语法专练综合训练&真题自测 解析

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: : : : : ISBN / C53:H : 19.50

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语法专练综合训练 & 真题自测解析第一章名词 P12-15 一 : 选择题 ( )1. We haven t got much for our picnic. Will you go and get some? A. apple B. tomato C. bread D. biscuit 解析 :much 要修饰不可数名词, 由此就把 A,B,D 全都排除掉了 ( )2. You can get much about the World Expo on the Internet. A. map B. picture C. ticket D. information 解析 : 同上, 由 much 确定是不可数名词,information 是信息 不可数名词, 其余都是可数 名词 ( )3. The customers are satisfied with the of the restaurant. A. balance B. experience C. surface D. service 解析 : 考察句意 顾客们对饭店的 很满意 根据单词意思 A, 平衡,B 经验,C 表面排 除掉 选 D ( )4. What did you have for lunch today, Ben? A bowl of rice, and some vegetables. A. a fish B. two fish C. some fish D. some fishes 解析 : 关于 fish 有很多层意思, 表示鱼肉是不可数名词 ; 表示鱼是单复数同形, 只有 fish 表 示鱼的种类才是复数形式 在这里的 fish 表示鱼肉 ( )5. There is no bread at home. Will you go and get two? A. loaves B. bowls C. pairs D. basins 解析 : 考察量词的用法 bread 是面包, 表示一条面包,a loaf of bread. bowl: 碗,pair: 对 ; basin: 盆 ( )6. In ancient people had to do heavy labour because at that there were no modern machines. A. time...time B. times...times C. times...time D. time...times 解析 :times 表示时代,at that time 和 at that moment 意思一样, 都表示那时刻 ( )7. I d like to have information about the management of your school. Well, you could have word with the headmaster. He might be helpful. A. an...some B. some...a C. some...some D. an...a 解析 :information 是不可数名词, 只能选 some, 后面一句话表达的意思是和校长谈句话 有固定词组 :have a word with sb. ( )8. The are planting some in the school garden now. A. woman teachers...apple trees B. women teachers...apple trees C. woman teacher...apples tree D. women teachers...apples trees

解析 :man/woman 修饰名词复数时, 相应的也要变成复数形式 其他的名词修饰则不需要 因此选 B ( )9. Does everyone know that the world is? A.in danger B.in a danger C. in dangers D. in the danger 解析 :in danger: 固定搭配, 表示出于危险中, 注意与 dangerous 的区别 dangerous 表示 ( 该 东西本身是 ) 危险的 ( )10. John F. Kennedy was President of the United States of America. A. a B. an C. the D. / 解析 : 在头衔前面不加任何冠词和定冠词 ( )11. The spy was tied up. A. in a public B. in public C. in the public D.in publics 解析 :in public: 表示在公共场合, 或者可以说 in public places ( )12. Mr Wang manages supermarket in town. A. a a B. an / C. a / D. the the 解析 :supermarket 本身是可数名词, 所以要加冠词, 又因为是第一次出现, 表示经营一家 超市, 选 a; in town, 表示在市中心, 前面不加任何冠词 ( )13. Please stay for dinner. It will be ready in half hour. A. a an B./ a C.the an D./ an 解析 : 表示早餐, 午餐, 晚餐前面都不加冠词 在半小时内,in half an hour, 因为 hour 是元 音发音 所以用 an ( )14. Some people are still in habit of writing silly things in public places. A. a the B./ the C. the / D. the the 解析 :habit 是可数名词, 在这里是特定的某个习惯, 因此用 the, in public places 不用加冠词 ( )15. I want to buy 8 dollar stamp. A. a B. an C. the D. / 解析 :8 的发音是元音发音, 而且最后的名词是 stamp, 因此选 an ( )16. He promised to find guilty and bring them to justice. A.a B.an C. the D. / 解析 :the+ 抽象形容词可以表示一类人, 在这里表示罪犯, 与此同类, 还有比如 :the good, the poor, the rich ( )17. There is S road ahead. Please pay special attention to S road when you drive along it. A.a a B. a the C.an an D.an the 解析 : 可数名词第一次出现, 且 s 发音是元音, 所以 an, 第二次出现该名词, 表示特指, 所

以用 the ( )18. In UK, most students go on to college after they finish secondary school. A. a a B. / / C./ the D.the the 解析 :go on: 继续, 继续上大学,go on to college, 与此相同, 完成高中学业,finish secondary school 都不需要加 the. ( )19. It is common knowledge that computers are super calculators. A. the B. a C. an D. / 解析 :common knowledge, 常识,knowledge 是不可数名词, 不用加冠词 ( )20. Peter is criminal. He is sure to go to jail. A. a / B. an / C./ the D.the the 解析 :criminal 表示罪犯的意思, 可数名词, 所以是 a criminal, 进监狱, 前面不加冠词, 所以是 go to jail 二 : 请根据括号里的单词, 用适当形式填空 1. Here s an for you.(invite) 2. Old John suffered from the (ill) 3. The children should learn about road (save) 4. is the most important thing for a person. (honest) 5. Mr. Carter showed us his of stamps. (collect) 6. Professor Qian made a at yesterday s meeting. (speak) 7. Radio was a wonderful. Marconi was its. (invent) 8. Do you think computers will completely take the place of?(human) 9. Last Friday afternoon my father saw a bank with his own eyes.(rob) 10. Billy delivered newspapers and saved some of the money for his college. (expensive) 答案 : 二 : 1. invitation 2. illness 3. safety 4. Honesty 5. collection 6. speech 7. invention, inventor 8. humans 9. robbery 10. expenses 三 : 选择方框内的单词, 并用它的适当形式填空, 每词限用一次 (A)

mix wise speak manage important 1. comes with experience. 2. Mr Smith took his advice. 3. Air is a of gases. 4. Do you realize the of this question? 5. The sound of a radio or TV set comes from the. (B) vary excite person pollute medical 1. This is a good kind of for colds. 2. The new law will reduce of the air. 3. The children could not hide their on Christmas Eve. 4. Kitty and Alice are good friends because their are the similar. 5. There s so much in my new job. I do something different every day! 答案 : A. 1.Wisdom 2. manager s 3. mixture 4. importance 5. speakers B. 1. medicine 2. pollution 3. excitement 4. personalities 5. variety 第二章代词 P25-27 第一部分 : 单选题 ( )1. Betty, we have only milk in the fridge. Would you please buy some now? A. a little B. little C. few D. a few 答案 : A 解析 :milk 不可数名词, 只能用 (a) little 修饰, only a little = little, 故选 A ( )2. of us has read the story, so we know nothing about it. A. Some B. Both C. None D. All 解析 : 根据语义, 无人知晓故事情节, 只能选又否定含义的代词 none ( )3. I had an umbrella a raincoat. So I had to wait until the rain stopped. A. either...or B. both...and C. neither...nor D. not only...but also 解析 : 根据上下文, 两者皆否定, 选 neither nor 既不 也不 ( )4. Can you give me ink? A. some more B. any more C. more ink some D. more some 解析 : 希望得到肯定回答时, 疑问句中也用 some, 一般用在表示建议, 希望, 请求等的问句 中 ( )5. It s good for her health if she can find a way to relax from time to time. A. she B. her C. hers D. herself

解析 :relax oneself, 放松自己, 反身代词做宾语是很常见的用法, 如 dress oneself, enjoy oneself 等 ( )6. Jack, a close friend of my, will come and join in the game. A. brother...us B. brother s...us C. brother...ours D. brother s...we 解析 : 表示 某人的 所属关系, 经常用到双重所有格, 即既出现 of, 又有 sb s 这 样的结构 ;join 动词后需宾语, 只能出现代词宾格 us ( )7. of the twin boys is at the language lab. of them may be in the playground. A. Both...Neither B. None...All C. Neither...Both D. Both...Either 解析 : 根据第一句谓语动词单数 is 以及 兄弟两个人 的语义可知, 只能选否定含义的代 词 neither, 表 两者皆不 ; 后半句则根据语义和 两个 的含义选出 both ( )8. of us can do some shopping in the shops on side of the streets. A. Every...each B. Each...either C. Every...either D. Each...both 解析 : 第一空后有 of, 只能填代词 each, every 是形容词, 后不加 of, 街道两边表示有三种表 达 :both sides, either side, 或 each side, 这里只能选 either side of the streets. ( )9. I want to read, will do. A. something...anything B. anything...anything C. something...something D. anything...something 解析 : 肯定句中表示泛指 一些事物, 用 something, 若强调 任何事物, 则用 anything. ( )10. He has prepared three gifts. is for his mother, is for his father and is for his teacher. A. One...other...the third B. One...another...the third C. One...other...another D. One...two...three 解析 : 罗列三者中每一个的情况, 固定句型 one another the third 还有一种是 one another the other 这里只能选 B ( )11. Please keep the park clean when you enjoy there. A. your B. you C. yours D. yourselves 解析 :enjoy oneself 自得其乐, 固定搭配 ( )12. I ve got two tickets for tonight s concert. One is for me, is for you. A. other B. the other C. others D. another 解析 : 两者中罗列每一个, 固定句型 one the other ( )13. David talked with a friend of on the Internet for a long time yesterday. A. he B. his C. him D. himself 解析 : 表示某人的所属关系, 多用双重所有格 ( )14. I knocked on the door several times but answered, so I left.

A. somebody B. nobody C. anybody D. everybody 解析 : 根据句意, 敲门无人应答, 只能选 nobody. ( )15. The foreign visitors asked lots of questions about Chinese culture during the tour. A. I B. my C. me D. mine 解析 :ask 为可接双宾语的动词,ask sb sth, ask 后需出现代词宾格 me. ( )16. of these two hats looks good on my daughter. Do you have another one? A. Both B. All C. Neither D. None 解析 : 根据第二句, 要再试一顶帽子, 可见前两个都不好, 选 neither ( )17. The American student could speak only Chinese, but he managed to communicate with us. A. few B. little C. a few D. a little 解析 :only a little= little ( )18. The volunteers love students in that small village in the west of China. A. they B. them C. their D. themselves 解析 : 此处名词前却限定代词 their, 意思是志愿者们喜欢他们自己的学生 ( )19. New Zealand has two islands. One is North Island and is South Island. A. another B. the other C. other D. the others 解析 : 罗列两者中每一个情况 one the other, 三者用 one another the other ( )20. The respectable man is trying to write with one of his feet as of his hands is able to write. A. each B. both C. none D. neither 解析 : 这个令人尊敬的人两手皆不能写字, 两者皆否用 neither 第二部分 : 词性转换 1. First, let me introduce. (I) 2. There is rain this year than last year. (little) 3. computers are newer than those ones. (this) 4. We ll elect a chief editor between and. (he, she) 5. The man said he would purchase house near the lake. (other) 6. gives me more pleasure than watching the cartoons. (thing) 7. We look after our pets better than look after. (them) 8. There were only hard chocolates left; we ve eaten all the soft. (one) 9. Joan and Alice are good friends. They know hobbies. (each other) 10. Some people enjoy KFC s hamburgers, prefer McDonald s hamburgers. (other) 答案 : 1 myself, 2 less, 3 These, 4 him, her, 5 another, 6 Nothing, 7 they, theirs, 8 ones, 9 each other s 10 others

第三部分 : 在空格内填入必要的代词, 使句子通顺每空限填一词 1. He hasn t found in the drawer. 2. There are modern machines in the car factory. 3. It was raining hard, but of us was late for school. 4. They sat side by side and talked to. 5. My friends enjoyed at my birthday party last week. 6. As we all know, memory is connected with feelings. 7. The weather in Shanghai is hotter than in Nanjing. 8. The new jeans are for, David. Do you like? 9. You don t need to go shopping. There s food in the fridge. 10. of my parents is going to visit our school on the Open Day. 答案 :1. anything 2. some 3. none/neither 4. each other 5. themselves 6. our 7. that 8. you, them 9. a little 10. Either 第四部分 : 用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子 每空限填一词 1. Would you tell about your trip to Russia? the children asked Uncle Joe. (we) 2. Mandy has got a lovely dog. name is Oliver. (it) 3. I think the girl is old enough to tie up her shoes by. (her) 4. Whose school uniform is that on the chair, yours or? (my) 5. There are many more books on my shelf than on. (you) 6. He won a lot of money in the lottery, so he bought a new car. (he) 7. I didn t buy the second-hand book as it had missing pages. (much) 8. The twins were very tired, but of them would stop to have a rest. (either) 9. Is that V-neck T shirt yours? No, I ve got mine. Go and ask Mary. Maybe it s. (she) 10. Oh, dear! You ve already eaten four cakes. But I m still hungry. Can I have, please? (other) 答案 : 1. us2. Its3. herself4. mine 5. yours6. himself7. many8. neither 9. hers10. Another 第三章数词 P34-35 第一部分 : 单选题 ( )1. of the homework was done by herself in the classroom.

A. Two thirds B. Two third C. Second three D. Second threes 答案 : A 解析 : 分数表达法 : 分子基数词, 分母序数词 ; 分子大于一, 分母用复数 ( )2. 3 times 3 equals. A. one B. zero C. six D. nine 解析 : 用英文表达数学公式 3*3= 9 ( )3. A mile is. A. 1,000 metres B. 1,609 metres C. 1,000 feet D. 10 kilometres 解析 :1 英里 = 1609 米, 常识题 ( )4. Please open your books and turn to. A. 32 pages B. page 32 C. 32nd page D. pages 32 解析 : 号码表示法 : Page+ 页数, 班级表达法 :Class 2 ( )5. One hectare equals square metres. A. 100 B. 1,000 C. 10,000 D. 100,000 解析 : 常识题 1 公顷 = 1 万平方米 ( )6. The twins were born. A. on January 27, 1998 B. in 27 January, 1998 C. in 1998, January 27 D. on January 27 in 1998 解析 : 日期表示法 January 27, 1998 和 27 January, 1998 都可以, 但具体到某天前介词只能 用 on, 故选 A ( )7. The hamburger for breakfast cost me. A. two and a half dollar B. two and half dollars C. two dollars and half D. two dollars and a half 解析 : 两元半既可说 two dollars and a half, 也可说 two and a half dollars ( )8. The square of nine is. A. three B. eighteen C. thirty six D. eighty-one 解析 :square 这里指 平方, square root 平方根 ( )9. Beijing welcomed athletes from around the world during the 29th Olympic Games. A. thousand B. thousands C. thousand of D. thousands of 解析 :hundred, thousand 和 million 前有数词表定量时, 时后不加 s; 表不定量时用 hundreds of, thousands of, millions of. ( )10. The score in the final was. A. four to three B. four and three C. four by three D. four on three

解析 : 表示得分比, 用介词 to 连接分数 11 The actor who acted in the TV series last night became famous in his. A thirty B thirtieth C the thirtieth D thirties (2011 普陀二模 ) 解析 : 年龄表示法 in one s + 整十基数词复数, 如某人 30 来岁, 会说 in one s thirties 12 It s reported that more than people have been killed in this big earthquake. A two thousands B thousands of C thousand of D two thousand (2011 杨浦二模 ) 解析 :hundred, thousand 和 million 前有数词表定量时, 后不加 s; 表不定量时用 hundreds of, thousands of, millions of. 13 Do you know nearly of our body is water? A three- quarter B three quarter C three fourth D three fourths (2011 闸北二模 ) 解析 : 本题中四分之三有两种表达 :three quarters 或 three fourths, 这里只能选 D 14 Our summer holiday is coming. Two the students in our school will go to the beach. A hundred B hundreds C hundreds of D hundred of ( 重庆中考 ) 解析 :hundred, thousand 和 million 前有数词表定量时, 时后不加 s; 表不定量时用 hundreds of, thousands of, millions of. 15 The doctor worked for after twelve o clock. A two more hours B two another hour C more two hours D another two hour ( 河北中考 ) 解析 : 又两个小时可用 two more hours 或 another two hours 均可 16 Now children, turn to page and look at the picture in Lesson Two. A twentieth; one B twenty; one C twentieth; first D twenty; first ( 上海中考 ) 解析 : 数码 page+ 数字 ; 图片一 : the first picture 或 picture one 17 I like this jacket better than that one, but it costs almost three times. A as much B as many C so much D so many ( 浙江中考 ) 解析 : 此题考查 as as 引导的倍数表达法 指钱, 时间, 距离等用 much, 不用 many, 此处相 当于 three times as much money as the money of that one. 18 What s 1/9 and 2/3? It s. A seven-ninths B five-sixth C seven-ninth D five-ninths ( 兰州中考 )

解析 : 计算题 + 分数表达法,1/9 + 2/3 = 7/9 19 If you go out at night, you ll be able to see stars. A thousand of B thousands of C thousand D thousands ( 福州中考 ) 解析 :hundred, thousand 和 million 前有数词表定量时, 时后不加 s; 表不定量时用 hundreds of, thousands of, millions of. 20 We count because we have ten fingers. A in ten B in tenth C in tens D in the ten 解析 :in tens 十进制 答案 :11 15 DDDDA, 16-20 DBABC 第二部分 : 词性转化 : 1. Mum made a big chocolate cake for little Kevin s birthday. (six) 2. We still need more chairs for the meeting room. (ninth). 3. Eric, the son of the family, has a special interest in physics. (five) 4. Alex is years old and is taken care of in the kindergarten. (fourth) 5. The young lady teaches my son to play the piano a week. (two) 6. During World war II, a Jewish ( 犹太的 ) lady was protected by a local family in Shanghai in her. (fifty) 7. We saw several people gather in the streets. (hundred) 8. Although of the earth is covered with water, still we shouldn t waste any of it. (second three) 9. Many guests were invited to my mother s birthday party last Sunday. She really had a wonderful time. (forty) 10. of people come to the Bund to enjoy the night views on our National Day. (Thousand) 答案 :1 sixth, 2 nine, 3 fifth, 4 four, 5 twice, 6 fifties, 7hundred, 8 two-thirds, 9 fortieth, 10 Thousands 第三部分 : 句型转换 : 1 The new underground station is five minutes walk from our school. ( 对划线部分提问 ) is the new underground station from our school? (2011 杨浦二模 ) 2 Tina has dinner in a restaurant with her family once a month. ( 对划线部分提问 ) does Tina have dinner in a restaurant with her family? (2011 卢湾二模 ) 3 I will stay with a friendly European family for two weeks. ( 对划线部分提问 ) will you stay with a friendly European family? (2011 闵行二模 ) 4 Mum goes shopping in the supermarket nearby once a week. ( 对划线部分提问 ) does Mum go shopping in the supermarket nearby? (2011 黄浦二模 )

5 It s about 3050 kilometres from Shanghai to Bangkok. ( 对划线部分提问 ) is it from Shanghai to Bangkok? (2011 长宁二模 ) 答案 : 1 How far, 2 How often, 3 How long, 4 How often, 5 How long 第四章冠词 P38-39 一 : 在空格内填入必要的冠词, 使句子通顺 1. What good news we ve got. 2. Guangzhou is in south of China. 3. All the Chinese people live happy life. 4. Please accept this present for all your help. 5. Shanghai is famous for Oriental Peal TV Tower. 6. Don t touch the wire. You will get electric shock. 7. May 4 Movement was an important event in history. 8. (word) came of his success in the 29 th Olympic Games. 9. Some passenger trains to run as fast as 250 km hour in China. 10. My brother has been to the Eiffel Tower twice. Now he will visit it third time. 答案 : 1./ 2. the 3. a 4. / 5. the 6. an 7. / 8. / 9. an 10.a 第五章形容词 P44-46 第一部分 : 选择填空 ()1. Wang Meng became very after she got three gold medals in 2010 Winter Olympic

Games. A. famous B. famously C. more famous D. more famously 解析 : 很多情况下 ly 结尾的词为副词 ;more 表示比较级不能用 very 修饰 ;become 此处为 系动词, 所以后加形容词 ()2. It s very to live in such a small room. A. comfortable B. uncomfortable C. comfortably D. uncomfortably 解析 :very 修饰形容词 ;it is +(very) adj.+(for sb.)+to do 是一个常用句型, 表示 ( 对某人来说 ) 所某事很怎么样 ;A 和 B 在语法上都对, 但通过后半句 such a small room 住在如此小的房间 里可判断是 B, 前缀 un 表示否定 ()3. This new type of iphone is one I have ever seen. A. cheap B. cheaper C. cheapest D. the cheapest 解析 : 这款苹果手机是我所见最便宜的一款 两者比较用比较级, 大于两者比较用最高级, 且 the 不能省 ()4. People found the young man in uniform like a soldier. A. dress B. to dress C. dressing D. dressed 解析 : 固定搭配 find sb. +ed 分词表示发现某人正处于 状态 ;sb. is dressed in 某人穿着 ()5. The news is too to believe. A. surprise B. surprising C. surprised D. surprises 解析 :A 为名词,D 为 A 的复数形式或第三人称单数形式,BC 均为形容词, 差异在于 -ing 形 式的形容词解释为令他人感到怎样的,-ed 形容词为自己感到怎样的 此句这则新闻太令人 感到惊奇了以至于不能相信, 而不是新闻自己感到惊奇 ()6. The newly built tunnel enables us to go to Chong Ming Island than before. A. most easily B. more easily C. easily D. easier 解析 :than 提示用比较级, 副词修饰动词 go ()7. He stayed until midnight last night. A. wake B. waking C. awake D. waken 解析 : 此处 stay 为系动词, 相当于 keep, 后加形容词 A 为动词原形,B 为动词 -ing 形式, 作 形容词时只能作定语,C 是作表语的形容词构成系表结构,D 是动词 -ed 形式或动词使 醒 来 ()8. This boy is of the two.

A. tall B. taller C. the taller D. the tallest 解析 : 两者比较时 the 不能省, 这种是特殊情况 ()9. awful the weather is! It s been raining the whole week. A. How B. What C. What a D. What an 解析 : 固定句型 How+ adj. + 主语 +be! What +a/ an + adj. + 名词 ( 单 )! ()10. It s very of him to make such a mistake again. A. careless...foolish B. careful...foolish C. careless...clever D. careful...clever 解析 : 从 such, mistake, again 推测句意为贬, 则可选 A 注意区别 it is +(very) adj. +of sb. +to do 与 it is +(very) adj.+(for sb.)+to do, 前者的形容词强调 sb. 本质, 可与 Sb. is adj. 互换, 后者则 不可 1-10 A B D D B 6-10 B C C A A 第二部分 : 用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子 每空格限填一词 ): 1. The war has made thousands of children. (home) 2. I believe knowledge is more than money. (power) 3. Shirley has done a lot for the tourists. She is really a guide. (help) 4. A group of young Japanese had an tour in our town last month. (enjoy) 5. It s for him to be so active today as he is always a man of few words. (usual) 6. The short play was very. I laughed from beginning to end. (fun) 7. It was for human beings to predict weather in the past. (difficulty) 8. The local people are that the whole nation are helping them rebuild the town. (thank) 9. Reader s Digest is a magazine. (month) 10. Communications nowadays are much than before. (convenient) 1 5 homeless powerful helpful enjoyable unusual 6-9 funny difficult thankful monthly 10 more convenient 第三部分 : 按要求改写句子, 每空限填一词 1. This scarf is made of wool. This is scarf. 答案 : a woolen 2. What fun it is to jump into the rivers on very hot summer days. it is to jump into the rivers on very hot summer days! 答案 : How funny 3 The driver has to take charge of the safety of his passengers. The driver has to be the safety of his passengers.

答案 : responsible for 4. The sports meeting was put off because it rained heavily. The sports meeting was put off because the rain. 答案 :of heavy 5.Reading in the sun is harmful to your eyes. Reading in the sun to your eyes. 答案 : does harm 第六章副词 P51-53 一. 选择题 1. Although my grandma is over sixty, she is happy and. A. fit B. unfit C. healthily D. unhealthy 解析 : 从 although 可知, 前后半句意思为转折关系,and 又提示前后并列关系, 同为褒义形 容词 2. Do you think he is correct? A. perfect B. perfectly C. perfecting D. perfected 解析 : 此处需要副词修饰形容词 correct 3. Mrs. Smith went out with the window. A. open B. openly C. opened D. opening 解析 :open 做动词时表示瞬间性动作, 作形容词时可表达处于开着的状态 4. The chicken wings tasted so that the children wanted to have more. A. bad B. well C. lovely D. delicious 解析 :taste 系动词后加形容词, 根据后半句 wanted to have more 可判断为褒义 5. A lot of research work in this field has been carried out in A. recent B. recently C. recent year D. recent years. 解析 :year 可数,in recent years 在近几年, 若无 in 可选 B 修饰动作 be carried out 6. CRH trains ( 动车 ) make people travel as well as fast. A. save B. safe C. safely D. safety

解析 : 此处修饰动词 travel 用副词 safely, 注意 fast 此处也是副词修饰 travel,safety 是名词 7. Be, Peter. Make sure not to make such mistakes next time. A. strictly B. carefully C. careful D. successful 解析 : 由 be 确定后为形容词, 根据后一句句意 确保下次不在犯这样的错 确定前一句以 为 仔细一些, 为 C 8. Ships and boats go and come on the river. A. noise B. noisy C. noisily D. noisily 解析 : 此处需副词修饰 go and come 9. People in Japan and America behave at the dinner table. A. difficult B. different C. difficultly D. differently 解析 : 副词修饰动词 behave, 句意表达日本人和美国人有不同的餐桌礼仪 10. our football team played last season! A. How wonderful B. How wonderfully C. What wonderful D. What wonderfully 解析 : 固定句型 How adv.+sb./sth does! 1-10 A B A D D 16-20 C C C B D 第七章介词 P68-70 第一部分 : 单选题 ()1. The train to Beijing leaves eight o clock. Let s hurry. A. in B. on C. at D. from 解析 : 表示小于一天的时间一般用 at, 等于一天的时间一般用 on, 大于一天的时间用 in, 这里 8 点小于一天, 用 at ()2. The farmers are satisfied their harvest through a year s hard work. A. with B. to C. of D. for 解析 :be satisfied with 是固定搭配, 类似还有 be pleased with 等 ()3. Betty, let s make a cake some flour, sugar, butter and milk. A. at B. of C. in D. with 解析 :make A of B, 意思是用 B 做成 A, 另外还有 A is made of B 就是这种结构的被动形式,

表示蛋糕是看的出来用面粉, 黄油等制作而成的, 所以此题选 B ()4. Steven and William are keen playing computer games. A. to B. with C. on D. at 解析 :be keen on doing sth 是常见的短语搭配, 意思相近的短语还有 be fond of doing, 这道题目选 C ()5. The teacher often takes his students to visit the Science Museum Saturdays. A. in B. by C. at D. on 解析 : 等于一天的时间前面的介词用 on, 所以选 D ()6. The famous actor often plays his children in the park. A. about B. in C. at D. with 解析 : 和谁一起玩, 此题应该选 with, 答案是 D ()7. My sister worked eleven o clock last night and then she went to bed. A. to B. for C. until D. at 解析 : 句义为 : 我姐姐昨天晚上工作到 11 点, 然后她去睡觉了 这是个例外, 不能使用一般原则, 小于一天的时间用介词 at 来表示, 所以选 A ()8. Tim s mum is worried her son s eyesight as he plays online games too much. A. for B. about C. with D. of 解析 :be worried about 这个固定结构, 选 B ()9. Why did you keep agreeing with them? I thought you were my side. A. by B. on C. over D. in 解析 :be on my side 表示支持某人的意思, 所以选 B ()10. I felt sad the people who had lost their loved ones in the recent campus shooting. A. at B. for C. with D. about 解析 :be sad at /feel sad for sb. 表示对 感到悲伤, 同类的词汇是 be surprised at 表示对 表示惊讶 11. The young man walked the forest and came to a big river at last A. on B. over C. through D. across 解析 : 穿过森林用 through, 表示从中间穿过, 从表面穿过, 用介词 across, 从上面穿过, 用介词 over, 选 C 12. Everyone knows there was a serious earthquake 2:28pm May 12 th, 2008 Sichuan Province. A. on, in, at B. at, on, in C. in, at, on D. in, on, at 解析 : 小于一天用 at, 等于一天 on, 在某个省 in 这里选 B 13. Here are some flowers you our best wishes. A. to, for B. for, with C. of, to D. from, to 解析 : 表示给某人的东西用介词 for, 带着我们最好祝愿用介词 with, 选 B 14. The earthquake in Indonesia happened the morning of May 27 th, 2006. A. in B. on C. at D. with 解析 : 表示特定某一天的早上用介词 on, 选择 B 15. You can t find a way to reach your goals when you are proud yourself and stand tall like a sunflower. A. on B. from C. of D.with 解析 : 这道题目是固定搭配 be proud of, 选 C 16. It s very nice you to get me two tickets the World Cup.

A. for, of B. of, of C. to, for D. of, to 解析 : 当形容词是表示人的如 nice,wrong 等, 我们使用介词 of, 如果形容词是表示后面的不定式引出的动作, 则用 for, 另外表示某某地方的票子, 我们使用介词 to, 此题选择 D 17. The school days are busy enough, yet the Taylors try hard to fit as much as possible their kids lives. A. in B. into C. on D. at 解析 : 此题是固搭 fit into 表示融合到某种生活方式当中, 选 B 18. I like flowers. I m going to buy a house a small garden in front of it. A. in B. near C. with D. between. 解析 : 此题考查是带着小花园的房子, 这里使用介词 with, 选 C 19. Jack has studies Chinese in this school the year of 2000. A. since B. in C. on D. by 解析 : 这里使用完成时表示自从 2000 年, 选择 since, 选 A 20. No hurry. They ll arrive twenty minutes. A. at B. after C. in D. by 解析 : 这道题目表示 20 分钟后要到达, 所以选择介词 in, 选 C ABCD CBBBC DBBBB DBCAC 第二部分 : 用适当的介词填空 ( 共 10 题 ): 1. What do we use matchboxes? We use them making the cupboards. 2. His conduct is the rules of our club. 3. He contributed his life the small town. 4. Mark has got the answer the question. 5. He is an old man, but he is average height. 6. The manager is always busy business affairs. 7. We should protect the children catching cold. 8. He reads nothing comic magazines. 9. You should apologize him your being rude. 10. Alice plans to write an article the history of the Internet. 答案 :for for, against, to, to, of, with, from, except, to for, on 第三部分 : 首字母填空练习 : An eleven-year-old boy in a small town wanted to be a train driver. But the boy was born w arms. His father taught him to use his feet a hands. He couldn t go to school. So he spent all his time watching trains coming and going because he lived b the station. How he wanted to be a train driver! One day he saw an empty train and climbed in. It was not difficult f him to start it

with his feet. Soon the train was travelling a forty miles an hour. The railway officials could not see the boy i the train and tried to stop the train. The train reached a small station and then the boy drove it back. When he was n the town, a worker caught up w the train and stopped it. A first he was very angry, but he laughed when the boy said, I like trains. Well, I m glad you don t like planes! 答案 :without, as, behind/beside/by, for, at, in, near, with, At 第四部分 : 请用合适的介词填空 : ()1. Do your work great care. ()2. There were ten of us all. ()3. Mary always gets to work time. ()4. Our group gave the answer one voice. ()5. How do you come to know it? I asked surprise. ()6. Mr Smith isn t here this week. He is away holiday. ()7. I d like to keep a pet, example,a dog. ()8. He went door door delivering the milk. ()9. His pictures are show in London this month. ()10. Much of the information in that book is now of date. ()11. If you give me your photo, I ll give you mine return. ()12. He is clever, but the other hand, he makes many mistakes. 答案 :with,in, on, with, in, on, for, from to, on, out, in, on 第八章连词 P75-76 第一部分 : 单选题 ()1. he is young, he knows a lot. A.if B. because C. though D. so 解析 : 让步状语从句 尽管他很年轻, 但他知道的很多 ()2. It doesn t matter we go together or not. A. if B. that C. either D. whether 解析 : 宾语从句固定搭配 whether...or not ()3. Our teacher teaches us how to be an honest man how to study well. A. as well B. as well as C. as D. but 解析 :as well as 不但... 而且

语意重点在前半句 : 我们老师不仅教我们怎么学, 而且教我们怎么做一个诚实的人 ()4. We have a discussion about the meeting will be held next month in Shanghai. A. that B. if C. when D. whether 解析 : 介词后面表示 是否, 只能用 whether ()5. I ll tell him to give you a call he comes back. A. because B. since C. as soon as D. until 解析 : 时间状语从句 时态注意主将从现 译文 : 他一回来我就会让他打电话给你 ()6. Tom had a wish he would have a journey on the moon one day. A. that B. what C. which D. whether 解析 : 同位语从句, 从句成分完整, 连接词用 that, 此类句型还有 I had a dream that. ()7. you keep ice-cream in a fridge, it melts. A. as B. if C. unless D. when 解析 : 根据句意冰激凌放冰箱和融化语义转折, 所以只能选择 unless=if not 除非你把冰激 凌放冰箱, 否则他会融化 ()8. We have no idea Tom has been in the last few weeks. A. that B. why C. where D. whether 解析 : 表示地点的连词 我们不知道 Tom 最近几周在哪 ()9. My mother grows flowers roses and carnations. A. such...as B. so...that C. such...that D. so...as 解析 : 考查 such 和 so 的区别 such 后加名词,so 后加形容词 flower 是名词, 所以 B 和 D 排除掉 that 后要加句子,C 也排除 ()10. You can phone email to book a plane ticket. A. both...and B. either...or C. neither...nor D. not only...but also 解析 : 两者中的任意一个用 either or, 两者都使用 both and, 两者都不使用 neither nor... ()11. Which would you like to buy, a DVD player an MP3 player? A. so B. or C. but D. and 解析 : 是... 还是... 在两者中做选择, 所以选 or

()12. Peter was late for the meeting he missed the ferry. A. though B. because C. while D. if 解析 : 开会晚点和他错过渡船之间是因果关系, 所以选 because. ()13. We should leave early tomorrow morning, we won t get there on time. A. so B. or C. but D. and 解析 : 根据句意, 我们明天要早点出发, 否则我们没法准时到达之间 所以选 or. 特别注意时态的用法 ()14. Bill won t make any progress he studies harder than before. A. if B. when C. because D. unless 解析 : 根据句意, 主句和从句表示的是转折关系, 所以只能选择 unless 除非 ()15. John failed to climb to the top of the mountain several times, he didn t give up. A. Although B. Because C. Whether D. Unless 解析 : 让步状语从句 尽管失败了很多次, 但是他还是没有放弃 ()16. Keep an English diary, your English will improve. A. or B. since C. when D. and 解析 : 根据句意 : 用英语写日记, 你的英语水平就会提高, 表示的是递进 ()17. We will have no water to drink we don t protect the earth. A. until B. before C. though D. if 解析 : 条件状语从句 注意时态 ()18. Money is important, it can t buy everything. A. for B. but C. or D. so 解析 : 根据句意, 主句和从句表示的是转折, 钱很重要, 但不能买到所有东西 所以选 B ()19. Neither my parents nor my teachers agree to my holiday plan, I ll have to give it up. A. and B. but C. so D. or 解析 : 因果关系, 所以选 so ()20. Don t worry. I ll come to help you I finish the work here. A. since B. before C. while D. as soon as

解析 : 根据句意, 我一完成工作, 就来帮你 注意主将从现的时态用法 第二部分 : 选择方框里适当的词填空, 每词限用一次 that either...or when and until as but because so before while 1. Call a taxi, you ll catch the lecture. 2. It was dark I couldn t see very well. 3. They didn t start the task their teacher came back. 4. Ships come and go on the river as noisily boats. 5. Our suggestion is we should take an active part in sports. 6. You can take a ferry a train to Paris from London. 7. We should walk as much as possible motor vehicles pollute the air. 8. we go to bed, Mum always lock all the windows and doors safely. 9. I remember the most important points of the story, I ve forgotten the details. 10. All the citizens of Hong Kong were very happy Hong Kong returned to our motherland. 答案 :1. and 2. so 3.until 4. as 5. that 6.either...or 7. because 8. Before 9.but 10.when 第三部分 : 根据所给要求, 改写下列句子 每空格限填一词 : 1. Mr Li is our teacher and friend as well. ( 保持句意基本不变 ) Mr Li is only our teacher also our friend. 2. Unless we are too tired, we will hike up the hill. ( 保持原句意思 ) we too tired, we will hike up the hill. 3. I compared the copy with the original, but there was not much difference. ( 保持原句意思 ) I compared the copy with the original, there was not much difference. 4. The task was very hard, so ten men more were needed. ( 保持原句意思 ) Ten men more were needed the task was very hard. 5. Chris has gone to South Africa to enjoy the 2010 World Cup. Karen has gone to South Africa to enjoy the 2010 World Cup, too. ( 合并为一句 ) Chris Karen have gone to South Africa to enjoy the 2010 World Cup. 答案 :1. not, but 2. If, aren t 3. Although 4. because 5. Both, and 第九章动词 P92-96 第一部分 : 单选题 ( 共 20 题 ) () 1. How many times you that city?

A. have...been in B. have...been to C. have...gone to D. did...go to 解析 : 用 How many times 提问的句式往往都用完成时来回答, 这里可以排除 D 选项 C 选 项 Have gone to 往往指说话人还没有回来 A 选项中 have been in 句意是在那所城市几次, 所以选择 B ()2. The little girl ice cream! A. do likes B. does likes C. does like D. do like 答案 C 解析 : 这里 do 加在动词原形前面表示强调, 这里的 do 会随着主语的数和时态的变化而变 化, 如果是过去时, 就要用 did 此处因为主语是 the little girl, 所以要选 C () 3.Nancy lots of charity work in her free time since she entered college. A. has done B. will do C. was doing D. is doing 答案 : A 解析 :since 引导的句型一般都使用现在完成时, 这里表示自从她进大学以来, 南希已经在 空余时间里面做了很多慈善工作, 选 A ()4. Tara is interested in Chinese culture. She Chinese at Fudan University next year. A. studies B. studied C. will study D. had studied 解析 :next year 提示了词组要用将来时 will study, 选 C ()5. Look! Jane s grandmother with some aged people in the park. A. dances B. danced C. is dancing D. was dancing 解析 :look 一词提示大家是现在进行的动作, 使用现在进行时, 选 C. ()6. Kevin to work in his hometown after he graduated from university. A. goes B. went C. will go D. had gone 解析 : 此题 after he graduated 使用了过去时, 表明整个句子是在描述过去发生的事情, 主语 也理所应当使用 did, 本题选 B ()7. When summer, some children will go to the seaside for fun. A. comes B. came C. will come D. would come 解析 : 这道题目是典型的主将从现的用法, 主句用将来时 will go, 从句用现在时表将来 选 A ()8. I you already that washing hands often will help prevent the A-H1N1 Flu. A. tell B. told C. have told D. am telling 解析 : 此题中 already 是典型的提示词, 一般使用现在完成时, 强调我已经告诉你洗手可以 预防流感 选 C ()9. He was still working on his project while other people a rest. A. were having B. are having C. will have D. have 解析 :while 引导的两个句子往往使用进行时, 表示两个动作同时进行, 选 A. ()10. Today is Father s Day. My mother a special dinner for my grandpa now. A. prepare B. prepared C. is preparing D. will prepare

解析 :now 是现在进行时非常明显的标志, 选择 C ()11. Tina and her parents to England for sightseeing last summer. A. go B. went C. will go D. have gone 解析 :last summer 是一般过去时非常明显的标志, 选 B ()12. The Harry Potter books pretty popular since they were published. A. become B. will become C. have become D. are becoming 解析 :since 表示自从, 往往主语使用现在完成时, 选 C ()13. ---Helen, I called you yesterday evening, but nobody answered the phone. ---Oh, I a walk with my sister at that time. (2011 年虹口一模 ) A. Take B. took C. am taking D. was taking 解析 :at that time 是明显的进行时的标志, 从上下文来看是发生在过去, 所以用过去进行时, 选 D ()14. He told me he care of my child while I away. (2007 江苏 ) A.will take, am B. took, was C. would take, was D. has taken, am 解析 : 从 told 看出要使用一般过去时, 所以这里 while 后面使用 was; 从句意来看他说他会 在我不在的时候照看我的孩子, 所以用 would do, 选择 C ()15. It ten years since we last in Beijing. (2006 河北 ) A. Was, met B. has been, met C. was, meet D. is, meet 解析 : 这里考察大家一个固定句式 :it is(has been)+ 一段时间 +since+ 一般过去式, 这样可 以很轻松选择 B ()16. --I want to return the book to Jack, but I can t find him there. --He the library. You can find him there. (2006 南通 ) A. has been to B. has gone to C. has left D. went to 解析 : 这里说话人显然不在现场, 用 have gone, 如果说话人在现场就用 have been, 选 B ()17. --What s wrong with your coat? --Just now when I wanted to get off the bus, the man next to me on it. (2006 苏州 ) A. is sitting B. had sat C. sits D. was sitting 解析 : 从上下文开看, 当我想从公交车上下来的时候, 那个男人正坐在我的大衣上 选择 D 这类根据上下文来选择时态的题目相对比较有难度, 要特别小心 ()18. --Where you the dictionary? I can t see it. --I it right here a moment ago. But it s gone. (2010 安徽芜湖 ) A. did you put, have put B. have you put, put C.had you put, have put D.were you putting, had put 解析 : 从句意来看, 问问题的人希望知道字典的下落, 所以问的时候特别想知道结果, 这个 时候我们一般使用完成时, 二回答问题的人使用了 a moment ago, 表明是在过去发生的事

情, 使用一般过去时即可, 此题因此选 B ()19. ---Tommy, do you know if Frank to the theatre with us this Sunday if it? ---Sorry, I have no idea. (2010 甘肃兰州 ) A. will go, is fine B. goes, is fine C. will go, is going to be fine D. goes, will be fine 解析 : 题目中出现两个 if, 这类题目要看中文, 第一个 if 意为是否, 这里该用什么时态用什 么时态, 用 will go, 后一个 if 意为如果, 这里要符合主将从现原则, 用 is fine 最后选 A ()20. ---Nice to see you. I you for a long time. ---I in Beijing. I ve just come back. A. Hadn t seen, am B. haven t seen, was C. didn t see, will be D. haven t seen, shall be 解析 : 此题中 for a long time, 是使用现在完成时的信号, 后面的 I ve just come back, 表明此 人之前在北京, 用 was 即可, 选择 B 第二部分 : 句型转换 ( 共 12 题 ) 1. James spent ten years making this amazing film. ( 保持原句意思 ) James ten years to make this amazing film. It took 2. Junior 3 students began to learn chemistry a year ago. ( 保持原句意思 ) Junior 3 students learned chemistry a year. have for 3. The car accident happened at midnight and three people were hurt. ( 保持原句意思 ) The car accident at midnight and three people were hurt. took place 4. Have you signed up for the winter camp? ( 保持原句意思 ) Have you the winter camp? entered for 5. The terrible earthquake destroyed thousands of houses in that area. ( 改为被动语态 ) Thousands of houses in that area by the terrible earthquake. were destroyed 6. Sally has decided to take a train to Beijing because it s cheap and runs much faster than before. ( 对划线部分提问 ) Sally decided to take a train to Beijing? (2012 年徐汇一模 ) 答案 :Why has 7. Tim has already enjoyed the French classic musical Notre Dame de Paris. ( 改为一般疑问句 ) Tim enjoyed the French classical musical Notre Dame de Paris? (2012 闸北一模 ) 答案 :Has yet 8. Henry put on his scarf before he left the office. ( 改为否定句 ) Henry on his scarf before he left the office. (2012 普陀一模 ) 答案 :didn t put 9. There is some milk in the bottle. ( 改为一般疑问句 ) milk in the bottle? 答案 :Is there any 10. There is going to be a school sports meeting next week. ( 改为反义疑问句 )

There is going to be a school sports meeting next week,? 答案 :isn t there 11. There was a big tree in front of the house. ( 保持原句意思 ) There a big tree in front of the house. 答案 :used to be 12. There are more than 17 million people in Shanghai. ( 对划线部分提问 ) people in Shanghai? 答案 :How many are there 第三部分 : 词性转换 ( 共 10 题 ) 1. Put some milk into the flour, break two eggs and then them. (mixture) 2. More and more foreigners are learning to Chinese nowadays. (speech) 3. It s raining heavily. I d you call a taxi home now. (suggestion) 4. Let s hope that all our troubles will soon. (appear) 5. We are not allowed to our earth. (pollution) 6. Cathy, would you please the parcel for me? (postage) 7. You may either to go to the seaside or to have a barbecue in a country park. (choice) 8. While we Peter s birthday, the lights went off suddenly. (celebration) 9. Your job is to customers well. Please keep it in mind, the manager told the waiters. (service) 10. The speaker the audience to sign up for computer courses if they were serious about earning more money. (courage) 答案 :1. mix 2. speak 3. suggest 4. disappear 5. pollute 6. post7. choose 8. were celebrating9. serve10. encouraged 第四部分 : 用动词的适当形式填空 :( 共 11 题 ) A 篇 hold design make graduate destroy announce 1. This kind of motor bicycle in China so far. 2. The world Trade Centre in New York by terrorists on September 11, 2001. 3. The First National Congress of the Party in Shanghai in 1921. 4. The young architect three building since he from college. 5. Chairman Mao the founding of the People s Republic of China on October 1st, 1949. 答案 :has been made, was destroyed, was held, has designed graduated, announced B 篇 fall play fee ltake break not be Yesterday afternoon while we 1 basketball, Mike 2 to the ground and 3 his leg. By the time his father came, we 4 him to the hospital. The doctor said he 5 able to walk in a month. Each of us 6 sorry. 答案 :were playing, fell, broke, had taken, would not be, felt

第五部分 : 首字母填空 :( 共 8 题 ) Many people prefer salad vegetables to cooked vegetables. They b 1 in eating them this way, they g 2 more of the goodness of the vegetables. The truth is that cooking with oil can h 3 your body take in some nutrients. T 4 vitamin K for example. It can be absorbed( 吸收 )more easily after it is c 5. Salad is one way to serve vegetables. But r 6 that the dressing( 调味品 )you might a 7 to a salad is 60 per cent fat. It p 8 almost the same amount of calories as oil does. 答案 :1. believe 2. get/gain 3. help 4. Take 5. cooked 6. remember 7. add 8. produces/provides V 被动语态 一 选择题 1. Tornadoes swept across the South America last month. At least 28 people. (12 杨 浦二模 ) A. killed B. are killed C. were killed D. were killing 解析 :28 个人是被龙卷风杀死了, 而且是 last month 发生的事情, 所以选择 C 2. If Tony isn t careful enough with his lesson, more mistakes later.(12 浦东二模 ) A. have made B. will make C. have been made D. will be made 解析 : 此处主语为 mistakes,later 表明是将来发生的事, 故选择 D 3. Hurry up. Once the concert starts, nobody to enter the concert hall.(12 黄浦二模 ) A. allows B. allowed C. is allowed D. is allowing 解析 :allow sb. to do sth. = allow doing sth. 此处应选择 C 4. Many Londoners are looking forward to the Olympic Games this summer.(12 徐汇 二模 ) A. hold B. be held C. holding D. holds 解析 :look forward to doing sth. 是固定搭配, 须牢记 此处选择 C 5. When the 632-metre Shanghai Tower, it will be the second tallest building in the world.(12 金山二模 ) A. finishes B. finished C. will finish D. is finished 解析 : 此句为主将从现,when 引导的从句用现在时表将来, 故选择 D 6. The plane by the terrible storm so the passengers had to wait at the airport for nearly 2 hours.(12 闵行二模 ) A. would delay B. was delayed

C. will delay D. has been delayed 解析 : 以 plane 为主语, 故用被动语态, 看后半句可知时态为一般过去时, 所以应选 B 7. It is said that Beijing Olympic tickets can online from April, 2007. Yes, and I am sure the 110-meter hurdles tickets will well. ( 上海 ) A. be booked; be sold B. book; be sold C. be booked; sell D. book; sell 解析 : 以 ticket 为主语, 故前一空为被动语态, 第二空 sell 以主动表被动,sell well 表 示一种状态, 卖得好 故选择 C 8. Great changes in China since the People s Republic of China in 1949. A. have taken place; was founded B. has taken place; was founded C. have been taken place; founded D. took place; founded 解析 : 不能因为看见 change 是物就思维定势选择被动语态,take place 不用被动, 再看 后半句, 自从 1949 年中华人民共和国被建立, 所以第一空的时态为现在完成时, 第二 空为被动语态 故选择 A 9. The pen me. It is hers.( 长沙 ) A. isn t belong to B. wasn t belong to C. doesn t belong to D. didn t belong to 解析 :belong to 不用被动语态哦, 所以选择 C 10. Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology so rapidly. A. is changing B. has been changed C. will have changed D. will be changed 解析 : 技术一直在不断变化, 是自己变化, 不是被变化, 所以选择 A 11. In old China, many palaces in Beijing, Xi an and Nanjing. A. built B. have built C. were built D. were building 解析 : 句义为宫殿被建造在北京 西安和南京, 又是在 old China, 所以选择 C 12. The building is part of Shanghai s history. It many years ago. A. built B. builds C. is built D. was built 解析 : 句义为在很久之前被造出来的, 所以选择 D 13. Many houses in the big fire a few days ago. What a shame! A. were damaged B. damage C. were damaging D. damaged 解析 :house 在大火中被毁, 又因有 a few days ago, 所以选择 A 14. A Disneyland Park in Shanghai Pudong New Area in the near future. A. builds B. has built C. will build D. will be built 解析 : 迪斯尼乐园是被建造, 且在 near future, 所以选择 D

15. Hundreds of jobs if the factory closes. A. lose B. will be lost C. are lost D. will lose 解析 :sb. lose one s job, 以 job 为主语, 为被动语态, 又是主将从现, 所以选择 B 16. This is Ted s photo. We miss him a lot. He trying to save a child in the earthquake. A. killed B. is killed C. was killed D. was killing 解析 : 地震中, 他不幸在救一个孩子的过程中丧生了, 又是过去发生的事, 所以选择 C 17. An accident on this road last week. A. has been happened B. was happened C. is happened D. happened 解析 :happen 不用被动语态, 时间是 last week, 故选择 D 18. The young man was seen by the lake. A. to draw B. to drawing C. draw D. drew 解析 :see sb. do( 全过程 )/doing( 一部分 ) = sb. be seen to do/doing, 这边是指看见这个年轻男 子在湖边画画, 所以选择 A 19. If the question incorrectly, question will be given to you. A. is answered, other B. answers, other C. is answered, another D. answers, another 解析 :sb. answer the question = the question be answered, 后半句因为 question 没有范围, 所 以另一个用 another 表示, 所以应选择 C 20. ---Who closed the door? ---Nobody. It. A. was closed by itself B. had closed itself C. was closed itself D. closed itself 解析 : 句义为没有人关上门, 门是自己关上的,itself 并不是 close 的宾语, 而只是一个强 调作用 所以选择 D 第二部分 : 将下列句子改为被动语态 1. We publish our school newspaper twice a month.(12 杨浦二模 ) Our school newspaper twice a month. 答案 :is published 2. Chinese people plant a large number of trees on March 12 every year.(12 奉贤二模 ) A large number of trees on March 12 every year. 答案 :are planted 3. John chose a nice card for his mother on Mother s Day.(12 浦东二模 ) A nice card for his mother by John on Mother s Day. 答案 :was chosen 4. The government has made laws to stop people from drink-driving.(12 普陀二模 ) Laws made to stop people from drink-driving by the government. 答案 :have been

5. Who looks after the children in the kindergarten? By the children after in the kindergarten? 答案 :whom is taken 6. The firemen are using long ladders for rescuing people in tall buildings. ( 改为被动语态 ) Long ladders for rescuing people in tall buildings by the firemen. 答案 :are being used 第三部分 : 选择方框里的动词, 用其适当形式填空 1. An interesting story by Justin last year. (write) 2. Bruce to our school next month. (invite) 3. Why the stars in the daytime? (see) 4. A computer center in our school this term. (set up ) 5. Children all by themselves at home by their parents. (leave) 6. They told us that the plan already successfully. (carry out) 7. I won t leave my office until the work. (finish) 答案 :was written, will be invited, can t be seen, is going to be set up, shouldn t be left, had been carried out, is finished 第四部分 : 完型填空 A report has just come in that the Southgate warehouse ( 仓库 ) 1 into last Friday night. The gate 2 open and two of the back windows 3. Someone, probably a tall male, 4 muddy footprints in the back hall. The owners 5 the reporters that nothing valuable 6 ; however, there is a lot of damage 7. The police 8 on the case now, and 9 an arrest 10 within a week. 1. A. broke B. was broken C. had broken D. had been broken 2. A. forced B. was forced C. had forced D. had been forced 3. A. shattered B. was shattered C. were shattered D. had been shattered 4. A. left B. leaving C. to leave D. being left 5. A. tell B. told C. have told D. are telling 6. A. takes B. took C. was taking D. was taken 7. A. repairing B. is repaired C. to be repaired D. being repaired 8. A. are working B. is working C. works D. work 9. A. are expecting B. is expecting C. expects D. expect 10. A. making B. to make C. made D. to be made BCAB DCADD 简单解析 :1 词组动词的被动语态;2 被动语态;3 被动语态; 4 一般过去时;5 一般过去时;6 间接引语 被动语态; 7 动词不定式的被动态作名词后置修饰语;8 主谓一致 现在进行体;

9 并列句 主谓一致 一般现在时 ;10 动词不定式的被动态作宾语补语 VI 情态动词 第一部分 : 1. You have already tried your best, so you worry too much about the exams.(12 奉 贤二模 ) A) can t B) needn t C) mustn t D) shouldn t 解析 : 整句句意为你已经尽力了, 所以你不需要太担心考试, 此处选择 B 2. Every citizen try his best to protect our environment. It s our duty.(12 浦东二模 ) A) need B) must C) can D) may 解析 : 从第二句的 duty 一词可推断这是我们不可推卸的责任,must 表必须, 所以选择 B 3. It be fantastic if more students join in the charity show tomorrow.(12 静安二模 ) A) must B) need C) can D) may 解析 :must be 表示一种可能性很大的推测, 意为 一定, 故此处应选 A 4. Tom, you mustn t play with fire. You hurt yourself if you don t stop.(12 松江二 模 ) A) may B) can C) should D) need 解析 :may 意为 可能, 表示一种不太确定的推测 此处句义为如果你不停止玩火的话你可 能会伤到自己 所以应选 A 5. Only you do such a thing, I m sure, and nobody else has such an ability.(12 虹口 二模 ) A) must B) should C) may D) can 解析 : 从后句的 has such an ability 可推出近义的选项 can, 表能力 选择 D 6. Plants and flowers water and sun when they start growing.(12 长宁二模 ) A) need to B) don t need C) needn t D) need 解析 : 首先判断植物和花生长时是否需要阳光和水, 然后排除 B 和 C, 单看 water 还不能确 定应选 A 还是 D, 因为 water 可作动词可作名词, 但加上后面的 sun, 就不难判定答案为 D 7. You wash your car at the moment. It s going to rain.(12 徐汇二模 ) A) needn t B) mustn t C) shouldn t D) can t 解析 : 从后句来看快要下雨了, 现在就算洗了车也是白洗, 所以不需要洗 故选择 A 8. Mum, will you buy me the new ipad after the High School Entrance Examination? I m afraid I, dear. We are short of money now.(12 金山二模 ) A) can t B) mustn t C) shouldn t D) needn t

解析 : 因为没有钱, 所以没有这个能力买 ipad, 故选择 A 9. Shall I tell Mike about it? No, you. He s already known it.(12 卢湾一模 ) A) needn t B) can t C) must D) may 解析 : 从后句看 Mike 已经知道这件事了, 所以没有必要告诉他 故选择 A 10. It doesn t look like rain, so you bring your umbrella with you.(12 长宁一模 ) A) mustn t B) can t C) needn t D) may not 解析 : 因为前句说看上去不会下雨, 所以不需要带伞了 故选择 C 11. Can I take these magazines home? Yes, you, but please return them in two days.(12 普陀一模 ) A) must B) may C) should D) need 解析 : 在回答表示请求的疑问句时, 肯定形式用 can 或 may 此处的 may 表示允许, 故选 B 12. Believe it or not, it s said that people born in the year of the rat become excellent writers.(12 黄浦一模 ) A) should B) can C) must D) need 解析 :can 表示一直可能性, 据说属鼠的人可能会成为很棒的作家 故选择 B 13. You to tell him the news. It will make him sad.(12 宝山一模 ) A) needn t B) shouldn t C) couldn t D) don t need 解析 :need 可做情态动词又可做实义动词,needn t do = don t need to, 因为题干中有 to, 所 以选择 D 14. Christy has had three jobs since college, and she still decide what she wants to do. (12 杨浦一模 ) A) needn t B) can t C) mustn t D) shouldn t 解析 : 自从进大学以来已经做过三份工作了, 但是她还是不知道她到底想做什么 can t 表 不能, 故选择 B 15. Must I finish my homework before I go to play basketball? Yes, you.(12 嘉定一模 ) A) needn t B) can t C) must D) may

解析 : 用 must 提问的疑问句, 肯定回答用 must, 否定回答用 needn t 此处应选 C 16. They any help. A. needn t B. don t need C. don t need to D. need no 解析 : 情态动词后接动词原形, 所以这里应选择作为实义动词的 need, 故选择 B 17. Everyone go through the security check when entering the World Expo Park. A. can B. may C. must D. ought 解析 : 每个人进世博园的时候都要经过安全检查, 这是一条 rule, 故选择 C 18. Students be careful when they do chemical experiments in the lab. A. can B.must C.need D.may 解析 : 学生在做实验的时候必须要小心, 所以选择 must, 注意此处不是 must be 表推测 19. To everyone s surprise, Alex play chess very well when he was only four. A. might B.should C.would D.could 解析 :could 是 can 的过去式, 表示能力, 故选择 D 20. ----Must I return the magazine to you right away, Sandy? ---No, you. You may keep it until next Wednesday. A. needn t B. can t C.must D.may 解析 : 用 must 提问的疑问句, 肯定回答用 must, 否定回答用 needn t 此处应选 A 21. Who s that boy playing in the garden? Is it Tom? It be Tom. I saw him in the sitting room just now. A. has to B.can t C.may D. shouldn t 解析 :can 在否定 疑问句中表示推测, 故选择 B 第二部分 : 选择适当的情态动词填空 : can may must have to shall should ought to need dare to will 1. Could I use your dictionary?(10 安徽芜湖 ) Yes, you. 答案 :can 2. Can I go to the movie, Mum?(10 湖北襄樊 ) Certainly. But you be back by ten o clock. 答案 :must/have to 3. Have you decided where to spend your summer holiday?(10 江苏常州 ) Not yet. We go to Qingdao. 答案 :may 4. Can I tell Peter about the news?(10 四川眉山 ) No, I don t want anyone else to know it. You keep it to yourself. 答案 :must

5. The winner of the race is a tall and thin boy with glasses.(10 新疆阜康 ) Then it be my friend, Mike, who looks like very fat. 答案 :can t 6. I m feeling much better now so you call the doctor.(10 浙江杭州 ) 答案 :needn t/don t have to 7. Must I get up early tomorrow?(09 甘肃兰州 ) No, I don t think you. 答案 :have to/need to 8. AIDS is such a terrible disease.(09 黑龙江 ) Yes, it is. We be more careful. 答案 :must 9. Is this T-shirt Jim s?(09 江苏 ) No, It be his. His is much smaller. 答案 :can t 10. I use your ruler?(08 湖北武汉 ) Yes, please. 答案 :May/Can 第十章动词不定式 P103-104 第一部分 : 用所给动词的适当形式填空 1. The patient was eager for a walk. (go) 2. I m sorry to have kept you so long. (wait) 3. It s dangerous after. (drive, drink) 4. It was very sensible of you 110 when you found a robbery. (dial) 5. After he retires, he will devote himself to. (garden). 6. The doctor advised my father up. (give, smoke) 7. Martha used a very shy girl. Now she has even joined a course in public speaking. (be) 8. He suggested out for a walk. (go) 9. The doctor spent about three hours on the patient. (operate) 10. China has succeeded in three spacecrafts with the men into space. (send) Keys: 1. to go 2. waiting 3. to drive...drinking 4. to dial 5. gardening 6. to give...smoking 7. to be 8. going 9. operating 10. sending 第二部分 : Choose the best answer ( 选择最恰当的答案 ): 1. We d better off our mobile phones. The meeting will start in a minute. A. to turn B. turning C. turn D. turned 解析 : 本题考点 :had better +do sth. ( 否定 :had better not do sth.) 故选 C 2. Our headmaster asked us a report on how to protect wild animals.