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The capacity of the Swimming Pool is restricted by the Hong Kong Government Swimming Pool By-laws. The maximum admission rate is 220 persons. Admission will be on first-come-first-serve basis. The Management reserves the right to refuse any admission once the maximum is reached. Children under 12 years of age must be accompanied and supervised by an adult at all time. For the sake of safety, parent must ensure their children will not stay alone in the pool when they leave pool area. For the sake of safety, adult may bring a maximum of 2 children entering the pool. Children over 1 meter height should purchase swimming tickets. All swimmers should pass through the footbath to clean their feet before entering the pool. Persons suffering from any respiratory illness symptoms, cutaneous or contagious diseases are not allowed. For the sake of hygienic, please do not spit. Swimmers must wear proper swimming suits. Swimmers with long hair down to the shoulders must wear swimming caps. No slippers, shoes and stockings are to be worn within the pool. Running, chasing, diving, pushing, horseplay or other inappropriate or offensive conduct is not permitted in the swimming pool area. The throwing of balls or other objects and the use of water propelling devices within the pool area is not permitted. No objects, other than appropriate goggles, armbands and floating rings, may be taken into the pool without the consent of clubhouse (such consent will favourably considered when the pool is not crowded). Eating, drinking or smoking in pools/or pool desk area is not permitted. Persons who smeared sun oil must shower before entering the pool. For safety, persons who are not competent swimmers may not swim in deep water area. For safety, no entry is allowed at the pool closing time. Swimmers using lockers or any others storage facilities (if any) are at their own risk. According to the Club House Rules and Regulations, unless prior written approval by the club Management is obtained, otherwise, any kind of organized activities regardless of its nature, or giving lessons free of charge, for a free, or other forms of reward is strictly prohibited. These Swimming Pool Regulations could be amended, added and deleted, as and when necessary by the Clubhouse without prior notice. 5

携 Only for valid Club card holder. Admission will be on first-come-first-serve basic. Any admission exceeding its determined capacity is not allowed. The following persons should not make use the sauna rooms : a. Any person under the age of 12 b. Pregnant women c. Persons suffering from high blood pressure, heart diseases person d. Persons after drinking, taking drug e. Persons after a heavy meal or strenuous exercise 7.2.4 Please clean up body before entry. 7.2.5 Members are not allowed to bring any beauty amenities or proceed to do the treatment of the said item. 7.2.6 Members are not allowed to bring any newspaper, magazines or inflammables inside the sauna room.. 7.2.7 No smoking and eating is permitted. 7.2.8 No slippers, shoes, stocking, etc. are to be worn. 7.2.9 Swimmers using lockers or any other storage facilities (if any) are at their own risk. 6

6 For children aged 6 or below only. Children must be accompanied and supervised by adults. Please take off and place the shoes into the cabinet while entering the Room. Admission will be on first-come-first-serve basis. Any admission exceeding its determined capacity is not allowed. No smoking, eating and drinking are permitted. For Club members only, please produce valid club card for identification. For other details, please refer to Recreation Facilities Regulations as displayed at the entrance of the clubhouse. 7

6 7 7.4 Tennis Court 7.4.1 No more than 6 persons are allowed to stay in one court at the same time. 7.4.2 No coaching services are permitted in the squash court area unless Club s approval is obtained. 7.4.3 Users shall be properly dressed and wear white soled sports shoes for the game. 7.4.4 No smoking and eating are permitted. 7.4.5 In the event of bad weather condition, users can arrange re-booking within one week from the date of the cancelled session. All fees paid will not be refundable. 7.4.6 Except bad weather condition, all booking are non-changeable. 7.4.7 The Manager reserves the right to add, delete or amend the above regulations without prior notice to the members. 7.4.8 For other details, please refer to Recreation Facilities Regulations as displayed at the entrance of the Clubhouse. 8

15 For valid club cardholders only, non-members are not served. Admission to the Room will be on first-come-first-serve basis. Any admission exceeding its determined capacity is not allowed. No seat is reserved, Club reserves the right to remove any items when members leave the seat after 15 minutes. Please return newspaper, magazines on its place after reading. Please do not make dirty, damage or cut any newspaper or magazines; otherwise, compensation in full value shall be liable. Please keep quiet and do not disturb other members. No smoking, eating and drinking are permitted. 9

16 / Person under the age of 16 is not allowed. Admission will be on first-come-first-serve basis. Any admission exceeding its determined capacity is not allowed. Members who would like to use the fitness room, please purchase tickets at club counter. Users must wear proper suits and suitable sports shoes. To avoid injuries, users are advised not to use the equipment exceeding their physical abilities or they are not familiar with. Please return the apparatus / equipment in its place after used. Users using lockers or any other storage facilities are at their own risk. No smoking, eating and drinking are permitted. No spectator is allowed. For other details, please refer to Recreation Facilities Regulation as displayed at the entrance of the clubhouse. 10

7.7 Coin Massage Chairs 7.7.1 The coin massage chairs are intended for the exclusive use and enjoyment of the members of Laguna City Resident Clubhouse and their guests. Members are requested to accompany their guests at all time. 7.7.2 The coin massage chairs are for sole purpose of providing massage chair service only. Please do not use it as an additional sitting chair for taking a rest or reading. 7.7.3 The coin massage chairs are provided on a first-come-first-served basis. 7.7.4 Users should use the coin massage chairs with care and will be held liable for compensation at market rate for any damage. 7.7.5 The Club reserves the right to stop anyone using the facility who disregards the rules and regulations or cause nuisance or danger to the others. 11

7.7.6 The Club reserves the right to stop the coin massage chair service at any time for cleaning or emergency maintenance without prior notice. 7.7.7 Woman who is pregnant and children under the age of 7 should not use the coin massage chairs. 7.7.8 The Club shall not be held liable for any accidents and personal injuries however caused when using the coin massage chair. All users are at their own risks. 7.7.9 The Club reserves the right to amend the above Coin Massage Chairs Rules and Regulations without prior notice. 12

(3) 8/ 30 / Users must be residents of Laguna City(Phase 3) Users should present valid resident cards and register at club reception counter Users who are 8 years old or below must be accompanied by parents / guardians The service is based on first-come-first-serve basis. The maximum usage time for each session is 30 minutes. Users shall not disturb other members and a reasonable quietness is requested. Do not install / use personal software or hardware on the computers. Users must not change computers configuration. Do not receive / spread / transfer any documents or applications which contain virus. 13

Computers are for the purpose of searching information online. No pornography, violence and gambling web sites browsing are allowed. Users shall be responsible for compensating any loss and damage to software or hardware if improper usage is found. Clubhouse may limit the number of booking by the same person in the same day. Clubhouse retains the right to refuse any person to use the facility. Clubhouse reserves the right to revise the above rules and regulations without prior notice. 14

(3) 8/ 30 / / Users must be residents of Laguna City. Users should pay and present a membership card at club reception counter. Users who are 8 years old or below must be accompanied by parents / guardians. The service is based on first-come-first-serve basis. The maximum usage time for each session is 10 minutes. Users should not make much noise while playing in order to avoid any disturbances to other members. Please do not place drinks, foods or any articles on any part of the Air-Hockey Machine. Users shall be responsible for compensating any loss and damage of the equipment or accessories. Upon the completion of hired period of time, users should return all the hired accessories to the reception counter, otherwise, users shall pay an extra fee for another hire. Clubhouse retains the right to refuse any person to use the facility. Clubhouse reserves the right to revise the above rules and regulations without prior notice. 15