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Tisaraõa Vandanà 礼敬三宝 Homage to the Triple Gem Arahaü, Sammà-sambuddho Bhagavà, Buddhaü Bhagavantaü abhivàdemi. (x1) 世尊是阿罗汉 正等正觉者, 我礼敬佛陀世尊 ( 一拜 ) Lord, the most worthy One, the perfectly Enlightened One, the Buddha, I revere. (prostrate once) Buddho me nàtho. 佛是我的归依处 The Buddha is my refuge. Svàkkhàto Bhagavatà dhammo, Dhammaü namassàmi. (x1) 法是世尊所善说的, 我礼敬法 ( 一拜 ) The Dhamma of the Blessed One is perfectly expounded, this law, path, teaching, I venerate. (prostrate once) Dhammo me nàtho. 法是我的归依处 The Dhamma is my refuge. Supañipanno bhagavato sàvakasaïgho, Saïghaü namàmi. (x1) 世尊的弟子僧团是善行道者, 我礼敬僧 ( 一拜 ) The Saïgha of the Blessed One's disciples has entered on the good way, that pure community, I revere. (prostrate once) Saïgho me nàtho. 僧是我的归依处 The Saïgha is my refuge Cetiya Vandanà 礼敬塔等 Salutation to the Cetiya (shrine) etc. Vandàmi cetiya sabba Þ sabba thànesu patitthita, Sàrirãka dhàtu-mahà bodhi Þ Buddha-råpa sakala -sadà. (x3) ( 我 ) 至诚礼敬竖立于各处的寺院丶佛舍利塔丶大菩提树丶佛塑像 ( 或肖像 ) ( 三遍 ) (I) salute every Cetiya (shrine), that may stand in any place, the bodily relics, the Great Bodhi, and all images of the Buddha. (x3 ) Bodhi Vandanà 礼敬菩提树 Salutation to the Bodhi Tree 1

每日课诵 / Daily Chanting Yassa måle nisinnova Þ sabbàri vijaya akà, Patto sabba u-ta satthà Þ Vande ta Bodhi pàdapa. Ime ete mahà Bodhi Þ Loka nàthena påjità, Aha pi te namassàmi Þ Bodhi Ràjà namatthu te. (x3) 曾经为导师提供修行场地, 并为导师抵挡一切天敌, 导师因此而证悟, 我礼赞此非凡的菩提树 这是一棵伟大的菩提树, 世尊因你而圆成佛道 我至诚的向你顶礼 啊! 伟大的菩提树 ( 三遍 ) Seated at whose base the Teacher overcame all foes, attaining Omniscience, that very Bodhi tree do I venerate.this great tree of Enlightenment, the Lord of the world reverenced, I too shall salute you. May there be homage to you, O great Bodhi. (x3) âràdhanà Devà 邀请天众 Invitation to Devàs Samantà cakkavàëesu Þ atràgacchantu devatà, saddhammaü muniràjassa Þ suõantu saggamokkhadaü. 从世界系中各处, 愿诸天神来此地, 听圣者王之正法, 导向乐处与解脱 Let the deities in every universe around come to this place. Let them listen to the excellent Dhamma of the King Sages that gives (rebirth in) celestial realms and liberation (from sa sàra). Paritta-ssavaõa-kàlo ayam-bhadantà. (3x) 这是听闻护卫 ( 经 ) 的时候, 尊者们!( 三遍 ) Oh Happy Ones! This is the time for listening to the Dhamma. (3x) Tisaraõena Pa ca Sãla âràdhanà 乞求三皈依五戒 Requesting the Three Refuge and the Five Precepts Okàsa, aha, bhante, tisaraõena saddhi pa ca-sãla dhamma yàcàmi, anuggaha katvà sãla detha me, bhante. 尊者, 我乞求三皈依和五戒法 尊者, 在摄受后请把戒授给我! Excuse me, may I, Venerable Sir, observe the Five Precepts together with the three Refuge, Venerable Sir, please have compassion on me and grant me the Precepts. Dutiyam'pi okàsa, aha, bhante, tisaraõena saddhi pa ca-sãla dhamma yàcàmi, anuggaha katvà sãla detha me, bhante. 尊者, 我第二次乞求三皈依和五戒法 尊者, 在摄受后请把戒授给我! 2

For the second time, may I, Venerable Sir, observe the Five Precepts together with the three Refuge, Venerable Sir, please have compassion on me and grant me the Precepts. 供佛 Tatiyam'pi okàsa, aha, bhante, tisaraõena saddhi pa ca-sãla dhamma yàcàmi, anuggaha katvà sãla detha me, bhante. 尊者, 我第三次乞求三皈依和五戒法 尊者, 在摄受后请把戒授给我! For the third time, may I, Venerable Sir, observe the Five Precepts together with the three Refuge, Venerable Sir, please have compassion on me and grant me the Precepts. Monk: Yamaha vadàmi ta vadehi (vadetha). 尊者 : 我念什么你 ( 们 ) 也跟着念 Monk : What I recite you (your) follow. Laity: âma, bhante. 在家人答 : 是的, 尊者 Laity respond: Yes, Venerable Sir. Tisaraõa 三归依 Three Refuge Namo Tassa Bhagavato, Arahato Sammà-sambuddhassa. (x3) 礼敬世尊 阿罗汉 正等正觉者 ( 三遍 ) Homage to that Blessed One, who is an Arahant and Perfectly self-enlightened. (x3) Buddha saraõa gacchàmi. 佛 ( 是我的 ) 庇护所 I go to the Buddha as my refuge. Dhamma saraõa gacchàmi. 法 ( 是我的 ) 庇护所 I go to the Dhamma as my refuge. Saïgha saraõa gacchàmi. 僧 ( 是我的 ) 庇护所 I go to the Saïgha as my refuge. Dutiyam'pi Buddha saraõa gacchàmi. 第二遍, 佛 ( 是我的 ) 庇护所 For the second time, I go to the Buddha as my refuge. Dutiyam'pi Dhamma saraõa gacchàmi. 第二遍, 法 ( 是我的 ) 庇护所 For the second time, I go to the Dhamma as my refuge. Dutiyam'pi Saïgha saraõa gacchàmi. 第二遍, 僧 ( 是我的 ) 庇护所 For the second time, I go to the Saïgha as my refuge. Tatiyam'pi Buddha saraõa gacchàmi. 第三遍, 佛 ( 是我的 ) 庇护所 3

每日课诵 / Daily Chanting For the third time, I go to the Buddha as my refuge. Tatiyam'pi Dhamma saraõa gacchàmi. 第三遍, 法 ( 是我的 ) 庇护所 For the third time, I go to the Dhamma as my refuge. Tatiyam'pi Saïgha saraõa gacchàmi. 第三遍, 僧 ( 是我的 ) 庇护所 For the third time, I go to the Saïgha as my refuge. Monk: Saraõa-gamana sampuõõa. 尊者 : 皈依已经圆满 Monk: The Three Refuge are complete. Laity: âma, bhante. 在家人答 : 是的, 尊者 Laity respond: Yes, Venerable Sir. Pa ca Sãla 五戒 Five Precepts Pàõàtipàtà veramaõã sikkhà-pada samàdiyàmi. 我受持离杀生学处 I take the precept to abstain from destroying living beings. Adinnà-dànà veramaõã sikkhà-pada samàdiyàmi. 我受持离不与取学处 I take the precept to abstain from taking things not given. Kàmesu micchàcàrà veramaõã sikkhà-pada samàdiyàmi. 我受持离不邪淫学处 I take the precept to abstain from sexual misconduct. Musà-vàdà veramaõã sikkhà-pada samàdiyàmi. 我受持离妄语学处 I take the precept to abstain from false speech. Surà-meraya-majja-pamàdaññhànà veramaõã sikkhà-pada samàdiyàmi. 我受持離導致放逸原因的穀酒和果酒學處 I take the precept to abstain from taking anything that causes intoxication or heedlessness. 4 Imàni pa ca sikkhà-padàni samàdiyàmi. (x3) 我受持五戒 ( 三遍 ) I undertake the Five Precepts. (repeat thrice) Monk: Tisaraõena saddhi pa ca-sãla dhamma sàdhuka surakkhita katvà appamàdena sampàdetabba. 尊者 : 你 ( 们 ) 应当好好地守护三皈依和五戒法, 并且应当不放逸地努力 ( 成就 ) Monk : Maintaining well the five precepts together with the three refuges, strive on with diligence.

供佛 Laity respond: âma, bhante. 在家人答 : 是的, 尊者 Laity respond: Yes, Venerable Sir. Monk: Sãlena sugati yanti. 尊者 : 因持戒故, 使你投生善道 Monk : Have morality as a vehicle for happines. Sãlena bhoga-sampadà. 因持戒故, 使你成就财富 Have morality as a vehicle for good fortune. Sãlena nibbuti yanti. 因持戒故, 使你证悟涅盘 Have morality as a vehicle for liberation. Tasmà sãla visodhaye. 因此, 你 ( 们 ) 应当净化戒行 Let morality therefore be purified. Laity respond: Sàdhu, bhante. 在家人答 : 善哉, 尊者 Laity respond: Sàdhu, Venerable Sir. âràdhanà 邀请 Invitation Yàvatà Bhagavà loke Þ tiññheyya tava sàsana, tàvatà patigaõhàtu Þ påjà lokànukampayà. 2 世尊, 只要您的教法还住于世间的时候, 愿您出于对世间的悲悯而接受供养 Blessed One, as long as your sàsana prevails in the world may you, out of compassion for [all beings in] the world, accept [these] offerings. Padipa Påjà 供灯 Offering of Light Sittha-telappadittena Þ dãpena tama-dhamsinà, tiloka-dãpa Sambuddha Þ påjayàmi tamo-nuda. 以这驱逐黑暗的燃烧灯烛, 我供养灭除 ( 无明 ) 黑暗的三界灯正觉佛陀 5

每日课诵 / Daily Chanting With this blazing candle lamp that dispels the darkness I [make an] offering to the All Enlightened One, who is a light [that brightens] the three-worlds and is a destroyer of the darkness [of ignorance]. Sugandha Påjà 供香 Offering of Incense Sugandhi-kàya-vadana Þ ananta-guõa-gandhina, Sugandhinà'ha gandhena Þ påjayàmi Tathàgata. 我以此香供养具足无量功德身语香的如来 To the Tathàgata, fragrant of body & speech and possessing the scent of infinite virtue, I offer this incense. Puppha Påjà 供花 Offering of Flowers Vaõõa-gandha-guõopeta Þ eta kusuma-santati, påjayàmi Munindassa Þ siri-pàda-saroruhe. 我将这具足色香德质的花聚供养于牟尼王 ( 佛陀 ) 的莲足 Endowed with the qualities of colour and fragrance, this flower collection I offer at the lotus feet of Munindassa (i.e. the Buddha) Påjemi Buddha Kusumena nena, Pu ena me tena labhàmi mokkha ; 我供养花给佛陀, 以我的这种功德使我能获得解脱 轮回 ; I offering this flower to the Buddha, by this merit of mine may I gain deliverance [from sa sàra]; Puppha milàyàti yathà idam me, Kàyo tathà yàti vinàsa-bhàva. 犹如这些花将会枯萎, 我的身体也将会走向毁灭 just as this flower [will] fade, so [, too,] my body [will] go to the state of destruction. Paniya Påjà 供水 Offering of Water Sugandha sãtala kappa Þ Pasanna-madhura subha, Pànãyam eta Bhagavà Þ patigaõhàtu muttama. 世尊, 至上者, 愿您接受此清香 清凉 舒适 澄净 甘甜与清净之水 Blessed One, Greatest One, May [you] accept this [offering of] water which fragrant, cool, suitable, clear, sweet and pleasant [to drink]. 6

Sàdhu! Sàdhu! Sàdhu! (x1) 善哉! 善哉! 善哉!( 顶礼一拜 ) Well done! Well done! Well done! (prostrate once) 供佛 Buddha Vandanà 礼敬佛 Homage to the Buddha Iti'pi so Bhagavà Araha, Sammà-sambuddho, Vijjà-caraõa-sampanno, Sugato, Loka-vidå, Anuttaro purisa-damma-sàrathi, Satthà deva-manussànam, Buddho, Bhagavà'ti. 这位世尊是阿罗汉 正等正觉者 明行具足 善逝 世间解 无上调御丈夫 天人导师 佛陀 世尊 Thus indeed, is the Blessed One, entirely free from defilements, Fully enlightened by his own effort, Perfect in knowledge and [good] conduct, Who has gone the correct path, Knower of the worlds, incomparable trainer of those who are to be tamed, Teacher of deities and men, Enlightened (lit. awakened) and Blessed [with good fortune]. Buddha jãvita-pariyanta saraõa gacchàmi. 直至命终我皈依佛陀 Until life's end, I go to the Buddha for refuge. Ye ca Buddhà atãtà ca Þ ye ca Buddhà anàgatà, paccuppannà ca ye Buddhà Þ aha vandàmi sabbadà. 我时刻皆礼敬过去诸佛 未来诸佛以及现在佛 Daily I pay respects to the Buddhas of the past, the Buddhas of the future and the Buddhas of the present. N'atthi me saraõa a a Þ Buddho me saraõa vara, Etena sacca-vajjena Þ hotu me jaya-maïgala. 我没有其它的皈依, 佛陀是我至上的皈依 ; 以此真实语, 愿我得到吉祥胜利 There is no other refuge for me, the Buddha is my supreme refuge, by this assertion of truth may there be for me victory and prosperity. Uttamaïgena vande'ha Þ pada-pa su-varuttama, Buddhe yo khalito doso Þ Buddho khamatu ta mama. 我以头礼敬最上者足上之尘 ; 若我对佛陀 所作的 一切错误与过失, 愿佛陀原谅我 I [bow and] pay respects with [my] head at the dust on the feet of the Supreme Great One.[If] I have [committed] any erring or wrongdoing towards the Buddha, may the Enlightened One forgive me for that. Sàdhu! Sàdhu! Sàdhu! (x1) 善哉! 善哉! 善哉!( 顶礼一拜 ) Well done! Well done! Well done! (prostrate once) 7

每日课诵 / Daily Chanting Dhamma Vandanà 礼敬法 Homage to the Dhamma Svàkkhàto Bhagavatà Dhammo, Sandhiññhiko, Akàliko, Ehipassiko, Opanayiko, Paccatta veditabbo vi åhã'ti. 法是世尊所善说的, 是当生可见的 无时的 请大家 来见的 导向 涅盘 的 智者们应亲自了知的 The Dhamma is well expounded by the Blessed One, to be realized in this very life, with immediate results, inviting investigation, leading to Nibbàna and to be experienced personally by the wise. Dhamma jãvita-pariyanta saraõa gacchàmi. 直至命终我皈依法 Until life's end, I go to the Dhamma for refuge. Ye ca dhammà atãtà ca Þ ye ca Dhammà anàgatà, Paccuppannà ca ye Dhammà Þ aha vandàmi sabbadà. 我时刻皆礼敬过去诸法 未来诸法以及现在诸法 Daily I pay respects to the Dhammas of the past, the Dhammas of the future and the Dhammas of the present. N'atthi me saraõa a a Þ Dhammo me saraõa vara, Etena sacca-vajjena Þ hotu me jaya-maïgala. 我没有其它的皈依, 法是我至上的皈依 ; 以此真实语, 愿我得到吉祥胜利 There is no other refuge for me, the Dhamma is my supreme refuge, by this assertion of truth may there be for me victory and prosperity. Uttamaïgena vande'ham Þ Dhamma ca tividha vara, Dhamme yo khalito doso Þ Dhammo khamatu ta mama. 4 我以头礼敬三种与最上之法 ; 若我对法 所作的 一切错误与过失, 愿法原谅我 I [bow and] pay respects with [my] head to the Dhamma, which is three-fold and supreme.[if] I have [committed] any erring or wrongdoing towards the Dhamma, may the Dhamma forgive me for that. Sàdhu! Sàdhu! Sàdhu! (x1) 善哉! 善哉! 善哉!( 顶礼一拜 ) Well done! Well done! Well done! (prostrate once) Saïgha Vandanà 礼敬僧 Homage to the Saïgha 8

Supañipanno Bhagavato sàvaka-saïgho, uju-pañipanno Bhagavato sàvaka-saïgho, àya-pañipanno Bhagavato sàvaka-saïgho, sàmãci-pañipanno Bhagavato sàvaka-saïgho, yadida cattàri purisa-yugàni aññha purisa-puggalà, esa Bhagavato sàvaka-saïgho, àhuneyyo, pàhuneyyo, dakkhiõeyyo, a jali-karaõãyo, anuttara pu akkhetta lokassà'ti. 世尊的弟子僧团是善行道者, 世尊的弟子僧团是正直行道者, 世尊的弟子僧团是真理行道者, 世尊的弟子僧团是正当行道者, 也即是四双八辈的世尊弟子僧团, 是应受供养者 应受供奉者 应受布施者 应受合掌者, 是世间无上的福田 The order of the disciples of the Blessed One has practiced well, the order of the disciples of the Blessed One has practiced directly, the order of the disciples of the Blessed One has practiced according to the right path, the order of the disciples of the Blessed One has practiced in a suitable way [to attain Nibbàna]; just this, i.e. the four pairs of men or the eight individuals, is the order of the disciples of the Blessed One, who are worthy to attend on, worthy to receive hospitality, worthy to receive offerings, worthy to receive salutation with palms placed together showing respect and are an unsurpassed field of merit for the world. Saïgha jãvita-pariyanta saraïa gacchàmi. 直至命终我皈依僧 Until life's end, I go to the Saïgha for refuge. Ye ca Saïghà atãtà ca Þ ye ca Saïghà anàgatà, paccuppannà ca ye Saïghà Þ aha vandàmi sabbadà. 我时刻皆礼敬过去之僧 未来之僧以及现在僧 Daily I pay respects to the Saïghas of the past, the Saïghas of the future and the Saïghas of the present. N'atthi me saraïa a a Þ Saïgho me saraïa vara, Etena sacca-vajjena Þ hotu me jaya-maïgala. 我没有其它的皈依, 僧是我至上的皈依 ; 以此真实语, 愿我得到吉祥胜利 There is no other refuge for me, the Saïgha is my supreme refuge, by this assertion of truth may there be for me victory and prosperity. Uttamaïgena vande'ham Þ Saïgha ca tividhottama, Sanghe yo khalito doso Þ Saïgho khamatu ta mama. 我以头礼敬三种至上之僧 ; 若我对僧 所作的 一切错误与过失, 愿僧原谅我 I [bow and] pay respects with [my] head to the Saïgha, which is three-fold and supreme.[if] I have [committed] any erring or wrongdoing towards the Saïgha, may the Saïgha forgive me for that. Sàdhu! Sàdhu! Sàdhu! (x1) 善哉! 善哉! 善哉!( 顶礼一拜 ) Well done! Well done! Well done! (prostrate once) Eva Buddha sarantàna, Dhamma Saïgha ca bhikkhavo, 诸比丘, 如记得忆念佛 法 僧, Thus, oh Bhikkhu, in you who remenber the Buddha,the Dhamma and the Saïgha, Bhaya và chambhitatta và, lomaha so na hessati. 畏惧 惊吓或毛发竖立将不会生起 fear, trembling or terror will never arise. 供佛 9

每日课诵 / Daily Chanting Etena sacca-vajjena Þ pàtu tva ratana-ttaya. 借着这真实的话语, 愿三宝保护你 By the firm determination of this truth, may the Triple Gems (Buddha, Dhamma and Saïgha) protect you. Etena sacca-vajjena Þ dukkhà våpasamentu te (me). 借着这真实的话语, 愿你 ( 我 ) 平息痛苦 By the firm determination of this truth may you (I) be free from suffering. Etena sacca-vajjena Þ bhayà våpasamentu te (me). 借着这真实的话语, 愿你 ( 我 ) 平息恐惧 By the firm determination of this truth may you (I) be free from fear. Etena sacca-vajjena Þ rogà våpasamentu te (me). 借着这真实的话语, 愿你 ( 我 ) 平息疾病 By the firm determination of this truth may you (I) be free from illness. Etena sacca-vajjena Þ sotthi te (me) hotu sabbadà. 借着这真实的话语, 愿你 ( 我 ) 时常得到安乐 By the firm determination of this truth may you (I) ever be well. Etena sacca-vajjena Þ hotu te (me) jayamaïgala. 借着这真实的话语, 愿你 ( 我 ) 得到胜利吉祥 By the firm determination of this truth may all blessings be upon you (I). Eva me suta : eka samaya Thus have I heard: one time 如是我闻 : 一时 Bhagavā Sāvatthiya viharati the Exalted One was dwelling near Sāvatthi 世尊住在舍卫城 Jetavane Anātha-pi ikassa ārāme. the monastery of Anāthapi ika in JetaÕs Grove. 祗陀林给孤独园 Atha kho a atarā devatā Then a certain deity 那时, 某位 10 Ma gala Sutta Auspicious Discourse 吉祥经 Abhikkantāya rattiyā, abhikkanta-va ā, in the extreme of the night of great beauty 容色殊胜的天神在深夜 Kevalakappa Jetavana obhāsetvā

almost the entire the Jeta Grove having illuminated, 使整个祗陀林充满光明, 供佛 Yena Bhagavā tenupasamkami; to the Exalted One drew near, 然后来到世尊的地方, Upasamkamitvā Bhagavanta having approached to the Exalted One saluted, 来到之后顶礼世尊, Abhivādetvā ekamanta a hāsi. stood at one side. ( 然后 ) 站在一边 Ekamanta hitā kho sā devatā Standing thus, the deity addressed ( 那位 ) 天神站在一边 ( 之后 ) Bhagavanta gāthāya ajjhabhāsi : to the Exalted One in verse: 以偈颂对世尊说 : ÒBahū devā manussā ca, Many deities and humans, 许多天与人, Ma galāni acintayu ; pondered on ÔblessingsÕ, 思惟诸 吉祥, Āka khamānā sotthāna, wishing for well-being/safety, 希望得安乐 ; Brūhi ma gala-muttama Ó. please tell me the highest blessing? 请说最吉祥? Asevanā ca bālāna, (The Exlted One said:) Not to associate with the fools, ( 世尊说 :) 不结交愚人, Pa itāna ca sevanā; but to associate with the wise, 与智者交往, 11

每日课诵 / Daily Chanting Pūjā ca pūjaneyyāna, and honour those who are worthy of honour, 礼敬可敬者, Eta ma gala-muttama. this is the highest blessing. 此事最吉祥 Patirūpadesavāso ca, Living in a befitting locality in the past, 住于适宜地, Pubbe ca kata-pu atā; to have done merits, 过去曾行善, Atta sammā-pa idhi ca, and to set oneself in the right course, 正确地自立, Eta ma gala-muttama. this is the highest blessing. 此事最吉祥 Bāhu-sacca ca sippa ca, Vast-learning, perfect handicraft, 博学与技术, Vinayo ca susikkhito; being well-trained and disciplined, 善学于律仪, Subhāsitā ca yā vācā, and pleasant speech, 所说皆善语, Eta ma gala-muttama. this is the highest blessing. 此事最吉祥 Mātā pitu upa hāna, The support of father and mother, 奉事父母亲, Putta dārassa sa gaho; the cherishing of wife and children, 善对待妻儿, 12

供佛 Anākulā ca kammantā, and peaceful occupations, 清白的职业, Eta ma gala-muttama. this is the highest blessing. 此事最吉祥 Dāna ca dhammacariyā ca, Liberality, righteous conduct, 布施与法行, ātakāna ca sa gaho; the helping of relatives, 接济诸亲族, Anavajjāni kammāni, and blameless actions, 行为无过失, Eta ma gala-muttama. this is the highest blessing. 此事最吉祥 Āratī viratī pāpā, To cease and abstain from evil, 远离于恶事, Majjapānā ca sa amo; forbearance with respect to intoxicants, 不饮迷醉品, Appamādo ca dhammesu, and steadfastness in virtue, 谨慎于诸法, Eta ma gala-muttama. this is the highest blessing. 此事最吉祥 Gāravo ca nivāto ca, Reverence, humility, 恭敬与谦虚, Santu hi ca kata utā; contentment, gratitude, 13

每日课诵 / Daily Chanting 知足与感恩, Kālena dhamma savana, and opportune hearing of the Dhamma, 适时而闻法, Eta ma gala-muttama. this is the highest blessing. 此事最吉祥 Khantī ca sovacassatā, Patience, obedience, 忍耐与温和, Sama āna ca dassana ; sight of the Sama as (ascetics), 得见诸沙门, Kālena dhamma sākacchā, and religious discussions at due season, 适时讨论法, Eta ma gala-muttama. this is the highest blessing. 此事最吉祥 Tapo ca brahma-cariya ca, Self-control, holy life, 俭朴与梵行, Ariya saccāna dassana ; perception of the Noble Truths, 照见诸圣谛, Nibbāna sacchikiriyā ca, and the realization of Nibbāna, 体证于涅盘, Eta ma gala-muttama. this is the highest blessing. 此事最吉祥 Phu hassa loka-dhammehi, He whose mind does not flutter, 接触世法时, Citta yassa na kampati; by contact with worldly contingencies, 14

心毫不动摇, 供佛 Asoka viraja khema, sorrowless, stainless and secure, 无悲染而安, Eta ma gala-muttama. this is the highest blessing. 此事最吉祥 Etādisāni katvāna, (To them) fulfilling matters such as these, 如此实行后, Sabbattha maparājitā; everywhere invincible, 各处无能胜, Sabbattha sotthi gacchanti, in every way moving happily, 一切处安乐, Ta tesa ma gala-muttaman'ti. these are the highest blessings. 是其最吉祥 Ratana Sutta Jewels Discourse 宝经 Yānīdha bhūtāni samāgatāni, (The Exalted One said:) Whatever beings that are assembled here, ( 世尊说 :) 集会在此诸鬼神, Bhummāni vā yāni va antalikkhe. be they of the earth or sky, 无论地居或空居, Sabbe va bhūtā sumanā bhavantu, may all these creatures be happy, 愿一切鬼神欢喜, Athopi sakkacca su antu bhāsita. and also listen closely to these words. 并恭敬听闻所说 15

每日课诵 / Daily Chanting Tasmā hi bhūtā nisāmetha sabbe, Therefore all beings pay attention, 故一切鬼神听着 : Metta karotha mānusiyā pajāya; show loving-kindness to humans, 以慈爱对待人们 ; Divā ca ratto ca haranti ye bali, who by day and by night bring offerings, 他们日夜献供祀, Tasmā hi ne rakkhatha appamattā. therefore protect them well and heedfully. 故精勤守护他们 Ya ki ci vitta idha vā hura vā, Whatever treasure here and beyond, 此世他世之财富, Saggesu vā ya ratana pa īta ; or precious jewel found in heavens, 或天界中殊胜宝, Na no sama atthi Tathāgatena, none is there equal to the Thus-gone, 无与如来相等者, Idampi Buddhe ratana pa īta ; in the Buddha is this precious jewels, 此是佛之殊胜宝 ; Etena saccena suvatthi hotu. so by this truth may there be well being. 以此实语愿安乐 Khaya virāga amata pa īta, The extinction, dispassion, deathless, sublime, 尽 ' 离贪 ' 不死 ' 殊胜, Yadajjhagā sakyamunī samāhito; such the Sakyan Sage in concentration found, 释迦圣者静体证, Na tena dhammena samatthi ki ci, these is none comparable to that Dhamma, 无与该法相等者, 16

供佛 Idampi Dhamme ratana pa īta ; in the Dhamma is this precious jewels, 此是法之殊胜宝 ; Etena saccena suvatthi hotu. so by this truth may there be well being. 以此实语愿安乐 Ya buddha-se ho pariva ayī suci, The Supreme Buddha praised that purity 至上佛所赞清净, Samādhi-mānantari-ka a-māhu; call concentration without interruption, 所说立即相随定, Samādhinā tena samo na vijjati, no equal is there to such concentration, 无与该定相等者 Idampi Dhamme ratana pa īta ; in the Dhamma is this precious jewels, 此是法之殊胜宝 ; Etena saccena suvatthi hotu. so by this truth may there be well being. 以此实语愿安乐 Ye puggalā a ha sata pasatthā, Whom the good praise the eight persons, 被觉念者所称赞, Cattāri etāni yugāni honti; these four pairs, 是彼四双八辈者, Te dakkhi eyyā sugatassa sāvakā, are worthy of gifts, disciples of the Well-gone, 善逝弟子堪受供, Etesu dinnāni mahapphalāni, gifts given yield great fruit, 供养于彼得大果, Idampi Sa ghe ratana pa īta ; in the Sa gha is this precious jewel, 17

每日课诵 / Daily Chanting 此是僧之殊胜宝 ; Etena saccena suvatthi hotu. so by this truth may there be well being. 以此实语愿安乐 Ye suppayuttā manasā da hena, Who with strong minds practicing, 以坚固心善从事, Nikkāmino gotama sāsanamhi; in the GotamaÕs dispensation, 于瞿昙教法离欲, Te pattipattā amata vigayha, they reach the goal, encountering the deathless, 已达目标入不死, Laddhā mudhā nibbuti bhu jamānā. they savour the peace having gained without loss (of any kind), 凭空获得享安乐, Idampi Sa ghe ratana pa īta ; in the Sa gha is this precious jewel, 此是僧之殊胜宝 ; Etena saccena suvatthi hotu. so by this truth may there be well being. 以此实语愿安乐 Yathinda khīlo pathavi sito siyā, Just as firm-post deeply planted, 犹如插地之门柱, Catubbhi vātebhi asampakampiyo. unshaken by the four winds, 不被四风所动摇 ; Tathū-pama sappurisa vadāmi, just so is the superior man I declare, 我说譬如善男子, Yo ariya-saccāni avecca passati, who having seen the Four Noble Truths, 彼确见诸圣谛者, Idampi Sa ghe ratana pa īta ; 18

in the Sa gha is this precious jewel, 此是僧之殊胜宝 ; 供佛 Etena saccena suvatthi hotu. so by this truth may there be well being. 以此实语愿安乐 Ye ariya-saccāni vibhāva-yanti, Those who comprehend the noble truths, 彼明了诸圣谛者, Gambhīra pa ena sudesitāni; well taught by Him of deep wisdom, 乃深智者所善说, Ki cāpi te honti bhusappa-mattā, although they may be negligent, 即使彼等极放逸, Na te bhava a hamamādiyanti, they do not take an eighth existence, 彼亦不受第八生, Idampi Sa ghe ratana pa īta ; in the Sa gha is this precious jewel, 此是僧之殊胜宝 ; Etena saccena suvatthi hotu. so by this truth may there be well being. 以此实语愿安乐 Sahāvassa dassana sampadāya, Together with his excellence in vision, 就在见法的同时, Tayassu dhammā jahitā bhavanti. he comes to have abandoned three states, 即已舍弃了三法 : Sakkāya di hi vici-kicchi-ta ca, wrong views of self, sceptical doubts, 萨迦耶 ( 我 ) 见与怀疑, Sīlabbata vāpi yadatthi ki ci. clinging to wrong rites, 及戒禁取了无遗 ; 19

每日课诵 / Daily Chanting Catūhapāyehi ca vippamutto, and freed from the four woeful states, 他已超脱四恶趣, Cha cābhi hānāni abhabbo kātu. he cannot do the major wrong doings, 及不再造六重罪 Idampi Sa ghe ratana pa īta ; in the Sa gha is this precious jewel, 此是僧之殊胜宝 ; Etena saccena suvatthi hotu. so by this truth may there be well being. 以此实语愿安乐 Ki cāpi so kamma karoti pāpaka, Though he can still perform evil act, 他所作任何恶业, Kāyena vācā uda cetasā vā. by body, speech or mind, 经由身 ' 口或意念, Abhabbo so tassa pa icchādāya, he cannot conceal it, 他无法将它隐瞒, Abhabbatā di ha padassa vuttā. such is impossible for one who has seen the path, 此谓见道者不作 Idampi Sa ghe ratana pa īta ; in the Sa gha is this precious jewel, 此是僧之殊胜宝 ; Etena saccena suvatthi hotu. so by this truth may there be well being. 以此实语愿安乐 Vanappagumbe yathā phussitagge, Just as a fully blossomed woodland tree, 犹如森林顶花开, Gimhāna māse pathamasmi gimhe. in the early heat of the warm summer months, 于热季的第一月 ; 20

供佛 Tathū-pama dhamma-vara adesayi, such is the excellent teachings He taught, 譬喻他宣说圣法, Nibbāna-gāmim parama hitāya. leading to Nibbāna, the supreme goal, 导向涅盘最上益, Idampi Buddhe ratana pa īta ; in the Buddha is this precious jewels, 此是佛之殊胜宝 ; Etena saccena suvatthi hotu. so by this truth may there be well being. 以此实语愿安乐 Varo vara ū varado varāharo, The unrivalled Excellent One, the Knower, the Giver, the Bringer of the Excellent, 知 ' 予 ' 持圣之圣者, Anuttaro dhamma-vara adesayī, taught the incomparable Dhamma, 至上者宣说圣法 Idampi Buddhe ratana pa īta ; in the Buddha is this precious jewels, 此是佛之殊胜宝 ; Etena saccena suvatthi hotu. so by this truth may there be well being. 以此实语愿安乐 Khī am purā a nava natthi sambhava, The old exhausted, no new arising, 旧的已尽无新的, Viratta cittā āyatike bhavasmi ; of lustful mind to future becoming, 心不执取未来有, Te khī abījā avirū hi-chandā, their seeds destroyed and have no more wish for growth, 种子已尽不生欲, Nibbanti dhīrā yathā ya padīpo. the wise go out as did lamp, 21

每日课诵 / Daily Chanting 智者清凉如灯熄 Idampi Sa ghe ratana pa īta ; in the Sa gha is this precious jewel, 此是僧之殊胜宝 ; Etena saccena suvatthi hotu. so by this truth may there be well being. 以此实语愿安乐 Yānīdha bhūtāni samāgatāni, (Deities said:) Whatever beings there are assembled here, ( 众神说 :) 集会在此诸鬼神, Bhummāni vā yāni va antalikkhe; whether on earth or in sky, 无论地居或空居, Tathāgata deva-manussa-pūjita, the Thus-Gone, revered by gods and men, 如来受天人崇敬, Buddha namassāma suvatthi hotu. Let us salute (Him) the Buddha, so may there be well being. 我等敬佛愿安乐 Yānīdha bhūtāni samāgatāni, (Deities said:) Whatever beings there are assembled here, ( 众神说 :) 集会在此诸鬼神, Bhummāni vā yāni va antalikkhe; whether on earth or in sky, 无论地居或空居, Tathāgata deva-manussa-pūjita, the Thus-Gone, revered by gods and men, 如来受天人崇敬, Dhamma namassāma suvatthi hotu. let us salute the Dhamma, so may there be well being. 我等敬法愿安乐 Yānīdha bhūtāni samāgatāni, (Deities said:) Whatever beings there are assembled here, ( 众神说 :) 集会在此诸鬼神, Bhummāni vā yāni va antalikkhe; 22

whether on earth or in sky, 无论地居或空居, 供佛 Tathāgata deva-manussa-pūjita, the Thus-Gone, revered by gods and men, 如来受天人崇敬, Sa gha namassāma suvatthi hotu. let us salute the Sa gha, so may there be well being. 我等敬僧愿安乐 Kara īya Mettā Sutta Discourse on Loving-Kindness that Should be Done 应行慈爱经 Kara īya mattha kusalena, He who is skilled in his good and who wishes, 善于谋求福利者应当做的事情是 : Ya ta santa pada abhisamecca; to attain that state of calm should act thus: - 了知寂静的境界之后, Sakko ujū ca suhujū ca, He must work to be efficient, right, perfectly upright, 贤能 正直与诚实, Suvaco cassa mudu anatimānī. obedient, gentle and humble. 及顺从 柔和 不骄慢 Santussako ca subharo ca, Contented, easily supportable, 知足与令人容易护持, Appakicco ca sallahuka-vutti; with few duties, of light livelihood, 少事务与节俭, Santindriyo ca nipako ca, serene in faculties, discreet, 摄护诸根与明智, 23

每日课诵 / Daily Chanting Appa-gabbho ku esu ananu giddho. not rude, not be greedily attached to families. 不鲁莽与不贪着家族 Na ca khuddha samācare ki ci, He should not commit any slight wrong, 只要是智者将会指责的事, Yena vi ū pare upavadeyyu ; for which the wise men might censure him, 即使是小事他也不做 ; Sukhino vā khemino hontu, ( then he should reflect ) may all beings be happy and secure, ( 愿一切众生 ) 幸福与平安, Sabbe sattā bhavantu sukhitattā. may their hearts be wholesome. 愿一切众生安乐 Ye keci pā abhūtatthi, Whatsoever living beings there be, 凡是有任何众生, Tasā vā thāvarā vā anavasesā; without exception-feeble or strong, 动摇的或不动摇的包括无遗, Dīghā vā ye mahantā vā, long or big, 长的或大的, Majjhimā-rassa-kā uka thūlā. or medium sized, short, small or bulky. 中的 短的 细的或粗的 Di hā vā ye va adi hā, those seen (visible) or even unseen (not visible), 被见到的或不被见到的, Ye ca dūre vasanti avidūre; those dwelling near or far, 住在远方或近处的, Bhūta vā sambhavesī vā, those born or those seeking rebirth, 24

已经投生的或还要投生的, 供佛 Sabbe sattā bhavantu sukhitattā. may all beings be happy. 愿一切众生安乐 Na paro para nikubbetha, Let not one deceive another, 不要有众生欺骗其它众生, Nātima etha katthaci na ka ci; nor despise any person whatsoever in any place, 不要在任何地方轻视任何众生, Byārosanā pa ighasa ā, in anger or ill-will, 不要透过愤怒与厌恶想, Nā a-ma assa dukkha-miccheyya. let him not wish any harm to another. 而互相希望对方受苦 Mātā yathā niya putta, Just as a mother would protect her only child, 正如母亲对待自己的儿子那样, Āyusā ekaputta-manurakkhe; at the risk of her own life, 会以生命来保护唯一的儿子 ; Evam pi sabba-bhūtesu, even so towards all beings, 应当如此对一切众生, Mānasa bhāvaye aparimā a. let him radiate boundless loving-kindness. 培育无量的心 Metta ca sabba-lokasmin, Towards the entire world, ( 及应当 ) 以慈爱对全世界 Mānasa bhāvaye aparimā a ; let him radiate boundless loving-kindness, 培育无量的心, Uddha adho ca tiriya ca, 25

每日课诵 / Daily Chanting above, below and across, 上方 下方与周围, Asambādha averam asapatta. without any obstruction, without any hatred, without any enmity. 无障碍 无仇人 无敌对 Ti ha cara nisinno vā, Whether he stands, walks, sits, 站立 行走 坐着 Sayāno vā yāvatāssa vigata-middho; or lies down, as long as he is awake, 或躺卧, 只要不是在睡眠中, Eta sati adhi heyya, he should develop this mindfulness, 都应当决心保持如此的正念, Brahma meta vihāra idha-māhu. this, they say, is the Highest Conduct here. 这就是他们在此所说的梵住 Di hi ca anupaggamma, Not falling into wrong view, 以及不执取邪见, 戒行良好, Sīlavā dassanena sampanno; being virtuous and endowed with perfect insight, 具足澈见, Kāmesu vineyya gedha, totally eradicated desire for sensual objects, 去除对欲乐的贪爱之后, Na hi jātu gabbha-seyya punaretīõti. surely he will never come to be reborn in a womb again. 确定不再来投胎 Etena sacca-vajjena Þ hotu te (me) jayamaïgala. 借着这真实的话语, 愿你 ( 我 ) 得到胜利吉祥 By the firm determination of this truth may all blessings be upon you (I). 26 Mettā Chant Loving-Kindness Chant

慈爱颂 供佛 Sabbe sattā, sabbe pā ā, May all beings, all beings that can breathe ( alive ), 愿一切众生 一切有息 ( 活着的众生 ) Sabbe bhūtā, sabbe puggalā, all beings that are visible, all individuals with identity, 一切生物 ( 有形体的众生 ) 一切个人 ( 有名相的众生 ) Sabbe attabhāvā-pariyāpannā, all beings with body, 一切自体所属 ( 有身躯的众生 ) Sabbā itthiyo, sabbe purisā, all females, all males, 一切女人 ( 雌性 ) 一切男人 ( 雄性 ) Sabbe ariyā, sabbe anariyā, all noble ones, all not noble ones, 一切圣者 一切非圣者 ( 凡者 ) Sabbe devā, sabbe manussā, all deities, all humans, 一切天人 一切人类 Sabbe vinipātikā. all those in unhappy states. 一切地狱 ( 苦界 ) 众生 Averā hontu. May they be free from enmity 愿他们脱离仇恨 Abyāpajjā hontu. May they be free from mental sufferings. 愿他们脱离精神上的忧恼 Anīghā hontu. May they be free from physical sufferings. 愿他们脱离身体上的痛苦 Sukhī attāna pariharantu. May they take care of themselves happily. 愿他们守住自己的幸福 Dukkhā muccantu. 27

每日课诵 / Daily Chanting May they be free from sufferings. 愿他们脱离苦 Yathā laddha sampattito. May they not lost their properties that acquired by rightful means. 不失去任何现在已得的 ( 愿他们不失去以正当途径所获取的一切 ) Mā vigacchantu kammassakā. May they be maintained according to their good or bad actions. 不失去自己的业 ( 愿他们依据个人所造的因果而受生 ) Puratthimāya disāya, pacchimāya disāya, In the eastern direction, in the western direction, 在东方 在西方 Uttarāya disāya, dakkhi āya disāya, in the northern direction, in the southern direction, 在北方 在南方 Puratthimāya anudisāya, pacchimāya anudisāya, in the south-east direction, in the north-west direction, 在东南方 在西北方 Uttarāya anudisāya, dakkhi āya anudisāya, in the north-east direction, in the south-west direction, 在东北方 在西南方 He himāya disāya, uparimāya disāya, in the direction below, in the direction above. 在下方 在上方 Sabbe sattā, sabbe pā ā, May all beings, all beings that can breathe ( alive ), 愿一切众生 一切有息 ( 活着的众生 ) Sabbe bhūtā, sabbe puggalā, all beings that are visible, all individuals with identity, 一切生物 ( 有形体的众生 ) 一切个人 ( 有名相的众生 ) Sabbe attabhāvā-pariyāpannā, all beings with body, 一切自体所属 ( 有身躯的众生 ) Sabbā itthiyo, sabbe purisā, all females, all males, 一切女人 ( 雌性 ) 一切男人 ( 雄性 ) 28

Sabbe ariyā, sabbe anariyā, all noble ones, all not noble ones, 一切圣者 一切非圣者 ( 凡者 ) 供佛 Sabbe devā, sabbe manussā, all deities, all humans, 一切天人 一切人类 Sabbe vinipātikā. all those in unhappy states. 一切地狱 ( 苦界 ) 众生 Averā hontu. May they be free from enmity. 愿他们脱离仇恨 Abyāpajjā hontu. May they be free from mental sufferings. 愿他们脱离精神上的忧恼 Anīghā hontu. May they be free from physical sufferings. 愿他们脱离身体上的痛苦 Sukhī attāna pariharantu. May they take care of themselves happily. 愿他们守住自己的幸福 Dukkhā muccantu. May they be free from sufferings. 愿他们脱离苦 Yathā laddha sampattito. May they not lost their properties that acquired by rightful means. 不失去任何现在已得的 ( 愿他们不失去以正当途径所获取的一切 ) Mā vigacchantu kammassakā. May they be maintained according to their good or bad actions. 不失去自己的业 ( 愿他们依据个人所造的因果而受生 ) Uddha yāva bhavaggā ca, As far up as the highest existence and 上乃至有顶天和 ( 上至最高的天众 ) Adho yāva avīcito, as far down as the lowest, 下乃至无间地狱 ( 下至苦道中的众生 ), 29

每日课诵 / Daily Chanting Samantā cakkavā esu, in the entire universe, 一切的铁围山中 ( 遍布宇宙三界的众生 ), Ye sattā pathavīcarā, all beings that live on earth, 所有在地面上走的有情 ( 所有在陆地上生存的众生 ), Abyāpajjā niverā ca, may they be free from mental suffering and enmity, 无瞋和无怨 ( 愿他们脱离内心的痛苦与仇恨 ), Niddukkhā ca nupaddavā. may they be free from physical suffering and danger. 无苦和无灾厄 ( 愿他们脱离身体的痛苦与危险 ) Uddha yāva bhavaggā ca, As far up as the highest existence and 上乃至有顶天和 ( 上至最高的天众 ) Adho yāva avīcito, as far down as the lowest, 下乃至无间地狱 ( 下至苦道中的众生 ), Samantā cakkavā esu, in the entire universe, 一切的铁围山中 ( 遍布宇宙三界的众生 ), Ye sattā udakecarā, all beings that live in the water, 所有在水里的有情 ( 所有在水中生存的众生 ), Abyāpajjā niverā ca, may they be free from mental suffering and enmity, 无瞋和无怨 ( 愿他们脱离内心的痛苦与仇恨 ), Niddukkhā ca nupaddavā. may they be free from physical suffering and danger. 无苦和无灾厄 ( 愿他们脱离身体的痛苦与危险 ) Uddha yāva bhavaggā ca, As far up as the highest existence and 上乃至有顶天和 ( 上至最高的天众 ) Adho yāva avīcito, as far down as the lowest, 30

下乃至无间地狱 ( 下至苦道中的众生 ), 供佛 Samantā cakkavā esu, in the entire universe, 一切的铁围山中 ( 遍布宇宙三界的众生 ), Ye sattā ākāsecarā, all beings that live in the air, 所有在空中的有情 ( 所有在空中生存的众生 ), Abyāpajjā niverā ca, may they be free from mental suffering and enmity, 无瞋和无怨 ( 愿他们脱离内心的痛苦与仇恨 ), Niddukkhā ca nupaddavā. may they be free from physical suffering and danger. 无苦和无灾厄 ( 愿他们脱离身体的痛苦与危险 ) Accaya Vivaraõa 祈求宽恕 Asking for Pardon Kàyena vàcà cittena Þ pamàdena mayà kata, Accaya khama me Bhante Þ bhåri-pa a Tathàgata. (x1) 若我因放逸而造作的身 语 意过失, 愿广慧者 如来 师尊原谅我 ( 一拜 ) If by deed, word or thought I have heedlessly done wrong, may the Tathagata, possessed of great wisdom for give me. (prostrate once) Kàyena vàcà cittena Þ pamàdena mayà kata, Accaya khama me Dhamma Þ sandiññhika akàlika. (x1) 若我因放逸而造作的身 语 意过失, 愿当生可见的 无时之法原谅我 ( 一拜 ) If by deed, word or thought I have heedlessly done wrong, to the Dhamma, which is to be seen in this very life and gives results without delay, may I be forgiven. (prostrate once) Kàyena vàcà cittena Þ pamàdena mayà kata, Accaya khama me Saïgha Þ pu akkhetta anuttara. (x1) 若我因放逸而造作的身 语 意过失, 愿作为无上福田之僧原谅我 ( 一拜 ) If by deed, word or thought I have heedlessly done wrong, may the Saïgha, the incomparable field of merit, forgive me. (prostrate once) Sàdhu! Sàdhu! Sàdhu! 善哉! 善哉! 善哉! Well done! Well done! Well done! 31

每日课诵 / Daily Chanting Devànumodanà 诸天随喜 To make Deities participate in Merits Ettàvatà ca amhehi Þ sambhata pu a-sampada, sabbe devà anumodantu Þ sabba-sampatti-siddhiyà. 到目前为止我们所累积的功德与成就, 愿一切诸天随喜, 以获得一切的成就 To the extent merit and prosperity has been accumulated by us, may all deities rejoice, for the attaining of all [kinds of] success. Ettàvatà ca amhehi Þ sambhata pu a-sampada, sabbe bhåtà anumodantu Þ sabba-sampatti-siddhiyà. 到目前为止我们所累积的功德与成就, 愿一切生类随喜, 以获得一切的成就 To the extent merit and prosperity has been accumulated by us, may all living beings rejoice, for the attaining of all [kinds of] success. Ettàvatà ca amhehi Þ sambhata pu a-sampada, sabbe sattà anumodantu Þ sabba-sampatti-siddhiyà. 到目前为止我们所累积的功德与成就, 愿一切有情随喜, 以获得一切的成就 To the extent merit and prosperity has been accumulated by us, may all beings rejoice, for the attaining of all [kinds of] success. âkàsaññhà ca bhummaññhà Þ devà nàgà mahiddhikà, Pu a ta anumoditvà Þ cira rakkhantu sàsana. 愿住于空界与地界拥有大神力的诸天与龙, 在随喜此功德后, 长久地护持此教法 May the deities and nàgas of mighty power, who inhabit the earth and the sky, rejoice in this merit and long protect the [Buddha's] sàsana. âkàsaññhà ca bhummaññhà Þ devà nàgà mahiddhikà, Pu a ta anumoditvà Þ cira rakkhantu desana. 愿住于空界与地界拥有大神力的诸天与龙, 在随喜此功德后, 长久地护持此教示 May the deities and nàgas of mighty power, who inhabit the earth and the sky, rejoice in this merit and long protect the [Buddha's] Teaching. âkàsaññhà ca bhummaññhà Þ devà nàgà mahiddhikà, Pu a ta anumoditvà Þ cira rakkhantu ma para. 愿住于空界与地界拥有大神力的诸天与龙, 在随喜此功德后, 长久地护持我和其它人 May the deities and nàgas of mighty power, who inhabit the earth and the sky, rejoice in this merit and long protect myself and others. 32 Pu ànumodanà 回向功德 ( 给已故的眷属 )

Transfering of Merits (to the Departed Relatives) 供佛 Ida me àtãna hotu Þ sukhità hontu àtayo. 愿以此 ( 功德 ) 与我 已去世 的亲戚们 ( 分享 ), 愿亲戚们快乐 May this [merit be rejoiced in by] my relations [who have passed away]. May they be happy. Ida no àtãna hotu Þ sukhità hontu àtayo. 愿以此 ( 功德 ) 与我们 已去世 的亲戚们 ( 分享 ), 愿亲戚们快乐 May this [merit be rejoiced in by] our relations [who have passed away]. May they be happy. Ida vo àtãna hotu Þ sukhità hontu àtayo. 愿以此 ( 功德 ) 与您们 已去世 的亲戚们 ( 分享 ), 愿亲戚们快乐 May this [merit be rejoiced in by] your relations [who have passed away]. May they be happy. Patthanà 许愿 Aspirations Iminà pu a-kammena Þ mà me bàla-samàgamo, Sata samàgamo hotu Þ yàva nibbàna-pattiyà. (x3) 以这些功德行 的威力, 愿我直至证悟涅盘皆不遇愚人, 只亲近智者 ( 三遍 ) By [the power of] this meritorious action may not meet [with] the foolish, may there [only] be the meeting [with] the wise until [I] attain Nibbàna. (x3) Ida me pu a àsavakkhayàvaha hotu. (x3) 愿我此功德导致灭尽诸漏 ( 三遍 ) May this merit [accrued] be conducive for the elimination of the [mental] effluents. (x3) Sabbà dukkha pamuccatu. ( 愿我 ) 脱离一切苦 [May I] free from all sufferings. Vandanà 礼敬 Homage Imàya dhammànudhamma-pañipattiyà Buddha påjemi. 以此随顺法的实践, 我礼敬佛 By this practice in accordance with the Dhamma I honour the Buddha. Imàya dhammànudhamma-pañipattiyà Dhamma påjemi. 以此随顺法的实践, 我礼敬法 33

每日课诵 / Daily Chanting 34 By this practice in accordance with the Dhamma I honour the Dhamma. Imàya dhammànudhamma-pañipattiyà Saïgha påjemi. 以此随顺法的实践, 我礼敬僧 By this practice in accordance with the Dhamma I honour the Saïgha. Imàya dhammànudhamma-pañipattiyà Upajjhàya påjemi. 以此随顺法的实践, 我礼敬戒师 By this practice in accordance with the Dhamma I honour (my) Preceptor. Imàya dhammànudhamma-pañipattiyà âcariya påjemi. 以此随顺法的实践, 我礼敬教授师 By this practice in accordance with the Dhamma I honour (my) Teacher. Imàya dhammànudhamma-pañipattiyà Màtàpituna påjemi. 以此随顺法的实践, 我礼敬母亲与父亲 By this practice in accordance with the Dhamma I honour (my) Mother and Father. Addhà imàya pañipattiyà jàñi-jarà-maraõamhà Parimuccissàmi. 切实地依此实践, 我将能解脱生 老与死 By this practice I will most certainly gain liberation from birth, aging and death. Aha avero homi. Aha abyàpajjo homi. Aha anãgho homi. Aha sukhã attàna pariharàmi. (x3) 愿我脱离仇恨 愿我脱离精神上的忧恼 愿我脱离身体上的痛苦 愿我守住自己的幸福 ( 三遍 ) May I be free from enmity. May I be free from mental suffering. May I be free from physical suffering. May I take care myself happily. (repeats thrice) Mettà 慈爱 Loving-kindness Sabbe sattà averà hontu. Sabbe sattà abyàpajjà hontu. Sabbe sattà anãghà hontu. Sabbe sattà sukhã attàna, pariharantu. (x3) 愿一切众生脱离仇恨 愿一切众生脱离精神上的忧恼 愿一切众生脱离身体上的痛苦 愿一切众生守住自己的幸福 ( 三遍 )

May all beings be free from enmity. May all beings be free from mental suffering. May all beings be free from physical suffering. May all beings take care of themselves happily. (repeats thrice) 供佛 Sàdhu! Sàdhu! Sàdhu! Anumodàmi. 善哉! 善哉! 善哉! 我随喜 Well done! Well done! Well done! (I) rejoice. Tisaraõa Vandanà 礼敬三宝 Homage to the Triple Gem Arahaü, Sammà-sambuddho Bhagavà, Buddhaü Bhagavantaü abhivàdemi. (x1) 世尊是阿罗汉 正等正觉者, 我礼敬佛陀世尊 ( 一拜 ) Lord, the most worthy One, the perfectly Enlightened One, the Buddha, I revere. (prostrate once) Buddho me nàtho. 佛是我的归依处 The Buddha is my refuge. Svàkkhàto Bhagavatà dhammo, Dhammaü namassàmi. (x1) 法是世尊所善说的, 我礼敬法 ( 一拜 ) The Dhamma of the Blessed One is perfectly expounded, this law, path, teaching, I venerate. (prostrate once) Dhammo me nàtho. 法是我的归依处 The Dhamma is my refuge. Supañipanno bhagavato sàvakasaïgho, Saïghaü namàmi. (x1) 世尊的弟子僧团是善行道者, 我礼敬僧 ( 一拜 ) The Saïgha of the Blessed One's disciples has entered on the good way, that pure community, I revere. (prostrate once) Saïgho me nàtho. 僧是我的归依处 The Saïgha is my refuge Uddissanà-dhiññhàna Gàthà 回向与许愿偈 Verses of Sharing and Aspiration Iminà pu a-kammena Þ Upajjhàyà guõuttarà; 35

每日课诵 / Daily Chanting 36 âcariyu pakàrà ca Þ Màtàpità ca àtakà. 愿以此功德回向给予, 对我有大恩德的戒师 ; 善于扶助及教导 ( 我等 ) 的师长们 父母亲及一切亲属 Through the goodness that arises from my practice, may my spiritual teachers and guides of great virtue, my mother, my father and my relatives, Suriyo Candimà ràjà Þ Guõavantà narà'pi ca; Brahma-màrà ca Indà ca Þ Loka-pàlà ca devatà. 英明勇敢的统治者 具足崇高德行的人 ; 梵天 帝释及魔罗 诸天天众及护法神 The Sun and the Moon, and all virtuous leaders of the worldþ May the Brahmas (the highest gods) and Màrà (evil forces); Celestial beings and Guardian spirits of the Earth, Yamo mittà manussà ca Þ Majjhattà verikà'pi ca; Sabbe sattà sukhã hontu Þ Pu àni pakàtàni me. 阎罗及人类 怨亲债主或互不相识的人 ; 愿他们都得到幸福与快乐, 随喜我 ( 等 ) 所累积的功德 and the Lord of Death; May those who are friendly, indifferent or hostile; May all being receive the merits accumulated by me. Sukha ca ti-vidha dentu Þ Khippa pàpetha vo'mata. 以此随喜的功德愿他们获得三种乐 ( 现世 来生及涅盘 ), 直至圆证于涅盘 May they soon attain the threefold bliss and realize the Deathless. Iminà pu a-kammena Þ Iminà uddisena ca; Khippàha sulabhe c'evà Þ Taõhåpàdàna-chedana. 愿我 ( 等 ) 所作之功德, 回向给予一切众生 ; 使我 ( 们 ) 能立即断除欲望及执取, 以及心中之污秽 Through the goodness that arises from my practice, and through this act of sharing, May all desires and attachements quickly cease and all harmful states of mind. Ye santàne hãnà dhammà Þ Yàva nibbànato mama ; Nassantu sabbadàyeva Þ Yattha jàto bhave bhave. 在我 ( 们 ) 还未达证涅盘之前 ; 必须摧毁一切障碍, 每一生每一世, Until I realize Nibbàna, In every kind of birth, may I have upright mind. Uju-citta sati-pa à Þ Sallekho viriyamhinà; Màrà labhantu n'okàsa Þ Kàtu -ca viriyesu me. 以殊胜的正念及智慧, 及无比的精进, 铲除一切的烦恼 ; 魔罗将不再有任何机会, 乘机破坏我 ( 们 ) 的精进了 With mindfulness and wisdom, austerity and viguor. May the forces of delusion not take hold nor weaken my resolve. Buddhà-dhipa-varo nàtho Þ Dhammo nàtho var'uttamo; Nàtho pacceka-buddho ca Þ Saïgho nàtho'ttaro mama. 佛陀是我卓越的归依处 法是我至上的归依处 ; 辟支佛及僧团是我 ( 们 ) 殊胜的归依处

The Buddha is my excellent refuge, unsurpassed is the protection of the Dhamma; The Solitary Buddha is my noble Lord, the Saïgha is my supreme support. 供佛 Tesottam'ànubhàvena Þ Màrokàsa labhantu mà; Dasattamànubhàvena Þ Màrokàsa labhantu mà. 以此无比的威力, 不再给予魔罗任何机会 ; 由此十方防护的功徳威力, 不再给予魔罗任何机会了! Through the supreme power of all these, may darkness and delusion be dispelled; By the power of the ten directions, may darkness and delusion be dispelled. Pu ànumodanà & Accaya Vivaraõa 分享功德及请求原谅 Sharing of Merits and Asking for Pardon Laity: Okàsa, vandàmi, Bhante.(x1) 在家人 : 尊者, 请让我顶礼 ( 顶礼一拜 ) Laity: Venerable Sir, allow me to venerate (pay respects to) you.(prostrate once) Monk: Sukhi hotu (hontu), Nibbàna paccayo hotu (hontu). 出家人 : 祝你 ( 们 ) 快乐, 证悟涅盘 Monk: May you (your) be happy, attain Nibbàna. Laity: Mayà kata pu a sàminà anumo-ditabba. 在家人 : 您 ( 尊者 ) 应当随喜我所作的功德 Laity: May you, Venerable Sir, rejoice in the merits that I have gained. Monk: Sàdhu! Sàdhu! Anumodàmi. 出家人 : 善哉, 善哉, 我随喜 Monk: Sàdhu! Sàdhu! I rejoice in your merits. Laity: Sàminà kata pu a mayha databba. 在家人 : 应当给我 ( 随喜 ) 您所作的功德 Laity: [Venerable Sir,] may you share with me the merits you have gained. Monk: Sàdhu! Anumo-ditabba. 出家人 : 善哉, 你应当随喜 Monk: Sàdhu! May you rejoice in that merits. Laity: Sàdhu! Sàdhu! Anumodàmi. Okàsa, dvàrattayena kata sabba accaya khamatha me Bhante. 在家人 : 善哉! 善哉! 我随喜 尊者, 请原谅我由 ( 身丶口丶意 ) 三门所犯的一切过失! Laity: Sàdhu! Sàdhu! I rejoice in your merits. Venerable Sir, if I have done any wrong in deed, word or thought, please forgive me. Monk: Khamàmi khamitabba. 出家人 : 我原谅你, 你也应当原谅我 37

每日课诵 / Daily Chanting Monk: I forgive you. May you forgive me [also]. Laity: Okàsa, khamàmi, Bhante.(x3) 在家人 : 善哉! 尊者, 我原谅您 ( 顶礼三拜 ) Laity: Sàdhu! Sàdhu! Venerable sir, I forgive you [also]. (prostrate trice) Monk: Sukhi hotu (hontu), Nibbàna paccayo hotu (hontu). 出家人 : 祝你 ( 们 ) 快乐, 证悟涅盘 Monk: May you (your) be happy, attain Nibbàna. * *** * *** 38