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wwchu@gate.sinica.edu.tw http://www.sinica.edu.tw/~wwchu OEM-ODM, Keywords: second mover, the growth of the firm, inherited managers, OEM (Original equipment manufacture), ODM (Original design manufacture), OBM (Own brand manufacture), subcontracting, business model 2003 Penrose(1959/95) Lall(1992) OEM ODM ODM OBM OBM OBM 1

1. 2. 3. 3.1 OEM 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 4. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 5. 2

1. 1996 NOKIA 1 2 1 1990 26.7 2003 46 Taiwan Statistical Data Book 2004, p. 212. 2 (strategic trade theory) 3

(given) IBM IBM (international subcontracting) (outsourcing) 3 2. Gerschenkron (1962) (backwardness) Asmden (1989) Nelson and Winter (1982) 3 Grossman and Helpman (2002) 4

Lall (1992)Fransman (1986) Chandler (1990) (organizational capabilities) Williamson (1975) (2003)Chandler (second mover) (first Nelson(1994) Chandler Nelson and Winter(1982) Nelson (a known choice set) Nelson commitments Penrose (1959/95) Chandler (at arm s length) 1) 2) (at arm s length) 3) Richardson (1972) Richardson(1972) 5

Vernon(1966) (product cycle) 3. 3.1 OEM OEMODMOBM (subcontracting) 4 OEMODM OBM OEM original equipment manufacture Hobday (1995) 1950 (p.37) (p.49) Hobday(1995) (assembly) (consumer goods) (industrial goods) 4 Grossman and Helpman (2002) 6

(Intel) Intel Inside 2004 5 OEM OEM OEM (subcontracting) subcontracting (contract) (contractor) (subcontractor) 6 Outsourcing (call center) 7 OEM OEM OEM ODM OEM OEM ODM 5 BusinessWeek, August 2, 2004. 20 6 (procurement) 7 The Economist, 2004/11/13. 7

ODM original design manufacture OBM own brand manufacture 8 OBM OBM OEMODM OBM OEM 3.2 OEM OEM-ODM 9 Chandler (1978, 1990) 8 OBM 9 8

3.2.1 Vernon(1966) (2003) (first mover) 10 (second mover) 1 (business model) 1 (2003) 3.2.2 OBM OEM OEM ODM Lall (1992) 10 (2003, 194-197) 9

1)2) 3) Eagan and Mody (1992) Hone (1974) Wortzel and Wortzel (1981) OEM-ODMOBM OEM ODM OBM OEM-ODM OBM Hobday (1995: 40) Wortzel and Wortzel (1981) OEM-ODM OBM 11 11 2003 2002 11.0, 26.9%, 62.1% 20.1%, 20.6% 58.4% 10

2 OEM 12 OEM ODM OBM 2 / / OEM ODM OBM 3.2.1 (2003) (1) OEM-ODM OBM OBM 12 Flextronics, Solectron electronics manufacturing services (EMS) EMS EMS EMS OEM OEM ODM EMS EMS OBM 11

3.2.3 Penrose (1959/95) vs (choice set) Penrose(1959/95) ( Was there something inherent in the very nature of the firm that both promoted its growth and necessarily limited its rate of growth? ) (inherited managers) 13 13 the Penrose curve. Penrose The resource-based approach to business strategy. Contributions to Political Economy (1999: 18) 12

Penrose (given) 2 (activities) OEM ODM Lall(1992) / (development) ODM OEM ODM OEM ODM ODM ODM ODM R&D D R(Research) R ODM OBM OBM OBM OBM The Theory of the Growth of the Firm 13

14 OEM ODM 3 / OEM / 3 14 14

(deterministic) 15 Penrose (1959/95) Nelson (1994) (evolutionary theory) OBM OEM OBM OEM OBM Penrose(1959/95) 15 Child (1997) (strategic choice) 15

4. 4.1 1960 OEM (foreign direct investment, FDI) 1980 16 1982 47.2 17 2003 16 /FDI FDI FDI (2003) 17 2003 36.5 Taiwan Statistical Data Book, 2004, p. 212. 16

48 18 5 1982 70 2003 18 19 2003 20 2004 2003 18 14 5 ABS PU PTA 18 2004 http://www.moeaidb.gov.tw/portal/idb/doi/htm/chinese/02-3.htm 19 20 http://www.trade.gov.tw/eai92/ 2003 OBM 2004/3/9 17

2003 2004 4 308.35 9 21 2004 22 23 1600 2003 4.54 154 2003 2003.78 59 24 4, 2004 * * ** (NT$ ) (NT$ ) ** 1 TrendMicro 1988 308.4 15.6 1276 2 ASUS 1990 277.9 744.3 35 3 Acer 1976 216.7 817.2 28 4 Master Kong 1988 120.0 n.a. n.a. 5 MAXXIS 1967 94.0 112.5 254 6 BenQ 1984 91.2 1087.0 19 7 GIANT 1972 80.9 68.8 407 8 ZyXEL 1989 73.0 74.7 388 9 D-Link 1986 71.9 197.1 137 10 ADVANTECH 1983 66.3 68.4 410 http://www.brandingtaiwan.com.tw/images/0930-3.doc * ** 2004 7 21 2003 Interbrand Interbrand 4 22 Businessweek Interbrand (The Global Brand Scoreboard) 2004 674 Businessweek Aug. 2, 2004, p.68. 2002 83 2004 125.5 21 23 2002/11/01 24 4 18

4 2004 328 B to C) Business to business (B to B OEM ODM 4.2 4 2004 OBM 25 2003 8 7 3 34.3% 5.8 415 0.5% 2004/2, D3 19

3 1980 26 1970 1972 1974 1977 1979 Schwinn 1980 Schwinn Schwinn 1895 1980 27 Schwinn 28 1980 Schwinn 29 1987 26 1980 (Shimano) The Economist (May 30 th, 2002) (2003: Ch.3) 27 (2004)Crown and Coleman (1996)Schwinn 1992 2001 28 2004/8/26 29 1980 Schwinn Schwinn, Crown and Coleman (1996:186-87) 20

1999 30 2001 31 OBM 32 15.8 OBM 33 NIKE 2004 31 92.6 2003 107 34 OBM OBM 2002 1992 80 2002 478 1995 2002 35 30 31 2001 6 Specialized 2003/9/30, 33 32 1999 33 http://gpo.pouchen.com.tw/hr/her/a1.htm, 2004/10/30, D1 34 NIKE 20 35 MIC( ) 21

(MIC) 5 1993 2002 OEM-ODM OBM 5 1997 62 2002 76 2002 77 2002 93 (OEM+ODM) 1993 1995 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 77 79 82 85 87 90 92 93 * 69 68 67 68 75 79 49 37 65 72 76 82 84 20 31 29 36 34 38 CD-ROM/DVD -ROM/CD-RW 79 37 31 37 48 62 63 36 43 50 59 69 90 87 62 64 65.1 74.6 74.3 75.9 *2000 LCD CDT (MIC) MIC 22

6 2002 23 75 4 OBM 2000 2004 36 7 (development) (research) 37 38 7 2002 36 2004/5/01 37 1998-2000 20 33 2004 38 The Economist (January 15 th, 2005, 60-63) 2003 29 8 9 2 30 23

1 12 ( / )(%) ( ) 1.4 408 ( 34) 5.2 1873 LG 4.6 588 Sharp 9.8 1524 Sony 6.4 3437 Apple 7.8 446 HP 5.9 3312 Dell 1.5 452 15.2 4307 IBM 6.2 4787 1. 12 MIC2003 131 6-2 2002 LG2001 2003 1980 1988 1990 IBM 3 24

OBM OEM-ODM 4.4 4.3 B to C B to B 10 5 20 39 39 2003/06/17 3 25

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