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ABSTRACTS Ch ina s Politica l Reform Towards Good Governance from 1978 to 2008 Abstract: Reform, i1e. YU Ke2ping There are five roads in the map of evolution of China s democratic governance since the from monistic governance towards p luralist governance; from centralization towards decen2 tralization; from the rule of man towards the rule of law; from regulatory government towards service gov2 ernment; and from the Party democracy towards social democracy. China s governance reform will con2 tinue to focus on ecological balance, social justice, public service, social harmony, governm ental clean2 ness, governmental innovations, intra2party democracy and grassroots democracy. The evolution of China s democratic governance w ill eventually rest on social and econom ic developm ent, the logic of po2 litical development, formation of a new political culture and the impulse of globalization as well. W ith the consistent efforts in the last three decades, a unique governance model is under formation in China, which w ill m arch towards democracy, rule of law, justice, accountability, transparency, cleanness, effi2 ciency and harmony. Keywords: governance; democracy; political reform; governance model; governm ent innovations From Con trol to Serv ice: Ch inese Governm en t s Adm in istra tive Revolution Ch ina s 30 Y ears of Adm in istra tive M anagem en t Reform Abstract: ZHOU Guang2hu i The past 30 years of adm inistrative managem ent reform in China took on such character2 istics as one course and three phases. In the first stage, the reform of adm inistrative m anagement aimed at breaking through bounds from the highly centralized system w ith political and econom ic integration, and its keystone is stream line adm inistration and institute decentralization ; In the second stage, the pur2 pose of adm inistrative managem ent reform is adjusting to the systemetic transform from p lanned economy to m arket economy, and its focal point is to change the government function; The goal of the third stage s reform is to p ropel the transformation of government management model and build the service2ori2 ented governm ent. The goal is to realize the modern transformation from control to service in governm ent managem ent, and establish a modern government which is service2oriented. It is not only a managerial revolution but also a p rofound adjustm ent of the follow ing 3 relations: governm ent and market, govern2 ment and citizens, domestic governance and global governance. Keywords: adm inistrative reform; governmental m anagement; the service2oriented government The Fa te of D ia lectics and the Con struction of Ch inese M odern ity Abstract: HE L ai It is a very important top ic for the research of dialectics and the exp loration of Chinese modernity as well to reflect the development p rocess of dialectics in China from the perspective of con2 struction of Chinese modernity. rative to justify for the Modernity Project. In the modern history, dialectics p lays an important role as the M eta2nar2 Since dialectics went into China as a philosophical discourse, it has been develop ing an inherent and close relationship w ith the construction of Chinese modernity. evolution of understanding mode on dialectics in China rep resents the p rocess for Chinese peop le to ex2 p lore the construction of modernity. The However, to reflect critically the Logic of Totality that hides behind 159