The Cultural Conflict presented in Chinese Novels written during times of Eastern and Western Interaction Wang San-Ching Professor, Department of Chin

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The Cultural Conflict presented in Chinese Novels written during times of Eastern and Western Interaction Wang San-Ching Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Cheng Kung University Abstract The Western World, under the influence of the Renaissance, experienced developments and transformations in many aspects including politics and economics. With their economic and military advantages, Western countries expanded their territories into the Oriental World. During the initial contact, Oriental countries still kept their confidences against Western cultures, often sneering at Western people's appearances and behaviors and recording them with writings. However, the attitude gradually changed due to invasion by superior Western powers and the military setback experienced by Oriental countries. Subsequently Oriental countries lost their confidences and turned to blind worship and imitation, trying to rejuvenate their nations. This phenomenon was recorded in the works of fiction of various Oriental countries in diverse expressions. Therefore, in this article we would like to probe into the deep psychological status of Oriental people in that period, and compare the distinct responses of people in China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam which occurred during the initial contact between Western and Oriental cultures. Keywords: Cultural Conflict, Chinese Novels 2



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