發展項目的所在位置圖 Location lan of the Development 圖例 Notation 貨物裝卸區 A Cargo Working Area 油站 A etrol Filling Station 污水處理廠及設施 Sewage Treatment Works and Facil

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Appendix VIII (B)


發展項目的所在位置圖 Location lan of the Development N 青衣鄉事會路 TSING YI HEUNG SZE WUI ROAD 葵青路 KWAI TSING ROAD 長達路 CHEUNG TAT ROAD 青葵公路 TSING KWAI HIGHWAY 葵青路 KWAI TSING ROAD 長輝路 CHEUNG FAI ROAD 青俊苑 Ching Chun Court 青衣東食水配水庫 Tsing Yi East Fresh Water Service Reservoir 長青隧道 SAI SHAN 細山路 SAI SHAN ROAD CHEUNG TSING TUNNEL 長青隧道 CHEUNG TSING TUNNEL R 青康路 CHING HONG ROAD TSING YI ROAD 青衣路 葵青路 KWAI TSING ROAD 青衣路 TSING YI ROAD TSING YI ROAD 長輝路 CHEUNG FAI ROAD 比例尺 此位置圖參考日期為 2015 年 6 月 16 日之測繪圖 ( 編號為 10-NE-B) 製作 地圖版權屬香港特區政府, 經地政總署准許 複印, 版權特許編號 111/2014 The Location lan is prepared with reference to Survey Sheet No. 10-NE-B dated 16 June 2015. The map reproduced with permission of the Director of Lands. The Government of the HKSAR. Licence No. 111/2014. SCALE: 0 50 100 150 200 250( 米 ) (m) 14

發展項目的所在位置圖 Location lan of the Development 圖例 Notation 貨物裝卸區 A Cargo Working Area 油站 A etrol Filling Station 污水處理廠及設施 Sewage Treatment Works and Facilities 垃圾收集站 A Refuse Collection oint 市場 ( 包括濕貨市場及批發市場 ) A Market (including a Wet Market and a Wholesale Market) R 公廁 A ublic Convenience 公共交通總站 ( 包括鐵路車站 ) A ublic Transport Terminal (including a Rail Station) 宗教場所 ( 包括教堂 廟宇及祠堂 ) A Religious Institution (including a Church, a Temple and a Tsz Tong) 學校 ( 包括幼稚園 ) A School (including a Kindergarten) 社會福利設施 ( 包括老人中心及弱智人士護理院 ) Social Welfare Facilities (including an Elderly Centre and a Home for the Mentally Disabled) 發電廠 ( 包括電力分站 ) A ower lant (including Electricity Sub-stations) 診療所 A Clinic 公眾停車場 ( 包括貨車停泊處 ) A ublic Carpark (including a Lorry ark) 體育設施 ( 包括運動場及游泳池 ) Sports Facilities (including a Sports Ground and a Swimming ool) 公園 A ublic ark 註 : Notes: 1. 賣方建議買方到該發展項目作實地考察, 以對該發展項目, 其周邊地區環境及附近的公共設施有較佳的了解 2. 由於該發展項目的邊界不規則的技術原因, 此位置圖所顯示的範圍可能超過 一手住宅物業銷售條例 所要求顯示的範圍 1. The Vendor advises purchasers to conduct on-site visit for a better understanding of the Development, its surrounding environment and the public facilities nearby. 2. The plan may show more than the area required under the Residential roperties (Firsthand Sales) Ordinance due to the technical reason that the boundary of the Development is irregular. 15

發展項目的鳥瞰照片 Aerial hotograph of the Development 青俊苑 Ching Chun Court 摘錄自地政總署測繪處於 2014 年 1 月 23 日在 6,000 呎 飛行高度拍攝之鳥瞰照片, 照片編號為 CS48926 香港特別行政區政府地政總署測繪處, 版權所有, 未經許可, 不得複製 Adopted from part of the aerial photograph taken by the Survey and Mapping Office of the Lands Department at a flying height of 6,000 feet, photo no. CS48926, dated 23 January 2014. Survey and Mapping Office, Lands Department, The Government of the HKSAR Copyright reserved - reproduction by permission only. 16

發展項目的鳥瞰照片 Aerial hotograph of the Development 註 : 1. 該發展項目的鳥瞰照片之副本可於香港房屋委員會客務中心內之居屋資訊中心開放時間內免費查閱 2. 由於該發展項目的邊界不規則的技術原因, 此鳥瞰照片所顯示的範圍可能超過 一手住宅物業銷售條例 所要求顯示的範圍 Notes: 1. Copy of the aerial photograph of the Development is available for free inspection during opening hours at the HOS Information Centre at the HA Customer Service Centre. 2. The aerial photograph may show more than the area required under the Residential roperties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance due to the technical reason that the boundary of the Development is irregular. 17

關乎發展項目的分區計劃大綱圖 Outline Zoning lan Relating to the Development R(A) 藍巴勒海峽 Rambler Channel G/IC 青俊苑 Ching Chun Court G/IC GB 貨物裝卸區 CARGO HANDLING AREA OU GB 摘錄自 2015 年 4 月 30 日刊憲之青衣分區計劃大綱核准 圖, 圖則編號為 S/TY/26 Adopted from part of the approved Tsing Yi Outline Zoning lan No. S/TY/26 gazetted on 30 April 2015. GB G/IC 限作青衣村民沿用之埋葬地 TRADITIONAL BURIAL AREA FOR TSING YI VILLAGER OU 18 OU

關乎發展項目的分區計劃大綱圖 Outline Zoning lan Relating to the Development 圖例 Notation 地帶 ZONES 交通 COMMUNICATIONS 商業 Commercial 鐵路及車站 Railway and Station 住宅 ( 甲類 ) Residential (Group A) 鐵路及車站 ( 地下 ) Railway and Station (Underground) 車站住宅 ( 乙類 ) Residential (Group B) 鐵路及車站 ( 高架 ) Railway and Station (Elevated) 鄉村式發展 Village Type Development 主要道路及路口 Major Road and Junction 工業 Industrial 高架道路 Elevated Road 政府 機構或社區 Government, Institution or Community 其他 MISCELLANEOUS 休憩用地 Open Space 規劃區編號 lanning Area Number STATION SSSI 其他指定用途 Other Specified Uses 最高建築物高度 綠化地帶 Green Belt ( 在主水平基準上若干米 ) Maximum Building Height (in Metres above rincipal Datum) 具特殊科學價值地點 Site of Special Scientific Interest 加油站 etrol Filling Station 註 : 1. 賣方建議買方到該發展項目作實地考察, 以對該發展項目, 其周邊地區環境及附近的公共設施有較佳的了解 2. 由於該發展項目的邊界不規則的技術原因, 此圖所顯示的範圍可能超過一手住宅物業銷售條例 所要求顯示的範圍 3. 政府可根據城市規劃條例, 隨時更改分區計劃大綱圖 4. 在售樓說明書印製日期適用的最新版本的分區計劃大綱圖可於香港房屋委員會客務中心內之居屋資訊中心開放時間內免費查閱 Notes: 1. The Vendor advises purchasers to conduct on-site visit for a better understanding of the Development, its surrounding environment and the public facilities nearby. 2. The plan may show more than the area required under the Residential roperties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance due to the technical reason that the boundary of the Development is irregular. 3. The Government may revise the Outline Zoning lan in accordance with the Town lanning Ordinance as and when necessary. 4. The latest version of Outline Zoning lan as at the date of printing of the sales brochure is available for free inspection during opening hours at the HOS Information Centre at the HA Customer Service Centre. 19

發展項目的布局圖 發展項目的布局圖 Layout lan of the Development Layout lan of the Development 車輛入口 Run In 車輛出口 Run Out 總水錶房 Master Water Meter Room 有蓋行人通道 汽車停車位 Car arking Space 出入道路 / 緊急車輛通道 Access Road / Emergency Vehicular Access 行人出入口 edestrian Entrance 氣體調壓亭 Gas Governor Kiosk 電單車停車位 Motorcycle arking Space lanter 汽車停車位 Car arking Space lanter 行人出入口 edestrian Entrance 汽車停車位 Car arking Space lanter 汽車停車位 ( 暢通易達停車位 ) Car arking Space (Accessible arking Space) 停車場設施預留空間 Space Reserved for Car ark Facilities 汽車停車位 Car arking Space lanter 比例尺 SCALE: 0 10 20 30 40 ( 米 ) (m) 電單車停車位 Motorcycle arking Space 有蓋行人通道 Covered Walkway 蔭棚 ergola 花棚 Trellis B 座 Block B 蔭棚 ergola 由發展項目的委任建築師提供的該項目內的建築物或設施的預計落成日期 :2017 : 年 6 6 月 30 30 日 Estimated date date of of completion of the of buildings the buildings or facilities or facilities within the Development within the as Development provided by the as appointed provided architect by the for the appointed Development: architect 30 JUNE for 2017 the Development: 30 June 2017 20

發展項目的布局圖 Layout lan of the Development 圖例 Notation 地界 Lot Boundary 單位室號 Flat Number 註 : 1. 圖中顯示的單位室號適用於標準層 ( 即 4 樓至 22 樓 ) 的 10 個單位 2. 上述該項目內的建築物或設施的預計落成日期為有關建築物或設施的佔用許可證的預計發出日期 Notes : 1. The flat numbers as shown on the plan apply to the 10 flats on a typical floor (i.e. 4/F - 22/F). 2. The estimated date of completion of the buildings or facilities within the Development is the estimated date for issue of occupation permit for the buildings or facilities concerned. 21