancomycin oral 4 VANDAZOLE Antibacterials colistin (colistimethate B/D na) SYNERCID 6 Beta-Lactam, Cephalosporins cefaclor oral capsule cefaclor oral suspension for reconstitution 1 / ml, 0 / ml, 37 / ml cefaclor oral tablet extended release 1 hr cefadroxil oral capsule Name cefadroxil oral suspension for reconstitution 0 / ml, 00 / ml cefadroxil oral tablet cefazolin injection recon soln 1 gram, 10 gram, 00 cefdinir cefepime cefixime 4 cefotaxime injection recon soln 1 gram, gram, 00 cefoxitin cefpodoxime 3 cefprozil ceftriaxone injection recon soln 10 gram, 0, 00 ceftriaxone intravenous cefuroxime axetil oral tablet cefuroxime sodium injection recon soln 1. gram, 70 cefuroxime sodium intravenous cephalexin oral capsule 0, 00 cephalexin oral suspension for reconstitution TEFLARO INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 400 MG TEFLARO 6 INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 600 MG Beta-Lactam, Other aztreonam injection recon soln 1 gram CAYSTON 6 PA; QL (84 ML per 8 days)

Name imipenem-cilastatin INVANZ INJECTION meropenem intravenous recon soln 00 Beta-Lactam, Penicillins amoxicillin oral capsule amoxicillin oral suspension for reconstitution amoxicillin oral tablet amoxicillin oral tablet,chewable 1, 0 amoxicillin-pot clavulanate ampicillin ampicillin sodium injection recon soln 1 gram, 10 gram, 1 ampicillin-sulbactam injection recon soln 1 gram, 3 gram ampicillin-sulbactam intravenous recon soln 1. gram AUGMENTIN ORAL 3 SUSPENSION FOR RECONSTITUTION 1-31. MG/ ML BICILLIN C-R BICILLIN L-A dicloxacillin nafcillin injection recon soln 1 gram nafcillin injection recon 6 soln 10 gram oxacillin in dextrose(iso-osm) intravenous piggyback 1 gram/0 ml oxacillin in 6 dextrose(iso-osm) intravenous piggyback gram/0 ml Name oxacillin injection recon soln 10 gram oxacillin intravenous recon soln gram penicillin g potassium injection recon soln million unit penicillin g procaine intramuscular syringe 1. million unit/ ml 6 penicillin g sodium penicillin v potassium piperacillin-tazobactam intravenous recon soln 3.37 gram, 4. gram, 40. gram Macrolides AZASITE 4 azithromycin intravenous azithromycin oral packet azithromycin oral suspension for reconstitution azithromycin oral tablet 0 azithromycin oral tablet 0 (6 pack) azithromycin oral tablet 00 azithromycin oral tablet 600 clarithromycin oral suspension for reconstitution clarithromycin oral tablet clarithromycin oral tablet extended release 4 hr ery pads ERYTHROCIN INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 00 MG QL (6 EA per days) QL (3 EA per 3 days) QL (8 EA per 30 days) QL (4 EA per 14 days) QL (4 EA per 14 days) 6

Name erythromycin ethylsuccinate oral tablet erythromycin ophthalmic 4 erythromycin oral tablet 4 erythromycin with ethanol topical gel erythromycin with ethanol topical solution Quinolones CILOXAN 4 OPHTHALMIC OINTMENT ciprofloxacin 3 ciprofloxacin (mixture) oral tablet, er multiphase 4 hr 1,000 ciprofloxacin (mixture) oral tablet, er multiphase 4 hr 00 ciprofloxacin hcl ophthalmic QL (14 EA per 14 days) QL (3 EA per 3 days) ciprofloxacin hcl oral ciprofloxacin in % dextrose intravenous piggyback 00 /100 ml ciprofloxacin lactate intravenous solution 400 /40 ml levofloxacin in dw intravenous piggyback 00 /100 ml, 70 /10 ml levofloxacin intravenous levofloxacin ophthalmic levofloxacin oral 3 solution levofloxacin oral tablet 1 QL (10 EA per 10 days) moxifloxacin 3 QL (10 EA per 10 days) Name ofloxacin ophthalmic ofloxacin oral tablet 400 ofloxacin otic Sulfonamides silvadene silver sulfadiazine ssd sulfacetamide sodium 3 (acne) sulfacetamide sodium ophthalmic sulfadiazine oral 3 sulfamethoxazole-trimet hoprim intravenous sulfamethoxazole-trimet hoprim oral Tetracyclines demeclocycline 4 doxy-100 doxycycline hyclate oral capsule doxycycline hyclate oral tablet 100, 0 doxycycline monohydrate oral capsule 100, 0, 7 doxycycline 4 monohydrate oral capsule 10 doxycycline monohydrate oral suspension for reconstitution doxycycline monohydrate oral tablet minocycline oral capsule minocycline oral tablet 3 tetracycline 4 Anticonvulsants Anticonvulsants, Other 7

Name BRIVIACT INTRAVENOUS BRIVIACT ORAL SOLUTION BRIVIACT ORAL TABLET diazepam rectal kit 1.-1-17.-0 diazepam rectal kit. diazepam rectal kit -7.-10 levetiracetam in nacl (iso-os) levetiracetam intravenous levetiracetam oral solution 100 /ml levetiracetam oral tablet levetiracetam oral tablet extended release 4 hr 00 levetiracetam oral tablet extended release 4 hr 70 POTIGA ORAL TABLET 00 MG, 300 MG, 400 MG POTIGA ORAL TABLET 0 MG SPRITAM ORAL TABLET FOR SUSPENSION 1,000 MG SPRITAM ORAL TABLET FOR SUSPENSION 0 MG, 00 MG SPRITAM ORAL TABLET FOR SUSPENSION 70 MG Calcium Channel Modifying Agents CELONTIN ORAL 4 CAPSULE 300 MG PA 6 PA; QL (600 ML per 6 PA; QL (60 EA per 4 QL (40 EA per 4 QL ( EA per 30 days) 4 QL (0 EA per QL (180 EA per QL (10 EA per 4 QL (90 EA per 4 QL (70 EA per 4 PA; QL (90 EA per 4 PA; QL (60 EA per 4 PA; QL (10 EA per Name ethosuximide LYRICA ORAL CAPSULE 100 MG, 10 MG, MG, 0 MG, 7 MG LYRICA ORAL CAPSULE 00 MG, MG, 300 MG LYRICA ORAL SOLUTION 4 QL (90 EA per 4 QL (60 EA per 4 QL (900 ML per zonisamide Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (Gaba) Augmenting Agents clonazepam oral tablet 0. clonazepam oral tablet 1 clonazepam oral tablet clonazepam oral tablet,disintegrating 0.1, 0., 0. clonazepam oral tablet,disintegrating 1 clonazepam oral tablet,disintegrating clorazepate dipotassium oral tablet 1 clorazepate dipotassium oral tablet 3.7 clorazepate dipotassium oral tablet 7. QL (100 EA per QL (600 EA per QL (300 EA per QL (100 EA per QL (600 EA per QL (300 EA per 4 QL (180 EA per 4 QL (70 EA per 4 QL (360 EA per diazepam intensol QL (360 ML per diazepam oral solution / ml (1 /ml) diazepam oral tablet 10 diazepam oral tablet 3 QL (1800 ML per QL (180 EA per QL (900 EA per 8

Name diazepam oral tablet QL (360 EA per divalproex gabapentin oral capsule gabapentin oral solution 3 0 / ml gabapentin oral tablet 600, 800 GABITRIL ORAL 4 PA TABLET 1 MG, 16 MG lamotrigine oral tablet,disintegrating 4 lorazepam oral tablet 0. lorazepam oral tablet 1 lorazepam oral tablet ONFI ORAL SUSPENSION ONFI ORAL TABLET 10 MG, 0 MG QL (600 EA per QL (300 EA per QL (10 EA per 3 ST; QL (480 ML per 3 ST; QL (60 EA per phenobarbital primidone SABRIL 6 PA; QL (180 EA per tiagabine 4 PA valproate sodium valproic acid valproic acid (as sodium salt) oral solution 0 / ml Glutamate Reducing Agents felbamate FYCOMPA ORAL SUSPENSION FYCOMPA ORAL TABLET 10 MG, 1 MG, 4 MG, 6 MG, 8 MG FYCOMPA ORAL TABLET MG 4 PA; QL (70 ML per 4 PA; QL (30 EA per 4 PA; QL (90 EA per Name lamotrigine oral tablet lamotrigine oral tablet, chewable dispersible topiramate oral capsule, sprinkle PA topiramate oral capsule,sprinkle,er 4hr 100,, 0 topiramate oral capsule,sprinkle,er 4hr 10, 00 3 PA; QL (30 EA per 3 PA; QL (60 EA per topiramate oral tablet PA Sodium Channel Agents APTIOM ORAL TABLET 00 MG, 400 MG, 800 MG APTIOM ORAL TABLET 600 MG BANZEL ORAL SUSPENSION BANZEL ORAL TABLET 00 MG BANZEL ORAL TABLET 400 MG carbamazepine oral suspension 100 / ml carbamazepine oral tablet carbamazepine oral tablet extended release 1 hr carbamazepine oral tablet,chewable 4 PA; QL (30 EA per 4 PA; QL (60 EA per 4 ST; QL (400 ML per 4 ST; QL (60 EA per 4 ST; QL (40 EA per 3 DILANTIN 4 epitol fosphenytoin injection solution 100 pe/ ml oxcarbazepine oral suspension 4 PA oxcarbazepine oral tablet 10, 300 oxcarbazepine oral tablet 600 3 PA; QL (60 EA per PA 9

Name OXTELLAR XR ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 4 HR 10 MG, 300 MG OXTELLAR XR ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 4 HR 600 MG 4 PA; QL (30 EA per 4 PA; QL (10 EA per PEGANONE 4 phenytek phenytoin oral suspension 1 / ml phenytoin oral tablet,chewable phenytoin sodium extended VIMPAT INTRAVENOUS PA VIMPAT ORAL SOLUTION VIMPAT ORAL TABLET Antidementia Agents 4 PA; QL (100 ML per 4 PA; QL (60 EA per Antidementia Agents, Other ergoloid 4 PA Cholinesterase Inhibitors donepezil oral tablet 10, donepezil oral tablet 3 donepezil oral tablet,disintegrating galantamine oral capsule,ext rel. pellets 4 hr galantamine oral solution 3 ST; QL (30 EA per 3 QL (30 EA per galantamine oral tablet 3 rivastigmine 3 QL (30 EA per rivastigmine tartrate 3 N-Methyl-D-Aspartate (Nmda) Receptor Antagonist 3 Name memantine oral tablet QL (60 EA per memantine oral 3 tablets,dose pack NAMENDA XR 3 QL (30 EA per NAMZARIC 4 QL (30 EA per Antidepressants Antidepressants, Other ABILIFY MAINTENA 6 PA INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION,EXTEN DED REL RECON 300 MG ABILIFY MAINTENA INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION,EXTEN DED REL SYRING 6 PA aripiprazole oral tablet 10, 1, 0, 30 aripiprazole oral tablet aripiprazole oral tablet aripiprazole oral tablet,disintegrating 4 QL (30 EA per 4 QL (10 EA per 4 QL (60 EA per 6 QL (60 EA per buproban QL (60 EA per bupropion hcl oral tablet 100 bupropion hcl oral tablet 7 bupropion hcl oral tablet extended release 100 bupropion hcl oral tablet extended release 10 bupropion hcl oral tablet extended release 00 QL (10 EA per QL (180 EA per QL (10 EA per QL (90 EA per QL (60 EA per 10

Name bupropion hcl oral tablet extended release 4 hr 10 bupropion hcl oral tablet extended release 4 hr 300 QL (90 EA per QL (30 EA per maprotiline mirtazapine nefazodone SEROQUEL XR ORAL 3 TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 4 HR trazodone oral tablet 100, 10, 0 trazodone oral tablet 3 300 Antidepressants perphenazine-amitriptyli 4 ne Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors EMSAM 6 PA MARPLAN 4 phenelzine tranylcypromine 4 Ssris/ Snris citalopram oral solution citalopram oral tablet 1 desvenlafaxine oral tablet extended release 4 hr duloxetine oral capsule,delayed release(dr/ec) 0, 30 duloxetine oral capsule,delayed release(dr/ec) 40 duloxetine oral capsule,delayed release(dr/ec) 60 4 ST; QL (30 EA per QL (90 EA per QL (30 EA per QL (60 EA per escitalopram oxalate FETZIMA 4 PA; QL (30 EA per 11 Name fluoxetine oral capsule fluoxetine oral capsule,delayed release(dr/ec) fluoxetine oral solution fluoxetine oral tablet 10, 0 fluvoxamine oral tablet paroxetine hcl oral tablet PAXIL ORAL SUSPENSION PRISTIQ ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 4 HR 100 MG PRISTIQ ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 4 HR MG, 0 MG sertraline oral concentrate 4 QL (4 EA per 8 days) 4 QL (900 ML per 4 ST; QL (10 EA per 4 ST; QL (30 EA per sertraline oral tablet 1 TRINTELLIX 4 ST; QL (30 EA per venlafaxine oral capsule,extended release 4hr 10, 37. venlafaxine oral capsule,extended release 4hr 7 venlafaxine oral tablet venlafaxine oral tablet extended release 4hr 10, 37., 7 VENLAFAXINE ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 4HR MG VIIBRYD ORAL TABLET VIIBRYD ORAL TABLETS,DOSE PACK 10 MG (7)- 0 MG (3) QL (60 EA per QL (90 EA per 4 QL (30 EA per 4 QL (30 EA per 4 ST; QL (30 EA per 4 ST; QL (30 EA per

Name Tricyclics amitriptyline amoxapine clomipramine 4 desipramine oral doxepin oral imipramine hcl nortriptyline protriptyline 4 SILENOR 4 QL (30 EA per trimipramine 4 Antiemetics Antiemetics, Other chlorpromazine injection chlorpromazine oral compro diphenhydramine hcl injection solution 0 /ml hydroxyzine hcl oral PA tablet meclizine oral tablet 1., metoclopramide hcl injection solution metoclopramide hcl oral solution metoclopramide hcl oral tablet perphenazine prochlorperazine prochlorperazine B/D edisylate injection solution 10 / ml ( /ml) prochlorperazine maleate oral promethazine oral tablet PA TIGAN INTRAMUSCULAR B/D Name TRANSDERM-SCOP 4 Emetogenic Therapy Adjuncts CELLCEPT INTRAVENOUS PA dronabinol oral capsule 10 dronabinol oral capsule., EMEND INTRAVENOUS EMEND ORAL CAPSULE 1 MG, 80 MG EMEND ORAL CAPSULE 40 MG EMEND ORAL CAPSULE,DOSE PACK granisetron (pf) intravenous solution 100 mcg/ml granisetron hcl intravenous 6 PA; QL (180 EA per 4 PA; QL (180 EA per B/D 4 PA 4 PA; QL (1 EA per 4 PA PA PA granisetron hcl oral 3 PA; QL (60 EA per ondansetron B/D; QL (90 EA per ondansetron hcl (pf) B/D ondansetron hcl oral solution ondansetron hcl oral tablet 4 ondansetron hcl oral tablet 4, 8 Antifungals Antifungals B/D; QL (40 ML per B/D; QL (1 EA per B/D; QL (90 EA per ABELCET 6 B/D AMBISOME 6 B/D amphotericin b B/D CANCIDAS 6 PA ciclopirox topical cream ciclopirox topical gel 4 1

Name ciclopirox topical shampoo ciclopirox topical solution ciclopirox topical suspension clotrimazole mucous membrane 4 clotrimazole topical CRESEMBA 6 PA econazole topical fluconazole fluconazole in nacl (iso-osm) intravenous piggyback 00 /100 ml, 400 /00 ml flucytosine 6 griseofulvin microsize oral suspension griseofulvin microsize 3 oral tablet griseofulvin 3 ultramicrosize itraconazole 4 PA ketoconazole oral ketoconazole topical cream ketoconazole topical shampoo miconazole-3 vaginal suppository MYCAMINE 6 NATACYN 3 NOXAFIL ORAL SUSPENSION 6 PA NOXAFIL ORAL TABLET,DELAYED RELEASE (DR/EC) nyamyc nystatin oral suspension nystatin oral tablet nystatin topical 6 PA; QL (90 EA per Name nystop terbinafine hcl oral QL (30 EA per terconazole voriconazole intravenous voriconazole oral 6 PA suspension for reconstitution voriconazole oral tablet 6 PA 00 voriconazole oral tablet 4 PA 0 ZOLINZA 6 PA; QL (10 EA per Antigout Agents Antigout Agents allopurinol colchicine oral capsule 3 QL (60 EA per colchicine oral tablet 3 QL (10 EA per colchicine-probenecid probenecid Anti-Inflammatory Agents Glucocorticoids betamethasone dipropionate betamethasone valerate topical cream betamethasone valerate topical lotion betamethasone valerate topical ointment betamethasone, augmented BLEPHAMIDE S.O.P. 4 cortisone 3 dexamethasone oral elixir dexamethasone oral tablet 13

Name dexamethasone sodium phosphate injection solution hydrocortisone oral tablet 0, methylprednisolone acetate methylprednisolone oral tablet methylprednisolone sodium succ injection recon soln 1, 40 prednisolone acetate prednisolone sodium phosphate ophthalmic prednisolone sodium phosphate oral solution 1 / ml (3 /ml), / ml ( /ml) prednisolone sodium 3 phosphate oral solution base/ ml (6.7 / ml) prednisone intensol prednisone oral solution prednisone oral tablet sulfacetamide-prednisol one Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory s celecoxib oral capsule 100, 00, 0 celecoxib oral capsule 400 diclofenac potassium diclofenac sodium oral diflunisal etodolac oral capsule 00 etodolac oral tablet etodolac oral tablet 3 extended release 4 hr fenoprofen oral tablet QL (60 EA per QL (30 EA per 14 Name flurbiprofen ibuprofen oral suspension ibuprofen oral tablet 400, 600, 800 indomethacin oral capsule ketoprofen oral capsule meloxicam oral tablet nabumetone naproxen naproxen sodium oral tablet 7, 0 oxaprozin 3 sulindac oral Antimigraine Agents Antimigraine Agents methylergonovine oral 4 Ergot Alkaloids dihydroergotamine injection dihydroergotamine nasal 6 PA; QL (8 ML per migergot 3 QL ( EA per 7 days) Prophylactic divalproex timolol maleate oral topiramate oral capsule, PA sprinkle topiramate oral tablet PA valproic acid valproic acid (as sodium salt) oral solution 0 / ml Serotonin (-Ht) 1B/1D Receptor Agonists naratriptan QL (18 EA per rizatriptan QL (4 EA per sumatriptan succinate oral QL (18 EA per

Name sumatriptan succinate subcutaneous cartridge sumatriptan succinate subcutaneous pen injector 6 /0. ml sumatriptan succinate subcutaneous solution sumatriptan succinate subcutaneous syringe 6 /0. ml QL (8 ML per 30 days) QL (8 ML per 30 days) QL (8 ML per 30 days) QL (8 ML per 30 days) zolmitriptan 4 QL (18 EA per Antimyasthenic Agents Parasympathomimetics guanidine MESTINON ORAL 4 SYRUP pyridostigmine bromide oral tablet pyridostigmine bromide 4 oral tablet extended release Antimycobacterials Antimycobacterials, Other dapsone PRIFTIN 4 rifabutin 4 Antituberculars CAPASTAT ethambutol isoniazid injection isoniazid oral PASER 4 pyrazinamide rifampin intravenous rifampin oral RIFATER 4 SIRTURO 6 PA; QL (4 EA per 8 days) TRECATOR 4 Antineoplastics Name ABRAXANE 6 B/D amifostine crystalline B/D fludarabine intravenous B/D recon soln FUSILEV B/D leucovorin calcium B/D injection recon soln 100, 30 leucovorin calcium oral 3 mitoxantrone 3 B/D REVLIMID ORAL CAPSULE. MG, 0 MG 6 PA; LA; QL (30 EA per SYNRIBO 6 B/D YERVOY 6 PA INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 0 MG/10 ML ( MG/ML) ZALTRAP 6 PA INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 100 MG/4 ML ( MG/ML) Alkylating Agents BUSULFEX B/D cyclophosphamide oral 4 B/D capsule HEXALEN 6 LEUKERAN 3 MATULANE 6 melphalan hcl B/D thiotepa B/D VALCHLOR 6 PA; QL (60 GM per Antiandrogens bicalutamide flutamide 3 NILANDRON 6 QL (30 EA per XTANDI 6 PA; QL (10 EA per ZYTIGA 6 PA; QL (10 EA per 1

Name Antiangiogenic Agents POMALYST 6 PA; QL (30 EA per REVLIMID ORAL CAPSULE 10 MG, 1 MG, MG, MG THALOMID ORAL CAPSULE 100 MG, 0 MG THALOMID ORAL CAPSULE 10 MG, 00 MG Antiestrogens/Modifiers 6 PA; LA; QL (30 EA per 6 PA; QL (30 EA per 6 PA; QL (60 EA per EMCYT 4 FARESTON 6 SOLTAMOX 4 tamoxifen Antimetabolites DROXIA 4 gemcitabine intravenous 6 B/D recon soln 1 gram hydroxyurea LONSURF ORAL TABLET 1-6.14 MG LONSURF ORAL TABLET 0-8.19 MG 6 PA; QL (100 EA per 8 days) 6 PA; QL (80 EA per 8 days) PURIXAN 6 PA TABLOID 4 Antineoplastics ALIMTA 6 B/D INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 00 MG ARRANON 6 B/D AVASTIN 6 B/D azacitidine 6 B/D BELEODAQ 6 PA BICNU B/D bleomycin injection B/D recon soln 30 unit carboplatin intravenous B/D solution cisplatin B/D Name cladribine 6 B/D CLOLAR B/D COSMEGEN 6 B/D cytarabine B/D cytarabine (pf) injection B/D solution gram/0 ml (100 /ml) dacarbazine intravenous B/D recon soln 00 daunorubicin B/D intravenous solution decitabine 6 PA dexrazoxane hcl B/D intravenous recon soln 0 docetaxel intravenous B/D solution 80 /4 ml (0 /ml), 80 /8 ml (10 /ml) doxorubicin intravenous B/D solution 0 / ml doxorubicin, B/D peg-liposomal ELITEK 6 ERBITUX 6 B/D INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 100 MG/0 ML ERWINAZE 6 B/D FASLODEX 6 GLEOSTINE 4 HALAVEN 6 B/D HERCEPTIN 6 B/D idarubicin B/D ifosfamide intravenous B/D recon soln 1 gram irinotecan intravenous B/D solution 100 / ml ISTODAX 6 B/D JEVTANA 6 B/D KADCYLA INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 100 MG 6 PA 16

Name LYNPARZA 6 PA; QL (480 EA per mesna MESNEX ORAL 6 mitomycin B/D MUSTARGEN 6 B/D NINLARO 6 PA; QL (3 EA per 8 days) NIPENT B/D oxaliplatin intravenous B/D solution 100 /0 ml paclitaxel B/D PROLEUKIN 6 B/D TREANDA 6 B/D INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 100 MG TRISENOX B/D VECTIBIX 6 B/D INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 100 MG/ ML (0 MG/ML) VELCADE 6 B/D VENCLEXTA ORAL TABLET 10 MG VENCLEXTA ORAL TABLET 100 MG VENCLEXTA ORAL TABLET 0 MG VENCLEXTA STARTING PACK vinblastine intravenous solution vincasar pfs intravenous solution 1 /ml vincristine intravenous solution 1 /ml vinorelbine intravenous solution 0 / ml 4 PA; QL (60 EA per 6 PA; QL (10 EA per 4 PA; QL (30 EA per 6 PA; QL (84 EA per 36 days) B/D B/D B/D B/D Aromatase Inhibitors, 3Rd Generation anastrozole exemestane 4 letrozole Name Enzyme Inhibitors ETOPOPHOS B/D etoposide intravenous 3 B/D FARYDAK 6 PA; QL (6 EA per 1 days) IBRANCE 6 PA; QL (1 EA per 8 days) topotecan intravenous B/D recon soln ZOLINZA 6 PA; QL (10 EA per ZYDELIG 6 PA; QL (60 EA per Molecular Target Inhibitors AFINITOR ORAL TABLET 10 MG, 7. MG AFINITOR ORAL TABLET. MG, MG 6 PA; QL (60 EA per 6 PA; QL (30 EA per ALECENSA 6 PA; QL (40 EA per BOSULIF ORAL TABLET 100 MG BOSULIF ORAL TABLET 00 MG 6 PA; QL (10 EA per 6 PA; QL (30 EA per CABOMETYX 6 PA; QL (30 EA per CAPRELSA ORAL TABLET 100 MG CAPRELSA ORAL TABLET 300 MG COMETRIQ ORAL CAPSULE 100 MG/DAY(80 MG X1-0 MG X1) COMETRIQ ORAL CAPSULE 140 MG/DAY(80 MG X1-0 MG X3) COMETRIQ ORAL CAPSULE 60 MG/DAY (0 MG X 3/DAY) 6 PA; QL (60 EA per 6 PA; QL (30 EA per 6 PA; QL (6 EA per 8 days) 6 PA; QL (11 EA per 8 days) 6 PA; QL (84 EA per 8 days) COTELLIC 6 PA; LA; QL (63 EA per 8 days) 17