International Student Applications 国际学生申请表 Procedural Checklist 程序清单 A prospective student needs a clear idea of what procedures need to be completed

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Application to Enrol at Macleans College International Students 麦克林高中国际学生申请表 Macleans College 麦克林高中 Macleans Road, Bucklands Beach Auckland, New Zealand 新西兰奥克兰市巴克兰海滨麦克林路 网址 Telephone +64 9 535 2620 电话 :+64 9 535 2620 Facsimile +64 9 535 2621 传真 :+64 9 535 2621 Email 电子邮箱

International Student Applications 国际学生申请表 Procedural Checklist 程序清单 A prospective student needs a clear idea of what procedures need to be completed in order to qualify for acceptance by Macleans College as an international fee paying student. 为了能够被麦克林高中录取, 成为该校一名国际付费学生, 拟报名学生应清楚了解申请程序 The following is a checklist clarifying the essential actions: 下列清单列举了必做事项 : 1. Application Complete an application form and send to Macleans College. Please include 2 passport photos. 申请填写申请表, 寄到麦克林高中, 请附上 2 张护照片 2. Passport Please include 1 copy of the student s passport details. 护照请附上学生护照复印件一份 3. Guardian s Passport Please include 1 copy of the guardian s passport details. 监护人护照请附上学生监护人护照复印件一份 4. Insurance Health and medical insurance is compulsory for all international students. 保险所有国际学生必须办理健康及医疗保险 5. School Accommodation A letter guaranteeing accommodation for the student will be sent to the parent if school homestay is required. If they are NOT in a school homestay, use DCG form. 学校住宿如果需要学校安排住宿家庭, 我校将寄信给学生, 保证其寄宿 如果不需要学校安排寄宿, 请使用 DCG 表格 6. Homestay Check Macleans College Homestay Adminstrator or a representative will call to meet the homestay family and inspect the home. 住宿家庭检查 麦克林高中住宿家庭管理人员将致电 约会并且检查住宿家庭 7. Course Selection Completed and signed option/subject selection sheet. 选课表填写选课表并且签名 8. Performance Agreement To be signed by guardian/parents/student 行为准则协议 由监护人 / 父母 / 学生签名 ONCE THESE HAVE BEEN COMPLETED FULLY AND ARE IN RECEIPT OF MACLEANS COLLEGE: 麦克林高中在收到这些填好的表格和文件后 :

9. Offer of Place (Acceptance and Deposit) On receipt of the Offer of a Place, reply accepting the Offer of a Place and attach a NZ$500 non-refundable deposit. This deposit should be made payable to Macleans College. The Offer of Place is required to enable you to apply for a student visa. 录取通知 ( 接受录取并且缴纳定金 ) 收到录取通知后, 请回信表示接受录取, 并且随信寄出五百新西兰元定金 ( 概不退还 ) 给麦克林高中 申请学生签证时需要录取通知 10. Visa Application 申请签证 Once you have received the receipt for the deposit you then take your Offer of Place document to your nearest New Zealand Embassy/ High Commission and get an application for a visa. The Offer of Place document is required to enable you to apply for a student visa. The Visa Officer will advise you on what other documents you need. 在你收到定金收据后, 就可以把录取通知送到最近的新西兰大使馆, 进行申请签证, 录取通知是为了申请学生签证用 签证官将会告知你需要何种其他文件 11. Visa Approval and Payment of School Fees 签证获批和交纳学费 Once you have received approval, you must then pay the school fees. These can be credited directly to the Macleans College bank account. The account number can be found on the invoice. 获得签证后, 你必须交纳学费, 学费可以直接打入麦克林高中账户, 发票上有账户号码

Application for Enrolment at Macleans College INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS 麦克林高中国际学生报名申请表 For office use only For office use only For office use only Tick the year level which applies: 请在适合的年级上打勾 : Year 9 9 年级 Year 10 10 年级 Year 11 11 年级 Year 12 12 年级 Year 13 13 年级 Student Details 学生信息 Family Name Male Female 姓 男 女 Official First Name English First Name 官方名 : 英语名 Second Name 其他名 NZ Address (if known or indicate homestay) 新西兰地址 ( 如果知道或填写寄宿家庭地址 ) Student s Email Address 学生电子邮箱 Home Telephone Number (in NZ) Student s Mobile Number ( 新西兰 ) 家电号码 学生移动电话号码 Country of Birth First Language 出生国家 第一语言 Date of Birth 出生日期 Day 日 Month 月 Year 年 Ethnicity 民族 Current School (or last attended) 目前就读学校 ( 或之前的学校 ) Passport Number 护照号码 Date of Entry into NZ 进入新西兰日期 Day 日 Month 月 Year 年 Student Visa Number And/or Student Permit Number 学生签证号码 和 / 或学生许可证 Visa/Permit Expiry Date 签证 / 许可到期日 Day 日 Month 月 Year 年

Parent Details 父母个人信息 : Mother 母亲 Family Name 姓 First Name 名 Address 地址 Title (please circle) 称谓 ( 请画圈 ) Mr Miss Ms Mrs Dr 先生 / 小姐 / 女士 / 夫人 / 博士 Home Telephone Number 家电号码 Mobile Telephone Number 移动电话号码 Work Telephone Number 工作电话号码 Email Address 电子信箱 Father 父亲 Family Name 姓 First Name 名 Address 地址 Title (please circle) 称谓 ( 请画圈 ) Mr Miss Ms Mrs Dr 先生 / 小姐 / 女士 / 夫人 / 博士 Home Telephone Number 家电号码 Mobile Telephone Number 移动电话号码 Work Telephone Number 工作电话号码 Email Address 电子信箱

Homestay Details 寄宿家庭信息 Homestay Mother 寄宿家庭母亲 Family Name 姓 Title (please circle) 称谓 ( 请画圈 ) Mr Miss Ms Mrs Dr 先生 / 小姐 / 女士 / 夫人 / 博士 First Name 名 Address 地址 Home Telephone Number Work Telephone Number 家电号码 工作电话号码 Mobile Telephone Number Email Address 移动电话号码 电子信箱 Homestay Father 寄宿家庭父亲 Family Name 姓 Title (please circle) 称谓 ( 请画圈 ) Mr Miss Ms Mrs Dr 先生 / 小姐 / 女士 / 夫人 / 博士 First Name 名 Home Telephone Number Work Telephone Number 家电号码 工作电话号码 Mobile Telephone Number Email Address 移动电话号码 电子信箱 Homestay Category 寄宿家庭类别 Macleans Selected Parent Friend Agent Appointed Relative 学校挑选 父母 朋友 中介指定 亲属 (please state relationship) ( 请说明关系 )

Details of New Zealand Emergency Contact 新西兰紧急情况联系人信息 Please state your relationship to student/homestay parent: 请说明你与学生 / 寄宿家庭父母的关系 Contact 联系人 Family Name 姓 First Name 名 Title (please circle) 称谓 ( 请画圈 ) Mr Miss Ms Mrs Dr 先生 / 小姐 / 女士 / 夫人 / 博士 Address 地址 Home Telephone Number 家电号码 Mobile Telephone Number 移动电话号码 Work Telephone Number 工作电话号码 Email Address 电子信箱 The Contact Person in Event of an Emergency should be a relative or neighbour who can be contacted during the day by the school should some medical or other unforeseen emergency arise. The Contact Person will be rung only if neither parent nor guardian/caregiver can be contacted. 紧急情况联系人应该是在白天时学校可以联系上的亲属或者是邻居, 假如出现某个医疗或不可预见事件, 在学校无法联系上学生家长或监护人的时侯, 学校才联系此人 Guardian Details 监护人个人信息 Guardian Family Name 监护人姓 First Name 名 Address 地址 Title (please circle) 称谓 ( 请画圈 ) Mr Miss Ms Mrs Dr 先生 / 小姐 / 女士 / 夫人 / 博士 Home Telephone Number 家电号码 Mobile Telephone Number 移动电话号码 Agent Details 中介个人信息 Agent Last Name 中介姓 First Name 名 Work Telephone Number 工作电话号码 Email Address 电子信箱 Title (please circle) 称谓 ( 请画圈 ) Mr Miss Ms Mrs Dr 先生 / 小姐 / 女士 / 夫人 / 博士 Agency Name 中介公司名称

Address 地址 Home Telephone Number 家电号码 Mobile Telephone Number 移动电话号码 Work Telephone Number 工作电话号码 Email Address 电子信箱 Insurance Policy 保险 International students must have appropriate and current medical and travel insurance while studying in New Zealand? (please circle) Yes No 国际学生在新西兰学习期间必须拥有适当的医疗和旅游保险 ( 请画圈 ) 有 If no please tick below 如果没有投保, 请在下面打勾 : I will take out medical and travel insurance and will send the provider a copy of the policy IN ENGLISH before I leave my home 我将进行医疗和旅游保险并在动身赴新西兰前送交一份英语的保单给学校 I would like the school to arrange medical and travel insurance on my behalf and include this in my fees invoice 我希望校方代表我进行医疗和旅游投保, 把保险费记入我的学费发票中 Insurance Policy Provider 保险公司 无 Insurance Policy Number Copy Yes No 保险单号码 副件 有 无 Medical Details (In NZ if available otherwise country of origin)) 医疗信息 ( 新西兰或者本国 ) Name of Doctor 医生姓名 Phone Number 电话号码 Address of Doctor 医生地址 Please tick the boxes below if you suffer from any of the following medical conditions (allergies, disabilities, special conditions): 如果你有下列问题 ( 过敏 残疾和特殊情况 ), 请打勾 : Asthma Back/neck problems Diabetes Epilepsy Glandular Fever Heart 哮喘 背部 / 颈部问题 糖尿病 癫痫 腺热 心脏 Hepatitis A or B Migraines Bee/wasp stings Medication Food Other 甲肝或乙肝 偏头疼 蜜蜂 / 黄峰蜇伤 服药 食品过敏 其它 Detail other 其它信息 If you have a medical condition and require regular medication, it is advisable to leave a supply of your medication with the school nurse, e.g., antihistamines for bee/wasp stings or medication for migraines etc. 如果你有疾病问题, 需要按时服药, 应当把服用的药物 ( 例如 : 治蜜蜂 / 黄峰蜇伤的抗组胺或治偏头疼的药物 ) 留在学校护士处

Mental Health 精神健康 Any other physical or mental health condition/concern that could place this student at risk e.g depression 任何使学生生命受到威胁的生理或精神状况 / 焦虑, 如抑郁症 Details: 详情 : Special Learning or Behavioural needs 学习或行为特别要求 e.g Dyslexia, Hearing problems, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD) 如 : 诵读困难 听力问题, 注意力缺失症 (ADHD) (this is to enable us to better assist your child) ( 这是为了我们可以更好地帮助你的孩子 ) Details: 详情 Health Statement 健康声明 All students should have completed their Childhood Immunisation Programme before commencing secondary school. Has your son/daughter had the following vaccinations (tick box if yes)? 所有学生在开始中学学习前, 都应该完成了儿童免疫项目, 你的儿子 / 女儿进行了下列接种吗? ( 如果已接种, 请打勾 ) MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) MMR( 麻疹 腮腺炎和德国麻疹 ) Polio Sips 脊髓灰质炎 Tuberculosis 肺结核 Tetanus (in which year?) 破伤风 ( 何年?) Hepatitis B (3 injections) 乙肝 ( 三次注射 ) In case of an Accident or Emergency. If the school cannot contact you, or if the illness is serious, the School Nurse may need to take your son/daughter to an Accident and Emergency Clinic. If hospitalisation is required an ambulance may need to be called which may be at parents expense. I give my permission for the school to make such arrangements as are necessary for the treatment of my son/daughter in an emergency and agree to meet any costs incurred. I also understand that if I have falsely declared or withheld any information, this will affect my insurance policy and I understand that my contract may be terminated. 在事故或急诊时, 如果校方无法与你联系, 或者病情严重, 校医护人员需要将你的子女送往事故和急诊所, 假如需要住院, 则需要由父母承担派遣救护车的费用 我同意让学校在紧急事故时做出这样的安排以治疗我的儿子 / 女儿, 并且同意承担所需费用 我同时明白如果我没有如实声明或者隐瞒任何信息, 将会影响我的保险单, 我明白我的合同有可能被终止 Parent/Guardian/Caregiver 家长 / 监护人 / 住宿照管人 Date: 日期

Course of Study Please complete subject sheet for either Year 9, 10 or NCEA or CIE 学习课程 请填写 9 年级 10 年级 NCEA 或者 CIE 课程表 Completion of this prior to arrival will assist in an early completion of a course of study and hopefully allow the school to notify you prior to arrival of any necessary course changes. In some cases it may not be possible to provide the students with their first subjects of choice due to class sizes, however every endeavour will be made to create a challenging and desirable course of study. 在入学前完成这些将有助于学习课程的早日结束, 也可以让学校在你到达前通知你所做的课程变化 尽管有时因班级人数太多, 不能满足学生的第一选课要求, 但我校会尽一切努力为学生提供一个既富挑战又令人满意的学习课程计划 Language testing will be done on arrival and the student may be placed in ESOL classes at the discretion of the school this may impact the number of subjects a student can select. 入学后将进行语言考试, 学校将视情况而定把学生安排在英语补习班里 这将对学生选课数目有所影响 Co-Curricular/Other Interests and Personal Aspirations 课程辅助活动 / 其它爱好和个人追求 One of the guiding principles of the school is the active participation of all students in co-curricular activities. 本校的一个主要原则就是鼓励全体学生积极参加各种课程辅助活动 1. Sport and/or cultural activity in which my son/daughter will participate (specify one major activity only as listed in the Prospectus) 我的儿子 / 女儿将要参加的体育和 / 或文化活动 ( 在招生简介所列出的名单中, 挑选一个主要的活动 ) 2. Sport and/or cultural activity in which my child also wishes to participate. 我的儿子 / 女儿同时希望参加的体育和 / 或文化活动 (you may specify as many as you like from the list in the Prospectus) ( 在招生简介所列出的名单中, 挑选你喜欢的所有活动 ) 3. Other personal interests and personal aspirations 其它爱好和个人追求 (list) ( 请列出 ) Staff Only Start Date Fees Paid $ Tuition Weeks 职员填写 开始日期 已付费用 学费周数 Privacy of Information 信息隐私

I agree to Macleans College collecting personal information on: 我同意麦克林高中收集下列学生的有关信息 : Full name of student 学生的全名 Macleans College has advised me that the information I provide will be used for: 麦克林高中已经告诉我收集的信息将用于 : Student records, accounting purposes of the Macleans College Board of Trustees, The Macleans College Past Pupils Association, NZ Qualifications Authority (NZQA) and Cambridge International Exams (CIE) examination information, Special Education Services (SES). 学生档案 麦克林高中理事会收费情况 麦克林高中校友协会 新西兰学历评估委员会 剑桥国际考试信息 特殊教育服务 I accept that this information may later be used for statistical and/or research purposes and agree to its use for that purpose, provided that if the information is published in any way it will not identify me or the individual concerned. 我接受这个信息将来可能被用于统计和 / 或科研中的条件, 在这一信息公布时, 无人能识别出是我本人或有关人员的前提下, 同意使用这一信息 I agree to all details being given to New Zealand Qualifications authority for examination purpose. 我同意为考试原因, 把所有信息递交新西兰学历评估委员会 I agree that information as to school performance may be passed on to the appropriate institutions as required. 我同意我的学习情况可能因为特定要求会被传送到相关的机构 (Signature of Student) ( 学生签名 ) (Signature of Parent/Guardian/Caregiver) ( 家长 / 监护人 / 住宿照管人签名 )

Enrolment Acceptance Form 接受录取通知表格 1. I/We confirm acceptance of the place offered by Macleans College subject to the approval of the Principal, completion of this application form and confirmation of course of study. 我 / 我们接受麦克林高中提供的学习席位, 这一席位有待于校长的批准 申请表的填写和学习计划的核实 2. I/We understand that the tuition, homestay fee, Government levy and insurance fees must be paid in full in advance to Macleans College as requested, and in any case before the student commences at Macleans College. 我 / 我们明白学费 寄宿家庭费 政府税和保险费必须按麦克林高中要求, 在学生开始麦克林高中学业前, 提前全额付讫 3. I/We have read the summary of the Code of Practice for International students and the grievance procedures. 我 / 我们已经阅读了 << 关于对留学生的指导与照顾之行业规则 >> 和申诉程序 4. I/We confirm that the material supplied in the application for admission is accurate and complete, and I/we understand that Macleans College may terminate my enrolment if false information has been supplied. 我 / 我们证实申请表中提供的材料确凿和完整, 我 / 我们明白如果提供虚假信息, 麦克林高中将会终止我的入学 5. I/We note and accept the requirements regarding payment of fees and refund policies and the conditions relating thereto. 我 / 我们了解和接受有关的付费要求和退费条件与政策 6. I/We agree to ensure that the student complies with Macleans College s Code of Behaviour and the guidelines in the performance Agreement. 我 / 我们同意保证学生遵守麦克林高中行为条例和行为准则协议的条款 7. I/We agree my son/daughter will not own/drive a car or motorbike while attending Macleans College. 我 / 我们同意我的儿子 / 女儿在麦克林高中学习期间不拥有 / 驾驶汽车或摩托车 This document must be signed for the application to be processed. 此文件在签名后才可以接受审理 Mother s Signature 母亲签名 Father s Signature 父亲签名 Date 日期

Please forward your application by email, mail or facsimile to Macleans College, International Student Department, Macleans Road, Auckland, NEW ZEALAND Facsimile +64 9 535 2621, Email 请把申请表用电子邮件, 邮件或传真发给 :Macleans College, International Student Department, Macleans Road, Auckland, NEW ZEALAND Facsimile +64 9 535 2621, Email

Performance Agreement: 行为准则协议 : Rules for International Students 国际学生规章制度 The staff at Macleans College endeavour to give special care and attention to all our International Students and to encourage them to reach their full potential. We need to have an assurance of support by the student s parents or caregivers and the promise of the student s willingness to comply with the rules and standards of the school and the community to ensure the well being of all concerned. 本校员工将尽努力为所有的国际学生提供特别的关爱, 幷会鼓励他 / 她们发挥自己的潜能, 但我们同时需要学生家长或监护人的支持, 需要得到学生乐于遵守学校及社区规定及准则的许诺, 才可确保所有人员的利益 Attendance Students are to attend all classes promptly at all times. If a student cannot attend because of ill health, the school must be advised before classes begin. A doctor s certificate is required for any absence of three or more days. Absence for any other reason must be approved beforehand by the International Student Co-ordinator, Ms Theresa Khor. 出勤 : 学生在所有时间都要准时上课, 如因病而不能到校, 必须在上课前通知学校 超过三天以上的病假必须提供医生证明, 如因其它理由而缺席必须经国际学生协调员 Ms Theresa Khor 批准 Homework This must be completed every day, or as required by the teacher. The student must complete all set tasks when asked. 家庭作业 : 学生应每天 或者在老师的规定时间内完成作业, 必须按要求完成所有的作业 Co-operation The students must always obey the teacher s instructions, participate fully in classroom activities and maintain a friendly, co-operative attitude. The student must show consideration and respect to all staff members, to all other students and to themselves. 团体合作 : 学生必须遵守老师的指示积极参与教室的全部活动并保持友善和合作的态度, 还必须体谅及尊重所有教职员工 其他学生以及自尊 Homestay Any rules laid down by the homestay families are to be respected and obeyed. The student is expected to be reasonable, courteous and helpful in the house, keeping his/her bedroom tidy, clearing the table etc. The student will be on time for all meals and will not be away from home unless prior permission has been given. 住宿家庭 : 住宿家庭所订立的规则理应尊重及遵守, 期望学生能做到通情达理 彬彬有礼并主动做些家务, 保持自己卧室整洁, 清理桌子等等 学生应遵守用餐时间, 离家出门应事先获得准许 Curfews The New Zealand law states that young students are to be under supervision at all times. Any change to the curfew rules below must be negotiated beforehand with homestay parents. The students must tell the homestay parents where they are at all times and must contact them if they are going to be later than expected. The students must give their host parents the telephone number where they can be contacted anytime they are away from their homestays. 宵禁 : 新西兰法律规定年幼的学生在任何时间都需要接受监督, 如果想对下列宵禁规定作些改变, 需事先与住宿家庭协商 每次出门在外, 学生都要告知住宿家庭, 晚归时, 必须事先通知住宿家庭 学生如离家在外, 必须给住宿家庭家长留下联络电话以方便住宿家庭随时联系学生

Age Sunday-Thursday Friday Saturday Under 15 years 6.00 pm Under supervision Under supervision 15 16 years 6.00 pm 10.00 pm 11.00 pm 16 18 years 6.00 pm 12.00 midnight 12.00 midnight Over 18 years Negotiable Negotiable Negotiable 年龄周日 周四周五周六 15 岁以下 下午 6 时 需监督 需监督 15-16 岁 下午 6 时 晚上 10 时 晚上 11 时 16-18 岁 下午 6 时 午夜 12 点 午夜 12 点 18 岁以上 协商 协商 协商 Leave and Holidays 请假和假期 Students are expected to attend school during term time. There are 12 weeks holiday in the school year. If a student wishes to travel in NZ or overseas during the holidays permission will be granted at the discretion of the school. Students will need to seek permission well in advance and parental permission must be granted before the school will allow them to travel outside of the school area unaccompanied by the homestay families. If permission is granted it is on the understanding that the school will not have responsibility for the student while they are outside of our school/homestay environs. 学生应当在各学期上课, 每学年有 12 周假期, 如果学生计划在假期期间去国外或在新西兰境内旅游, 由学校酌情批准 如果学生没有寄宿家庭陪同而想在校外旅游, 必须尽早征得家长的同意, 学校才可以让他 / 她们出游 假如请求获得批准, 就应该明白学生是在校外 / 寄宿家庭范围外, 学校对该生不负任何责任 If the student is returning to their home country they are expected to do so within the sanctioned holiday time. 假如学生想回国, 则应当在法定假日内启程 Non-Compliance 违反规定 If it is found that the student is unable or unwilling to co-operate with the above rules, disciplinary action will be taken. This action may include: Verbal warning, daily report, after school detentions, written warning, stand down from school, suspension. 如发现学生不能或不愿遵守以上规定, 学校将会采取处罚措施, 可能包括 : 口头警告, 每天监督汇报, 放学后留校察看, 书面警告, 留校察看, 暂停学业 Smoking and Alcohol The Macleans College Board will take a very strong stand if any student is found to be using or in possession of cigarettes or alcohol. 吸烟及饮酒 : 如果发现任何学生吸烟及饮酒或者携带烟酒, 麦克林学校董事会将会采取严厉措施 Illegal Drugs These will not be tolerated. Students found to be using drugs will be permanently suspended and sent home. If it is appropriate, the authorities will be notified. 违禁药品 : 校方对违禁药品严惩不贷 使用药品的学生被发现后将被开除, 如有必要, 学校会通知相关机构

Driving Macleans College does not allow International Students to own or drive a car while they are enrolled at the College. Year 13 students must apply to the school to take driving lessons from an approved provider. Students who complete a driving course will not be allowed to own or drive a car while enrolled at Macleans College. 驾车 : 本校不允许国际学生拥有车辆或驾车,13 年级学生如果想跟有资格的教练学习驾驶, 必须向学校申请 在麦克林高中学习期间, 学完驾驶课程的学生不允许拥有私人车辆和开车 Serious Misconduct and Expulsion 严重不端行为和开除 If the behaviour of the student does not improve as requested the student may be expelled and the appropriate authorities notified. The student s visa will invariably be revoked under these circumstances. Serious misconduct may result in the immediate expulsion of a student. 如果学生未按要求改进, 将会被学校开除并通知相关机构, 学生的签证会因此而被撤销 严重不端行为将会导致被学校立即开除 Fees Refund 学费退还 No fees will be refunded to a student expelled due to unacceptable, non-compliant behaviour. 因不遵守校规和行为不轨而被开除的学生不会获得任何退费 Having read these rules and accepted that they are reasonable and fair, we agree to abide by them. 读完上述规定后, 我们认为这些规定公平合理, 同意遵守 Signed Date 签名 (Parent/Caregiver/Guardian) ( 父母 / 住宿照管人 / 监护人 ) 日期 Signed 签名 (Student) ( 学生 ) 日期 Date Student Name 学生姓名

Indemnity Document for Students Living with a Designated Caregiver 免责条款 ( 与指定寄宿照管人一起生活的学生 ) I/We acknowledge that I/we have decided to place our/my child in the care of a caregiver/guardian vetted and monitored by myself/ourselves in order for them to attend Macleans College as an international fee paying student. Accordingly, I/we take full responsibility and accept the decisions made by my/our designated caregiver about the day-to-day requirements of my/our child. She/he will attend Macleans College for terms, from to Student s Name (as it appears on the passport) Caregiver s Name Caregiver s Address Caregiver s Telephone 我 / 我们声明已决定把我 / 我们的子女安顿在由我 / 我们本人审核和监测过的寄宿照管人 / 监护人家中, 以便使孩子以国际付费学生的身份在麦克林高中学习, 因此, 我 / 我们为此负全部责任, 并且同意我 / 我们指定的照管人对孩子提出的日常要求, 他 / 她将自 到 在麦克林高中学习 个学期 学生姓名 ( 护照上的姓名 ) 住宿照管人姓名 住宿照管人地址 住宿照管人电话 Should this arrangement change I/we undertake to inform Macleans College immediately. Further, I/we understand that should Macleans College have any concerns regarding the welfare of my/our child they may refer that child to the relevant welfare authorities, or any other appropriate agency in New Zealand. 如果安排有变, 本人将主动立即通知麦克林高中 另外, 本人明白如果麦克林高中对我 / 我们子女的利益有所顾虑, 学校可以把问题交给新西兰儿童福利当局或任何适当机构 I/We take full responsibility for placing my/our child with the designated caregiver/guardian named above and I/we understand that Macleans College will make every endeavour to provide care and welfare of my/our child while studying in their school. 我 / 我们为我 / 我们子女的住宿安排负全部责任, 并且我 / 我们明白我 / 我们孩子在该校就读期间麦克林高中将尽一切努力为其提供关怀和福利 NB The school will visit the home prior to enrolment in order to meet with the caregiver/s and establish a communication arrangement with them. The school will ensure that the selected accommodation is satisfactory. The school will interview the student at least once a term to monitor

his/her ongoing wellbeing. The school may require a police vet of the designated caregiver be undertaken if it considers it appropriate. 注意 : 在录取前我校将拜访照管人家庭, 以便与他 / 她们建立联系 学校将会确保所选择的住宿令人满意, 学校将每学期与学生座谈一次来监督他 / 她的福利, 校方如果认为有必要, 可能会让警察对指定的照管人进行审核 I/We have placed my/our child in the care of our caregiver/guardian 我 / 我们把我 / 我们的孩子已经托付给寄宿照管人 / 监护人 Signed 签名 Date 日期 (must be signed by student s father, mother or legal guardian, only) ( 只能由学生的父亲 母亲或法律监护人签名 ) Print ( 请用印刷体 ) Name: 姓名 Mr/Mrs 先生 / 夫人 Contact Phone Number in Home Country 本国联系电话 Contact Address in Home Country 本国联系地址 Email Address 电子邮箱

International Student Homestay Application Macleans College is a signatory to and complies with the Ministry of Education Code of Practice for International Students. Every international student is required to board with a Macleans College approved family. This may also be his/her parents, aunt, uncle, or family friends. In every case the school must have these details, and the student will be monitored and supported by the school s International Student Co-ordinator. 麦克林高中遵守 << 关于对留学生的指导与照顾之行业规则 >>, 并且是签署学校之一 要求每个国际学生住宿到经本校同意的家庭中, 也可住在父母 姑 / 姨妈 叔 / 舅父或朋友家 无论如何, 都需要下列信息, 该校国际学生联络处将会密切关注和帮助学生 Homestay Contract 住宿合同 : 1. I guarantee the good behaviour of the student in New Zealand. I understand that unacceptable behaviour on the part of my son/daughter in the homestay may lead to the termination of my son s/daughter s enrolment at Macleans College. 本人担保学生在新西兰行为端正, 本人明白我儿子 / 女儿在住宿家庭中的不端举止将可能导致他 / 她终止在麦克林高中的学习 2. I understand that my son/daughter will not leave the homestay to live at another address without the permission of the International Student Co-ordinator or Homestay Administrator. 本人明白没有获得国际学生联络处的同意我儿子 / 女儿不能离开住宿家庭到另一地址居住 3. I understand that, in the interests of the personal welfare of my son/daughter, the school and the homestay parents may communicate personal information relating to the history, safety and wellbeing of my son/daughter. 本人明白为我儿子 / 女儿的利益着想, 学校与住宿家庭可以互相通告我儿子 / 女儿的履历, 安全和健康情况 4. I understand that my son/daughter may not make any national or international telephone calls from the homestay premises unless the charges are reversed. If any such calls are made, I guarantee to reimburse the homestay for any costs. All internet use will be by agreement with the homestay parents. 本人明白 : 除非对方付钱, 我儿子 / 女儿不得在住宿家庭内拨打国内或国际电话, 一旦拨打了此类电话, 本人保证偿还一切费用 使用互联网需经住宿家庭同意 5. I understand that it is not permitted to own or drive a car or motorbike whilst an international student attending Macleans College. 本人明白作为在校学习的国际学生, 学生不准拥有或驾驶汽车 6. The International Student Co-ordinator will be the mediator in any disagreement between my son/daughter and the homestay parents. 国际学生联络处将作为我儿子 / 女儿和住宿家庭的仲裁者, 裁决可能发生的纠纷 7. Fees for the year s homestay accommodation are paid in advance directly to Macleans College. In turn Macleans College guarantees to ensure payment to the homestay family. 需要将一年的住宿费提前直接付给麦克林高中, 然后, 麦克林高中将保证付款给住宿家庭 8. This agreement shall be construed and take effect in accordance with the domestic laws of New Zealand. In relation to any legal action or proceeding a rising out of or in connection with this agreement, the parents irrevocably submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts of New Zealand, agree that proceedings may be brought before any court, including any forum constituted under the Arbitration Act 1996 within New Zealand, and waive any objection to proceedings in any such

court or forum on the grounds of venue or on the grounds that the proceedings have been brought in an inconvenient forum. 本合同依照新西兰国内法律解释及生效, 对于因该合同产生或与该合同有关的法律诉讼, 学生父母应绝对服从新西兰法庭裁定, 同意法庭或按照新西兰 1996 年仲裁法案而组成的裁决组进行裁决, 不得以地点或裁决组不合适等借口对诉讼提出异议 9. If a student intends to move, two weeks notice must be given to the homestay. 如果学生想搬迁, 应提前两周通知住宿家庭 10. $500 fee may be charged for administrative costs for change of homestay. 如回家度假, 事先应支付住宿家庭每周 500 新元的房间保留费 11. All changes to self designated homestays will incur a $300 administration fee. 如转为自己指定的寄宿家庭, 则需交纳 300 新元手续费 Signed( 签名 ) Date ( 日期 ) (Parent) ( 家长 ) Signed ( 签名 ) Date 日期 (Student) ( 学生 ) Student Name ( 学生姓名 ) Terms and Conditions of Homestay 寄宿家庭规定及条例 The provisions of homestay accommodation for international students attending Macleans College by the homestay applicants described in the homestay application shall be on the following term and conditions. 该寄宿家庭申请表中所列条款基于下列规定和条例 : 1 A duly appointed representative of Macleans College shall have reasonable access to the homestay accommodation and facilities. 麦克林高中指定的代表应当能够自由地进入寄宿家庭及设施 ; 2 The host shall keep Macleans College informed of matters concerning the student including matters relating to the health, wellbeing or safety of the student such as accidents, behavioural concerns or absences without reasonable explanation. The host shall provide such information relating to the student as may be reasonably requested by Macleans College from time to time. 2. 寄宿家庭主人应当向麦克林高中告知学生的有关问题, 诸如健康 福利或安全 ( 事故 行为异常或无故旷课 ), 寄宿家庭主人将按照麦克林高中要求不时地向学校提供该学生的信息 ; 3 The host agrees that the student is to abide by school rules 4 5 寄宿家庭主人同意学生一定遵守校规和校纪 ; The student shall be liable for all costs, expenses and outgoings, i.e. telephone tolls, entertainment, clothing and other related expenses incurred for his/her own benefit unless otherwise agreed between host and student. 除非主人与学生有协定, 学生应该支付因为个人的享受而遭致的费用 支出, 如 : 电话费 服装及其它相关开支 The host agrees that the student (under 15yrs of age) shall not be left unattended and must provide adult supervision in the home for the student at Expectations 期望 1 Accept the school s philosophy of education. 接受学校的教育理念 2 Make an effort to achieve academic potential. 努力发挥自己的学习潜力 3 Accept the challenge of the curriculum 接受课程表的挑战 4 Respond positively to life in Whanau House 积极对待支部 (Whanau 5 House) 生活 Participate in the school s cocurricular programme 参加学校课程辅助活动 6 React positively to a disciplined environment. 积极对待纪律严明的环境 7 Take pride in appearance. 注意仪表

6 7 8 9 10 1 all times. 主人同意不能把学生 (15 岁以下 ) 一人留在家中, 必须在所有时间内有成年人陪伴 Macleans College may at its discretion remove the student from the homestay accommodation without notice and terminate the homestay arrangement immediately if: 麦克林高中可以无需通知, 做出立即把学生转移出寄宿家庭的决定如果 : 6.1 In the school s reasonable opinion the safety or the wellbeing of the student is in doubt. 以学校之见, 学生的安全或福利受到怀疑 ; 6.2 In the school s reasonable opinion the homestay accommodation is affecting the student s behaviour or academic performance at school. 以学校之见, 寄宿家庭正在不当地影响学生的行为表现或在校学习情况 All information provided in respect of the host (including information contained in the application), student or other matters of a confidential nature relating to the homestay accommodation, shall be held and kept confidential except disclosure: 学校对寄宿家庭主人有关的信息 ( 包括本申请表中信息 ) 和学生信息或与寄宿家庭住所有关的信息将进行保密, 下列情况除外 : 7.1 To the student (or prospective student), the student s guardian and/or parents. 对学生 ( 拟来此学习的学生 ) 学生的监护人和 / 或家长 ; 7.2 To any professional consultant or such person where it is in the interests of the student to provide the information. 任何职业顾问或与学生有益的人员 ; 7.3 Pursuant to any statutory or other legal duty. 遵守法规或法律 ; Should any dispute or difference arise between the parties concerning this agreement or the provision of homestay accommodation the parties agree that they will, in good faith, endeavour to resolve the dispute by consultation and negotiation. 假如对此寄宿家庭条款及和约存有争议或不同见地, 各方应真诚地通过协商和协议设法解决争执 ; The host s rights and obligations under these terms and conditions may not be assigned without prior written agreement from the school. 学校在有书面同意后, 上述寄宿家庭主人的义务和权利才生效 ; Macleans College shall not be liable for any costs, expenses, damages or other claims against the host arising from any acts or omissions of the student. The school shall only be liable for the payments set out in these terms and conditions for the periods that the host is providing homestay accommodation to a student. 对因学生的疏忽或任何举止而令主人遭致成本 支出 损失的索赔, 麦克林高中概不承担任何责任 学校仅仅对学生在寄宿家庭期间上述条例和情况下负责 ; These terms and conditions may be varied by the school upon notification from time to time and will continue to apply to the provision of homestay accommodation by the host until notified otherwise. 学校会不时地对该条例和情况进行更改并且会发出通知, 如无明文说明, 更改条例将继续生效 Fees 费用 A The homestay fee is $240 a week for the whole academic year (including term breaks) 寄宿家庭费 : 整个学年为每周 240 新元 ( 包括学期之间的休息 ) B A two week advance is to be made to the family on arrival day. 到达之日, 应预交两个周住宿费 C Payment is to be arranged by the guardian cash/auto payment. 付费方式由监护人决定 现金 / 自动转账 D When a student returns home for summer holidays a retainer fee of $300 is to be paid to the homestay if the student intends to return to the same homestay. 当学生在暑假中回家时, 如果打算重新回到同一家寄宿家庭, 须交 300 新元的留房金 E These fees may be subject to change after yearly reviews 费用数目每年可能有所变化

Grievance Procedures Problems with subject or teachers: Make an appointment to see the Director of International students. Problems with school friends: You could discuss this with your Form Teacher, Deputy House Leader or House Leader. You can also see one of the guidance counsellors by making an appointment at the Student Advisory services building. Homestay Problems: See the Homestay Co-ordinators or the International Student Co-ordinator. Co-Curricular problems: See your Form Teacher or House Leader. You can also see the International Student Co-ordinator or the Sports Director. If you are still unhappy and if you are not satisfied, you or your parents can write to the Principal. If you still feel your problems have not been solved, you may contact the International Education Appeal Authority, whose address is: International Education Appeal Authority Tribunals Unit Level 1, 86 Custom House Quay Private Bag 32001 Panama Street Wellington Phone: + 64 4 462 6660 Fax: + 64 4 462 6686 Email: 申述程序 对课程或老师有问题 : 预约与国际学生部主任见面 对学校朋友有问题 : 与课堂老师, 支部领导或代理领导讨论, 也可以在学生指导处预约见指导老师 寄宿家庭问题 : 见寄宿协调员或国际学生协调员 课程辅助活动问题 : 请找级部老师或支部领导, 你也可以见国际学生协调员或体育主任 If you are still unhappy and if you are not satisfied, you or your parents can write to the Principal. 假如你仍然不满意, 你或者你的父母可以给校长写信 If you still feel your problems have not been solved, you may contact the International Education Appeal Authority, whose address is: 如果你认为你的问题仍没有得到解决, 你可以联系新西兰国际教育申述处, 其通信地址为 : International Education Appeal Authority c/- Ministry of Education Private Bag 47 911 Ponsonby, Auckland New Zealand Phone: 64-9-374-5481Fax: 64-9-374-5403 You must be able to show them that you have tried to get the school to act before you contacted them. They will consult the school to see if anything can be done to help you.

你必须能够出示在你与新西兰国际教育申述处联系之前, 你已经试图让学校采取行动, 他 / 她们将与该校联系看是否能帮助你 If you do have a problem, please ask for help while it is still a little problem. Do not wait for it to become a big problem. If you are not confident that your English is good enough, you can always bring a friend who has better English. 假如你有问题, 请在问题未变大前请求帮助, 不要等问题从小变大 如果你认为自己的英语不够好, 可以带一个英语好的朋友前往 We hope your stay here will be a happy one. 真诚地希望你生活学习愉快!

Appendix 1: Summary Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students 附录 1:<< 关于对留学生的指导与照顾之行业规则 >> 概要 Introduction 介绍 When students from other countries come to study in New Zealand, it is important that those students are well informed, safe, and properly cared for. 当其它国家的学生来到新西兰留学深造时, 我们应当保证这些学生能够获得多方面的信息, 有一个安全的学习和生活环境, 并能够得到良好的照顾 New Zealand educational providers have an important responsibility for international students welfare. 新西兰教育机构应对留学生的利益负有重大的责任 This section provides an overview of the Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students (the Code), and provides a procedure that students can follow if they have concerns about their treatment by a New Zealand educational provider or agent of a provider. 本手册除了概要介绍了新西兰教育部 关于对留学生的指导与照顾之行业规则 ( 简称 行业规则 ) 之外, 也为那些对新西兰教育机构或教育机构代理的服务有意见的学生提供了一个寻求解决办法的途径 What is the Code? 行业规则 是什么? The Code is a document which provides a framework for service delivery by educational providers and their agents to international students. The Code sets out the minimum standards of advice and care that are expected of educational providers with respect to international students. The Code applies to pastoral care and provision of information only, and not to academic standards. 行业规则 是一份为教育机构及其代理在留学生工作方面提供准则的文件 该规则列出了对教育机构在指导和照顾留学生工作方面的最低要求 该规则仅适用于对留学生的指导 照顾和提供信息方面, 而不适用于学术水平方面 Who does the Code apply to? 行业规则 适用于哪些机构? The Code applies to all education providers in New Zealand with students enrolled on international study permits. The Code is mandatory to these providers and must be signed by them. 行业规则 适用于所有招收留学生的新西兰教育机构 行业规则 对这些教育机构来说是强制性的和必须签署的 What is an international student? 留学生 的定义是什么? An international student is a foreign student studying in New Zealand on a student permit from the New Zealand Immigration Service. 留学生 是指在新西兰学习的外国学生 How can I get a copy of the Code? 从哪里可以领取 行业规则? You can request a copy of the Code from your New Zealand educational provider. The Code is also available online from If the educational provider that you are seeking to enrol with is not a signatory to the Code, you will not be granted a permit from the New Zealand Immigration Service and you will not be able to study at that institution. 你既可以向你所在的新西兰教育机构索取 行业规则, 也可以从网上获得, 网站是 如果你申请的那家学校不是行规签署学校, 新西兰移民局不会发给你学生许可, 因此, 你也不可能到那家学校学习 What do I do if something goes wrong? 出了问题我该做什么? If you have concerns about your treatment by your educational provider or by an agent of the provider, the first thing you must do is contact the principal, the international student director, or another person who has been identified to you as someone that you can approach about complaints at your institution.

The Code requires all institutions to have fair and equitable internal grievance procedures for students and you need to go through these internal processes before you can take the complaint any further. 如果你对所在的新西兰教育机构或教育机构的代理有意见, 你应该做的第一件事是找校长或国际留学生部主任, 或学校指定的其他负责留学生申诉的人 行业规则 规定所有的学校都必须有公平和公正地处理内部申诉的程序 学生必须先按照内部程序进行申诉, 然后才可以进一步地向外申诉 If your concerns are not resolved by the internal grievance procedures, you can contact the International Education Appeal Authority (IEAA). 如果你的问题通过内部申诉程序得不到解决, 你可以与新西兰国际教育申诉处联系 A summary of the Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students 新西兰教育部 关于对留学生的指导与照顾之行业规则 概要 The Code sets standards for educational providers to ensure that: 行业规则 为教育机构所制定的标准, 是为了确保教育机构能够做到以下几点 : High professional standards are maintained. 保持较高的专业水平 ; The recruitment of international students is comprehensive, accurate, an up-to-date. 以符合职业道德和认真负责的方式招收留学生 ; Students are provided with information prior to entering into any commitments. 在学生正式决定入学之前向他们提供有关的信息 ; Contractual dealings with international students are conducted in an ethical and responsible manner. 以符合职业道德和认真负责的方式按合同处理留学生业务 ; The particular needs of international students are recognised. 认识到留学生的特殊需要 ; International students under the age of 18 are in safe accommodation. 18 岁以下的留学生有安全的住宿环境 ; All providers have fair and equitable internal procedures for the resolution of international student grievances. 所有学校都有公平和公正的内部程序来处理留学生的申诉 Full details of what is covered can be found in the Code itself. 欲知 行业规则 所包括的具体内容, 请阅读 行业规则 The Code also establishes the IEAA and the Review Panel to receive and adjudicate on student complaints. 行业规则 还设立了国际教育申诉处和复审小组, 专门负责受理和裁决留学生的申诉 What will the IEAA do? 国际教育申诉处的职责有哪些? The purpose of the IEAA is to adjudicate on complaints from international students. The IEAA will investigate complaints and determine if there has been a breach of the Code. The IEAA has the power to impose sanctions on educational providers who have committed a breach of the Code that is not a serious breach. These sanctions include an order for restitution, publication of the breach, and/or requiring that remedial action be undertaken. 成立国际教育申诉处的目的是为了裁决留学生提出的申述 国际教育申诉处将对申述进行调查, 然后决定是否有违规现象的存在 对违反行规的行规签署学校, 如果不属于严重违规, 国际教育申诉处可处以适当的制裁 暂时吊销资格或从行规上除名 这些制裁可能包括 : 要求犯规学校采取补救措施 ; 公布犯规事实和 / 或勒令赔偿等 The IEAA will refer complaints that are not about pastoral case to another regulatory body if appropriate. 对与指导和照顾留学生工作无关的申述, 国际教育申诉处可以将案件转交给有关的政府部门 The educational provider will be given a reasonable time to remedy the breach. If the breach is a serious breach, the IEAA will refer the complaint to the Review Panel.

如果国际教育申诉处的制裁要求行规签署学校采取补救措施, 国际教育申诉处将规定行规签署学校在指定的时间范围内采取让国际教育申诉处满意的措施 如果国际教育申诉处发现行规签署学校有严重的犯规行为, 国际教育申诉处可把申述移交给复审小组 What can the Review Panel do? 复审小组的职责 The Review Panel can remove or suspend an educational provider as a signatory to the Code, meaning that the provider would be prevented from taking any more international students. Only the IEAA can refer complaints to the Review Panel. 复审小组可以暂时吊销该行规签署学校及吊销多长时间或将其从规则上彻底除名, 禁止该校招收留学生 只有国际教育申诉处才可以将申述移交给复审小组 What is the International Education Appeal Authority (IEAA)? The IEAA is an independent body established to deal with complaints from international students about pastoral case aspects of advice and services received from their educational provider or the provider s agents. The IEAA enforces the standards in the Code of Practice. 国际教育申诉处是一家独立的机构, 该部门的职责是审理留学生对教育机构或教育机构的代理在指导和照顾留学生方面的服务提出的申述案件 国际教育申诉处负责实行 行业规则 中所规定的业务标准 Procedures for Non Attendance 缺席处理程序 Observations and reports from class teachers. 班级老师观察和报告 House Leader will address issue, where necessary they will issue punishments. They will contact the caregiver/guardian in New Zealand 支部领导 (House Leader) 将会进行处理, 如有必要, 将进行处罚, 将与新西兰的住宿照管人 / 监护人联系 Principal/International student Co-ordinator once informed of non attendance or any withdrawals will contact parent/s and or caregiver/s to discuss reasons for absence. 校长 / 国际学生协调员在接到缺席或退学通知后, 将于家长 / 和 / 或住宿照管人联系探讨缺席的原因 Frequent or unexplained absences will be reported to the New Zealand Immigration Service and this may result in the termination of the student s permit. 经常或无故缺席的学生将会报告给新西兰移民部, 这将可能导致学生许可证的吊销 Student attendance must remain above 80% as required by New Zealand Immigration Services. 学生的出勤率必须达到新西兰移民部所要求的 80% 以上 Procedures for Student Withdrawal 退学程序 If a student wishes to withdraw from the school, a letter must be sent to the Principal giving reasons for withdrawal and the last day of attendance, with reasonable notice 如果学生要求退学, 必须事先给校长写信, 阐明退学原因及最后一天上学的日期 Refund of fees will be paid as per the refunds policy. 学费退还依照退费政策执行

Circumstances in which Tuition may be Terminated 取消学籍 After three months the school may terminate the student s enrolment if the behaviour of the student is unacceptable or academic progress is unsatisfactory. 在校三个月以来, 如果学生的行为举止不端或学习成绩不令人满意, 学校可能终止该生的录取 The parent or caregiver will be given notice of intention to terminate. 学校将会通知家长或住宿照管人终止学生学习的打算 Failure to provide information on change in caregiver circumstances or change of address may result in tuition being terminated. 未能提供地址更改或住宿照管人情况已有变化将会导致学习的终止 Unless assurance can be given by parents/caregivers that behavioural patterns leading to termination can be rectified then enrolment will be cancelled following procedures set down for local students. 除非家长 / 住宿照管人保证学生改正其不良举止, 学校将依照适合当地学生的规定, 终止该生的学习 Students are at any time throughout their enrolment subject to the provisions of suspension and/or expulsion as set down by the Ministry of Education. 学生在就学期间必须服从教育部制定的留校察看和 / 或开除的规定 Frequent or unexplained absences once reported to New Zealand Immigration Service may result in tuition being terminated. 经常或无故缺席报告一经报告给新西兰移民部, 将可能导致该学生的学习终止 Student visa s must be current and valid, unless there are circumstances beyond the students control. 学生的签证必须有效 ( 超越学生能力的情况下除外 ) Fees Protection Policy International Students 学费保护政策 国际学生 Rationale 宗旨 International Student fees must be handled in a way that ensures those funds are accessed in a way that is consistent with normal accounting practice. This means that those funds are secure from misappropriation and are only made available to the school in accord with the Refunds Policy. 必须正确处理国际学生学费以保证资金在正常财务制度下能够支配, 换言之, 就是保证资金不被挪用, 切实确保依照退费政策, 学校可以动用这笔资金 Purpose 目的 1 To ensure that funds from international students are accounted for separately and in such a way that individual student contributions can be monitored. 确保国际学生学费专帐专用, 有利于监督各个学生的缴费情况 2 To ensure that Macleans College does get payment in full for those services provided. 确保麦克林高中所提供的服务能够获得全额报酬 3 To ensure that international students payment may be drawn down in accord with the Refund Policy. 确保国际学生的学费在适合退费政策的情况下, 能够及时取出退还 Guidelines 指导方针 1 Accounting procedures are in place to ensure monies are available for release. 制定财务程序, 确保款项可以取出使用 2 International fees shall be paid into the school s general account and treated in the accounts as income in advance, ensuring that they do not become part of available funds and do not form part of the working capital. 国际学生学费可以作为 预先收入 纳入学校一般帐户, 避免该学费成为可利用资金或者是营运资金的一个组成部分 3 As each month of tuition elapses, the student fees held would be recalculated to determine the portion of fees which can be transferred into the income stream and become part of the working capital.

每月过后, 学生学费将重新计算, 来确定学费有多少数目可以转入收入账中, 并且成为营运资金的一个组成部分 4 These monies will be audited separately on an annual basis. 每年这些资金将另行审计 5 These monies will be available for approved refunds resulting from withdrawal from Macleans College or in the event of the school not being able to provide tuition. 如果学生退学或者学校无法提供学习机会, 这些资金可以依照麦克林高中退费政策退还给学生 Evidence 证明 1 Accounting records. 财务记录 2 General school account. 学校总财务帐户 Macleans College Polices and Directives: Fee Refund Policy 麦克林高中退费政策 政策和指导 Section 1600, Policy No 1603 1603 政策,1600 条例 Rationale 宗旨 To implement a transparent and fair policy regarding the refund of international student fees. 确保国际学生学费退费政策得以公平和透明的切实执行 Purposes 目的 A To ensure that international fee paying students, prior to enrolment, are informed of the refund policy. 确保国际付费学生在入学前了解该退费政策 B To ensure that agents representing the school are informed of the refund policy and abide by it. 确保代表学校的中介了解并且遵守该退费政策 Guidelines 指导方针 1 Refund of tuition fee will be permitted only for TWO situations: 只有下列两个情形下才可以退学费 : A If the student has enrolled but has not yet started the course: 如果学生已经录取但还没有开始上课 : The tuition fee may then be refunded in full less administration and associated costs charge of NZ$500 减去手续费和相关费用 500 新元后, 退还其余数额 B If the student has started the course and has only completed less than 2 terms of the course: The tuition fee may be refunded less the following charges: 学生已经开始上课但还没有到两个小学期 : Administration and associated costs 减去手续费和相关费用 Fees for 2 terms of the course 减去两个小学期的学费 This is at the discretion of Macleans College 由麦克林高中酌情处理 C Exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the Board of Trustees which may include personal/family circumstances. 特殊原因 包括个人 / 家庭情况 由麦克林高中理事会酌情处理 2 There is NO REFUND for the following situations: 下列情形不预退费 : If the student has attended the course for more than 2 terms 学生已经上学达两个小学期以上 If the student obtained permanent residency during the year of study or if the parents obtain a work permit during the year of study.

在学年期间, 学生获得了永久居留权或其父母获得了工作签证 If the student has been asked to leave the school because of discipline or behavioural reasons. 如果学生因为守纪或举止原因而被请求离开学校 If a student wishes to transfer to another school for whatever reason. 如果学生因为种种原因而希望转学