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Victorian Certificate of Education 2015 SUPERVISOR TO ATTACH PROCESSING LABEL HERE Letter STUDENT NUMBER CHINESE SECOND LANGUAGE Written examination Wednesday 18 November 2015 Reading time: 3.00 pm to 3.15 pm (15 minutes) Writing time: 3.15 pm to 5.15 pm (2 hours) QUESTION AND ANSWER BOOK Section Number of questions Structure of book Number of questions to be answered 2 1 1 1 2 Number of marks 5 5 15 15 15 Suggested times (minutes) 1 Part A 2 Part B 1 15 2 Part A 1 Part B 1 55 Part C 2 3 5 1 20 50 Total 75 120 Students are permitted to bring into the examination room: pens, pencils, highlighters, erasers, sharpeners, rulers and any printed monolingual and/or bilingual dictionary in one or two separate volumes. Dictionaries may be consulted during the reading time and also during the examination. Students are NOT permitted to bring into the examination room: blank sheets of paper and/or correction fluid/tape. No calculator is allowed in this examination. Materials supplied Question and answer book of 14 pages, including Assessment criteria on page 14. Instructions Write your student number in the space provided above on this page. Write all your answers in the spaces provided in this question and answer book. The spaces provided give you an idea of how much you should write. Students are NOT permitted to bring mobile phones and/or any other unauthorised electronic devices into the examination room. VICTORIAN CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT AUTHORITY 2015

2015 CHINESE SL EXAM 2 SECTION 1 Listening and responding Instructions for Section 1 Part A Texts 1 and 2, Questions 1 and 2 (5 marks) You will hear two texts. Each text will be played twice. There will be a short break between the first and second playings of each text. You may make notes at any time. Listen carefully to each text and then answer the questions in ENGLISH. All answers must be based on the texts. TEXT 1 Answer the following question in ENGLISH. Responses in the wrong language will receive no credit. You may make notes in this space. Question 1 What two gifts are to be purchased and for whom? 2 marks Gift from Gift Gift for female male TEXT 2 Answer the following questions in ENGLISH. Responses in the wrong language will receive no credit. Question 2 a. What do the photographs show? 1 mark b. What contribution did the following people make? 2 marks Wang Hua Li Lin End of Part A SECTION 1 continued

3 2015 CHINESE SL EXAM Instructions for Section 1 Part B Text 3, Question 3 (5 marks) You will hear one text. The text will be played twice. There will be a short break between the first and second playings of the text. You may make notes at any time. Listen carefully to the text and then answer the question in full sentences in CHINESE. All answers must be based on the text. TEXT 3 Answer the following question in full sentences in CHINESE. Responses in the wrong language will receive no credit. You may make notes in this space. Question 3 According to Anna, why should Daming s family migrate to Melbourne? 根据安娜所述, 大明一家为什么应该移民墨尔本? 根據安娜所述, 大明一家為什麼應該移民墨爾本? END OF SECTION 1 TURN OVER

2015 CHINESE SL EXAM 4 SECTION 2 Reading, responding and translating Instructions for Section 2 Part A Text 4, Question 4 (15 marks) Read the text and then answer the questions in ENGLISH. All answers must be based on the text. TEXT 4 Answer the following questions in ENGLISH. Responses in the wrong language will receive no credit. You may make notes in this space. Simplified form characters 现在的中学生生活不是很容易 第一, 他们要经历很大的生理和心理的变化 第二, 他们在学习上要经受很大的压力, 有的来自家长和学校, 有的来自同学和他们自己 第三, 在交友方面要学会怎么交朋友, 因为交好的朋友会让他们上进, 交不好的朋友会让他们学坏 那么中学生怎样才能过好中学生活呢? 这要三个方面的共同努力 : 学校, 家长和中学生 学校要关心他们的生理和心理变化, 不给他们太大的压力 ; 家长应多和他们交谈 ; 但最重要的是学生自己, 只要他们努力和上进, 明白自己要做的事, 这样就能过好中学生活 Full form characters 现在的中学生生活不是很容易 第一, 他们要经历很大的生理和心理的变化 第二, 他们在学习上要经受很大的压力, 有的来自家长和学校, 有的来自同学和他们自己 第三, 在交友方面要学会怎麼交朋友, 因为交好的朋友会让他们上进, 交不好的朋友会让他们学坏 那麼中学生怎样才能过好中学生活呢? 这要三个方面的共同努力 : 学校, 家长和中学生 学校要关心他们的生理和心理变化, 不给他们太大的压力 ; 家长应多和他们交谈 ; 但最重要的是学生自己, 只要他们努力和上进, 明白自己要做的事, 这样就能过好中学生活 压力 / 压力 yàlï 努力 / 努力 nùlï SECTION 2 Part A continued

5 2015 CHINESE SL EXAM Question 4 a. In the table below, give the types of difficulty faced by contemporary secondary-school students and provide examples of or explanations for each. One type of difficulty has been given. 9 marks You may make notes in this space. Type of difficulty Example/Explanation body and soul b. How can students be helped, and help themselves, to succeed? 6 marks End of Part A SECTION 2 continued TURN OVER

2015 CHINESE SL EXAM 6 Instructions for Section 2 Part B Text 5, Question 5 (15 marks) Read the text and then answer the questions in full sentences in CHINESE. All answers must be based on the text. TEXT 5 Answer the following questions in full sentences in CHINESE. Responses in the wrong language will receive no credit. You may make notes in this space. Simplified form characters 今天上的美术课很有意思, 现在我明白了国画和西方画的不同 以下是我上课时记下的要点 国画的特点是画面上又有画又有书法, 因为一张国画上如果没有漂亮的汉字, 看上去就不那么完美了 国画可以分为山水 花鸟 人物画, 它主要是以画的对象不同来分的 国画不看重颜色, 但是非常讲究用笔和用墨的技巧 西方的油画很讲究颜色, 所以画面上常常是五颜六色的 Full form characters 今天上的美术课很有意思, 现在我明白了国画和西方画的不同 以下是我上课时记下的要点 國畫的特點是畫面上又有畫又有書法, 因為一張國畫上如果沒有漂亮的漢字, 看上去就不那麽完美了 國畫可以分為山水 花鳥 人物畫, 它主要是以畫的對像不同來分的 國畫不看重顏色, 但是非常講究用筆和用墨的技巧 西方的油畫很講究顏色, 所以畫面上常常是五顏六色的 颜 / 顏 yán 技巧 / 技巧 jïqiâo 此 / 此 cî 讲究 / 講究 jiângjiú 油 / 油 yóu 欣赏 / 欣賞 xìnshâng SECTION 2 Part B continued

7 2015 CHINESE SL EXAM Question 5 a. What is the context for writing this text? 此篇的写作背景是什么? 此篇的写作背景是什麼? You may make notes in this space. b. What is the usual subject matter of Chinese paintings? 国画中常用的对象是什么? 国画中常用的对像是什麼? c. What role does calligraphy play in Chinese painting? 书法在国画中起到的作用是什么? 书法在国画中起到的作用是什麼? d. What skills are appreciated most in Chinese and Western paintings? 如何欣赏国画和西方画的不同技巧? 如何欣赏国画和西方画的不同技巧? End of Part B SECTION 2 continued TURN OVER

2015 CHINESE SL EXAM 8 Instructions for Section 2 Part C Questions 6 and 7 (15 marks) Translate the following Chinese texts into ENGLISH. Question 6 Translate the following passage into English. 中国在过去短短的六年中, 新建了一万八千公里的高速铁路 ( 高铁 ) 高铁每小时可以走三百多公里 还有一种叫动车, 每小时最高可走两百公里 二十年以前从北京坐火车去上海要差不多十五个小时, 现在高铁只要四个半小时 每个中国的大城市都有高铁, 车站也都在市中心, 比坐飞机方便 高铁又快又舒服 你要是去中国旅游, 一定要坐高铁 中國在過去短短的六年中, 新建了一萬八千公里的高速鐵路 ( 高鐵 ) 高鐵每小時可以走三百多公里 還有一種叫動車, 每小時最高可走兩百公里 二十年以前從北京坐火車去上海要差不多十五個小時, 現在高鐵只要四個半小時 每個中國的大城市都有高鐵, 車站也都在市中心, 比坐飛機方便 高鐵又快又舒服 你要是去中國旅遊, 一定要坐高鐵 建 / 建 jiãn 速 / 速 sú 铁 / 鐵 tiê 动车 / 動車 express train SECTION 2 Part C continued

9 2015 CHINESE SL EXAM Question 7 Translate the following passage into English. 小明, 你今天没来上学, 我给你打了好几个电话你也没接, 你出什么事了吗? 我今天放学后到你家来想看看你怎么了, 也给你带来了老师发回的汉语作业本, 可是没人在家 我非常着急 请你看到这个便条后, 马上给我打电话, 谢谢! 小红七月七日十点 小明, 你今天沒來上學, 我給你打了好幾個電話你也沒接, 你出什麽事了嗎? 我今天放學後到你家來想看看你怎麽了, 也給你帶來了老師發回的漢語作業本, 可是沒人在家 我非常着急 請你看到這個便條後, 馬上給我打電話, 謝謝! 小紅七月七日十点 END OF SECTION 2 TURN OVER

2015 CHINESE SL EXAM 10 SECTION 3 Writing in Chinese Instructions for Section 3 Questions 8 12 (20 marks) Answer one question in 200 250 characters in CHINESE. Responses in the wrong language will receive no credit. Space is provided on the following page to make notes. Question 8 You are Sam, and you will graduate from secondary school very soon. You have been invited to give a speech at your final school assembly on three personal highlights of your secondary schooling, involving friends, achievements and aspirations. 你是山姆, 很快就要中学毕业了 你受邀在学校最后集会上做一次演讲, 谈谈你在中学期间的三个亮点, 包括朋友 成就和未来期望这三个方面 你是山姆, 很快就要中學畢業了 你受邀在學校最後集會上做一次演講, 談談你在中學期間的三個亮點, 包括朋友 成就和未來期望這三個方面 Question 9 You are Sam. Write a letter to your Chinese penpal, Bai Wen, informing her about three aspects of Melbourne as the capital of sport. OR 你是山姆 给你的中国笔友白文写一封信, 介绍墨尔本作为运动之都的三个方面 你是山姆 給你的中國筆友白文寫一封信, 介紹墨爾本作為運動之都的三個方面 OR Question 10 You are Sam. Write an article for your school magazine, Students Lives, encouraging fellow students to take public transport or to walk to school, rather than being driven by their parents. 你是山姆 为你学校的 学生生活 杂志写一篇文章, 鼓励你的同学用公共交通或走路去上学, 而不是让父母开车送去 你是山姆 為你學校的 學生生活 雜誌寫一篇文章, 鼓勵你的同學用公共交通或走路去上學, 而不是讓父母開車送去 OR SECTION 3 continued

11 2015 CHINESE SL EXAM Question 11 You are Sam. Write a report to present to the city council, evaluating different views on expanding the city centre. 你是山姆 为市政府写一篇报告, 评估人们对要否扩展市中心的不同看法 你是山姆 为市政府写一篇报告, 评估人们对要否扩展市中心的不同看法 Question 12 You are Sam. It is the year 2150. Humans have evolved and can now live underwater. Write a story for a radio broadcast, describing people s life, work and study in this underwater world. OR 你是山姆 这是 2150 年 人类已经开发并开始在海底世界生活 写一篇用于广播用的故事, 描述人们在海底世界的生活 工作和学习 你是山姆 這是 2150 年 人類已經開發並開始在海底世界生活 寫一篇用於廣播用的故事, 描述人們在海底世界的生活 工作和學習 You may make notes in this space. Write your response on the following pages. SECTION 3 continued TURN OVER

2015 CHINESE SL EXAM 12 Question No. SECTION 3 continued

13 2015 CHINESE SL EXAM An answer book is available from the supervisor if you need extra paper to complete your answer. Please ensure you write your student number in the space provided on the front cover of the answer book. At the end of the examination, place the answer book inside the front cover of this question and answer book. END OF SECTION 3 TURN OVER

2015 CHINESE SL EXAM 14 Assessment criteria Section 1 Listening and responding Part A the capacity to understand and convey general and specific aspects of texts Part B the capacity to understand general and specific aspects of texts the capacity to convey information accurately and appropriately Section 2 Reading, responding and translating Part A the capacity to understand and convey general and specific aspects of texts Part B the capacity to understand general and specific aspects of texts the capacity to convey information accurately and appropriately Part C the capacity to understand and convey the meaning of the passage in English the capacity to interpret and express grammatical aspects of the passage accurately Section 3 Writing in Chinese relevance, breadth and depth of content appropriateness of structure and sequence accuracy, range and appropriateness of vocabulary and grammar END OF QUESTION AND ANSWER BOOK