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4 : 691 The effect of anticrime in urban building2space designing WAN G Fa2zeng (College of Environment and Planning, Henan University, Kaifeng 475001,China) Abstract :The urban crime, one of t he most serious urban problems, has a strong spatial color, t he urban spatial anticrime is an important constit uent in t he urban anticrime sys2 tem1 The anticrime designing of urban building2space, or said, t he f ull displaying t he effect of designing urban building2space, is an important work bot h having t he scientific significance and practical significance, also having foundational, preventive and persistent effect1 The designing of urban building2space includes t he designing of o ut ward building2 space and the designing of internal building2space, t he former designs the spatial combina2 tion shape among single buildings, and t he latter designs t he spatial combination shape in a building1 The reaso nable building2space designing is an effective met ho d for creating t he anticrime space, is a powerf ul measure for eliminating building spatial blind areas and also an important way fo r implementing urban spatial anticrime1 The designing of o ut ward building2space, a leading restriction behavior of molding city partial environment and me2 so2micro construction landscapes, is a concrete way for realizing and deepening a plot plan, provides t he basis for t he construction designing of single buildings, and, plays a vital role to create t he construction space environment for anticrime1 The f ull displaying t he antic2 rime effect of t he outward building2space designing has two work stratification planes, t he one is to combine single buildings into a building group, and the other is to combine build2 ing gro up s into a building cluster1 The designing of internal building2space includes t he spatial co mbinatio n of unit s in a building, t he spatial p hysique designing for a building, and also t he spatial relation designing of a building wit h it s close neighbor exterior space1 It s designing effect is t he most centralized and t he main manifestation of building utility f unction, t hus is also the essential link of displaying t he anticrime effect1 Regarding t he residential buildings, t he p ublic buildings, t he high2rise buildings and t he intelligent build2 ings, t he anticrime effect displayed t hro ugh t he designing of internal space sho uld have t heir respective st ress1 Key words :building2space ; designing ; urban crime ; anticrime