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2014 绎 Vol.16 No.4 445000 CCl 4 SD 60 6 3 CCl 4 12 16 澡 ALTAST SODGSH-PxGSH CAT MDA RT-PCR HO-1 mrna ALT AST P 约 0.05 P 约 0.01 GSH GSH-Px CAT SOD P 约 0.05 P 约 0.01 MDA P 约 0.05 P 约 0.01 HO-1 mrna P 约 0.05 P 约 0.01 CCl 4 doi: 10.11842/wst.2014.04.023 R285.5 A 1 [1] 1.1 SD 60 180~220 早 : SKSF 20130016 CCl 4 1.2-1 0.4 早 皂蕴 120401Superoxide Dismu 原 2014-01-08 2014-03-02 tase SODGlutathione Per 原 元 EK20120013 元元 811

绎 oxidase GSH -Px Glutathione GSH Catalase CAT Malondiadehyde MDA Alanine Aminotransferase ALT Aspartate Transaminase AST 201200912 20120921 20120913 20120812 20120915 20120920 20120911 1.3 Adv-156 721- TC-150 Sigma3K Sigma JB-600 RMBL PCR JH-163 Biometra HO -1 mrna PCR LTD PCR 茁 -actin 5' -CATCACCATCCGTAAAATGAGC -3' 5'-GACAGCCCAGGGCAGGGCATA-3' 190 bp HO -1 5' -TGGAATGCT 原 CATATAGATTGT -3' 5'-TTGAGCGAGT 原 GCTCTCTTAG-3' 270 bp 59 益 2 2.1 3 6 3 10 1 5 10 20% CCl 4 3 ml kg -1 [2] 0.2 0.4 0.8 g ml -1 6 伊 10-4 g ml -1 4 2 ml 2 ml 1 16 16 h 2.2 HE 10% 48 h HE 2.3 ALT AST Adv-156 SOD GSH-Px GSH CAT MDA ALT AST 2.4 10% SOD TBA MDA GSH- Px GSH CAT 2.5 RT-PCR HO-1 mrna RNA -80 益 Trizol RNA RT-PCR 淤 0.2 ml PCR RNA 3 滋 g 1 滋 g dntp 1.0 mmol RNasin 20 U AMV- RT 200 U 25 滋 L 于 PCR 95 益 1 min 40 95 益 15 s 60 益 20 s 70 益 20 s 70 益 5 min 70 益 ~ 95 益 20 s 1 益 盂 驻驻 CT A=CT -CT B=CT -CT =2 -K K=A-B 2.6 SPSS 13.0 x 依 s 贼 择 3 3.1 812

2014 绎 Vol.16 No.4 1 3.2 AST ALT AST ALT P 约 0.01 AST ALT P 约 0.05 P 约 0.01 AST ALT P 约 0.05 P 约 0.01 AST ALT P 约 0.05 P 约 0.01 1 3.3 GSH GSH-Px GSH P 约 0.01 GSH-Px P 约 0.01 GSH GSH -Px P 约 0.05 P 约 0.01 GSH GSH -Px P 约 0.05 P 约 0.01 GSH GSH-Px P 约 0.05 P 约 0.01 2 1 AST ALT x 依 s n=10 ALT/U L -1 AST/U L -1 48.22 依 6.13 255.63 依 21.48 151.32 依 11.23 ** 465.47 依 36.21 ** 78.35 依 6.17 ** 319.52 依 25.68 ** 59.11 依 4.22 ** 吟吟银银 283.54 依 24.33 ** 吟银银 80.65 依 4.28 ** 银 316.24 依 24.16 ** 银 108.66 依 10.36 * 367.58 依 30.14 * * ** P 约 0.01 吟 吟吟 P 约 0.01 银 银银 P 约 0.01 2 A B C D E F 1 HE 伊 200 A B C D E F GSH GSH-Px x 依 s n=10 GSH/mmol prot -1 GSH-Px/U mg -1 prot -1 0.204 依 0.014 44.31 依 4.39 0.076 依 0.010 ** 17.21 依 2.22 ** 0.148 依 0.013 * 28.28 依 3.18 * 0.189 依 0.012 ** 吟吟银银 39.36 依 3.68 ** 吟吟银银 0.167 依 0.011 ** 吟银 34.38 依 3.44 ** 吟银 0.139 依 0.010 * 24.22 依 2.25 * * ** P 约 0.01 吟 吟吟 P 约 0.01 银 银银 P 约 0.01 813

绎 3.4 CAT SOD MDA CAT SOD P 约 0.01 MDA P 约 0.01 CAT SOD MDA P 约 0.05 P 约 0.01 CAT SOD MDA P 约 0.05 P 约 0.01 CAT SOD MDA P 约 0.05 P 约 0.01 3 3.5 HO-1 mrna HO-1 mrna P 约 0.01 HO-1 mrna P 约 0.05 P 约 0.01 HO-1 mrna P 约 0.05 P 约 0.01 HO-1 mrna P 约 0.05 P 约 0.01 4 4 [2] [3] 40 豫 [4] [5] CCl 4 [6] CCl 4 [7] [8] [9] CCl 4 [10] ALT AST AST ALT 3 CAT SOD MDA x 依 s n=10 CAT/U g -1 SOD/U g -1 MDA/nmol g -1 364.89 依 25.36 655.35 依 55.14 101.14 依 10.21 144.26 依 15.13 ** 121.31 依 14.36 ** 301.52 依 20.16 ** 295.33 依 24.24 ** 522.25 依 38.85 ** 145.34 依 13.36 ** 339.19 依 22.31 ** 吟银银 598.60 依 35.64 ** 吟吟银银 122.52 依 11.36 ** 吟银银 287.25 依 20.10 ** 银 533.37 依 31.08 ** 银 165.33 依 14.20 ** 银 221.15 依 19.65 * 440.81 依 42.63 * 184.71 依 14.46 * * ** 吟吟吟银银银 P 约 0.01 P 约 0.01 P 约 0.01 814

2014 绎 Vol.16 No.4 4 HO-1 mrna x 依 s n=10 HO-1 mrna 0.89 依 0.08 0.10 依 0.01 ** 0.42 依 0.03 * 0.86 依 0.04 ** 吟吟银银 0.64 依 0.03 ** 吟银 0.32 依 0.02 * * ** P 约 0.01 吟 吟吟 P 约 0.01 银 银银 P 约 0.01 CCl 4 [11] SOD CAT CAT [12] GSH SOD MDA MDA GSH [13] 酝阅粤 SOD GSH CAT GSH-Px HO-1 [14] [15] HO-1 HO-1 LPC CCl 4 HO-1 mrna HO-1 1,,,..,2010,22(11) 颐 13~15. 2,,,.., 2009,14(1) 颐 33~35. 3,,,..2005,27(2) 颐 122~125. 4,..,2011,27(9) 颐 711~712. 5,,,..,2011,31(8) 颐 1368~1371. 6,,,.., 2010, 21 ( 5 ) 颐 506~508. 7,,,..,2003,19(8) 颐 892~895. 8,,,. CCl 4.,2010,22(1) 颐 52~54. 9,,,. Na + -K + -ATPase Mn-SOD MDA.,2008,28 (6) 颐 567. 10,,,..,2012,26(3) 颐 1~5. 11,,,. CCl 4.,2011,33(9) 颐 874~875. 12 旸,,,.CCl 4.,2010,10(6) 颐 657~659. 13,,,.(DEHP).,2012,7(1) 颐 93~98. 14,,,. 1.,2013,17(5) 颐 945~950. 15,,,. HO-1.,2010,36(24) 颐 2943~2945. Effect on Softening Liver and Reducing Enzyme Mixed Agent in Prevention of CCl 4 -induced Liver Damage Rats Chen Puyan, Jiang Jinlin, Y ang Qiang (A ffiliated Minda Hospital of Hubei Institute for Nationalities, Enshi 445000, China) Abstract: This study was aimed to observe the effect of Softening Liver and Reducing Enzyme Mixed Agent 815

绎 (SLREXA) in the prevention of acute liver injury rats induced by carbon tetrachloride (CCl 4 ). A total of 60 male SD rats were randomly divided into 6 groups, which were the SLREXA low-, middle-, high-dose group, glucurolactone group, normal group and model group. Intraperitoneal injection of CCl 4 was used to induce acute liver injury rat mod 鄄 el. Intragastric administration of SLREXA was given to each Chinese medicine group. Intragastric administration of distilled water was given to the normal group and the model group. Intragastric administration of glucurolactone aque 鄄 ous solution was given to the glucurolactone group. On the 12 th day of the experiment, after 16 -hour fasting, rats were killed. Pathological changes in liver tissues were examined. Blood serum was determined for alanine aminotrans 鄄 ferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST). The liver homogenate was determined for superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), glutathione (GSH), catalase (CAT) and malondialdehyde (MDA) in liver tis 鄄 sues of rats. RT-PCR was used to detect the expression level of mrna in liver heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1). The re 鄄 sults showed that in the microscopic examination of liver tissues, compared with the model group, different doses of SLREXA can alleviate pathological damages of liver in varying degrees. Levels of blood serum ALT and AST content in different doses of SLREXA groups and glucurolactone group were significantly lower than those of the model group (P <0.05orP < 0.01). Compared with the model group, contents of GSH-Px, GSH, SOD, CAT in the liver ho 鄄 mogenate were significantly increased, and MDA content was decreased significantly (P <0.05orP < 0.01) in differ 鄄 ent doses of SLREXA groups and glucurolactone group; compared with the model group, the HO-1 mrna relative expression quantity in the normal group and each treatment group increased obviously, with statistical significance (P <0.05orP < 0.01). It was concluded that SLREXA can prevent CCl 4 -induced liver injury rats with definite thera 鄄 peutic effect. Keywords: Softening Liver and Reducing Enzyme Mixed Agent, drug -induced liver injury, gene expression, traditional Chinese medicine therapy 816