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病人和家属教育 Seattle: Before Procedure Checklist / Chinese 西雅图儿童医院 : 程序前核对表 您的孩子将要接受外科手术或程序 在本手册中, 我们将外科手术或程序称为程序 为了您的孩子的安全, 并防止程序被取消, 请严格遵守这些说明 孩子姓名 : 医生姓名 : 您的程序前电话日期 : ( 星期 ) ( 日期 ) 您的孩子的程序日期 : ( 星期 ) ( 日期 ) 专科诊所电话号码 :206- - 程序 : 程序前一星期 让您的孩子继续照常服药, 除非您的孩子的健康护理服务提供者另行指示 在程序前至少七天内不要服用布洛芬 (Motrin 或 Advil) 阿司匹林或萘普生 (Aleve), 这些药物可能增加程序部位流血的风险 如果您的孩子的健康护理服务提供者建议, 可让您的孩子服用醋氨酚 (Tylenol) 如果您的孩子目前在服用抗凝血药物 ( 如阿司匹林 华法林纳片 (Coumadin) 或伊诺肝素 (Lovenox), 请与您的医生联系, 以确定停药日期 接受医生护理的儿童应该在程序之前询问有关停止或继续服药方面的指示 至少在程序前七天内, 不要用手持式剃须刀刮剃程序部位附近 剃须会增加您的孩子程序部位受到感染的风险 患病儿童 : 如果您的孩子在程序前一星期内生病发烧 咳嗽或呼吸困难, 请打电话给您的孩子的专科诊所 我们可能需要将程序重新安排在您的孩子完全恢复之后的时间 如果您的孩子在程序当天早上起床时不舒服, 请电 206-987-2045 如果是周末或节假日, 请打电话给医院接线员, 电话号码 206-987-2000, 要求与应召麻醉师通话 第 1 页 / 共 4 页

西雅图儿童医院 : 程序前核对表 程序前电话 请确定您的专科诊所有您目前的电话号码 在您的孩子的程序之前, 您会接到一通电话, 通知您非常重要的信息 对于除胃肠道 (GI) 程序之外的所有程序, 您会在您的孩子的程序前两个业务日接到这通电话 如果您在程序前两个业务日没有接到我们的电话, 请电洽外科手术中心, 电话号码 206-987-7890 如果您的孩子将接受介入性放射 (IR) 程序, 请电洽外科手术中心胃肠道 / 介入性放射 (GI/IR) 程序室, 电话号码 206-987-2849 对于接受程序检查的患者, 例如结肠镜检查 内窥镜检查 乙状结肠镜检查和肝活组织检查, 您会在您的孩子程序前三个业务日接到这通电话 如果您在程序前三个业务日没有接到我们的电话, 请电洽外科手术中心胃肠道 / 介入性放射 (GI/IR) 程序室, 电话号码 206-987-2849 这通电话将包括 : 何时到注册台签到 您孩子可以吃固体食物及喝奶的最后时间 您孩子可以饮用清澈饮料的最后时间, 例如苹果汁 ( 不带果浆 ) 七喜 水或电解质水 (Pedialyte) 在程序前电话中需要记下的信息 : 程序日期 : 程序当天要带的药物 : 程序当天到达医院的时间 : 停止食用固体食品或喝奶的时间 : 停止吃母乳的时间 : 停止饮用清澈饮料的时间 : 注意 : 母乳不被视为清澈饮料 如果您不遵守这些饮食说明, 则必须取消您孩子的程序, 并重新安排程序时间 盆浴是预防感染的重要环节 盆浴将减少您的孩子程序部位受到感染的风险 在程序前夜或当天早晨, 让您的孩子洗盆浴或淋浴并使用香波 如果您的医生给您一包洗必泰 (Hibiclens), 请使用 特别注意程序部位, 但是不要用于头部或脸部 前来医院之前, 请取下或除去所有的化妆品 指甲油 首饰 身体穿孔和隐形镜片 第 2 页 / 共 4 页

西雅图儿童医院 : 程序前核对表 程序当天 预约时间前 15 分钟到达 把车停在第六层的 Ocean 停车场 在入口处注册台领取附照名牌 在程序开始前,12 岁及以上的女性患者将需要提供尿样, 以进行妊娠筛检 在同意表上签名 : 请记住, 对孩子拥有人身监护权的祖父母 姑姨 叔伯及养父母可能没有为孩子的程序签名的法定权利 具有医疗决定权的父母或法定监护人必须与要接受程序的孩子一起去医院, 或能够通过电话给予口头同意 麻醉 如果您的孩子的程序需要麻醉, 您将在体检之前与麻醉师见面, 讨论您的孩子的麻醉方案 程序时应携带什么 您的孩子目前服用的所有药物 维生素和草药补助品清单或药物本身 您有权为孩子程序做决定的法律文件副本 ( 如适用 ) 所有医疗保险卡或优惠券 一套给孩子在程序之后穿的备用的舒适衣服 ( 如运动裤 ) 一个孩子喜爱的玩具或一条舒适的毯子, 请只带一件, 太多则难以管理 Symphony 吸乳器或您自己的吸乳器及设备 ( 如适当 ) 如果您自己没有吸乳器设备, 可使用医院的 Symphony 吸乳器 带其他孩子前来 : 如可能, 请不要把其他孩子带到医院 如果您必须带上他们, 请安排另一位成年人始终陪伴他们 兄弟姐妹也可以在兄弟姐妹游戏室 (Sibling Playroom) 等候, 每次最多两小时 如果您的孩子手术后需要在医院过夜, 有地方让两名法定家长或监护人陪伴孩子过夜 兄弟姐妹和来访者不得在医院过夜 兄弟姐妹 朋友和家人可在上午 8 时至下午 8 时之间来访 有关在医院过夜的进一步详情, 请访问网站 为孩子的手术做准备的提示 告诉您的孩子有关医院门诊的情况以及将做什么 有关提示以及阅读 What to Expect on Your Surgery Day ( 手术当日会发生什么 ), 请访问网站, 并点击 Preparing Your Child ( 让孩子做好准备 ) 这份实用的在线小册子由 Child Life 专家编写, 可以减少担心, 并引发谈话内容 程序之后回家时要喝苹果汁 电解质水 (Pedialyte) 和其他清澈饮料 如有必要, 核实您有在手术后护理孩子所需的器械, 例如拐杖 助步器或淋浴椅 第 3 页 / 共 4 页

西雅图儿童医院 : 程序前核对表 如需了解更多信息 保险 : 如果您的孩子将在程序之后住院, 请电 206-987-3940 如果您的孩子在程序当天回家, 请电 206-987-5757 财务顾问 : 206-987-3333 或 206-987-5786( 西班牙语 ) 安排孩子安全乘车回家 确定车内有孩子的儿童座椅或增高座椅 程序后在家中照顾您的孩子 在您孩子的程序之后, 康复室的护士将告诉您程序后的活动 饮食 服药 止痛 程序部位护理, 以及孩子何时需要再看外科医生等事宜 有问题吗? 如果您对孩子的程序有问题或需要更改地址或电话号码, 请打电话给您的孩子的专科诊所 如果您有关于孩子最后饮食时间方面的问题, 请电 206-987-7890 如果您有关于孩子药物方面的问题, 请电洽专科诊所 如果您的孩子在程序当天生病, 请电 206-987-2045 免费口译员服务 在医院向您的孩子的护士询问 在医院以外请拨打免费家属口译专线号码 1-866-583-1527, 告诉口译员您需要通话的人的姓名或分机号码 西雅图儿童医院为聋人 听力困难者或不会说英语的病人 家属及法定代表免费提供口译服务 西雅图儿童医院可根据要求以其它格式提供本信息 请打电话给家庭资源中心, 电话号码 206-987-2201 本宣传页已经过西雅图儿童医院的临床工作人员审查 但是, 您的孩子的需求具有独特性 在您依据此信息采取行动或将此信息作为根据之前, 请与您的孩子的医疗保健提供者讨论 2004-2015 年西雅图儿童医院版权所有, 华盛顿州西雅图 保留一切权利 9/15 PE459 外科手术中心 第 4 页 / 共 4 页

Patient and Family Education Seattle: Before Procedure Checklist Your child is having a surgery or procedure. In this handout we will call it a procedure. Please follow these instructions closely for the safety of your child and to prevent the procedure from being cancelled. Child s name: Doctor s name: Date of your pre-procedure phone call: (Day of week) (Date) Date of your child s procedure: (Day of week) (Date) Specialty clinic phone number: 206- - Procedure: One week before the procedure Continue your child s medicines as usual unless given different instructions by your child s healthcare provider. Do not give ibuprofen (Motrin or Advil), aspirin or naproxen (Aleve) for at least 7 days before the procedure. These medicines can increase the risk of bleeding from the procedure site. It is OK to give acetaminophen (Tylenol), if recommended by your child s healthcare provider. If your child is taking an anticoagulant (like aspirin, Coumadin or Lovenox), contact your doctor for the stop date. Children under the care of a medical provider should ask for instructions on stopping or continuing medicines before the procedure. Do not shave near the procedure area with a hand-held razor within 7 days before the procedure. Shaving can increase the risk of your child getting an infection at the procedure site. Sick child: If your child becomes ill with fever, cough or breathing problems within 1 week of the procedure, call your child s specialty clinic. We may need to reschedule the procedure at a time when your child is fully recovered. Call 206-987-2045 if your child wakes up ill the morning of the procedure. If it is the weekend or a holiday, call the hospital operator at 206-987-2000 and ask to talk to the anesthesiologist on call. 1 of 4

Seattle: Before Procedure Checklist Before procedure phone call Please make sure your specialty clinic has your current phone number. Before your child s procedure, you will receive a phone call with very important information. For all procedures, except Gastroenterology (GI) procedures, you will get this call 2 business days before your child s procedure. If you do not hear from us 2 business days before the procedure, call the Surgery Center at 206-987-7890. If your child is having an Interventional Radiology (IR) procedure, call the Surgery Center s GI/IR procedure room at 206-987-2849. For patients having a GI procedure, such as a colonoscopy, endoscopy, sigmoidoscopy or liver biopsy, you will get this call 3 business days before your child s procedure. If you do not hear from us 3 business days before the procedure, call the Surgery Center s GI/IR Procedure Room at 206-987-2849. This call will include: When to arrive for check-in When your child can last eat solid food and drink milk When your child can last drink clear liquids like clear apple juice (without pulp), 7UP, water or pedialyte. Information to write down during your pre-procedure phone call: Date of procedure: Medicines to be taken on the day of the procedure: Time to arrive at the hospital on the day of the procedure: No solids or milk after: No breast milk after: No clear liquids after: Note: Breast milk is not considered a clear liquid. If you do not follow these eating instructions, your child s procedure must be cancelled and rescheduled. Bathing is an important part of preventing infections. Bathing will lower the risk of your child getting an infection at the procedure site. The night before or the morning of the procedure, give your child a bath or shower and shampoo. If you were given a Hibiclens packet by your healthcare provider, use it. Pay special attention to the procedure site, but do not use on the head or face. Remove all makeup, nail polish, jewelry, piercings and contact lenses before coming to the hospital. 2 of 4

Seattle: Before Procedure Checklist Day of the procedure Please arrive 15 minutes before your appointment. Park and enter on Ocean, level 6. Stop at the entrance desk for a photo name badge. Before the procedure, female patients 12 years and older will be required to provide a urine sample for pregnancy screening. Signing consent forms: Remember, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and foster parents who are granted physical custody of a child may not have legal rights to sign for the child s procedure. A parent or legal guardian with medical decision-making rights must come with the child having the procedure or be available by phone to give verbal consent. Anesthesia If your child needs anesthesia for their procedure, you will meet with your anesthesiologist before to do a physical exam and talk about your child s anesthesia plan. What to bring to the procedure A list of all medicines, vitamins and herbal supplements your child is taking or the medicines themselves A copy of legal papers granting you rights to make decisions about the procedure for this child (if this applies) All medical insurance cards or coupons An extra change of comfortable clothes (like sweatpants) for your child after the procedure A favorite toy or blanket for comfort just one item, please; it s hard to keep track of more Symphony breast pump kit or your own pump and equipment (if appropriate). If you do not have your own pumping equipment, you can use the hospital s Symphony pumps. Bringing other children: If possible, do not bring other children to the hospital. If you must bring them, arrange to have another adult with them at all times. Siblings can also go to the Sibling Playroom for up to 2 hours at a time. If your child is staying overnight in the hospital after their surgery, there is enough room for two legal parents or guardians to stay with them. Siblings and visitors may not stay over night in the hospital. Siblings, friends and family may visit between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. For more information about staying in the hospital go to Tips to prepare for your child s surgery Talk to your child about the hospital visit and what will happen. For tips, and to read What to Expect on Your Surgery Day, go to and click Preparing Your Child. Written by Child Life specialists, this helpful online booklet can lessen worry and spark conversation. Have apple juice, Pedialyte and other clear drinks at home for after the procedure. 3 of 4

- Seattle: Before Procedure Checklist To Learn More Insurance: If your child is going to be admitted after the procedure, call 206-987-3940. If your child is going home on the day of the procedure, call 206-987-5757. Financial Counselors: 206-987-3333 or 206-987-5786 (Spanish). If needed, make sure you have equipment, such as crutches, a walker or shower chair, to care for your child after surgery. Arrange for a safe ride home for your child. Make sure the car has your child s car seat or booster seat inside. Caring for your child at home after the procedure After your child s procedure, nurses in the recovery room will go over activity, diet, medicine, pain control, procedure site care and when the surgeon wants to see your child again. Questions? If you have questions about your child s procedure or have an address or phone number change, please call your child s specialty clinic. If you have a question about when your child can last eat or drink, call 206-987-7890. If you have questions about your child s medicines, call their specialty clinic. If your child is sick on the day of the procedure, call 206-987-2045. Free Interpreter Services In the hospital, ask your child s nurse. From outside the hospital, call the toll-free Family Interpreting Line 1-866-583-1527. Tell the interpreter the name or extension you need. Seattle Children s offers interpreter services for Deaf, hard of hearing or non-english speaking patients, family members and legal representatives free of charge. Seattle Children s will make this information available in alternate formats upon request. Call the Family Resource Center at 206-987-2201. This handout has been reviewed by clinical staff at Seattle Children s. However, your child s needs are unique. Before you act or rely upon this information, please talk with your child s healthcare provider. 2004-2015 Seattle Children s, Seattle, Washington. All rights reserved. Surgery Center 9/15 PE459 4 of 4