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2016 年 9 月, 23(5): 1063 1072 Journal of Fishery Sciences of China 研究论文 DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1118.2016.15469 半滑舌鳎 CD40 基因克隆及其免疫功能分析 1, 位战飞 2 1,, 郭华 2, 李海龙 1 1,, 郑卫卫 2, 王文文 1, 戴欢 1, 朱颖 1, 刘洋 1, 董忠典 1 1, 3, 陈松林 1.,, 266071; 2., 201306; 3.,, 266237 摘要 : RACE (Cynoglossus semilaevis) 1 CD40 cdna 2098 bp, 1011 bp, 336 CD40 1 1 2 N- 4, 28%~47%,, CD40 CD40, CD40 PCR, CD40,,, (Vibrio harveyi), PBS, mrna 3 ( ), 12 h, 6 h CD40 关键词 : ; CD40 ; ; ; 中图分类号 : S917 文献标志码 : A 文章编号 : 1005 8737 (2016)05 1063 10 [1] (tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, TNFRSF), [2] CD40(TNFR superfamily member 5) TNFRSF [3], I, Stamenkovic [4] (Homo sapiens) CD40,, CD40, B B [5 6], T [7 9], CD40 T, T, T [10] CD40 CD40L CD40 [11 12], CD40L [13 14], CD40- CD40L T [15 16], CD40-CD40L B [17 19], CD40 (Paralichthys olivaceus) [20] (Danio 收稿日期 : 2015-12-18; 修订日期 : 2016-02-20. 基金项目 : (31530078);. 作者简介 : (1989 ),,, DNA. E-mail: 通信作者 :,,,,. E-mail:

1064 23 rerio) [21] (Salmo salar) [22] Park [20],, CD40, CD40 Gong [21] CD40-CD40L, Lagos [22], CD40- CD40L Shao [23] SNP QTL, 12 (Vibrio anguillarum), CD40 (MHC class II) (Cynoglossus semilaevis) (Pleuronectiformes) (Cynoglossidae) (Cynoglossus),,, [24],, (Vibrio harveyi),, [25],,,, CD40,,, 1 CD40, PCR (qrt-pcr), CD40 3, CD40, 1 材料与方法 1.1 实验用鱼 (1.5 ), (145.01±60.02) g, (27.68±5.53) cm, 7 d, : (21±2),, 1, 1, 1/3 1.2 哈维氏弧菌培养与感染, 3, 9, 80, CD40,, 28 18 h 8000 r/min 15 min, PBS, 6.0 10 5 CFU/mL, 30 μl/g, 3 PBS 0 h 6 h 12 h 24 h 48 h 72 h 96 h 7, 3, 80, CD40 1.3 RNA 提取及 cdna 合成 TRIZOL(Invitrogen) RNA, RNA, NanoVue TM Plus Spectrophotometer (GE Healthcare, Piscataway, NJ, USA) RNA PrimeScript RT reagent Kit with gdna Eraser (TaKaRa, ) cdna, Smart TM RACE cdna Amplification Kit (Ta- KaRa, ) RACE-Ready- cdna 1.4 CD40 基因的克隆 Chen [26], CD40 cdna, Primer Premier 5.0 (CD40-A/CD40-S, 1), cdna PCR,,

5 : CD40 1065 Tab. 1 表 1 本研究所用到的引物及其序列 Names and sequences of the primers used in this study primer (5 3 ) sequence(5 3 ) purpose CD40-A CD40-S CD40-5 R CD40-3 R CD40-5 N CD40-3 N CD40-qRT-A CD40-qRT-S β-actin-a β-actin-s GAAGCCCAAACTCCAGTCAA CCAGGTTTCTACCCAGGACA ACATTCGTGTCATTCGCTCGCAG AAGGTGTGTAACTGCTGTTGACGGG CGGGACATCTTTGGCACA TAGATTGAAGCGGAGCACG ATTCGTGTCATTCGCTCGC ACTGTGTGCCAAAGATGTCCC GCATCACACCTTCTACAACGA ACCAGAGGCATACAGGGACA verifying the internal fragment cloning the 5 and 3 ends 5 3 real-time PCR PCR CD40 cdna cdna, RACE (CD40-5 R/5 N CD40-3 R/3 N, 1), CD40-5 R CD40-3 R RACE-Ready-cDNA RACE Touchdown PCR 15 μl: 10 LA Taq Buffer 1.5 μl; dntp (2.5 mmol/l) 1.2 μl; UPM 1.6 μl; Gsp (CD40-5 R CD40-3 R) 0.3 μl; LA Taq DNA (TaKaRa) 0.2 μl; RACE-Ready-cDNA 1 μl; ddh 2 O 9.2 μl Touchdown PCR : 94 7 min; 10 : 94 30 s, 72 30 s( 0.5 ), 72 3 min; 30 : 94 30 s, 67 30 s, 72 3 min; 72 10 min; 4 PCR 50 NEST PCR, CD40-5 N CD40-3 N : 10 Buffer 5 μl; dntp (2.5 mmol/l) 4 μl; NUP NGsp (CD40-5 N CD40-3 N) 1.5 μl; Taq DNA (TaKaRa) 0.5 μl; Touchdown PCR 50 2 μl; ddh 2 O 50 μl : 94 7 min; 35 : 94 30 s, 58 30 s, 72 3 min; 72 10 min; 4 NEST PCR 2%, TianGen, pmd-18t, Top10, 37 12~16 h, 3 1.5 生物学分析及进化树构建 DNAstar 5.0, (ORF), SingalP 4.0 Soft Berry-Psite TMpred InterProScan SequenceSearch CD40 NCBI Blastp( cgi) Clustal W CD40 Mega 6.0 (Neighbor-Joining, NJ) 1.6 CD40 基因表达模式检测 PCR(qRT-PCR) CD40, 7 3 CD40 β-actin (β-actina/β-actins, 1), ORF (CD40-qRT-A CD40-qRT-S, 1), SYBR Premix Ex Taq TM II (TaKaRa, ), ABI 7500 Fast Real-time (Applied Biosystems, USA) CD40 ± ( x ±SE), SPSS.17.0 Duncan, P<0.05 2 结果与分析 2.1 半滑舌鳎 CD40 基因序列特征 CD40 cdna 2098 bp,

1066 23 1011 bp, 5 (UTR) 3 44 bp 1043 bp ORF 336, 37.27 kd, 5.355 3 UTR 2 (ATTTA), poly A 28 bp (AATAAA)( 1) NCBI, : KU291170, 1, 1~33, 2 N- ( 146~149 aa 164~167 aa), 3 camp cgmp ( 109~112 aa, 185~188 aa 229~232 aa), 4 C ( 12~14 aa, 134~136 aa, 296~298 aa 306~308 aa) 2 CAAX box ( 115~118 aa 126~129 aa), 202~224 aa ( 1), 4 (cysteine-rich domains, CRDs) ( 2), CD40 28%~47%,, 47%, 45%, 44% ( 3), CD40 CD40, CD40 1 CD40 cdna 5 3 ;., ; ATG TGA AATAAA ; 2 ATTTA ; ; ; 2 N-. Fig. 1 The CD40 cdna sequence and deduced amino acids in Cynoglossus semilaevis Lowercase letters represent the sequence of 5 and 3 unstranslated region. Capital letters represent the coding sequence. The nucleotide sequence is above and the coded amino sequence is below. The initiation codon ATG, the stop codon TGA and the polyadenylation (AATAAA) are characterized in bold. The boxed sequences represent two instability motifs (ATTTA). The signal peptide is shaded. The trans-membrane domain is underlined. Two N-glycosylation sites are double underlined.

5 : CD40 1067 2 CD40 CD40 GenBank : (KU291170), (BAC87848.1), (ACQ58926.1), (AGM16418.1), 鲀 (ACL80205.1), 鳉 (ACL80204.1), (ACI69421.1), (ADE40849.1), (ACO13407.1), (ACL77796.1), (NP599187.1), (AAO43990.1), (NP001138688.1). CD40 4. Fig. 2 Multiple alignment of CD40 amino acid sequence between Cynoglossus semilaevis and other species GenBank accession number: Cynoglossus semilaevis (KU291170), Paralichthys olivaceus (BAC87848.1), Anoplopoma fimbria (ACQ58926.1), Lutjanus sanguineus (AGM16418.1), Takifugu rubripes (ACL80205.1), Oryzias latipes (ACL80204.1), Salmo salar (ACI69421.1), Oncorhynchus mykiss (ADE40848.1), Esox Lucius (ACO13407.1), Danio rerio (ACL77796.1), Rattus norvegicus (NP599187.1), Homo sapiens (AAO43990.1) and Xenopus tropicalis (NP001138688.1). The boxed sequences are four cysteine-rich domains., CD40 2.2 半滑舌鳎 CD40 基因表达模式 qrt-pcr, CD40,,,, ( 4), 3 CD40 12 h, 4.3 (P<0.05); 6 h, 4.7 5.4 (P<0.05), 3 48 h, ( 5) 3 讨论 RACE 1 CD40, GenBank : KU291170

1068 23 3 CD40 Fig. 3 Phylogenetic analysis of Cynoglossus semilaevis CD40 with other reported CD40s 4 CD40 (P<0.05). Fig. 4 Expression levels of CD40 in various tissues of healthy Cynoglossus semilaevis Different letters denotes significant difference between different tissues (P<0.05)., CD40, 1, 1 4 CD40, CD40, CD40 3 -UTR AU (AU-rich element), 1 (AATAAA) 2 mrna (ATTTA),, mrna 3 -UTR AU mrna, [27] CD40 cdna 3 -UTR 2 CD40 CD40 2 : CD40 (membraneanchored CD40, mcd40) CD40 (soluble CD40, scd40) scd40 CD40L, mcd40 CD40L, B [28 29],, CD40 mcd40, scd40 [20 22] CD40, CD40 N 1, C 1 2 N- CD40 mcd40, I, CD40,, CD40,, 4, 4 CD40L,

5 : CD40 1069 Fig. 5 5 CD40 (P<0.05). The expression profiles of CD40 in liver, spleen, and kidney of Cynoglossus semilaevis after stimulation by Vibrio harveyi for different times Different letters denotes significant difference between time points (P<0.05). CD40-CD40L [20] CD40 qrt-pcr, CD40,,, [20] [21] [22] CD40,, CD40, [20], ; [21], ; [22],, CD40, CD40,,, [30] CD40, qrt-pcr, 3 ( ), CD40,, CD40 3 [20] [22], [21] (KLH) (LPS) CD40 [20]

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1072 23 Cloning and immunologic function analysis of CD40 from half-smooth tongue sole (Cynoglossus semilaevis) WEI Zhanfei 1, 2, GUO Hua 1, 2, LI Hailong 1, ZHENG Weiwei 1, 2, WANG Wenwen 1, DAI Huan 1, ZHU Ying 1, LIU Yang 1, DONG Zhongdian 1, CHEN Songlin 1, 3 1. Key Laboratory for Sustainable Development of Marine Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture; Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fisheries Sciences, Qingdao 266071, China; 2. College of Fisheries and Life Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China; 3. Laboratory for Marine Fisheries, Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology, Qingdao 266237, China Abstract: Cynoglossus semilaevis, which is distributed along the coast of China, is one of the most economically important marine aquaculture species. With the expansion of C. semilaevis breeding, diseases caused by bacteria and viral pathogens have become more widespread and serious. The disease caused by the bacterial pathogen Vibrio harveyi has become an obstacle in the development of half-smooth tongue sole aquaculture. Therefore, it is important to understand the defense mechanisms of the host, C. semilaevis, against this pathogen. The CD40 protein, which is a member of the tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily 5, is an important receptor molecule that plays a key role in the host s immune system and participates in several immune signaling pathways. In this study, using the whole-genome sequence of half-smooth tongue sole, we obtained one CD40 homolog using the rapid amplification of cdna ends technique. The full-length cdna was 2098 bp long and included an open reading frame (ORF) of 1011 bp, a 5 -untranslated region (UTR) of 44 bp, and a 3 -UTR of 1043 bp. The ORF of CD40 encoded a 336-amino acid protein with a predicted molecular weight of 37.27 kda and a theoretical isoelectric point of 5.355. The 3 -UTR included two instability motifs (ATTTA) and one polyadenylation signal (ATTAAA) located 28 bp upstream of the polya tail signal (AATAAA). The putative amino acid sequence contained one signal peptide, one trans-membrane region, two N-glycosylation sites, and four conserved cysteine-rich domains. The deduced amino acid sequence of C. semilaevis CD40 shared 28% 47% identity with the CD40s from other teleost fish, mammals, and amphibians, with higher similarity to CD40s of bony fish. The phylogenetic tree constructed based on the amino acid sequences demonstrated that the C. semilaevis CD40 clustered in one branch with other teleost fish. Real-time quantitative PCR analyses detected C. semilaevis CD40 transcripts in a wide range of tissues in healthy adult fish. There were higher transcript levels of C. semilaevis CD40 in the liver, spleen, and kidney after challenge with V. harveyi. After challenge with the pathogen, the peak transcript levels of CD40 were at 12 h in the liver, and at 6 h in the spleen and the kidney, before a second peak in transcript levels at 48 h in the three tissues. These results indicate that CD40 is involved in the immune response of C. semilaevis to the bacterial pathogen V. harveyi. Key words: Cynoglossus semilaevis; CD40 gene; gene clone; real-time quantitative PCR; Vibrio harveyi Corresponding author: CHEN Songlin. E-mail: