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2003.4.28 Cogito 1 1 Paul Ricoeur 1913- R. Descartes 1596-1650 E. Husserl 1859-1938 [ ] [ ] il n y pas de philosophie sans présupposition 1988:480 1

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2 prejudice 3 cognitive meaning 2 1519 Leipzig Disputation M. Luther Dr. Johannes Eck the Council of Trent 1946 4 8 McGrath, 1999:165-166 - the dogma of infallibility of the church-of the pope Auer, 1993:312 magisterium dual-source theory of doctrine the radical reformation, A. McGrath Auer, 1993:292-293; Schmaus, 1996:260-287 norma non normata norma normata sola scriptura 3 H.-G. Gadamer 1900-2002 M. Heidegger 1889-1976 Dasein fore-structure 1990:265-307 phenomenological description J. Habermas Gadamer Gadamer worldliness authenticity Heidegger Rudolf Bultmann, John Macquarrie existentialistic exposition Heidegger Gadamer beings Being 3

4-4 R. Bultmann 1884-1976 demythologization Bultmann H. W. Bartsch Kerygma and Myth: a Theological Debate 1961 4

mysticism 5 2. Karl Barth 1886-1968 6 5 reality S. A. Kierkegaard 1812-1855 Sickness Unto Death - - 1989:135-136 6 [R]evelation is not a predicate of history, but history is a predicate of revelation, Werner G. Jeanrond 1991:129 5

7 1:14 7 historical text historico-grammatical criticism understanding the Bible as literature canonical criticism source criticism form criticism redaction criticism narrative, discourse, or rhetorical criticism D. Bonhoeffer 1906-1945 [ ] [ ] 2001:59 critique 6

8 9 3. - 8-9 Gerhard Ebeling 1912- Studium der Theologie: Eine enzyklopädische Orientierung 1999:24-25 a fixed text, 2000:255 elimination diversity 7

10 11 10 11 religious pluralism theological pluralism - - plurality plurality in unity pluralistic plurality - 8

- - 2:2 3:7-8 Kierkegaard, 1989:156 4. 12 12 the Holy Spirit of understanding letter Spirit Henri de Lubac, S.J. 1896-1991 1997:12, 2003:95-98 9

- posthumous work autonomy of text 13 13 Heidegger, Gadamer J. Derrida 1930- R. Descartes Heidegger Sein Da-sein 10

14 16:15-17 5. 14 [ 3:14] transgression 11

12 pre-understanding - 6.

13 5:17-18 7:8 7:9 7:13 5:46-47 28-29

14 Torah the Intention 5:39-40

7. 15

22:37 14:21 15 15 P. Ricoeur anagkē stēnai 1980:144 16

5:1-7:29 - - 25:31-40 8. 17

18 5:44 23:3 Socrates Socrates unconscious 27:46, 15:34 4:12

16 conflict of understandings conflict of actions - - - 16 P. Ricoeur, 2003:101-105 19

scriptures the Holy Scripture - deus absconditus mundus absconditus homo eschatology of truth 20

[to be] [ought to be] [may be] the world of text literal meaning latent meaning fallible 17 18 17 - - - 18 1998:247-268; 1999:64-72 21

- 9. 22

23-19 19 John Barton 1998:16-19 biblical criticism

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26 Pascal Descartes Pascal 2001 1998 1999 2003 73-108 2000( )

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