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- - - Go Down Moses 194 13 - - - 169

No. 3 011 1 terra incognita 獉獉獉獉 3 4 1 Gene M O'Brien Dispossession by Degrees Indian Land and Identity in Natick Massachusetts 1650-1790 Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1997 p. 11. 010 164 3 Virginia De John Anderson Creatures of Empire How Domestic Animals Transformed Early America New York Oxford University Press 004 p. 191. 4 Louis Owens Burning the Shelter in Alison H. Deming and Lauret E. Savoy eds. The Color of Nature Culture Identity and the Natural World Garamond Milkweed Editions 00 p. 14. 170

1 35 / 39 39 39 30 1 004 35 Graham Huggan and Helen Tiffin Postcolonial Ecocriticism Literature Animals Environment London Routledge 010 p. 8. 171

No. 3 011 188 308 Louise Westling 1 177 3 19 80 0 30 4 1 Quoted by Greg Garrard Ecocriticis London Routledge 004 p. 53. See Joseph Blotner Faulkner A Biography New York Random House 1974 pp. 989-1065. 3 Kriemild Saunders ed. Feminist Post-Development Thought Rethinking Modernity Post-Colonialism and Representation London Zed Books 00 p. 17. 4 Lawrence Buell Writing for an Endangered World Literature Culture and Environment in the U. S. and Beyond Belknap Harvard University Press 001 p. 17. 17

1 300 300 303 1875 3 3 3 3 500 4 00 5 1 3 4 5 004 37 34 Graham Huggan and Helen Tiffin Postcolonial Ecocriticism Literature Animals Environment p. 8. 30 30 173

No. 3 011 34 179 179 1 3 4 5 6 18 6 1 W. 149 010 41 3 4 5 6 174 W. 149 44 Virginia De John Anderson Creatures of Empire How Domestic Animals Transformed Early America p. 33. Virginia De John Anderson Creatures of Empire How Domestic Animals Transformed Early America p. 6. Graham Huggan and Helen Tiffin Postcolonial Ecocriticism Literature Animals Environment p. 9. W. 149 178

1 3 00 19 0 19 4 1 3 51 4 000 196 See Graham Huggan and Helen Tiffin Postcolonial Ecocriticism Literature Animals Environment p. 145. 005 4 Graham Huggan and Helen Tiffin Postcolonial Ecocriticism Literature Animals Environment p. 9. 175

No. 3 011 315 177 181 178 19 1 1 1887 Theodore Roosevelt the Boon and Crockett Club 009 4 Lawrence Buell Writing for an Endangered World Literature Culture and Environment in the U. S. and Beyond p. 173. 176

19 03 09 09 0 36 18 1868 1 Ecological Indian 19 0 1 151 See Greg Garrard Ecocriticism p. 71. 177

No. 3 011 1 168 18 309 7 3 Environmental Racism 1 3 1918 1944 See Samuel J. Wells and Roseanna Tubby eds. After Removal The Choctaw in Mississippi Jackson University Press of Mississippi 178 Greg Garrard Ecocriticism p. 15. Choctaws Chickasaws A Justice 1931 Mountain Victory 193 Francis Weddell Lo 1934 See H. B. Cushman History of the Choctaw Chickasaw and Natchez Indians Greenville Headlight Printing House 1899 p. 15. 004.

1 Ecological Imperialism - - - 1968 010 1 011 1 Deane Curtin Environmental Ethics for a Postcolonial World Lanham MD Rowman & Littlefield 005 p. 145. Graham Huggan and Helen Tiffin Postcolonial Ecocriticism Literature Animals Environment p. 137. 179