肏約翰. 葛瑞森的後庭 ( 生怪胎 ) inaction public access representation noncommercial anti-aesthetic Michel Feher Feher 2010 Bolo! Bolo! video democracy

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愛滋治理與在地行動 肏約翰. 葛瑞森的後庭 ( 生怪胎 ) 1 Cindy Patton 1991 John Greyson Michael Balser Toronto community-access channel video project Rogers Channel 10 Ed Nasello Harris 1991 Ian Rashid 2 Gita Saxena Bolo! Bolo! 1 "Buggering John Greyson" bugger 4 2 Kasper Jivan Saxena Museum of Incognita 5000 Bolo! Bolo! / Saxena 2011 Waugh 2006: 436, 495 57

肏約翰. 葛瑞森的後庭 ( 生怪胎 ) inaction public access representation noncommercial anti-aesthetic Michel Feher Feher 2010 Bolo! Bolo! video democracy 1980 1990 3 3 1989 [The Video Data Bank] V 58

愛滋治理與在地行動 1990 1989 The World Is Sick Tape Bill Horrigan Video Against AIDS 59

肏約翰. 葛瑞森的後庭 ( 生怪胎 ) 2000 2005 YouTube political organizing 1980 1987 ADS The ADS Epidemic: Acquired Dread of Sex Barbara Hammer Snow Job: The Media Hysteria of Aids, 1986 Issac Julien This is Not an AIDS Advert, 1987 Pritibha Parmar Reframing AIDS, 1987 sexuality AZT body-subject 1993 Zero Patience 60

愛滋治理與在地行動 genre pastiche Zero Patience Michael Callen Zero Patience sold down the river? 1990 1996 1980 61

肏約翰. 葛瑞森的後庭 ( 生怪胎 ) Jenny Holzer Jean Carlomusto Gregg Bordowitz Gran Fury Arts Against AIDS project Brecht defamiliarizing effect 1983 MTV Eisenstein Vito Russo Michael Bronski Bronski 1984; Russo 1987 "colonizing" specific genres Greyson 2009 queering Eve Sedgwick 62

愛滋治理與在地行動 Between Men: English Literature and Male Homosocial Desire anal eroticism Sedgwick 1985 1970 1980 historical-critical approaches minority literature the homoerotic the sentimental homosentimentality heteronormative spaces After the Bath intercut After the Bath London, Ontario age of consent spectacle 63

肏約翰. 葛瑞森的後庭 ( 生怪胎 ) The Making of Monsters fuck you Gilles Deleuze buggery 4 4 1987 Leo Bersani Is the Rectum a Grave? Bersani 1987 1980 1990 barebacking baby bump double helix discourse "helix discourse" "double" / pre-identitarian rough play buggery "buggery" 64

愛滋治理與在地行動 in Massumi 1992, 2 ontology of space-time Deleuze 1986 shaping action or inaction 5 antisex 5 1989 [Letter to Ray Navarro] [Fig Trees] (Lilies) (Proteus 65

肏約翰. 葛瑞森的後庭 ( 生怪胎 ) 1989 Laroche CNN 1980 1991 CNN [Christiane Amanpour] [Walter Cronkite] AZT AZT AZT 66

愛滋治理與在地行動 2% 20% shot up shot up sexual health Fraternity for AIDS Cessation Natee Teerarojjanapongs Valerie Scott 67

肏約翰. 葛瑞森的後庭 ( 生怪胎 ) Mainliners John Mourdant Mainliner Carol Lafavor 100 1000 The Pink Pimpernel 1905 The Scarlet Pimpernel masked heroes meta-political buggery gay domestic drama treatment activism Percy 68

愛滋治理與在地行動 [Bristol Myers] Bolo! Bolo! 1980 politics of representation sexual politics the lavender left counter-culture 69

肏約翰. 葛瑞森的後庭 ( 生怪胎 ) Genet Chant d` amour Fassbinder Querelle Norman McLaren Claude Jutra A Chairy Tale UB40 "Cheerio Baby" Andy Warhol Blow Job [shiny and not shiny] Patton 1996 Wieland Speck 6 6 / Aids Coalition To Unleash Power ACT UP pornography of science 600 70

愛滋治理與在地行動 1980 Patton 1996 71

肏約翰. 葛瑞森的後庭 ( 生怪胎 ) [Paul Reuben] 1986 1990 [PeeWee's Playhouse] safe sex visual codes sexualities Bolo 72

愛滋治理與在地行動 racialized desires Isaac Julien Kobena Mercer Langston Hughes blackness skin-privilege Hooks and Julies 1991 Robert Mapplethorpe Franz Fanon white gaze racist photophobia 73

肏約翰. 葛瑞森的後庭 ( 生怪胎 ) Mercer 1991 Fanon 1952/2008 Black and White Men Together Hot, Horny, and Healthy Black Lesbian and Gay Leadership Forum 1985 Richard Fung racialized power dynamics radical democratization Fung 1991 [Video Against AIDS VAA] queer sexualities 74

愛滋治理與在地行動 Bolo! Bolo! a visually specific homo-modernism Tom Waugh The Romance of Transgression in Canada: Queering Sexualities, Nations, Cinemas 2006 Bersani, Leo. "Is the Rectum a Grave?" October 43 (Winter, 1987): 197-222. Black Gay and Lesbian Leadership Forum; The National Task Force on AIDS Prevention. "Hot, Horney and Healthy: An educational campaign poster." 1985. 75

肏約翰. 葛瑞森的後庭 ( 生怪胎 ) Bronski, Michael. Culture Clash: the making of gay sensibility. Boston, MA: South End Press, 1984. Deleuze, Gilles. Cinema 1: Mivement-Image. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 1983/1986. Fanon, Frantz. Black Skin, White Masks. New York: Grove Press, 1952/2008. Feher, Michel. "AIDS Activism, Nongovernmental Politics, and the Neoliberal Condition." SICK 80's. The AIDS Crisis, Art and Counter-biopolitical Guerrilla Open PEI Seminar. Digital audio recording of a lecture by Michel Feher and Cynthia Patton. Barcelona, Spain, 2010. Fung, Richard. "Looking for My Penis: The Eroticized Asian in Gay Video Porn." In How Do I Look? Queer Film and Video, edited by Bad Object-Choices, 145-168. Seattle: Bay Press, 1991. Greyson, John. "Colonizing the "Original": John Greyson and Queer Adaptations (Interview)." In Performing Adaptations: Essays and Conversations on the Theory and Practice of Adaptation, edited by Michelle MacArthur, Lydia Wilkinson and Keren Zaiontz, 183-202. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009. Harris, Christopher. "TV News - A series of educational videos has been pulled from a cable company's community channel because of 'explicite' scenes of male kissing and caressing - Rogers drops AIDS show." Globe and Mail, March 27, 1991. Hooks, Bell, and Isaac Julien. "States of Desire." Transition, no. 53 (1991): 168-184. Massumi, Brian. A User's Guide to Capitalism and Schizophrenia. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1992. Mercer, Kobena. "Looking for Trouble: Review of Robert Mapplethorpe by Richard Marshall, Richard Howard and Ingrid Sischy." Transition, no. 51 (1991): 184-197. Patton, Cindy. Fatal Advice: How Safe-Sex Education Went Wrong. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1996. Russo, Vito. The Celluloid Closet: Homosexuality in the Movies. New York: Harper & Row, 1987. Saxena, Kaspar, personal correspondance with author, March 8, 2011. Sedgwick, Eve K. Between Men: English Literature and Male Homosocial Desire. New York: Columbia University Press, 1985. Waugh, Thomas. The Romance of Transgression in Canada: Queering Sexualities, Nations, Cinemas. Montreal & Kingston: McGill - Queen's University Press, 2006. 76

愛滋治理與在地行動 白瑞梅 ( 主持人 ) Cindy 甯應斌 HIV 妖妖 77

肏約翰. 葛瑞森的後庭 ( 生怪胎 ) 柯乃熒 2010 Facebook Cindy Patton 78

愛滋治理與在地行動 Boston 79

肏約翰. 葛瑞森的後庭 ( 生怪胎 ) 丁乃非 Cindy 1987 1988 Boston 甯應斌 AIDS 80

愛滋治理與在地行動 何春蕤 235 407 81

肏約翰. 葛瑞森的後庭 ( 生怪胎 ) 徐森杰 Cindy Patton Cindy Patton 1990 HIV 82

愛滋治理與在地行動 Michael Callen 1990 83

肏約翰. 葛瑞森的後庭 ( 生怪胎 ) 白瑞梅 Cindy Patton 84