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Volume 01 @ Iskandar Malaysia SHOWCASE YEAR 2015 EDITION www.kccdev.com.my Building Value For Life New Urban Living Magnificent Penthouses Proven Investment Returns In Malaysia High Rise Vs Landed Residences Amazing Choices For Luxury Living

02 ISKANDAR FLAGSHIP E THE HIGHLY-COVETED ISKANDAR MALAYSIA'S FLAGSHIP E With the buzz in Iskandar Malaysia heightening, investors have identified Flagship E as the new investment hotspot due to its rapid commercial growth and abundance of well-planned infrastructure. Key economic activities in Flagship E include airport services, engineering, electrical and electronics (E&E) and education. Going forward, it will also be a hub for agro and food processing, ICT and retail tourism. Senai International Airport is envisaged to be the No. 2 airport in the region after Changi by 2025. In the future, a multi-modal terminal and cyber city will be developed in Flagship E ; there will also be an MRT/LRT system connecting Flagship E to the Johor Bahru City Centre and elsewhere. The Senai township is set to anchor many of Iskandar Malaysia's key industrial developments, including the Senai Hi-Tech Park, Senai Cargo Hub, Scientex Innoparc, Senai Technology Park and the MSC Cybercity. There's also the Johor Premium Outlets, Legoland, Hello Kitty Town and other attractive destinations within proximity. Therefore, be assured of high capital appreciation and excellent investment returns, making this the most brilliant investment you'll ever make. So capitalize on this opportunity before prices escalate to maximize on value and savings. Major Port of Entry Airports Seaports Jetties/Ferry Terminals Existing Industrial Area Potential Industrial Expansion Area R&D Centre Truck Freight Route (Highway) Truck Freight Route (Truck) Train Freight Route Shipping Route Centre of Excellence, Logistics Park And Distribution Centres 1 2 3 4 5 Sedenak Kulai Senai Kempas Tanjung Kupang 1 Sedenak Kelapa Sawit 2 Kulai Flagship E Kota Tinggi District Senai Senai Int. Airport Seelong nut 3 Pontian District Ulu Choh Skudai Maju Jaya 1 Berjaya 4 Tebrau Desa Cemerlang Pontian Besar Pekan Nanas Taman Gembira Tampoi Dewani Kota Puteri Tanjung Langsat acca SiLC Danga Bay Puteri Harbour Stulang Sembawang Wharves Pasir Gudang Johor Port Pulau Ubin Tanjung Langsat Port Tanjung Belungkor Pulau Tekong Besar Tanjung Pelepas Tanjung Kupang 5 Singapore Kukup Port of Tanjung Pelepas Jurong Port Changi Airport

ISKANDAR FLAGSHIP E 03 ISKANDAR'S FAST GROWING ECONOMIC REGION Invest, Work, Live & Play Senai has been capitalizing on Iskandar Malaysia s growth as a pro-business destination for companies and is poised for greater heights with many new developments on the horizon. With plans to create an "Airport City", MMC - the flagship company of tycoon Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar al-bulkhary invested RM1.7 billion and recently sold 3 land parcels totalling 188.7 acres for further expansion. The 700-acre Sedenak Industrial Park is a groundbreaking integrated development that many see as a key driver in the flagship. Among its occupants is the China-based D&Y Textile and Garment Group, a leading manufacturer that has invested RM640 million to build a new plant that makes them the region's largest textile enterprise. There's also the world renowned chocolate manufacturer Hersheyʼs - new plant at the Senai Free Trade Zone. Furthermore, it is reported that Microsoft Corp is looking to invest RM6 billion to set up its data centre in Sedenak. The First 4-Star Hotel In Senai With all these developments mushrooming all over Senai, KCC has introduced the first 4-star hotel in Senai that will complement the demand for hospitality services. KCC Hotel is equipped with about 200 guest rooms, a ballroom, swimming pool and cafeteria that can cater to different needs - be it business or lifestyle or family or private. Expected completion by end of 2016. EXPECTED COMPLETION BY END OF YEAR 2016 Source : *China-based D&Y Textile buys 9.7ha in Sedenak Industrial Park. Retrieved from http://www.thesundaily.my/news/1112706 * MMC sells Senai land for RM369.97 mil. Retrieved from www.theedgeproperty.com.my/content/mmc-sells-senai-land-rm36997-mil * MMC news. Retrieved from http://www.mmc.com.my/content.asp?menuid=100042&rootid=100003&pressid=111 * RM30bil target for Iskandar can be achieved this year, Retrieved from www.thestar.com.my/business/business-news/2015/10/12/rm30bil-target-for-iskandar-can-be-achieved-this-year/?style=biz

04 NEW URBAN LIVING MALAYSIA'S NEW URBAN LANDSCAPE What's Best For Your Needs? High Rise Living vs Landed Residences Many high-rise residential projects have sprung up across the urban landscape in Malaysia since the late 1990s. Spotting the ideal property may sound like a daunting task, especially with the multitude of choices available. Apartments and condominiums that have redefined high-rise living and have risen in popularity especially among the younger generation. If you are looking for a residential property to serve as a rental unit, high-rise property is the way to go.

THE SENAI GARDEN 05 THE ESSENCE OF URBAN TRANQUILLITY Comfort & Serenity In A Low-Density Address Step into Iskandar Malaysia's finest contemporary living address that is dedicated towards offering the best high-rise living possible. The Senai Garden comprises 8 acres of freehold land within a setting of lush greenery. For a reasonable amount, home buyers can enjoy spacious living spaces with excellent built-up area as well as resort-like facilities. It's attracted many of today's working professionals such as engineers, doctors, lecturers, pilots, management personnel and more from the surrounding of The Senai Garden. Excellent Investment Returns This private and secure address comes with 3-tier security system and the most common is the 1-bedroom-type (equipped with full furnishing) that secures monthly rental returns from RM1,500 to RM1,800. This is up to 7% investment rental return per annum. Take your place and enjoy proven investment returns at The Senai Garden.

06 FACILITIES A SECURE GATED & GUARDED SANCTUARY The Senai Garden adapts a multi-tiered approach that includes intercom, access card and CCTV. Although landed residential neighbourhoods have their own security system in place, it is much harder to manage due to the large number of houses spread over a wider area. Since high-rise residences are focused in one small area, the security system is more effective. The Senai Garden Security System includes : 24-hour guard & patrol services 24-hour CCTV surveillance within the compound CCTV surveillance at every lift corridor Guardhouse access control Card control at lift lobby Card control at lift for individual floor INDULGE WITH RESORT-LIKE FACILITIES 01 02 To compensate for the lake of space, The Senai Garden compensates with facilities that is accessible for residents only. These facilities commonly include swimming pool, gymnasium, community hall, reflexology path, landscaped garden, children s playground, yoga deck, tennis court and much more. Children s Wet Playground Gymnasium 03 04 Mini-Theatre KTV Room 05 06 Tennis Court & 9 Hole Mini-Golf Course Jacuzzi 01. Children s Wet Playground 02. Gymnasium 03. Mini-Theatre 04. KTV Room 05. Tennis Court & 9 Hole Mini-Golf Course 06. Jacuzzi LATEST CLUBHOUSE ACTIVITIES*: *Subject to change 1. Free Movie Night for residents 2. Free KTV for residents 3. Yoga class 4. Swimming class/course WELL-MANAGED & MAINTAINED BY CCO & ASSOCIATES CCO & Associates are Johor Bahru based Property Consultants with over twenty five years of experience in Property Management and Property Agency & Lettings.

PENTHOUSE 07 THE DEFINITIVE PENTHOUSE FOR Gorgeous Views That Soothe & Mesmerise The Senai Garden penthouse that serves up living spaces while the unobstructed views further enhance the sensation of space. LUXURY LIVING Spacious Living Hall Elegant Master Bedroom 04 Private Enclosed Space (PES) As the pinnacle of luxury living, the penthouses at The Senai Garden are designed to epitomize the finest in opulence and class. Furthermore, a limited collection of 6 penthouse units offer private enclosed spaces that give you the freedom to make it anything you desire it to be. Spacious Penthouse Design The Senai Garden's penthouse comes with double volume design that ranges from 1,381 sq ft to 4,293 sq ft with up to 5 + 1 rooms. Sky Garden On The Top


EVENTS 09 03 A Prosperous & Fun Chinese New Year Extravaganza EVENTS 01 02 The Chinese New Year Celebration Event that was held on the 7th of March at The Senai Garden was an exciting and joyous occasion. Besides the delicious treats, there was the exciting Lion Dance Performance and clowns that entertained the little ones by making balloon sculptures, which made the day more memorable. MediaCorp artiste Mr. Elvin Ng was part of the festivities as fans got to meet the actor and model. As part of KCC's initiative in ushering in a very successful year, the highlight of the day was the Lucky Draw in which lucrative cash prizes were given away. 04 05 06 Fabulous Fun At The Dream Car Expo 08 07 On the 26th and 27th of September of 2015, The Senai Garden hosted the fabulous Dream Car Expo which was an overwhelming successful event, Featuring Kid's Colouring and Photography Contests as well as a fun lucky draw and many other exciting performances. The photography contest was jointly organised with the Johor State Photographer Association and offered photographers a terrific opportunity to showcase their photography skills. 01. Singapore MediaCorp Artiste Elvin Ng 02. Singing Performance 03. Dancing Performance 04. Lion Dance 05. Q&A Winner 06. Professional Photo Contest Winner 07. Colouring Contest Winner 08. Antique Car Show With Professional Model

10 RESIDENTS FEEDBACK RESIDENTS FEEDBACK Ms. Yew (Sales & Marketing) "It is so much closer to a resort-like environment that my friends thought I was on vacation when I posted The Senai Garden photo on my FB." Dr. Tan (University Senior Lecturer) "I like its low-density concept. Very comfortable and stress free to be living here." Preschool Operator Senai Garden is a visionary in developing a purpose-built preschool, in a peaceful and tranquil environment, making it an ideal place for children to spend a large part of their day with ample sunlight. Mr. Tang (Director) "Rental income very good. Good place for investment." Mdm. Teo (Business Owner) Ms. Lua Shu Ping (Secretary) "I like its low-density concept. Also strategic location with easy access to the highway. Management personnel is also responsive and helpful." "I enjoy the wide range of facilities & view of greens that close to nature, which enhances the qualify of my personal life."

LOCATION MAP 11 LOCATION MAP GPS Coordinates: 1 35' 41.2 N 103 38' 53.2 E 5 1 4 6 2 3 Approximate Travel Time 路经时间预算 : 3 Johor Kempas mins Expressway 3 The North-South mins 3 New Senai-Desaru mins Expressway Expressway 柔佛甘拔高速公路 南北大道 新士乃 - 迪沙鲁 高速公路 5 Senai International mins Airport 士乃国际机场 5 Skudai mins Interchange 士古来交通枢纽 7 Palm Resort Golf & mins Country Club 高尔夫球度假村 8 Johor Premium mins Outlets (JPO) 柔佛国际品牌中心 8 Universiti Teknologi mins Malaysia (UTM) 马来西亚理工大学 10 Pasir Gudang & Kota mins Tinggi Expressway 巴西古当和哥打丁宜高速公路 15 JB City & Woodlands mins Checkpoint (CIQ) 新山市区及新山关卡 15 Legoland mins 乐高主题乐园 20 2nd Link mins Interchange 新柔第二通道交通枢纽 20 Columbia Asia mins Hospital Columbia Asia 医院 25 Johor State mins New Administrative Centre (JSNAC) 新政府行政中心 1 2 3 4 5 6 Johor Premium Outlets (JPO) (8 mins) Legoland (15 mins) Woodlands Checkpoint (15 mins) Seri Omega Private & International School (8 mins) Senai International Airport (5 mins) Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) (8 mins)

KCC Development (M) Sdn. Bhd. (357191-A) A Subsidiary Company of Peck Seong Realty Sdn. Bhd. (105375-A) Headquarters: 93, Jalan Hashim, 84000 Muar, Johor, Malaysia Sales Gallery: No. 125, Jalan Impian Senai 2, Taman Impian Senai, 81400 Senai, Johor Fax: +607-598 3418 QuickLink: +606-953 3399 GPS Coordinates: 1 35' 41.2 N 103 38' 53.2 E ISO 9001: 2008 PROVISION OF PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES +607-5992896 +6019-688 0596 +6017-688 6233 www.kccdev.com.my All plans, information and specifications contained herein are subject to change and / or amendments as directed by the relevant authorities / architects and cannot form any part of an offer and contract. All measurements are approximate and the illustrations are artist s impressions only. While every reasonable care has been taken in preparing this circular, the developer cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies.