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159 A New Research on Feng Yu-hsiang and the People's Anti-Japanese Allied Army, 1933 Li, Chun-shan* Abstract The People's Anti-Japanese Allied Army in Chahar of 1933 is the last military gambling of Feng Yu-hsiang to challenge Chiang Kai-shek's power. Feng's original attempt is to organize the itinerant militarists and the militant rural combination in Chahar, in the name of anti-japanese invation, to call for an anti-chiang Alliance of other KMT factions. So in this article, the author differs from former researchers in that, besides the traditional focuses on "the war against Japan" and "the career of Feng Yu-hsiang", he also brings in the issue of militarism, especially the behavior model of the itinerant militarists and the militant rural combination, in order to explain the reasons why the Allied Army arose so rapidly and collapsed so easily. The author believes this would be an interesting dimension to understanding the Chahar event and the Chinese militarism in the 1930's. Keywords: Feng Yu-hsiang, militarism, the People s Anti-Japanese Allied Army, Chahar, petty warlords, itinerant militarist * Assistant Professor, Department of History, National Chung Hsing University.


161 * James E. Sheridan 1 2 3 * 1 James E. Sheridan, Chinese Warlord: The Career of Feng Yu-hsiang (Stanford: Stanford Univ. Press, 1966), pp.270-273. 2 21971 6 3 141982 5

162 4 5 6 7 militarism 8 national militarism super-tuchuns provincial 4 1995 6 146-157 2000 12 126-140 5 1982:3 8 110-115 6 1990:1 1990 2 93-100 7 1989:7 1989 7 74-81 8 1985:1 15-18

163 9 militarism tuchuns Lucian W. Pye 10 11 12 13 Phil Billingsley 14 15 1937-1949 9 Lucian W. Pye, Warlord Politics (N. Y.: Praeger Publishers, Inc., 1971), pp.41-42. 10 Ibid., pp.39-59, 77-112. 11 Hsi-Sheng Ch i, Warlord Politics in China, 1916-1928 (Stanford: Stanford Univ. Press, 1976), pp.36-76, 179-195Sheridan, op. cit., pp.16-30. 12 1983 9 76 13 14 1961 4 26 14 Phil Billingsley, Bandits in Republican China (Stanford: Stanford Univ. Press, 1988). 15 1937-1949 2002 1

164 16 itinerant militarists 17 militant rural combination 18 militarization 16 17 Ch i, op. cit., p.47. 18 Billingsley, op. cit., p.8.

165 19 20 21 22 19 Ibid., p.25. 20 76 21 Pye, op. cit., pp.97-112. 22 Ch i, op. cit., p.133.

166 23 24 25 23 21 2 15 2 17 23 1633 24 22 1 20 3 22000788 25 22 3 8 5 22001761

167 26 27 28 26 22 3 27 6 22002272 27 22 3 30 22002394 28 22 1 28

168 29 30 31 George Wetzell 32 34 26 29 22 4 3 4 6 31 22402249 30 22 5 16 2 22030318 31 22 3 21 7 22052499 32 22 3 22 22046906

169 33 34 35 36 37 33 22 5 7 1984 4 302 34 22 4 22 1 22047704 35 22 3 24 7 22052532 36 22 3 25 2010.20/4450.01-080 22 3 27 6 22002273 37 22 3 30

170 38 39 40 22002394 38 22 4 4 31 2239 39 22 5 20 2 22030552 40 21 6 6 26 26 1877

171 41 42 43 44 41 22 1 30 1 31 292112 42 22 2 5 2 8 30 2176 43 22 2 28 1998 11 36 44 22 3 25 2010.20/4450.01-080

172 45 46 47 48 49 45 22 4 8 312252 46 22 4 8 2253 47 22 4 9 2264 48 22 4 11 2 22027881 49 22 4 12 2010.20/4450.01-081

173 50 51 52 50 22 4 28 3 22003300 51 1985 5 86-7 52 22 5 15 6 22037973

174 53 54 55 56 57 58 榘 59 53 5617 4105 20 3 200A/1015/3710.01-01 (micro 143/2303-42314) 54 22 1 7 3-4 55 22 2 14 28 56 55 57 6 58 36-7 59 55

175 60 61 榘 62 63 64 60 1987 8 545-6 61 6467 62 22 4 6 312262 63 22 5 16 4 22050720 64 64

176 65 66 67 68 69 65 22 1 15 13 66 22 1 25 20 67 22 2 3 25 68 22 2 9 322302 69 22 4 1 50

177 70 71 72 73 70 22 3 14 41 71 22 3 31 49 72 10:14 22 4 10 73 22 4 4

178 74 75 76 51 74 22 4 4 6 22037393 75 22 5 2 3 22003383 76 22 5 2 2 22029250

179 77 78 79 80 77 22 5 11 2 22029992 78 21 79 305 80 23 5 26 305

180 81 81 203-7

181 82 83 84 82 22 3 8 5 22001761 83 127 84 109

182 85 86 alignment potential 87 88 85 22 7 23 200A/1015/3710.01-02 (micro 143/2447-52) 86 87 Pye, op. cit., p.95. 88 1:13 304

183 89 90 91 89 22 7 4 1 22034709 90 22 5 29 4 22056855 91 75145-6

184 92 93 榘 94 95 96 92 22 5 14 3 22003733 93 342 67 94 10:31 22 8 7 6 95 172 96 63

185 97 98 99 97 22 3 14 7 22044650 98 22 5 27 16 255-6 99 22 6 11 67

186 100 101 102 100 22 6 11 7 22056480 101 22 7 3 32 2288 102 22 6 6 16 269

187 103 104 105 103 22 5 30 4 22045858 104 22 6 7 16 269 105 153-161

188 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 106 21 107 22 5 28 7 22045725 108 23 109 22 3 13 39 110 111 166 112 220

189 113 114 115 116 117 113 22 7 12 77 114 22 7 17 82 115 22 7 14 4 22035557 116 9 117 304

190 118 119 120 121 122 123 118 126 119 17-19 120 22 8 4 105 121 23 122 62 123 22 6 11 68

191 124 125 126 127 128 129 124 1992 7 147 125 22 7 1 32 2288 126 22 4 6 312247 127 596 128 22 8 4 200A/1015/3710.01-02 (micro 143/2478-79) 10:3122 8 7 129 1976 1 603-4

192 130 131 132 133 134 135 榘 136 137 130 22 9 29 1 22060171 131 14 50 132 1933 9 25 133 120 134 92-3 135 22 9 27 1 22014515 136 22 9 29 22060172 137 52

193 138 139 140 petty warlords 141 138 22 10 2 1 22060273 139 22 10 2 22060259 140 Sheridan, op. cit., p.18. 141 6

194 142 榘 143 142 232 143 124-5

195 144 145 144 11 145 22 12 25 1 22026812

196 16 34 1998 11 1987 8 1985 5 1984 4 1976 1 14 1961 4 1990:1 1990 2 21971 6

197 2000 12 1985:1 1989:7 1989 7 1992 7 1983 9 1982:3 1982 8 1937-1949 2002 1 1995 6 141982 5 Billingsley, Phil, Bandits in Republican China (Stanford: Stanford Univ. Press, 1988). Ch i, Hsi-Sheng, Warlord Politics in China, 1916-1928 (Stanford: Stanford Univ. Press, 1976) Pye, Lucian W., Warlord Politics (N. Y.: Praeger Publishers, Inc., 1971) Sheridan, James E., Chinese Warlord: The Career of Feng Yu-hsiang (Stanford: Stanford Univ. Press, 1966)