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2010 7 18 4 Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, July 2010, 18(4): 905 910 DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1011.2010.00905 * 刘彦随 1,2 刘 玉 1,2 郭丽英 3 (1. 100101; 2. 100101; 3. 100081) 全球气候呈现变暖的趋势, 对农业生产和粮食安全产生重大影响, 并成为当今全球环境变化关注的热点问题之一 本文采用文献综述与比较研究的方法, 系统分析了气候变化对光资源 温度 土壤质量和水环境等农业生产要素的影响机理, 探讨了气候变化对我国作物种植区域和种植制度 农作物病虫害 农业生产能力以及农业经济与管理等方面的实际影响, 通过梳理国外应对气候变化的主要农业战略, 提出新时期我国应对气候变化的农业可持续发展策略 农业生产粮食安全气候变化应对策略中国 : F329.9;S162.5 : A : 1671-3990(2010)04-0905-06 Impact of climatic change on agricultural production and response strategies in China LIU Yan-Sui 1,2, LIU Yu 1,2, GUO Li-Ying 3 (1. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Regional Sustainable Development Modeling, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China; 3. Institute of Natural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China) Abstract A number of studies indicate increasing global climate warming especially in recent decades. Climate warming greatly influences global agro-production and food security the focus of global environmental change. This paper proposes a structural and orientational framework for scientifically addressing climatic change impact on agro-production. Through literature review and comparative studies, the paper systematically summarizes influencing mechanisms and effect of climate warming on such agro-production factors as light, temperature, soil quality and water environment. The impact of climate warming on cultivation regions, cropping systems, crop pests, agro-production capacity, agro-economy and farm management is analyzed. Then, suitable climate-adapted agro-development strategies are put forward for different regions in China. The strategies are carefully selected from a repository of international tested climatic change countermeasures in agriculture at national or district level. Key words Agro-production, Food security, Climatic change, Response strategy, China (Received Nov. 11, 2009; accepted March 18, 2010) 1 气候变化的主要特点,, [1],, [2], [3] [4],, * (40871257, 40635029) (973 ) (2006CB400505) (1965~),, E-mail: : 2009-11-11 : 2010-03-18

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