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vi 黃 帝 內 經 即 學 即 用 別 做 反 自 然 的 事 053 成 年 人 應 該 斷 奶 055 吃 肉 吃 素 因 人 而 異 057 要 分 清 飢 和 餓 058 生 活 現 代 化 與 本 能 退 化 061 調 神 就 是 調 節 奏 063 想 冬 泳, 先 問 問 自 己




1. 台 南 奇 美 博 物 館 新 館 在 今 年 開 放, 圖 ( 一 ) 為 建 築 其 立 面, 柱 式 風 格 為 : (A) 多 立 克 柱 式 ( Doric Order ) (B) 愛 奧 尼 柱 式 ( Ionic Order ) (C) 科 林 斯 柱 式 ( Corinthia

中華民國 年 月 日

% 100% % 75% 14 (i)(ii) (iii) 2


The Art of Hsiao, Ju -Sung: A Study of His Modernity


Abstract The Art of Hsiao, Ju -Sung: A Study of His Modernity Hsiao Ju-Sung s paintings reflect several of his characteristics, calm, abstemious and meticulous. His major social activities that were merely consisted of attending particular arts societies and communicating with certain friends also reveal such a simple style of his life. Early in life, Hsiao Ju-Sung learned techniques and ideas of paintings form his teachers, including Toho Shiozuki, Toshio Nakanishi, Yin Ting-Xian and Lee Tze-Fan. Later, he developed his own style. Hsiao Ju-Sung was famous at applying brushworks to create vivid pieces, especially in his still life ones. He combined different visual components to express his ideal realistic compositions, which were similar to photomontage. The works of Hsiao Ju-Sung show modernity definitely. Form 1860 to 1970; the Western art reflects the uncertainty of the society. The development of modern became art for art s sake, even to the form development, and this influences what people think of spaces. The tread of modernity spreads to Japan first. And with the colonialism, the trend of modernity is carried to Taiwan, too. Hsiao Ju-Sung cultivates his art at this time. Although life is restricted his works still show great imagination and creativity. After the retrocession of Taiwan, both modernism and provincialism are quite prevailing. Although Hsiao Ju-Sung is influenced, he still has his own insistence. Keywordmodernity, Taiwanese art, watercolor II

1 1 4 5 7 7 24 30 51 51 73 93 101 101 119 136 148 151 161 169 177 201 207 221 III

219 247 265 IV

1-3-1.. 5 2-1-1 1906-1925 11 2-1-2. 12 2-1-3. 14 2-1-4. 16 2-1-5. 17 2-2-1. 29 4-2-1. 121 4-5-1. 151 4-5-2. 153 4-5-3. 160 V

2-2-1 1944 28 2-2-2 28 2-3-1 31 2-3-2 33 2-3-3 34 2-3-4 35 2-3-5 35 2-3-6 35 2-3-7 35 2-3-8 35 2-3-9 35 2-3-10 36 2-3-11 36 2-3-12....37 2-3-13 38 2-3-14 38 2-3-15 38 2-3-16 39 2-3-17 40 2-3-18 41 2-3-19 44 2-3-20 46 2-3-21 46 2-3-22 47 2-3-23 47 2-3-24 VI

48 3-1-1 52 3-1-2 55 3-1-3.. 55 3-1-4 61 3-1-5 62 3-1-6 62 3-1-7 1934...... 66 3-1-8 1935...... 66.... 67 3-2-1.91 3-2-2.92 3-2-3.93 3-3-1.96 3-3-2 3-3-8 96 3-3-9.97 4-1-1 19 1964....103 4-1-2 103 4-1-3 103 4-1-4 103 4-1-5..103 4-1-6 103 4-1-7 103 4-1-8 103 4-1-9 103 4-1-10.... 103 4-1-11 103 4-1-12 103 4-1-13 29 1974....103 4-1-14 104 VII

4-1-15 104 4-1-16 104 4-1-17..106 4-1-18 107 4-1-19 107 4-1-20 108 4-1-21 108 4-1-22 108 4-1-23 109 4-1-24 109 4-1-25 109 4-1-26 109 4-1-27 111 4-1-28 111 4-1-29 111 4-1-30 111 4-1-31 111 4-1-32 111 4-1-32a..111 4-1-32b..111 4-1-33 111 4-1-34....111 4-1-35....111 4-1-36....111 4-1-37....111 4-1-38 111 4-1-39 112 4-1-40a...112 4-1-40b...112 4-1-41 112 VIII

4-1-42a..112 4-1-42b.. 112 4-1-43....115 4-1-44.. 115 4-1-45.. 115 4-1-46.. 115 4-1-47.. 116 4-1-48.. 116 4-1-49.. 116 4-1-50.. 116 4-1-51.. 116 4-1-52.. 117 4-1-53.. 117 4-1-54.. 117 4-1-55.. 117 4-1-56.. 117 4-1-57.....118 4-1-58.. 118 4-1-59.. 118 4-2-1....119 4-2-2.. 122 4-2-3....122 4-2-4....122 4-2-5....123 4-2-6....123 4-2-7....123 4-2-8....123 4-2-9....123 4-2-10.. 123 4-2-11....123 IX

4-2-12. 124 4-2-13...124 4-2-14...125 4-2-15...125 4-2-16.....126 4-2-17...126 4-2-18...126 4-2-19.....126 4-2-20.....126 4-2-21 43 1988.......126 4-2-22 44 1989.......126 4-2-23...126 4-2-24...127 4-2-25...127 4-2-26 30 1975...127 4-2-27...128 4-2-28 31 1976.......128 4-2-29...128 4-2-30...128 4-2-31...129 4-2-32...129 4-2-33...129 4-2-34...129 4-2-35 32 1977 40 1988.....130 4-2-36...130 4-2-37...130 4-2-38...130 4-2-39...130 4-2-40...130 4-2-41...130 X

4-2-42 33 1978.......130 4-2-43...130 4-2-44 1909-1910....131 4-2-45 1909-1910....131 4-2-46 1912...131 4-2-47 1911-1912....131 4-2-48 1911.....131 4-2-49 1912.....131 4-2-50...132 4-2-51...132 4-2-52 24 1969.....132 4-2-53...133 4-2-54.....133 4-2-55...133 4-2-56...133 4-2-57 16 1962.......133 4-2-58...133 4-2-59...134 4-2-60...134 4-2-61 1937.....134 4-2-62 1938.....134 4-2-63 1952.....135 4-2-64 1965.....135 4-3-1 13 1959.......137 4-3-2 1939.....137 4-3-3...137 4-3-4 15 1960......137 4-3-5...137 4-3-6...138 4-3-7... 138 XI

4-3-8 22 1965.......139 4-3-9 23 1967.......139 4-3-10 26 1971... 139 4-3-11 27 1972... 139 4-3-12 28 1973... 140 4-3-13 29 1974... 140 4-3-14 34 1979... 140 4-3-15 36 1981... 140 4-3-16... 140 4-3-17 39 1984...140 4-3-18.......141 4-3-19 37 1982... 141 4-3-20 37 1983.......143 4-3-21...143 4-3-22...143 4-3-23 ATELIER...143 4-3-24...143 4-3-25...143 4-3-26...143 4-3-27...143 4-3-28...143 4-3-29 1305-10....145 4-3-30... 145 4-3-31...145 4-3-33...145 4-3-34...145 4-3-35...146 4-3-36...146 4-3-37...146 4-3-38...147 XII

4-3-39....147 4-3-40....147 4-3-41.. 4-3-42....147 4-5-22.... 4-5-23 5-1-1.. 5-3-1....184 5-3-2....189 5-3-3.... 189 5-3-4....191 5-3-5....191 5-3-6....191 5-3-7.. 5-3-8.... 19 5-3-9.. 19 5-3-10.. 5-3-11.....193 5-3-12.... 194 5-3-13.... 194 XIII

1 1922-1993 1922-1992 1 儛 1991 181-183 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 11 12 13 14 儛 15 16 2 323 2002 492 3 324 2002 548 4 1997 5 1997 6 267 1993 6267 7 1999 8-9 8 1993 9 2002 5 10 10 1997 11 2002 12 1993 13 1999 37-44 14 1993-1994 1994 54-55 15 儛 1991 1-7181-183 16 2002 2

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 / 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 1922-1993 35 36 37 17 2002 18 / 1999 3 19 1993 20 258 1996 402-404 21 02-- 259 1996 382-383 22 03-- 260 1996 424-425 23 04-- 261 1997 328-331 24 05-- / 262 1997 314-417 25 06-- 263 1997 356-357 26 07-- 264 1997 307 27 08-- 265 1997 350-353 28 09-- 266 1997 424-425 29 10-- 267 1997 420-421 30 11-- 268 1997 377 31 12-- 270 1997 272 32 13-- 272 1998 411 33 14-- 273 1998 371-372 34 15-- 274 1998 338-340 35 2000 1994 1988 36 1993 37 1997 1999 3


1-3-1 1-3-1 modernity modern contemporaneous modemus rationality 5


1922-1945 1949-1992 111922 1992 1922-1945 1939-1945 1949 1895-1945 1922-1945 7

1. 爲 1 爲 2 3 1 1980 39 2 爲 62-63 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 8

2. 4 5. 6. 4 1989 75-85 9

3. 5 6 7 8 5 1985 60-66 6 1991 7 1988 72-73 1985 19 8 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2000 117 10

2-1-1 1906-1925 9 % 1906 152 29 752 32281 5.31 1907 161 31 765 34382 4.50 1908 164 39 895 35898 4.93 1909 169 45 968 38974 5.54 1910 172 51 1017 41400 5.76 1911 181 55 1149 44670 6.06 1912 187 61 1280 49554 6.63 1913 198 62 1349 54969 8.32 1914 200 70 1475 60958 9.09 1915 203 81 1616 66805 9.63 1916 215 90 1805 76436 11.06 1917 229 98 2224 88970 13.14 1918 263 131 2710 108587 15.71 1919 306 132 3375 125135 20.69 1920 352 143 4013 151093 25.11 1921 454 177 4673 173795 27.22 1922 508 184 4942 195783 28.82 1923 507 208 4764 209946 28.60 1924 516 209 5095 214737 28.69 1925 519 207 5048 235797 28.87 2-1-1 10% 爲 20% 10 1896-1919 9 275 10 11

爲 11 爲 2-1-2 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 12 2-1-2 11 1913-1915 12 E. Patricia Tsurumi 1999 18 171 12

13 14 13 1959 56-57 14 57-58 13

2-1-3 1 22 21 20 19 18 17 1, 2. 16 15 14 13 12 1. 2. 3. 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 爲 爲 14

増 15 爲 2-1-3 16 15 192 106-107 16 108 15

2-1-4 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 / 11 10 9 8 7 16

2-1-5 19 18 17 16 / 15 14 13 / / / 12 11 10 9 8 7 44 17

17 3 18 19 5 20 12 21 17 ~ 1999 68-71 18 71-72 19 75 http://taiwanart.tmoa.gov.tw/b/b1916.htm 2003 10 11 20 72-73 21 78 18

22 23 14 24 25 22 79-84 23 1971 1998 63-64 24 87-88 2000 269-270 25 89-92 19

26 1937 27 26 2001 174-178 27 63-64 20

1945-1922 1947 28 1971 100 21

29 39 30 29 360-365 30 1989 75-85 22

50% 31 32 33 31 32 29 411-420 33 178-182 23

34 2002 7 9 35 1993 9 2002 5 10 52-53 24

1 37 36 8 37 2003 5 31 38 8 39 1922-1992 1999 11 40 -- 2000 113-116 25

41 1939 42 43 1940-1942 41 9 42 43 1993 43 1997 165-168 11 26

44 45 1914.4.1-1996.9.20 46 1945.11-1948.11 47 48 49 1949.2-1950.3 44 9 45 1994 1922-1992 46 2002 101-102 1922-1992 47 1946 48 14 49 2002 12 22 14 27

1956.8-1957.7 50 51 爲 2-2-2 1958 52 50 51 52 2002 8 15 28

53 54 2-2-1 1929 1935 1940 1942 1942.3-1945.7 / 1945 1945.11-1948.11 1949 1949.2-1950.3 1950 1950.4-1951.7 1951 1951.10-1958.7 1956 1956.8-1957.7 1958 1958.8-1961.7 1961 1961.8-1988.2 1988 1988 53 54 2002 110 29

55 56 55 323 2002 492 56 30

2-3-1 57 絶 2-3-1 57 267 1993 6267 31

60 61 62 63 58 59 2003 6 16 60 1922-1992 17 61 2003 4 29 62 63 2002 8 15 32

64 65 2-3-2 66 2-3-2 67 64 2002 7 31 65 2003 4 29 66 67 33

68 2-3-3 2-3-4 2-3-5 69 70 2-3-6 71 68 69 70 2003 6 16 71 34

2-3-3 2-3-4 2-3-6 2-3-5 2-3-7 2-3-8 2-3-9 2-3-10 2-3-11 35

72 2-3-10 2-3-11 72 2003 4 29 36

2-3-12 73 2-3-12 73 2003 5 23 74 37

75 E. Manet 1832-1883 Mac Neill Whistler1834-1903 Ishikawa, Kinichiro1871-1945 2-3-13 75 2003 5 23 2003 7 17 76 77 49 38

78 79 2-3-16 78 20-21 79 2002 8 15 39

2-3-17 2-3-18 80 81 80 2002 8 12 2002 8 15 2003 4 29 81 2003 4 29 40

82 model 84 2-3-18 82 2002 8 15 83 2003 6 16 84 2002 7 31 41

85 86 舘 85 67 86 1997 17 42

87 2-3-19 87 2004 4 12 43

88 89 90 91 2-3-19 88 18-19 89 90 2002 7 12 2003 2 6 91 44

92 93 94 45

95 2-3-20 2-3-21 96 2-3-22 2-3-23 2-3-20 2-3-21 2-3-22 2-3-23 95 96 2003 9 19 46

97 98 97 2002 8 15 98 2002 47

2-3-24 2-3-24 99 99 2003 9 19 48


1885 1906 51

1912 1915 1 1921 1921 1922 2 1 27 1989 10-11 2001 367 11 52

3 3 53

1932 1914 4 2001 192-193 2001 312 54

robo 6 2001 257 7 55

8 9 1935-1940 8 9 9-1018-19 56

10 1999 7 31 57

13 11 2003 9 19 12 2002 84-85 1993 9 13 1933 2 10 1933 4 1 1933 10 1 1934 10 6 1934 11 11 1998 129130133141142 2002 58

14 15 16 17 14 1935 10 13 151 15 200 16 1936 9 13 1936 10 24 1936 10 25 1936 10 27 1936 10 30 2001 159 17-2001 303 59

18 19 18 9 19 2002 101 20 101-102 112-115 21 101 60

22 23 24 25 22 http://www.ssjh.kh.edu.tw/tch25b.jpg2003 9 2 23 2002 148-149 24 http://www.ssjh.kh.edu.tw/teacher.html 92 6 2 25 1998 12 61

26 26 103-104 62

27 1900 1916 28 1922 1901-1994 1898-1991 27 149-151 1922-1993 1997 28 1871-1958 1870-1911 38 40 1867-1942 1889-1955 1885-1968 爲 63

29 1922 绘 1899-1974 1901-1986 1900-1972 1903-1988 1902-1966 1902-1983 1902-1982 1900-1979 猪 1902-1993 1900-1997 1904-1971 1902-1998 1928 1931 Delacroix, Ferdinand Victor Eugene,1798-1863 Theodore Gericault1791-1824 Marc Chagall,1887-1985 Georges Rouault,1871-1958 Maurice Utrillo, 1883-1955 29 http://www.yugawara.or.jp/yukarikako.htm2003 7 绘 --- 5 74 30 7677 栄 絵画 画 歴 団 http://www.kiryu.co.jp/ohkawamuseum/kikakuten/50-okadasetuo/ohkawa.html2003 7 64

31 1933 1893-1929 31 gouache poster paint designer's colour distemper tempera Poul Sandby 1725-1809 Rouault, Klee, DubuffetMorris Graves 65

3-1-7 1934 3-1-8 1935 1935 1936 猪巌 1900-1953 1906-1978 1900-1968 1900-1948 1907-1985 脇 1908-34 35 32 2000 204 33 79 34 80 35 206 66

仏 坂 36 1948 3-1-9 1907 37 1922 36 坂 81 37 67

38 39 38 1990 111 39 1990 2931347379 13 1994 18-19 68

40 40 1992 1 69

41 1918 41 9 42 1936 http://ultra.ihp.sinica.edu.tw/~yency/theme08/pic-theme8/xauthor/author16.htm2003 11 5 70

1931 43 44 1932 (1899-1942) 1892-1974 1942 2003 16-18 43 1903-1993 1902-1976 1902-1983 1924 6 44 5-6 71

1917-1895-1981 1913-1968 1914-1990 1922-1983 1923- 黄 1980.12 45 9 72

46 46 1999 1908-73

Impressionism Post-Impressionism Paul Cézanne,1838-1906 Paul Gauguin,1848-1903 Vincent van Gogh,1853-1890 74

47 Taeo The Night Café 黄 48 49 47 Emile Bernard1868-1941 Herschel Chipp 1 2000 13 48 Herschel Chipp 37-38 49 77 75

Louis Vauxcelles les fauves 76

50 51 Synthetic Cubism montage Gris Robert Delaunay Man Ray Fernand Léger a representation a formulation 52 Neo-Plasticism 50 Norbert Lynton 38 51 59-61 52 51 73-75 77

Marinetti Le Figaro Pittura Metafisica Dadaism 53 2001 63-66 78

collage Surŕealisme Andre Breton,1896-1966 Manifeste du Surŕealisme Freud collage frottage decalcomania object Bauhaus 54 Paul Klee Kandinsky Nagy Lyonel Feininger Richard Hamilton Pop Art 55 (Lawrence Alloway) 54 93 55 popular 162 79

Land Art Earth Art 56 Jaracheff Christo,1935-56 80

1615-1867 1868-1912 1868-1912 14 81

1876 58 1866 Charles Wirgman1832-91 (Ernest Francisco Fenollosa,1853-1908) (1878-1890) 60 58 27 1971 158-165 2001 59 59 appropriation hybridity ambivalence mimicry 60 26 82

61 1876 Antonio Fontanesi1818-1882 Ferrecci 1883 1884 61 26-29 83

Raphael Collin 62 1850-1916 Impressionistic Academism 63 1896-1911 64 62 Bougveron Cabanel 241 300-301 63 31-32 305 64 309 84

65 (1907) 66 Sketch 67 1912-1926 65 66 鞆 59-60 67 1998 20 85

(1910-23) Subaru1909-68 69 68 69 123 86

8 70 1926-1945 70 22-24 87

71 1888-1986 1888-1955 Pierre Auguste Renoir,1841-1919 73 12 71 Verisme Neue Sachlichkeit Ecole de Paris 198-199 72 200 73 202-203 88

脇 74 1928-1931 75 Giorge de Chirico,1888-1978 Max Ernst,1881-1976 juxtaposition montage 1941 74 206 75 绘 -- 5 205-207 89

76 77 76 210-211 77 24 90

78 3-2-1 3-2-2 3-2-1 78 9 91

3-2-2 79 1977 79 1977 2002 41 92

80 3-2-3 6F 3-2-3 80 87 93

81 proportion rapport repetition rhythm balance 4-2-23 4-2-43 4-1-33 4-1-39 81 1922-1992 94

82 motif 82 46 95

83 84 3-3-2 3-3-8 85 83 103-104 84 2002 85 96

3-3-9 11. 12. 86 87 97 86 1997 87

88 1990 91 88 50 93 1 31 1920-1942 98

89 91 89 54-55 90 179 91 2002 99



1 4-1-1 4-1-1 4-1-16 2 1 2002 104 2 1959-1970 27 102

4-1-14-1-2 4-1-3 4-1-4 1964 4-1-5 4-1-6 4-1-7 4-1-8 4-1-94-1-10 4-1-114-1-124-1-13 29 1974 103

4-1-144-1-15 4-1-16 Picasso,1881-1973 Cézanne,1839-1906 Modigliani,1884-1920 4-1-1 4-1-4 4-1-2 4-1-3 4-1-4 Chirico,1888-1978 4-1-5 4-1-6 4-1-7 4-1-8 4-1-9 4-1-10 4-1-11 4-1-12 4-1-11 4-1-13 4-1-4 4-1-9 4-1-10 4-1-11 104

4-1-12 4-1-13 4-1-14 4-1-15 4-1-16 4-1-1 4-1-4 4-1-6 4-1-8 4-1-9 4-1-10 4-1-1 4-1-4 4-1-11 4-1-12 4-1-13 4-1-14 4-1-15 4-1-16 Alexander Calder 3 3 http://www.memagazine.org/backissues/december98/features/calder/calder.html 2003 12 5 http://www.nga.gov/feature/artnation/calder/evolutions_4.htm 2003 4 17 4 Herschel Chipp 3 105

mobiles 4-1-17 4-1-17 4-1-18 4-1-19 2000 203-204 106

4-1-18 4-1-19 5 6 5 2002 7 16 6 1. 2. 3. 1995 70-71 107

ATELIER 4-1-20 ATELIER 4-1-18 4-1-20 108

4-1-23 1987 4-1-244-1-25 4-1-26 4-1-21 4-1-22 4-1-23 4-1-21 4-1-22 4-1-23 4-1-24 109

4-1-25 4-1-26 4-1-27 4-1-28 4-1-30 4-1-29 4-1-30 110

4-1-27 4-1-28 4-1-29 4-1-30 4-1-314-1-32 4-1-32a 4-1-32b 4-1-334-1-344-1-354-1-36 1984 4-1-37 4-1-38 111

4-1-40a 4-1-40b 4-1-39 4-1-41 4-1-42a 1987 4-1-42b 4-1-32a 4-1-32b 4-1-29 4-1-30 4-1-32b 4-1-29 4-1-32b 4-1-30 4-1-31 112

4-1-32 4-1-33 4-1-37 4-1-35 gradient 4-1-38 7 4-1-39 4-1-41 4-1-33 7 1976 276-277 113

4-1-42a 4-1-33 4-1-37 4-1-25 1987 4-1-42b 4-1-40a 4-1-40b 4-1-42a 4-1-42b 4-1-43 4-1-44 4-1-45 4-1-46 4-1-47 114

4-1-46 4-1-13 4-1-48 4-2-28 4-2-29 4-1-49 4-1-50 4-1-51 4-1-43 4-1-44 4-1-45 4-1-46 1955 115

4-1-47 4-1-48 4-1-49 30 1977 4-1-52 4-1-53 4-1-54 4-1-55 4-1-56 浄 116

4-1-52 4-1-534-1-54 4-1-554-1-56 8 4-1-57 9 4-1-58 4-1-59 8 267 1993 67 9 53-56 http://www.nan.com.tw/2001 1 10 117

4-1-57 4-1-58 4-1-59 118

4-2-1 Vincent Van Gogh,1853~1890 Edvard Munch,1863~1944 10 2002 12 22 119

12 4-2-1 4-2-1 11 1922-1992 1999 26 12 89 120

4-2-1 4-2-1 13 121

4-2-2 4-2-2 4-2-3 4-2-4 16 1961 4-2-4 15 4-2-3 4-2-5 4-2-1 14 2002 174 15 / 262 1997 314-417 122

4-2-6 4-2-5 4-2-6 4-2-7 4-2-8 4-2-9 4-2-7 4-2-8 4-2-9 4-2-10 4-2-11 爲 4-2-8 4-2-9 4-2-8 4-2-12 123

4-2-13a 4-2-13b 4-2-13c 4-2-13d 4-2-13e 4-2-10 4-2-11 4-2-12 4-2-13 4-2-14 4-2-15 4-2-16 4-2-17 4-2-15 4-2-18 124

4-2-21 4-2-22 4-2-17 4-2-19 4-2-20 16 4-2-63 4-2-64 4-2-14 4-2-15 16 http://www.arttime.com.tw/artist/lee_tf/leeindex.htm 93 2 9 125

4-2-16 4-2-174-2-18 4-2-19 4-2-20 4-2-21 1988 4-2-22 1989 4-2-23 4-2-23 126

17 4-2-26 4-2-24 4-2-25 4-2-25 4-2-26 4-2-27 4-2-27 4-2-24 4-2-254-2-26 30 1975 17 1922-1992 1997 127

4-2-27 4-2-28 31 1976 4-2-29 4-2-30 4-2-29 4-2-30 4-2-31 4-2-33 4-2-32 4-2-34 128

4-2-31 4-2-32 4-2-334-2-34 4-2-37 4-2-38 4-2-42 4-2-36 4-2-40 4-2-41 4-2-43 18 photomontage 19 4-2-39 18 2002 7 12 19 poster 129

4-2-35 4-2-35 32 1977 40 1988 4-2-36 4-2-37 4-2-38 4-2-39 4-2-40 4-2-41 4-2-42 4-2-43 33 1978 130

4-2-44 4-2-45 4-2-46 4-2-47 4-2-48 4-2-44 4-2-45 4-2-49 4-2-50 20 4-2-44 1909-1910 4-2-45 1909-1910 4-2-46 1912 4-2-47 1911-1912 4-2-48 1911 4-2-49 1912 20 901992 6-7 131

B A 4-2-50 4-2-51 4-2-52 4-2-50 4-2-51 4-2-52 4-2-52 4-2-53 4-2-54 4-2-51 1922 4-2-55 4-2-50 4-2-51 4-2-52 1969 132

4-2-53 4-2-54 4-2-55 4-2-56 4-2-57 4-2-58 4-2-56 4-2-57 16 1962 4-2-58 133

4-2-59 4-2-60 4-2-61 1937 4-2-62 1938 黄 134

4-2-63 1952 4-2-64 1965 21 22 21 1972 9 7 22 1972 9 7 135

4-3-1 4-3-2 浄 136

4-3-1 4-3-4 4-3-5 23 4-3-6 4-3-6 4-3-7 scale of increasing brightness 4-3-1 13 1959 4-3-2 1939 24 4-3-3 4-3-4 15 1960 4-3-5 23 137

4-3-6 4-3-7 25 4-2-52 138 25 2003 116122

26 4-3-8 4-3-14 4-3-15 4-3-19 4-3-9 4-3-17 4-3-8 22 1965 4-3-9 23 1967 4-3-10 26 1971 4-3-11 271972 26 117 139

4-3-12 281973 4-3-13 291974 4-3-14 341979 4-3-15 361981 4-3-16 4-3-17 391984 4-3-15 4-3-16 4-3-17 140

4-3-18 4-3-19 371982 4-3-18 1982 4-3-19 4-3-15 27 27 2002 141

4-3-20 visual lines 28 4-3-21 4-3-22 4-3-21 ATELIER 4-3-23 4-3-24 4-3-25 28 142

4-3-26 4-3-27 4-3-28 4-3-20 37 1983 4-3-21 4-3-22 4-3-23ATELIER 1985 4-3-244-3-25 4-3-264-3-27 4-3-28 143

29 Giotto1267-1337 Lamentation 4-3-29 Givliano de Medici 4-3-30 Duchamp 1887-1968 Nude Descending a Staircase 4-3-31 4-1-42 4-3-32 4-3-33 29 385 2002 165 144

4-3-29 1305-10 4-3-30 4-3-31 4-3-324-3-33 1942 4-3-34 4-3-35 4-3-36 4-3-37 4-3-35 4-3-26 4-3-27 4-3-34 145

4-3-34 4-3-35 4-3-36 4-3-37 4-3-38 4-3-39 4-3-40 4-3-38 146

4-3-38 42 1987 4-3-39 53 1990 4-3-40 1930 4-3-41 1988 147

4-3-12 4-3-13 montage 30 1960 148

Synthetic Cubism coller Apollinaire Pound Eliot 4-2-56 149

31 黄 31 2002 7 31 150

32 4-5-1 1950 5 4-5-1 1952 15 4-5-2 1952 7 4-5-3 1955 18 4-5-4 1955 10 4-1-45 1959 14 Show window 4-5-5 1959 13 4-3-1 1960 15 4-3-4 1961 16 4-2-2 1962 16 4-2-14 1962 16 4-1-43 1962 17 4-5-6 1963 18 4-5-7 1964 19 4-1-1 1965 19 4-5-8 1967 22 4-3-27 1967 30 4-5-9 1968 23 ATELIER 4-5-10 32 1922-1992 deformer 1. 2. 3. 1966 4. 5. 6. Photo Montage 151

1968 23 4-3-28 1969 24 4-2-57 1971 26 4-3-29 1972 27 4-3-30 1972 27 4-1-30 1973 28 4-3-31 1974 29 4-3-32 1974 29 4-1-13 1975 30 4-2-25 1975 30 4-1-57 1976 31 4-2-28 1976 31 4-1-58 1977 30 4-1-50 1977 32 4-2-35 1977 30 4-5-11 1979 34 4-5-12 1980 32 4-5-13 1981 36 4-3-34 1981 36 4-5-14 1982 45 4-5-15 1982 37 4-3-38 1982 4-5-16 1983 37 4-3-20 1983 39 4-3-36 1984 39 4-1-33 1985 ATELIER 4-3-11 1987 42 4-3-39 1988 51 4-5-17 1986 41 4-3-38 1987 42 4-3-39 1988 43 4-2-21 1989 44 4-2-22 1989 52 4-5-18 1990 53 4-3-25 1990 45 4-5-19 1990 53 4-5-20 1991 46 4-5-21 152

4-5-2 4-5-2 1959 1960-1969 1970-1979 1980-1992 1950 1952 1955 1959 Show window 1962 1961 1963 1964 1965 1967 1968 ATELIER 1959 1962 1960 1969 1971 1972 1973 1974 1974 1974 1975 1975 1976 1977 1981 1977 1979 1982 1977 1983 1977 1980 1984 1981 1982 1982 1989 1967 1968 1982 1981 1982 34 1983 33 1985 1986 1987 1989 1990 1990 1990 33 1983 1983 34 1981 1982 1981 1982 153

4-5-1 4-5-2 4-5-3 4-5-4 4-1-45 154

4-2-2 4-5-6 窼 35 4-1-1 4-5-8 4-3-28 35 2002 102 155

4-5-1 4-5-2 4-5-22 4-5-23 4-5-9 ATELIER 4-5-10 4-1-30 4-2-57 156

4-1-13 4-1-33 4-2-14 4-2-28 4-1-50 157

36 Derain composition 36 Marcel Giry La fauvisme 1992 190-191 158

4-2-43 4-5-14 4-1-35 4-3-20 4-3-20 159

4-5-3 4-5-3 窼 4-5-3 160



modern contemporaneous the past different disruption 1 1 黄 2002 42-43 163

Jean Baudrillard Jurgen Habermas 2 Fernand Léger 3 Thierry de Duve A bar at Folies-Bergéres 2 2001 154-155 3 John Russell 1998 1998 131 1988 5 164

Clive Bell Roger Fry Greenberg Alfred H. Barr Jr. 5-1-1 non-geometrical abstract art geometrical abstract art 165

4 5-1-1 4 Pam MeechamJulie Sheldon 2003 29 166

爲 5 6 Andy Warhol,1927-1986 modern 1912-1925 5 Pam MeechamJulie Sheldon 7 6 6 167

1926-1949 contemporary 7 Modern 8 1912-1926 7 2000 15-16 8 Elise K. Tipton & John Clark, Being Modern in Japan, 2000, pp.7-8. 168

mimicry 9 (1926 ) 10 9 2001 10 169

11 Mitchell 12 12 2002 2002 170

13 1987 61 14 61 http://taiwanart.tmoa.gov.tw/c/doc/c-t.doc 2002 7 17 15 1945-1990 1991 171

16 17 16 32 17 85 172

喆 18 19 18 1945-1990 1991 19 http://taiwanart.tmoa.gov.tw/c/doc/c-t.doc 2000 7 17 173

20 21 22 23 20 042 1995 30-32 21 033 1995 30-32 22 http://www.tzefan.org.tw/ 23 1997 88-91 2003 40-41 24 1990 35 174

25 26 25 287 1999 150 26 063 1995 2-3 175

1970 1971 19721978 27 27 http://taiwanart.tmoa.gov.tw/c/doc/c-t.doc 2002 7 17 28 1993 487-488 176

Andrew Whyth 30 29 118-119 http://taiwanart.tmoa.gov.tw/c/c-4.htm 2000 7 17 30 http://taiwanart.tmoa.gov.tw/c/c-4.htm 2000 7 17 177

Hars Hatung Georges Mathieu Mark Tobey 4-2-52 178

Louis H. Sullivan,1856-1924 31 31 19 The Chicago School 1889 1890 179

32 帯 33 34 32 H 1901 Werner Hofmann 2003 175 33 Norbert Lynton 2003 17 34 2002 12 180

35 Umberto Boccioni1882-1916 Gino Severini1883-1966 Robert Delaunay1885-1941 Orphic Cubism 1. 35 21-22 181

4-3-1 4-3-4 4-3-5 4-3-6 4-1-46 4-3-35 4-2-26 182

2. 36 4-1-18 4-1-20 3. 36 Herschel Chipp 1 2000 72-73 183

1 37 5-3-1 1. 38 37 13 38 1995 33-39 184

39 simplify 40 2. Manet Klimt Chirico 39 1976 285-286 40 1994 97 185

41 3. 42 1 41 54-94 42 1995 172-174 186

2 43 motif 44 45 43 1992 146 44 Motif 45 2002 174 187

1. 1 46 5-3-25-3-3 46 188

5-3-2 5-3-3 2 significant form 47 48 47 771997 34-49 48 10 1990 358 189

51 5-3-4 5-3-4 5-3-4 5-3-4 5-3-4 5-3-4 49 1971 62 50 1987 8 51 96 52 58-60 96 190

5-3-5 53 5-3-4a 5-3-4b 5-3-4a 5-3-4c a b c 5-3-4 60 5-3-5 73 5-3-6 5-3-7 5-3-4b 5-3-5 5-3-6 5-3-7 5-3-8 4-1-18 53 73 191

5-3-8 5-3-9 54 5-3-10 5-3-9 5-3-10 3 1754-1815 5-3-9 55 1872-1944 54 49511987 128 55 49511987 124-133 192

56 57 58 4 5-3-12 4-1-31 5-3-11 56 2001 29-30 57 1996 58 90 1994 193

5-3-12 5-3-13 5-3-13 4-1-20 4-1-26 5-3-12 5-3-13 194

硺 Van der Meer of Delft 59 Herschel Chipp 1 2000 39 60 2000 193 195

61 4-5-5show window 4-3-1 4-2-2 4-5-6 4-5-7 61 193 196

62 4-1-18 4-1-20 4-2-21 4-2-22 1914 1920 62 197

local color 64 65 66 63 2001 64 2000 43-73 65 1955 13 199 251 66 2002 18-19 67 1929 7 134-138 1926 3 2001 32-35 198

70 68 1932 7 2001 49-53 69 2001 2002 70 199

71 1945-1990 1991 71 2004 22 200




1919-1936 204

photomontage 205

4-5-2 206

Elise K. Tipton & John Clark, Being Modern in Japan, 2000, pp. 7-8. 1990-2001 2000 Pam MeechamJulie Sheldon 2003 1980 1980 1985 绘 --- 5 1983 1999 2001 1996 Herschel Chipp 3 2000 207

Herschel Chipp 1 2000 1991 1988 2004 2002 1971 Marcel Giry La fauvisme 1992 1976 2002 1990 1997 2000 1959 2002 E. Patricia Tsurumi 1999 208

1993 1993-1994 1994 1999 1987 2000 1990 1922-1992 1998 2001 2001 1993 2002 1971 1997 1997 1997 John Russell 209

1998 1995 1997 13 1994 1945-1990 1991 儛 1991 儛 1991 1990 ~ 1999 Norbert Lynton 2003 1988 1987 2002 2001 1995 210

1990 2002 2002 1990 1993 2002 2002 1990 1990 1985 / 1999 1945-1990 1991 1994 Werner Hofmann 2003 1998 2000 211

2001 2001 1993 2001 1998 1926 3 2001 1989 1997 (1932 7 ) 2001 (1929 7 ) 2001 2001 黄 2002 1955 13 212

1985 901992 6-7 1972 9 7 1972 9 7 1960 9 25 042 1995 30-32 023 1995 32 1998 7 31 063 1995 2-3 1992 1 49511987 128 199 251 241 262-349 2002 033 1995 30-32 323 2002 492 267 1997 213

424-425 02-- 259 1996 382-383 03-- 260 1996 424-425 04-- 261 1997 328-331 05-- / 262 1997 314-417 06-- 263 1997 356-357 07-- 264 1997 307 08-- 265 1997 350-353 09-- 266 1997 424-425 10-- 267 1997 420-421 11-- 268 1997 377 12-- 270 1997 272 13-- 272 1998 411 14-- 273 1998 371-372 15-- 274 1998 338-340 214

258 1996 402-404 27 1989 10-11 324 2002 548 10 1990 358 287 1999 150 1959-1970 27 2002 43-73 771997 34-49 2002 5 10 30 2002 202 267 1993 6267 1922-1992 1997 2003 215

2002 2002 2003 1993 487-488 2001 - - 2000 1973 1989 1988 5 1983 1959 1960 1961 1962 216

1963 1964 1967 1968 1970 1971 1972 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 217

1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 30 1977 1988 1967 1977 1982 1987 218

1989 1990 2002 1999 1997 1994 2000 1988 1993 1992 2002 2002 http://www.yugawara.or.jp/yukarikako.htm2003 7 12 Mechanical Engineering Magazine Online,http://www.memagazine.org/backissues/december98/features/calder/calder. html2003 12 5 栄 絵画 画歴 団 219

http://www.kiryu.co.jp/ohkawamuseum/kikakuten/50-okadasetuo/ohkawa.html, 20037 12 http://taiwanart.tmoa.gov.tw/b/b1916.htm,2003 11 10 http://ultra.ihp.sinica.edu.tw/~yency/theme08/pic-theme8/xauthor/author16.htm, 200311 5 http://www.tzefan.org.tw/, 20043 17 http://taiwanart.tmoa.gov.tw/c/c-4.htm,20007 17 http://taiwanart.tmoa.gov.tw/c/doc/c-t.doc, 20007 17 http://www.nga.gov/feature/artnation/calder/evolutions_4.htm, 20034 17 http://www.nan.com.tw/, 20011 10 http://www.ssjh.kh.edu.tw/tch25b.jpg,2003 9 2 http://www.arttime.com.tw/artist/lee_tf/leeindex.htm,20042 9 220

221 1922-1992 1922 11 1 9/20 10 4/1 1923 12 2 4/19 1924 13 3 1/30 10 11/18 4/1 6/24 7/3 1/21 1925 14 4 3 4 6/17 10/21 1/5 2/1 3/12

222 1926 1 5 2-3 5/1 8/20 8/28 10 12 01/12 3/27 7/16 10/17 12/25 6/10 12/6 8/26 1/27 6/1 7/1 1927 2 6 1 9/1 10 10/28 11/5 3 7/10 7/24 10/6 10/13 1928 3 7 1/28 8/20 10 3/17 6/16 3/25 5/3 9 12/29

1929 1930 1931 8 4 9 5 10 6 1/2 7/30 1/31 10/10 11/8 10/24 5 6/4 7/1 10 2 1/2 3/7 4/3 5/5 1/20 4/12 12/27 7/10 8/17 10/27 10 10/7J.F.A.K. 10/31 12/20 4/13 1/16 11/19 1/20 4/18 4/14 8/5 7/13 7 9/18 8 10/18 9 223

1932 1933 1934 1935 11 7 12 8 13 9 14 10 2/11 3/2 8/6 1/1 8/11 1/28 3/19 5/27 2/6 4/9 5/6 10/25 3/9 7/31 12/1 2/10 5/13 10/25 4/1 3/4 3/31 5/31 1/19 9/2 5/7 7/4 8/19 9/3 9/19 10/23 11/11 11/22 11/12 11/23 4/3 10/10 40 5/28 3/16 12/5 10/2 5/4 7/15 224

1936 1937 1938 1939 15 11 16 12 17 13 18 14 2/25 6/23 12/9 3/7 9/2 5/5 3/6 4/26 7/13 9/19 12/12 12/26 5/4 7/15 4/26 7/7 1937 7/5 9/27 12/13 9/9 9MOUVE 7/19 2/10 1/22 1/17 11/9 3/19MOUVE 12/22 6/3 6/16 10/21 15 4/28 7/28 9/13 4/5 9/16 8/23 12/15 10/30 9/3 2/28 225

1940 1941 1942 1943 19 15 4 2 2/11 6/29 1/1 11/27 5/10 5/20 6/22 8/29 9/1 09/27 9/24 12MOUVE 4 4/26 4/19 9/29 6/21 5/22 12/8 5/29 20 16 3 4/1 4 9/1 3/5 12/17 6/5 21 1942.3-1945.7 17 7/1 10/20 3/19 4/1 11 2/17 1914/4/1-1996/ 4/28 10/25 7/10 9/20 11/25 10/26 22 18 9/23 12/3 226

1944 1945 1946 1/24 10/9 23 8/22 19 12/30 7 8/10 7 4/28 11 4/30 1945/11-1948/11 9/02 9/10 5/7 20/ 24 11/5 34 11/17 6/26 8/68/9 8/15 6/30 4 1/11 2/15 10/22 11/8 1/25 9/20 4/15 25 35 4/19 5/1 5/31 227

1947 1948 1949 26 36 27 37 3/25 2/28 6/5 7 3/10 7/18 3/12 3/17 6/19 1/23 1/30 3/1 10 10/6 10/25 1/30 9/30 4/12 12/21 10/1 2 11/19 5/20 200 3/18 6/15 1949/2-1950/3 28 5 38 10/25 5/23 5 12/9 228

1950 1951 1952 2 1/6 3 3/1 4 8 3/25 6/18 1950/4-1951/7 6 8/23 29 39 68 1 10/25 11/22 12/27 3/14 5/8 3/4 5 11/28 7/25 38 30 10 12/1 40 1951/10-1958/7 8/20 2/4 1/1 12/10 3/29 5/19 31 41 5 229

1953 1954 1955 2 6 1/29 2/5 6/14 7/27 32 42 5 1957 5 12/15 5/4 11/3 7 10/24 33 43 9/26-28 1/17 6/5 4/18 5/5 8 3/5 3 34 4 44 9/25-29 230

1956 1957 1958 1/28 5/17Pop 5/10 1956/8-1957/7 50 Art 7/7 2/3 10/14 9/16 35 8 45 T 9/28-30 3/24 2/5 10/31 8/26 8 5/10 8/31 36 46 9/28 9/28 11/22-25 5/30 7/1 2/1 5 11/9 8/1 8/30 8/23 9/27-30 37 47 J.E. Ciplot 1958/8-1961/7 231

1959 1960 1961 3 5/1 10/21 1/1 show window 6/24 1/5 5 3/20 8/7 9/26-28 12/26 6/3 38 12/1 48 7 4/26 1/4, 9/6 5 EFTA 39 49 9/23-25 A B 3/25 4/13 4/12 6 7/9 5/4 12/24 12/13 11/2-4 10/23 8 40 50 A 11/6 B C 10 1961/8-1988/2 232

1962 1963 1964 2/1 52 2/14 2/8 300 6 7/17 8/15 PUNTO 9/17 10/27-30 10/10 41 51 A PIANIO B C D E F G A B 7/28 PUNTO 4/28 8/31 2/9 5/12 6 9/1 8/28 42 52 9/26-29 11/22 7 A B C 5/2 1/18 10/14 5 5/2 10/10 6/14 A 9/20 B 43 9/26-28 5/3 53 233

1965 1966 1967 1/18 6/30 2/12 4/15 5 10/28 44 54 A B 9/23-26 A B 12/05 8/9 6/9 2/21 1/19 5/28 4 11/12 4 5 9 12/15 45 12/14 55 9/23-25 9/20 24 721 1 7/1 7/18 7/28 7/1 6 11/10 46 56 9/21-24 LAMP 234

1968 1969 1970 1/19 4/4 ATELIER 10 6/28 5 8/20 11/6 8/25 12/10 47 10/10 57 10/18 3 8/16 1/16 2/3 5/25-28 7/16 8/24 48 7 7/20 23 58 9/24 10/14 10/23 10/31 11/20 3 6/14 2/13 ATELIER 11/8 7 4/24 ATELIER 4/16-19 49 59 A B 11/25 10/15 235

1971 1972 1973 3 2/2 11/15 6/6 3/17 12/3 5 4/10 5/11 5/6-9 50 8/14 60 8/28 5 3/21 4/16 1/9 6/8 7/30 6 5/16 8/11 10/25 5/26 9/1 B-52 9/29 51 9/7-10 61 10/31 1 2 3/17 4/8 90 10/28 1/27 1470-1559 11/8 9 11/8 3/29 52 A 62 B 9 11 9/14-18 A B 236

1974 1975 1976 1977 53 63 4/21 7 1/18 7/1 8/8 9/10 8/18 8/27-9/1 12/26 LAMP () 9 9/28 2/18 1/27 7/11 4/30 3/20 6 8 6 54 4/5 64 12/2-7 7/9 3/12 3/26 7/28 9/5 1/8 9/9 9 3/14 4 10/13 10/18 55 8/31 65 9/21-26 -- 10/31 10/7 10 8 2/24 7/25 5/7 8/23-28 9/23 4/29 7/2 400 12/21 9/9 56 9/6-42 66 11/16 9/6 P.S.I. 237

1978 1979 1980 3/21 6/26 9/28 12/10 8/28-9/3 MODEL 10/20 MODEL 57 10 1900-1933 67 14 12/30 Stabile 5 1/13 7/1 2/6 5/29-6/3 9/10 5/3 ATTELIER 1 ATTELIER 12/10 12/10 58 2 68 3 3/25 ATTELIER 1/1 2/2 8/15 7-12/15 9/22 59 1919-1939 69 9 9/2-7 238

1981 1982 1983 3/27 7/1 2/10 7/29 200 9 6/16 11/23 8/3 9/1-7 10/27 12/6 AIDS 60 70 11/11 3/25 1/5 2/26 2/25 5 4/2 8 7/1 9/1 60 -- 80 61 9/14 71 9/1 10/5-11 1/1 1 12/25 4/4 NHK 1/17 9 3 62 9/2-7 72 3/29 12/24 6/13 10 239

1 3/21 5/3 452 6/21 10/27 5/11 1984 10/31 63 7/27 73 8 12/16 12/11-16 12/26 1 3/1 2/9 3/28 4/4 10/27 5/16 11/27 5/30 14 3 1985 64 6 7 8/29 74 8/16 ATELIER 7 11/5-10 9/17 8 1/1 2/25 6/24 1986 8 MOCA 4/26 65 10/15 75-8/13 9/28 240

1987 1988 1989 1/2 2/23 25 4 3/25 2/13 10 66 10 76 7/14 10/6 8/25 2 5 1/1 11/9 1/13 3 6 2/4 6/26 12/6 40 7 67 8 77 8/14-23 10 2 3 1/26 1/23 4/15 4/20 11/9 1/27 5/26 Internet 68 7/10 78 9/15 9 241

1990 1991 1992 1 3/21 8/3 1990 10/3 9 3/17 11/12 (1895-1945) 69 12 11/22 79 11/26 1/31 10/14 3 5/1 12/21 10/13 8 5/11 12/31 19601990 70 80 11/14 11/21 3 1/7 2/26 1/20 2/1 7/7 4 2/17 4/14 2/23 10/5 11/3 11/7 42 71 81 6/12 K-18 824 10/1 242

1993 1995 82 84 4/24-5/2 2/27 2/27 2/26 4/29 6/14 4/17 414 5/22-8/1 11/16 2/19 6/14 G7 12/24 11/19 7/2 5/29-8/1 200 3/25 2 1/5 6/10 1 4/13 3/1 1/17 5/6 6/9 7.2 7/7 7/20 2/27 7/26 6/17 3/20 8 7/7 8 7/10 9 8/15 9/17 10/22 11/4 12/3 11 243

1996 85 1/5 2-3 3/1 2 10/1 2/27 12/9 - WTO 2 7/29 3/30 12/10 MCA 12/31 4/16 4/19 5/26 5/30 9/4 307 11/8 11/9 11/21 244

1997 1999 86 88 11 1/15 1/14 2/19 7/1 2/20 7/4 2/16 2/22 8/31 2/25 1922-1992 9/5 2/25 3/22 11/8 9 9/27 10/25 12/25 4/12-5/17 2 1/27 1/28 1/1 1/31 4 1/13 10 7/16 8/17 2-4 10 7/29 10/21 1998-1999 12/20 5 9/21 12 Y2K 7/2 9/21 50 12/4 245

2002 2003 2004 91 92 93 4/12 1 9 12 3 5/4-5/18 9 6/4-6/23 12/28-1/5 5/26-6/6 3/8-2/15 1 2 9/19 10 2004 SARS 11/21-2004/11/78 11 9/24-10/19 12 12 4/28 1 320 2003/12/6-2004/ 2 2/22 3/19 2003/5/1-8/1 3/20 3 10/23 106 12 12 246

2-3-9 3-2-3 4-1-1 1964 4-1-2 4-1-3 4-1-4 4-1-2 4-1-4 4-1-5 247

4-1-6 4-1-7 4-1-8 4-1-6 4-1-7 4-1-9 4-1-10 4-1-114-1-124-1-13 29 1974 4-1-14 / 4-1-15 248

4-1-16 4-1-18 52.5 41 4-1-20 72.0 100.0cm 4-1-21 4-1-22 4-1-23 4-1-24 4-1-25 / 249

4-1-26 1987 98.0 70.5 cm 4-1-27 4-1-28 4-1-29 4-1-30 4-1-31 4-1-32 27 4-1-334-1-34 4-1-35 39 1984 / 250

4-1-36 4-1-374-1-39 40P 4-1-42a4-1-43 4-1-44 1987 / 16 / 4-1-45 4-1-46 1955 4-1-47 10 / 4-1-484-1-49 4-1-50 30 1977 / 251

4-1-514-1-52 4-1-53 4-1-54 4-1-55 4-1-56 4-1-57 30 4-1-58 31 252

4-2-2 16 1961 4-2-5 4-2-8 4-2-9 4-2-15 / 4-2-17 4-2-18 4-2-21 43 1988 253

4-2-22 44 1989 4-2-244-2-254-2-26 30 1975 4-2-28 4-2-29 31 1976 4-2-31 30 1977 4-2-33 254

4-2-35 32 1977 4-2-36 4-2-39 4-2-40 / 4-2-41 4-2-42 33 1978 255

4-2-43 4-2-50 4-2-51 4-2-52 1969 4-2-57 16 1962 4-2-59 4-2-60 4-3-1 13 1959 4-3-4 15 1960 256

4-3-5 4-3-6 4-3-8 22 1967 4-3-9 23 1968 4-3-10 26 1971 4-3-11 271972 / 257

4-3-12 281973 4-3-13 291974 4-3-14 341979 4-3-15 361981 / 4-3-16 4-3-17 39 / 1984 258

4-3-18 4-3-19 371982 4-3-20 37 1983 4-3-21 / 4-3-22 4-3-23ATELIER 1985 259

4-3-24 4-3-25 / 4-3-26 4-3-27 / / 4-3-28 4-3-32 4-3-34 / 260

4-3- / 4-3 4-3- 4-3 42 1987 53 1990 4-5-1 5 1950 4-5-2 15 1952 / 261

4-5-3 7 1952 4-5-4 1955 4-5-5Show window1959 4-5-6 17 1962 4-5-7 18 1963 4-5-8 19 1965 4-5-9 30 1967 4-5-10ATELIER 23 1968 262

4-5-11 30 4-5-12 34 1979 4-5-13 32 1979 4-5-14 36 1981 4-5-15 45 1982 4-5-16 4-5-17 51 1988 4-5-18 52 1989 263

4-5-19 45 1990 4-5-20 53 1990 4-5-21 46 1991 5-3-6 5-3-2 5-3-3 5-3-12 5-3-13 264