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作物学报 ACTA AGRONOMICA SINICA 2009, 35(11): 2037 2044 ISSN 0496-3490; CODEN TSHPA9 E-mail: DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2009.02037 江苏省中籼水稻品种演进过程中米质的变化 * 张耗谈桂露孙小淋刘立军杨建昌, 225009 : 60 13 (), 5,, (),, ( ),,,,,,, : ; ; ; ; ; Changes in Grain Quality during the Evolution of Mid-Season Indica Rice s in Jiangsu Province ZHANG Hao, TAN Gui-Lu, SUN Xiao-Lin, LIU Li-Jun, and YANG Jian-Chang * Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Physiology of Jiangsu Province, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China Abstract: Improvement in rice quality is very important in rice production. However, little is known about the changes in rice quality during the evolution of cultivars. In this study, 13 typical mid-season indica rice cultivars (including hybrid combinations) applied in the production in Jiangsu Province during the last 60 years were used. These cultivars were classified into five types of early tall cultivars, dwarf cultivars, semi-dwarf cultivars, semi-dwarf hybrids, and super rice according to their application times, plant types and genotypes. All the tested cultivars were grown in the field and the evolution characteristics of the grain quality and yield were investigated. The milling quality (brown rice rate, milled rice rate, and head milled rice rate) differed within the same type of cultivars, but showed no significant differences between types. Compared with those of old cultivars (early tall and dwarf cultivars), the chalkiness, setback values, and prolamin protein content in grains were significantly decreased, whereas the breakdown values and the contents of albumin and glutelin proteins, lysine, glycine, and arginine were significantly increased in grains of modern cultivars (semi-dwarf hybrids, and super rice). Grain yield was progressively increased with the evolution of the cultivars. The increase in grain yield was mainly attributed to the increase in total number of spikelets, which resulted mainly from large panicles. The results suggest that both quality and yield are improved during the evolution for mid-season indica rice cultivars. Keywords: Mid-season indica rice; Quality; Yield; Amino acids; Protein; Evolution,,, 6 t hm 2, 65%, [1-2],,,,,, 51.2%, 51.3%,, ;, [3-4],, (30671225, 30800670)(2006BAD02A13-3-2) * (Corresponding author):, E-mail: Received( ): 2009-05-08; Accepted( ): 2009-07-17.

2038 35 [5],, 60 13,, 1 材料与方法 1.1 60 (, ), 13 ( 1) 5, 20 50,,, 1.2 2007 2008, 2.04% 106.2 mg kg 1 28.5 mg kg 1 93.6 mg kg 1 5 10, 6 8~10, 20 cm 20 cm,, 20 m 2,, 3 240 kg hm 2, ( 1 d) ( 7 d) () 5 1 4 ( P 2 O 5 13.5%) 300 kg hm 2 ( K 2 O 52%) 195 kg hm 2, 1.3 1.3.1 考种与计产 2 5 1.3.2 米质测定 3 NP4350 GB/T 17891-1999 [6-7] FOSS TECATOR (Infratec 1241 grain analyzer) 1.3.3 稻米淀粉黏滞性测定 Newport Scientific Super 3 RVA (rapid viscosity analyzer), TWC (thermal cycle for windows) AACC () (1995-61-02) RACI, 12.00%, 3.00 g 25.00 g, 50 1 min, 11.84 min 1 95 (3.8 min) 2.5 min, 11.84 min 1 50 1.4 min 10 s 960 r min 1, 160 r min 1 RVA (peak viscosity)(hot viscosity) (final viscosity) (breakdown, ) (setback, ), cp (centipoise) 1.3.4 稻米蛋白组分的测定 [8], 10% NaCl 75%0.2% NaOH, Early tall (ET) Table 1 表 1 供试的中籼水稻品种 The tested mid-season indica rice cultivars () (Year) Huangguaxian (1940 1950); Yintiaoxian (1950); 1 Nanjing 1 (1950) Dwarf cultivar (DC) Taizhongxian (1960); 11 Nanjing 11 (1960 1970); Zhenzhu ai (1960 1970) Semi-dwarf cultivar (SDC) IR24(1970 1980); 2 Yangdao 2 (1980); 6 Yangdao 6 (1990) Semi-dwarf hybrid (SDH) 63( ) Shanyou 63 (hybrid)(1980 2000); 6 ( ) Yangliangyou 6 (hybrid)(2000 2005) Super rice (SR) () Liangyoupeijiu (hybrid and super)(1990 2000) II 084() II you 084 (hybrid and super)(2000 2005)

11 : 2039 4,, H 2 O 2, [9] 1.3.5 稻米中氨基酸含量的测定 0.1000 g 10 ml, 6 mol L 1 5 ml,, ( ), 110 24 h,,, 2 ml, HCl, 2 ml, 0.45 μm, 10 μl, AccQ Fluor 70 μl, ( Waters, ) 20 μl, 55 10 min,, HPLC (Waters 2695, ) 2695, 2487, Empower AccQ Tag (3.9 mm 150 mm); A 140 mmol L 1 17 mmol L 1 (ph 4.95, ), B (), C 1.0 ml min 1, 37, 248 nm, 10 μl [10] (Waters ) 17, (tryptophane), 1.3.6 数据分析 SAS, SigmaPlot 8.0 2008,,,,, 2 ( 2) 2 结果与分析 2.1 2.1.1 稻米的碾磨品质和外观品质 (), ( 3), /, ( 3),, 2.1.2 稻米的蒸煮食味及营养品质, (), ( 4) 2.1.3 稻米淀粉 RVA 谱特性,,, ( 5) RVA,,, [11], 2.1.4 稻米蛋白质组分,,, ( 6),,,, ;,, [12] 2.1.5 稻米氨基酸含量 1,, Table 2 Source of variation Year Year cultivar df 表 2 中籼水稻品种产量和主要品质指标的年度与品种间方差分析 Analysis of variance of F values of grain yield and some main quality traits in mid-season indica rice cultivars between/among years and cultivars Yield Brown rice rate Head milled rice rate Ratio of length to width Chalkiness Protein content Amylose content Peak viscosity Breakdown 1 1.92 1.43 2.38 1.48 1.93 3.13 2.87 2.28 3.4 2.3 Setback 12 178.89 ** 8.25 ** 82.05 ** 24.09 ** 217.11 ** 76.62 ** 89.81 ** 57.68 ** 34.69 ** 48.96 ** 12 1.03 1.54 1.96 0.86 1.29 0.63 1.15 0.87 1.97 1.41 ** 0.01 ** Significant at the 0.01 probability level.

2040 35 Table 3 表 3 中籼水稻品种演进过程中稻米碾磨品质和外观品质的变化 Changes in milling quality and appearance quality in grains during the evolution of mid-season indica rice cultivars Brown rice rate (%) Milled rice rate (%) Head milled rice rate (%) Ratio of length to width Chalky grain (%) Chalkiness (%) ET Huangguaxian 80.80 ab 67.62 f 44.82 bcd 2.54 ef 83.11 c 22.15 a Yintiaoxian 80.27 bcd 68.12 ef 41.86 cde 2.36 fg 78.51 d 18.90 b 1 Nanjing 1 80.42 bc 67.46 f 42.82 cde 2.31 fg 88.62 b 18.78 b Average 80.50 67.73 43.17 2.40 83.41 19.94 DC Taizhongxian 79.37 e 67.71 f 41.00 cdef 2.71 cde 80.67 cd 13.71 c 11 Nanjing 11 79.83 cde 64.85 h 37.51 f 2.26 g 95.44 a 21.12 a Zhenzhu ai 81.29 a 69.16 cd 58.14 a 1.96 h 93.33 a 19.38 b Average 80.16 67.24 45.55 2.31 89.81 18.07 SDC IR24 79.49 e 65.64 g 29.42 g 3.17 a 52.60 e 9.30 de 2 Yangdao 2 79.56 de 68.75 de 40.69 def 3.03 ab 47.37 fg 9.83 d 6 Yangdao 6 79.56 de 69.35 bcd 42.29 cde 2.93 abc 41.56 h 8.21 ef Average 79.54 67.91 37.47 3.04 47.18 9.11 SDH 63 Shanyou 63 80.49 bc 69.42 bcd 39.26 ef 2.70 de 78.04 d 13.55 c 6 Yangliangyou 6 80.82 ab 69.72 bc 45.11 bc 3.12 ab 45.90 g 8.33 ef Average 80.66 69.57 42.19 2.91 61.97 10.94 SR Liangyoupeijiu 80.86 ab 70.45 a 47.17 b 3.12 ab 51.07 ef 7.74 fg II 084 II you 084 80.70 ab 69.89 ab 40.74 def 2.91 bcd 44.54 gh 6.86 g Average 80.78 70.17 43.96 3.02 47.81 7.30 0.05 ET: ; DC: ; SDC: ; SDH: ; SR: Table 4 表 4 中籼水稻品种演进过程中稻米蒸煮食味及营养品质的变化 Changes in cooking quality and nutritional quality in grains during the evolution of mid-season indica rice cultivars Protein content (%) Amylose content (%) Gel consistency (mm) ET Huangguaxian 10.90 b 22.30 b 74.00 a Yintiaoxian 10.54 bc 26.68 a 71.75 ab 1 Nanjing 1 11.14 b 24.63 ab 70.75 abc Average 10.86 24.54 65.00 DC Taizhongxian 9.62 de 16.80 c 70.50 abc 11 Nanjing 11 12.23 a 26.48 a 65.75 abcd Zhenzhu ai 10.60 bc 25.50 ab 65.25 abcd Average 10.82 22.93 64.25 SDC IR24 10.04 cd 17.58 c 65.25 abcd 2 Yangdao 2 9.46 def 16.93 c 63.50 bcd 6 Yangdao 6 9.35 def 17.33 c 62.50 bcd Average 9.62 17.28 64.75 SDH 63 Shanyou 63 9.99 cd 18.98 c 61.25 cd 6 Yangliangyou 6 9.18 ef 17.15 c 61.25 cd Average 9.59 18.07 68.75 SR Liangyoupeijiu 8.83 f 17.78 c 60.75 cd II 084 II you 084 9.75 de 17.75 c 57.50 d Average 9.29 17.77 65.25 0.05 ET: ; DC: ; SDC: ; SDH: ; SR:

11 : 2041 Table 5 表 5 中籼水稻品种演进过程中稻米淀粉 RVA 谱特性的变化 ( 单位 : cp) Changes in rapid viscosity analyzer(rva) profiles of starch in grains during the evolution of mid-season indica rice cultivars (unit: cp) Peak viscosity Hot viscosity Breakdown Final viscosity Setback ET Huangguaxian 3201.75 bcd 2707.75 a 494.00 e 3603.00 bc 401.25 cd Yintiaoxian 2931.75 e 2494.25 b 437.50 e 3655.00 ab 723.25 a 1 Nanjing 1 3151.25 bcd 2678.75 a 472.50 e 3595.50 bc 444.25 bcd Average 3094.97 2626.92 468.00 3617.83 522.92 DC Taizhongxian 3471.25 a 2176.75 de 1294.50 a 3168.25 e 303.00 f 11 Nanjing 11 3205.00 bcd 2724.00 a 481.00 e 3802.00 a 597.00 ab Zhenzhu ai 3089.25 cde 2727.25 a 362.00 e 3551.00 bc 461.75 bcd Average 3255.17 2542.67 712.50 3507.08 251.92 SDC IR24 3530.00 a 2417.00 bc 1113.00 b 3440.00 cd 90.00 e 2 Yangdao 2 2972.50 e 2294.25 cd 678.25 d 3556.00 bc 583.50 abc 6 Yangdao 6 3283.25 b 2262.25 de 1021.00 bc 3357.50 d 74.25 e Average 3261.92 2324.50 937.42 3451.17 189.25 SDH 63 Shanyou 63 3191.50 bcd 2250.75 de 940.75 bc 3551.25 bc 359.75 d 6 Yangliangyou 6 3263.25 bc 2202.50 de 1060.75 b 3340.25 d 77.00 e Average 3227.38 2226.63 1000.75 3445.75 218.38 SR Liangyoupeijiu 2769.25 f 1918.00 f 851.25 cd 3141.25 e 372.00 d II 084 II you 084 3073.25 de 2124.75 e 948.50 bc 3465.75 cd 392.50 d Average 2921.25 2021.38 899.88 3303.50 382.25 0.05 ET: ; DC: ; SDC: ; SDH: ; SR: 表 6 中籼水稻品种演进过程中稻米蛋白质组分 (%) 的变化 Table 6 Changes in protein components in grains during the evolution of mid-season indica rice cultivars (%) Protein content Albumin Globulin Prolamin Glutelin ET 10.46 a 0.54 c 0.90 bc 1.30 a 6.98 b DC 10.23 a 0.62 b 0.96 a 1.27 a 7.15 b SDC 9.20 b 0.56 c 0.98 a 0.98 b 7.08 b SDH 9.47 b 0.61 b 0.94 ab 1.04 b 7.37 a SR 9.21 b 0.67 a 0.88 c 0.97 b 7.49 a 0.05 ET: ; DC: ; SDC: ; SDH: ; SR: (Glu) (Ser) (Arg) (Pro) (Leu), (Thr) (Met) (Cys2) (Ala), (Lys) (Leu) (Gly) (Arg), (Val) (Ile)(Phe) (Glu) (Tyr) 2.2, ( 7), 3.14 t hm 2, 12.95%, 18.34% 24.08%,,,

2042 35 图 1 中籼水稻品种演进过程中籽粒氨基酸含量的变化 Fig. 1 Changes in contents of amino acids in grains during the evolution of mid-season indica rice cultivars Lys: ; Val: ; Met: ; Thr: ; Ile: ; Leu: ; Phe: ; Asp: ; Ser: ; Glu: ; Gly: ; His: ; Arg: ; Ala: ; Pro: ; Cys2: ; Tyr: ET: ; DC: ; SDC: ; SDH: ; SR: ET: early tall; DC: dwarf cultivar; SDC: semi-dwarf cultivar; SDH: demi-dwarf hybrid; SR: super rice. Table 7 表 7 中籼水稻品种演进过程中产量及其构成因素的变化 Changes in grain yield and its components during the evolution of mid-season indica rice cultivars Panicles ( 10 4 hm 2 ) Spikelets per panicle Seed-setting rate (%) Total spikelets ( 10 6 hm 2 ) 1000-grain weight (g) ET Huangguaxian 242.35 abc 106.65 ef 55.00 b 255.93 e 24.58 f 3.39 h Yield (t hm 2 ) Yintiaoxian 269.33 ab 96.03 f 58.88 b 259.84 e 25.58 cde 3.76 gh 1 Nanjing 1 237.91 bc 112.68 e 62.80 b 267.91 e 25.28 e 4.26 g Average 249.86 105.12 58.89 261.23 25.15 3.81 DC Taizhongxian 269.53 ab 129.53 d 81.91 a 349.03 cd 23.58 g 6.70 f 11 Nanjing 11 279.18 a 129.74 d 79.94 a 362.02 bc 26.41 b 7.62 de Zhenzhu ai 246.55 abc 129.35 d 77.35 a 318.66 d 26.41 b 6.53 f Average 265.09 129.54 79.73 343.24 25.47 6.95 SDC IR24 265.76 ab 141.52 cd 76.59 a 370.65 bc 24.46 f 6.93 ef 2 Yangdao 2 260.86 ab 142.46 cd 86.12 a 371.74 bc 25.47 de 8.15 cd 6 Yangdao 6 224.09 c 164.97 b 87.53 a 368.33 bc 26.28 bc 8.46 bc Average 250.24 149.65 83.41 370.24 25.40 7.85 SDH 63 Shanyou 63 253.36 abc 151.11 bc 86.97 a 382.60 bc 27.57 a 9.17 ab 6 Yangliangyou 6 248.19 abc 162.21 b 85.67 a 402.47 b 27.26 a 9.40 a Average 250.78 156.66 86.32 392.54 27.42 9.29 SR Liangyoupeijiu 218.39 c 225.53 a 77.54 a 492.20 a 25.95 bcde 9.90 a II 084 II you 084 218.97 c 216.75 a 77.26 a 474.12 a 26.14 bcd 9.57 a Average 218.68 221.14 77.40 483.16 26.05 9.74 0.05 ET: ; DC: ; SDC: ; SDH: ; SR:

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