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275 Discovering Youth and Imagining China : Modernity, Enlightenment Discourse and National Imagination in Liang Qichao s The Youth of China Chia-ling Mei Abstract Respect for one s elders has long been a pillar of Chinese culture. During the turbulent times of the late Qing however, hopes for a revitalization of the nation and the people came to be pinned on the youth, who in turn became a base of support for both recalcitrant powers-that-be and forces for modernization and renewal. This development not only deeply influenced the new cultural and literary movements that were to ensue, but also provided an internal stimulus for many political developments. When dealing with China s modern cultural and intellectual history, the complicated relationships involved in this development between modernity, enlightenment discourse and national imagination are issues that cannot be ignored. Yet, to date few people have taken a close look at the process by which this youth/enlightenment discourse came into being and the contradictions and complexities inherent to it. For discussion purposes, this paper will take Liang Qichao s The Youth of China as its starting point and move on to discuss his Records of the Future of a New China and other related works by Liang s contemporaries. This paper will be divided into four sections, as follows: (1) A Western wind ages one overnight: An age-old empire or the youth of * Chia-ling Mei is a professor in the Department of Chinese Literature at National Taiwan University.

276 19 1 China? (2) Discovering youth: From enlightenment discourse to national imagination (3) Imagining China: Records of the Future of a New China and Youth- Enlightenment-New China (4) Afterword: Reverberations-From the youth of China to the youth of Taiwan This paper will first discuss the complex dynamics between youth of China and age-old empire in order to show that discovering youth and imagining China were in fact important elements in the new cultural and literary movements of the late Qing. Next, discussion will move to the question of whether youth discourse and national imagination during the late Qing was the source of youth discourse in Japan or vice versa. From there, based on Records of the Future of a New China and The Youth of China, we will discuss contradictions and complexities inherent to this type of discourse and its later day influence. Keywords: The Youth of China, Liang Qichao, Modernity, Enlightenment Discourse, National Imagination