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Website Design Sketch & Requirements 1. Overall theme: sunny, positive, young and opulent portray the image and feeling of success 2. Required tabs for stage one Home page (look and feel similar to experience (look and feel similar to Book Us/Join the community My account Research function within site 3. There is a limit for how many articles/videos ers can watch without registering/signup. Initially we d like to limit to three/months

Rearch Site inspiration Instead of waiting for an opportunity to come to you, think how you earn your own success in America. Success in America means defining your future as you see fit and achieving those ambitions on the basis of merit and hard work. It allows you to dream, be bold, and to achieve. This is at the root of American exceptionalism and opportunity - this is ChampAmerica - who will help you with your 抢滩 mission in the US. Click to read more (this takes you to inspirations tab) Comment: I would like if these three boxes or our future banners can move as pointed Once you click the join, it should take u to a separate page (Join ) Enter to win a free three-pack coaching Session with our senior coaches! Be daring and Show what you got! (Then people click into details In the page) The inspiration and DNA of ChampAmerica. This is the same as above when you click, it Takes you to the inspirations tab. Recruiting Season Tips: Are Thank-you Notes Necessary? This should bring you to page

inspiration Instead of waiting for an opportunity to come to you, think how you earn your own success in America. Success in America means defining your future as you see fit and achieving those ambitions on the basis of merit and hard work. It allows you to dream, be bold, and to achieve. This is at the root of American exceptionalism and opportunity - this is ChampAmerica - who will help you with your 抢滩 mission in the US. Who we are - At ChampAmerica, you will find a group of successful senior professionals as your coaches. We believe that, whether you are a student looking for a job, or a young professional managing your career growth - ChampAmerica is there to help you navigate the competitive landscape. We help you devise and implement YOUR winning strategy - At ChampAmerica, you will be part of a community, learning and sharing experiences with other motivated and driven individuals who share similar backgrounds -At ChampAmerica, you will learn to assimilate into American culture with a seamless network of established Chinese and American coaches. The more comfortable you are navigating the culture and the system, the more confident you will be taking on more challenges in your life coaches -- coaches are all senior level VPs and Directors with strong indtry knowledge in top global corporations, each with over ten years of experience -- We are strong role models, passionate about people maximizing their potential and reaching their goals -- We are the corporate insiders, the individuals sitting across the table from you in interviews, and making the hiring decisions -- We are the resources and a gateway to YOUR success -Click to read more about our coaches (this takes u to our coaches page)

ChampAmerica creates personalized career coaching for international students/young professionals services start from your ctomized resume building and interview coaching. More importantly, helping You create your personal brand and guide you along the way as you progress in your career. Meet our team Heather Bio Short version, then click into a Heather page Watch Heather describe her Personal brand Nick Bio Short version, then click into a Heather page Anatoli Bio Short version, then click into a Heather page Watch Nick describe His Personal brand Watch Anatoli describe His Personal brand Diana Bio Short version, then click into a Heather page More Coach profiles to come Watch Dianadescribe her Personal brand

理念 : 1. 人格为王 : 美式企业文化当下, 拥有自我品牌是融入任何社交场合, 和赢得面试的前提 2. 按需 准备 3. 以故事作为载体 4. 在真正决策者的帮助下快速试错迭代经验技巧简介 教练全部来自真实职场中的最终决策人, 他们将从始至终作为你搭档, 线上线下亲密合作, 设计开发出你的个人品牌, 精细地打磨面试技巧和行为演练 课程分为 2 个板块, 板块一侧重的是求职者的简历故事设计, 人格品牌开发和面试战略设计 在此基础上板块二侧重的是提供美国文化下的语言和行为逻辑培养, 职场思维和专业知识扩充, 面试实战演练, 和面试经验迅速积累 板块一中你将收获 : 语言精确, 故事精彩且契合职位要求和美国职业文化背景的简历模版 在社交和面试中支撑求职者立足的人格品牌 / 求职战略策划 自我认同和信心觉醒 板块二中你将收获 : 语言精确, 故事精彩的行为面试剧本设计和演练 面试问题回答技巧和实战 : 准确表述简历故事和人格魅力 同业内资深人士进行专业技术性知识储备, 行业内幕洞察 硬技能专业性回答技巧训练 高阶面试技巧训练和实战 : 反转掌控面试谈话主动权, 时间和话题控制, 和面试官达成友好关系 Click to be able to open a separate page, with further details. Click to be able to open a separate page, with further details. This is appendix 1-A: Module one description This is appendix 1-B: Module one description Click to book module One This should take you to the booking sessions. Need a nicer button Group Module Designed to create an environment of experiential learning in a small group setting. You will be working with no more than ten students under the guidance of two senior coaches. The topics can range from resume, interview, networking, social etiquette, etc. This provides you the opportunity to challenge yourself, step up to the occasion, and also interact with your peers as well as oaches Click to book module One This should take you to the booking sessions. Need a nicer More Coach profiles to come button Click to book module Two This should take you to the booking sessions. Need a nicer button

- Careers - Life Question of the week: How do you discs your weakness? Click to open a different page with all details. Details as Appendix Two 不论是面试, 商务午餐, 还是参加社交活动, 第一印象总是至关重要 在美国, "DRESS CODE" 有很多讲究 了解它们的意义和正确的着装方法不仅可以帮助你在社交场合小放光芒, 更可以避免不必要的尴尬 一下是美国人常用的定义及变异名称 : Click to open a different page with all details. Details as Appendix Two As someone who recruits both students and experienced hires, I find thank-you notes to be an important element in my overall evaluation of the candidate. It turns out that I am not alone: according to, more than 75 percent of interviewers say receiving a thank-you note impacts their decision-making process. Click to open a different page with all details. Details as Appendix Two Invited to a holiday party and don t know what to bring to your host family? Listen to what Coach Heather s suggestions Addition Consideration for this page: 1. I d like to have everything more free-floating on this page similar to The headers are essentially tags. If people care more about the career side, then click careers, and see only career pieces, vise versa for Life 2. What would be a good way to organize the site? More Coach profiles to come

Success Stories Upcoming Events Jonathan W, who is one of our early students, have enjoyed much success in his career and life since graduating college in 2011. (continue to read for Jonathan s stories) This piece needs to be provided by Jonathan, a short Bio Event Fiona is our current student who is in a graduate program in Intergrated Marketing (continue to read for Fiona s stories) This piece needs to be provided by Fiona, a short Bio Example only do not e this picture. Need a placeholder for a picture, and text box for an interview The above chart is really jt an example it is not my events. But, I wanted to have a chart that tells u even name, time, theme, and have a button called sign up. This should lead you to the book sessions page Questions for? Email today!

Rearch Site This page will contain two segments and I will leave that to the designer Part One internal referral job. Specifically from coaches that can create internal referral Part Two - This is an API where we are linking to the job posting of,,

Rearch Site Module One Price: 800/three sessions Add to Cart Module One Price: 800/three sessions Add to Cart Price: 900/Four sessions Add to Cart Group Coaching Price: $100 sessions Add to Cart 板块一中你将收获 : 语言精确, 故事精彩且契合职位要求和美国职业文化背景的简历模版 在社交和面试中支撑求职者立足的人格品牌 / 求职战略策划 自我认同和信心觉醒 Click to be able to open a separate page, with further details. This is appendix 1-A: Module one description 板块二中你将收获 : 语言精确, 故事精彩的行为面试剧本设计和演练 面试问题回答技巧和实战 : 准确表述简历故事和人格魅力 同业内资深人士进行专业技术性知识储备, 行业内幕洞察 硬技能专业性回答技巧训练 高阶面试技巧训练和实战 : 反转掌控面试谈话主动权, 时间和话题控制, 和面试官达成友好关系 Click to be able to open a separate page, with further details. This is appendix 1-B: Module one description Group Module Designed to create an environment of experiential learning in a small group setting. You will be working with no more than ten students under the guidance of two senior coaches. The topics can range from resume, interview, networking, social etiquette, etc. This provides you the opportunity to challenge yourself, step up to the occasion, and also interact with your peers as well as oaches

Subject should be a Selection from the followings: 1. Inquire coaching program 2. Join and receive free emails on career tips and events 3. Be a community contributor and link with your school 4. Ask our coaches questions Join today and be the Champion of your Career! Joins to receive free emails on career tips and upcoming events First Name Email Email to inquire about our coaching programs Join the community & more! Last Name Message free text School Subject Send your resume today! - Upload

My ChampAmerica I purchased Articles I saved Articles I shared