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2011 Chinese SLA Written examination

* RRB *

一年級上學期(2001/2002)測驗時間表及範圍 /10/2001


PLACE LABEL HERE T ASMANIAN Q UALIFICATIONS A UTHORITY Pages: 12 Questions: 3 Tasmanian Certificate of Education CHINESE Senior Secondary Subject Code: CHN315109 External Assessment 2010 Part 1: Reading and Responding Time: One Hour On the basis of your performance in this examination, the examiners will provide a result on the following criterion taken from the course statement: Criterion 3 Understand and respond to printed Chinese texts. Copyright for part(s) of this examination may be held by individuals and/or organisations other than the Tasmanian Qualifications Authority.

Chinese Reading and Responding BLANK PAGE Page 2

Chinese Reading and Responding CANDIDATE INSTRUCTIONS You MUST ensure that you have addressed the externally assessed criterion on this examination paper. You must answer ALL questions. Answer all questions in ENGLISH. All answers must be written in the spaces provided on the examination paper. Page 3

Chinese Reading and Responding Question 1 Read the text and answer, in ENGLISH, the questions that follow. Word List xiăohuángdì little emperor cí word zhèngcè policy xiànxiàng phenomenon fāshēng take place; occur; happen jīngjì economy; economic fāzhăn development shōurù income guàn to spoil jiégòu structure bēngkuì collapse xíngchéng to form For Marker Use Only (a) What policy can the Little Emperor syndrome be attributed to? (1 mark) (b) What impact has China s economic development had on the lives of women? (1 mark) (c) How much of their income do some families spend on their children? (1 mark) Question 1 continues opposite. Page 4

Chinese Reading and Responding Question 1 (continued) (d) What do some Chinese parents find it extremely difficult to do? (1 mark) For Marker Use Only (e) In cities the tradition of the large Chinese family has been replaced by what family structure? (2 marks) (f) What do many Chinese children believe about themselves? (1 mark) Page 5

Chinese Reading and Responding BLANK PAGE Page 6

Chinese Reading and Responding Question 2 Read the text and answer, in ENGLISH, the questions that follow. For Marker Use Only (a) Why does the writer like DVDs? Include four reasons in your answer. (4 marks) (b) In what way has the lifestyle of the writer s family changed since purchasing a DVD player? (1 mark) Page 7

Chinese Reading and Responding Question 3 For Marker Read the text and answer, in ENGLISH, the questions that follow. Use Only Word List yōumògăn sense of humour xiàng be like; resemble yănyuán actor bĕnlĭng skill; ability qīfu bully (a) Why does Anna spend so little time with her father during the week? (2 marks) Question 3 continues opposite. Page 8

Chinese Reading and Responding Question 3 (continued) (b) Anna tells us that her father has a great sense of humour. What else does she say about this aspect of his personality? (2 marks) For Marker Use Only (c) Why did the mother get angry with Anna and her father and sister when they played cricket? (1 mark) (d) What does the mother often say to Anna and her sister? (3 marks) (e) What does the mother say about the acting profession? (2 marks) (f) According to Anna her sister will make a great actress. Give two occasions when Anna s sister displays her talent for acting. (2 marks) Page 9

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PLACE LABEL HERE T ASMANIAN Q UALIFICATIONS A UTHORITY Pages: 8 Questions: 5 Tasmanian Certificate of Education CHINESE Senior Secondary Subject Code: CHN315109 External Assessment 2010 Part 2: Writing in Chinese Time: One Hour On the basis of your performance in this examination, the examiners will provide a result on the following criterion taken from the course statement: Criterion 4 Express ideas and information in written form in Chinese. Copyright for part(s) of this examination may be held by individuals and/or organisations other than the Tasmanian Qualifications Authority.

Chinese Writing in Chinese BLANK PAGE Page 2

Chinese Writing in Chinese CANDIDATE INSTRUCTIONS You MUST ensure that you have addressed the externally assessed criterion on this examination paper. You must answer ONE question from this section. Write approximately 170-200 characters in CHINESE on the question you have selected. The questions have been written in both English and Chinese. All answers must be written in the spaces provided on the examination paper. Page 3

Chinese Writing in Chinese Question 4 Your Chinese friend needs some new clothes so you take him/her shopping. Write a dialogue that takes place in the clothes store between the two of you and the shop assistant. You should talk about things such as the size, colour and style of the clothes. (15 marks) Question 5 Your e-pals in China have asked you to write an article about school life in Tasmania for their school magazine. Write an article in which you describe your school and the lifestyle of its students, and aspects of Australian daily life likely to be unfamiliar to Chinese students. (15 marks) Question 6 You telephone a friend to arrange to go out together on the weekend. Write a dialogue in which you both discuss where you will go and what you will do. (15 marks) Question 7 You have applied for a position as an assistant English teacher in a high school in China. As part of your application you have to write a letter of introduction which contains information about yourself. Include such things as information about your family members, subjects you studied at school, your personal interests and hobbies and your favourite foods. (15 marks) Question 8 You have won the lottery! Now you get to build the dream home you have always wanted. Describe your plan including the layout of the house, the number of rooms and external features it will have such as a veranda, garden or garage. (15 marks) Page 4

Question Number: (In the box write the number of the question you have answered.) Chinese Writing in Chinese For Marker Use Only Page 5

Chinese Writing in Chinese For Marker Use Only Page 6

Chinese Writing in Chinese For Marker Use Only Page 7

Chinese Writing in Chinese BLANK PAGE Q Page 8

PLACE LABEL HERE T ASMANIAN Q UALIFICATIONS A UTHORITY Pages: 8 Questions: 5 Tasmanian Certificate of Education CHINESE Senior Secondary Subject Code: CHN315109 External Assessment 2010 Part 3: Listening and Responding Time: Approximately One Hour On the basis of your performance in this examination, the examiners will provide a result on the following criterion taken from the course statement: Criterion 1 Understand and respond to spoken Chinese. Copyright for part(s) of this examination may be held by individuals and/or organisations other than the Tasmanian Qualifications Authority.

Chinese Listening and Responding CANDIDATE INSTRUCTIONS You MUST ensure that you have addressed the externally assessed criterion on this examination paper. You will hear FIVE spoken texts. Each text will be played THREE times. There will be a short break between the first and second playing, with a longer break after the third and final playing. All answers must be written in the spaces provided on the examination paper. You must answer ALL questions in ENGLISH. You may start writing your answers from the moment the first reading begins. You have five minutes to read all the questions. Page 2

Chinese Listening and Responding SPOKEN TEXT 1 Listen to the text and answer the questions that follow, in ENGLISH. For Marker Use Only Question 9 (a) What does Mr White like to do while his children play tennis? (2 marks) (b) Mr White listens to sport on the radio when he is doing what kind of activities around the house? (2 marks) (c) Where does he often go in the summer? (1 mark) (d) What does the doctor say to Mr White? (2 marks) Page 3

Chinese Listening and Responding SPOKEN TEXT 2 Listen to the text and answer the questions that follow, in ENGLISH. For Marker Use Only Question 10 (a) What does Lanlan want to do on Friday? (1 mark) (b) Why can t Sarah go out with Lanlan on Friday? (1 mark) (c) Where will Sarah meet Lanlan and how will she get there? (2 marks) Page 4

Chinese Listening and Responding SPOKEN TEXT 3 Listen to the text and answer the questions that follow, in ENGLISH. Word List For Marker Use Only yèzi leaves Question 11 (a) How does the speaker describe Hobart s weather in her opening statement? (3 marks) (b) What problem can result as a consequence of the weather in summer and what precaution does the speaker say should be taken in order to prevent this from happening? (2 marks) (c) What is the speaker s favourite season and why? (3 marks) (d) Why doesn t the speaker enjoy spring? (1 mark) Page 5

Chinese Listening and Responding SPOKEN TEXT 4 Listen to the text and answer the questions that follow, in ENGLISH. For Marker Use Only Question 12 (a) What time of year is it according to the diary entry of the speaker? (1 mark) (b) What items do the speaker and her younger sister purchase while shopping? (2 marks) Page 6

Chinese Listening and Responding SPOKEN TEXT 5 Listen to the text and answer the questions that follow, in ENGLISH. For Marker Use Only Question 13 (a) What does the customer decide to eat? (1 mark) (b) What two drinks does the customer decide against ordering and why? (4 marks) Page 7

Chinese Listening and Responding BLANK PAGE Q Page 8

Tasmanian Certificate of Education T ASMANIAN Q UALIFICATIONS A UTHORITY CHINESE Senior Secondary Subject Code: CHN315109 External Assessment 2010 Part 3: Listening and Responding Transcript FOR EXAMINERS ONLY Pages: 6 Copyright for part(s) of this examination may be held by individuals and/or organisations other than the Tasmanian Qualifications Authority.

Chinese Transcripts Spoken Text 1 Page 2

Chinese Transcripts Spoken Text 2 Sarah S Lanlan L Page 3

Chinese Transcripts Spoken Text 3 Page 4

Chinese Transcripts Spoken Text 4 Page 5

Chinese Transcripts Spoken Text 5 Waiter W Customer C Page 6