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2016 年度天津中医药大学孔子学院奖学金招生简章 天津中医药大学始建于 1958 年, 是经教育部批准成立的全国唯一一所中国传统医药国际学院, 为国家教育部 教育援外基地 和 中国 - 东盟教育培训中心 国家中医药管理局 中医药国际合作基地 世中联教育指导委员会主任委员单位 学校秉承 进德修业, 继承创新 的校训, 经过多年发展, 现已成为中医药教育为主, 医学 理学 文学 管理学 工学 教育学等学科门类齐全的综合性大学 学校师资力量雄厚, 实习资源充足, 专业设置合理, 有针灸推拿学和中医内科学 2 个国家级重点学科, 有 4 所附属医院和 5 所教学医院 其中, 第一附属医院是国家中医临床研究基地 全国针灸临床研究中心 全国针灸临床基地和全国省级示范中医医院 ; 第二附属医院是中医疑难病诊疗中心, 妇科 脑病的临床和科研具有显著优势 ; 附属保康医院及其他教学医院在中医康复 中医骨伤 中医社区医疗 中西医临床等方面各具诊疗特色 学校广泛开展国际交流与合作, 注重培养理论知识扎实 临床操作能力强的国际应用型临床人才, 在国际上享有较高的声誉, 现已发展成为本科教育为主体, 涵盖硕士 博士等高层次教育及长短期进修的传统医药国际化人才培养体系 每年约有来自 60 多个国家和地区的 2000 多名国际学生来校学习 学校对外汉语教育始于上世纪 80 年, 以服务于中医学历教育为宗旨, 培养了大批汉语言能力较强, 且具备较强运用能力及符合接受中医药学历教育的汉语言人才 经过多年发展, 对外汉语教育已取得了显著成效, 不仅承担着留学生对外汉语教育, 而且也承担着对外汉语专业本科教育及研究生的培养工作, 形成了较为完备的对外汉语教学体系, 并且在日本和泰国成立了孔子课堂及孔子学院 学校正在建设中的新校区座落于天津市静海区团泊湖畔, 预计于 2016 年 9 月部分搬迁 该校区占地 2600 余亩, 建筑面积 60 余万平方米, 将建设成为全国最大的中医药博物馆 中药植物园 全国最先进的中医药科技园及中医药国际教育中心, 将为学生的学习 生活提供更加优良的环境 一 招生类别 : 一学年研修生 一学期研修生二 招生专业 : 汉语言文学 中医学三 申请条件 1. 招生对象为非中国籍人士, 身体健康, 年龄一般在 16 至 35 周岁之间 ( 在职汉语教师可放宽至 45 周岁 )

2. 一学年研修生 : 面向孔子学院 ( 课堂 ) 学员, 海外本土汉语教师 中文专业学生 HSK 考试成绩优秀者, 不招收在华留学生 汉语水平不低于 HSK 三级 180 分 HSKK 初级 60 分, 或者不低于 BCT(A)180 分 BCT( 口语 )180 分 3. 一学期研修生 : 申请者无来华留学经历, 汉语水平不低于 HSK 二级 120 分 HSKK 初级 40 分, 或者不低于 BCT(A)100 分 BCT( 口语 )120 分 4. 已获 2016 年度 孔子学院奖学金证书 的汉语桥获奖者, 凭证书奖项注册办理入学手续 四 入学时间 :2016 年 9 月或 2017 年 3 月五 奖学金资助内容及标准孔子学院奖学金全额资助内容包括 : 学费 住宿费 生活费 综合医疗保险费 其中, 生活费标准为 : 一学期和一学年研修生人民币 2500 元 / 月 六 报名方式申请者需登陆孔子学院奖学金网站 ( 注册个人账号, 查询我校专业信息, 在线填写 提交 孔子学院奖学金申请表, 并附上以下证明材料的电子文档 : 1. 护照照片页扫描件 未满 18 周岁的申请者, 须提交在华法定监护人署名的委托证明文件 2. HSK HSKK 或 BCT BCT( 口语 ) 成绩报告 来华参加 汉语桥 复赛获奖者可提供 汉语桥 获奖证书和 孔子学院奖学金证书 3. 推荐机构负责人签发的推荐信 ( 客观评价申请者并注明是否孔子学院学员或其它身份 ; 在职汉语教师须附上就职机构出具的在职证明和推荐信 ) 4. 提供最高学历证明 ( 毕业预期证明 ) 和在校学习成绩单, 5. 申请中医专业者, 提供相关学习证明或推荐信 以上证明材料如非中文或英文版本, 需提供相应的公证文件 七 报名截止日期 :2016 年 05 月 10 日八 推荐机构各国孔子学院 ( 独立设置的孔子课堂 ), 有关海外汉语考试考点, 中国驻外使 ( 领 ) 馆教育 文化处 ( 组 ), 接收院校 九 详情请看国家汉办 2016 年度孔子学院奖学金招生办法网址 : 十 联系方式 : 天津中医药大学国际教育学院招生科

地址 : 中华人民共和国天津市南开区玉泉路 88 号 300193 电话 :86-22-59596555;86-22-27374931 传真 :86-22-27374931 电子邮件; 招生网址; 学校网址

Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Application Introduction for Confucius Institute Scholarship 2016 Established in 1958, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TUTCM) is one of the earliest universities of TCM in China and the only International University of TCM which is approved by State Education Committee (now Ministry of Education) in 1992. TUTCM is also the Educational Aid Center and China-ASEAN Educational Training Center of Ministry of Education (MOE), TCM International Cooperation Center of State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine (SATCM) and the director committee member of the Education Instruction Committee of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies. Adhering the motto of strengthening moral education and pursuing academic studies, inheriting and innovating, TUTCM has developed into a comprehensive university specializing in TCM education and covers extensive areas of study, namely as Medicine, Science, Arts, Management, Engineering, Education and etc. The University has distinguished teaching staff and sufficient resources for students internship. Currently it has 2 National Key Disciplines of Acupuncture & Moxibustion and Tuina and TCM Internal Medicine, 4 affiliated hospitals and 5 teaching hospitals. Among them, the First Affiliated Hospital is a National TCM Clinical Research Base, the National Acupuncture Clinical Research Center, the National Acupuncture Clinical Foundation and the National Provincial Demonstration Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine; the Second Affiliated Hospital is the treatment center for Chinese medical difficult disease and has significant advantage for gynecological and encephalopathy diseases; Baokang Hospital and other teaching hospitals have unique treatment features in rehabilitation medicine, orthopedics, community health of TCM, integrative medicine and etc.. The University has extensive international exchanges and cooperation. It aims to cultivate international applied talents in clinic with solid theoretical foundation and excellent clinical skills which make it enjoy a high reputation world widely. It has formed TCM internationalization talents training system where the bachelor education is the main part.the system also covers master and doctoral education and short and long term certificate studies. Every year,there are over 2,000 international students from more than 60 countries and regions coming to study at TUTCM. Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (TCFL) of TUTCM started in 1980s,aiming to serve for TCM degree education. It has cultivated extensive Chinese language talents with competitive Chinese competence to learn TCM degree education and having met the relevant requirements. Through many years development, TCFL has achieved greatly. It is not only responsible for international students Chinese language education, but also serving for the TCFL undergraduate program and the master program. It has formed complete teaching system and established Confucius Classroom in Japan and Confucius Institute in Thailand. The new campus of TUTCM is under construction which is located by Tuanbo Lake in Jinghai District, Tianjin. It is expected to move into the new campus from September, 2016. The new campus covers an area of more than 173 hectares and the building area is about 600,000 square meters. The nationally largest museum of TCM, Chinese Medicine Botanical Garden, the nationally most advanced Science and Technology Park of TCM and International Education Center of TCM are all under construction in the new campus, providing a more excellent study and living environment for students.

I. Admission Categories 1. One-Academic-Year certificate study 2. One-semester certificate study II. Programs 1. Chinese Language and Literature 2. Traditional Chinese Medicine III. Admission Requirements 1. Non-Chinese citizenship; In good health condition; Aged between 16 to 35 (Applicant is currently working in a Chinese language teaching position shall not exceed the age limit of 45. ) 2. For One-Academic-Year applicant: Facing students of Confucius Classroom or Institute; Foreign Chinese language teachers at local area; Students of Chinese language major; with high score of HSK test; Current international students in China is not applicable; Applicant should have a minimum score of 180 in HSK Test (Level 3), and 60 in HSKK test (Beginner Level). Alternatively, applicant should hold a minimum score of 180 in BCT (A), and a minimum score of 180 BCT (Speaking). 3. For one-semester applicant: Applicant should have no prior experience of studying in China, but have a minimum score of 120 in HSK Test (Level 2), and a minimum score of 40 in HSKK (Beginner Level). Alternatively, applicant should have a minimum score of 100 in BCT (A), and a minimum score of 120 in BCT (Speaking). 4. Chinese Bridge (Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign College Students) Winners who have been awarded the 2016 Confucius Institute Scholarship Certificate can apply for admission according to the scholarship specified in the certificate. IV. Date of Entry: September 2016 or March 2017. V. Scholarship Coverage and Criteria The Confucius Institute Scholarship provides full coverage on tuition fee, accommodation fee, living allowance and comprehensive medical insurance expenses. Living allowance criteria per person are: CNY 2,500 per month for One-Academic-Year Students and One-Semester Students. VI. Application Procedure The Applicants should log on to the Confucius website at, register an

individual account, read information and introduction of TUTCM and its majors, complete and submit the Confucius Institute Scholarship Application Form online, and upload the scanned copies of the following supporting documents: 1. A scanned copy of the passport photo page. Applicants under the age of 18 shall submit relevant documents of entrusted legal guardians in China. 2. Score reports of the HSK, HSKK or BCT, BCT (Speaking). Winners of the finals of the Chinese Bridge Chinese Proficiency Competitions may submit the award certificate and the Confucius Institute Scholarship Certificate. 3. Recommendation letter signed by the head of the recommending institutions (please provide objective comments on the applicant, including whether the applicant is a student of Confucius Institute or other identity. Chinese language teachers shall submit an employment verification letter and a reference letter provided by the institutes they work for.) 4. Certification of the highest education diploma (or proof of expected graduation), and an official transcript. 5. Applicants for TCM programs shall provide relevant certificate of study or recommendation letter. Note: For the above mentioned documents, if they are not in either Chinese or English, shall provide the corresponding notarized documents. VII. Application Deadline: May 10, 2016. VIII. Recommending Institutions: Confucius Institute in each country (or Independent Confucius Classroom); overseas HSK venue; Educational/Cultural Section in Chinese embassy; host university. IX. For more details, please refer to 2016 Confucius Institute Scholarship Admission Procedure. Website: X. Contact Admission Office International Education College Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Add: 88 Yuquan Road, Nankai District, Tianjin, P.R. China, 300193 Tel: 86-22-59596555 86-22-27374931 Fax: 86-22-27374931 E-mail: cn; Admission Website:; TUTCM Website: