WHAT IS BLADDER TRAINING? The aim of bladder training is to improve symptoms of overactive bladder. Bladder training teaches you how to hold more urin

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WHAT IS? The bladder is a muscle which contracts to empty the bladder when it is full and you are ready to empty. An overactive bladder means the bladder contracts before it is full. It can sometimes contract when you are not ready. You might go to the toilet often and find it hard to hold on until you get there. At times you may leak urine on the way to the toilet. WHAT CAUSES? Poor bladder control may be due to health problems, such as: stroke. having an enlarged prostate gland. Parkinson s disease. An overactive bladder can be due to poor bladder habits over a long time. For some people the cause is unknown. WHAT ARE NORMAL BLADDER HABITS? It is normal to: empty your bladder when you get out of bed in the morning. empty your bladder about 4 to 6 times through the day. empty your bladder before you go to bed at night. A healthy bladder holds about 1.5 to 2 cups of urine. This is equal to 300 400mls. Your bladder holds this much during the day. It holds more during the night, before you feel the need to pass urine. 什么是膀胱过度活动症? 膀胱是在胀满时通过收缩从而将尿液排空的肌肉 过度活动的膀胱是指膀胱在胀满之前便开始收缩 您可能需要经常去厕所, 而且很难在到达厕所之前忍住 有时候您还可能会在去厕所的途中发生漏尿 导致膀胱过度活动症的原因是什么? 膀胱控制能力较弱可能是由于健康问题导致的, 比如 : 中风 前列腺肥大 帕金森病 过度活动的膀胱可能是因一些长期的不良膀胱习惯导致的 对于某些人群来说, 其原因不明 正常的膀胱活动习惯有哪些? 以下是正常的习惯 : 早上起床时排空膀胱 白天排空膀胱 4-6 次 晚上睡觉前排空膀胱 健康的膀胱能承载 1.5-2 杯尿液 相当于 300-400 毫升 这是您的膀胱在白天的承载量 晚上的承载量要更大一些直到你有要去上厕所的感觉 这一习惯可能在老年人群中会有变化 年龄较大的人可能会在晚上产尿更多 这意味着与白天相比, 他们可能在晚上排尿更多 This pattern may change in older people. Older people may make more urine at night. This means they may have to pass more urine through the night than they do in the day. NATIONAL CONTINENCE HELPLINE 1800 330 066 www.bladderbowel.gov.au February 2016 CHINESE SIMP Page 1

WHAT IS BLADDER TRAINING? The aim of bladder training is to improve symptoms of overactive bladder. Bladder training teaches you how to hold more urine in your bladder without feelings of urgency. Visit your doctor, a continence nurse advisor or continence physiotherapist if you have some problems with bladder control. They could start you on a bladder training program. If you do nothing about your problem, it may get worse. WHAT IS IN A BLADDER TRAINING PROGRAM? You may be asked to keep a bladder diary. You need to keep the diary for at least 3 days. It keeps track of how your bladder works through the day. The bladder diary keeps track of: the time you go to the toilet. how much urine you pass each time. how strong you felt the urge to empty each time. The bladder diary may look something like this: Time Amount passed 6.30am 250mls 4 8.00am 150mls 3 9.00am 100mls 3 10.20am 150mls 1 12.15pm 100mls 1 1.25pm 200mls 3 2.30pm 200mls 3 How strong was the urge to go? How do I measure the amount of urine passed? Put a container (like an ice cream container) in the toilet. Now sit on the toilet and relax with your feet on the floor. Pass urine into the container. Then tip the urine into a jug to measure it. Men may want to stand and pass urine directly into a measuring jug. 什么是膀胱训练? 膀胱训练的目的是改善膀胱过度活动的症状 膀胱训练会教您如何能让您的膀胱憋住更多的尿液而不会感到尿急 如果您有膀胱控制问题, 请咨询您的医生, 排便节制护士或排便节制物理治疗师 他们会安排您开始进行膀胱训练 如果您放任不管, 那么这一问题可能会更严重 膀胱训练的内容有哪些? 您可能会需要做一个膀胱日记 至少三天 这样能对您膀胱在白天的工作情况有一个记录 膀胱记录能反映出 : 您去厕所的时间 您每一次的排尿量 您每一次要去排空膀胱的感觉有多强烈 膀胱日记可以是如下样式 : 时间 排尿量 排尿感觉有多强烈? 上午 6.30 250 毫升 4 上午 8.00 150 毫升 3 上午 9.00 100 毫升 3 上午 10.20 150 毫升 1 下午 12.15 100 毫升 1 下午 1.25 200 毫升 3 下午 2.30 200 毫升 3 我如何能测量排尿量? 在马桶中放置一个容器 ( 比如冰淇淋盒 ) 然后坐在马桶上, 两脚放松置于地面 将尿液排入容器 然后将其倒入量杯中 男性可以以站立姿势将尿液直接排入量杯中 NATIONAL CONTINENCE HELPLINE 1800 330 066 www.bladderbowel.gov.au February 2016 CHINESE SIMP Page 2

How do I measure urgency? This chart shows how to use a number to describe the urge you felt. 0 No urgency. I felt no need to empty. I emptied for other reasons. 1 Mild urgency. I could put it off as long as needed. I had no fear of wetting myself. 2 Moderate urgency. 3 Severe urgency. 4 Urge incontinence. I could put it off for a short time. I had no fear of wetting myself. I could not put it off. I had to rush to the toilet. I had fear I would wet myself. I leaked before I got to the toilet. How do I measure leaking using a Pad Weight Test? This test helps to work out how much urine you leak over a few days. To do this test you will need some accurate scales for weighing. You do this test by: 1. weighing a dry pad in a plastic bag before you wear the pad, 2. then weighing the wet pad in a plastic bag after you wear it, and 3. taking the weight of the dry pad away from the weight of the wet pad. This will show how much you have leaked because each gram equals one ml. 我如何衡量紧急性? 下面的表格显示如何使用数字来描述您的紧急感 0 没有紧急感 我没有要排空膀胱的感觉 我是因为其他原因而排空膀胱 1 轻微紧急感 我能最大限度憋住尿 我不担心会尿湿裤子 2 中等紧急感 我能憋住一小段时间 我不担心会尿湿裤子 3 严重紧急感 我没法憋住 我必须要赶到厕所去 我害怕我会尿湿裤子 4 小便失禁 我在到达厕所前就漏尿了 我如何能通过尿片重量测试测量漏尿量? 这一测试能帮助计算在几天中您的漏尿量 这一测试要求您有较精确的称重器 测试步骤如下 : 1. 先在塑料袋中测量干燥的尿片, 然后再穿上, 2. 在换下尿片后将其放入塑料袋中称重, 并且 3. 用湿尿片的重量减去干尿片的重量 这样便可以计算出您的漏尿量, 因为一克尿液体积相当于一毫升 计算方式如下 : 湿尿片干尿片重量差漏尿量 = 400 克 150 克 250 克 250 毫升 Like this: Wet pad 400g. Dry pad 150g. Weight Difference 250g. Amount leaked = 250mls. NATIONAL CONTINENCE HELPLINE 1800 330 066 www.bladderbowel.gov.au February 2016 CHINESE SIMP Page 3

WHO CAN HELP WITH YOUR BLADDER TRAINING PROGRAM? A doctor, continence nurse advisor or continence physiotherapist can get the best results for you. They will work out a program to suit you. Some of these continence health professionals may be in a private practice clinic. Others work in clinics in your local community health service. They also work in public hospital clinics. The National Continence Helpline 1800 33 00 66 can help you find your local continence clinic. HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE? Most bladder training programs take about 3 months. You may have regular meetings with your continence nurse advisor or continence physiotherapist. They will teach you ways to hold on for longer. This will mean you can hold more urine in your bladder. SOME HELPFUL THINGS YOU WILL LEARN FROM THE PROGRAM Pelvic Floor Muscle Training The continence physiotherapist or continence nurse advisor will teach you how to use your pelvic floor muscles. These muscles support your bladder and urethra. The urethra is the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside. Strong pelvic floor muscles help to hold back the strong urge to pass urine. This will help you hold on until you reach the toilet. 谁能为您制定膀胱训练计划? 医生, 排便节制护士或排便节制物理治疗师能帮您达到最好的效果 他们会帮您制定一个适合您的计划 有些排便节制医护专家可能在私人诊所问诊 另一些会在您当地社区健康服务诊所 他们也会在公共医院诊所工作 全国排便节制帮助热线 1800 33 00 66 能帮助您找到您当地的排便节制诊所 需要多久? 大多数的膀胱训练计划会持续 3 个月左右 您可能需要定期去见您的排便节制护士或排便节制物理治疗师 他们会教您如何让憋尿时间更长 这意味着您的膀胱可以承载更多的尿液 您将会从训练计划中了解到的一些有帮助的信息 盆腔底肌训练 排便节制物理治疗师或排便节制护士将会教您如何使用您的盆腔底肌 这些肌肉的功能是支撑您的膀胱和尿道 尿道是将尿液从膀胱中输送出来的管道 强壮的盆腔底肌能让您忍住排尿的强烈紧迫感 这也能帮助您憋住尿直到到达厕所 良好的膀胱习惯 每天饮用 1.5 至 2 升的液体是正常的, 除非您的医生说这样对您的健康不利 通过这一方法, 您的膀胱可以缓慢学习膨胀来承载更多尿液 您需要记录下您每天的饮水量 您还需要了解您的茶杯或马克杯的容量 茶杯的容量一般为 120 至 180 毫升, 马克杯则为 280 或 300 毫升或更多 Good Bladder Habits It is normal to consume between 1.5 2 litres of fluid per day unless your doctor says this is not okay. This way your bladder will slowly learn to stretch to hold more urine. You need to keep track of how much you drink each day. To do this you will need to know how much your cup or mug holds. Cups can hold from 120 to 180mls whereas mugs can hold 280 to 300mls or more. NATIONAL CONTINENCE HELPLINE 1800 330 066 www.bladderbowel.gov.au February 2016 CHINESE SIMP Page 4

Avoid drinking fizzy drinks or drinks with caffeine. These can upset the bladder and make it harder for you to hold on. There is some caffeine in chocolate, tea and coffee. There is more caffeine in cola and sports drinks. It is best to avoid drinking these. You will learn which drinks to choose so your bladder will not be upset. Good Bowel Habits You will also learn how constipation and straining to pass a bowel motion can stretch your pelvic floor muscles. Avoid constipation as this also causes poor bladder control. Eat at least 2 pieces of fruit and 5 serves of vegetables daily. Eat high fibre bread as well. WILL THERE BE SETBACKS? Do not be worried by small day to day changes in your bladder control. These are normal. Anyone on a bladder training program can have setbacks, when your symptoms may seem worse. This may happen when: you have a bladder infection (see your doctor right away). you are tired or run down. you are worried or stressed. the weather is wet, windy or cold. you are ill (such as a cold or the flu). you are a menstruating woman. 避免饮用有气泡或咖啡因的饮料, 因为这会影响到膀胱, 导致憋尿更加困难 巧克力, 茶和咖啡中含有一些咖啡因 可乐和运动饮料中的含量更高, 因此最好避免饮用 您将会了解到如何选择不会影响膀胱的饮料 良好的排便习惯 您还能了解到便秘和用力排便如何会导致盆腔底肌的松弛 便秘还会导致膀胱控制能力减弱, 因此应该要避免 每天食用至少 2 个水果和 5 份蔬菜 另外还有高纤维面包 会出现倒退现象吗? 请别太担心膀胱控制能力每天细小的变化 这些都是正常的 任何进行膀胱训练计划的人都可能会出现倒退现象, 您的症状也许看似更严重 倒退现象会出现在以下情况 : 您患有膀胱感染 ( 请立即去见医生 ) 您感到很累或疲劳 您感到担心或焦虑 天气潮湿, 大风或较冷 您有生病 ( 比如感冒或流感 ) 您正在月经期 如果出现倒退现象, 请别灰心 保持积极的心态并且继续努力 If set-backs do happen, do not lose heart. Stay positive and keep trying. NATIONAL CONTINENCE HELPLINE 1800 330 066 www.bladderbowel.gov.au February 2016 CHINESE SIMP Page 5

SEEK HELP You are not alone. Poor bladder and bowel control can be cured or better managed with the right treatment. If you do nothing, it might get worse. Phone expert advisors on the National Continence Helpline for free: advice; resources; and information about local services 1800 33 00 66 * (8am 8pm Monday to Friday AEST) To arrange for an interpreter through the Telephone Interpreter Service (TIS), phone 13 14 50 Monday to Friday and ask for the National Continence Helpline. Information in other languages is also available from continence.org.au/other-languages For more information: continence.org.au pelvicfloorfirst.org.au bladderbowel.gov.au * Calls from mobiles are charged at applicable rates. 寻求帮助 您无需独自面对 膀胱和肠道控制能力弱可以通过正确的治疗来治愈或进行更好的管理 如果您放任不管, 那么这一问题可能会更严重 请拨打 National Continence Helpline 致电专家顾问获得免费的 : 建议 ; 资源 ; 以及 关于当地服务的信息 1800 33 00 66 * ( 早上 8 点 晚上 8 点周一至周五澳洲东部时间 ) 如需通过电话口译服务 (TIS) 安排一位口译员, 请在周一至周五拨打电话 13 14 50, 并要求接通 National Continence Helpline 您还可以从网站上获得中文信息 continence.org.au/other-languages 若想获得更多信息请登陆 : continence.org.au pelvicfloorfirst.org.au bladderbowel.gov.au * 用手机拨打的电话会按照现行资费标准收费 NATIONAL CONTINENCE HELPLINE 1800 330 066 www.bladderbowel.gov.au February 2016 CHINESE SIMP Page 6