Dear Parents and Guardians, This term 3 has been very exciting for us, especially here in the Primary School. This is the first time that we had a baz

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前 言 香 港 中 文 大 學 優 質 學 校 改 進 計 劃 ( 下 稱 計 劃 ) 團 隊 自 1998 年 起 積 極 於 本 地 推 動 理 論 及 實 踐 並 重 的 學 校 改 進 工 作, 並 逐 步 發 展 成 為 本 地 最 具 規 模 的 校 本 支 援 服 務 品 牌, 曾 支

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( ) 001 ( CIP) /. :, 2005 ISBN G CIP ( 2005 ) ( 147 : ) 787 mm1092mm

目 錄 (1) 我 們 的 學 校 學 校 簡 介 學 校 管 理 班 級 組 織 學 生 出 席 率 中 六 畢 業 生 狀 況 教 師 資 歷 教 學 經 驗 教 師 專 業 發 展 (2) 關 注 事 項 的 成 就 與 反 思 重 點 發 展 項 目 一 : 深 化 研 習 英 語 之 優

生之追尋 小鴿子

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建國科大 許您一個海闊天空的未來 建國科大本著術德兼修五育並重的教育方針 持續努力的朝向專業教學型大學邁進 期許建國的學生能成為企業所樂用的人才 建國科大多元性發展與延伸觸角 如 教學卓越計畫 產官學合作 國際交流活動等等 讓師生能充實基礎實力 更提升競爭力 不管將來是要升學或是就業 都能一帆風順


YAYASAN BUDDHA TZU CHI WIYATA Early Childhood and Primary ) Primary School Newsletter this issue Welcome Remarks P.2 Parent Seminar P.3 Chinese New Year P.4 Sports Team Update P.6 Competition and Achievements P.8 Jing Si Aphorism Drawing Competition P.9 Field Trip P.10 P4 Volunteer Activities P.11 Health Awareness Week & Pelantikan Dokter Kecil P.12 Student Monitors Training P.14 Students Article P.15 Students Q&A P.16 Monsters Drawing P1 Students

Dear Parents and Guardians, This term 3 has been very exciting for us, especially here in the Primary School. This is the first time that we had a bazaar and we are very grateful for the help extended by the Parent Teacher Association in making the event a huge success. The students were very excited to donate second hand items for the bazaar. During this event, the children learned many different skills and practiced the Tzu Chi values to reduce, reuse and recycle. Students from P1 P4 were busy selling second hand goods while students in P5 and P6 level were busy developing their entrepreneurial skills selling vegetarian food and drinks. On that day alone, combined with the art auction we had, we were able to generate a revenue of over 50 million rupiah. The fund raised during the bazaar was then donated to SAAB shares, a charity organization which focuses on underprivileged children. Some teachers and parents represented Tzu Chi School to visit them and give the donation. This process was documented and shared with the students during the morning Assembly so that our students understand the purpose of all their effort and hard work. We culminated this term with many different activities. There were field trips, the health awareness week and a visit to the Recycling Depot for P4 students. You may see the detailed description about these activities in this edition of the newsletter. It is our commitment not only to educate students academically, but also to instill good values in them. Through all our activities, we promote the Tzu Chi values and spirit in the students. I hope you enjoy this edition of the newsletter. Here s wishing you all a well rested term break. Regards, Caroline Widjanarko 2

Parent Seminar: Bully Prevention Program -Ms Meilya- kata Bullying mungkin terdengar begitu mengkhawatirkan bagi para orangtua, terutama saat anak-anak berinteraksi dengan teman di lingkungan sekolah. Bullying sendiri kadang tidak terhindarkan dan dapat terjadi pada setiap siswa, serta memberikan ancaman secara fisik maupun emosional. Menyadari pentingnya pengetahuan kepada orangtua mengenai isu bullying, Sekolah mengadakan Parent Seminar mengenai Bully Prevention Program pada tanggal 3 Februari 2017 lalu, yang dibawakan oleh Ms. Meilya Lusianti, M. Psi., Psikolog. Dalam seminar tersebut, orangtua diberikan pengetahuan mengenai pengertian dan jenis-jenis bullying, bagaimana cara membedakan antara bullying dan konflik yang normal antara anak sebaya, serta perbedaan dinamika bullying antara anak laki-laki dan perempuan. Tak lupa hasil survei yang telah dilakukan terhadap siswa-siswi kelas 4 dan 5, serta program pencegahan yang diberikan kepada para siswa di sekolah juga dipaparkan. Salah satu fakta di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar siswa Tzu Chi kelas 4 dan 5, baik laki-laki maupun perempuan pernah mengalami bullying. Hanya 13% siswa lakilaki dan 16% siswa perempuan menyatakan tidak pernah mengalami bullying sama sekali. Fakta lainnya menyebutkan bahwa jenis bullying yang paling banyak dialami oleh para siswa baik laki-laki maupun perempuan ternyata adalah Verbal Bullying, diikuti oleh Physical bullying pada siswa laki-laki dan social bullying pada siswa perempuan. Sekolah pun telah menerapkan Bully Prevention Education Program yang hingga saat ini telah diberikan kepada siswa-siswi kelas 4 dan 5, dan akan diikuti oleh siswasiswi di kelas lainnya. Tujuan utamanya adalah untuk membiasakan para siswa, terutama yang pernah menjadi saksi untuk lebih berani dalam membela dan melaporkan kasus bullying, baik kepada guru maupun konselor sekolah. Meskipun demikian, tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa bullying masih sangat mungkin terjadi. Untuk itu, kerja sama dan komunikasi antara orangtua murid, sekolah, dan para guru wali kelas sangat berperan penting dalam mendukung keberhasilan program. 3

印尼慈濟小学新年庆祝会 撰文 : 王秀凤老师 2017 年 1 月 30 日, 印尼慈濟小学成功举办了新年庆 祝活动 本次新年庆祝活动按往年惯例, 各班级都装饰得很漂亮, 并在五楼开启新年庆祝会 本次庆祝会还推出创举, 开办二手物品义卖及学生艺术作品拍卖活动 义卖物品来自学生及老师的捐赠的可再利用的物品 义卖及拍卖金额以及剩下的义卖品全部用于慈善, 捐赠于孤老病残等社会特殊人群 本次活动既响应我校节约不浪费美德, 又能有效收集师生家庭不用的物品进行二次义卖, 让更多需要的人群以实惠价格用到可用的用品物资 而活动更有意义的内涵还在于同时提高了我校学生互相合作 培养其销售能力, 让他们学会如何有效介绍产品 销售产品的技能 这些活动的意义无疑提高了庆祝会的质量 庆祝会分为三大部分 第一部分教室装饰比赛及广告比赛 在这一环节中, 各班师生积极准备教室装饰材料, 学生更是主意多多, 为老师出谋划策装点自己的 江山 大红灯笼高高挂, 红包 大公鸡 彩带 大红福字等等都被装饰在了教室里外 有的教室极富有创新精神, 大有中国元素, 用纸箱拼接, 画起了中国龙 只有一两天的时间, 学校焕然一新, 全为中国红, 全校红红火火过大年! 广告比赛, 是根据自己班级班级被分配到的物品, 用广告的形式来展示销售的物品 为此, 各班级都不服输, 舞蹈 唱歌 广告牌等通通都派上了用场, 学校处处热闹非凡 庆祝会第二部分是联欢会 联欢会充分展现我们学校的特色和风采, 既有我校时尚的小提琴乐队表演, 又有带有新年气氛和中国传统风味的 茉莉花 歌唱与舞蹈表演, 还有中国老师及学生共同完成的流行舞蹈 小苹果 以及菲律宾教师团队的舞蹈及歌曲演唱 义卖物品展示秀等等节目, 节目内容丰富多彩, 特别是义卖物品展示秀, 动感的音乐和同学们的物品走秀演出把整场庆祝会推向了高潮, 给同学们留下了深刻的印象 4

庆祝会第二部分是联欢会 联欢会充分展现我们学校的特色和风采, 既有我校时尚的小提琴乐队表演, 又有带有新年气氛和中国传统风味的 茉莉花 歌唱与舞蹈表演, 还有中国老师及学生共同完成的流行舞蹈 小苹果 以及菲律宾教师团队的舞蹈及歌曲演唱 义卖物品展示秀等等节目, 节目内容丰富多彩, 特别是义卖物品展示秀, 动感的音乐和同学们的物品走秀演出把整场庆祝会推向了高潮, 给同学们留下了深刻的印象 庆祝会的第三部分是二手义卖会 义卖会, 是这次庆祝会的重点 1-4 年级班级, 负责义卖书籍 玩具 生活用品 5-6 年级义卖学生和老师亲手制作的美食 在购物过程中, 老师们都均有发现, 学生不仅买到自己喜欢的物品, 也给自己的家人买下他们喜欢的物品 学生在校园不仅仅学习知识, 更重要是帮助学生树立健全的人格 看到小小学生就学会了为他人着想, 真是让人欢喜 5-6 年级的学生和老师没有时间购物, 因为他们是 自己动手, 丰衣足食 一族 他们在精心为 客人 精心烹饪三明治 奶茶 冰激淋 甜玉米 柠檬茶等多种美食 老师和学生们合作烹饪的画面温馨暖人! 前来参观的班级妈妈也热心帮忙 每个教室门口已被同学们装饰成为了一个精美的小店铺, 店铺前围满了学生和父母, 大家都热心支持五六年级的 创业 一族, 也开心享受着他们的美食 整个画面喜庆又热闹非凡 庆祝会在热闹又喜庆的氛围中圆满结束 整个二手义卖会, 我们全部的销售金额是 RP:52.000.000 这些资金, 我们会全部捐赠于孤老病残等特殊人群, 相信在美好的春节伊始, 印尼慈濟小学全体师生及员工用自己的小行动, 会给他们带去不少温暖! 5

Pertandingan Basket dan Sepak Bola -Mr Lukman- Pada awal tahun 2017, tim basket mixed group dan tim sepak bola U12 putra telah memberikan catatan manis terhadap prestasi sekolah dibidang olahraga. Keberhasilan para tim pun menambah jumlah piala yang telah diraih oleh sekolah. Tim basket SD Tzu Chi berhasil meraih juara 2 pada kompetisi bola basket mixed group di Sekolah Lentera Indonesia. Berikut adalah nama-nama para tim basket yang berhasil memenangkan perlombaan kali ini: NO NAME GRADE 1 Austin Tjhai P6 Love 2 Ferio Hamlet P6 Love 3 Richard Keitaro Lau P6 Love 4 Aurick AlbertAngwyn P6 Love 5 Howard Sofjan P6 Joy 6 Richard Rimba P6 Compassion 7 Brandon Wong P6 Compassion 8 Rakeisha Heidi Liem P4 Grateful 9 Angelmeylie Hausen P6 Harmony Tidak kalah dengan tim basket, tim sepak 10 Jesslyn Aurelia Tjen P6 Harmony bola putra juga berhasil meraih juara 2 pada 11 Maegan Felicia Chow P6 Love kompetisi Mini Soccer U12 di Sekolah Bunda Mulia dan Hans Lie (P4 Grateful) terpilih menjadi pemain terbaik pada pertandingan kala itu. Kedua tim telah melakukan perjuangan dengan sangat gigih. Kemenangan tidak diraih dengan mudah, pertandingan begitu sengit dan persaingannya pun sangat ketat. Suka duka bersama juga telah dilalui bersama selama berlatih dan bertanding. Berkat usaha keras dan kegigihan para pemain, rasa bangga meraih kemenangan pun dapat dirasakan bersama di akhir pertandingan. Tentu saja hal ini dapat menambah pengalaman dan jam terbang bagi para pemain, serta dapat meningkatkan rasa percaya diri para pemain. Berikut adalah nama-nama pemain sepak bola U12 putra yang bertanding pada kompetesi kala itu dan mengharumkan nama sekolah: 6

NO NAME GRADE 1 Ludovicus Aeolian Widiyatmo P6 Love 2 Roy Maximillian Kasan P5 Joy 3 Chistopher P6 Compassion 4 Justin Ang P5 Kindness 5 Maurice Reagan P5 Grateful 6 Ananda Adithio P5 Compassion 7 Adnan P5 Respect 8 Matthew Liem P5 Love 9 Jovierr Matthew P6 Respect 10 Kew Jia Cheng P6 Respect 11 Alexander Filbert P4 Kindness 12 Hans Lie P4 Grateful Meskipun tergolong sebagai sekolah baru yang mulai merintis prestasi di dalam pertandingan olahraga antarsekolah di tingkat Sekolah Dasar, SD Tzu Chi telah berhasil mengembangkan sayap untuk terus mencetak prestasi. Meskipun tidak menjadi pemenang yang pertama pada pertandingan kali ini, rasa bangga menaiki podium untuk menerima piala dan sejumalah uang sebagai juara kedua pun dapat dirasakan. Dukungan orangtua murid selama ini juga patut diacungi jempol, tanpa ijin yang diberikan, waktu yang diluangkan, dan kerja sama yang baik bersama para pelatih, maka hal ini mungkin tidak dapat terjadi. Semoga prestasi-prestasi lain yang lebih gemilang dapat diraih oleh para tim basket dan tim sepak bola SD Tzu Chi pada pertandingan-pertandingan berikutnya. 7

Spelling Bee Sekolah Bogor Raya Eye Level Maths Olympiad awarding ceremony -Ms Diana Tatamihardja and Ms Pia Padilla- Tzu Chi School Primary students continue to bring honour to the school. The Eye Level Maths Olympiad competition was held last November 12, 2016 at Tzu Chi Primary School. The awarding rites were held on a bright Saturday morning as four Tzu Chi students awaited their names to be called at the Eye Level Maths Olympiad awarding ceremony in Bina Bangsa School Kebon Jeruk hall. The highlight of the winners began with Damien Suwandi as the Gold Medalist of the P1 level. He received a trophy, a certificate and a cash reward of IDR 2,500,000 for winning. The other 3 students who were called to the stage as the part of the Top Ten Rank were: Lieselotte Kayleen (P3), Matthew Alexander Susilo (P4) and Raymond Kho (P6). They received certificates and goody bags for their efforts. In addition to the Maths competition, the Primary department sent six students to participate in the Spelling Bee held at Sekolah Bogor Raya last February 18, 2017. Of the students representing our school, Jerry Theo Sutowo of Primary 3 Grateful, brought home the 3rd place award. We would like to thank the organizers for the chance given to our students to prove the true the Jing Si Aphorism In the face of difficulty just wholeheartedly do our best with all our strength and effort. 8

第二届静思语绘画比赛 彩出你的故事 -Ms Yosephine- 2017 年 2 月 25 日, 慈濟小学再次举办静思语绘画比赛, 而且今年的报名人数也超过 250 个学生 和去年一样, 比赛分为三大组 :A 组 (P1-P2) 孝顺就是让父母安心,B 组 (P3-P4) 要自爱, 才会人见人爱,C 组 (P5-P6) 小事不做, 大事难成 8.30 比赛正式开始, 同学们立即拿起铅笔, 把握时间, 用心创作 参赛者也只能用 12 个颜色的油粉彩来创作 从这一点同学们可以真正明白, 虽然颜色不多, 却可以产生出不一般的作品, 让同学们学习知足 举办静思语绘画比赛的目的是想知道同学们在课堂上是否真正地理解静思语里的含义及内容, 并将它融入到日常生活里 二年级诚实班 :Karaniya Effendy 同学就是其中一个把静思语融入到生活里的学生 她告诉老师 : 作品里的女孩是我, 我会自己做作业, 不用爸爸妈妈来叫我做, 也不用爸爸妈妈来教我怎么做 爸爸妈妈也夸我会自己做作业, 会自己学习, 所以爸爸妈妈也不用担心我的作业或者我的学习情况了, 那就是孝顺之一 比赛进行中, 我们可以看到几乎每一个孩子都能把一句静思语化成一幅画 不仅理解静思语的含义, 有些同学也希望那幅画能变成自己永远的警惕 六年级欢喜班 : Pricella Vidya Limberta 同学当天的作品就是本人永远的警惕 我画了一个女生, 因为从小没有努力学习, 所以直到上大学了她什么也不会, 什么也做不好 我不希望自己变成作品里的那个女生 以前我的成绩也不是很好, 可是我每天都很努力地学习, 现在我的成绩终于达到了我想要的标准 Pricella 的作品不仅是自己的警惕, 也提醒大家, 如果小小的事情你都不用心地把它做好, 将来根本完成不了其它的事 2017 年静思语绘画比赛圆满结束, 同学们都发奋图强把最好的展现出来 一幅画, 倘若是用心画出来的, 不管看起来有多简单, 还是具有属于创作人的故事 而在这一天, 同学们都彩出属于他们的故事 9

Field Trip -Mr Adil- The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. Marcel Proust Ending term 3 in AY 2016/2017, P1 to P5 students were given opportunities to have a shared social experience that allowed them to encounter and explore novel things in an authentic setting. To support learning about natural habitats and our environment, students in P1 to P3 went to Godong Ijo Asri, located in Sawangan, Depok. The activity began by watching a short video about Environmental Awareness. Then, the students were exposed to some new experiences which were aimed at increasing interest and engagement in science and Indonesian culture. Activities such as interaction and knowledge building with mammals and reptiles, farming education, wind and water mill demonstrations, feeding and showering a giant ostrich, traditional games and many more kept our students busy throughout the day. P4 and P5 students were taken to a new environment to complete in team building activities which were aimed at unlocking students potential. The activities began with observing different planting methods such as vertical gardening and kokedama, a form of Japanese moss ball planting. Then, students were required to finish several uniquely designed game challenges such as pyramid building, tangram, bamboo foundation and crossing an alligator lake. In the short time that was available, we were very grateful the entire experience was done safely and we hope that what the students experienced during the fieldtrip will stick in their mind as a fun and worthwhile outing! 10

四年级人文志工活动 - 环保站体验活动 第三学期考试周结束后, 人文室老师安排了一项志工活动给全体四年级的学生及班导师, 此活动有别于一般校内活动, 因为学生们有幸到金卡莲大爱村的环保站参与环保体验活动 虽然平时在人文静思语课堂上已加强对资源回收的知识, 但若能与实际体验结合, 会让学生在生活中更加透彻地落实环保, 每个人都是家里的环保小小兵 -Ms Tan Mei Lin- 基于环保站空间有限, 因此四年级的学生将分为两批进行, 以保活动的品质能够顺利掌控, 也让学生在最佳状态下吸收到更多知识 活动一开始是由环保志工及大爱妈妈们为学生进行导览, 提到现今地球不断发生灾难, 大部分是因为人类不断制造垃圾 污染环境, 所以我们要将环保落实在日常生活, 也要力行简约生活 减少碳足迹, 进而推广健康饮食习惯来减缓地球暖化危机 志工们也分享了各类回收物所节省的能源及所降低空气 水源污染的百分比, 让学生了解自己随手做分类这样一个小小动作, 其实能够影响整个大环境 听完志工们的导览后, 学生们在班导师的带领下进行跑关体验环保分类活动, 分别有保特瓶 纸类 信封及铁铝罐 在动手做分类之前, 环保志工会先示范与讲解回收的步骤, 也叮咛学生要记得 清净在源头 师伯仔细地解说回收保特瓶必须先把瓶子内残留的水都倒出来, 才不会弄湿其他瓶子, 然后将瓶子的标签剪下, 瓶盖要分开来, 最后才将瓶子压扁, 每一个小小的步骤都不能忽略, 因为攸关回收物卖出的价格与品质, 所以要非常小心处理好 学生们及班导师了解回收步骤后马上照着师伯所说的一一处理好回收物 当大家都体验完所有跑关后, 虽然全身疲惫但是心灵的收获却是满满的, 因为大家都知道自己正参与着非常有意义的事情, 能够守护地球 保护环境的工作必须要散播出去让更多人知道 此外, 学生们也了解到当这些回收物卖出所得到的钱, 都会捐给有需要帮助的人, 所以原来做环保也是等于行善, 也更加愿意付出自己一点点的力量帮助别人 11

PELANTIKAN DOKTER KECIL -Mr Fauzi- Pada tanggal 22 Februari 2017 telah dilakukan pelantikan doter kecil di SD Tzu Chi oleh perwakilan staff, sekretaris Kecamatan Penjaringan, dan dr. Roy Okto Maradona selaku Pembina Unit Kesehetan Sekolah di Kecamatan Penjaringan. Pelantikan tersebut merupakan puncak kegiatan setelah serangkaian pelatihan dokter kecil yang mulai dilaksanakan pada tanggal 15 Desember 2016 lalu. Siswa-siswi yang mengikuti kegiatan tersebut adalah siswa-siswi yang terpilih dan juga merupakan anggota students monitor SD Tzu Chi. Setelah dilantik menjadi dokter kecil sekolah, mereka akan bertugas membantu menjadi tim Pertolongan Pertama pada Kecelakaan (P3K) pada setiap kegiatan sekolah. 12

HEALTH AWARENESS WEEK -Mr Fauzi- Pada tanggal 13 15 Maret 2017, SD Tzu Chi mengadakan kegiatan Health Awareness Week. Kegiatan Health Awareness Week kali ini terdiri dari pemeriksaan gigi dan seminar tentang Dental Care. Kegiatan ini merupakan salah satu program sekolah yang bertujuan untuk menanamkan kepedulian siswa-siswi SD Tzu Chi terhadap kesehatan gigi. Tahun ini SD Tzu Chi bekerja sama dengan Kidz Dental Care dalam pelaksanaan program ini. Pemeriksaan gigi dilakukan oleh tenaga ahli yang telah dipercayakan oleh pihak Kidz Dental Care. Setiap kelas secara bergiliran mendapat kesempatan untuk memeriksa kesehatan gigi masing-masing. Seminar tentang pentingnya memelihara kesehatan gigi juga disajikan untuk memberi pengetahuan kepada para siswa tentang bagaimana cara memelihara kesehatan gigi dengan baik. Kegiatan ini tentunya menambah pengalaman siswa dan melatih keberanian para siswa untuk tidak merasa takut lagi jika gigi mereka harus diperiksa oleh dokter gigi. Membiasakan siswa untuk peduli akan kesehatan harus diperiksa oleh dokter gigi. Membiasakan siswa untuk peduli akan kesehatan gigi dan mengenal pentingnya gigi sejak dini diharapkan dapat memotivasi siswa untuk terus memiliki gigi yang sehat. 13

-Mr Marvin- The student monitors of Tzu Chi Primary School have done a lot activities this academic year. The trainings they attended will surely help them to develop their personal, social and leadership skills. Team building and little doctors programs were held during the first semester of the school year. Last March 16, 2017, another training was conducted by the Student Affairs Department with the help of the DAAI Mamas for our student monitors. The students were given a chance to prepare and cook their own food. Before cooking, one of the volunteer moms instructed the students how to prepare, cut and cook the ingredients. After listening to the instructions, the students went to their respective groups and started to prepare the ingredients. First, they fried eggs and cut the vegetables for the sushi. Most of the students said it was their first time working in the kitchen. The students also helped the teachers prepare the ingredients for the corn soup. The students themselves made their own sushi and even decorated the plate. After a few hours of preparing, cooking and cleaning the materials, it was time for the last step: tasting. The students cooperated well throughout the activity and ended up with delicious tasting food. These engaging activities are done by the Student Affairs Department to promote the idea that learning should not only be done in the four corners of a classroom. 14

Tzu Chi Primary School s Chinese New Year Celebration and Bazaar On the 30th of January 2017, Tzu Chi Primary School celebrated Chinese New Year and held a bazaar for charity. Students were asked to bring Rp100.000 in small notes. Each class would sell second-hand things. They displayed their items for purchase pleasantly so people would be attracted and buy their things. All classes were decorated beautifully to welcome the visitors as well as the New Year! In the morning, the students came ready for a day of work and celebration. All the students were gathered in the school s hall to watch performances. After that, the students went back to their respective classes. Primary 1 classes sold story books, hair clips and cuddly toys that young children might like. We could buy 5 books for Rp10.000. Most of the books were in very good condition. If we bought those books in a bookstore, we might spend even twenty times the cost of our bazaar! Primary 2 classes sold dolls and reused things such as crayons, paper bowls and bookmarks. The students explained the process of recycling the unused crayons. They said, the crayons were heated and put in a mould so they came out in bigger shapes and that the children could use them again comfortably. Primary 3 classes sold bags and toys. Some classes had a good offers for the visitors. For example, we could buy 10 items for Rp10.000! Primary 4 classes sold sandals, hairclips and household goods. The sandals were comfortable to wear, and stylish too. Primary 5 and 6 students sold lots of different kinds of food, snacks and drinks such as popcorn, Thai milk tea, juice and lemon tea. Milk tea was noted as a fan favorite, as it was cold, sweet and fresh! The students parents were invited to join and were able to go shopping with their children from 10am until 12pm. After the shopping was finished it was time to gather our things and head home. The money that was collected from the bazaar will be used for helping those in need. What a lovely day we had! - Sanya Zhang (P3 Honesty) 15

-Ms Grace- My favourite part of the fieldtrip was when I fed the ostrich. I was amazed at the size of it. An ostrich is bigger than me! (Tanasha Tani P1 Grateful) My favourite part of our fieldtrip was when I saw the reptiles and put a snake around my neck! My second favourite part was lunch. (Jerry Sutowo P3 Grateful) My favourite part of the fieldtrip was when I played Menara Segitiga together with my friends. I liked it because we needed to problem solve together and because it was fun to play. (Jovina Effendy P4 Kindness) My favourite part of our event was when I went on a garden tour, learned and identified trees in the garden, and when I was watering plants. (Nixon Gerard Kang P1 Honesty) My favourite part of the fieldtrip was seeing all the reptiles, feeding the ostrich, washing and giving food to turtles and making handy crafts. Well, I actually enjoyed all activities there. (Callista Dominique Fan P2 Grateful) 16

v When I washed and fed the tortoises. (Dina P1 Compassion) My favourite part of the fieldtrip was when I fed the giant ostrich, tortoises, and touched a hedgehog. It was really fun going on the field trip. (Sanya Zhang P3 Honesty) My favourite part of the event was when I made my own pencil doll. It was definitely a really cute activity. ( Aulia Rosabelle Bunawan P2 Joy) The best part of the fieldtrip was when we played at D Kandang. I played with my friends for a long time and had a great time. (Lee Jae Seong P5 Love) I loved the opportunity to touch a real live snake! (Valerie Viktor P2 Respect) Mine was when I made and decorated wooden pencils. (Luisiana Utomo P3 Kindness) 17 Layout editor: Ms Yubao