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99-122 2004) JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCE 37) : 99-122 2004) 99 The Creation of a New Aboriginal Spatial Mosaic A Study of the Aboriginal Re-settlement at San-Ho Village, Ping-Tung County Ting-Hsiang Chen Blanka Shew-Jiuan Su Abstract San-Ho Village, located in the eastern part of Ping-Tung County, is an aboriginal settlement created by the national aboriginal re-settlement policy in the early 1950s. As the up-rooted aboriginal population was resettled in the San-Ho area, a new and diverse cultural landscape was created. The state government initiated the aboriginal re-settlement program in San-Ho Village under the policies of simultaneously modernizing the aboriginal population and expanding the Han territory. The landscape of the re-settlement was shaped not only by the infusion of economic and technical assistance from the state but also by the forces flowing from the Christian church and the American troops nearby. Under the diverse influences of the natural, political, military, religious, and social environments, the aboriginal population s adjustment to the new land gave rise to a complicated spatial mosaic. The new settlement has existed as an enclave whose spatial structure and landscape differ significantly from those of the surrounding areas. Keywords: spatial mosaic, re-settlement, state policy, aboriginal reserve. * Geography Teacher, Taichung Municipal Chu-Zen Junior High School. ** Associate Professor, Department of Geography, National Kaohsiung Normal University.

100 50 enc 1927) 1 54 37 )

101 Delaney, 2002) horizon) 1929) 圖 1 下淡水溪整治工程圖

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103 2001) 40 1 22 6 22 7 ) 37 ) ) 42 12 8 ) 43 9 44 ) 10 ) 11 12 54 2

104 ) 18681 55 7 80% 13 14 35286 56 Foucault, 1979) 37 ) ) ) 15 3) 4) 3) multiple m 16 ) 40 42 17

105 1/25000 <> DTM 圖 3 研究區三和村鄰近地形圖 1992) 2001) 圖 4 三和村鄰近鄉鎮之族群分佈圖

106 ) 18 20 160 19 42 78 5) ) 44 20 21 6) 1 2.5 3 22 ) 2) 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 56 56 圖 5 三和村歷年戶口數變化量圖 1951 年至 2001 年 ) 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 圖 6 三和村歷年人口數量圖 1967 年至 2001 年 )

107 表 1 三和村人口移住統計表 80 93 84 ) 50 62.50 28 30.11 5 5.95 ) 20 25.00 52 55.91 1 1.19 ) 0 0 1 1.08 62 73.81 5 6.25 6 6.45 8 9.52 1 1.25 1 1.08 3 3.57 0 0 0 0 1 1.19 4 5.00 4 4.30 3 3.57 0 0 1 1.08 1 1.19 80 93 84 % 72 90.00 83 89.25 73 86.90 8 10.00 10 10.75 11 13.10 56 表 2 民國 44 年政府補助原住民移住隘寮墾區預算表 ) 44 16,800 400,000 416,800 109 726 1971) 46 5 42 47 ) 15.351 15.6695 28.629 50 7 10 25 8 19 52 23 0.5 2 )

108 ) 24 25 ) 10 ) 10 ) 26 50 27

109 28 B C D 40 29 30

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111 37 50 60 1995) 31 32 33 55 10

112 58 34 60 50 35 1994 1995 ) 36 37

113 5060 40 38 39 ) 4050 60 70 40 F 7) 41

114 40 50 60 70 80 90 1998) 圖 7 三和村中各年代的農作交替 42 60 7080 85% 70 3 5 6

115 3 10 3 6 22 ) 910 3 6 6070 ) 80 43 5

116 40 44 space 1998) of flows)

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