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. 1 Ernst Mach Empedokles Aristotle 2. Martin Heidegger Dasein-within-the-world 3 1 1987 3 1 90 2 Empedokles 492 432 2000 3 1 199 Aristotle 384 322 1992 1 1 101 3 Martin Heidegger, Being and Time Translated by John Macquarrie & Edward Robinson, SCM press Ltd, 1962, p146 99

4 5 4 1985 12 10 8 5 1985 12 10 23 100

6 7 8 6 26 7 1978 11 15 515 8 4 101

9 10 George Santayana 11 9 1985 12 10 14-19 10 1978 11 15 123-125 11 The Sense of Beauty 1972 1 30 85-86 102

12 Johnson.M 12 1985 12 10 8-14 103

13 14 Benedict de Spinoza 13 Andrewj.Strathern Body Thoughts 1999 6 1 239 14 1985 12 10 123 104

15 16 15 Benedict de Spinoza 1982 9 58 16 1985 12 10 242 105

17 18 17 196 18 1985 12 10 253 106

19 Merleau Ponty parktognoisia 20 19 1987 2 1 214 20 [] MauriceMerleauponty 2001 2 1 181 107

21 21 1996 11 139 108

22 23 22 1980 60-611973 23 1973 9 3 530-531 109

24 26 24 530 25 1980 8 223 26 28 680 110

Jean-Paul Sartre 111

27 28 27 Jean Paul Sartre 1988 5 1 241 28 1973 9 3 651-652 112

29 1985 3 3 223 113

social body physical. 30 31 1973 9 3 703 32 AndrewsStrathern 1999 6 1 262 114

33 33 1982 8 1 57 34 1993 8 199 115

35 2000 1 2 305360 36 306 37 1983 9 1 88 116

The Bhagavad Gita 38 1975 8 1 455 39 Shivananda The Bhagavad Gita 1999 7 264-268 40 117


Edmund Husserl 41 M.Merleau Ponty 42 41 1986 7 1 222 42 Merleau-Ponty, Maurice. Phenomenology of Perception. Translated by Colin Smith, Routledge and Kegan Paul. New Jersey: The Humanities Press, 1962., p115 119


H.G.Gadamer 43 43 H.G.Gadamer 1992 1 54-63 121




Don Ihde global experience 44 44 Don Ihde, Listening and Voice, Ohio Univ. press, 1976, p44-45 25 203 125

45 45 1990 11 168 46 1975 8 659 126

47 48 1966 72 49 50 127

Edmund Husserl 51 1991 103 52 53 1984 5 515 54 1984 10 583 55 1984 10 36 56 1976 9 5 76 128

. 58 59 Martin Heidegger Dasein Da Sein Dasein Sein Sein Da Da Da 60 Edmund Husserl 57 1999 9 5 58 1991 8 1 13 59 1995 5 1 242 60 1988 12 1 156 129

Dasein-within-the-world Da 61 sein 61 130